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The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge has undertaken calculations related to various environmental exposure scenarios. A previous paper reported the results for submersion in radioactive air and immersion in water using age-specific mathematical phantoms. This paper presents age-specific effective dose rate coefficients derived using stylized mathematical phantoms for exposure to contaminated soils. Dose rate coefficients for photon, electron, and positrons of discrete energies were calculated and folded with emissions of 1252 radionuclides addressed in ICRP Publication 107 to determine equivalent and effective dose rate coefficients. The MCNP6 radiation transport code was used for organ dose rate calculations for photons and the contribution of electrons to skin dose rate was derived using point-kernels. Bremsstrahlung and annihilation photons of positron emission were evaluated as discrete photons. The coefficients calculated in this work compare favorably to those reported in the US Federal Guidance Report 12 as well as by other authors who employed voxel phantoms for similar exposure scenarios.  相似文献   

Dose conversion coefficients for teeth of children were computed for external photon sources by means of Monte Carlo methods using a modified MIRD-type mathematical phantom of a 5-year-old child. The tooth region is separated into eight smaller regions that represent incisors, canines, first and second molars. Each of these sub-regions is separated into enamel and dentin parts. Dose conversion coefficients were computed as ratio of absorbed dose in the enamel and air kerma. They are given for unidirectional (AP, PA, RLAT, LLAT), rotational (ROT) and isotropic (ISO) photon sources in the energy range from 10 keV to 10 MeV. All computations were performed with the MCNP4 code including coupled electron-photon transport. The computed coefficients demonstrate a significant non-linearity versus photon energy, which is more pronounced than that observed for adult phantoms. Due to this non-linearity, use of the EPR-measured doses in human teeth requires information on the incident photon fluence spectra. The data presented can be used for assessment of public exposure.  相似文献   

Dose conversion coefficients (DCCs) for assessment of internal and external radiation exposures to terrestrial and aquatic biota are compiled for 75 radionuclides, for 14 terrestrial and 22 aquatic reference organisms. DCC values for internal exposure are calculated based on a homogeneous distribution of the radionuclides in both types of organisms. DCC values for external exposure of aquatic organisms are calculated for complete immersion in water. For external exposure of terrestrial organisms the soil is considered as a planar and homogenously contaminated volume source with a surface roughness of 3 mm and a thickness of 10 cm, respectively. For in-soil-organisms, DCC values for external exposure are given assuming that these organisms live in the middle of a uniformly contaminated 50 cm-thick soil layer. The tables can be used for assessment of exposures of animals and plants living in various habitats. The list of considered organisms covers the Reference Animals and Plants as adopted by the ICRP.  相似文献   

Microorganisms capable of degrading diphenylarsinic acid (DPAA) were enriched from contaminated soil using the soil-charcoal perfusion method. Two novel bacterial strains, L2406 and L2413, that can degrade DPAA in a mineral salt medium supplemented with DPAA as the sole carbon source were isolated. Based on comparative morphology, physiology, and comparison of the 16S rRNA gene sequences, both were presumed to be species closely related to Ensifer adhaerens. As the metabolites, phenylarsonic acid (PAA) was determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis as well as three unknown peaks all of whose molecular weights were estimated to be 278. The increase of m/z = 16 from DPAA in the unknowns suggests monohydroxylation of DPAA at the 2-, 3- and 4-positions. The ability of strains L2406 and L2413 to degrade DPAA was suppressed in iron insufficient conditions, e.g. less than 7.2 μM iron in the culture medium. These facts strongly suggest the following hypothesis: Monooxygenase works at the initial degradation step of DPAA degradation by the isolates; and direct hydrolysis from DPAA to PAA is not likely to occur. In addition, release of arsenic acid from PAA by strain L2406 was confirmed by liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. From these results, strain L2406 was considered to be capable of degrading DPAA to arsenic acid via PAA when DPAA was supplied as the sole carbon source.  相似文献   

Human tibiae were subjected to steady state vibration over a frequency range to evaluate the use of clinical measurements of resonant frequency to characterize osteoporosis. Displacement and force transmitted to the bone were monitored and used to obtain measures of dynamic mass, stiffness, damping and resonant frequency. Initial results indicate that resonant frequency F is a less sensitive indicator of change in state than either generalized mass M or generalized stiffness K due to the functional relationship of these three parameters.  相似文献   

We believe greater consideration should be given the agronomic and nutritional/bioavailability factors that influence risk from Cd-contaminated soils. We have argued that the ability of rice to accumulate soil Cd in grain while excluding Fe, Zn and Ca (even though the soil contains 100-times more Zn than Cd) was important in adverse effects of soil Cd is farm families in Asia. Further, polished rice grain is deficient in Fe, Zn and Ca for humans, which promotes Cd absorption into duodenal cells. New kinetic studies clarified that dietary Cd is absorbed into duodenum enterocytes; 109Cd from a single meal remained in the duodenum for up to 16 days; part of the turnover pool 109Cd moved to the liver and kidneys by the end of the 64-day 'chase' period. Thus malnutrition induced by subsistence rice diets caused a higher absorption of dietary Cd and much higher potential risk from soil Cd than other crops. Because rice-induced Fe-Zn-Ca-malnutrition is so important in soil Cd risk, it seems evident that providing nutritional supplements to populations of exposed subsistence rice farmers could protect them against soil Cd during a period of soil remediation. In the long term, high Cd rice soils need to be remediated. Remediation by removal and replacement of contaminated soil is very expensive (on the order of $3 million/ha); while phytoextraction using the high Cd accumulating ecotypes of the Zn-Cd hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi caerulescens, should provide low cost soil Cd remediation.  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Fe, and Ni) in contaminated soils adjacent to two steel mill companies and in three crops (i.e., wheat, rice, and onion) grown in these regions were compared with a non-industrial site in Isfahan province, central Iran. The results were manifold. The heavy metal concentrations of both the soil and crops within the two industrial regions turned out to be more significant than the nonindustrial counterpart. In addition, the soils surrounding the companies were demonstrated to be contaminated by Cd, Pb, and Ni according to the limits provided by the international standards (i.e., USEPA and European Union standards). As for the crops from the investigated contaminated sites, the mean concentrations of Cd, Ni, and Pb exceeded the maximum permissible levels for human consumption stipulated by FAO/WHO standards. Furthermore, the values gained from the target hazard quotient were above one, meaning that the crops are contaminated. Given the results gained from a comparison made between estimated daily intake and tolerable daily intake, it can be concluded that the inhabitants of the two investigated contaminated sites are at a potentially serious health risk caused by exposure to the crops contaminated with the heavy metal.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction using hyperaccumulating plants is generally time-consuming and requires the cessation of agriculture. We coupled chelators and a co-cropping system to enhance phytoextraction rates, while allowing for agricultural production. An experiment on I m3 lysimeter beds was conducted with a co-cropping system consisting of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii and low-accumulating corn (Zea Mays, cv. Huidan-4), with addition ofa mixture of chelators (MC), to assess the efficiency of chelator enhanced co-crop phytoextraction and the leaching risk caused by the chelator. The results showed that the addition of MC promoted the growth of S. alfredii in the first crop (spring-summer season) and significantly increased the metal phytoextraction. The DTPA-extractable and total metal concentrations in the topsoil were also reduced more significantly with the addition of MC compared with the control treatments. However, mono-cropped S. alfredii without MC was more suitable for maximizing S. alfredii growth and therefore phytoextraction of Zn and Cd during the autumn-winter seasons. No adverse impact to groundwater due to MC application was observed during the experiments with three crops and three MC applications. But elevated total Cd and Pb concentrations among subsoils compared to the initial subsoil concentrations were found for the co-crop + MC treatment after the third crop.  相似文献   

Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - The system of protection established by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) provides a robust framework for ionizing radiation...  相似文献   

Enhanced phytoextraction using EDTA for the remediation of an agricultural soil contaminated with less mobile risk elements Cd and Pb originating from smelting activities in Príbram (Czech Republic) was assessed on the laboratory and the field scale. EDTA was applied to the first years crop Zea mays. Metal mobilization and metal uptake by the plants in the soil were monitored for two additional years when Triticum aestivum was planted. The application ofEDTA effectively increased water-soluble Cd and Pb concentrations in the soil. These concentrations decreased over time. Anyhow, increased concentrations could be still observed in the third experimental year indicating a low possibility of groundwater pollution after the addition of EDTA during and also after the enhanced phytoextraction process under prevailing climatic conditions. EDTA-applications caused phytotoxicity and thereby decreased biomass production and increased Cd and Pb uptake by the plants. Phytoextraction efficiency and phytoextraction potential were too low for Cd and Pb phytoextraction in the field in a reasonable time frame (as less than one-tenth of a percent of total Cd and Pb could be removed). This strongly indicates that EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction as implemented in this study is not a suitable remediation technique for risk metal contaminated soils.  相似文献   

A majority of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are zoonotic, mainly caused through spillover events linked to human-animal interactions. We conducted a survey-based human behavioral study in Laikipia County, Kenya, which is characterized by a dynamic human-wildlife-livestock interface. Questionnaires that assessed human-animal interactions, sanitation, and illnesses experienced within the past year were distributed to 327 participants among five communities in Laikipia. This study aimed to 1) describe variation in reported high-risk behaviors by community type and 2) assess the relationship between specific behaviors and self-reported illnesses. Behavioral trends were assessed in R via Fisher’s exact tests. A generalized linear mixed model with Lasso penalization (GLMMLasso) was used to assess correlations between behaviors and participants’ self-reported illness within the past year, with reported behaviors as independent variables and reported priority symptoms as the outcome. Reported behaviors varied significantly among the study communities. Participants from one community (Pastoralist-1) were significantly more likely to report eating a sick animal in the past year (p< 0.001), collecting an animal found dead to sell in the past year (p<0.0001), and not having a designated location for human waste (p<0.0001) when compared to participants from other communities. The GLMMLasso revealed that reports of an ill person in the household in the past year was significantly associated with self-reported illness. Sixty-eight percent of participants reported that bushmeat is available within the communities. Our study demonstrates community-level variation in behaviors that may influence zoonotic pathogen exposure. We further recommend development of targeted studies that explore behavioral variations among land use systems in animal production contexts.  相似文献   

Brevibacillus choshinensis (Bacillus brevis) HPD31 is a very efficient producer of recombinant human epidermal growth factor (EGF). The produced EGF is secreted into the medium with high efficiency. However part of the EGF that accumulates in the medium, exists as multimeric forms which are biologically inactive. We found the bacterium has the activity to structurally convert multimeric forms to the monomeric, native ones. Optimal temperature and pH for the conversion were 40 degrees C and pH 9, respectively. The reaction was promoted in the presence of reduced glutathione or cysteine. But the cells which had been sonicated or exposed to moderate heat treatment completely lost the activity. Thus, it was presumed that the activity might be due to the enzyme(s) that catalyze the protein disulfide exchanging reaction, and that they resides on the surface of viable cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to develop an animal exposure system for the biological effect studies of radio frequency fields from handheld wireless telephones, with energy deposition in animal brains comparable to those in humans. The finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) method was initially used to compute specific absorption rate (SAR) in an ellipsoidal rat model exposed with various size loop antennas at different distances from the model. A 3 × 1 cm rectangular loop produced acceptable SAR patterns. A numerical rat model based on CT images was developed by curve‐fitting Hounsfield Units of CT image pixels to tissue dielectric properties and densities. To design a loop for operating at high power levels, energy coupling and impedance matching were optimized using capacitively coupled feed lines embedded in a Teflon rod. Sprague Dawley rats were exposed with the 3 × 1 cm loop antennas, tuned to 837 or 1957 MHz for thermographically determined SAR distributions. Point SARs in brains of restrained rats were also determined thermometrically using fiberoptic probes. Calculated and measured SAR patterns and results from the various exposure configurations are in general agreement. The FDTD computed average brain SAR and ratio of head to whole body absorption were 23.8 W/kg/W and 62% at 837 MHz, and 22.6 W/kg/W and 89% at 1957 MHz. The average brain to whole body SAR ratio was 20 to 1 for both frequencies. At 837 MHz, the maximum measured SAR in the restrained rat brains was 51 W/kg/W in the cerebellum and 40 W/kg/W at the top of the cerebrum. An exposure system operating at 837 MHz is ready for in vivo biological effect studies of radio frequency fields from portable cellular telephones. Two‐tenths of a watt input power to the loop antenna will produce 10 W/kg maximum SAR, and an estimated 4.8 W/kg average brain SAR in a 300 g medium size rat. Bioelectromagnetics 20:75–92, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Respiratory input impedance (Zrs) from 2.5 to 320 Hz displays a high-frequency resonance, the location of which depends on the density of the resident gas in the lungs (J. Appl. Physiol. 67: 2323-2330, 1989). A previously used six-element model has suggested that the resonance is due to alveolar gas compression (Cg) resonating with tissue inertance (Iti). However, the density dependence of the resonance indicates that is associated with the first airway acoustic resonance. The goal of this study was to determine whether unique properties for tissues and airways can be extracted from Zrs data by use of models that incorporate airway acoustic phenomena. We applied several models incorporating airway acoustics to the 2.5- to 320-Hz data from nine healthy adult humans during room air (RA) and 20% He-80% O2 (HeO2) breathing. A model consisting of a single open-ended rigid tube produced a resonance far sharper than that seen in the data. To dampen the resonance features, we used a model of multiple open-ended rigid tubes in parallel. This model fit the data very well for both RA and HeO2 but required fewer and longer tubes with HeO2. Another way to dampen the resonance was to use a single rigid tube terminated with an alveolar-tissue unit. This model also fit the data well, but the alveolar Cg estimates were far smaller than those expected based on the subject's thoracic gas volume. If Cg was fixed based on the thoracic gas volume, a large number of tubes were again required. These results along with additional simulations show that from input Zrs alone one cannot uniquely identify features indigenous to alveolar Cg or to the respiratory tissues.  相似文献   

SDS-PAGE showed that human salivary alpha-amylase family A (HSA-A) was converted to family B (HSA-B) in human saliva. This conversion did not occur in the supernatant of saliva which had been centrifuged at 105,000 x g for 60 min. An enzyme which catalyzed the conversion existed in the insoluble fraction of human saliva. The enzyme was solubilized with nonionic or zwitterionic detergents, and showed the maximum activity around pH 6. It was stable between pH 4 and 10, and at a temperature lower than 40 degrees C. The enzyme reduced the molecular weight of HSA-A (62,000) to the same molecular weight (58,000) as that of HSA-B without forming any intermediate. It also changed the PAGE pattern of multiple forms of HSA-A to the same pattern as that of HSA-B. It was not inhibited by protease inhibitors, and it did not destroy the reactivity of HSA-A with anti-human salivary alpha-amylase antiserum. The enzyme diminished the reactivity of HSA-A with concanavalin A. These results indicate that HSA-A was converted to HSA-B through the release of sugar chains by the action of the enzyme in the insoluble fraction of human saliva.  相似文献   

The current study extends our previous investigations of 2-h radiofrequency (RF)-field exposures on genotoxicity in human blood cell cultures by examining the effect of 24-h continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed-wave (PW) 1.9 GHz RF-field exposures on both primary DNA damage and micronucleus induction in human leukocyte cultures. Mean specific absorption rates (SARs) ranged from 0 to 10 W/kg, and the temperature within the cultures was maintained at 37.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C for the duration of the 24-h exposure period. No significant differences in primary DNA damage were observed between the sham-treated controls and any of the CW or PW 1.9 GHz RF-field-exposed cultures when processed immediately after the exposure period by the alkaline comet assay. Similarly, no significant differences were observed in the incidence of micronuclei, incidence of micronucleated binucleated cells, frequency of binucleated cells, or proliferation index between the sham-treated controls and any of the CW or PW 1.9 GHz RF-field-exposed cultures. In conclusion, the current study found no evidence of 1.9 GHz RF-field-induced genotoxicity in human blood cell cultures after a 24-h exposure period.  相似文献   

A new strain, GS603, having beta-glucosidase activity was isolated from soil of a ginseng field, and its ability to convert major ginsenoside Rb(1) to minor ginsenoside or gypenoside was studied. Strain GS603 was identified as an Intrasporangium species by phylogenetic analysis and showed high ginsenoside-converting activity in LB and TSA broth but not in nutrient broth. The culture broth of the strain GS603 could convert ginsenoside Rb(1 )into two metabolites, which were analyzed by TLC and HPLC and shown to be the minor ginsenoside F(2) and gypenoside XVII by NMR.  相似文献   

The human-biting adult stage of the Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni) can cause tick paralysis in humans and domestic animals and is the primary tick vector in the intermountain west of the pathogens causing Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. We conducted drag sampling studies in Poudre Canyon and Rocky Mountain National Park of Larimer County, CO, to determine microhabitat use patterns by host-seeking D. andersoni adults and find environmental factors signaling elevated risk of tick exposure. Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) was found to serve as a general indicator of areas with elevated risk of exposure to host-seeking D. andersoni adults; this likely results from a shared climate tolerance of big sagebrush and D. andersoni. Grass was the favored substrate for host-seeking ticks. Drag sampling of open grass or grass bordering rock or shrub produced abundances of D. andersoni adults significantly higher than sampling of brush. Sampling sites in Rocky Mountain National Park, relative to Poudre Canyon, were characterized by more intense usage by elk (Cervus elaphus) but decreased brush coverage, smaller brush size, and lower abundances of host-seeking D. andersoni adults. There has been a tremendous increase in the population of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park over the last decades and we speculate that this has resulted in an ecological cascade where overgrazing of vegetation by elk is followed by suppression of rodent populations, decreased tick abundance, and, ultimately, reduced risk of human exposure to D. andersoni and its associated pathogens.  相似文献   

The primary structure of prostaglandin (PG) F synthetase from bovine lung shows 62% similarity with that of human liver aldehyde reductase (EC (Watanabe, K., Fujii, Y., Nakayama, K., Ohkubo, H., Kuramitsu, S., Kagamiyama, H., Nakanishi, S., and Hayaishi, O. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 11-15). We therefore purified human liver aldehyde reductase to homogeneity and compared the immunological and catalytic properties of aldehyde reductase and PGF synthetase. Although both enzymes belong to a group of aldoketoreductases and their molecular weights are essentially identical, aldehyde reductase had no cross-reactivity to anti-PGF synthetase antiserum. Furthermore, there was a difference in the substrate specificity for reduction of PGs between the two enzymes. Aldehyde reductase catalyzed the reduction of PGJ2, delta 12-PGJ2, PGH2, or PGA2, but not that of PGB2, PGD2, or PGE2, whereas PGF synthetase reduced PGD2. The optimum pH, Km value for PGH2, and the turnover number were 6.5, 100 microM, and 3.1 min-1, respectively. The PGH2 9,11-endoperoxide reductase activity of aldehyde reductase was not affected in the presence of a substrate such as p-nitrobenzaldehyde, DL-glyceraldehyde, or 9,10-phenanthrenequinone, suggesting that PGH2 9,11-endoperoxide and other substrates are reduced at different active site(s). The reaction product formed from PGH2 by this enzyme was identified as PGF2 alpha by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. These results suggest that aldehyde reductase is not exactly identical to PGF synthetase in terms of its immunological property and substrate specificity for PGs, but that this enzyme is also involved in the direct conversion of PGH2 to PGF2 alpha similar to PGF synthetase.  相似文献   

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