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Arterial smooth muscle cells from rabbit aortic media were grown in first subcultures on hydrophilized and collagen-coated silicone membranes which were then subjected to directional cyclic stretches and relaxations at a frequency of 50 times/min. The membranes were stretched 2, 5 and 10% beyond their resting length. Cells on unstretched and stationary membranes in the same chamber served as controls. The cells which were stretched with an amplitude of 2% remained in random orientation after 14 days of continuously performed cyclic stretching. The cells which were stretched 5% for 12 days orientated at an angle of 61 +/- 9 degrees to the direction of stretching, while the cells which were stretched with an amplitude of 10% for 6 days orientated at an angle of 76 +/- 5 degrees. The cells on the stationary and unstretched membranes remained in random orientation. We were able to confirm that the angle of orientation is reversible, i.e. preorientated cells changed their orientation during application of another stretching amplitude. The results suggest that stretching of the artery wall by blood pulsation may be a factor influencing the orientation of smooth muscle cells within the media of the artery wall and of those smooth muscle cells which proliferate into the subendothelial space after mechanical injury of the endothelium or electrical stimulation of the artery wall. An apparatus is presented which produces cyclic and directional mechanical stimuli similar to those which may occur in the artery wall.  相似文献   

M Naeije  A Crowe 《Life sciences》1974,15(1):131-136
Single unit recordings have been made from the muscle spindles of the extensor digitorum brevis I muscle of the chelonian emys orbicularis. The responses to ramp-type mechanical stretches (up to 5 mm s?1 velocity and up to 1.6 mm extension) were compared to those of spindles from other groups. It is found that the spindles have lower rates of firing than those from the other groups with the exception of the snake spindles. Generally the spindles behaved like the secondary ending of mammalian spindles or the tonic type of snake spindle in terms of their response to the velocity of stretch. The results are consistent with the view that the tonic response arises from intrafusal muscle fibres in which the sensory region has a structure which is fairly uniform and similar to that of the polar regions and not interrupted by accumulations of nuclei.  相似文献   

Mechanical stretch has been shown to induce the degradation of alpha-actin filaments in smooth muscle cells (SMC) of experimental vein grafts. Here, we investigate the possible role of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK in regulating this process using an ex vivo venous culture model that simulates an experimental vein graft. An exposure of a vein to arterial pressure induced a significant increase in the medial circumferential strain, which induced rapid alpha-actin filament disruption, followed by degradation. The percentage of SMC alpha-actin filament coverage was reduced significantly under arterial pressure (91 +/- 1%, 43 +/- 13%, 51 +/- 5%, 28 +/- 3%, and 19 +/- 5% at 1, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h, respectively), whereas it did not change significantly in specimens under venous pressure at theses times. The degradation of SMC alpha-actin filaments paralleled an increase in the relative activity of caspase 3 (3.0 +/- 0.7- and 1.7 +/- 0.4-fold increase relative to the control level at 6 and 12 h, respectively) and a decrease in SMC density (from the control level of 1,368 +/- 66 cells/mm(2) at time 0 to 1,205 +/- 90, 783 +/- 129, 845 +/- 61, 637 +/- 55, and 432 +/- 125 cells/mm(2) at 1, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h of exposure to arterial pressure, respectively). Treatment with a p38 MAPK inhibitor (SB-203580) significantly reduced the stretch-induced activation of caspase 3 at 6 h (from 3.0 +/- 0.7- to 2.2 +/- 0.3-fold) in conjunction with a significant rescue of alpha-actin filament degradation (from 43 +/- 13% to 69 +/- 15%) at the same time. Treatment with an inhibitor for the ERK1/2 activator (PD-98059), however, did not induce a significant change in the activity of caspase 3 or the percentage of SMC alpha-actin filament coverage. These results suggest that p38 MAPK and caspase 3 may mediate stretch-dependent degradation of alpha-actin filaments in vascular SMCs.  相似文献   

The role of the epithelium has been studied in the contractile responses of rat trachea. The different modulations observed are discussed in respect to vagal components of the epithelial layer. Responses of rat trachea to immunologic stimulation are shown to be dependent on the presence of the epithelium, which prolongs the relaxation stage without affecting the contractions. This prolongation is abolished by neonatal capsaicin pretreatment, whereas substance P induces a significantly greater relaxation of serotonin-precontracted intact than deepithelialized trachea. Serotonin concentration-response curves are shifted to the right in intact preparations, which is partly reversed by neonatal capsaicin pretreatment, but a hyporeactivity of the tissue exists. A relaxing factor released by the epithelium is hypothesized, possibly dependent on substance P-ergic innervation. Muscarinic cholinergic innervation slightly modulates the contractions but not the relaxations in antigen-induced responses, independently on the presence of the epithelial layer. 4-Aminopyridine induces epithelium-dependent potentiations of contractions to antigen and to serotonin, which involves acetylcholine at one step of the reaction cascade. Epithelial-dependent contracting and relaxing factors are thus suggested in rat trachea.  相似文献   

Hypervasoconstriction is associated with pulmonary hypertension and dysfunction of the pulmonary arterial smooth muscle (PASM) is implicated. However, relatively little is known about the mechanical properties of PASM. Recent advances in our understanding of plastic adaptation in smooth muscle may shed light on the disease mechanism. In this study, we determined whether PASM is capable of adapting to length changes (especially shortening) and regain its contractile force. We examined the time course of length adaptation in PASM in response to step changes in length and to length oscillations mimicking the periodic stretches due to pulsatile arterial pressure. Rings from sheep pulmonary artery were mounted on myograph and stimulated using electrical field stimulation (12-16 s, 20 V, 60 Hz). The length-force relationship was determined at L(ref) to 0.6 L(ref), where L(ref) was a reference length close to the in situ length of PASM. The response to length oscillations was determined at L(ref), after the muscle was subjected to length oscillation of various amplitudes for 200 s at 1.5 Hz. Release (or stretch) of resting PASM from L(ref) to 0.6 (and vice versa) was followed by a significant force recovery (73 and 63%, respectively), characteristic of length adaptation. All recoveries of force followed a monoexponential time course. Length oscillations with amplitudes ranging from 5 to 20% L(ref) caused no significant change in force generation in subsequent contractions. It is concluded that, like many smooth muscles, PASM possesses substantial capability to adapt to changes in length. Under pathological conditions, this could contribute to hypervasoconstriction in pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Removal of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) from their native environment alters the biochemical and mechanical signals responsible for maintaining normal cell function, causing a shift from a quiescent, contractile phenotype to a more proliferative, synthetic state. We examined the effect on SMC function of culture on two-dimensional (2D) substrates and in three-dimensional (3D) collagen Type I gels, including the effect of exogenous biochemical stimulation on gel compaction, cell proliferation, and expression of the contractile protein smooth muscle alpha-actin (SMA) in these systems. Embedding of SMC in 3D collagen matrices caused a marked decrease in both cell proliferation and expression of SMA. The presence of the extracellular matrix modulated cellular responses to platelet-derived growth factor BB, heparin, transforming growth factor-beta1, and endothelial cell-conditioned medium. Cell proliferation and SMA expression were shown to be inversely related, while gel compaction and SMA expression were not correlated. Taken together, these results show that SMC phenotype and function can be modulated using biochemical stimulation in vitro, but that the effects produced are dependent on the nature of the extracellular matrix. These findings have implications for the study of vascular biology in vitro, as well as for the development of engineered vascular tissues.  相似文献   

Investigating the recruitment and synchronization of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) is the key to understanding the physical mechanisms leading to contraction and spontaneous diameter oscillations of arteries, called vasomotion. We improved a method that allows the correlation of calcium oscillations (flashing) of individual SMCs with mean calcium variations and arterial contraction using confocal microscopy. Endothelium-stripped rat mesenteric arteries were cut open, loaded with dual calcium fluorescence probes, and stimulated by increasing concentrations of the vasoconstrictors phenylephrine (PE) and KCl. We found that the number and synchronization of flashing cells depends on vasoconstrictor concentration. At low vasoconstrictor concentration, few cells flash asynchronously and no local contraction is detected. At medium concentration, recruitment of cells is complete and synchronous, leading to strip contraction after KCl stimulation and to vasomotion after PE stimulation. High concentration of PE leads to synchronous calcium oscillations and fully contracted vessels, whereas high concentration of KCl leads to a sustained nonoscillating increase of calcium and to fully contracted vessels. We conclude that the number of simultaneously recruited cells is an important factor in controlling rat mesenteric artery contraction and vasomotion.  相似文献   

Shen, X., M. F. Wu, R. S. Tepper, and S. J. Gunst. Mechanisms for the mechanical response ofairway smooth muscle to length oscillation. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 731-738, 1997.Airway smoothmuscle tone in vitro is profoundly affected by oscillations in musclelength, suggesting that the effects of lung volume changes on airwaytone result from direct effects of stretch on the airway smooth muscle.We analyzed the effect of length oscillation on active force andlength-force hysteresis in canine tracheal smooth muscle at differentoscillation rates and amplitudes during contraction with acetylcholine.During the shortening phase of the length oscillation cycle, the activeforce generated by the smooth muscle decreased markedly below theisometric force but returned to isometric force as the muscle waslengthened. Results indicate that at rates comparable to those duringtidal breathing, active shortening and yielding of contractile elementscontributes to the modulation of force during length oscillation;however, the depression of force during shortening cannot be accountedfor by cross-bridge properties, shortening-induced cross-bridgedeactivation, or active relaxation. We conclude that the depression ofcontractility may be a function of the plasticity of the cellularorganization of contractile filaments, which enables contractileelement length to be reset in relation to smooth muscle cell length asa result of smooth muscle stretch.


The relationship between lipoproteins and growth of aortic smooth muscle cells has been a matter of controversy. We therefore reexamined this issue using serum-free defined media methodology. By themselves, LDL or HDL (50-500 micrograms/ml) from normolipemic human or bovine plasma produced little or no growth of homologous aortic smooth muscle cells incubated in serum-free medium that was supplemented with insulin and transferrin to maintain cell viability. In fact, LDL prepared in the absence of an antioxidant (BHT) was toxic to these cells. However, in the presence of maximally effective concentrations of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), LDL or HDL consistently increased the growth of homologous smooth muscle cells (up to twofold increased in DNA accumulation in 48 hr). Lipoproteins also augmented the growth response of arterial smooth muscle cells to fibroblast growth factor or epidermal growth factor. The mechanism of this effect was investigated further with HDL, because, in contrast to LDL, HDL apoproteins are water-soluble. Neither HDL delipidated by solvent extraction (apoHDL), purified bovine apoA-I, nor cholesterol added in the form of phospholipid vesicles appreciably increased PDGF-induced growth of bovine smooth muscle cells. However, HDL-like particles reconstituted by sonication of apoHDL with cholesterol and phospholipids did increase the growth of cultures of bovine smooth muscle cells treated with PDGF. Uptake of tritiated thymidine by cultures incubated with partially purified PDGF alone (10 micrograms/ml) was 5,693 +/- 235 dpm/24 hr compared to 10,381 +/- 645 dpm/24 hr (p less than 0.01) in the presence of both PDGF and reconstituted HDL-like particles (250 micrograms protein/ml). Thus both the lipid and protein components of HDL may be necessary for optimal potentiation of growth of mitogen-stimulated cells. These results indicate that lipoproteins from normolipemic sera are not bona fide growth factors but can potentiate the growth of mitogen-stimulated cells, perhaps by supplying exogenous cholesterol required for membrane biogenesis. This finding might be important in arterial injury when the release of PDGF and exposure to plasma lipoproteins could act in concert to stimulate the proliferation of smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Shen, X., M. F. Wu, R. S. Tepper, and S. J. Gunst. Pharmacological modulation of the mechanicalresponse of airway smooth muscle to length oscillation.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 739-745, 1997.Stretch and retraction of the airways caused by changes in lungvolume may play an important role in regulating airway reactivity. Westudied the effects of different pharmacological stimuli on airwaysmooth muscle to determine whether the muscle behavior during lengthoscillation can be modulated pharmacologically and to evaluate the roleof different activation mechanisms in determining its behavior duringthe oscillation. Active force decreased below the static isometricforce during the shortening phase of length oscillation, resulting inan overall depression of force during the length oscillation cycle.This pattern of response was unaffected by the contractile stimulus orlevel of activation, suggesting that it was caused by a mechanism that is independent of the level of activation of cross bridges. The normalized area of the length-force hysteresis loop (hysteresivity) differed depending on the stimulus used for contraction. Effects ofdifferent stimuli on hysteresivity were not correlated with theireffects on isotonic shortening velocity or isometric force, suggestingthat the pharmacological modulation of the behavior of airway smoothmuscle during length oscillation at these amplitudes cannot beaccounted for by the effects on the cross-bridge cycling rate.




Dexamethasone suppressed inflammation and haemodynamic changes in an animal model of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). A major target for dexamethasone actions is NF-κB, which is activated in pulmonary vascular cells and perivascular inflammatory cells in PAH. Reverse remodelling is an important concept in PAH disease therapy, and further to its anti-proliferative effects, we sought to explore whether dexamethasone augments pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell (PASMC) apoptosis.


Analysis of apoptosis markers (caspase 3, in-situ DNA fragmentation) and NF-κB (p65 and phospho-IKK-α/β) activation was performed on lung tissue from rats with monocrotaline (MCT)-induced pulmonary hypertension (PH), before and after day 14–28 treatment with dexamethasone (5 mg/kg/day). PASMC were cultured from this rat PH model and from normal human lung following lung cancer surgery. Following stimulation with TNF-α (10 ng/ml), the effects of dexamethasone (10−8–10−6 M) and IKK2 (NF-κB) inhibition (AS602868, 0–3 μM (0-3×10−6 M) on IL-6 and CXCL8 release and apoptosis was determined by ELISA and by Hoechst staining. NF-κB activation was measured by TransAm assay.


Dexamethasone treatment of rats with MCT-induced PH in vivo led to PASMC apoptosis as displayed by increased caspase 3 expression and DNA fragmentation. A similar effect was seen in vitro using TNF-α-simulated human and rat PASMC following both dexamethasone and IKK2 inhibition. Increased apoptosis was associated with a reduction in NF-κB activation and in IL-6 and CXCL8 release from PASMC.


Dexamethasone exerted reverse-remodelling effects by augmenting apoptosis and reversing inflammation in PASMC possibly via inhibition of NF-κB. Future PAH therapies may involve targeting these important inflammatory pathways.  相似文献   

Cell-associated proteoheparan sulfate has been isolated from bovine arterial smooth muscle cells preincubated with [35S]sulfate or a combination of [3H]glucosamine and [35S]methionine. The purified proteoheparan sulfate had an apparent Mr of 200,000 on calibrated Sepharose CL-2B columns. The glycosaminoglycan component (Mr approximately 30,000) was identified as heparan sulfate by its susceptibility to specific enzymatic and chemical degradation. After degradation of the proteoheparan sulfate by microbial heparitinase the resulting protein core had an apparent Mr of 92,000 on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Its mobility was similar in the absence and presence of reducing agents indicating that the protein core consists of a single polypeptide chain. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that about 40% of the cell layer-associated proteoheparan sulfate was released into the medium, while the remainder was internalized and converted to smaller species through a series of degradation steps. Initially there was a proteolytical cleavage of the protein core generating glycosaminoglycan peptide intermediates with polysaccharides chains similar in size to the original. The half-life of the native proteoheparan sulfate was found to be about 4 h.  相似文献   

Changes in calcium and redox homeostasis influence multiple cellular processes. Dysregulation of these signaling modalities is associated with pathology in cardiovascular, neuronal, endocrine, and other physiological systems. Calcium and oxidant signaling mechanisms are frequently inferred to be functionally related. To address and clarify this clinically relevant issue in the vasculature we tested the hypothesis that the ubiquitous reactive oxygen molecule hydrogen peroxide mediates oxidant-dependent stimulation of cerebral arterial smooth muscle L-type calcium channels. Using a combinatorial approach including intact arterial manipulations, electrophysiology, and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging, we found that application of physiological levels of hydrogen peroxide to isolated arterial smooth muscle cells increased localized calcium influx through L-type calcium channels. Similarly, oxidant-dependent stimulation of L-type calcium channels by the vasoconstrictor ANG II was abolished by intracellular application of catalase. Catalase also prevented ANG II from increasing localized subplasmalemmal sites of increased oxidation previously associated with colocalized calcium influx through L-type channels. Furthermore, catalase largely attenuated the contractile response of intact cerebral arterial segments to ANG II. In contrast, enhanced dismutation of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide with SOD had no effect on ANG II-dependent stimulation of L-type calcium channels. From these data we conclude that hydrogen peroxide is important for oxidant-dependent regulation of smooth muscle L-type calcium channels and arterial function. These data also support the emerging concept of hydrogen peroxide as a biologically relevant oxidant second messenger in multiple cell types with a diverse array of physiological functions.  相似文献   

Replication of cytomegalovirus in human arterial smooth muscle cells.   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) strain AD-169 replicated in smooth muscle cell (SMC) cultures derived from human umbilical arteries, producing enveloped infectious virions. However, unlike the effects of CMV on fully permissive human lung fibroblasts, the effects of strain AD-169 on SMC cultures were delayed and prolonged, resulting in extended survival of a fraction of the starting population. This period of survival did not exceed the life-span of the control SMC cultures. Infectious CMV continued to be isolated from the surviving SMC cultures after extinction of the original inoculum by dilution and after treatment of the cultures with CMV neutralizing antibody. The implications of these findings for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis are discussed.  相似文献   

The proteome and secretome of human arterial smooth muscle cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) play a crucial role in cardiovascular disorders. A differential proteomic approach should help to elucidate SMC dysfunctions involved in these diseases. With this goal in mind, we plotted the first 2-dimensional (2-D) maps of the proteome and secretome of human arterial smooth muscle cell (ASMC). Intracellular and secreted proteins were extracted from a primary culture of SMCs obtained from patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (n = 11) and separated by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Silver-stained gels were analyzed using Progenesis software. A high level of between-gel reproducibility was obtained, allowing us to generate two protein patterns specific to the ASMC proteome and secretome, respectively. A total of 121 and 40 distinct intracellular and secreted polypeptide spots, corresponding to 83 and 18 different proteins, respectively, were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. The 2-D reference maps and database resulting from this study confirm that SMCs are involved in a wide range of biological functions. They could constitute a useful tool for a wide range of investigators involved in vascular biology, allowing them to investigate SMC protein changes associated with cardiovascular disorders or environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Cultured arterial smooth muscle cells synthesize and secrete two types of sulfated proteoglycans designated as proteoglycan A and proteoglycan B. Proteoglycan A has been characterized as chondroitin sulfate-rich, whereas proteoglycan B was found to be dermatan sulfate-rich [Schmidt, A. & Buddecke, E. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 153, 260-273]. During the logarithmic growth phase, arterial smooth muscle cells incorporated about 3 times more [35S]sulfate into the total proteoglycans secreted into the culture medium than did non-dividing cells. When arterial smooth muscle cells stopped proliferating the ratio of [35S]proteoglycan A/B increased. No differences were detected in the respective molecular and chemical characteristics of purified proteoglycans A and B isolated from both proliferating and non-dividing cells. Regardless of the growth phase proteoglycan A had a molecular mass of about 280 kDa and contained 8-9 chondroitin sulfate-rich side chains. Proteoglycan B had a molecular mass of about 180 kDa and contained 6-7 dermatan sulfate-rich side chains. The [35S]methionine-labelled protein cores of proteoglycan A and B had a molecular mass of about 48 kDa, but were distinguishable by their specific reactions to monospecific antibodies. Proliferating cells endocytosed proteoglycan B at a rate up to 100% higher than that of non-dividing cells. In all growth phases proteoglycan A was endocytosed at a 10-fold lower rate than proteoglycan B.  相似文献   

During normal urination, smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the lower urinary tract (LUT) are exposed to mechanical signals that have a critical impact on tissue structure and function. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of the contractile phenotype of SMCs remain poorly understood. This is due, in part, to a lack of studies that have examined the effects of mechanical loading using three-dimensional (3D) models. In this study, surface modifications of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane were evaluated to investigate the effects of cyclic mechanical stimulation on SMC maturation in 3D constructs. Commercially available cell stretching plates were modified with amino or methacrylate groups to promote adhesion of 3D constructs fabricated by bioprinting. After 6 days of stimulation, the effects of mechanical stimulation on the expression of contractile markers at the mRNA and protein levels were analyzed. Methacrylate-modified surfaces supported stable adhesion of the 3D constructs to the membrane and facilitated cyclic mechanical stimulation, which significantly increased the expression of contractile markers at the mRNA and protein levels. These effects were found to be mediated by activation of the p38 MAPK pathway, as inhibition of this pathway abolished the effects of stimulation in a dose-dependent manner. These results provide valuable insights into the role of mechanical signaling in maintaining the contractile phenotype of bladder SMCs, which has important implications for the development of future treatments for LUT diseases.  相似文献   

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