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Extreme male dwarfism occurs in Osedax (Annelida: Siboglinidae), marine worms with sessile females that bore into submerged bones. Osedax are hypothesized to use environmental sex determination, in which undifferentiated larvae that settle on bones develop as females, and subsequent larvae that settle on females transform into dwarf males. This study addresses several hypotheses regarding possible recruitment sources for the males: (i) common larval pool--males and females are sampled from a common pool of larvae; (ii) neighbourhood--males are supplied by a limited number of neighbouring females; and (iii) arrhenotoky--males are primarily the sons of host females. Osedax rubiplumus were sampled from submerged whalebones located at 1820-m and 2893-m depths in Monterey Bay, California. Immature females typically did not host males, but mature females maintained male 'harems' that grew exponentially in the number of males as female size increased. Allozyme analysis of the females revealed binomial proportions of nuclear genotypes, an indication of random sexual mating. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences from the male harems and their host females allowed us to reject the arrhenotoky and neighbourhood hypotheses for male recruitment. No significant partitioning of mitochondrial diversity existed between the male and female sexes, or between subsamples of worms collected at different depths or during different years (2002-2007). Mitochondrial sequence diversity was very high in these worms, suggesting that as many as 10(6) females contributed to a common larval pool from which the two sexes were randomly drawn.  相似文献   

A procedure which avoids the use of heat or precipitation with salt at acid pH has been developed for the isolation of phosphoglucomutase from rabbit muscle. Contrary to earlier reports, the enzyme obtained by this procedure as well as by published techniques is a single polypeptide chain. This is true of phosphorylated as well as dephosphorylated proteins.  相似文献   

Actin is a noncompetitive plasmin inhibitor.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin, one of the most abundant cellular proteins, circulates at micromolar concentrations in peripheral blood. Because actin released from dying cells may be trapped in fibrin clots that form at sites of tissue injury, we examined the effects of actin upon lysis of fibrin clots in vitro. Incorporation of native rabbit skeletal muscle actin into fibrin clots slowed their rates of lysis for periods of up to 24 h, an effect not seen when comparable concentrations of human IgG or bovine serum albumin were added instead. Actins isolated from a variety of sources inhibited plasmin's hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate S-2251 in a noncompetitive manner, with a Ki of a 0.6-3.1 microM. Inhibition was rapid, but covalent actin-plasmin complexes were not formed. Both epsilon-aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid prevented actin's inhibition of plasmin, suggesting that accessible lysine residues of actin interact with the kringle (lysine-binding) regions of plasmin. Neither of the high-affinity actin-binding proteins of plasma (plasma gelsolin and vitamin D-binding protein) prevented actin from inhibiting plasmin. These findings suggest that actin released into the extracellular space following cell death may modulate plasmin action, and hence a number of plasmin-dependent biological responses, at sites of inflammation and tissue injury.  相似文献   

Biologically active decorin is a monomer in solution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It has been reported that decorin and its protein core can have molecular masses nearly double the size of those previously published, suggesting a dimeric structure. In this study we tested whether biologically active decorin and its glycoprotein core would form dimers in solution. We used homo- and hetero-bifunctional chemical cross-linking reagents, BS3 and sulfo-SMPB, respectively, as well as glutaraldehyde and found no preferential dimer formation, whether chemical cross-linking was performed in the presence or absence of live cells. Under the same experimental conditions, we easily detected dimers of epidermal growth factor receptor and basic fibroblast growth factor, two glycoproteins known to dimerize. Only at very high cross-linker to decorin molar ratios (2000:1) were trimers and multimers observed, but performing the chemical cross-linking in the presence of a reducing agent abolished these. The elution of decorin protein core in Superose 6 gel chromatography gave masses compatible with monomeric proteins, both before and after denaturation with 2.5 M guanidine HCl. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization gave a mass of 44,077 Da for decorin protein core, without any evidence of dimers or oligomers. Extensive oligomerization of the decorin protein core was observed only after dialysis against water and freeze-drying. These oligomers were considered artifacts because they were independent of chemical cross-linking and were resistant to heat denaturation and disulfide-bond reduction. Oligomeric preparations showed markedly reduced biological activity in both phosphorylation and collagen fibrillogenesis assays. Thus, biologically active decorin is a monomer in solution and, as such, is a monovalent ligand for various extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors, and cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

The outflow tract of the heart is recruited from a novel heart-forming field.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
As classically described, the precardiac mesoderm of the paired heart-forming fields migrate and fuse anteriomedially in the ventral midline to form the first segment of the straight heart tube. This segment ultimately forms the right trabeculated ventricle. Additional segments are added to the caudal end of the first in a sequential fashion from the posteriolateral heart-forming field mesoderm. In this study we report that the final major heart segment, which forms the cardiac outflow tract, does not follow this pattern of embryonic development. The cardiac outlet, consisting of the conus and truncus, does not derive from the paired heart-forming fields, but originates separately from a previously unrecognized source of mesoderm located anterior to the initial primitive heart tube segment. Fate-mapping results show that cells labeled in the mesoderm surrounding the aortic sac and anterior to the primitive right ventricle are incorporated into both the conus and the truncus. Conversely, if cells are labeled in the existing right ventricle no incorporation into the cardiac outlet is observed. Tissue explants microdissected from this anterior mesoderm region are capable of forming beating cardiac muscle in vitro when cocultured with explants of the primitive right ventricle. These findings establish the presence of another heart-forming field. This anterior heart-forming field (AHF) consists of mesoderm surrounding the aortic sac immediately anterior to the existing heart tube. This new concept of the heart outlet's embryonic origin provides a new basis for explaining a variety of gene-expression patterns and cardiac defects described in both transgenic animals and human congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

With the use of [3H]heparin, we recently demonstrated that Leishmania donovani promastigotes express a cell-surface receptor that is specific for the glycosaminoglycan heparin (Mukhopadhyay et al. 1989, The Biochemical Journal, 264, 517-525.). Treatment of the parasite with trypsin abolishes 75-90% of this [3H]heparin-binding activity. When trypsinized promastigotes were resuspended in fresh culture medium in the absence and presence of cycloheximide (10 micrograms/ml), approximately 25-30% of the original heparin-binding capacity was restored within 1 hr, indicating that recruitment of receptors from an internal pool occurred without de novo protein synthesis. Scatchard analysis of the regenerated receptor revealed that the number of regenerated binding sites per cell was 2.3 x 10(5); these sites have a binding affinity of 6.7 x 10(-7) M. Like the native heparin receptors on the surface of freshly isolated cells, the receptors recruited after trypsinization are also highly specific for heparin, as a 25-fold excess of four other glycosaminoglycans displaced less than 10% of bound [3H]heparin from the trypsinized cells. The structural requirements of the ligand heparin, namely the number of monosaccharide units and degree of sulfation, were compared for both the native and regenerated receptor: for both receptors, oversulfated polysaccharide heparin fragments of at least six to eight sugar residues were most efficient at displacing [3H]heparin. The concentrations of oligosaccharide fragments required to displace 50% of [3H]heparin were 0.32 and 0.035 microM for the hexa- and octasaccharides, respectively. Colloidal gold-labeled heparin was bound to promastigotes and visualized by electron microscopy. This analysis revealed that the heparin bound almost exclusively to the flagella of control cells (not subjected to trypsin) and those which had regenerated receptor after trypsinization. The physiological significance of this heparin-binding activity on the surface of promastigotes is discussed.  相似文献   

Cyclin E supports pre-replication complex (pre-RC) assembly, while cyclin A-associated kinase activates DNA synthesis. We show that cyclin E, but not A, is mounted upon the nuclear matrix in sub-nuclear foci in differentiated vertebrate cells, but not in undifferentiated cells or cancer cells. In murine embryonic stem cells, Xenopus embryos and human urothelial cells, cyclin E is recruited to the nuclear matrix as cells differentiate and this can be manipulated in vitro. This suggests that pre-RC assembly becomes spatially restricted as template usage is defined. Furthermore, failure to become restricted may contribute to the plasticity of cancer cells.  相似文献   

Maisch J  Nick P 《Plant physiology》2007,143(4):1695-1704
Polar transport of auxin has been identified as a central element of pattern formation. The polarity of auxin transport is linked to the cycling of pin-formed proteins, a process that is related to actomyosin-dependent vesicle traffic. To get insight into the role of actin for auxin transport, we used patterned cell division to monitor the polarity of auxin fluxes. We show that cell division in the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Bright-Yellow 2) cell line is partially synchronized and that this synchrony can be perturbed by inhibition of auxin transport by 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid. To address the role of actin in this synchrony, we induced a bundled configuration of actin by overexpressing mouse talin. The bundling of actin impairs the synchrony of cell division and increases the sensitivity to 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid. Addition of the polarly transported auxins indole-3-acetic acid and 1-naphthyl acetic acid (but not 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) restored both the normal organization of actin and the synchrony of cell division. This study suggests that auxin controls its own transport by changing the state of actin filaments.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding (PTB) protein is a potent regulator of alternative mRNA splicing. It also participates in other essential cellular functions, including translation initiation and polyadenylation. Several published reports have suggested that the protein forms a dimer in solution, a feature that has been widely incorporated into mechanistic models of protein function. However, recent studies have provided indications that full-length PTB is a monomer. Here we present new biophysical and biochemical evidence supporting the monomeric status of the protein. By use of blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and size-exclusion chromatography, PTB was observed as a single molecular species under native reducing environments, though in oxidizing conditions, a larger protein species was also detected. Further analyses of wild-type and mutant PTB molecules with SDS-PAGE and time-of-flight electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy confirmed these observations. They also identified the single reduced species as monomeric PTB and the higher-molecular-weight nonreduced species as disulphide-linked PTB dimer mediated by Cys23. Our results indicate that the use of oxidizing environments in previous studies is likely to have contributed to the mis-assignment of PTB as a dimer. Although purified PTB may form disulphide-linked dimers under these conditions, in the reducing intracellular environment the protein will be monomeric. These findings have implications for the construction of models of PTB function in regulating mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   

A family of aspartic proteases called plasmepsins is important for hemoglobin degradation in intraerythrocytic Plasmodium parasites. Plasmepsin II (PM II) is the best studied member of this family. PM II and its close orthologs and paralogs form homodimers with extensive interfaces in all known crystal structures. This raised the question whether the homodimer is the functional subunit of plasmepsins in solution. We have used gel filtration chromatography, site-directed mutagenesis, and analytical ultracentrifugation to study the oligomeric status of PM II in solution. Our results reveal that PM II exists mainly as a monomer in solution and that the monomer is fully functional for catalysis. A hydrophobic loop at the PM II monomer surface, which would be buried in a PM II dimer, is shown to be essential for the hemoglobin degradation capability of PM II.  相似文献   

In nature, the same biochemical reaction can be catalyzed by enzymes having fundamentally different folds, reaction mechanisms and origins. For example, the third step of the reductive catabolism of pyrimidines, the conversion of N-carbamyl-β-alanine to β-alanine, is catalyzed by two β-alanine synthase (βASase, EC subfamilies. We show that the “prototype” eukaryote βASases, such as those from Drosophila melanogaster and Arabidopsis thaliana, are relatively efficient in the conversion of N-carbamyl-βA compared with a representative of fungal βASases, the yeast Saccharomyces kluyveri βASase, which has a high Km value (71 mM). S. kluyveri βASase is specifically inhibited by dipeptides and tripeptides, and the apparent Ki value of glycyl-glycine is in the same range as the substrate Km. We show that this inhibitor binds to the enzyme active center in a similar way as the substrate. The observed structural similarities and inhibition behavior, as well as the phylogenetic relationship, suggest that the ancestor of the fungal βASase was a protease that had modified its profession and become involved in the metabolism of nucleic acid precursors.  相似文献   

J. W. La Claire 《Protoplasma》1984,120(3):242-244
Summary Negative-staining of crude cytoplasmic extracts from cells of the green algaErnodesmis verticillata reveals the presence of numerous microfilaments. Rabbit skeletal muscle heavy-meromyosin binds to the microfilaments (in the absence of ATP) in typical arrowhead arrays. These results demonstrate that actin is present in this alga and it is suggested that actin may be involved in cytoplasmic contractions effecting wound healing, since cytoplasmic streaming does not occur in this organism.  相似文献   

CFTR is a monomer: biochemical and functional evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the CFTR protein alone is sufficient to generate a regulated chloride channel, it is unknown how many of the polypeptides form the channel. Using biochemical and functional assays, we demonstrate that the CFTR polypeptide is a monomer. CFTR sediments as a monomer in a linear, continuous sucrose gradient. Cells co-expressing different epitope-tagged CFTR provide no evidence of co-assembly in immunoprecipitation and nickel affinity binding experiments. Co-expressed wild-type and DF508 CFTR are without influence on each other in their ability to progress through the secretory pathway, suggesting they do not associate in the endoplasmic reticulum. No hybrid conducting single channels are seen in planar lipid bilayers with which membrane vesicles from cells co-expressing similar amounts of two different CFTR conduction species have been fused.  相似文献   

Profilins purified from Zea mays transiently enhance the viscosityof polymerizing cardiac actin at ratios (profilin : actin) <1,but lower the viscosity at higher ratios. Specific binding ofactin from the alga Chara corallina to higher plant profilinssuggests strict conservation of interaction between both proteinsin plants. (Received November 2, 1993; Accepted April 27, 1994)  相似文献   

Sigal N  Lewinson O  Wolf SG  Bibi E 《Biochemistry》2007,46(17):5200-5208
MdfA is a 410-residue-long secondary multidrug transporter from E. coli. Cells expressing MdfA from a multicopy plasmid exhibit resistance against a diverse group of toxic compounds, including neutral and cationic ones, because of active multidrug export. As a prerequisite for high-resolution structural studies and a better understanding of the mechanism of substrate recognition and translocation by MdfA, we investigated its biochemical properties and overall structural characteristics. To this end, we purified the beta-dodecyl maltopyranoside (DDM)-solubilized protein using a 6-His tag and metal affinity chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography (SE-HPLC). Purified MdfA was analyzed for its DDM and phospholipid (PL) content, and tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+)-binding activity. The results are consistent with MdfA being an active monomer in DDM solution. Furthermore, an investigation of two-dimensional crystals by electron crystallography and 3D reconstruction lent support to the notion that MdfA may also be monomeric in reconstituted proteoliposomes.  相似文献   

We screened for polypeptides that interact specifically with dynein and identified a novel 24-kDa protein (PLAC-24) that binds directly to dynein intermediate chain (DIC). PLAC-24 is not a dynactin subunit, and the binding of PLAC-24 to the dynein intermediate chain is independent of the association between dynein and dynactin. Immunocytochemistry using PLAC-24-specific polyclonal antibodies revealed a punctate perinuclear distribution of the polypeptide in fibroblasts and isolated epithelial cells. However, as epithelial cells in culture make contact with adjacent cells, PLAC-24 is specifically recruited to the cortex at sites of contact, where the protein colocalizes with components of the adherens junction. Disruption of the cellular cytoskeleton with latrunculin or nocodazole indicates that the localization of PLAC-24 to the cortex is dependent on intact actin filaments but not on microtubules. Overexpression of beta-catenin also leads to a loss of PLAC-24 from sites of cell-cell contact. On the basis of these data and the recent observation that cytoplasmic dynein is also localized to sites of cell-cell contact in epithelial cells, we propose that PLAC-24 is part of a multiprotein complex localized to sites of intercellular contact that may function to tether microtubule plus ends to the actin-rich cellular cortex.  相似文献   

In both humans and mice, two genes encode phosphoglycerate kinase, a key enzyme in the glycolytic pathway. The pgk-1 gene is expressed in all somatic cells, is located on the X chromosome, and contains 10 introns. The pgk-2 gene is expressed only in sperm cells, is located on an autosome, and has no introns. The nucleotide sequence of the pgk-2 gene suggests that it arose from pgk-1 more than 100 million years ago by RNA-mediated gene duplication. The pgk-2 gene may, then, be a transcribed retroposon. Thus, gene duplication by retroposition may have been used as a mechanism for evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   

Actin gene expression is modulated by ecdysterone in a Drosophila cell line   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The steroid hormone ecdysterone induced characteristic and specific changes of morphology, enzymatic activities and protein synthesis in a Kc 0% Drosophila melanogaster cell line. To study the ecdysterone action at a molecular level, a Drosophila genomic library was screened by differential hybridization to poly(A)+ RNA from control and ecdysterone-treated cells. Two recombinant phages were selected for hybridizing very intensively with poly(A)+ RNA of ecdysterone-treated cells and very weakly with poly(A)+ RNA of untreated ones. These two clones (lambda Dm 1632 and lambda Dm A5A1) mapped at the 5 C locus on polytene chromosomes; they overlap for a 9000 base-pair sequence that contains an abundantly transcribed region in ecdysterone-treated cells of about 2000 base-pairs. This region permits the selection of mRNA that gives, after translation in vitro, two polypeptides identified as cytoplasmic actin II and III. We demonstrated that these two recombinant phages, hybridizing preferentially with poly(A)+ RNA of ecdysterone-treated cells, contain the 5 C actin gene. Poly(A)+ RNA prepared from various times of treatment of cells were electrophoresed on agarose gels, transferred to nitrocellulose paper and then hybridized with the cloned actin probe. Results of these experiments indicate that there is a sharp increase in the level of RNA coding for actin after ecdysterone treatment of the cell, and that there are two forms of actin-specific RNA in the D. melanogaster cells. Using genomic blots with specific probes derived from lambda Dm 1632, we show that there are six actin genes per haploid Drosophila cell genome contained on six EcoRI fragments, as in Drosophila embryos, indicating that there is no rearrangement of these sequences in cultured cells. Our results suggest that the expression of actin genes in D. melanogaster Kc 0% cells is modulated by ecdysterone.  相似文献   

Summary In view of the suggestion that actin-like proteins might be involved in the final steps leading to hormone secretion, the actin content of pituitary glands of adult rats was determined by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (for total actin), by the DNAse method (which measures predominantly monomeric actin) and by immunocytochemistry. The amount of actin present in the neural lobe, expressed per mg total protein, was found to be comparable to that of other neural tissues. In contrast, in the anterior lobe, the ratio was significantly lower. The intensity of immunofluorescent staining with anti-actin antibodies was higher in the neural lobe than in either anterior or intermediate lobes. The intensity and distribution of tubulin immunofluorescent staining with anti-tubulin antibodies resembled that of anti-actin antibodies. Thus, three independent methods point to an uneven distribution of actin in the subdivisions of the pituitary gland, although all these subdivisions are believed to secrete their hormones by exocytosis. These data suggest that the bulk of actin present in pituitary cells is unlikely to be involved only in exocytosis, but may be implicated also in the intracellular translocation of secretory products.This paper is dedicated to Professor K. Akert, Zurich, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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