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Understanding the origin of cellular life on Earth requires the discovery of plausible pathways for the transition from complex prebiotic chemistry to simple biology, defined as the emergence of chemical assemblies capable of Darwinian evolution. We have proposed that a simple primitive cell, or protocell, would consist of two key components: a protocell membrane that defines a spatially localized compartment, and an informational polymer that allows for the replication and inheritance of functional information. Recent studies of vesicles composed of fatty-acid membranes have shed considerable light on pathways for protocell growth and division, as well as means by which protocells could take up nutrients from their environment. Additional work with genetic polymers has provided insight into the potential for chemical genome replication and compatibility with membrane encapsulation. The integration of a dynamic fatty-acid compartment with robust, generalized genetic polymer replication would yield a laboratory model of a protocell with the potential for classical Darwinian biological evolution, and may help to evaluate potential pathways for the emergence of life on the early Earth. Here we discuss efforts to devise such an integrated protocell model.The emergence of the first cells on the early Earth was the culmination of a long history of prior chemical and geophysical processes. Although recognizing the many gaps in our knowledge of prebiotic chemistry and the early planetary setting in which life emerged, we will assume for the purpose of this review that the requisite chemical building blocks were available, in appropriate environmental settings. This assumption allows us to focus on the various spontaneous and catalyzed assembly processes that could have led to the formation of primitive membranes and early genetic polymers, their coassembly into membrane-encapsulated nucleic acids, and the chemical and physical processes that allowed for their replication. We will discuss recent progress toward the construction of laboratory models of a protocell (Fig. 1), evaluate the remaining steps that must be achieved before a complete protocell model can be constructed, and consider the prospects for the observation of spontaneous Darwinian evolution in laboratory protocells. Although such laboratory studies may not reflect the specific pathways that led to the origin of life on Earth, they are proving to be invaluable in uncovering surprising and unanticipated physical processes that help us to reconstruct plausible pathways and scenarios for the origin of life.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A simple protocell model based on a replicating vesicle for compartmentalization, and a replicating genome to encode heritable information. A complex environment provides lipids, nucleotides capable of equilibrating across the membrane bilayer, and sources of energy (left), which leads to subsequent replication of the genetic material and growth of the protocell (middle), and finally protocellular division through physical and chemical processes (right). (Reproduced from Mansy et al. 2008 and reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing ©2008.)The term protocell has been used loosely to refer to primitive cells or to the first cells. Here we will use the term protocell to refer specifically to cell-like structures that are spatially delimited by a growing membrane boundary, and that contain replicating genetic information. A protocell differs from a true cell in that the evolution of genomically encoded advantageous functions has not yet occurred. With a genetic material such as RNA (or perhaps one of many other heteropolymers that could provide both heredity and function) and an appropriate environment, the continued replication of a population of protocells will lead inevitably to the spontaneous emergence of new coded functions by the classical mechanism of evolution through variation and natural selection. Once such genomically encoded and therefore heritable functions have evolved, we would consider the system to be a complete, living biological cell, albeit one much simpler than any modern cell (Szostak et al. 2001).  相似文献   

NAYAR  B. K. 《Annals of botany》1963,27(1):89-100
Morphology of eleven epiphytic and rupicaulous species of Microsoriumis described. The paleae in the genus are either peltate withthe basal region developing secondarily as a hood over the stalk,or basally attached with auricles on either side of the stalk.The auricles in M. hancockii and M. pteropus develop from singleinitial cells adjacent to the stalk, while in the others nospecialized initial cells occur. Marginal and terminal glandularhairs occur on the paleae, except in M. hancockii and M. pteropusin which marginal hairs are absent. Slender sclerenchyma strands are scattered profusely in theground tissue of the rhizome. The stelar cylinder is dictyostelicand is dissected by lacunae into cylindrical vascular bundles.Leaf traces are multiple strands originating as branches fromthe dorsal median vascular bundle of the stelar cylinder andthe one next to it on each side. Two or three closely placedvascular bundles of the rhizome constitute the vascular connexionto each branch of the rhizome. Venation of the leaf lamina is reticulate with most of the free-endingveinlets entering foliar hydathodes. The juvenile leaves bearhairs similar to the pro-thallial hairs and are spatulate witha medianly placed forked vein. Sori are generally punctiform,but in M. hancockii and M. pteropus spread slightly over theveins, often forming elongated coenosori. Uniseriate (multiseriatein M. rubidum), multicellular paraphyses occur in all speciesexcept M. scolopendria. The spores are monolete and either psilateor granulate. The prothalli develop from 3-5 cells long germ filaments inwhich the anterior cells divide longitudinally and form an ameristicprothallial plate. An apical meristematic cell is formed later,and a cordate prothallus is developed, except in M. hancockiiand M. pteropus in which a definite meristem is never formedand the prothalli are ribbon-shaped and branched. The cordateprothalli possess polypodiaceous hairs: the ribbon-shaped onesare more or less naked and devoid of any midrib. The chromosome number in the species is n = 36 (zn = 72).  相似文献   

A generalized autocatalytic model for chiral polymerization is investigated in detail. Apart from enantiomeric cross-inhibition, the model allows for the autogenic (non-catalytic) formation of left and right-handed monomers from a substrate with reaction rates epsilon L and epsilon R, respectively. The spatiotemporal evolution of the net chiral asymmetry is studied for models with several values of the maximum polymer length, N. For N = 2, we study the validity of the adiabatic approximation often cited in the literature. We show that the approximation obtains the correct equilibrium values of the net chirality, but fails to reproduce the short time behavior. We show also that the autogenic term in the full N = 2 model behaves as a control parameter in a chiral symmetry-breaking phase transition leading to full homochirality from racemic initial conditions. We study the dynamics of the N--> infinity model with symmetric (epsilon L = epsilon R) autogenic formation, showing that it only achieves homochirality for epsilon > epsilon c, where epsilon c is an N-dependent critical value. For epsilon 相似文献   

This study explores the collaborative nature and interdisciplinarity of the origin(s) of life (OoL) research community. Although OoL research is one of the oldest topics in philosophy, religion, and science; to date there has been no review of the field utilizing bibliometric measures. A dataset of 5647 publications that are tagged as OoL, astrobiology, exobiology, and prebiotic chemistry is analyzed. The most prolific authors (Raulin, Ehrenfreund, McKay, Cleaves, Cockell, Lazcano, etc.), most cited scholars and their articles (Miller 1953, Gilbert 1986, Chyba & Sagan 1992, W?chtersh?user 1988, etc.), and popular journals (Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres and Astrobiology) for OoL research are identified. Moreover, interdisciplinary research conducted through research networks, institutions (NASA, Caltech, University of Arizona, University of Washington, CNRS, etc.), and keywords & concepts (astrobiology, life, Mars, amino acid, prebiotic chemistry, evolution, RNA) are explored.  相似文献   

In this article we address selected important milestones of chemical evolution that led to life. The first such milestone could be achieved by Oparin’s model, which accounts for the early stages of chemical evolution. These occurred at the dawn of development of primitive chemical systems that were pre-RNA. Oparin’s model consists of spontaneous formation of coacervates that encapsulate chemical matter, undergo primitive self-replication, and provide a pathway to a primitive metabolism. We review the experimental updates of his model from our laboratory and discuss types of selection that could have occurred in these primitive systems. Another major milestone in chemical evolution is the transition from abiotic to biotic. This has occurred later, after the RNA world evolved. A controversy of what life is interferes with the efforts to elucidate this transition. Thus, we present various definitions of life, some of which specifically include the requirements and mechanisms for this transition. Self-replication is one of the major requirements for life. In this context we re-examine the question if viruses, which do not have capability to self-replicate, are alive. We draw on philosophy of Hegel, Aristotle, Rescher, Priest, and Fry to guide us in our endeavors. Specifically, we apply Hegel’s law on quantity-to-quality transition to abiotic-to-biotic transition, Aristotle’s philosophy to the definition of life, Priest’s dialetheism to the question if viruses are alive or not, Fry’s philosophy to the beginning of natural selection in chemical evolution, and Rescher’s philosophy to the possible cognitive bias toward simple definitions of life.  相似文献   

Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory. Michael S. Nassaney and Eric. Johnson. eds. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000. 455 pp.  相似文献   

One common class of ant-plant mutualism involves ants that defend plants from natural enemies in return for food and sometimes shelter. Studies of these interactions have played a major role in shaping our broad understanding of mutualism. Their central contribution has come via their development of approaches to measuring the benefits, costs, and net outcomes of mutualism, and their explicit consideration of variability in all of these phenomena. Current research on these interactions is suggesting ecological and evolutionary hypotheses that may be applicable to many other forms of mutualism. It is also generating comparative data for testing the few general theories about mutualism that currently exist.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Striking progress in our understanding of parasitic protozoa has been achieved thru the employment of advanced electron-microscopic, biochemical, immunologic, and cultivation methods. Some recent information gathered by means of these methods on trichomonad and trypanosomatid flagellates as well as on eimeriidian and plasmodiid haemosporiidian Sporozoa is discussed. It is emphasized that the parasitic protozoa when studied by the presently available sophisticated methods in the context of being parasites, not merely cells maintained on refined media, can aid us greatly in illuminating the highly complex functional aspects of host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

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