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We have detected a flavonoid 3[prime],5[prime]-hydroxylase (F3[prime],5[prime]H) in the microsomal fraction of Petunia hybrida flowers. Activity varied with the development of flowers, peaking immediately prior to and during anthesis, but was absent in mature flowers. F3[prime],5[prime]H activity in flower extracts from genetically defined floral color mutants correlated strictly with the genotypes Hf1 and Hf2. No activity was detected in flowers from mutants homozygous recessive for both alleles. F3[prime],5[prime]H activity was dependent on NADPH and molecular oxygen; there was only slight activity with NADH. The enzyme catalyzes the hydroxylation of 5,7,4[prime]-trihydroxyflavonone at the 3[prime] and 5[prime] positions, and of 5,7,3[prime],4[prime]-tetrahydroxyflavonone and dihydroquercetin at the 5[prime] position. Hydroxylase activity was inhibited by plant growth regulators (1-aminobenzotriazole and tetcyclacis) and by CO, N-ethylmaleimide, diethyldithiocarbamate, and cytochrome (Cyt) c. Activity was not affected by diethylpyrocarbonate or phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, but was enhanced by 2-mercaptoethanol. A polyclonal antibody that inhibits higher plant NADPH-Cyt P450 reductase inhibited the F3[prime],5[prime]H. The data are consistent with the suggestion that the P. hybrida F3[prime],5[prime]H is a monooxygenase consisting of a Cyt P450 and a NADPH-Cyt P-450 reductase. Cyts P450 were detected in microsomal membranes and in solubilized detergent extracts of these membranes. F3[prime],5[prime]H activity was sensitive to low concentrations of all detergents tested, and therefore solubilization of the active enzyme was not achieved. Reaction products other than flavanones were observed in F3[prime],5[prime]H assays and these may be formed by enzymic oxidation of flavanones. The possibility of a microsomal flavone synthase of a type that has not been described in P. hybrida is discussed.  相似文献   

Y. H. Chiu  N. R. Morris 《Genetics》1995,141(2):453-464
Nuclear migration plays an important role in the growth and development of many organisms including the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. We have cloned three genes from A. nidulans, nudA, nudC, and nudF, in which mutations affect nuclear migration. The nudA gene encodes the heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein. The nudC gene encodes a 22-kD protein. The nudF gene was identified as an extracopy suppressor of the temperature sensitive (ts(-)) nudC3 mutation. The nudC3 mutation substantially decreases the intracellular concentration of the nudF protein at restrictive temperature. This is restored toward the normal level by an extra copy of nudF. To identify other genes whose products interact directly or indirectly with the NUDC protein, we have isolated a set of extragenic suppressors of the nudC3 temperature-sensitive mutation. Genetic analysis of 16 such extragenic suppressors showed them to represent nine different genes, designated sncA-sncI (for suppressor of nudC). sncA-sncH were either dominant or semidominant in diploids homozygous for nudC3 and heterozygous for the snc mutations. All of the suppressors reversed the ts(-) phenotype of nudC3 by restoring the intracellular concentration of the NUDF protein.  相似文献   

The efficient functioning of C4 photosynthesis requires the strict compartmentation of a suite of enzymes in either mesophyll or bundle sheath cells. To determine the mechanism controlling bundle sheath cell-specific expression of the NADP-malic enzyme, we made a set of chimeric constructs using the 5[prime] and 3[prime] regions of the Flaveria bidentis Me1 gene fused to the [beta]-glucuronidase gusA reporter gene. The pattern of GUS activity in stably transformed F. bidentis plants was analyzed by histochemical and cell separation techniques. We conclude that the 5[prime] region of Me1 determines bundle sheath specificity, whereas the 3[prime] region contains an apparent enhancer-like element that confers high-level expression in leaves. The interaction of 5[prime] and 3[prime] sequences was dependent on factors that are present in the C4 plant but not found in tobacco.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase was purified from soybean (Glycine max) chloroplasts that were actively replicating DNA. The main form (form I) of the enzyme was associated with a low level of 3[prime] to 5[prime] exonuclease activity throughout purification, although the ratio of exonuclease to polymerase activity decreased with each successive purification step. A second form (form II) of DNA polymerase, which elutes from DEAE-cellulose at a higher salt concentration than form I, was devoid of any exonuclease activity. To assess the potential function of the 3[prime] to 5[prime] exonuclease in proofreading, the fidelity of deoxynucleotide incorporation was measured for form I DNA polymerase throughout purification. Despite the steadily decreasing ratio of 3[prime] to 5[prime] exonuclease to polymerase activity, the extent of misincorporation by form I enzyme remained unchanged during the final purification steps, suggesting that the exonuclease did not contribute to the accuracy of DNA synthesis by this polymerase. Fidelity of form I DNA polymerase, when compared with that of form II, revealed a higher level of misincorporation for form I enzyme, a finding that is consistent with the exonuclease playing little or no role in exonucleolytic proofreading.  相似文献   

A new autosomal mutation, rudimental (ral), which causes rudimentary-shaped wings in Drosophila melanogaster, has been isolated following ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. The wing phenotype of rudimental is identical to that of the X-linked rudimentary (r) mutation, which affects the first three enzymes in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. The autosomal mutant maps very close to ebony (3–70.7) at 70.42 on the right arm of chromosome 3. Analysis of the enzyme activities of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase) and orotidylate decarboxylase (ODCase) indicates that the rala26a allele has less than wild-type activity for both enzymes. This result is discussed in light of the fact that the OPRTase and ODCase activities are part of an enzyme complex, as are the carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPSase), aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) and dihydroorotase (DHOase) activities, which are encoded by the complex rudimentary locus. We suggest that rudimental is also a complex locus.  相似文献   

G. H. Goldman  N. R. Morris 《Genetics》1995,139(3):1223-1232
Cytoplasmic dynein is a large molecular weight protein complex that functions as a microtubule-dependent, negative, end-directed ``motor.' Mutations in nudA, which encodes the heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein, inhibit nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans. This paper describes the selection and characterization of extragenic suppressors of the nudA1 mutation preparatory to the identification of other proteins that interact directly or indirectly with the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. To facilitate future cloning of the suppressor genes, we have searched particularly for extragenic suppressor mutations that also convey a selectable phenotype, such as cold or dimethyl sulfoxide sensitivity. Genetic analysis of 16 revertants has defined at least five extragenic suppressors of nudA1 (snaA-E). All the sna mutations except one were recessive in diploids homozygous for nudA1 and heterozygous for sna mutations. To characterize the nuclear migration phenotype in the sna mutants, conidia of one representative of each complementation group were germinated, fixed and nuclei stained. The sna mutants display partial suppression of the nudA1 nuclear migration defect. Although conidiophores were produced in the sna mutants, they failed to develop normally and to produce spores. Examination of the nudA1,sna conidiophores under the microscope showed that nuclear migration into the metulae and phialides was defective.  相似文献   

Whole genome sequencing is a powerful tool in the discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small insertions/deletions (indels) among mutant strains, which simplifies forward genetics approaches. However, identification of the causative mutation among a large number of non-causative SNPs in a mutant strain remains a big challenge. In the unicellular biflagellate green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we generated a SNP/indel library that contains over 2 million polymorphisms from four wild-type strains, one highly polymorphic strain that is frequently used in meiotic mapping, ten mutant strains that have flagellar assembly or motility defects, and one mutant strain, imp3, which has a mating defect. A comparison of polymorphisms in the imp3 strain and the other 15 strains allowed us to identify a deletion of the last three amino acids, Y313F314L315, in a protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit (PP2A3) in the imp3 strain. Introduction of a wild-type HA-tagged PP2A3 rescues the mutant phenotype, but mutant HA-PP2A3 at Y313 or L315 fail to rescue. Our immunoprecipitation results indicate that the Y313, L315, or YFLΔ mutations do not affect the binding of PP2A3 to the scaffold subunit, PP2A-2r. In contrast, the Y313, L315, or YFLΔ mutations affect both the stability and the localization of PP2A3. The PP2A3 protein is less abundant in these mutants and fails to accumulate in the basal body area as observed in transformants with either wild-type HA-PP2A3 or a HA-PP2A3 with a V310T change. The accumulation of HA-PP2A3 in the basal body region disappears in mated dikaryons, which suggests that the localization of PP2A3 may be essential to the mating process. Overall, our results demonstrate that the terminal YFL tail of PP2A3 is important in the regulation on Chlamydomonas mating.  相似文献   

抗CD20嵌合抗体片段Fab′突变体的表达和活性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用PCR方法从抗CD20单链抗体(ScFv)表达载体上扩增抗CD20抗体轻链可变区基因(VL)、重链可变区基因(VH),同时在抗体的可变区引入突变,然后将VH、VL基因重组到Fab′表达载体pYZF1中,构建抗CD20嵌合抗体Fab′片段表达载体,并在大肠杆菌16c9中进行高效可溶性分泌表达。经大量的筛选,获得一个产量和活性均有所提高的突变克隆。其突变位点在轻链可变区的CDR1区,即G77→A(Ser→Asn)。突变的抗体的表达量为每克干菌3.8 mg,而未突变抗体的表达量为每克干菌1.3 mg。突变体的亲和力常数Ka为2.2×109 L/mol,约为突变前的2倍。竞争性免疫荧光抑制实验表明,突变的Fab′片段能竞争性抑制鼠源性抗CD20抗体HI47和CD20表达细胞Raji细胞的结合,使HI47的结合阳性率由98%下降至37.55%,体外细胞生长抑制试验亦证明突变的Fab′片段的抑制活性明显高于未突变的抗体。  相似文献   

X. Chen  C. L. Simpson  K. L. Kindle    D. B. Stern 《Genetics》1997,145(4):935-943
A suppressor of a translation initiation defect caused by an AUG to AUU mutation in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast petD gene was isolated, defining a nuclear locus that we have named SIM30. A dominant mutant allele at this locus, sim30-1d, was found to increase the translation initiation rate of the mutant petD mRNA. sim30-1d was also able to suppress the translational defect caused by an AUG to AUC mutation in the petD gene, and an AUG to AUU mutation in the chloroplast petA gene. We therefore suggest that the SIM30 gene may encode a general chloroplast translation factor. The ability of sim30-1d to suppress the petD AUG to AUU mutation is diminished in the presence of one or more antibiotic resistance markers located within the 16S and 23S rRNAs, suggesting that the activity of the sim30-1d gene product in translation initiation may involve interaction with ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

S. K. Dutcher  W. Gibbons    W. B. Inwood 《Genetics》1988,120(4):965-976
A mutation at the PF10 locus of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii leads to abnormal cell motility. The asymmetric form of the ciliary beat stroke characteristic of wild-type flagella is modified by this mutation to a nearly symmetric beat. We report here that this abnormal motility is a conditional phenotype that depends on light intensity. In the absence of light or under low light intensities, the motility is more severely impaired than at higher light intensities. By UV mutagenesis we obtained 11 intragenic and 70 extragenic strains that show reversion of the pf10 motility phenotype observed in low light. The intragenic events reverted the motility phenotype of the pf10 mutation completely. The extragenic events define at least seven suppressor loci; these map to linkage groups IV, VII, IX, XI, XII and XVII. Suppressor mutations at two of the seven loci (LIS1 and LIS2) require light for their suppressor activity. Forty-eight of the 70 extragenic suppressors were examined in heterozygous diploid cells; 47 of these mutants were recessive to the wild-type allele and one mutant (bop5-1) was dominant to the wild-type allele. Complementation analysis of the 47 recessive mutants showed unusual patterns. Most mutants within a recombinationally defined group failed to complement one another, although there were pairs that showed intra-allelic complementation. Additionally, some of the mutants at each recombinationally defined locus failed to complement mutants at other loci. They define dominant enhancers of one another.  相似文献   

We present the initial phenotypic characterization of an Arabidopsis mutation, terminal flower 1-1 (tfl1-1), that identifies a new genetic locus, TFL1. The tfl1-1 mutation causes early flowering and limits the development of the normally indeterminate inflorescence by promoting the formation of a terminal floral meristem. Inflorescence development in mutant plants often terminates with a compound floral structure consisting of the terminal flower and one or two subtending lateral flowers. The distal-most flowers frequently contain chimeric floral organs. Light microscopic examination shows no structural aberrations in the vegetative meristem or in the inflorescence meristem before the formation of floral buttresses. The wild-type appearance of lateral flowers and observations of double mutant combinations of tfl1-1 with the floral morphogenesis mutations apetala 1-1 (ap1-1), ap2-1, and agamous (ag) suggest that the tfl1-1 mutation does not affect normal floral meristems. Secondary flower formation usually associated with the ap1-1 mutation is suppressed in the terminal flower, but not in the lateral flowers, of tfl1-1 ap1-1 double mutants. Our results suggest that tfl1-1 perturbs the establishment and maintenance of the inflorescence meristem. The mutation lies on the top arm of chromosome 5 approximately 2.8 centimorgans from the restriction fragment length polymorphism marker 217.  相似文献   

David Apirion 《Genetics》1980,94(2):291-299
A mutant defective in the enzyme RNase P was isolated by P. SCHEDL and P. PRIMAKOFF (1973). The mutation rnpA49 found in this strain, which confers temperature sensitivity on carrier strains, was mapped by conjugation and transduction experiments and located around minute 82 of the E. coli map, with the suggested order rnpA bglB phoS rbsP ilv. As expected, the rnpA49 mutation is recessive. Even though this mutation is conditional, it is manifested at temperatures at which the carrier strains can grow.  相似文献   

Two independently isolated mutations at the fad7 locus in Arabidopsis produced plants with a temperature-conditional phenotype. Leaves of fad7 mutants grown at 28[deg]C contained less than 30% of wild-type levels of trienoic fatty acids (16:3 plus 18:3) compared with more than 70% of wild-type levels for plants grown at 15[deg]C. Screening of an M2 population derived from the fad7-1 line led to the identification of a line, SH1, in which the proportion of trienoic acids was much less than in fad7 plants. The segregation pattern of F2 progeny from a cross between SH1 and wild type indicated that the additional fatty acid mutation in SH1 is at a new locus, designated fad8. In a genetic background that was wild type at the FAD7 locus, the fad8 mutation had no detectable effect on overall leaf fatty acid composition irrespective of the temperature at which plants were grown. However, fatty acid analyses of individual leaf lipids revealed small decreases in the levels of 18:3 in two chloroplast lipids. In fad8 plants grown at 22[deg]C, phospha-tidylglycerol contained 22.5% 18:3 compared with 33.5% in wild-type Arabidopsis. For sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, the values were 31.4 and 44.5%, respectively. Together with information from studies of the cloned FAD8 gene (S. Gibson, V. Arondel, K. Iba, C. Somerville [1994] Plant Physiol 106: 1615-1621), these results indicate that the FAD8 locus encodes a chloroplast-localized 16:2/18:2 desaturase that has a substrate specificity similar to the FAD7 gene product but that is induced by low temperature.  相似文献   

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