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Early vertebrate embryos pass through a period of remarkable morphological similarity. Possible causes for such similarity of early embryos include modularity, developmental constraints, stabilizing selection, canalization, and exhausted genetic variability. Supposedly, each process creates different patterns of variation and covariation of embryonic traits. We study the patterns of variation of the embryonic phenotype to test ideas about possible evolutionary mechanisms shaping the early embryonic development. We use the zebra fish, Danio rerio, as a model organism and apply repeated measures of individual embryos to study temporal changes of phenotypic variability during development. In particular, we are looking at the embryonic development from 12 hours post fertilization until 27 hours post fertilization. During this time period, the development of individual embryos is documented at hourly intervals. We measured maximum diameter of the eye, length of embryo, number of somites, inclination of somites, and the yolk size (as a maternal effect). The coefficient of variation (CV) was used as a measure of variability that was independent of size. We used a principal component analysis for analysis of morphological integration. The experimental setup kept environment x genotype interactions constant. Nongenetic parental contributions had no significant effects on interindividual variability. Thus all observed phenotypic variation was based on additive genetic variance and error variance. The average CV declined from 14% to 7.7%. The decline of the CV was in particular expressed during 15-19 h post fertilization and occurred in association with multiple correlations among embryonic traits and a relatively high degree of morphological integration. We suggest that internal constraints determine the patterns of variability during early embryonic development of zebra fish.  相似文献   



The Leishmania protozoan parasites cause devastating human diseases. Leishmania have been considered to replicate clonally, without genetic exchange. However, an accumulation of evidence indicates that there are inter-specific and intra-specific hybrids among natural populations. The first and so far only experimental proof of genetic exchange was obtained in 2009 when double drug resistant Leishmania major hybrids were produced by co-infecting sand flies with two strains carrying different drug resistance markers. However, the location and timing of hybridisation events in sand flies has not been described.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we have co-infected Phlebotomus perniciosus and Lutzomyia longipalpis with transgenic promastigotes of Leishmania donovani strains carrying hygromycin or neomycin resistance genes and red or green fluorescent markers. Fed females were dissected at different times post bloodmeal (PBM) and examined by fluorescent microscopy or fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) followed by confocal microscopy. In mixed infections strains LEM3804 and Gebre-1 reached the cardia and stomodeal valves more rapidly than strains LEM4265 and LV9. Hybrids unequivocally expressing both red and green fluorescence were seen in single flies of both vectors tested, co-infected with LEM4265 and Gebre-1. The hybrids were present as short (procyclic) promastigotes 2 days PBM in the semi-digested blood in the endoperitrophic space. Recovery of a clearly co-expressing hybrid was also achieved by FACS. However, hybrids could not sustain growth in vitro.


For the first time, we observed L. donovani hybrids in the sand fly vector, 2 days PBM and described the morphological stages involved. Fluorescence microscopy in combination with FACS allows visualisation and recovery of the progeny of experimental crosses but on this occasion the hybrids were not viable in vitro. Nevertheless, genetic exchange in L. donovani has profound epidemiological significance, because it facilitates the emergence and spread of new phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

The activities of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases were assessed in the embryos and juveniles of the rainbow trout Parasalmo mykiss L. and chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta W. Changes in subcellular localization of these enzymes and their activities were found at different pH optima in each subcellular fraction of the rainbow trout during ontogenesis.__________Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2005, pp. 96–101.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Samsonova, Lapteva, Filippovich.  相似文献   

The activities of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases were assessed in the embryos and juveniles of the rainbow trout Parasalmo mukiss L. and chum salmon Oncorchyncus keta W. Changes in subcellular localization of these enzymes and their activities were found at different pH optima in each subcellular fraction of the rainbow trout during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-zeta (PLCzeta), a strong candidate of the egg-activating sperm factor, causes intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and egg activation, and is subsequently accumulated into the pronucleus (PN), when expressed in mouse eggs by injection of RNA encoding PLCzeta. Changes in the localization of expressed PLCzeta were investigated by tagging with a fluorescent protein. PLCzeta began to translocate into the PN formed at 5-6 h after RNA injection and increased there. Observation in the same embryo revealed that PLCzeta in the PN dispersed to the cytoplasm upon nuclear envelope breakdown and translocated again into the nucleus after cleavage. The dynamics was found in the second mitosis as well. When RNA was injected into fertilization-originated 1-cell embryos or blastomere(s) of 2-8-cell embryos, the nuclear localization of expressed PLCzeta was recognized in every embryo up to blastocyst. Thus, PLCzeta exhibited alternative cytoplasm/nucleus localization during development. This supports the view that the sperm factor could control cell cycle-dependent generation of Ca2+ oscillations in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are the main microtubule (MT)-organizing centers in animal cells, but they also influence the actin/myosin cytoskeleton. The Drosophila CP190 protein is nuclear in interphase, interacts with centrosomes during mitosis, and binds to MTs directly in vitro. CP190 has an essential function in the nucleus as a chromatin insulator, but centrosomes and MTs appear unperturbed in Cp190 mutants. Thus, the centrosomal function of CP190, if any, is unclear. Here, we examine the function of CP190 in Cp190 mutant germline clone embryos. Mitosis is not perturbed in these embryos, but they fail in axial expansion, an actin/myosin-dependent process that distributes the nuclei along the anterior-to-posterior axis of the embryo. Myosin organization is disrupted in these embryos, but actin appears unaffected. Moreover, a constitutively activated form of the myosin regulatory light chain can rescue the axial expansion defect in mutant embryos, suggesting that CP190 acts upstream of myosin activation. A CP190 mutant that cannot bind to MTs or centrosomes can rescue the lethality associated with Cp190 mutations, presumably because it retains its nuclear functions, but it cannot rescue the defects in myosin organization in embryos. Thus, CP190 has distinct nuclear and centrosomal functions, and it provides a crucial link between the centrosome/MT and actin/myosin cytoskeletal systems in early embryos.  相似文献   

During epiboly stages the cells (called deep blastomeres) which will form the definitive embryo disperse over the surface of the yolk sphere, only later aggregating and developing an embryonic axis. Five different statistical tests were used to study the pattern formed by the deep blastomeres during epiboly and early dispersed stages. The two most reliable tests, based on the distance from each deep blastomere within a selected area to its nearest neighboring cell, indicate that the distribution pattern changes from regular during epiboly stages to random during dispersed stages 1 and 2. Careful observation and time-lapse microphotography revealed some aspects of how the cells set up the regular pattern. The deep blastomeres exhibit a variety of cell extensions, with which they often contact one another. When two deep blastomeres make contact during epiboly stages, they soon break the contact and move apart; they overlap one another only rarely. Deep blastomeres are frequently located at, and are even elongated along, borders of the overlying flat cells (enveloping layer cells). These two mechanisms, one similar to contact inhibition of cell movement, the other to contact guidance, may contribute to the rather regular spacing of the deep blastomeres as well as to their arrangement in rows during epiboly stages.  相似文献   

The activity of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase was investigated during the embryonic development of nucleocytoplasmic hybrids containing a nuclear genome derived from R. pipiens and a mitochondrial genome derived from R. palustris. Using a quantitative cytochemical approach, we found that the activity of cytochrome oxidase failed to increase during the development of these embryos. Control embryos containing a haploid chromosomal complement, derived from the same species as that from which the maternally inherited mitochondria is derived and hybrid crosses between R. palustris and R. pipiens, showed a significant increase in cytochrome oxidase activity during development. Oxygen uptake data from diploid and haploid R. pipiens embryos were in agreement with the data obtained by the cytochemical method. These results indicate that a normal pattern of cytochrome oxidase activity during embryonic development requires a nuclear genome which contains a haploid chromosomal complement derived from the same species as that from which the mitochondrial genome is derived.  相似文献   

Nuclear envelope dynamics during male pronuclear development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Upon fertilization, the sperm nucleus undergoes reactivation. The poreless sperm nuclear envelope is replaced by a functional male pronuclear envelope and the highly compact male chromatin decondenses. Here some recent evidence is examined: that disassembly of the sperm lamina is required for chromatin decondensation, that remnant portions of the sperm nuclear envelope target the binding of egg membrane vesicles that form the male pronuclear envelope, that functional male pronuclear envelopes containing lamin B receptor assemble prior to lamin import and lamina formation, and that lamina assembly drives male pronuclear swelling. Several unresolved issues are discussed.  相似文献   

Translational control during early development   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Early development in many animals is programmed by maternally inherited messenger RNAs. Many of these mRNAs are translationally dormant in immature oocytes, but are recruited onto polysomes during meiotic maturation, fertilization, or early embryogenesis. In contrast, other mRNAs that are translated in oocytes are released from polysomes during these later stages of development. Recent studies have begun to define the cis and trans elements that regulate both translational repression and translational induction of maternal mRNA. The inhibition of translation of some mRNAs during early development is controlled by discrete sequences residing in the 3' and 5' untranslated regions, respectively. The translation of other RNAs is due to polyadenylation which, at least in oocytes of the frog Xenopus laevis, is regulated by a U-rich cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE). Although similar, the CPE sequences of various mRNAs are sufficiently different to be bound by different proteins. Two of these proteins and their interactions are described here.  相似文献   

The SLC30 family of cation diffusion transporters includes at least nine members in mammals, most of which have been documented to play a role in zinc transport. The founding member of this family, Znt1, was discovered by virtue of its ability to efflux zinc from cells and to protect them from zinc toxicity. However, its physiological functions remain unknown. To address this issue, mice with targeted knockout of the Znt1 gene were generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Heterozygous Znt1 mice were viable. In contrast, homozygous Znt1 mice died in utero soon after implantation due to a catastrophic failure of embryonic development. Although extraembryonic membranes formed around these embryos, the embryo proper failed to undergo morphogenesis past the egg cylinder stage and was amorphous by d9 of pregnancy. Expression of the Znt1 gene was detected predominantly in trophoblasts and in the maternal deciduum during the postimplantation period (d5 to d8). The failure of homozygous Znt1 embryos to develop could not be rescued by manipulating maternal dietary zinc (either excess or deficiency) during pregnancy. However, embryos in Znt1 heterozygous females were approximately 3 times more likely to develop abnormally when exposed to maternal dietary zinc deficiency during later pregnancy than were those in wildtype females. These studies suggest that Znt1 serves an essential function of transporting maternal zinc into the embryonic environment during the egg cylinder stage of development, and further suggest that Znt1 plays a role in zinc homeostasis in adult mice.  相似文献   

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