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We have explored the substrate protonation mechanism of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase by changing the location of the proton donor. A double mutant was constructed in which the proton donor of the wild-type enzyme, aspartic acid-27, has been changed to serine and simultaneously an alternative proton donor, glutamic acid, has replaced threonine at position 113. The active site of the resulting variant enzyme molecule should therefore somewhat resemble that proposed for the R67 plasmid-encoded dihydrofolate reductase [Matthews, D. A., Smith, S. L., Baccanari, D. P., Burchall, J. J., Oatley, S. J., & Kraut, J. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 4194]. At pH 7, the double-mutant enzyme has a 3-fold greater kcat and an unchanged Km(dihydrofolate) as compared with the single-mutant Asp-27----Ser enzyme described previously [Howell, E. E., Villafranca, J. E., Warren, M. S., Oatley, S. J., & Kraut, J. (1986) Science (Washington, D.C.) 231, 1123]. Additionally, its activity vs pH profiles together with observed deuterium isotope effects, suggest that catalysis depends on an acidic group with a pKa of 8. It is concluded that the dihydropteridine ring of a bound substrate molecule can indeed be protonated by a glutamic acid side chain at position 113 (instead of an aspartic acid side chain at position 27), but with greatly decreased efficiency: at pH 7, the double mutant still has a 25-fold lower kcat (1.2 s-1) and a 2900-fold lower kcat/km(dihydrofolate) (8.6 X 10(3) s-1 M-1) than the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Proteins frequently fold via folding intermediates that correspond to local minima on the conformational energy landscape. Probing the structure of the partially unfolded forms in equilibrium under native conditions can provide insight into the properties of folding intermediates. To elucidate the structures of folding intermediates of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), we investigated transient partial unfolding of DHFR under native conditions. We probed the structure of a high‐energy conformation susceptible to proteolysis (cleavable form) using native‐state proteolysis. The free energy for unfolding to the cleavable form is clearly less than that for global unfolding. The dependence of the free energy on urea concentration (m‐value) also confirmed that the cleavable form is a partially unfolded form. By assessing the effect of mutations on the stability of the partially unfolded form, we found that native contacts in a hydrophobic cluster formed by the F‐G and Met‐20 loops on one face of the central β‐sheet are mostly lost in the partially unfolded form. Also, the folded region of the partially unfolded form is likely to have some degree of structural heterogeneity. The structure of the partially unfolded form is fully consistent with spectroscopic properties of the near‐native kinetic intermediate observed in previous folding studies of DHFR. The findings suggest that the last step of the folding of DHFR involves organization in the structure of two large loops, the F‐G and Met‐20 loops, which is coupled with compaction of the rest of the protein.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli consists of two nonidentical subunits, proteins B1 and B2. The activity of the enzyme in crude extracts prepared from mechanically disrupted bacteria is very low. Enzyme activity is stimulated 5 to 10-fold by addition of an excess of either subunit. Concentrated extracts from cells lysed gently on Cellophane discs (Schaller et al.) contained 10 to 20-fold higher activity than extracts from mechanically disrupted cells. This activity was not further stimulated by either B1 or B2. The system is suitable for complementation tests for the analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants affecting the ribonucleotide reductase system. Concentrated high-speed supernatants from E. coli treated with lysozyme (Wickner et al.) also contained a high ribonucleotide reductase activity, which was stimulated slightly or not at all by addition of B1 and B2. This active form of the enzyme was unstable and could not be purified. The results suggest that the intracellular form of the enzyme consists of a tight complex of proteins B1 and B2, possibly stabilized by other intracellular structures.  相似文献   

We developed a strategy for finding out the adapted variants of enzymes, and we applied it to an enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), in terms of its catalytic activity so that we successfully obtained several hyperactive cysteine- and methionine-free variants of DHFR in which all five methionyl and two cysteinyl residues were replaced by other amino acid residues. Among them, a variant (M1A/M16N/M20L/M42Y/C85A/M92F/C152S), named as ANLYF, has an approximately seven times higher k(cat) value than wild type DHFR. Enzyme kinetics and crystal structures of the variant were investigated for elucidating the mechanism of the hyperactivity. Steady-state and transient binding kinetics of the variant indicated that the kinetic scheme of the catalytic cycle of ANLYF was essentially the same as that of wild type, showing that the hyperactivity was brought about by an increase of the dissociation rate constants of tetrahydrofolate from the enzyme-NADPH-tetrahydrofolate ternary complex. The crystal structure of the variant, solved and refined to an R factor of 0.205 at 1.9-angstroms resolution, indicated that an increased structural flexibility of the variant and an increased size of the N-(p-aminobenzoyl)-L-glutamate binding cleft induced the increase of the dissociation constant. This was consistent with a large compressibility (volume fluctuation) of the variant. A comparison of folding kinetics between wild type and the variant showed that the folding of these two enzymes was similar to each other, suggesting that the activity enhancement of the enzyme can be attained without drastic changes of the folding mechanism.  相似文献   

Juers DH  Hakda S  Matthews BW  Huber RE 《Biochemistry》2003,42(46):13505-13511
The open-closed conformational switch in the active site of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase was studied by X-ray crystallography and enzyme kinetics. Replacement of Gly794 by alanine causes the apoenzyme to adopt the closed rather than the open conformation. Binding of the competitive inhibitor isopropyl thio-beta-D-galactoside (IPTG) requires the mutant enzyme to adopt its less favored open conformation, weakening affinity relative to wild type. In contrast, transition-state inhibitors bind to the enzyme in the closed conformation, which is favored for the mutant, and display increased affinity relative to wild type. Changes in affinity suggest that the free energy difference between the closed and open forms is 1-2 kcal/mol. By favoring the closed conformation, the substitution moves the resting state of the enzyme along the reaction coordinate relative to the native enzyme and destabilizes the ground state relative to the first transition state. The result is that the rate constant for galactosylation is increased but degalactosylation is slower. The covalent intermediate may be better stabilized than the second transition state. The substitution also results in better binding of glucose to both the free and the galactosylated enzyme. However, transgalactosylation with glucose to produce allolactose (the inducer of the lac operon) is slower with the mutant than with the native enzyme. This suggests either that the glucose is misaligned for the reaction or that the galactosylated enzyme with glucose bound is stabilized relative to the transition state for transgalactosylation.  相似文献   

E E Howell  C Booth  M Farnum  J Kraut  M S Warren 《Biochemistry》1990,29(37):8561-8569
The adaptability of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is being explored by identifying second-site mutations that can partially suppress the deleterious effect associated with removal of the active-site proton donor aspartic acid-27. The Asp27----serine mutant DHFR (D27S) was previously characterized and the catalytic activity found to be greatly decreased at pH 7.0 [Howell et al. (1986) Science 231, 1123-1128]. Using resistance to trimethoprim (a DHFR inhibitor) in a genetic selection procedure, we have isolated a double-mutant DHFR gene containing Asp27----Ser and Phe137----Ser mutations (D27S+F137S). The presence of the F137S mutation increases kcat approximately 3-fold and decreases Km(DHF) approximately 2-fold over D27S DHFR values. The overall effect on kcat/Km(DHF) is a 7-fold increase. The D27S+F137S double-mutant DHFR is still 500-fold less active than wild-type DHFR at pH 7. Surprisingly, Phe137 is approximately 15 A from residue 27 in the active site and is part of a beta-bulge. We propose the F137S mutation likely causes its catalytic effect by slightly altering the conformation of D27S DHFR. This supposition is supported by the observation that the F137S mutation does not have the same kinetic effect when introduced into the wild-type and D27S DHFRs, by the altered distribution of two conformers of free enzyme [see Dunn et al. (1990)] and by a preliminary difference Fourier map comparing the D27S and D27S+F137S DHFR crystal structures.  相似文献   

It is well known that enzyme flexibility is critical for function. This is due to the observation that the rates of intramolecular enzyme motions are often matched to the rates of intermolecular events such as substrate binding and product release. Beyond this role in progression through the reaction cycle, it has been suggested that enzyme dynamics may also promote the chemical step itself. Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a model enzyme for which dynamics have been proposed to aid in both substrate flux and catalysis. The G121V mutant of DHFR is a well studied form that exhibits a severe reduction in the rate of hydride transfer yet there remains dispute as to whether this defect is caused by altered structure, dynamics, or both. Here we address this by presenting an NMR study of the G121V mutant bound to reduced cofactor and the transition state inhibitor, methotrexate. NMR chemical shift markers demonstrate that this form predominantly adopts the closed conformation thereby allowing us to provide the first glimpse into the dynamics of a catalytically relevant complex. Based on (15)N and (2)H NMR spin relaxation, we find that the mutant complex has modest changes in ps-ns flexibility with most affected residues residing in the distal adenosine binding domain rather than the active site. Thus, aberrant ps-ns dynamics are likely not the main contributor to the decreased catalytic rate. The most dramatic effect of the mutation involves changes in μs-ms dynamics of the F-G and Met20 loops. Whereas loop motion is quenched in the wild type transition state inhibitor complex, the F-G and Met20 loops undergo excursions from the closed conformation in the mutant complex. These excursions serve to decrease the population of conformers having the correct active site configuration, thus providing an explanation for the G121V catalytic defect.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase from strain MB 1428 of Escherichia coli was shown to catalyze the oxidative cleavage of dihydrofolate at the C(9)N(10) bond. One of the products of the reaction was identified as 7,8-dihydropterin-6-carboxaldehyde through its proton magnetic resonance spectrum. The maximal enzymatic rate was 0.05 moles dihydrofolate cleaved per minute per mole enzyme at 25° and pH 7.2, and the KM for dihydrofolate was 17.5 ± 2.5 μM. The enzymatic reaction was fully inhibitable with methotrexate. The mechanism of enzyme action was proposed to be an apparent “acidification” of dihydrofolate upon binding to the enzyme. Folate underwent an analogous oxidative cleavage by enzyme with a turnover number of 0.0014, which produced pterin-6-carboxaldehyde. Methotrexate was also slowly degraded by the enzyme.  相似文献   

The determination of the amino acid sequence of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate:NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC from a mutant of Escherichia coli B is described. The 159 residues were positioned by automatic Edman degradation of the whole protein, of the reduced and alkylated cyanogen bromide fragments, and of selected tryptic, chymotryptic, and thermolytic digestion products. An N-bromosuccinimide produced fragment of the largest cyanogen bromide peptide was also used in the sequence determination.  相似文献   

Weikl TR  Boehr DD 《Proteins》2012,80(10):2369-2383
Protein function often involves changes between different conformations. Central questions are how these conformational changes are coupled to the binding or catalytic processes during which they occur, and how they affect the catalytic rates of enzymes. An important model system is the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli, which exhibits characteristic conformational changes of the active‐site loop during the catalytic step and during unbinding of the product. In this article, we present a general kinetic framework that can be used (1) to identify the ordering of events in the coupling of conformational changes, binding, and catalysis and (2) to determine the rates of the substeps of coupled processes from a combined analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance R2 relaxation dispersion experiments and traditional enzyme kinetics measurements. We apply this framework to E. coli DHFR and find that the conformational change during product unbinding follows a conformational‐selection mechanism, that is, the conformational change occurs predominantly prior to unbinding. The conformational change during the catalytic step, in contrast, is an induced change, that is, the change occurs after the chemical reaction. We propose that the reason for these conformational changes, which are absent in human and other vertebrate DHFRs, is robustness of the catalytic rate against large pH variations and changes to substrate/product concentrations in E. coli. Proteins 2012;. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The function of a highly mobile loop in Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase was studied by constructing a mutant (DL1) using cassette mutagenesis that had four residues deleted in the middle section of the loop (Met16-Ala19) and a glycine inserted to seal the gap. This part of the loop involves residues 16-20 and is disordered in the X-ray crystal structures of the apoprotein and the NADP+ binary complex but forms a hairpin turn that folds over the nicotinamide moiety of NADP+ and the pteridine moiety of folate in the ternary complex [Bystroff, C., & Kraut, J. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 2227-2239]. The steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectra were analyzed and compared to the wild-type protein. The kinetics on the DL1 mutant enzyme show that the KM value for NADPH (5.3 microM), the KM for dihydrofolate (2 microM), the rate constant for the release of the product tetrahydrofolate (10.3 s-1), and the intrinsic pKa value (6.2) are similar to those exhibited by the wild-type enzyme. However, the hydride-transfer rate declines markedly from the wild-type value of 950 s-1 to 1.7 s-1 for the DL1 mutant and when taken with data for substrate binding indicates that the loop contributes to substrate flux by a factor of 3.5 x 10(4). Thus, the mobility of loop I may provide a mechanism of recruiting hydrophobic residues which can properly align the nicotinamide and pteridine rings for the hydride-transfer process (a form of transition-state stabilization).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A strain of Escherichia coli with the fol gene deleted and a kan gene inserted in its place was created for use in cloning and isolation of mutant dihydrofolate reductase. Southern blot analysis and dihydrofolate reductase enzyme assays confirmed the delta fol::kan genotype. A thyA mutation accompanied the fol deletion and is required for survival of a dihydrofolate reductase-deficient strain.  相似文献   

Full time course studies of the kinetic activity of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase show that there is an increase in activity with time. The half-time for this hysteretic behavior is about 9 s. Preincubation of the enzyme with either of the substrates abolishes the lag and results in initial velocities which are 2-2.3-fold faster than those observed for the non-preincubated enzyme. The kinetic properties of the activated and nonactivated forms of the enzyme appear to be similar as measured by the full time course of the reaction. The results are consistent with observations for NADPH binding studies that the enzyme exists in two interconvertible forms, one of which is incapable of binding NADPH (Cayley, P. J., Dunn, S. M. J., and King, R. W. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 874-879).  相似文献   

The interaction of dihydrofolate reductase (EC from Escherichia coli with dihydrofolate and folate analogues has been studied by means of binding and spectroscopic experiments. The aim of the investigation was to determine the number and identity of the binary complexes that can form, as well as pKa values for groups on the ligand and enzyme that are involved with complex formation. The results obtained by ultraviolet difference spectroscopy indicate that, when bound to the enzyme, methotrexate and 2,4-diamino-6,7-dimethylpteridine exist in their protonated forms and exhibit pKa values for their N-1 nitrogens of above 10.0. These values are about five pH units higher than those for the compounds in free solution. The binding data suggest that both folate analogues interact with the enzyme to yield a protonated complex which may be formed by reaction of ionized enzyme with protonated ligand and/or protonated enzyme with unprotonated ligand. The protonated complex formed with 2,4-diamino-6,7-dimethylpteridine can undergo further protonation to form a protonated enzyme-protonated ligand complex, while that formed with methotrexate can ionize to give an unprotonated complex. A group on the enzyme with a pKa value of about 6.3 is involved with the interactions. However, the ionization state of this group has little effect on the binding of dihydrofolate to the enzyme. For the formation of an enzyme-dihydrofolate complex it is essential that the N-3/C-4 amide of the pteridine ring of the substrate be in its neutral form. It appears that dihydrofolate is not protonated in the binary complex.  相似文献   

Alkylhydroperoxide reductases (AhpR, EC 1.6.4.*) are essential for the oxygen tolerance of aerobic organisms by converting otherwise toxic hydroperoxides of lipids or nucleic acids to the corresponding alcohols. The AhpF component belongs to the family of pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductases and channels electrons from NAD(P)H towards the AhpC component which finally reduces cognate substrates. The structure of the catalytic core of the Escherichia coli AhpF (A212-A521) with a bound FAD cofactor was determined at 1.9 A resolution in its oxidized state. The dimeric arrangement of the AhpF catalytic core and the predicted interaction mode between the N-terminal PDO-like domain and the NADPH domain favours an intramolecular electron transfer between the two redox-active disulphide centres of AhpF.  相似文献   

Crystalline R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a dimeric molecule with two identical 78 amino acid subunits, each folded into a beta-barrel conformation. The outer surfaces of the three longest beta strands in each protomer together form a third beta barrel having six strands at the subunit interface. A unique feature of the enzyme structure is that while the intersubunit beta barrel is quite regular over most of its surface, an 8-A "gap" runs the full length of the barrel, disrupting potential hydrogen bonds between beta-strand D in subunit I and the adjacent corresponding strand of subunit II. It is proposed that this deep groove is the NADPH binding site and that the association between protein and cofactor is modulated by hydrogen-bonding interactions along one face of this antiparallel beta-barrel structure. A hypothetical model is proposed for the R67 DHFR-NADPH-folate ternary complex that is consistent with both the known reaction stereoselectivity and the weak binding of 2,4-diamino inhibitors to the plasmid-specified reductase. Geometrical comparison of this model with an experimentally determined structure for chicken DHFR suggests that chromosomal and type II R-plasmid specified enzymes may have independently evolved similar catalytic machinery for substrate reduction.  相似文献   

Subunits A and B were isolated from purified nitrate reductase by preparative electrophoresis in low levels of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Nonheme iron and low levels of molybdenum were associated with isolated subunit A but not with isolated subunit B. After dialysis against a source of molybdenum cofactor, subunit A regained tightly bound molybdenum and concomitantly regained enzyme activity and reactivity with anti-nitrate reductase antiserum. Subunit B neither bound cofactor nor regained activity or reactivity with antiserum. These data indicate that subunit A contains the active site of the enzyme. Subunit A was also found to be modified posttranslationally in a similar fashion as is subunit B. This was determined by comparison of partial proteolytic digests and amino acid analyses of A subunits from precursor and membrane-bound forms of nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

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