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Aleochara bilineata (Gyllenhal) [Coleoptera: Staphylinidae] is a common predator and endoparasite of root maggot [Diptera: Anthomyiidae] in both commercial crops and home gardens. To test dispersal activity ofA. bilineata in home gardens, marked beetles were released at rates of 0 and 1,000 in 1987 and 0, 250, 500, and 1,000/gardens/wk in 1988. Three percent of marked beetles were recaptured in release gardens. NaturalA. bilineata populations were very small in all gardens, and there was no detectable increase from 1987 to 1988. Recaptures were proportional to release rates. There was no significant difference in recapture rates between sexes. Recaptures and non-uniform distributions of markedA. bilineata in control gardens revealed that they were capable of flying at least 5 km under urban conditions, and of selecting particular gardens as suitable mating, foraging, and oviposition sites.   相似文献   

Effects of 37 fungicides — several of which were mixtures — on adult females of the rove beetle,Aleochara bilineata, were investigated in the laboratory. The pesticides were tested in concentrations equivalent to the highest recommended dosages for practical use. Mortality, egg production and hatch of the eggs were recorded. Most fungicides had no serious effect on any of the parameters measured. Among the morpholine and dithiocarbamate fungicides, several had adverse effects on egg production and/or hatch of the eggs laid. Furthermore, chinomethionate and pyrazophos were found to be toxic at the dosages used. Results are compared to results obtained with other species of beneficial arthropods in the laboratory. The importance of including several species in the assessment of pesticide side effects as well as the importance of measuring sublethal effects are stressed.
Résumé Des expériences de laboratoire ont été faites pour étudier les effets de 37 fongicides (dont plusieurs étaient des mélanges) sur les femelles adultes d'Aleochara bilineata. Les pesticides ont été testés à des concentrations équivalant aux plus fortes doses recommandées pour l'usage agricole. La mortalité, la production et l'éclosion des œufs ont été étudiées. La plupart des fongicides n'ont pas d'effet important sur aucun des paramètres retenus. Parmi les fongicides à base de morpholine et de dithiocarbamate, plusieurs avaient un effet contraire sur la production et l'éclosion des œufs. En outre le chinométhionate et le pyrazophos se sont révélés toxiques aux doses utilisées. Les résultats ont été comparés à d'autres résultats obtenus avec d'autres espèces d'auxiliaires au laboratoire. L'importance d'inclure plusieurs espèces dans l'évaluation des effects secondaires des pestieides ainsi que l'importance de mesurer les effets sublétaux sont soulignées.

Root flies,Delia radicum (L.) andD. floralis (Fallén) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), trapped in swede crops in the south of Scotland, were infected withStrongwellsea castrans Batko and Weiser (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). The pathogen was associated mainly with females of the 1st and 2nd generations ofD. radicum and of the single generation ofD. floralis. Disease incidence showed time-lagged density dependence. Greatest sustained infection levels were recorded in the coolest wettest season. Higher proportions ofD. radicum were infected in the headland than in the crop. Unbaited yellow water traps caught greater proportions of infected flies than traps baited with mustard oil (allyl isothiocyanate). The reasons for high levels of infection in Scotland are discussed.
Résumé Les mouches des racines,Delia radicum (L.) etD. floralis (Fallén) [Diptera: Anthomyiidae] attrapées dans la culture du rutabaga dans le sud de l'écosse, étaient contaminées parStrongwellsea castrans Batko & Weiser [Zygomycetes: entomophthorales]. Le pathogène était surtout associé aux fe nelles de la lère et de la 2ème générations deD. radicum et de la seule génération deD. floralis. Les cas de maladie montraient avec retard leur dépendance avec la densité des mouches. Les niveaux d'infection les plus grands étaient enregistrés pendant la saison la plus froide et la plus humide. Les bordures en friche des parcelles hébergeaient de plus grandes proportions deD. radicum infectés que les cultures. Des pièges jaunes sans appat ont attrapé de plus grandes proportions de mouches que lorsqu'ils étaient appatés avec de l'huile de moutarde (allyl-isothiocyanate). Les raisons qui expliquent pourquoi les niveaux d'infection en écosse sont plus élevés qu'ailleurs sont discutées.

Effects of 67 herbicides — several of which were mixtures — and plant growth regulators on adult females of the rove beetle,Aleochara bilineata, were investigated in the laboratory. The pesticides were tested in concentrations equivalent to the highest recommended dosages for practical use. Mortality, egg production and hatch of the eggs were measured. Most herbicides had no serious effect on any of the parameters recorded. Among the urea herbicides, however, several showed adverse effects on egg production and/or hatch of the eggs laid. The strongest effect was exerted by methabenzthiazuron that impeded hatch of the eggs completely. Bromoxynil, pyridate and haloxyfod reduced survival, egg production and/or egg hatch to some degree, while carbaryl, which is also used as a plant growth regulator, killed all the beetles immediately. The usefulness of dose-response-studies and the importance of measuring sublethal effects are stressed, and the choice of herbicides showing no toxic effects is recommended.
Résumé Des expériences ont été faites au laboratoire pour tester les effets de 67 herbicides — dont plusieurs étaient des mélanges — et régulateurs de croissance des plantes sur les femelles adultes d'Aleochara bilineata. Les pesticides ont été testés à des concentrations équivalant aux dosages les plus élevés recommandés pour l'usage agricole. La mortalité, la production et l'éclosion des oeufs ont été mesurés. La plupart des herbicides n'ont pas d'effet important sur aucun des paramètres retenus. Parmi les herbicides à base d'urée cependant, plusieurs montrent des effets négatifs sur la production d'oeufs et/ou l'éclosion des oeufs. L'effet le plus fort a été provoqué par le métabenzthiazuron qui empêchait complètement l'éclosion des oeufs. Le bromoxynil, le pyridate et l'haloxyfop réduisaient la survie, la production d'œufs et/ou, jusqu'à un certain point, l'éclosion des œufs. Le carbaryl par contre, qui est aussi employé comme régulateur de croissance des plantes, tuait immédiatement tous les staphylins. L'utilité des études dose-réponse et l'importance de mesurer les effets sublétaux sont soulignés; le choix des herbicides ne montrant pas d'effet toxiques est recommandé.

Little is known about the natural enemies of the leafhopperDalbulus spp. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Searches for its dryinid (wasps) parasitoids were made in Jalisco, Mexico. Jalisco contains the greatest number ofDalbulus species, and is considered to be near to the center of origin of this leafhopper genus and its host plants: maize, teosintes (Zea spp.) and gamagrasses (Tripsacum spp.). The dryinidGonatopus bartletti was found parasitizingD. maidis on maize and on annual teosinteZea mays spp.parviglumis. G. flavipes was found parasitizingD. elimatus on perennial teosinteZ. perennis; and a new speciesG. moyaraygozai andAnteon ciudadi parasitizingD. quinquenotatus onTripsacum pilosum andT. dactyloides. Parasitism by dryinids was found at altitudes of 680–2,000 m.Dalbulus maidis, the leafhopper species which causes the greatest losses in maize in Latin America, was found to be parasitized from 680–1,760 m. TheDalbulus species associated with annual host plants (maize andZ. mays spp.parviglumis) were parasitized by dryinids during the rainy season, while theDalbulus species associated with perennial host plants (Z. perennis andTripsacum) were parasitized by dryinids during both the rainy and dry season. The greatest diversity of dryinid parasitoids ofDalbulus spp. and the highest levels of parasitism were recorded from perennial plants, indicating that such species are reservoirs of natural enemies ofDalbulus spp.  相似文献   

Aleochara sp. from southern Africa is a potential candidate for introduction to Australia for control of the Australian buffalo fly,Haematobia irritans exigua De Meijere. Aspects of its host searching and acceptance behaviour were studied in South Africa usingHaematobia thirouxi potans (Bezzi), to assess, in part, its potential value as a biological control agent and to provide a basis for the development of a mass rearing technique. First instars ofAleochara sp. were found to parasitize most effectively those hosts that had buried themselves in the substrate, probably by orienting to a chemical cue and using the tunnels made by the post-feeding larvae. Lower rates of parasitization occurred in pupae placed on the surface of the substrate or buried by the experimenters. They would accept, parasitize and develop on all ages ofH. thirouxi potans pupae, but showed reduced survival in the very oldest ones. Although there was no difference in relative acceptability among hosts of different ages, a higher proportion of younger hosts were parasitized when these had buried themselves, probably due to a tendency of the parasitoids to follow fresher tunnels into the substrate. Survival was high (>80%) at relative humidities from 10–91% but was less than 20% at an R.H. of 100%. In rearing trials, the most economical ratio of parasitoid eggs: hosts was 1∶1.5, with 70% of the parasitoids developing successfully to adults.   相似文献   

The overwintering biology ofMyiopharus aberrans (Townsend) andMyiopharus doryphorae (Riley), tachinid parasitoids of the Colorado potato beetle, was investigated. Sixty seven overwintered Colorado potato beetle adults were dug from the soil before beetle emergence in the spring of 1990 from a field that had been planted to potatoes the previous year. Five adultM. aberrans and two adultM. doryphorae flies were reared from seven beetles. This is the first record of howM. aberrans andM. doryphorae flies overwinter.   相似文献   

Reciprocal-removal experiments with two replicates were conducted to test for the role of interspecific competition in the coexistence ofApodemus argenteus andA. speciosus. Population density, rate of appearance of new (unmarked) individuals, reproduction, survival rate and habitat use were monitored during pre- and removal periods. In both removal experiments, the removal ofA. argenteus had little effect onA. speciosus, while that ofA. speciosus affected several population characteristics ofA. argenteus. Namely, the removal ofA. speciosus shifted the distribution ofA. argenteus to the habitat with a denser shrub cover in one experiment. Also, the removal increased the population densities and appearance rates of new individuals ofA. argenteus in another experiment. Interspecific interactions between the two species appeared to be a one-way action fromA. speciosus toA. argenteus. In removal periods in both experiments, the rates of appearance of new individuals in each species were the highest on the grid where that species was removed. These results suggest that, though interspecific competition occurred between the two species, intraspecific competition had greater effects than interspecific competition on the abundance and habitat use ofA. argenteus andA. speciosus. This implies that the fundamental niches ofA. argenteus andA. speciosus differ potentially, which may play an important role in the coexistence of the two species.  相似文献   

The biology and host specificity of the seed-feeding bruchids,Acanthoscelides quadridentatus (Schaeffer) andA. puniceus Johnson, from Mexico were studied in quarantine facilities in Australia. Distinguishing characters in the genitalia of each species are illustrated. Oviposition was recorded on 16 of 73 species of plants tested but larvae died without entering pods or seeds, except onMimosa invisa K. F. P. von Martius andM. pigra L. Larvae entering seeds ofM. invisa died in the first instar. The bruchids were clearly specific toM. pigra and were subsequently released as part of a program for biological control of this weed in the Northern Territory, Australia in April 1983 and thailand in July 1984.   相似文献   

In this paper we record the native parasitoids associated withAnastrepha fruit flies collected in a native tropical community from Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. A total of 1600 puparia ofAnastrepha were recovered from infested fruits of ten different host plants. From these puparia we obtained 218 Hymenopteran parasitoids representing the following species:Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti),Utetes (Bracanastrepha) aff.anastrephae (Viereck),Doryctobracon crawfordi (Viereck),Opius hirtus (Fischer),Microcrasis n. sp.,Nealiolus n. sp. (all Braconidae);Odontosema n. sp. andLopheucoila sp. (Cynipidae). The most abundant and frequently encountered parasitoid species observed during this study wasD. areolatus, representing 59.2% of all recovered parasitoids. The analysis of different infestation rates in fruits regarding to degree of parasitization in theseAnastrepha species suggest they are not correlated, meanwhile some host plant characteristics such as fruit size, could play an important role in influencing rates of parasitization.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific competition between the 3 principal larval parasitoids of the pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer, is of common occurrence when total larval parasitism, and hence multiple attack rates, are high. At the intrinsic level, the ectoparasitoid Exenterus abruptorius is superior to the 2 endoparasitoids, Lophyroplectus luteator and Lamachus eques, respectively, whereas L. luteator is superior to L. eques only. During mass outbreaks of the host competition between Exenterus and Lophyroplectus is most intense, whilst Lamachus fails to build up in the presence of its 2 competitors (Fig. 1). However, due to its superior host finding ability, Lamachus dominates in areas of low host densities where the 2 other species are less efficient (Table 1). L. luteator frequently sustains heavy losses in direct competition with E. abruptorius, but these can be largely compensated in the next generation because its fertility is about 5-times higher than that of Exenterus.  相似文献   

Parasitism of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.) by the staphylinid Aleochara bilineata Gyllenhal and the cynipid Trybliographa rapae Westwood was examined in a cabbage monoculture and a mixed stand of cabbage undersown with white clover. Number of overwintering cabbage root fly pupae per plant was consistently reduced in the mixed stand, and the incidence of plants attacked by cabbage root fly was either reduced or not different in the mixed stand compared to cabbage monoculture. For both parasitoids, the probability of D. radicum attacked plants having at least one parasitized pupa increased with density of cabbage root fly pupae around the plant. For A. bilineata, this positive relation between presence of parasitism and host density was consistently stronger in cabbage monoculture than in cabbage undersown with clover. Location of a host plant by T. rapae was not consistently affected by the presence of clover. D. radicum attacked plants situated in the cabbage and clover mixture were found by T. rapae as easily as in cabbage monoculture. Overall, the total risk of parasitism for a cabbage root fly pupa by A. bilineata was reduced in the mixed stand compared to the cabbage monoculture, whereas the risk of parasitism by T. rapae was not consistently affected by clover. For both parasitoids, intensity of parasitism showed a variable relationship with host density on individual plants attacked by the cabbage root fly. Overall, in spite of consistently lower total density of pupae in the mixed cabbage—clover than in cabbage monoculture, the density of unparasitized pupae was reduced by the presence of non-host plants only in two of the four experiments. The results emphasize the need to include not only herbivore and crop, but also other plant species as well as natural enemies when evaluating management methods.  相似文献   

The predatorThanasimus formicarius (L.) (Coleoptera, Cleridae) and its preyIps typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) were studied in the laboratory and the field. In the laboratory, 11T. formicarius laid 71–132 eggs (mean=162) during 66–123 days. During this time they ate 66–132I. typographus adults per pair (male +female). The number of eggs laid per female was not correlated with life span or the number ofIps eaten. In the field, predation byT. formicarius larvae and other natural enemies onI. typographus brood was studied in the last year of an outbreak. Caged and uncaged spruce bolts attacked byI. typographus were used, and pairs ofT. formicarius were released in the cages. The treatments were: uncaged bolts, caged bolts withoutT. formicarius, caged bolts with 4T. formicarius pairs, and caged bolts with 8T. formicarius pairs. The productivity ofI. typographus was highest in the caged bolts withoutT. formicarius (mean=4.5 offspring/female) and lowest in the uncaged bolts (mean=0.9 offspring/female). The density ofI. typographus galleries was similar in the different treatments. Hence, the variation in productivity between treatments could not have been due to differences in the levels of intraspecific competition. There was no difference in bark beetle productivity or density ofT. formicarius larvae between bolts with 4 pairs ofT. formicarius and bolts with 8 pairs (mean=2.5 offspring/female). This indicates that some kind of interference occurred betweenT. formicarius individuals (e.g. cannibalism) and that a maximum level of predation was reached. Predation by larvae ofMedetera spp. (Diptera, Dolichopodidae),Thanasimus spp. and other beetles, and parasitism by wasps (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) probably caused the low productivity in the uncaged bolts.   相似文献   

The behaviour of the parasitoidMicroctonus hyperodae Loan was studied under quarantine conditions to determine its likely host range in New Zealand. The species was imported from South America as a potential biological control agent of Argentine stem weevil,Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel). The study involved systematic evaluation of the parasitoid's behaviour when exposed to 24 non-host weevil species; all but three of these were native to New Zealand. Of those tested, four were found to sustain someM. hyperodae development. However, further examination showed that in all but one species,Irenimus aequalis (Broun), parasitoid development was impeded, with up to 50% of the larvae becoming encapsulated. Overall, those weevil species that were attacked produced only 19% of the parasitoids derived fromL. bonariensis controls. As an adjunct to this quarantine study, a review of the habitats of the native weevil and target pest populations indicated that refugia would probably exist for native alpine species. I. aequalis was not considered to be threatened byM. hyperodae as this weevil has benefited from the advent of European agricultural systems to the extent that it is now recognised as a minor pest. In view of its relatively oligophagous behaviour, the parasitoid was recommended as suitable for release.   相似文献   

The behavior ofMyiopharus doryphorae andM. aberrans, North American tachinid parasitoids of the Colorado potato beetle, was recorded under field and laboratory conditions throughout three growing seasons in western Massachusetts. Eight common behaviors associated with resting, searching, feeding, and larviposition were distinguished, which together accounted for nearly all daytime activity of the females of both tachinids. Several of these behaviors, and in particular larviposition, were closely related to temperature but differed between species. A sequence of five defensive behaviors by the different larval stages of the Colorado potato beetle prevented larviposition in 49% of resisted attempts and perhaps one-fourth of total larviposition attempts byMyiopharus species, yet both parasitoids were highly successful in allocating their progeny during most of the summer. Second- and third-instar beetle larvae were least effective in resisting larviposition. Females of bothMyiopharus species actively guarded recently parasitized hosts from otherMyiopharus females for a period of several minutes after larviposition during the last month of the growing season when second- and third-instar Colorado potato beetle larvae were most scarce. Laboratory studies based on the field observation that femaleM. aberrans doggedly pursued circum-diapausing adult beetles led to the first recorded account ofM. aberrans larvipositing in adult hosts. Flies gained access to a beetle’s vulnerable abdominal dorsum at the instant it lifted its elytra to initiate flight. The late-season switch ofM. aberrans to adult Colorado potato beetles contributed to a seasonal sequence of larviposition-related behaviors concordant with prevailing host densities, which should lend complementarity toM. doryphorae andM. aberrans as biological controls of pest populations.  相似文献   

The widely distributedAllium ericetorum and the local endemic of the Steiner Alps (Slovenia),A. kermesinum, are two closely related species of sect.Rhizirideum, whose main distinguishing character is perianth colour. To obtain further evidence for species separation, karyotype morphology and C-banding patterns were examined in 10 populations. The chromosome number was 2n = 16. In some populations ofA. ericetorum a B-chromosome occurred. Arm and satellite lengths and C-banding patterns were subjected to cluster analysis. Three different karyotype classes were observed and described. Karyotypes did not clearly discriminate between plants with different colours of perianth segments and therefore did not provide evidence for a taxonomic separation ofA. ericetorum and A. kermesinum. There is polymorphism in number and patterns of C-bands within the populations. No correlation between B-chromosomes and particular banding patterns was observed.  相似文献   

The biology of an undescribed weevil,Eutinobothrus sp., and its specificity toSida acuta, a serious weed in northern Australia, were studied in a quarantine facility in Australia. Sixty-eight plant species were screened and onlyS. acuta andS. rhombifolia could sustain populations ofEutinobothrus sp. Adults feed externally on the stems and oviposit in feeding scars. Larvae feed internally and pupate in the stem. Prepupae and pupae may aestivate in the stem and adults emerge with the onset of the wet season when new growth is evident.Eutinobothrus sp. was released in January, 1994 in the Northern Territory and has established.  相似文献   

The occurrences of Thanasimus formicarius (L.) (Cleridae), Rhizophagus depressus (F.) (Rhizophagidae), and Epuraea marseuli Reitter (Nitidulidae) in cut Scots pines, Pinus sylvestris L., attacked by Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Col.: Scolytidae) were recorded in the field, and interactions between the species were studied in caged pine bolts attacked by T. piniperda. T. formicarius eggs and R. depressus adults were abundant in the T. piniperda attacked trees, whereas only a few individuals of E. marseuli were found. T. formicarius and R. depressus, but not E. marseuli, reproduced in the caged bolts. T. piniperda offspring production per unit area of bark was reduced by 41% when reared with R. depressus, by 81% when reared with T. formicarius, and by 89% when all three species were reared together, compared with T. piniperda alone. The interaction between T. formicarius and R. depressus was mutually antagonistic. When both species were present in the same bolt the total number of larvae was reduced by 49% for R. depressus and the number of large larvae (length > 10 mm) was reduced by 35% for T. formicarius compared with their respective production values when each species was present alone with the bark beetle. There was a positive relationship between T. piniperda egg gallery density and the production of R. depressus larvae per m2. Larvae of both R. depressus and T. formicarius developed into new adults during the first summer.
Résumé Interactions entre les prédateursThanasimus formicarius (Col.: Cleridae) etRhizophagus depressus (Col.: Rhizophagidae) et le scolyteTomicus piniperda (Col.: Scolytidae) La présence deThanasimus formicarius (L.) (Cleridae),Rhizophagus depressus (F.) (Rhizophagidae), etEpuraea marseuli Reitter (Nitidulidae) a été étudiée sur le terrain dans des pins sylvestres (Pinus sylvestiris L) abattus, attaqués partomicus piniperda (L.) (Col.: Scolytidae) et les relations entre les espèces ont été étudiées sur des rondins de pin attaqués parT. piniperda et placés sous cage. Le nombre d’∄ufs deT. formicarius et d’adultes deR. depressus était important dans les arbres attaqués parT. piniperda, alors que seuls quelques individus deE. marseuli ont pu être trouvés.T. formicarius etR. depressus, mais pasE. marseuli, se sont reproduits dans les rondins sous cage. La production de descendants deT. piniperda par unité de surface d’écorce était réduite de 41% quand le scolyte était élevé avecR. depressus, de 81% en élevage avecT. formicarius et de 89% quand les trois espèces sont élevées ensemble, par comparaison avecT. piniperda seul. Les interactions entreT. formicarius etR. depressus étaient mutuellement antagonistes. Quand les deux espèces étaient présentes dans le même rondin, le nombre total de larves était réduit de 49% pourR. depressus et le nombre de grosses larves (longueur > 10 mm) était réduit de 35% pourT. formicarius comparé aux valeurs respectives quand chaque espèce était présente isolément avec le scolyte. Il y a une corrélation positive entre la densité de galeries avec des ∄ufs deT. piniperda et la production de larves deR. depressus par m2. Les larves deR. depressus et deT. formicarius se sont transformés en adultes l’été suivant.

The life history ofSmicronyx guineanus andSm. umbrinus, weevils attackingStriga hermonthica, was studied in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Field experiments were conducted in 1992 and 1993 at Kaya, in fields of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum. (syn.P. typhoides (Burm.) Stapf &; Hubb). The weevils are univoltine; the adults emerge in late August, mate and eggs are laid in the ovary ofStriga inflorescence. Larval feeding in the ovary causes galling and prevents seed production. The main damage toStriga seed capsule is caused by the larvae of at least twoSmicronyx species. Last-instar larvae drop to the soil and bury themselves to a depth of 1–15 cm, pupate and enter into dormancy. Most pupae are found in the upper 5–10 cm of the soil. The pupal period lasts from late October to late July. In May, we found 75.6% of pupae against 24.4% of adults in dormancy.  相似文献   

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