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The tribe Phytalmiini is defined to include the genera Phytalmia Gerstaecker, Diplochorda Osten Sacken (=Nesadrama Perkins syn.n.) and Sessilina gen.n. (type-species Dacus nigrilinea Walker), with Ortaloptera Edwards as an outlying member; a key is provided to these genera. The tribe is nearly restricted to the Papuan Subregion; the record of Nesadrama petiolata Hardy from the Philippine Islands is questioned, and this species is synonymized with Diplochorda myrmex Osten Sacken syn.n. Nesadrama longistigma Perkins is a synonym of D.turgida (Walker) syn.n. Keys are provided to the six species of Phytalmia: alcicornis (Saunders), antilocapra sp.n., biarmata Malloch, cervicornis Gerstaecker (=prisca Enderlein syn.n.), megalotis Gerstaecker (= wallacei Saunders syn.n.), mouldsi sp.n.; also the three species of Sessilina, horrida sp.n., literata sp.n., nigrilinea (Walker). The enlarged cheek-processes may be greatly reduced in P.biarmata and cervicornis. The morphology of the internal reproduction system of mouldsi females is described.  相似文献   

Abstract. Courtoisia , a new genus of rarely encountered taeniapterine Micropezidae (Diptera), is described from the Mascarene Islands of Réunion and Mauritius. The affinities of Courtoisia with other Old World genera of Taeniap-terinae, most notably those from the Afrotropical Region, are discussed. A possible derivation of Courtoisia from ancestral stock of the African genus Cephalosphen Hennig, 1934 is suggested. A tentative theory to explain the dispersal of a founder population from Africa to the Mascarene Islands is discussed. Courtoisia was erected to accommodate Calobata apicalis and C.trinotata , both described from Réunion by Macquart in 1851. Both species are redescribed on the basis of all available material and a lectotype is designated for Calobata trinotata. A key to the species of Courtoisia is presented.  相似文献   

Thirty one genera [including Homoiothemara gen.n., Polyaroidea gen.n., Proepacrocerus gen.n. and 1 unnamed new(?) genus], 3 subgenera, 87 species [including 9 new species: Acrotaeniostola interrupta, Carpophthorella bivittata, Enicoptera gressitti, Homoiothemara eurycephala, Polyaroidea distincta, P. opposita, P. univittata, Proepacrocerus pallidoviridus and Xanthorrachis sabahensis and 6 unnamed new(?) species] and 1 subspecies are keyed and described or, if recently described elsewhere, only listed and additional data recorded. The following are new synonyms: Trypeta retorta Walker, Carpophthorella magnifica Hendel, Gastrozona bifasciata de Meijere and Gastrozona alboscutellata Enderlein =Carpophthorella nigrifascia Walker; Icteroptera van der Wulp =Sophira Walker; Sophira disjuncta Hardy =Sophira (Kambangania)ypsilon (Rondani); Curvinervis walkeri Hardy and Strumeta concisa Walker =Stymbara vagaria Walker; Carpophthorella scutellomaculata Hering =Xanthorrachis annandalei Bezzi. Proanoplomus cinereofasciatus (de Meijere) is a new combination and Spilocosmia kotoshoensis (Shiraki) is given new status.  相似文献   

Neriidae are a small family of acalyptratae flies, mostly distributed in the tropics. Very little is known about their biology, and the evolutionary relationships among species have never been evaluated. We perform the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the family, including 48 species from all biogeographic regions inhabited, as well as five species of Micropezidae and one Cypselosomatidae as outgroups. We build a morphological data matrix of 194 characters, including 72 continuous characters. We first explore ways to deal with the issue of scaling continuous characters, including rescaling ranges to unity and using implied weighting. We find that both strategies result in very different phylogenetic hypotheses, and that implied weighting reduces the problem of scaling, but only partially. Furthermore, using implied weighting after rescaling characters improves the congruence between partitions and results in higher values of group support. With respect to the Neriidae, we confirm the monophyly of the family and of most its genera, although we do not obtain any of the currently accepted suprageneric groups. We propose to restrict the Eoneria and Nerius groups exclusively to the Neotropical fauna, and synonymize Glyphidops subgenus Oncopsia Enderlein with Glyphidops subgenus Glyphidops Enderlein, eliminating the subgeneric divisions. This revised phylogeny presents a striking biogeographic consistency, and shows that previous main divisions of the family were based on events of convergence.  相似文献   

Meicai Wei 《Insect Science》1997,4(2):112-120
Abstract Filixungulia gen. nov. belonging to Allantini and three new species, Filixungulia dbo-clypea sp. nov., F. crassitarsata sp. nov., and Macremphytus crasskornis sp. nov. are described from China. A synoptic key to the genera with three cubital cells in front wing of Allantini is proposed. The genera Tritobrachia Enderlein, Macremphytus MacGillivray and Linomorpha Malaise with Tritobrachia tenuicornis Enderlein are new records from China. Linamorpha flava (Takeuchi) is a new combination transferred from Emphytus Klug.  相似文献   

Members of Leperina Erichson (Trogossitidae: Gymnochilini) from New Zealand, New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island are morphologically similar to members of the endemic Juan Fernandez Island genus Phanodesta Reitter, sharing at least one obvious character, elytral carinae that are beaded and contain well‐defined punctures. To test the monophyly of Leperina and Phanodesta, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships of the genera of the tribe Gymnochilini by a cladistic analysis of 22 terminals and 47 adult characters rooted with one genus of trogossitine. Leperina is rendered paraphyletic by the placements of Seidlitzella Jakobson and Phanodesta. Kolibacia n.gen. (type species Leperina tibialis Reitter) is described for east Palaearctic species included formerly in Leperina (two new combinations); New Zealand Leperina and other species from New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island (Ostoma pudicum Olliff) are transferred to Phanodesta (six new combinations); and the remaining species are retained in Leperina. The following species are described as new: Phanodesta carinata n.sp., P. manawatawhi n.sp., P. oculata n.sp. and P. tepaki n.sp. Leperina ambiguum Broun is transferred to Grynoma Sharp resulting in a new combination and three new synonymies for New Zealand trogossitines: Leperina interrupta Brookes n.syn. and Leperina sobrina (White) n.syn. [= Phanodesta farinosa (Sharp)], and Trogosita affinis White n.syn. (= Tenebroides mauritanicus Linnaeus). A key to the New Zealand species and a checklist for the species of the Kolibacia, Leperina and Phanodesta are provided. The derived placement of Juan Fernandez Phanodesta in the phylogeny is evidence for long‐distance dispersal from Australasia. A tally of all Juan Fernandez Islands Coleoptera shows derivation mostly from Chile and South America, with few from the southern Pacific region, rarely from Australasia.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Iberian Leptodirini species of the section Anillochlamys Jeannel, 1909 has been revised. The proposed classification is based on the study of the genital structures of both sexes, in particular the internal sac of the aedeagus. According to the different models of internal sacs, the following genera, species and subspecies are identified: genus Anillochlamys Jeannel, 1909: A. aurouxi Español, 1965, A. bueni Jeannel, 1909 (= A. avariae Comas, 1977 n.syn.), A. cullelli Lagar, 1978, A. moroderi Bolívar, 1923 (= A. negrei Comas, 1990 n. syn.), A. subtruncatus Jeannel, 1930 (= A. baguenai Jeannel, 1930) and A. tropicus (Abeille, 1881) (= Adelops hispanicus Ehlers, 1893; A. tropicus var. apicalis Jeannel, 1909); genus Paranillochlamys Zariquiey, 1940: P. catalonicus (Jeannel, 1913), P. urgellesi (Español, 1965) and P. velox Zariquiey, 1940 (= P. velox montadai Lagar, 1963 n. syn.); genus Pseudochlamys Comas, 1977: P. raholai (Zariquiey, 1922) (= Anillochlamys raholai luis-bofilli Zariquiey, 1940 n. syn.); genus Spelaeochlamys Dieck, 1870 (= Typhlochlamys Español, 1975 n.syn.): S.bardisai (Español, 1975) (= Typhlochlamys escolai Comas, 1978 n. syn.), S. ehlersi Dieck, 1870 and S. ehlersi verai Comas, 1977 n. stat.  相似文献   

Owing to the reinterpretation of its morphological synapomorphies, the taxonomic composition of the Ectateus generic group had been ambiguous. The present study scrutinized all existing taxonomic concepts of the group based on a cladistic analysis of the adult morphology of all of the Afrotropical platynotoid Platynotina genera. The phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using parsimony and Bayesian inference. The results show that all previous taxonomic concepts of the Ectateus generic group concerned paraphyletic entities. The cladistic analysis revealed the following synapomorphies for the taxon: (1) presence of basal indentations of the pronotal disc, (2) ratio of prothorax width to its maximal height > 6.0, and (3) ratio of maximal height of the prothorax to total height < 0.3. Moreover, phylogenetic studies revealed the existence of the Upembarus generic group, a sister‐taxon group to the Ectateus generic group, within the Afrotropical platynotoid Platynotina. Autapomorphic and synapomorphic character mapping show that several taxonomic and nomenclatural changes are needed to consider the particular generic‐level entities traditionally assigned to Afrotropical platynotoid Platynotina as monophyletic lineages. The following taxonomic and nomenclatural adjustments are made in this paper: P teroselinus gen. nov. is erected to accommodate a single species that was previously assigned to Zidalus: Pteroselinus insularis comb. nov. Additionally, the following synonymies are proposed: Anchophthalmops (= Platykochius syn. nov. ), Angolositus (= Aberlencus syn. nov. , = Platymedvedevia syn. nov. ), Glyptopteryx (= Microselinus syn. nov. , = Quadrideres syn. nov. , = Synquadrideres syn. nov. ). In addition, Kochogaster is lowered in rank and is treated as one of the subgenera of Anchophthalmus. Moreover, Pseudoselinus is treated as a subgenus of Upembarus. An identification key to all Afrotropical platynotoid Platynotina genera and subgenera is presented. Zoogeographical analyses revealed the following dispersal barriers for the Ectateus generic group: (1) the Sahara (northern barrier); (2) the dry ecosystems of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa (southern barrier); and (3) the Congolian rainforests (internal distributional gap). The ancestor of the taxon probably originated in East African ecoregions that predominantly contained wattletrees (acacias) and Commiphora Jacq. Moreover, past climate changes seem to have had a great impact on the observed generic distribution. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Abstract. The tribe Hoplophorionini Goding, 1926, includes 105 species of treehoppers in 10 genera. All are apparently subsocial and lack mutualism with honeydew-collecting hymenopterans. In many species, parental investment in offspring is unique because of a specialized kicking defence (described herein) and construction of extra-ovipositional punctures in the host tissue through which nymphs feed. The tribe occurs from Canada to Chile, with most generic diversity in Central America but most species diversity near the equator. Three genera, Stalotypa Metcalf, Ramosella, new genus and Stirpis, new genus, are endemic to the Greater Antilles but do not constitute a monophyletic group; the first two genera appear most closely related to Turrialbia, new genus, from Costa Rica. Host plant specializations and other biological attributes are summarized for genera and species. A phylogenetic analysis of 23 hoplophorionine species produced 9 minimal-length cladograms that were similar in many respects. Potnia Stål appears to have retained the greatest number of ancestral features. Aposematic teneral coloration of adults probably evolved once. The modification of the ancestral kicking behaviour by the first hoplophorionines appears to have released them from a constraint on pronotal form. Diagnoses are given for adults of all genera and, when possible, for immatures. A key is presented for the 10 genera; three are described as New Genera based on the cladistic analysis: Ramosella, Stirpis, and Turrialbia. Three New Species are described: Ramosella thalli, Stirpis jamaicensis, and Turrialbia felina. The genus Micropepla Sakakibara is considered a junior synonym of Ochropepla Stal, New Generic Synonymy. Umbonia terribilis Walker is moved from synonymy under Alchisme virescens (Fairmaire) to a New Synonymy under Umbonia reducta Walker. The subspecies Platycotis vittata vittata (Fabricius), P. vittata lineata (Fairmaire), and P. vittata quadrivittata (Say) are returned to synonymy with Platycotis vittata (Fabricius), Reinstated Specific Synonymies. Three species are Reinstated as valid: Alchisme obscura (Walker) and A. veruta (Fowler), both from synonymy under A. turrita (Germar); and Umbonia reducta Walker, from synonymy under U. crassicomis (Amyot & Serville). Five New Combinations are proposed: Alchisme antigua (Funkhouser), referred from Umbonia; A. sordida (Germar), referred from Platycotis; A. sagittata (Germar), elevated from subspecific rank under Platycotis vittata; Ochropepla mourei (Sakakibara), referred from Micropepla; and Ramosella dominicensis (Ramos), referred from Platycotis. Platycotis nigrorufa (Walker), P. cornuta Plummer, P. salvini (Fowler), and P. fuscata (Fowler) were previously unplaced to subgenus; the first is referred to Platycotis (Lophopelta Stal) and the others to Platycotis (Platycotis Stål). Microschaema nigrostrigata Buckton is moved from synonymy under Alchisme recurva (Stål) to a New Synonymy under Ennya dorsalis (Fairmaire) of the tribe Polyglyptini, subfamily Smiliinae. A checklist with critical synonymies and indexes to hoplophorionine taxa and host plant associations are provided. Lectotypes are designated for Centrotus vittatus Fabricius, Hoplophora lineata Fairmaire, Membracis venosa Germar, Potnia affinis Buckton, and Triquetra obtusa Fowler.  相似文献   

Minute moss beetles (Hydraenidae) are one of the most speciose and widespread families of aquatic Coleoptera, with an estimated 4000 extant species, found in the majority of aquatic habitats from coastal rock pools to mountain streams and from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic islands. Molecular phylogenetic works have improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of the megadiverse Hydraena, Limnebius and Ochthebius in recent years, but most genera in the family have not yet been included in any phylogenetic analyses, particularly most of those which are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere. Using a multimarker molecular matrix, sampling over 40% of described species richness and 75% of currently recognized genera, we infer a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of these predominantly Gondwanan Hydraenidae. Whilst the genera we focus on are morphologically diverse, and currently classified across all four hydraenid subfamilies, our phylogenetic analyses suggest that these Gondwanan genera may instead constitute a single clade. As a result of our findings, the African genus Oomtelecopon Perkins syn.n. is shown to nest within Coelometopon Janssens, the New Zealand Homalaena Ordish syn.n. and Podaena Ordish syn.n. are synonymised with Orchymontia Broun, and the South African Pterosthetops Perkins syn.n. is synonymised with Prosthetops Waterhouse, resulting in Pterosthetopini Perkins syn.n. being synonymised with Prosthetopini Perkins. Mesoceratops Bilton & Jäch gen.n. is erected to accommodate six former members of Mesoceration Janssens, which is shown to be polyphyletic. We propose the replacement name Orchymontia ordishi Jäch & Bilton nom.n. for Homalaena dilatata Ordish, 1984 (now a junior homonym); altogether 39 new combinations are proposed. Our Bayesian divergence times infer an origin for this ‘Gondwana group’ of genera in Africa plus Madagascar in the mid-Cretaceous and suggest that both vicariant and dispersal processes, together with extinctions, have shaped the biogeographic history of these beetles in the Southern Hemisphere during the Cretaceous, resulting in geographically conserved extant lineages. Finally, we reconstruct ancestral habitat shifts across our phylogeny, revealing numerous changes in habitat occupancy in these genera, including multiple origins of fully terrestrial, humicolous taxa in different regions.  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genera Ambrostoma Motschulsky, 1860 and Parambrostoma Chen, 1934 have been revised and now include 14 species. Two new species from Nepal are described, Parambrostoma kippenbergi sp.n. and P. medvedevi sp.n. Three new synonymies are established: Ambrostoma rugosopunctatum Chen = Ambrostoma (Parambrostoma) laosensis Kimoto & Gressitt, syn.n. , Ambrostoma rugosopunctatum Chen = Ambrostoma daccordii Medvedev, syn.n., Ambrostoma fortunei (Baly) = Ambrostoma quadriimpressum chusanica Gruev, syn.n . One species was transferred from Chrysomela Linnaeus to Ambrostoma Motschulsky: A. superbum (Thunberg), comb.n . All the species now included are described and illustrated. Microcomputer tomography was applied for the first time in a study on chrysomelid beetles. A cladistic analysis based on morphological characters of adults was conducted to reconstruct the intergeneric and interspecific phylogeny of Ambrostoma and Parambrostoma. The results show that the monophyly of both genera is well supported. Ambrostoma is widespread in East Asia, whereas Parambrostoma is restricted to the southern slope of the Himalayas, where a relatively recent and modest speciation took place.  相似文献   


Helastia Guenée, 1868 is redefined and redescribed. New Zealand species previously placed in that genus but not congeneric with the type species are reassigned to either the available genera Epyaxa Meyrick, 1883, Asaphodes Meyrick, 1885 and Xanthorhoe Hübner, [1825] or placed in a newly described genus, Gingidiobora. Six Australian species placed in Xanthorhoe are shown to be congeneric with three New Zealand species, previously placed in Helastia and here transferred to Epyaxa.

Eight new species are described in Helastia: Helastia alba n. sp.; H. angusta n. sp.; H. christinae n. sp.; H. cryptica n. sp.; H. mutabilis n. sp.; H. ohauensis n. sp.; H. salmoni n. sp.; H. scissa n. sp. The following new combinations and synonymies are proposed: Asaphodes chlorocapna (Meyrick, 1925) n. comb.; A. citroena (Clark, 1934) n. comb.; A. glaciata (Hudson, 1925) n. comb.; A. ida (Clark, 1926) n. comb; Epyaxa agelasta (Turner, 1904) n. comb.; E. centroneura (Meyrick, 1890) n. comb.;

E. epia (Turner, 1922) n. comb.; E. hyperythra (Lower, 1892) n. comb.; E. lucidata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; E. sodaliata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; E. subidaria (Guenée, 1857) n. comb.; E. venipunctata (Walker, 1863) n. comb.; Gingidiobora nebulosa (Philpott, 1917) n. comb.; G. subobscurata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; Helastia clandestina (Philpott, 1921) n. comb.; H. corcularia (Guenée, 1868) n. comb. (= Larentia infantaria Guenée, 1868 n. syn.); H. expolita (Philpott, 1917) n. comb.; H. siris (Hawthorne, 1897) n. comb.; H. triphragma (Meyrick, 1883) n. comb.  相似文献   

New taxa of Achilini (Achilidae) are described from Baltic amber: Paratesum rasnitsyni gen. et sp. nov., Protomenocria notata gen. et sp. nov., Psycheona variegata gen. et sp. nov., P. striata sp. nov. Protepiptera kaweckii Usinger, 1939 (= Cixidia christinae Lefebvre, Bourgoin et Nel, 2007, syn. nov.) is redescribed with designation of a neotype. “Cixius” testudinarius Germar et Berendt, 1856, “C.” longirostris Germar et Berendt, 1856 and “Oliarus” oligocenus Cockerell, 1910 are transferred to Achilini. A key to the genera of Achilidae known from Baltic amber is provided.  相似文献   

We evaluate the phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of the members of the family Pettalidae (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi), a textbook example of an ancient temperate Gondwanan taxon, by means of DNA sequence data from four markers. Taxon sampling is optimized to cover more than 70% of the described species in the family, with 117 ingroup specimens included in the analyses. The data were submitted to diverse analytical treatments, including static and dynamic homology, untrimmed and trimmed alignments, and a variety of optimality criteria including parsimony and maximum‐likelihood (traditional search and Bayesian). All analyses found strong support for the monophyly of the family Pettalidae and of all its genera, with the exception of Speleosiro, which is nested within Purcellia. However, the relationships among genera are poorly resolved, with the exceptions of a first split between the South African genus Parapurcellia and the remaining species, and, less supported, a possible relationship between Chileogovea and the other South African genus Purcellia. The diversification of most genera is Mesozoic, and of the three New Zealand genera, two show evidence of constant diversification through time, contradicting scenarios of total submersion of New Zealand during the Oligocene drowning episode. The genera Karripurcellia from Western Australia and Neopurcellia from the Australian plate of New Zealand show a pattern typical of relicts, with ancient origin, depauperate extant diversity and recent diversification. The following taxonomic actions are taken: Milipurcellia Karaman, 2012 is synonymized with Karripurcellia Giribet, 2003 syn. nov. ; Speleosiro Lawrence, 1931 is synonymised with Purcellia Hansen & Sørensen, 1904 syn. nov . The following new combinations are proposed: Parapurcellia transvaalica (Lawrence, 1963) comb. nov. ; Purcellia argasiformis (Lawrence, 1931) comb. nov .  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the Chironomidae subfamily Podonominae, significant in the history of phylogenetic biogeography, is estimated from an analysis of four genes. Fragments of two ribosomal genes (18S and 28S), one nuclear protein‐coding gene (CAD), and one mitochondrial protein‐coding gene (COI) were sequenced from specimens representing 13 of 15 genera, and analysed using mixed model Bayesian and maximum likelihood inference methods. Podonominae is monophyletic and sister to Tanypodinae – the shared development of the larval ligula is synapomorphic and diagnostic. Tribe Podonomini is monophyletic with the inclusion of Trichotanypus; tribe Boreochlini is a grade. Monophyly is confirmed for the genera Podonomus Philippi, Podonomopsis Brundin, Podochlus Brundin, Archaeochlus Brundin and Austrochlus Cranston, Edward & Cook: Parochlus Enderlein becomes monophyletic through the inclusion of Zelandochlus Brundin ( n.syn. ) with its type species, P. latipalpis (Brundin) n.comb. The ‘mandibulate’Archaeochlus plus Austrochlus is monophyletic with nonmandibulate Afrochlus weakly supported as a member of, or sister to, the African Archaeochlus. Subtending this group is Lasiodiamesa, although it associates in some analyses with the sister group Tanypodinae. Generic relationships coincide with those proposed based on morphology, particularly as understood via all life history stages of some problematic (autapomorphic, adult‐based) taxa. Divergence time analysis (beast ) allows inference of Mesozoic diversification of higher taxa in Podonominae, of appropriate timing for fragmentation of Gondwana, post‐African divergence, to have caused vicariance. Shallower nodes (within genera) imply both younger vicariance involving Antarctica and some recent dispersal, including southern to northern hemisphere movement in the New World. New Zealand taxa test controversial biogeographical relationships and show proximity to southern South America without direct Australian sister taxon pairs: dating implies persistence of midges through the ‘Oligocene’ bottleneck.  相似文献   

The genus Syrphetodes Broun is revised to include a total of 13 species. Most of the species are restricted in their distributions, are rarely collected and have been attributed conservation status in New Zealand. Eleven species are described as new: three from Northland (S. relictus sp.n ., Te Paki; S. insularis sp.n. , Three Kings Islands; S. magnus sp.n. , Hokianga), one from the central North Island (S. obtusus sp.n. ), one from Central Otago (S. nunni sp.n. , Waikaia Bush), and seven from the southern Alps (S. cirrhopogon sp.n. , Aspiring National Park; S. occiduus sp.n. , Westland; S. melanopogon sp.n. , Mt Dewar, Paparoa Range; S. defectus sp.n. , northern Paparoa Range; S. marrisi sp.n. , Mt Domett, Northwest Nelson; S. carinatus sp.n. , Victoria Range). Eleven synonymies are proposed: S. crenatus Broun (= S. dorsalis Broun, syn.n .), S. marginatus Pascoe (= S. bullatus Sharp, syn.n. ; S. sylvius Broun, syn.n. ; S. cordipennis Broun, syn.n. ; S. punctatus Broun, syn.n. ; S. simplex Broun, syn.n. ; S. nodosalis Broun, syn.n. ; S. truncatus Broun, syn.n. ; S. variegatus Broun, syn.n. ; S. pensus Broun, syn.n. ; S. thoracicus Broun, syn.n. ). The phylogenetic relationships among the species were reconstructed using morphological (25 adult characters) and DNA sequence (nuclear 28S rDNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) data. A morphological analysis rooted with Trachyderastes resulted in a split between lowland and high‐altitude species and a well‐supported group from Northland. Molecular trees rooted with representatives of Trachyderastes Kaszab (New Caledonia), Meryx Latrielle (Australia), Ulodes Erichson (Australia) and three New Zealand genera (Arthopus Sharp, Brouniphylax Strand, Exohadrus Broun) resulted in the following tree: ((Ulodes, Brouniphylax) (Exohadrus, Arthopus)) (Syrphetodes (Meryx, Trachyderastes)). Species relationships within Syrphetodes included a strongly supported northern North Island clade and an alpine clade either as sister taxon to S. crenatus and S. marginatus or sister remaining lowland lineages. Combined phylogenetic analyses also showed paritial congruence with separate partitions. The distributions of the lowland species, in particular those from the North Island, correspond to islands that existed in the Pliocene. The alpine, black‐coloured lineage, found above the treeline, is monophyletic based on several characters (e.g. lack of abdominal flanges and reduced scalation) and, in some reconstructions, the tan‐coloured S. cirrhopogon is sister taxon to the remaining black‐coloured species. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:697E68E8‐EE90‐46C1‐A009‐78A794E0EF4F .  相似文献   

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