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The oral cavity has been identified as the major site for the shedding of infectious Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). While KSHV DNA is frequently detected in the saliva of KSHV seropositive persons, it does not appear to replicate in salivary glands. Some viruses employ the process of epithelial differentiation for productive viral replication. To test if KSHV utilizes the differentiation of oral epithelium as a mechanism for the activation of lytic replication and virus production, we developed an organotypic raft culture model of epithelium using keratinocytes from human tonsils. This system produced a nonkeratinized stratified squamous oral epithelium in vitro, as demonstrated by the presence of nucleated cells at the apical surface; the expression of involucrin and keratins 6, 13, 14, and 19; and the absence of keratin 1. The activation of KSHV lytic-gene expression was examined in this system using rKSHV.219, a recombinant virus that expresses the green fluorescent protein during latency from the cellular EF-1alpha promoter and the red fluorescent protein (RFP) during lytic replication from the viral early PAN promoter. Infection of keratinocytes with rKSHV.219 resulted in latent infection; however, when these keratinocytes differentiated into a multilayered epithelium, lytic cycle activation of rKSHV.219 occurred, as evidenced by RFP expression, the expression of the late virion protein open reading frame K8.1, and the production of infectious rKSHV.219 at the epithelial surface. These findings demonstrate that KSHV lytic activation occurs as keratinocytes differentiate into a mature epithelium, and it may be responsible for the presence of infectious KSHV in saliva.  相似文献   

The majority of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)-infected cells identified in vivo contain latent KSHV, with lytic replication in only a few percent of cells, as is the case for the cells of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) lesions. Factors that influence KSHV latent or lytic replication are not well defined. Because persons with KS are often immunosuppressed and susceptible to many infectious agents, including human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), we have investigated the potential for HCMV to influence the replication of KSHV. Important to this work was the construction of a recombinant KSHV, rKSHV.152, expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and neo (conferring resistance to G418). The expression of GFP was a marker of KSHV infection in cells of both epithelial and endothelial origin. The rKSHV.152 virus was used to establish cells, including human fibroblasts (HF), containing only latent KSHV, as demonstrated by latency-associated nuclear antigen expression and Gardella gel analysis. HCMV infection of KSHV latently infected HF activated KSHV lytic replication with the production of infectious KSHV. Dual-color immunofluorescence detected both the KSHV lytic open reading frame 59 protein and the HCMV glycoprotein B in coinfected cells, and UV-inactivated HCMV did not activate the production of infectious KSHV-GFP. In addition, HCMV coinfection increased the production of KSHV from endothelial cells and activated lytic cycle gene expression in keratinocytes. These data demonstrate that HCMV can activate KSHV lytic replication and suggest that HCMV could influence KSHV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The response of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) to inflammatory cytokine treatment of experimentally infected endothelial cells was investigated. The cytokines inhibited spontaneous KSHV lytic gene expression but not the level of infection. The data suggest that if inflammatory cytokines present in KS lesions contribute to KSHV pathogenesis, they do so in part by promoting latent KSHV infection of the endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is present in all epidemiologic forms of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). The KSHV genome contains several open reading frames which are potentially implicated in the development of KS. Some are unique to KSHV; others are homologous to cellular genes. The putative role of these genes in the genesis of KS is discussed.  相似文献   

Angiogenic Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) skin lesions found in both AIDS and non-AIDS patients are universally associated with infection by the presumed causative agent, known as KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8. KSHV genomes expressing latent state virus-encoded mRNAs and the LANA1 (latent nuclear antigen 1) protein are consistently present in spindle-like tumor cells that are thought to be of endothelial cell origin. Although the KSHV lytic cycle can be induced in rare latently infected primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) cell lines, the ability to transmit or assay infectious KSHV has so far eluded investigators. Here, we demonstrate that infection with supernatant virions derived from three different tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate-induced PEL cell lines can induce cultured primary human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (DMVEC) to form colonies of proliferating latently infected spindle-shaped cells, all of which express the KSHV-encoded LANA1 protein. Although their initial infectivity varied widely (JSC1 > > BC3 > BCP1), virions from all three cell lines produced distinctive spindle cell colonies and plaques without affecting the contact-inhibited cobblestone-like phenotype of adjacent uninfected DMVEC. Each infected culture could also be expanded into a completely spindloid persistently infected culture displaying aggregated swirls of spindle cells resembling those in KS lesions. Formation of new colonies and plaques was inhibited in the presence of phosphonoacetic acid or gangciclovir, but these antiherpesvirus agents had little effect on the propagation of already latently infected spindloid cultures. In persistently infected secondary cultures, patches of up to 10% of the spindloid cells constitutively expressed several early viral lytic cycle proteins, and 1 to 2% of the cells also formed typical herpesvirus DNA replication compartments, displayed cytopathic rounding effects, and expressed late viral antigens. We conclude that de novo KSHV infection induces a spindle cell conversion phenotype in primary DMVEC cultures that is directly associated with latent state expression of the LANA1 protein. However, these cultures also spontaneously reactivate to produce an unusual combination of both latent and productive but slow lytic cycle infection. The formation of spindle cell colonies and plaques in DMVEC cultures provides for the first time a quantitative assay for directly measuring the infectivity of KSHV virion preparations.  相似文献   

To efficiently establish a persistent infection, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV; also known as HHV8) dedicates a large amount of its coding potential to produce proteins that antagonize the immune system of its host. These viral immunomodulators interfere with both the innate and adaptive immune responses and most of them are homologous to cellular proteins, suggesting that they have been pirated from the host during viral evolution. In this Review, I present recent advances in the understanding of immune evasion by KSHV, with a particular focus on the virally encoded modulators of immune responses that are unique to this virus.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) belongs to the gamma-2 Herpesviridae and is associated with three neoplastic disorders: Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), primary effusion lymphoma (PEL), and multicentric Castleman's disease (MCD). The viral latency-associated nuclear antigen 1 (LANA) is expressed in all latently KSHV-infected cells and is involved in viral latent replication and maintenance of the viral genome. We show that LANA interacts with the ubiquitin-specific protease USP7 through its N-terminal TRAF (tumor necrosis factor [TNF] receptor-associated factor) domain. This interaction involves a short sequence (amino acids [aa] 971 to 986) within the C-terminal domain of LANA with strong similarities to the USP7 binding site of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) EBNA-1 protein. A LANA mutant with a deletion of the identified USP7 binding site showed an enhanced ability to replicate a plasmid containing the KSHV latent origin of replication but was comparable to the wild-type LANA (LANA WT) with regard to the regulation of viral and cellular promoters. Furthermore, the LANA homologues of two other gamma-2 herpesviruses, MHV68 and RRV, also recruit USP7. Our findings suggest that recruitment of USP7 to LANA could play a role in the regulation of viral latent replication. The recruitment of USP7, and its role in herpesvirus latent replication, previously described for the latent EBNA-1 protein of the gamma-1 herpesvirus (lymphocryptovirus) EBV (M. N. Holowaty et al., J. Biol. Chem. 278:29987-29994, 2003), may thereby be a conserved feature among gammaherpesvirus latent origin binding proteins.  相似文献   

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