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Fifty-six indigenous and 29 exotic mulberry varieties were screened against powdery mildew, Myrothecium leaf spot, Pseudocercospora leaf spot for a period of three years under field conditions. The percent disease index (PDI) was recorded during the peak season of the diseases. Out of 85 germplasm lines studied four-germplasm lines viz. Thailand lobed (0.43), M. multicaulis (2.63), Italian (2.83) and M. australis (4.56) were found highly resistant; nine lines were resistant; 43 lines were moderately resistant and 29 were susceptible to the disease complex. Powdery mildew showed significant positive correlation with Pseudocercospora leaf spot. Highly resistant varieties may be utilized for future disease resistance breeding programme to evolve multiple disease resistant mulberry varieties.  相似文献   

美人蕉是重要的园林绿化植物和生物资源。为了明确美人蕉黑斑病的病原菌种类,并为病害防治提供理论指导,调查了昆明市美人蕉黑斑病的发生情况,采用组织分离法对病原物进行了分离和纯化,并进行了致病性测定。通过形态学和rDNA ITS序列分析,将昆明美人蕉黑斑病的病原菌鉴定为链格孢Alternaria alternata。  相似文献   

Thirty-three indigenous and 24 exotic mulberry accessions belonging to five Morus spp. originated from seven countries distributed in temperate and tropical climates were observed for their response to two major foliar diseases during 2010 and 2011 under temperate conditions of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Leaf spot and powdery mildew severity (Percent Disease Index (PDI)) ranged from 0.00 to 74.90% and 0.00 to 59.85%, respectively. Indigenous and exotic accessions responded similarly to leaf spot, but varied too much to powdery mildew. Irrespective of origin, response in ascending order of PDI for leaf spot is M. multicaulis, M. indica, M. alba, M. kayayama and M. bombycis and for powdery mildew is M. multicaulis, M. kayayama, M. bombycis M. alba and M. indica. Among indigenous accessions, Brentul Kashmir offered highest resistance to both the diseases. Nadigam offered maximum resistance only to leaf spot followed by Himachal local; while Chinarpati followed by Mysore local only for powdery mildew. Among exotic accessions, Ichinose offered maximum resistance to both the diseases followed by Kokusou-21 and Tagowase.  相似文献   

Grey leaf spot (GLS) is a global maize leaf disease that seriously endangers maize production. Discovering and utilizing genetic loci for GLS resistance would be useful for breeding new varieties with improved resistance. In this study, 233 F2:3 families (produced from the susceptible inbred line 08‐641 × the resistant inbred line 446) were used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping of resistance to GLS. Five GLS resistance QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, which explained 6.7%‐21.3% of the phenotypic variation. The QTLs, qRgls.CH‐4, qRgls.CH‐1, qRgls.CH‐2, and qRgls.CH‐6, were stably expressed in the four environments, and all loci for GLS resistance were derived from the resistant parent, 446. The additive effects of qRgls.CH‐4, qRgls.CH‐1, and qRgls.CH‐6 were significantly greater than their single dominant effects, which may be beneficial for GLS resistance breeding. The QTL qRgls.CH‐6, located in bins 6.02–6.05, did not overlap with any previously reported resistance QTL and thus was identified here for the first time. QTL analysis of PI (leaf performance index) detected three leaf function QTLs on chromosomes 4, 8, and 9 were related to GLS resistance and explained 4.8%‐6.2% of the phenotypic variation. Among them, qPI.CH‐4 was significantly stronger expressed in several environments; this allele associated with increased leaf function came from the resistant parent, 446, and its interval overlapped with that of qRgls.CH‐4. Furthermore, both qRgls.CH‐4 and qPI.CH‐4 were located in a hotspot area for GLS resistance in bins 4.05‐4.06, indicating that GLS resistance was significantly related to leaf performance and that GLS significantly reduced leaf photosynthetic performance.  相似文献   

Chilli is one of the spices used to enhance the flavour and taste of cooked food. Fungal diseases are the main biological constraints in chilli production, and Alternaria leaf spot disease caused by Alternaria alternata is one of the most devastating diseases of chilli. One of the effective and environmentally friendly ways to control this disease is introgress resistance from wild relative/varieties to the cultivated one. The first step towards introgression of resistance genes is to screen the chill germplasm for leaf spot resistance. In the current study, we screened the chilly germplasm and identified the sources of leaf spot resistance, which can be harnessed in resistance breeding programmes.  相似文献   

In present study, the leaf spot disease of cotton plant emerged in the North Maharashtra region of India was reported. The fungal phytopathogen associated with inducing the leaf spot disease symptoms was isolated and characterised. The isolated fungus was identified as Corynespora torulosa (Deposition accession number, MCC-1368; Genbank accession no. MF462072) based on morphological and cultural characteristics and molecular analysis of ITS region. The pathogenicity of fungal phytopathogen was verified by Koch’s postulates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of incidence of leaf spot disease caused by Corynespora torulosa on cotton plant.  相似文献   

桑叶提取物抑菌作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了桑叶水煎剂对常见微生物的抑菌作用,以及在不同pH值条件下的抑菌效果.结果表明:提取液对霉菌的生长没有明显的抑制作用;对供试细菌有效,其中对微球菌的抑制最强,其次为沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌,对枯草芽孢杆菌的作用较弱.抑菌效果随着桑叶水煎剂浓度的增加而加强.在酸性条件下,桑叶水煎剂的抑菌作用都有不同程度的增加,但效果均不如0.05%苯甲酸钠.  相似文献   

In order to develop weather-based forecasting model of bacterial leaf spot (BLS) disease of mulberry caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. mori, weekly disease severity data were recorded for three years on the ruling cultivar S-1. Daily meteorological data viz. maximum temperature, minimum temperature, maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity, rainfall and number of rainy days were also recorded. It was observed that BLS appeared in April/May and continued up to November with maximum severity in July. The correlation coefficient between disease severity and meteorological parameters revealed that the BLS disease severity has significant positive correlation with minimum temperatures, maximum and minimum relative humidity, rainfall and number of rainy days and negative correlation with maximum temperature. Multiple regressions analysis revealed that average of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and rainfall of preceding seven days and maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity of previous 9–15 days was found to maximally influence BLS disease severity. The contribution of the meteorological factors was found to be highest of minimum temperature (40.65%) followed by maximum temperature (24.20%), maximum relative humidity (16.41%), minimum relative humidity (8.07%), rainfall (5.29%) and number of rainy days (5.38%).  相似文献   


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a cosmopolitan vegetable and widely cultivated in almost all the countries of the world including India. Irreversible investment – production ratio for tomato cultivation in recent Indian agricultural systems arise the question, is there any biotic backlogs responsible for such a production loss. Our present investigation is based on this fact. Target leaf spot disease of tomato is caused by Corynespora cassiicola, a serious and emerging disease in India. Prolonged real time surveillance of this disease on tomato from 2010–11 to 2016–17, reflects some remarkable features of pathogenic progress in Gangetic alluvial region of West Bengal. This pathogen is the natural barrier for tomato production with a disease severity ranged between 35% and 58% which ultimately causes tremendous loss of tomato foliage and fruits. C. cassiicola was identified on the basis of morpho-cultural (ITCC Accession No. 7542) and molecular characterization (Genbank Accession No. KJ767193). Homology searching of internal transcribed spacer region of CcHaTom isolate was highly matched with Genbank Accession No. KP666184 (Cynodondactylon/India), AB873045 (Vitex negundo/India) and JN541214 (Malvaviscus concinnus/USA) with 95% similarity. Phylogenetic analysis established that KJ767193 and C. cassiicola retrieved sequences were conspecific from a common ancestral origin, which supports its neighbourhood with this fungal pathogen. Optimum temperature between 24 and 25?°C, coupled with 80–85% relative humidity triggered the disease progress. From the emerging scenario, C. cassiicola infecting tomato is the real threat for indigenous cultivars.  相似文献   

玉米种质资源抗弯孢菌叶斑病特性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对近年弯孢菌叶斑病日益严重的发生趋势,对1698份玉米种质(自交系、群体、杂交种以及特殊材料)进行了抗弯孢菌叶斑病鉴定.结果表明,中国玉米种质抗性较引进种质抗性好;不同省份所供种质抗性存在差异,北京、四川、广西种质总体抗性较好;在新选育的自交系中,鉴定出12份高抗材料;在当前培育的杂交种中,有22份高抗或抗弯孢菌叶斑病;玉米对弯孢菌叶斑病抗性在相同核基因、不同细胞质种质间无差异;玉米抗大斑病基因对抗弯孢菌叶斑病无效.  相似文献   

Summary Generation mean analysis was carried out for ten crosses between two resistant and two susceptible parents to find the genetic basic of resistance to zonate leaf spot disease in forage sorghum. In all crosses except one, at least one type of non-allelic interaction was present. Both additive and dominance gene effects were significant for most crosses. Duplicate type epistasis was present for the inheritance of this disease. Resistance to this disease revealed overdominance. Appropriate breeding plans were suggested to exploit the disease resistance.  相似文献   

Leaf area expansion, thickness and inclination, gas exchange parameters and relative chlorophyll content were analysed in field‐grown fig (Ficus carica L.) leaves over time, from emergence until after full leaf expansion (FLE). Ficus carica leaves showed a subtle change in shape during the early stages of development, and FLE was reached within ca. 30 days after emergence. Changes in leaf thickness and inclination after FLE demonstrated good adaptation to environmental conditions during summer in areas with a Mediterranean climate. Changes in gas exchange parameters and relative chlorophyll content showed that F. carica is a delayed‐greening species, reaching maximum values 20 days after FLE. Correlation analysis of datasets collected during leaf expansion, confirmed dependence among structural and functional traits in F. carica. Pn was directly correlated with stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration (E), leaf area (LA) and relative chlorophyll content up to FLE. The effect of pruning on leaf expansion, a cultural technique commonly applied in this fruit tree, was also evaluated. Although leaf development in pruned branches gave a significantly higher relative leaf area growth rate (RGRl) and higher LA than non‐pruned branches, no significant differences were found in other morphological and physiological traits, indicating no pruning effect on leaf development. All studied morphological and physiological characteristics indicate that F. carica is well adapted to semiarid conditions. The delayed greening strategy of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

不同甘蔗品种叶片气孔对水分胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干旱是甘蔗面临最主要的环境胁迫之一,为了解不同甘蔗品种在干旱胁迫时的气孔响应,该研究以F172、GT21、YT93/159和 YL6四个抗旱性有显著差异的甘蔗品种为材料,采用桶栽,在伸长期进行四种不同程度的干旱胁迫(不浇水)处理:土壤持水量在①65%~70%为轻度干旱;②45%~50%为中度干旱;③25%~30%为重度干旱;④以土壤含水量为75%为对照(CK).检测不同品种不同处理甘蔗的叶片相对持水量变化,并利用扫描电镜技术观察甘蔗叶片下表皮气孔特性.结果表明:在干旱胁迫下,四个甘蔗品种叶片气孔导度急剧下降,重度干旱时耐旱性强的 F172和 GT21的气孔导度低于耐旱性弱的 YT93/159和 YL6的;复水后3 d,F172和 GT21的气孔导度上升至82.07和88.85 mmol·m-2·s-1,而 YT93/159和 YL6的仅有18.88和33.08 mmol·m-2·s-1.干旱还导致气孔下陷、闭合,气孔器的长、宽明显减小,且品种间气孔器长度变化差异显著;干旱胁迫下气孔密度增大,尤以耐旱性最强的 F172在重度干旱时达到显著差异.重度干旱时 F172与GT21的气孔闭合百分比是 YT93/159和 YL6近3~4倍.在水分胁迫下,叶片相对含水量降低,但 F172和GT21在重度干旱时仍可以保持相对较高的含水量,其它两个品种相对较低,尤以 YT93/159的最低.在复水后叶片含水量都有所恢复.这些研究结果表明不同甘蔗品种抗旱能力与叶片气孔特性和含水量密切相关.  相似文献   

研究了取食不同水分含量桑叶对二化性家蚕(CSR3×CSR6)5龄幼虫的影响。实验设嫩叶(水分含量80%~85%)、半成熟叶(水分含量65%~70%)和成熟叶(水分含量55%~60%)3个不同处理。采用标准重量分析法分析和计算各种生长、营养和营养效率指数。结果表明,在取食较高水分含量桑叶的处理中,营养指数(包括取食量、消化量和近似消化率等)和营养效率指数(包括食物利用率和转化率等)均显著较高,但不同处理中消化食物向茧壳的转化率及产生每克茧壳所需食物消化量差异不明显。结论是取食水分含量高的桑树嫩叶有助于提高家蚕的取食和营养。  相似文献   

Withania somnifera is a high value medicinal plant, native to Indian sub‐continent, and is extensively used in traditional systems of medicine. It is highly prone to leaf spot disease caused by Alternaria alternata, that may affect the quality of crude herbal drugs. In the present study, the accumulation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) was detected histochemically within the infected host tissue, using H2DCFDA (2′,7′‐difluorodihydrofluorescein diacetate) and DAB (3,3′‐diaminobenzidine) staining methods. This ROS accumulation was linked with the process of disease initiation. The microscopy studies were conducted to explore the site of pathogen invasion into the host tissue. Some changes related to tissue degeneration during the infection process have also been reported. The observed changes in the form of reducing sugar and phenolic content showed an enhancement during infestation. Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur exhibited a decreasing trend with the progression of disease. Both the net rate of photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (gS) showed a similar trend except that gS increased at the early stage of infection when the protruding fungal hyphae obstructed the stomatal closure. Further, the disintegration of chloroplasts was also observed in the infected leaves. Overall, the present study highlights a few potential targets for enhancing the disease resistance against the leaf spot pathogen of W. somnifera.  相似文献   

The rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is the only resource for commercial natural rubber production and thus has economic importance in Southeast Asia. A spot disease on the leaves of a rubber tree was first discovered in 2017 in Hainan, China. In this study, the fungal isolate MA1 from the infected tissues was determined to be a pathogen of the spot disease by satisfying Koch's postulates. The isolate MA1 was identified as Bipolaris bicolor based on the morphological characteristics and multigene phylogenetic analysis. Among fungicides, prochloraz, iprodione and pyraclostrobin significantly inhibited hyphal growth of B. bicolor under in vitro conditions. This study constitutes the first report on the association of B. bicolor with leaf spot disease of rubber trees worldwide.  相似文献   

近年浙江省杭州市余杭区温室大棚内番茄灰叶斑病发生为害严重,对当地番茄生产造成了较大的经济损失,但该病害的病原菌种类尚未在浙江报道。本文通过对病原菌形态学、分子系统学(rDNA-ITS、gpd和EF-1α基因的PCR扩增、序列分析和系统进化树的构建)和致病性测定相结合的研究,将侵染番茄的病原菌鉴定为番茄匍柄霉菌Stemphylium lycopersici。研究结果对制定该病害的防治决策和有效防治提供了科学理论依据。  相似文献   

Leaf spot disease was detected on Sansevieria trifasciata in Malaysia. Two Curvularia species namely C. eragrostidis and C. asianensis were isolated as the pathogens. The isolated fungi were identified based on morphology and multigene phylogeny (ITS, GAPDH and TEF1-α). Pathogenicity tests confirmed the roles of both Curvularia isolates in causing leaf spot of S. trifasciata. To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. eragrostidis and C. asianensis causing leaf spot of S. trifasciata in Malaysia.  相似文献   

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