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A declining population of the freshwater turtle Mauremys rivulata (Chelonia, Geoemydidae) living in a human-impacted area along the Strymon River, just upstream from Kerkini Lake (Prefecture of Serres, northern Greece), was investigated by capture–recapture and radio-tracking. Fyke nets placed along the river and in ponds lying on the riparian lowland gave about 2000 catches in 6 years, permitting us to assess major inter-habitat movements during ontogenesis and throughout the seasons. Annual intensive radio-tracking of 15 females and 10 males gave finer details of movement patterns between different river-wetland habitats. Younger specimens, including yearlings, inhabited the ponds almost exclusively, whereas the adult population shifted seasonally from the ponds during the mating season to a marsh area lying on the opposite side of the river for aestivation and overwintering. The river served mainly as a corridor for transit between the two habitats. Moreover, longitudinal movements along the river were observed, particularly in the males, which probably allow dispersal and gene flow between subpopulations living in the area. One major threat to the viability of M. rivulata in the study area is the diversion of water for irrigation during the summer, drying up the Strymon completely, which reduces the water level in the ponds. Livestock crossing the area for grazing and watering in the ponds is also of impact, as turtles in the ponds are trampled on and nests are disturbed.  相似文献   

The corixid species breeding in temporary rock pools of Baltic archipelago live in a highly fragmented and unpredictable habitat. Shallow rock pools can dry out and be refilled repeatedly during a summer causing high mortality of immatures. In deeper pools, young nymphs face intense competition by older stages including cannibalism. The adult corixids move frequently between rock pools and are thus able to use currently available habitat for reproduction. In this dispersal behaviour, the ability to assess the local population density and hence select the more suitable low density patches would be advantageous. We studied the effect of local population density on the frequency of dispersive flights of Arctocorisa carinata (Sahlberg) and Callicorixa producta (Reuter) experimentally, using rock pools from which nymphs of both species were removed. The dispersal rates of marked C. producta adults were significantly lower from experimental rock pools than from normal density controls, leading to a concentration of C. producta adults in the experimental rock pools. Indications of immigration rate differences between the experimental and control pools were also observed. No clear differences were found in the superior competitor A. carinata.  相似文献   

Vertical stratification of treeholes used by mosquitoes may reflect resource quality or result from interspecific competition. Mosquitoes able to monopolize treeholes with optimal resources may be over‐represented in the community. Aedes sierrensis, which is well adapted for the Mediterranean climate of California, has evolved in the absence of interspecific competition, so oviposition should reflect resource quality to a large extent. Artificial oviposition traps mounted at four canopy heights facing north or south on trees in a mixed‐oak forest at four elevations of the Pacific Coastal Range were used to assess vertical ovipositional preferences by the western treehole mosquito. Natural dispersal of the ciliated protozoan parasite Lambornella clarki was similarly monitored. Gravid Ae. sierrensis showed no vertical stratification during egg laying in traps. Lambornella clarki were naturally dispersed at relatively low frequency into traps and persisted unless eliminated by larval predation. Aedes sierrensis is not currently constrained into occupying a subset of treeholes. However, invasion of its native range by competitive species may alter oviposition patterns.  相似文献   

  1. Drought has become more common and severe in many parts of the world due to climate change. The effect of water stress on insect oviposition preference that is key determinant for their fitness has received less attention.
  2. Here, we examined how water stress may affect oviposition selection of Ostrinia furnacalis for maize plants in the greenhouse, and tested difference in volatile compounds emitted from treated maize, and electronantennogram and bioassay responses of O. furnacalis to the volatile profiles in maize plants.
  3. Ostrinia furnacalis were more prone to lay eggs on the well-watered maize. Most plant volatile compounds differed significantly among the three water treatments, including increased emissions of β-caryophyllene, (E)-2-hexenal, and linalool, and decreased emission of (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol when subjected to increasing intensity of drought.
  4. Varied volatile profiles of maize may drive oviposition decision of O. furnacalis, because O. furnacalis showed a clear oviposition preference for (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, while not for β-caryophyllene, (E)-2-hexenal, and linalool, at the concentration of 1000 ppm.
  5. This study advances understanding of drought effects on plant–insect interactions through volatile profiles. Our finding calls for attention to oviposition selection for insect pest management in agricultural settings, especially in regions under changing precipitation patterns.

1. Hydroperiod duration has been identified as the main factor determining the faunal composition and structure of aquatic communities in temporary habitats. It is hypothesised that desiccation will positively affect mosquito oviposition habitat selection during the post-drought period due to the lack of antagonists. 2. An experiment was carried out in outdoor mesocosms to assess whether desiccation events have post-drought effects on community richness and mosquito oviposition. Three different treatments were randomly assigned to the mesocosms: (i) eight mesocosms were left dried for a week and then reflooded; (ii) eight mesocosms stayed dry for 4 weeks before they were reflooded; (iii) eight mesocosms were maintained at a constant water volume of 30 litres during the entire experiment as controls. Mosquito oviposition and invertebrate community richness were monitored in every mesocosm, along with environmental parameters [water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids (TSS) and chlorophyll a concentration]. 3. Post-drought mosquito oviposition and larval abundance were higher in the short-drought and long-drought pools than in the control. Desiccation negatively affected the biomass of the filter feeder invertebrates in both desiccation treatments. Chlorophyll a concentrations were higher in the long-drought pools than in controls. The negative impact of desiccation on zooplankton led to a post-drought increase in algae, associated with an increase in mosquito oviposition. 4. Despite immediate negative effect on mosquitoes, pulsed disturbances can benefit mosquitoes as they favour oviposition during the post-disturbance recovery period due to a lower abundance of mosquito antagonists and higher food resources for their offspring.  相似文献   

为明确产卵木段粗细对星天牛Anoplophora chinensis刻槽产卵的影响、了解刻槽产卵习性及产卵规律,以不同直径悬铃木Platanus acerifolia木段为产卵材料,通过无选择和选择性产卵试验,测定了星天牛在悬铃木上产卵部位选择,并监测了星天牛的产卵过程。结果表明:星天牛产卵过程主要包括刻槽部位选择、咬槽、产卵和封槽4个阶段。星天牛在不同直径的悬铃木木段上都能刻槽产卵,但木段的粗细对刻槽数量、产卵量的影响差异显著,对空槽率、卵的大小没有影响。刻槽产卵行为主要集中在直径10~15 cm木段。在直径3~5 cm木段上刻槽数量和产卵量最低,显著低于直径大于5 cm的木段。在武汉地区,星天牛产卵高峰期在6月下旬-7月中旬,孵化高峰期在7月中下旬。该结果为深入研究星天牛的生殖行为,精准监测和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of aquatic insects may be controlled by factors at any stage of the life cycle. To understand the potential role of factors affecting egg and adult stages and oviposition, basic information on egg characteristics and oviposition behaviour is required. However, published information on New Zealand Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) is scattered and very limited. This review compiles current knowledge of New Zealand EPT egg characteristics and oviposition behaviour using published information and unpublished observations. Where direct observations are lacking, information on closely related species overseas, and inferences based on female morphology, are included. Eggs show a variety of physical characteristics that may influence egg retention, transport and distribution. Oviposition behaviour is highly selective among some taxa, but appears generalist among others, though the latter may still require specific cues. Identifying and providing for adult, egg and oviposition requirements may be fundamental to re-establishing EPT populations in restored aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

Egg deposition within plants is one of the most widely distributed and ancient behaviors in Odonata. The resulting clutch consists of eggs placed in peculiar pattern that can be a characteristic for certain groups of Odonata. Despite their importance for paleontological and evolutionary research, data on egg‐clutch positioning are missing or insufficient for most species. Here, patterning of egg clutches in Lestes virens was measured and described in detail for the first time. The female usually produces a linear row of single eggs directed at an angle rightward or leftward to the longitudinal axis of plant substrate. Less often eggs are arranged in egg‐sets consisting of up to 4 eggs. Apparently, the female insect follows the rigid behavior stereotypes during oviposition and is unable to easily switch to the alternate stereotypical behavior of single egg deposition or production of multiegg sets. Based on a literature review and original data, egg clutch patterning of European Lestidae is overlaid on preexisting phylogenies. The resulting evolutionary scenario of egg‐clutch patterning can be considered in the framework of egg‐laying behavior in Lestidae.  相似文献   

The effects of the anthelmintics ivermectin, levaminsole, oxfendazole, piperazine citrate, pyrantel pamoate, tetramisole, and thiabendazole on ingestion and oviposition by Trichostrongylus colubriformis were determined. Six of the compounds reduced in vitro feeding at the tested doses while all drugs reduced in vivo feeding after treatment of the host. Additionally, in vitro or in vivo exposure to most anthelmintics decreased oviposition during subsequent in vitro assay. Invermectin had the most pronounced effect on in vivo and in vitro feeding and egg release. The neuromuscular activities of pharyngeal pumping and egg ejection may be suitable systems for rapid determinations of anthelmintic effects.  相似文献   

The active or dispersing morph of Callosobruchus maculatus, a pest of stored cowpeas, is presumed to infest cowpea plants in the field prior to harvest. In oviposition choice tests, both normal and active females preferred pods that were full-size but still green over younger, smaller pods or older, mature pods. Exposed seeds were usually preferred over intact pods of all stages, although females laid more eggs on green pods than on the rough-coated seeds of one cowpea variety. Egg-to-adult survivorship was highest for eggs laid directly on seeds. On both green and mature pods high mortality occurred because newly hatched larvae failed to penetrate a seed after they drilled through the pod wall. However, since 20–50% of eggs laid on green pods do develop into adults, cowpea plants are susceptible to C. maculatus well before pods dehisce to expose the seeds. The oviposition preferences of C. maculatus may be strongly influenced by the surface texture of potential oviposition sites.
Résumé La forme active de Callosobruchus maculatus, ennemi de Vigna unguiculata stocké, est suspectée d'infester les gousses dans les champs avant la récolte. Lors d'essais sur le choix du lieu de ponte, toutes les femelles, normales et actives, ont préféré les gousses encore vertes mais ayant atteint leur taille définitive aux gousses plus jeunes ou aux gousses plus âgées (jaunes) ou mûres. Les graines étaient presque toujours préférées aux gousses à tous les stades, mais quand les graines étaient rugueuses, elles pondaient de préférence sur les gousses vertes.Le pourcentage le plus élevé d'adultes a été obtenu à partir des oeufs pondus sur les graines. Avec les pontes sur gousses vertes ou mûres, la mortalité élevée se produisait lors de la pénétration dans la gousse. Néanmoins, comme 20 à 50% des oeufs pondus sur des gousses vertes donnent des adultes, V. unguiculata est susceptible d'être attaqué par C. maculatus bien avant la déhiscence des gousses et l'exposition des graines. L'évolution temporelle des propriétés physiques des gousses paraît à l'origine de la relation complexe entre l'âge et l'attractivité des gousses.

The egg capsule of Parascyllium variolatum is described for the first time, based on 57 eggs laid by three captive fish over a 167 day study period at Melbourne Aquarium. The egg capsule is bulbous, bearing two elongated horns. An indistinct or rudimentary third horn may be present. Aprons present; fibres present; small lateral fringes present. Notes on oviposition rates are also discussed and were shown to vary from 12 to 39 days with one or two eggs being deposited each time.  相似文献   

Egg masses laid by Spodoptera littoralis mated female moths were extracted by petroleum ether (PE), ethanol (E) and Ringer's solution (RS). Egg-wash extracts were evaporated and the weights of crude materials were obtained. Different aqueous concentrations were made. The amount of extracted material increased as the weight of eggs used increased and vice versa. Coating Nerium oleander leaves with aqueous egg-wash extracts prepared from S. littoralis egg-masses deterred the mated conspecific female moths from ovipositing their eggs on treated leaves, as well as causing a decrease in the total number of deposited eggs per female during the moth's life span. The highest deterrent effect on conspecific female moths to oviposit their eggs was obtained after treatment of N. oleander leaves with PE or E egg-wash extract. The deterrent effects of the tested egg-wash extracts was concentration dependant; an increase in the concentration of any extract caused an obvious decrease in the number of deposited egg-masses and the total number of laid eggs on the treated N. oleander leaves.  相似文献   

Females of the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.) (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), were released and observed inside and outside (=control) of areas treated with their sex pheromone for the purpose of mating disruption. In 1992 and 1993, respectively, 0 and 2.5% of the females were observed mating in the pheromone treated area during the first day, compared with 28 and 26% in the control area. Of the females that mated, approximately 50% stayed on their twigs and oviposited, while the remaining 50% disappeared. Significantly more females disappeared from their twigs inside the treated area compared to the control area in both years. No difference was found in the proportion of unmated females ovipositing (2–12%) between the treated and the control area. Predation was responsible for much of the disappearance, but deliberate dispersal was also noted. Mating and dispersal in female N. sertifer are discussed in relation to population density and overall fitness.  相似文献   

谢天宝  陈煌  吕志澡 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):242-244
2005年6月,在湖北省清江河谷地区早熟蜜柑园内观察了橘大实蝇Bactrocera(Tetradacus)minax(Enderlein)的产卵行为。整个产卵过程可分为定位、准备、穿刺、排卵和结束5个阶段。产卵1次所需的时间和排卵的数量与天气状况有关,一般需时14~46min。产卵深度因柑橘的品种和处在产卵期的果实直径大小而不同,在脐橙、柚、早熟蜜柑上的平均产卵深度分别为7.2,13.3和8.1mm。每雌的怀卵量平均71粒。雌成虫在产卵过程中有多头雄成虫在其周围活动或者是等待与其交尾,产卵和交尾在同一时段内多次交替进行。  相似文献   

1. Trioza eugeniae (Homoptera: Triozidae) females oviposit pre‐ ferentially on the margin of young, incompletely expanded Syzygium paniculatum leaves. As the density of eggs on the leaf increases, females will oviposit on the surface of the leaf blades. 2. The survivorship of eggs laid on the abaxial leaf midrib and near the abaxial leaf margin was significantly greater than that of eggs laid on the leaf margin. 3. Controlled environment studies demonstrated that maximum carrying capacity for T. eugeniae nymphs on a fully expanded leaf is approximated closely by the number of eggs that can be laid on the margin of a young, unexpanded leaf. 4. In field populations, nymphal densities fell below the hypothetical carrying capacity calculated from laboratory studies on 71% of the leaves examined. 5. The leaf margin appears to be a proximal cue used by ovipositing females for resources available to developing nymphs. Females that limit oviposition to available leaf margins appear to improve the probability of survival of their progeny through reduced intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

1. Fig pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) enter Ficus inflorescences (figs), oviposit in some of the flowers, and pollinate in the process. Each larva completes its development within a single flower. In most cases, an inflorescence entered by a wasp will represent its only egg‐laying site. The mechanisms that prevent pollinating wasps from exploiting all the flowers inside a fig are not understood. In this study, hypotheses about flower use by pollinating fig wasps were tested by investigating egg deposition patterns in three species. 2. Either one or three wasps were introduced into figs. The figs were then harvested. Serial sections allowed assessment of the presence or absence of a wasp egg in a sample of flowers in each fig. The overall proportion of flowers with eggs and the spatial distribution of eggs were then compared in single wasp figs and three foundress figs. 3. In all species, the proportion of flowers with a wasp egg increased with foundress number but less than three‐fold. 4. In all species, at least in single foundress figs, flowers near the fig cavity were more likely to receive a wasp egg than were flowers near the fig wall. 5. In two species, when the number of foundresses was multiplied by three, there was an increase in the use of flowers near the fig wall, while in the third species, the increase was spread evenly among flowers. 6. Factors affecting wasp egg deposition patterns and the potential of investigating such patterns for studying the stability of the mutualism are discussed.  相似文献   

螺旋粉虱产卵行为及产卵分泌物的形态和化学成分   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus dispersus Russell具独特的产卵过程--成虫将卵产在叶片上排列成螺旋状并覆盖丝状蜡泌物。本研究利用数码摄像机拍摄记录螺旋粉虱的产卵过程,并采用体视显微镜、扫描电镜及气相色谱/质谱联用研究产卵分泌物的结构和化学成分。结果表明:单头雌成虫产卵时可形成典型螺旋轨迹,当其他雌成虫加入产卵时,其产卵行为包括跨越螺旋轨迹后继续在外围扩大螺旋圈、仅在螺旋轨迹表面穿过及在螺旋轨迹外围直接产卵3种情况。 在体视镜及扫描电镜下产卵分泌物呈交错的白色丝状结构。 另用GC/MS联用检测仪检测发现产卵分泌物主要是一些饱和长链烃(66.21%)和芳香酯类(26%),同时有少量酸和酚。 其中烃类化合物含有3种碘代物(10.64%),其他为直链烃类,碳原子数介于C8~C30;芳香酯类化合物有3种,碳原子数介于C16~C24,其中含量最大的是邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(21.19%)。 最后讨论了产卵分泌物在吸引初孵爬虫、抵御天敌及阻碍其他植食性者进入螺旋圈的可能性。  相似文献   

Michels  Erik  Cottenie  Karl  Neys  Liesbeth  De Meester  Luc 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):117-126
In systems of interconnected ponds or lakes, the dispersal of zooplankton may be mediated by the active population component, with rivulets and overflows functioning as dispersal pathways and the dispersal being unidirectional. Such systems offer the possibility to study the impact of dispersal rates on local population dynamics and community structure, and provide opportunities to quantify dispersal in the field in a straightforward manner. In this study, dispersal of active zooplankton populations among interconnected ponds was quantified directly in the field by sampling the small waterways connecting the ponds. The number of dispersing zooplankton sampled in connecting elements was on average high (almost 7000 ind h–1). However, the contribution of dispersing individuals to total population size in the target ponds was very limited (< 1% 24 h–1.). Only a weak diel pattern in dispersal rates was observed.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in thetransmission of arboviruses, such as yellow fever, Chikungunya fever and denguefever, some aspects of their behaviour remain unknown. In the present study, theoviposition behaviour of Ae. aegypti females that were exposed todifferent densities of breeding sites (2, 4, 8 and 16) was evaluated in laboratoryand semi-field conditions. The number of breeding sites that were used wasproportional to the number available, but tended towards stabilisation. Females usedfour-six breeding sites on average, with a maximum of 11. A high percentage of eggswas observed in the water, along with the presence of a breeding site termed“favourite”, which received at least 40% of the eggs. The results are discussed inecological, evolutionary and epidemiological approaches.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments of the choice type, olive fruit flies, Dacus oleae (Gmelin), wild and/or olivereared for a few generations, showed strong preference for oviposition in yellow and orange colored ceresin wax domes 18 mm in diameter. Green colored domes of two different hues were less preferred, while red, blue, black and white domes received a limited number of eggs when a preferred color was present. The females more frequently visited the domes of the preferred colors, which indicates that they selected them before arrival. The observed preference for certain colors like yellow and orange depended primarily on the color hue and not on the intensity of the total reflected light or on the degree to which the colored domes contrasted with the background. The females responded positively to hues reflecting maximally between 560 and 610 nm, optinum at ca. 580 nm. Hues reflecting maximally between 520 and 550 nm or above 610 nm were not very attractive while hues reflecting below 520 nm and especially between 400 and 480 nm appeared to be rather unattractive. There were indications that not only the spectral purity of a hue but also the quantity of the energy reflected within the narrow spectral region which corresponds to that hue are important for the selection of the oviposition site by this fly.
Der einfluss von farbtönen und farbintensität künstlicher eiablagesubstrate auf ihre auswahl für die eiablage bei Dacus oleae
Zusammenfassung In Auswahlversuchen im Labor bevorzugten wilde und für einige Generationen im Labor auf Oliven gezüchtete Olivenfliegenweibchen zur Eiablage gelb und orange gefärbte Ceresinwachsdome von 18 mm Durchmesser. Grüngefärbte Dome von zwei verschiedenen Farbtönen waren weniger bevorzugt. Rote, blaue, schwarze und weisse Dome wurden mit einer begrenzten Anzahl Eiern belegt, wenn eine der bevorzugten Farben dabei war. Die Weibchen besuchten öfter die Dome mit den bevorzugten Farben, was darauf hindeutet, dass sie diese vor der Ankunft auswählten.Die beobachtete Bevorzugung für gewisse Farben wie gelb und orange hing hauptsächlich von den Farbtönen ab und nicht von der Intensität des total reflektierten Lichtes oder der Stärke des Kontrastes der farbigen Dome vom Hintergrund. Die Weibchen reagierten positiv auf Farbtöne mit einer maximalen Reflektion zwischen 560 und 610 nm mit einem Optimum bei ca. 580 nm. Farbtöne, die maximal zwischen 520 und 550 nm oder bei mehr als 610 nm reflektierten, waren nicht sehr attraktiv und Farbtöne mit einer Reflektion bei weniger als 520 nm, speziell zwischen 400 und 480 nm, scheinen nicht attraktiv zu sein. Es bestehen Hinweise dafür, dass nicht nur die Farbreinheit sondern auch die Menge der reflektierten Energie des entsprechenden Spektralabschnittes wichtig für die Auswahl der Eiablagesubstrate ist.

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