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Gerhard Richter 《Planta》1973,113(1):79-95
Summary Six high molecular weight, rapidly labelled RNA species were detected in freely suspended callus cells of Petroselinum sativum by means of isotope labelling and electrophoretic separation in agarose-polyacrylamide gels. On the basis of their migration in the latter the RNA species were calculated to have the following molecular weights: 2.9×106, 2,4×106, 1.9×106, 1.4×106, 1.0×106 and 0.75×106 daltons. Thus they can clearly be distinguished from the two ribosomal RNA species (1.3×106 and 0.7×106 daltons). During incubation of the cells with [3H]methyl-methionine as a methyl donator all six components incorporated radioactivity rapidly. With [3H]nucleosides or [3H]orotic acid as precursors the 2.9×106 and the 2.4×106 daltons RNA were labelled within 10 min, while the other high molecular weight species appeared after about 20 min of labelling.Prolongation to 45–120 min resulted in accumulation of radioactivity preferentially in the 1.4×106 and 0.75×106 daltons RNA and in the ribosomal RNA species. The results of cell fractionation experiments provide evidence that these rapidly labelled high molecular weight RNA species are synthesized in the cell nucleus. The kinetics of their synthesis together with the other data obtained strongly support the suggestion that these RNA species function as precursors in the processing of ribosomal RNA. The possible mechanism of this process is discussed.
Verwendete Abkürzungen EDTA Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure - DNase Desoxyribonuclease - Imp./min epm - MAK methyliertes Albumin an Kieselgur - POPOP 1,4- bis (4-Methyl-5-Phenyloxazol)-Benzol - PPO 2,5-Diphenyloxazol - RNase Ribonuclease - S Sedimentationskoeffizient in Svedberg-Einheiten - SDS Natriumdodecylsulfat - TPE Tris-Phosphat-EDTA-Puffer - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethan - Upm rpm  相似文献   

U. Seitz  G. Richter 《Planta》1970,92(4):309-326
Summary By culturing of callus tissue originating from root explants of Petroselinum sativum in a synthetic liquid medium under aeration, freely suspended single cells and small clusters consisting of mostly five cells were obtained. The rapidly dividing cells did not exhibit any morphogenesis. Their nucleic acid metabolism was investigated by pulse experiments with 32P-orthophosphate. Rapidly labelled RNA was prominently found associated with high molecular RNA. During the fractionation of the total nucleic acids on MAK columns it was eluted after the ribosomal RNA components. Its base ratio, however, differed from the latter in that the AMP content was higher than the GMP content. Sucrose gradient centrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis resulted in the separation of the ribosomal RNA from the rapidly labelled RNA, thus proving the higher molecular weight of the latter. Based upon the migration in the gel a sedimentation coefficient of approximately 32S was calculated. The possible function of the heavy rapidly labelled RNA component as precursor of ribosomal RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Mit einer Burkard-Falle wurde in den Jahren 1967 bis 1973 von Februar bis Oktober der Pollengehalt der Luft auf dem Schauinsland registriert. Die mittleren jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen wurden in zwei Pollenkalendern dargestellt, von denen einer die häufigen und ein zweiter die seltenen Pollentypen der Luft am Sammelort enthält. Insgesamt wurden mindestens 52 Taxa festgestellt. 69% dieser Pollenkörner konnten fünf Taxa zugeordnet werden, nämlich den Gräsern, der Brennessel, dem Ampfer, den Eichen und Birken. Pollen aus dem Weitflugbereich sind wegen der Topographie der weiteren Umgebung des Probenahmeortes stärker vertreten als an anderen Meßstellen. Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft danke ich für finanzielle Unterstützung, allen Mitarbeitern der Auswertestelle Aerobiologie München und der Meßstelle Schauinsland für zuverlässige Zusammenarbeit.  相似文献   

The revisions of the families PseudobigaleaidaeHoare, Mapes &; Yancey, 2002 and HippocardiidaePojeta &; Runnegar, 1976 led to the introduction of a new taxon at the superfamily rank in order to unite the two families and distinguish them from the members of the Conocardiidae and Bransoniidae within the order Conocardiida. The autapomorphy of this new superfamily HippocardioideaPojeta &; Runnegar, 1976 [n. superfam.] — the more or less uniform development of at least one hood — is considered taxonomically as so important that we exclude a common ancestry of the almost contemporaneously occurring taxa of the Hippocardiidae, Pseudobigaleaidae on the one hand and the Bransoniidae sensuPojeta &; Runnegar on the other. The family Hippocardiidae is divided into six taxa on subfamily rank, the HippocardiinaePojeta &; Runnegar, Babinicardiinae n. subfam., Barrandeicardiinae n. subfam., Bohemicardiinae n. subfam., Goticardiinae n. subfam. and Hassiacardiinae n. subfam. At the species level, 13 taxa are assigned to the generaBabinicardia n. gen.,Barrandeicardia n. gen.,Bohemicardia n. gen.,Filicardia n. gen,.Globocardia n. gen.,Goticardia n. gen.,Pohlia n. gen. andHassiacardia n. gen. Additionally, the speciesGoticardia kauffmannii n. gen. n. sp. is introduced, whereas the primary homonymy of ?Conocardiumreticulatum Babin, 1966 is retained, because this taxon remained inassignable to any of the existing genera, but is considered as a member of the Hippocardiidae. The revised family Hippocardiidae occurred stratigraphically from the Middle Silurian (Wenlockian) until Mississippian time; members of the new superfamily Hippocardioidea are known from the Ordovician until the Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - Texas ebony (Ebenopsis ebano [Berland.] Barneby & J.W. Grimes) is a member of the Fabaceae that is native to Mexico. Its wood has...  相似文献   

Bei Photosynthesemessungen an Keimblättern intakter Gerstenpflanzen wurden rhythmische Änderungen in der CO2-Aufnahme beobachtet, die auf Spaltöffnungsbewegungen zurückgeführt werden konnten. Voraussetzung, Induzierbarkeit und Modifikation der Schwingungen durch verschiedene Faktoren wurden untersucht. Als entscheidende Voraussetzung müssen ein gewisses Wasserdefizit und eine hohe Evaporation während der Messung angesehen werden. Bei Vorhandensein eines schwingungsfähigen Systems kann die Induktion durch verschiedene Faktoren erfolgen. Die Schwingung kann gedämpft oder ungedämpft verlaufen. Frau Prof. Dr. H. Sagromsky danke ich für anregende Diskussionen.  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - The present study was focused towards determining the factors governing direct organogenesis in kiwifruit cultivar ‘Allison’....  相似文献   

Jeweils im Juli 1962 und 1963 beobachteten die Autoren vor der Südküste der mittleren Ostsee schwimmtauchend das Verhalten von Tobiasfisch-Schwärmen (Ammodytidae). Die beiden häufigen Arten, Ammodytes lancea (?kleiner”) und Hyperoplus lanceolatus (?großer Tobiasfisch”) treten in gemischten Schwärmen auf. Die in einem Schwarm vereinigten Fische sind meist etwa gleich groß. Normalerweise ziehen die Tobiasfische langsam und in Form von Sehichtschwärmen. Wimpelbildungen (Abb. 3) sind jedoch ebenso haufig wie Aufspaltungen und Vereinigungen. Plankton verzehrende Schwärme lockern sich auf. Mit Sonnenaufgang verlassen die Fische ihre im ufernahen Sand gelegenen nächtlichen Ruheplätze, schließen sich zu Schwärmen zusammen, ziehen zur Nahrungsaufnahme in tieferes Wasser und kehren nachmittags in das Flachwasser zurück. Nach nochmaliger Nahrungsaufnahme geht es abends wieder zu den Ruheplätzen. Während des Tageszyklus lassen sich vier Formen sozialen Kontakts unterscheiden: Schwarme, aufgelockerte Freßgemeinschaften, Einzelindividuen und im Sand ruhende Gruppen. Mit Geröll oder Pflanzen bedeckter Untergrund mit etwa darin versteckten Raubfeinden werden gemieden. Eine Gefahrenquelle wird unter Vakuolenbildung (Abb. 9) umschwommen. Schreckreaktionen treten bei Annäherung von Feinden, nach will-kürlichen Störungen und ohne erkennbare Ursache auf. Auf der Flucht befindliche Schwärme schließen sich dichter zusammen. Gewaltsam getrennte Schwärme streben sich wieder zu vereinigen. In einen Schwann einschwimmende ungewöhnlich große Einzelgänger verhalten sich oft räuberisch. Insofern ist die dem Schwarmverhalten zugesprochene Schutzfunktion nicht unbedingt: sic hat auch ihre Gefahren.  相似文献   

Researchers are currently developing new value-added uses for almond shells, an abundant agricultural by-product. Almond varieties are distinguished by processors as being either hard or soft shelled, but these two broad classes of almond also exhibit varietal diversity in shell morphology and physical characters. By defining more precisely the physical and chemical characteristics of almond shells from different varieties, researchers will better understand which specific shell types are best suited for specific industrial processes. Eight diverse almond accessions were evaluated in two consecutive harvest seasons for nut and kernel weight, kernel percentage and shell cracking strength. Shell bulk density was evaluated in a separate year. Harvest year by almond accession interactions were highly significant (p  0.01) for each of the analyzed variables. Significant (p  0.01) correlations were noted for average nut weight with kernel weight, kernel percentage and shell cracking strength. A significant (p  0.01) negative correlation for shell cracking strength with kernel percentage was noted. In some cases shell cracking strength was independent of the kernel percentage which suggests that either variety compositional differences or shell morphology affect the shell cracking strength. The varietal characterization of almond shell materials will assist in determining the best value-added uses for this abundant agricultural by-product.  相似文献   

The ploidy level of plants of theVaccinium sect.Oxycoccus (Hill)W.D.J. Koch sampled in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Poland was determined by chromosome counting and/or by flow cytometry. Forty-five characters were measured and scored in the morphometric analysis. Principal component analysis, cluster analysis, canonical discriminant analysis and classificatory discriminant analysis were used in the statistical analyses. Diploid (2n=24), tetraploid (2n=48) and hexaploid (2n=72) populations were confirmed and a new ploidy level — pentaploid hybrid plants (2n=60) — was revealed. Results of the multivariate morphometric analysis support the separation of the two native species. DiploidV. microcarpum (Turcz. exRupr.)Schmalh. differs from the polyploids by smaller size of petals, shorter style and stamens (stamens have long filaments and short anthers), glabrous pedicels, mostly solitary flowers, earlier flowering and by occurrence predominantly inPolytrichum strictum tufts. The low taxonomic significance of some features often used in keys for their separation (shape of fruits, insertion of prophylla, pubescence of filaments) was confirmed.V. oxycoccos L. includes three ploidy levels. The hexaploids represent the most abundant ploidy level in the area studied. They show a slightly bigger size of petals, longer bracts, prophylla, style, sepal tips and wider seeds in comparison with the tetraploids. Pentaploid cranberries are hitherto known only from the Czech Republic. They differ particularly in the low proportion of fully-developed tetrads.  相似文献   

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