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The spatial patterning of prestalk and prespore cells in the slug arises from the differential sorting of newly differentiated cell types as the mound forms. This pattern is highly organized along an anterior-posterior axis and is constant irrespective of the size of the organism. Cell-type differentiation is plastic until late in development. A change in the ratio of cell types resulting from removal of part of the slug leads to a rapid restoration of the original ratio of the cell types through a pathway involving dedifferentiation, redifferentiation, and sorting of the existing cells. This review provides insight into various molecules, morphogens, and pathways regulating spatial patterning and cell-type proportioning.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a fast-moving field with an enormous impact on human health and disease. Understanding the complexity of the mechanism and regulation of this process often benefits from the use of simple experimental models such as the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Since the publication of the first review describing the potential of D. discoideum in autophagy, significant advances have been made that demonstrate both the experimental advantages and interest in using this model. Since our previous review, research in D. discoideum has shed light on the mechanisms that regulate autophagosome formation and contributed significantly to the study of autophagy-related pathologies. Here, we review these advances, as well as the current techniques to monitor autophagy in D. discoideum. The comprehensive bioinformatics search of autophagic proteins that was a substantial part of the previous review has not been revisited here except for those aspects that challenged previous predictions such as the composition of the Atg1 complex. In recent years our understanding of, and ability to investigate, autophagy in D. discoideum has evolved significantly and will surely enable and accelerate future research using this model.  相似文献   

A quantitative assay for estimating the proportion of prespore cells in D. discoideum slugs was established by labelling disaggregated slug cells with a prespore specific monoclonal antibody and analysing the cell population with a FACS-IV. The method is validated using a wild-type strain and its stalky mutant. "Wild-type" strains have different proportions of prespore cells and it is demonstrated that slugs of some strains have an increased percentage of prespore cells when migrated in the dark compared to the light and in the presence of EGTA. The technique is rapid and will make possible genetic analysis of proportion regulation in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum , the formation of multicellular masses is necessary for cell differentiation. However, the present study shows that amoebae of strain V12M2 efficiently differentiate to prespore or stalk cells under submerged incubation in a simple medium containing cAMP and salts without cell contact, only if the pH of the medium is maintained at acidic values; differentiation scarcely occurs in the neutral pH range. The optimum pH values for prespore and stalk cell differentiation are 5.1 and 4.5, respectively. In addition to the extracellular pH, Mg ions and the concentration of cAMP also affect the choice of the differentiation pathway. The time courses of differentiation of both cell types under optimum conditions are also presented.  相似文献   

Expression profiles of developmental genes in Dictyostelium were determined on microarrays during development of wild type cells and mutant cells lacking either the DNA binding protein GBF or the signaling protein LagC. We found that the mutant strains developed in suspension with added cAMP expressed the pulse-induced and early adenylyl cyclase (ACA)-dependent genes, but not the later ACA-dependent, post-aggregation genes. Since expression of lagC itself is dependent on GBF, expression of the post-aggregation genes might be controlled only by signaling from LagC. However, expression of lagC in a GBF-independent manner in a gbfA- null strain did not result in expression of the post-aggregation genes. Since GBF is necessary for accumulation of LagC and both the DNA binding protein and the LagC signal transduction pathway are necessary for expression of post-aggregation genes, GBF and LagC form a feed-forward loop. Such network architecture is a common motif in diverse organisms and can act as a filter for noisy inputs. Breaking the feed-forward loop by expressing lagC in a GBF-independent manner in a gbfA+ strain does not significantly affect the patterns of gene expression for cells developed in suspension with added cAMP, but results in a significant delay at the mound stage and asynchronous development on solid supports. This feed-forward loop can integrate temporal information with morphological signals to ensure that post-aggregation genes are only expressed after cell contacts have been made.  相似文献   

Summary The prestalk region of the Dictyostelium slug has recently been shown by Williams and his collaborators to consist of two distinct cell types, pstA and pstB cells. Here the movement of these cells in both the slug and culmination stages has been examined with the use of vital dyes. In the slug some of the pstB cells are continually lost from the prestalk region as small clusters of cells. These cells move through the prespore region and temporarily lie in the rearguard region at the posterior end of the slug. They are finally left in the slug's slime track as single cells or groups of a few cells. When culmination is initiated the pstB cells move as a whole from the prestalk region to the base where they join the rearguard cells to form the basal disc of the fruiting body. Transplantation experiments reveal that the rearguard cells form an outer ring portion of the basal disc and the pstB cells form an inner portion to which the stalk attaches. The continuous loss of one cell type during the slug stage without any change in cell type proportions suggests that cell types are redifferentiating. Grafting and transplantation experiments reveal that there is a unidirectional flow of cells through successive steps of cell type conversion. Prespore cells redifferentiate as anterior-like cells which migrate to the prestalk region and become pstA cells. The pstA cells then replace the pstB cells that are lost from the slug.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase is one of several enzymes that accumulate in a temporally regulated sequence during the development of Dictyostelium discoideum. These enzymes can be used to monitor specific gene expression; moreover, isolation and analysis of mutations in the structural gene(s) can serve to indicate some of the essential steps in programmed synthesis and morphogenesis. A mutation (alpA) which affects the activity and substrate affinity of alkaline phosphatase was isolated in D discoideum using a procedure for screening large numbers of clones. Alkaline phosphatase activity at all stages of vegetative growth and development was altered by the mutation. Several physical properties of the enzyme from growing cells and developed cells were compared and found to be indistinguishable. It is likely that a single enzyme is responsible for the majority of alkaline phosphatase activity in growth and development. The mutation is coexpressed in diploids heterozygous for alpA and maps to linkage group III. One of the haploid segregants isolated from these diploids carries convenient markers on each of the six defined linkage groups and can be used for linkage analysis of other genetic loci.  相似文献   

Hypertonic stimulation induced association of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) with the F-actin-rich cell cortex in Dictyostelium. At intermediate, but not higher, levels of hypertonicity, SAHH further translocated from the cortex to the cytosol in company with a fraction of actin and cofilin. At the same time the cells rounded up. Acidification of the cells stimulated both the cell rounding and the translocation of actin and SAHH, whereas alkalinization retarded these responses, suggesting that cellular pH is involved in their control. On the other hand, mutant analysis suggested that neither cGMP signaling nor conventional myosin is required.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that benzohydroxamic acid (BHAM), a potent inhibitor of cyanide (CN)-resistant respiration mediated by alternative oxidase (AOX), induces formation of unique cell masses (i.e., stalk-like cells with a large vacuole and thick cell wall) in starved Dictyostelium cells. Unexpectedly, however, aox-null cells prepared by homologous recombination exhibited normal development under normal culture conditions on agar, indicating that BHAM-induced stalk formation is not solely attributable to inhibition of CN-resistant respiration. This also suggests that a series of pharmacological approaches in the field of life science has serious limitations. Under stress (e.g., in submerged culture), starved aox-null cells exhibited slightly delayed aggregation compared with parental Ax-2 cells; most cells remained as loose aggregates even after prolonged incubation. Also, the developmental defects of aox-null cells became more marked upon incubation for 30 min just after starvation in the presence of ≥ 1.75 mmol/L H(2)O(2). This seems to indicate that CN-resistant respiration could mitigate cellular damage through reactive oxygen species (ROS), because AOX has a potential role in reduction of ROS production. Starved aox-null cells did not develop in the presence of 5 mmol/L KCN (which completely inhibited the conventional cytochrome-mediated respiration) and remained as non-aggregated single cells on agar even after prolonged incubation. Somewhat surprisingly, however, parental Ax-2 cells were found to develop normally, forming fruiting bodies even in the presence of 10 mmol/L KCN. Taken together, these results suggest that CN-resistant respiration might compensate for the production of adenosine tri-phosphate via oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that DIF-1, a differentiation-inducing factor of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, possesses antitumor activities in mammalian tumor cells and that neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells can be induced with furanodictines (FDs), aminosugar analogs found in D. discoideum, or dictyoglucosamines (DGs), N-acetyl glucosamine derivatives (DG-A from D. purpureum and DG-B from D. discoideum). Thus, cellular slime molds are attractive natural resources that may provide valuable lead compounds to be utilized in the field of pharmacology and medicine. In this study, we have isolated a novel aromatic compound, 4-methyl-5-n-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol (MPBD), from fruiting bodies of the cellular slime mold D. mucoroides and assessed the in vitro antiproliferative activities of MPBD, FDs, and DGs in human leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells. MPBD at 20-80 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in both K562 and HL-60 cells. While FDs at 10-80 microM did not affect cell growth, DGs at 10-40 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in the cells. Although we failed to find the roles of FDs and DGs in the original organisms, MPBD at 5-20 microM was found to promote stalk cell formation in D. discoideum. The present results indicate that MPBD, DGs or their derivatives may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of cancer and confirm our expectations regarding cellular slime molds as drug resources.  相似文献   

GAPA is an IQGAP-related protein and is involved in Dictyostelium cytokinesis. Since mammalian IQ-GAPs are effectors for Rac/Cdc42, GAPA is also predicted to bind to small GTPases, which are to be identified. In this study, mutant GAPAs were examined for functions in cytokinesis by genetic complementation of gapA- cells. Positively charged side chains of Arg442 and Lys474 of GAPA, predicted to be present on the surface of interaction with small GTPases, were found to be essential, suggesting an interaction between GAPA and putative small GTPase in cytokinesis. Also, results from truncated GAPAs indicated that almost the entire region of GAPA homologous to IQGAP is required for cytokinesis in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

The sexual cycle of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum , offers a suitable experimental system to analyze sexual cell interactions. We have been analyzing molecular mechanisms involved in sexual cell fusion using complementary heterothallic strains in D. discoideum and have identified several cell surface proteins involved in the process. One of them, gp138 is present in strains of both mating types and considered to be responsible for membrane fusion itself. Two genes with high mutual homology, GP 138 A and GP 138 B , have been identified so far as encoding this protein. Expression of antisense RNA for GP 138 B has been shown to suppress sexual cell fusion, confirming the critical importance of these genes in sexual cell fusion. However, neither the functional relationship of the two gp138 genes nor the possibility of the existence of more genes that encode gp138 has been determined yet. In the present study, GP 138 A and GP 138 B were disrupted by homologous recombination in an effort to clarify these points. Analysis of the double knock-out mutants suggested the presence of a third gene for gp138.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae showed an uncommon resistance to Cu(2+), as pointed out through cell growth rate (EC(50) = 469 +/- 30 microM) and the neutral red cytotoxicity assay (EC(50) = 334 +/- 45 microM). Although no evidence of Cu-inducible metallothionein was found, Cu-dependent ATPase activity was cytochemically detected on pelletted, resin-embedded amoebae. This activity required Cu(2+) in the incubation medium, was sensitive to TPEN, vanadate and temperature, and showed dose-dependent increase after exposure of amoebae to 10-500 microM Cu(2+) for 7 days. Accordingly, immunofluorescence and Western blotting revealed the occurrence of a Cu-inducible, putative homologue of human Menkes (MNK) Cu-P-type ATPase. To verify if Cu-ATPase is involved in copper resistance, amoebae were exposed to low concentrations of Cu(2+) and vanadate followed by the neutral red assay. Exposure to either treatment showed no effect, while a combination caused a dramatic increase of Cu toxicity, possibly depending on Cu-ATPase inhibition.  相似文献   

At the end of heat activation the distribution of spore plasma membrane particles between the two fracture faces (PF and EF) is drastically changed. While in dormant spores the particle number ratio of PF/EF was about 1:1, it increased up to 9:1 in heat activated spores, indicating a subtle change in plasma membrane properties. The permeability of spores increased within 30 min following heat activation as determined by efflux measurements of radioactively labelled spores. At the onset of swelling this efflux was accelerated. During germination the osmotically active material within the spores increased, part of which could be recovered from the supernatant. The combined experiments point to the plasma membrane as possible target site of heat activation in this system.  相似文献   

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