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Historically, approaches to environmental management activities have been reactive rather than proactive. Environmental laws and regulations have been generated primarily in response to particular issues (e.g., chemical contamination), creating a piecemeal approach for managing the environment. Responsibilities for managing different resources (e.g., water, air, forests, wildlife) have been assigned to different agencies or groups within government, further fragmenting environmental management. Proactive approaches that recognize the interconnectedness of environmental components are necessary to address complex and long-term environmental management issues. This Perspective proposes an environmental management approach that is comprehensive and systematic, while still being comprehensible to decision-makers and other stakeholders. The proposed approach is based on ecology and environmental values related to decision-making. It considers interrelationships among and between living organisms (including humans) and their physical environment. The proposed approach builds on the ecological risk assessment (ERA) paradigm, including goal (or problem) identification, values identification (ecological and human) for the environment being managed, and data collection and analysis focused on management decision-making. Stakeholder involvement and active participation are essential elements. As demonstrated herein, application of the proposed framework has enabled environmental managers to achieve workable solutions and to avoid or resolve environmental conflicts at both local and regional scales. The proposed framework is demonstrably transportable across political boundaries, applicable to all environments involving natural resources, independent of any particular ideology, and applicable to environmental management activities at all scales.  相似文献   

An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite a changing world in terms of data sharing, availability, and transparency, there are still major resource issues associated with collating datasets that will satisfy the requirements of comprehensive pesticide risk assessments, especially those undertaken at a regional or national scale. In 1996, a long-term project was initiated to begin collating and formatting pesticide data to eventually create a free-to-all repository of data that would provide a comprehensive transparent, harmonized, and managed extensive dataset for all types of pesticide risk assessments. Over the last 20 years, this database has been keeping pace with improving risk assessments, their associated data requirements, and the needs and expectations of database end users. In 2007, the Pesticide Properties DataBase (PPDB) was launched as a free-to-access website. Currently, the PPDB holds data for almost 2300 pesticide active substances and over 700 metabolites. For each substance around 300 parameters are stored, covering human health, environmental quality, and biodiversity risk assessments. With the approach of the twentieth anniversary of the database, this article seeks to elucidate the current data model, data sources, its validation, and quality control processes and describes a number of existing risk assessment applications that depend upon it.  相似文献   

Staphyloferrin A, the iron-transporting siderophore of Staphylococci, contains two citric acid residues linked to a D-ornithine backbone, having thus three chiral centers. While the chirality of the backbone can be determined after hydrolysis, the chirality of the two citryl residues can only be determined from the intact staphyloferrin A molecule by circular dichroism spectra. The chirality of the quarternary carbon atoms of citryl residues in fungal rhizoferrin and bacterial enantio-rhizoferrin have been determined previously to be R,R and S,S respectively. The present investigation shows that of the three chiral centers in staphyloferrin A, the citryl residues can be assigned an S,S-configuration by comparison with synthetic analogs, confirming a common chirality among the bacterial enantio-rhizoferrin and staphyloferrin A. This suggests that the bacterial carboxylates originate from a common biosynthetic pathway leading to an S,S-configuration, while the fungal rhizoferrin possessing an R,R-configuration must have a different biosynthetic origin. Growth promotion tests with staphylococci revealed that the S,S-configuration of staphyloferrin A and enantio-rhizoferrin enabled iron uptake, while the fungal rhizoferrin with R,R-configuration was not utilized. Published online December 2004  相似文献   

In order to promote international understanding and acceptance of the integrated risk assessment process, the World Health Organization/International Programme on Chemical Safety (WHO/IPCS), in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, initiated a number of activities related to integrated risk assessment. In this project, the WHO/IPCS defines integrated risk assessment as a science-based approach that combines the processes of risk estimation for humans, biota, and natural resources in one assessment. This article explores the strengths and weaknesses of integration as identified up to this date and the degree of acceptance of this concept by the global risk assessment/risk management community. It discusses both opportunities and impediments for further development and implementation.

The major emerging opportunities for an integrated approach stem from the increasing societal and political pressure to move away from vertebrate testing leading to a demand for scientific integrated approaches to in vitro and in vivo testing, as well as to computer simulations, in so-called Intelligent Testing Strategies. In addition, by weighing the evidence from conventional mammalian toxicology, ecotoxicology, human epidemiology, and eco-epidemiology, risk assessors could better characterize mechanisms of action and the forms of the relationships of exposures to responses. It is concluded that further demonstrations of scientific, economic and regulatory benefits of an integrated approach are needed. As risk assessment is becoming more mechanistic and molecular this may create an integrated approach based on common mechanisms and a common systems-biology approach.  相似文献   

Atrazine (ATR) blunts the hormone‐induced luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, when administered by gavage (50–100 mg/kg/day for 4 days), in ovariectomized rats. In this study, we determined if comparable doses delivered either by gavage (bolus dose) or distributed in diet would reduce the LH surge and subsequently affect fertility in the intact female rat. ATR was administered daily to intact female Sprague‐Dawley (SD) or Long Evans (LE) rats by gavage (0, 0.75 1.5, 3, 6, 10, 12, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day) or diet (0, 30, 100, 160, 500, 660, or 1460 ppm) during one complete 4‐day estrous cycle, starting on day of estrus. Estrous status, corpora lutea, ova, and LH plasma concentrations were evaluated. A second cohort of animals was mated on the fourth treatment day. Fertility metrics were assessed on gestational day 20. A higher portion of LE rats had asynchronous estrous cycles when compared to SD rats both during pretreatment and in response to ATR (≥50 mg/kg). In contrast, bolus doses of ATR (≥50 mg/kg) inhibited the peak and area under the curve for the preovulatory LH surge in SD but not LE animals. Likewise, only bolus‐treated SD, not LE, rats displayed reduced mean number of corpora lutea and ova. There were no effects of ATR administered by gavage on mating, gravid number, or fetus number. Dietary administration had no effect on any reproductive parameter measured. These findings indicate that short duration, high‐bolus doses of ATR can inhibit the LH surge and reduce the number of follicles ovulated; however, dietary administration has no effect on any endocrine or reproductive outcomes  相似文献   

The traditional medical model of health and health policy development has focused on individuals and the role of medical care in preventing and treating disease and injury. Recent attention to health inequities and social determinants of health has raised the profile of population heath and evidence-based strategies for improving the health of whole populations. At the same time, risk science has emerged as an important new discipline for the assessment and management of risks to health. This article reviews historical developments in the fields of risk management and population health and proposes a joint population health risk management framework that integrates the key elements of both fields. Applying this integrated approach to managing population health risks will facilitate the development of evidence-based health policy. It will encourage a more systematic and comprehensive evaluation of population health issues and promote the use of a broader suite of interventions to reduce health risks and enhance population health status.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessments provide a probabilitistic approach to analyzing and predicting ecosystem responses to stress. We are evaluating the relationship between nonpoint source (NPS) phosphorus loading and the trophic status of the aquatic ecosystem. We are using SIMPLE (the Spatially Integrated Model for Phosphorus Loading and Erosion) to identify probable phosphorus sources in a watershed, simulate the phosphorus loading to streams, and analyze the relationships between input variables and their ecological impact. The objective of this paper is to describe a risk-based paradigm using SIMPLE to characterize the probability of exceeding a critical phosphorus loading to a lotic ecosystem. We have characterized the risk of exceeding a threshold loading of 0.5 kilogram total phosphorus per hectare per year from a 2238 hectare watershed. Two-hundred-fifty random SIMPLE simulations were performed to estimate annual total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, and sediment-bound phosphorus loading to a lotic ecosystem from the watershed. Simulation results were analyzed statistically to determine the probabilities of exceeding the critical loadings. Based on the current land use practices in the Battle Creek watershed, the probability of exceeding the total phosphorus critical loading rate of 0.5 kg/ha/yr was approximately 11 percent, or one year in nine the total annual loading will exceed the critical loading rate. The 95 percent confidence intervals for the total phosphorus loading occurring on average once in nine years were relatively close (0.45 to 0.60 kg/ha/yr), assuming the only variability from year to year was due to natural variability in weather.  相似文献   

Monitoring environmental policy progress often focuses on contaminant concentrations while policy goals address health. To bridge this gap, we developed policy evaluation case studies applying risk assessment methods to explore population health risks of chemical exposures before and after policy implementation. Beginning in the 1970s the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection provided some of the United States' first data on contaminants including trichloroethylene in drinking water and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish. These data provide a unique opportunity to evaluate environmental policies. The 1979 PCB manufacturing ban succeeded in reducing exposure and risk, but the persistence of these compounds in local fish requires continued state and local consumption advisories. The positive impact of drinking water standards for trichloroethylene was reflected in declining detection in public water supplies from the late 1970s to 2005, although maximum concentrations in a small percentage of supplies remain above standards. Our case studies show success and progress, and the need for multiple policies in combination when conditions warrant. Tracking specific policies and contaminants using risk assessment methods can be a valuable tool for policy evaluation and can foster population-based environmental health research. Pollution prevention policies are warranted for chemicals that persist in the environment.  相似文献   

A two-tier ecological risk assessment was conducted for pesticides monitored in sediment at 36 sampling sites in south Florida freshwater canals from 1990–2002. For tier 1, we identified the chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs) as DDT, DDD, DDE, chlordane and endosulfan based on their exceedence of sediment quality standards at 20 sites. For 12 sites with data on the fraction of organic carbon in sediments, whole sediment concentrations of COPECs were converted to pore water concentrations based on equilibrium partitioning. In tier 2, a probabilistic risk assessment compared distributions of pore water exposure concentrations of COPECs with effects distributions of freshwater arthropod response data from laboratory toxicity tests. Arthropod effects distributions included benthic and non-benthic arthropod species for chlordane (n = 9), DDD (n = 12), DDE (n = 5), DDT (n = 48), and endosulfan (n = 26). The overlap of predicted pore water concentrations and arthropod effects distributions was used as a measure of risk. DDE was the most frequently detected COPEC in sediment at the 12 sites. Chlordane was present at only one site. The mean 90th centile concentration for pore water exposure was highest for endosulfan and lowest for DDT. The estimated acute 10th centile concentration for effects was highest for chlordane and lowest for DDD. The probability of pore water exposures of COPECs exceeding the estimated 10th centile concentrations for species sensitivity distributions of arthropod acute toxicity data was between 0 and 1%. The estimated NOEC 10th centile concentration from arthropod chronic toxicity distributions was exceeded by the estimated 90th centile concentration for pore water distributions at three sites. Endosulfan had the highest potential chronic risk at S-178 in the C-111 canal system, based on the probability of pore water exposure concentrations exceeding the arthropod estimated chronic NOEC 10th centile at 41%. The COPEC with the next highest probability of exceeding the chronic NOEC 10th centile was DDD at 17.7% and 19.8% in the Everglades Agricultural Area (at S-2 and S-6). DDT had minimal potential chronic risk. Uncertainties in exposure and effects analysis and risk characterization are discussed.  相似文献   

The historical parallels, complementary roles, and potential for integration of human health risk assessment (RA) and Life-Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) are explored. Previous authors have considered the comparison of LCA and risk assessment recognizing the inherent differences in LCA and risk assessment (e.g., LCA's focus on the functional unit, and the differences in perspective of LCA and risk assessment), and also the commonalities (e.g., the basis for the modeling). Until this time, however, no one has proposed a coordinated approach for conducting LCA and risk assessment using models consistent with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) handbooks, policies, and guidelines. The current status of LCIA methodology development can be compared to the early days of human health RA when practitioners were overwhelmed with the model choices, assumptions, lack of data, and poor data quality. Although methodology developers can build on the shoulders of the giant, LCIA requires more innovation to deal with more impact categories, more life-cycle stages, and less data for a greater number of stressors. For certain impact categories, LCIA can use many of the guidelines, methodologies, and default parameters that have been developed for human health RA, in conjunction with sensitivity and uncertainty analysis to determine the level of detail necessary for various applications. LCIA can then identify “hot spots” that require the additional detail and level of certainty provided by RA. A comparison of the USEPA's Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and other environmental Impacts (TRACI) and the USEPA's Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) will be explored.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) used in agriculture and for public health purposes were banned in Thailand over the past decade; however, their persistent residues have been found in several agricultural areas of the country. This may result in adverse effects to human populations. This study investigated the concentration of organochlorine pesticides residues (OCPRs) in surface water and evaluated the potential cancer risk associated with dermal contact of the local fisherman fishing in the Khlong 7 canal, Rangsit agricultural area, central Thailand. Water samples were extracted using liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and then analyzed by gas chromatography with microelectron capture detector (μ -ECD). The results show that low concentrations of OCPRs were detected in parts per billion (ppb or ng/ml) levels, that is, ∑ Endosulfan (α -, β -, and -sulfate) 0.082 ng/ml > DDT and derivatives 0.019 ng/ml > ∑ HCH (α -, γ -, β -, and δ -HCH) 0.014 ng/ml > aldrin and dieldrin 0.007 ng/ml > heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide 0.0068 ng/ml > endrin and endrin aldehyde 0.005 ng/ml > methoxychlor 0.001 ng/ml, respectively. Using the worst-case scenario defined as the reasonable maximum exposure (RME) to assess the potential cancer risk, five OCPs (dieldrin, 4,4′ -DDT, β -HCH, heptachlor, and heptachlor epoxide) may pose a risk of concern on a lifetime human carcinogenesis greater than one in a million.  相似文献   

Current legislation in the European Union (EU) requires a risk assessment for industrial chemicals. The underlying procedures and paradigms of such EU risk assessment for new and existing chemicals are explained. The risk assessment is performed according to a harmonised methodology, laid down in the Technical Guidance Documents (TGD). Important new, technical risk assessment aspects covered in a recent revision round of the TGD are highlighted. The most prominent change in the environmental TGD part is the addition of the marine risk assessment, including a Persistent Bioaccumulation and Toxicity (PBT) assessment. In the human health part a significant change is the new data requirement for reproductive toxicity. The performance of both the risk assessment and the risk reduction phase of EU existing chemicals have been evaluated. An important conclusion was that our a priori knowledge on possible risks of chemicals is poor. The European Commission has recently launched a proposal (REACH) for drastically changing the risk management process of industrial chemicals in the EU. Major changes are a shift in responsibility from authorities to industry (including downstream users) for the safe use of chemicals, an acceleration of data collection for ‘non-assessed’ chemicals, and an authorization step for substances of very high concern.  相似文献   

An assessment of the presence and health risks of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) of Wu Chang was performed. A recombinant yeast assay was used to assess the endocrine disrupting activity of the effluents of the DWTP. Agonistic activities of the estrogen receptor and androgen receptor were not detected in any of the effluent samples. However, anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic activities were observed. In addition, the removal rates of the DWTP for the anti-androgenic activities were limited. A health risk assessment was performed on the basis of the results of the recombinant yeast assay, and the total daily production of hormones was used to evaluate the health risks of these types of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The predicted effects of the anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic disrupting activities were below 1.5%. This study suggested that the combined toxicity bioassays with health risk assessment could provide an available method to assess endocrine-disrupting chemicals and to evaluate the potential adverse effects on human health for aquatic environmental samples.  相似文献   

The process of cell seeding on biocompatible scaffolds has a major impact on the morphological evolution of an engineered tissue because it involves all the key factors of tissue formation: cells, matrix, and their mutual interactions. In order to characterize the efficiency of cell seeding techniques, mainly static parameters are used such as cell density, cell distribution, and cell viability. Here, we present an experimental model that incorporates an optical density meter providing real-time information on the cell seeding velocity, a relevant dynamic parameter of cell–matrix interaction. Our setup may be adapted to fit various cell seeding protocols. A modified fluorimetric cuvette is used as bioreactor culture flask. The optical density of the magnetically stirred cell suspension is recorded by a digital optoelectronic device. We performed calibration experiments in order to prove that, in our experimental conditions, optical density depends linearly on the number of cells in the unit volume of suspension. Control studies showed that, during the time course of a typical experiment (up to 10 h), the cells (murine 3T3 fibroblasts) neither aggregated nor adhered significantly to the walls of the cuvette. Hence, our setup yields the number of cells attached to the scaffold as a function of time. In order to analyze the experimental seeding curves, we built a kinetic model based on Langmuir’s adsorption theory, which was extended to include a preliminary step of integrin function recovery. We illustrate the proposed approach by two sets of experiments that involved trypsin–EDTA or only EDTA treatment (no trypsin) used to detach the cells from the culture flasks. The data indicate that in both cases cell–matrix adhesion has a sequential, two-step dynamics, but kinetic parameters and attachment site availability depend on the experimental protocol.  相似文献   

The evaluation of tradeoffs between technologies and policies for mitigation of environmental problems requires a systematic investigation of effects over the entire region under consideration. When attempting to model such large complex systems, issues such as usability, maintenance, and computing efficiency often become major modeling barriers. In this work a software prototype for integrating the services of computational models over the Internet, called DOME (distributed object-based modeling environment) is used to facilitate the construction of virtual Tokyo—a simulation platform for evaluating holistically the tradeoffs between various technologies for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. In making steps toward this ultimate goal, two models have been developed that use data defining spatial land-use distributions and the flows of goods expressed as an input-output table to provide information on the spatial and temporal characteristics of an urban region. Integrated, these models form a preliminary virtual Tokyo model when applied to Tokyo-specific databases. Given this platform, process models are applied to examine the effectiveness of using photovoltaic (PV) modules on the demand side to reduce conventional electric power generation and, thereby, also reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The results of introducing PV modules on the rooftops of buildings in Tokyo under various installation conditions are presented as a working example of the prototype. For full deployment on usable rooftop space, PV power generation could reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electric power generation by more than 12%. Future work will use the same methods as presented in this paper to examine cost, a critical determinant in the actual feasibility of PV module installation.  相似文献   

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a new method for exploring the environmental implications of human action. Like all methods, it is analytically limited and consequently it must be used with caution. Recent papers have criticized LCA and caution against its use in all but a few narrow applications. Even while accepting many of these arguments, this article argues that LCAs, like other analytic frameworks used in the policy and planning domains, have important uses in shaping the processes by which both products and policies are designed. The arguments made against the use of LCAs omit comparisons to realistic appraisals of alternative and competing methods of environmental assessment.  相似文献   

Aims: The bacterial organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) enzyme hydrolyses and detoxifies a broad range of toxic organophosphate pesticides and warfare nerve agents by cleaving the various phosphorus‐ester bonds (P–O, P–F, P–CN, P–S); however, OPH hydrolyses these bonds with varying efficiencies. The aim of this study was to generate a variant OPH enzyme with improved hydrolytic efficiency against the poorly hydrolysed P–S class of organophosphates. Methods and Results: The gene encoding OPH was sequentially mutated at specific codons by saturation mutagenesis and screened for improved activity against the P–S substrates demeton‐S methyl and malathion. Escherichia coli lysates harbouring the variants displayed up to 177‐ and 1800‐fold improvement in specific activity against demeton‐S methyl and malathion, respectively, compared to the wild‐type lysates. The specificity constants of the purified variant proteins were improved up to 25‐fold for demeton‐S methyl and malathion compared to the wild‐type. Activity was associated with organophosphate detoxification as the hydrolysed substrate lost the ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase. The improved hydrolytic efficiency against demeton‐S translated to the improved ability to hydrolyse the warfare agent VX. Conclusions: OPH variant enzymes were generated that displayed significantly improved ability to hydrolyse and detoxify organophosphates harbouring the P–S bond. Significance and Impact of the Study: The long‐term goal is to generate an environmentally‐friendly enzyme‐mediated bioremediation approach for the removal of toxic organophosphate compounds in the environment.  相似文献   

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