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Many sandy beaches worldwide receive large amounts of drift seaweed, known as wrack, from offshore algal beds and closer rocky intertidal shores. Despite the important influence of algal wrack on macrofaunal assemblages from different coastal systems, relatively little attention has been paid to the macrofaunal responses in sandy beaches to macrophyte wrack supplies. Algal wrack is a key resource, i.e. for food and/or refuge, for beach invertebrates while its availability can affect diversity and abundance of intertidal animals including shorebirds, but the role of certain types of wrack and its location on the shore has not been examined experimentally to date. In this paper, we use experimental manipulation of two species of brown seaweeds, i.e. artificial wrack patches made up of the native macroalgae Saccorhiza polyschides and the invasive species Sargassum muticum, to test hypotheses about influences on macrofaunal assemblages inhabiting the drift line and supratidal levels of exposed beaches. Results pointed out that different types of wrack deposits were not used uniformly by invertebrates. Nutritional value differed between the two species of wrack. In most cases, the carbohydrates, lipids and organic carbon content were greater in patches of S. muticum than in patches of S. polyschides. Data also provided evidences that nutritional content and microclimatic conditions of wrack deposits, i.e. temperature and humidity, might affect macrofaunal assemblages.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between abundance and extent of occupancy of 158 species of macrofauna inhabiting 66 sandy beaches around the coast of Great Britain. We also used these data to test the predictions of two hypotheses proposed to explain positive abundance-occupancy relationships. We found a strong positive relationship between abundance and extent of occupancy; this pattern was apparent in taxonomic subsets of organisms which have contrasting reproductive and dispersal traits such as planktotrophic/lecithotrophic development in the plankton vs brood development under parental care. Moreover, the abundance-occupancy relationships in these taxonomic subsets had statistically indistinguishable slopes, and elevation. We propose that this lends support to the notion that differences in population structure such as the tendency to form metapopulations may not be primary determinants of the abundance-occupancy pattern in these taxa as proposed by the rescue/metapopulation hypothesis. To test the predictions of the niche-breadth hypothesis we derived values describing the range of sediment grain-sizes exploited by members of two taxonomic subgroups: amphipods and bivalves. We found a weak, statistically non-significant relationship between this niche-breadth measure and occupancy in bivalves which have been shown to respond to grain-size in previous studies, however this was negated after correction for possible artefacts of sampling effort. All other relationships between abundance or occupancy and grain-size range were non-significant. The consistency of the demonstrated abundance-occupancy relationship with those demonstrated in other studies of primarily terrestrial fauna indicates some shared mechanistic explanation, but our data fail to provide support for the two mechanistic hypotheses investigated.  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of decapod crustaceans were collected monthlyfrom July 1991 to June 1992 by pumping during nocturnal floodand ebb tides to establish seasonal larval abundance patternsin an inlet of the Bay of Cdiz. Additional 24 h series of sampleswere collected seasonally (July 1991, October 1991, January1992 and May/June 1992) during spring and neap tides to analyselarval abundance in relation to the main environmental cycles(diel, tidal and lunar phases) and vertical position in thewater column. First zoeae were the most abundant stage for mostspecies, representing 97.6% of all individuals collected. ZoeaI abundance was higher in spring and swmner and, on most samplingoccasions, there was a net output from the inlet to the bay.Five species (Liocarcinus arcuatus and Liocarcinus vernalis,Uca tangeri, Diogenes pugilator and Panopeus africanus) represented60% of total individuals caught. The seasonal occurrence offirst zoeae of the most abundant species indicated two differentreproductive patterns: species with a short reproductive periodand species spawning year round. Zoea I of several species (Panopeusafricanus, Uca tangeri, Pachygrap sus marmoratus, Processa spp.)were significantly more abundant during ebb tides and theirlater larval stages were scarcely collected, suggesting thatthese larvae are released in the inlet and exported to the bay.Conversely, a net input of first zoeae was observed for otherspecies (D.pugilator and Pinnotheres pinnotheres), but theirlater larval stages were also scarcely collected. Such importationcould be a larval rhythm artifact due to release of larvae inthe bay that drifted into the inlet by tidal currents. The crabIlia nucleus, whose later larval stages were collected frequently,was the only species that seemed to complete its life cyclewithin the bay. These results suggest that the studied inletwas primarily used by decapods as an adult habitat and spawningground, while larval development occurred in open sea. Sincevertical migration was not observed for exported larvae, thetidal synchronization of female release seemed to be the mostprobable mechanism of larval exportation. There were no significantdifferences between larval release during spring and neap tides.  相似文献   

Six sandy beaches on the North West coast of Spain, exposed to different wave action, were sampled in order to study the macroinfauna community and the biopolymeric fraction (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) of sedimentary organic matter. According to McLachlan’s rating system (1980), three of them were classified as sheltered and the other three as exposed beaches. Sampling was carried out during August 2004 at three tidal levels: high, medium and low. Macroinfauna community and organic matter concentrations were found to be significantly different when sheltered and exposed beaches were compared. Macroinfauna diversity (H′), abundances and biomass became increasingly enriched along a gradient from exposed to sheltered beaches. Macroinfauna mean abundance was found higher in sheltered (ranked from 1535 ± 358 to 15062 ± 5771 ind m−2) than in exposed beaches (from 150 ± 41 to 5518 ± 1986 ind m−2). Macroinfauna biomass ranged from 3.2 to 14.7 g m−2 and species richness from 25 to 27 in sheltered localities; while in exposed beaches, biomass ranged from 0.2 to 2.3 g m−2 and the number of species from 5 to 14. The biopolymeric carbon concentration (BPC) was significantly higher in sheltered (from 84.7 ± 44.7 to 163.3 ± 34.8) than in exposed (from 30.3 ± 7.5 to 78.7 ± 12.3) beaches. The low hydrodynamic conditions of sheltered beaches favoured the settlement of organic rich fine sediments, being supported by the higher protein to carbohydrate ratio found in the exposed (from 23.5 ± 0.9 to 32.7 ± 4.4), rather than in the sheltered localities (from 6.2 ± 0.7 to 13.6). Mean macroinfauna abundances were higher at medium and low tidal levels in both sheltered and exposed beaches. Crustacea was found to be the main group inhabiting the upper part of both types of beaches, dominating all tidal levels of exposed sandy beaches. Mollusca and Polychaeta groups were dominant in sheltered beaches at the medium and lower levels. There was a significant negative relationship between the BPC and the beach face slope; thus, BPC decreased as the intertidal slope increased. It seems that exposed sandy beaches are mainly physically controlled, whereas hospitable sheltered beaches let other factors, such as biochemical compounds, enrich the benthic fauna scenery. Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users Handling editors: K. Martens  相似文献   

The aquifer system of Doñana (SW Spain) represents the most important freshwater source in the Doñana Natural Area. Its spatiotemporal dynamics favours the hydrological connection between surface and subsurface ecosystems, and promotes matter fluxes among the different terrestrial and aquatic systems present here. This aquifer has been intensively studied from a hydrogeological point of view but little is known from an ecological perspective. In order to understand the ecological roles played by microbial communities in this system, we conducted a long-term seasonal study of bacterial abundance, cell biomass, bacterial biomass and functional activities over a 2-year period. Bacterial abundance ranged between 2.11 ± 1.79 × 105 and 8.58 ± 6.99 × 107 bacteria mL−1 groundwater, average cell biomass was estimated to be 77.01 ± 31.56 fgC and bacterial biomass varied between 8.99 ± 4.10 × 10−2 and 5.65 ± 0.70 µgC mL−1. Iron-related bacteria showed the highest activities among the functional groups studied. Moreover, among the variables that usually control spatial distributions of microbial communities in aquifer systems, depth did not have a relevant effect on this aquifer, at least in the range of depths studied, but grain size, probably due to its direct effects on hydrogeological parameters, such as permeability or porosity, appeared to exert moderate control, principally in terms of bacterial abundance. Finally, significant seasonal differences in the means of these microbiological variables were also observed; temperature seems to be the main factor controlling the temporal distribution of microbial communities in this aquifer system.  相似文献   

Ecological impacts of vehicle traffic are a significant environmental management issue on many sandy shores. Impacts usually focus on lethal effects of vehicles to organisms, but sub-lethal effects which could reduce the fitness of macrofauna populations are equally possible but unknown. Consequently, we measured changes in body condition and burrowing performance of the beach clam Donax deltoides subjected to vehicle traffic on sandy shores in eastern Australia. Body mass index of clams on beaches open to traffic was 16% lower, but gonadosomatic index and relative valve thickness were not consistently linked to vehicle access to beaches. By contrast, off-road vehicles significantly impaired the burrowing performance of clams. After experimental exposure to ORV traffic (30 passes) and dislodgement from the sediment, the time taken for clams to re-bury into the sand doubled irrespective of the vehicle weight used. Because burrowing is such a critical function in the behavioural repertoire of sandy beach animals, the traffic-induced changes to organisms' performance found in this study may increase mortality by causing displacement to less favourable habitats by swash, and by intensifying the risk of predation and desiccation. When assessing the ecological impacts of vehicles on beach fauna, it is thus important to consider both lethal and sub-lethal effects.  相似文献   

The depositional conditions that characterized the sedimentary filling in the southern sector of the Guadalquivir Basin during the late post-orogenic Neogene have been established through the sedimentological study of the Plio-Pleistocene outcrops along the Cadiz coast (SW Spain). The study has contributed to a better interpretation of the regional stratigraphy and helped to establish both depositional mechanisms and processes. Deposits show different lithofacies according to the dominant climatic and prevailing environmental conditions. Pliocene deposits show bioclastic lithofacies with abundant warm-water fossils, whereas Pleistocene sediments have a low fossil content. Stratigraphic sections indicate important depositional changes: sandstone and grainstone were deposited under a seasonal regime, whereas accumulations of large boulders and bioclasts are interpreted as event deposits, the product of episodic oceanographic processes, such as huge storms or tsunamis. These deposits do not have a seasonal character; however, given their relative frequency in the stratigraphic sections, they were probably associated with neo-tectonic activity in the Guadalquivir Foreland Basin, which was an important controlling factor in this basin. The proximity to the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary together with several historically documented earthquakes and tsunamis in the study area, suggest that these processes could explain the origin of these deposits. The seismic-tectonic activity was more intense between the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, as shown by the presence of a well-marked angular unconformity, as well as by a higher frequency of the very high energy clastic and bioclastic accumulations.  相似文献   

We determined major structural properties influencing the food webs of two sandy beaches with contrasting morphodynamics in the Atlantic coast of Uruguay: reflective (narrow and steep) and dissipative beaches (wide and flat). Furthermore, we evaluated how these characteristics could influence the stability of the local food webs. To this end, we examined the correlation of several food web properties with different ecosystem types (including freshwater habitats, estuary, marine, and terrestrial environments) using a principal components analysis. Sandy beach food web components included detritus, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, fishes, and seabirds. Our results revealed that the dissipative beach presented higher trophic levels, a higher number of trophic species, more links per species, as well as a higher proportion of intermediate trophic species, but lower connectance and proportion of omnivorous species than the reflective beach. The variation in the food web properties was explained by two principal components. Sandy beach food webs contribute mainly to one dimension of the principal components analysis that was determined by the number of trophic species, links per species, the trophic similarity, and the characteristic path length. We suggest that species and link characteristics, such as predominance of scavengers and detritivorous, the relatively high connectance and the short path length are drivers in the food web structure and may play a role in the community dynamic.  相似文献   

The distribution of Trichoptera of the Hozgarganta River (Los Alcornocales Natural Park, SW Spain) in relation with environmental factors was examined. Three groups of species were recognised according to the altitudinal gradient. In the headwaters the caddisflies Rhyacophila fonticola, Lepidostoma hirtum, Silonella aurata, Allogamus gibraltaricus, Hydropsyche infernalis and Diplectrona felix predominated; in the constrained section of the tributaries Polycentropus kingi, Chimarra marginata, Hydropsyche iberomaroccana, R. fonticola and Tinodes sp. prevailed; finally, in the main channel H. iberomaroccana, C. marginata, Hydropsyche lobata, Leptocerus lusitanicus and Rhyacophila munda were the most important species. A direct ordination analysis (CCA) was used to describe assemblage changes among sites and corroborated that conductivity and temperature were the variables that best explained Trichoptera distribution. The temporal analysis showed changes in the Trichoptera diversity and richness in permanent stretches, as well as variations in the structure of the communities according to the season. We identified autumn‐winter species (H. infernalis, H. siltalai, H. lobata, R. fonticola and R. munda ) and summer ones (Ithytrichia sp, Oxyethira unidentata, Mystacides azurea and Setodes argentipunctellus ). In the basin we distinguished permanent, intermittent and ephemeral reaches with similar caddisfly richness and diversity, however the species composition associated with each one was different. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A quantitative taphonomic analysis of the fossil assemblages, together with a sedimentary study of the Pliocene deposits of the Vejer Basin (Cádiz, Spain), has been carried out. This multidisciplinary analysis has allowed us to establish with great precision the palaeoenvironmental conditions under which these materials were formed. The Pliocene deposits can be divided into three units, named from bottom to top: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. Unit 1 is formed of medium-to-coarse-grained sands at the base, corresponding to subtidal bar deposits. At the top, the sands become coarser, and beach and littoral dunes were formed. Within these sedimentological contexts, the fossil remains exhibit a strong degree of taphonomic destruction due to high hydrodynamic energy. Unit 2, consisting of clays, corresponds to deposits formed in a protected coastal bay. A low-energy environment allowed the fossils to maintain a good state of conservation and even thin-shelled bivalves with a delicate ornamentation are preserved. Unit 3 comprises highly bioclastic sands and calcarenites-calcirudites. This unit displays a shallowing upwards trend, passing from deposits generated under shallow subtidal conditions in the lower part to materials deposited on beaches and coastal dunes in the upper part. Under these conditions, the fossil remains show a high degree of taphonomic destruction. In Units 1 and 3, the fossils are mainly accumulated in horizontal beds, with extensive lateral continuity and with erosive bottoms and graded tops. These accumulations of fossils are interpreted as tempestites. As compared with the fossils preserved in surrounding sediments, the taphonomic attributes of these bioclasts suggest a superposition of the background and event processes. During normal conditions, the high energy of the littoral environments produced a strong degree of taphonomic destruction. During storm events, a mixture of taphonomic attributes was produced: high fragmentation and disarticulation and little abrasion and edge rounding of the fragments. This mixture was a consequence of sudden burial after storms, which prevented long periods of exposure of the bioclasts in the taphonomically active zone. Three taphofacies models are proposed, based on taphonomic attributes of fossils contained in the different units: inner-shelf taphofacies, protected shallow-lagoon taphofacies and storm bed taphofacies.  相似文献   

Demographic and life‐history attributes of the mole crab Emerita brasiliensis were analysed along 2700 km of the Atlantic coast of South America, including sandy beaches at the southernmost limit (Uruguay) and at the core of its geographical range (Brazil). Population features varied markedly within this range and exhibited systematic geographical patterns of variation. Abundance significantly increased from temperate to subtropical beaches, and the same held true for the asymptotic weight of males. Conversely, length at maturity and asymptotic weight of females increased from subtropical to temperate beaches, being inversely related to sea water temperature. Macroecological patterns in abundance and body weight showed the first large‐scale evidence of scaling of population density to body size for a sandy beach population. Mortality rates (both sexes) followed a nonlinear increase from low‐density temperate beaches to high‐density subtropical beaches. The effect of habitat quality and availability could explain discontinuities in the species distribution within its range, and also differential responses in life‐history attributes at a local scale. Asymmetries and converse latitudinal trends between sexes suggest that there is not a single general factor determining large‐scale patterns in life‐history traits of this species. Our results reinforce the view that density‐dependent and environmental factors operating together regulate sandy beach populations. The need to develop macroecological studies in sandy beach ecology is highlighted, as knowledge acquired from local to large spatial scales throws light on population structure and regulation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Popcorn was evaluated in a series of experiments conducted over four growing seasons for its potential as a refuge for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). Objectives of these studies were to determine whether more larvae were produced in popcorn than in field corn and to determine how popcorn influenced female oviposition and larval distribution in neighboring field corn. Two varieties of popcorn (M140, 105d and M3374Y, 118d), one mixture of popcorn (50% 105d and 50% 118d), and field corn (DK580, 108d) were evaluated. Number of egg masses, eggs per egg mass, and larvae were significantly higher in popcorn compared with field corn. Moth oviposition and larval distribution were evaluated using 105d popcorn embedded in several cornfields across Iowa. The row of field corn adjacent to popcorn had significantly more larvae compared with background field corn. In larger field experiments, O. nubilalis larval survival after overwintering was significantly different, with 2.2-18.7 times more O. nubilalis larvae surviving in popcorn than field corn. The potential use of popcorn as an O. nubilalis refuge for genetically engineered corn is considered.  相似文献   

This study characterized seven mangrove areas of different sizes, located on the southeastern Brazilian coast, with respect to their sediment and vegetation features. We also estimated the richness and composition of the brachyuran assemblages in these mangroves. Crab, vegetation and sediment data were collected during low tide. The larger mangroves showed richer and complex forests, and may be more ecologically stable than smaller mangroves. Twenty-eight species of crabs were recorded, members of nine families: Panopeidae, Pinnotheridae, Gecarcinidae, Grapsidae, Sesarmidae, Varunidae, Ocypodidae, Ucididae, and Portunidae. Ocypodoidea predominated over Grapsoidea in the smaller mangrove areas in pioneer stages of forest establishment, whereas the opposite was recorded for larger and more stable mangroves, where the forest can reach advanced stage of development. Comprido is a small mangrove, but its crab assemblage was similar to the larger ones, probably because of other factors not investigated here (e.g., megalopa settling rate). This study provided basic knowledge for developing conservation strategies for vulnerable mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

The surf-zones of sandy beaches near Perth, Western Australia often harbour huge accumulations of detached macrophyte detritus. During 2.5 yr sampling, 29 species of fishes were captured over two sandy beaches in this region and the fish community was dominated by juveniles. There was a highly significant positive relationship between the number of fishes and the quantity of detached macrophytes taken in each surf-zone netting. Comparisons of total fish abundance on beaches with and without surf-zone accumulations of detached plants, showed that fishes were two to 10 times more abundant on the beach with weed accumulations, depending on the time of day, and date of sampling. However, despite the overall lower abundance of fishes on the open sandy beach, there was a significant increase in the number of fishes captured over the sandy beach at night. There were also two to five times the number of species over the beach with weed during the day, as opposed to equal numbers of species at night. Seven fish species made up >95% of the total catch and these species fell into two groups with regard to diurnal distribution patterns; those that were equally abundant in weed dominated or open surf-zones, and those that were weed-associated. Analyses of the diets of these fishes and the daytime distribution of an important avian piscivore in the surf-zone suggested that the large quantities of weed in the surf-zone of sandy beaches in this region provide both a rich feeding site for fishes, as well as a refuge from diurnal predators. At night, when visual feeding predators are absent, some fish species move to open sandy areas to feed. Because the majority of fishes in this surf-zone community feed on weed-associated prey, and the input of macrophyte detritus is the major source of primary production in the surf-zone, we argue that the food chain dynamics in the surf-zone in this region are fundamentally different to those of sandy beaches that have been studied previously.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of ungulates on epigeal arthropod communities in two common plant communities of the high mountains of the Sierra Nevada (southeast Spain). We have compared the abundance, biomass, diversity and specific composition of arthropod communities in grazed and ungrazed plots experimentally excluded from ungulates. In general, we found that arthropods were more abundant and diverse in grazed than in ungrazed plots. However, the effect of ungulates depended on the variable considered (diversity versus abundance versus biomass). Moreover, ungulates also affected species composition. This means that without affecting diversity, ungulates can still have a strong effect on arthropod communities by changing species composition. Also, the relationship between ungulates and arthropods differed depending on the year of study and the sampling period. In conclusion, our study indicates that to extrapolate the results obtained for a group of insects, a habitat or a sampling period is not appropriate for the conservation of arthropod communities.  相似文献   

The diatom community growing on cobbles and sand substrata along the Cuarto River (Córdoba, Argentina) was studied during 2000 and 2001. Multivariate analyses of the data (PCA and CCA) showed distinct differences in water chemistry and substrata types between the upstream sites (sites 1–10) and downstream sites (sites 11–19). Sites 1–10 supported an epilithic diatom community associated with low water conductivity and gravel substrata. This consisted of adnate Achnanthes (A. biasolettiana, A. minutissima), as well as stalked (Gomphonema aff. angustum, Reimeria uniseriata, Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens) or prostrate (Nitzschia lacuum) taxa. Downstream sites were associated with high conductivity, fast flowing waters and finer substrata (sand, silt), and were colonised by prostrate diatoms, including several species of Navicula (N. pupula, N. mutica, N. veneta, N. insociabilis) and Nitzschia (N. umbonata, N. palea). Variations in water flow caused significant changes in the diatom communities of the river. During periods of low flow (winter and autumn), chain forming (Diatoma vulgaris, D. moniliformis) or stalked (Synedra ulna) taxa partially replaced the former community of Navicula and Nitzschia in the downstream sites. High flow (in summer) led to diatoms of large size being replaced by smaller size diatoms, such as Achnanthes lanceolata, Navicula mutica, Hantzschia amphioxys and Amphora montana. The severe effect of floods in the lower part of the Cuarto led to these taxa having a much higher proportion in the lower stretch of the river, taking advantage of the subaerial conditions created by the floods. Local episodes of water pollution were associated with a transient shift towards the dominance of Navicula pupula, Synedra ulna, Nitzschia lacuum and Reimeria uniseriata during winter, when inputs were least diluted because of the low flow.  相似文献   

The value of corn pollen as a food source for Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was assessed in the laboratory by testing the effect of different pollen diets on the longevity, capacity of parasitism and other life-table parameters. T. brassicae females that fed on corn pollen and water (wet filter paper dusted with pollen) lived significantly longer (4.97 days) than females that fed on water alone (2.67 days), but significantly shorter than those feeding on honey alone (8.37 days) or corn pollen and honey (8.23 days), respectively, in the absence of host eggs. The presence of European corn borer eggs (Ostrinia nubilalis Huebner, Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) significantly increased longevity. With host eggs available, female T. brassicae that fed on corn pollen and water lived significantly longer (4.9 days) than on water alone (2.60 days), but significantly shorter than on honey alone (12.33 days) or corn pollen and honey (12.17 days), respectively. The cumulative lifetime fecundity was 82.53 offspring pupae when fed on pollen and water, which was significantly higher than 61.70 for water alone but lower than feeding on honey alone (95.70) or corn pollen and honey (99.97), respectively. Compared to water alone, corn pollen and water increased the net reproduction rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), and finite rate of increase (λ), and reduced the doubling time (T2), but had no effects on the emergence rate, sex ratio, and mean generation time (Tc). In another set of experiments, 13 out of 30 females reduced the number of pollen grains offered to them. The average number of pollen grains utilized per female in this 48-h test 2.46±0.40 (mean±SE). Hence, T. brassicae used corn pollen as food that significantly increased longevity and fecundity of the tested females. Pollen and honey supplied a complete diet for T. brassicae, compared to pollen and water or water alone.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to determine the effect of a flour food source on survival of red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), and confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum (DuVal), exposed to the labeled rate (0.5 mg/cm2) of Protect-It, a marine formulation of diatomaceous earth. Beetles were exposed at 27 degrees C, and 40, 57, and 75% RH in 62-cm2 petri dishes. When beetles were exposed for 1 or 2 d in dishes with the labeled rate (0.5 mg/cm2, or 31 mg per dish) of diatomaceous earth or in dishes containing flour at varying levels from 0 to 200 mg mixed with the labeled rate of diatomaceous earth, survival of both species increased as the amount of flour increased, and quickly plateaued at levels approaching 100%. In a second set of experiments, beetles were transferred to dishes containing flour at varying levels from 0 to 200 mg after they were exposed for 1 or 2 d in dishes with the labeled rate of diatomaceous earth alone. There were no significant differences in beetle survival among the levels of flour, however, survival in dishes with flour was usually greater than survival in dishes with diatomaceous earth alone. In a third test, beetles were exposed for 1, 2, and 3 d in dishes with either the labeled rate of diatomaceous earth alone (clean dishes), dishes with diatomaceous earth and empty straws, or dishes with diatomaceous earth and approximately 300 mg of flour packed in the straws. Survival was not significantly different between clean dishes or dishes with straws, but survival in dishes containing the straws with flour was usually 100%, regardless of exposure interval. In all experiments, confused flour beetles were less susceptible to diatomaceous earth than red flour beetles. In addition, survival was negatively related to exposure interval and positively related to relative humidity.  相似文献   

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