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This paper compiles information new to an earlier list published in 1992. Most changes are (1) additions largely resulting from importation of freshwater species, (2) range extensions of neritic and oceanic epipelagic species, together with (3) the incidental capture of species from within the 200 m bathymetric limit of resident deep pelagic and demersal deep‐sea representatives. A list of such species with the potential to stray from residence in the deeper strata of the oceanic region to shelf waters (<200 m) is presented in appendices.  相似文献   

We give a list of Cirripedia from Madeira Island and nearby deep water, based on specimens in the collection of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) (MMF), records mentioned in the literature, and recent collections. Tesseropora atlantica Newman and Ross, 1976 is recorded from Madeira for the first time. The Megabalanus of Madeira is M. azoricus. There are 20 genera containing 27 species, of which 22 occur in depths less than 200 m. Of these shallow water species, eight are wide-ranging oceanic forms that attach to other organisms or to floating objects, leaving just 13 truly benthic shallow water barnacles. This low diversity is probably a consequence of the distance from the continental coasts and the small area of the available habitat. No endemic species have been found.  相似文献   

We examined climatic effects on the geographic distribution and abundance of 34 dominant oceanic fishes in the southern California region using larval fish data collected from the 50‐year long California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) surveys. The oceanic species responses to environmental changes in their geographic distributions were not very pronounced, perhaps because they lived in the deep layer where temperature change was relatively small or because the environmental variation of the CalCOFI region is not strong enough (with an average temperature gradient of the upper 100 m around 91 km °C?1). Among the 34 taxa, 16 showed a significant distributional shift (median latitude or boundaries) in relation to environmental variables, and eight species significantly shifted their geographic distribution from the 1951–1976 cold period to the 1977–1998 warm period. Interestingly, the vertically migrating taxa more often showed a significant response to environmental variables than the nonmigrating mesopelagic taxa, reflecting the more significant increase in heat content of the upper ocean (<200 m), compared with the deeper zone (300–500 m) where the mesopelagic fishes typically remain. Climate change has significant effects on the abundances of oceanic fishes. Twenty‐four taxa exhibited a significant change in abundance in relation to environmental variables, and 25 taxa, including both warm and cold‐water taxa, showed a significant increase in abundance from the cold to warm period. Analysis of physical data indicated that the surface‐layer (20–200 m) warmed significantly and the isotherms approached shoreward from the cold to the warm period. We further show that the spatial distribution of coastal–neritic fish retreated shoreward and oceanic fish extended shoreward from the cold to warm period. Our results suggest intensified stratification of the southern California region during the warm period may create a suitable habitat for the oceanic species. Moreover, such an unfavorable condition (e.g. changes in food habitat) for coastal–neritic species might result in competitive release for the oceanic fishes to flourish.  相似文献   

Analysis of maximum depth of occurrence of 11 952 marine fish species shows a global decrease in species number (N) with depth (x; m): log10N = ?0·000422x + 3·610000 (r2 = 0·948). The rate of decrease is close to global estimates for change in pelagic and benthic biomass with depth (?0·000430), indicating that species richness of fishes may be limited by food energy availability in the deep sea. The slopes for the Classes Myxini (?0·000488) and Actinopterygii (?0·000413) follow this trend but Chondrichthyes decrease more rapidly (?0·000731) implying deficiency in ability to colonize the deep sea. Maximum depths attained are 2743, 4156 and 8370 m for Myxini, Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygii, respectively. Endemic species occur in abundance at 7–7800 m depth in hadal trenches but appear to be absent from the deepest parts of the oceans, >9000 m deep. There have been six global oceanic anoxic events (OAE) since the origin of the major fish taxa in the Devonian c. 400 million years ago (mya ). Colonization of the deep sea has taken place largely since the most recent OAE in the Cretaceous 94 mya when the Atlantic Ocean opened up. Patterns of global oceanic circulation oxygenating the deep ocean basins became established coinciding with a period of teleost diversification and appearance of the Acanthopterygii. Within the Actinopterygii, there is a trend for greater invasion of the deep sea by the lower taxa in accordance with the Andriashev paradigm. Here, 31 deep‐sea families of Actinopterygii were identified with mean maximum depth >1000 m and with >10 species. Those with most of their constituent species living shallower than 1000 m are proposed as invasive, with extinctions in the deep being continuously balanced by export of species from shallow seas. Specialized families with most species deeper than 1000 m are termed deep‐sea endemics in this study; these appear to persist in the deep by virtue of global distribution enabling recovery from regional extinctions. Deep‐sea invasive families such as Ophidiidae and Liparidae make the greatest contribution to fish fauna at depths >6000 m.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents an analysis of zooplankton net sampling surveys carried out during four expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula region. Cluster analysis documented two to three site groupings for the epipelagic zone and one mesopelagic site cluster below 200 to 300 m depth. Analysis of species dominance, constancy, diversity and evenness indices did not allow clear designation and separation of communities in terms of these parameters.Computation of a rank correlation matrix for each season allowed the characterization of species groups. There were no perfect indicator species in the very strict sense. The main differences in the composition of the zooplankton between the site clusters were due mainly to changes in abundance rather than to presence or absence of particular species. However, the interpretation of the complex species and site groupings led to the conclusion that we can define three distinct communities: an oceanic, a neritic, and a mesopelagic community beneath 200 to 300 m. A so-called transitional cluster represents a mixing zone created by frequent occurrence of species from both the oceanic and neritic community. The location of the described oceanic and neritic community sites seem to be relatively stable with minor latitudinal changes during the seasons, while occurrence and abundance of most species changes with the time of the year. The usefulness of particular species (e.g. Euphausia superba) as indicator species also change during the year  相似文献   

Two octopod species are reported from the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic Ocean) for the first time: the deep sea four-horn octopus, Pteroctopus tetracirrhus (Delle Chiaje, 1830) and the gelatinous giant octopus, Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861. Both female specimens were caught in Tenerife. Haliphron atlanticus is described from fresh remains found floating close to the southwest coast and the second species, P. tetracirrhus, is described from a specimen captured in a shrimp trap at 200 m depth on the southeastern coast of Tenerife. With these two additions the revised and updated list of octopod species of the Canary Islands now comprises eight families and 18 species, all of them incirrate octopods. The zoogeographic relationships of octopod species from other Atlantic regions, including the Mediterranean Sea, were studied. The likely directions of faunal flows were inferred based on affinity indices, showing that Mauritania could be the most probable source of the octopod species of the Canary Islands and the rest of the Macaronesian archipelagos.  相似文献   

Although we understand how species evolve, we do not appreciate how this process has filled an empty world to create current patterns of biodiversity. Here, we conduct a numerical experiment to determine why biodiversity varies spatially on our planet. We show that spatial patterns of biodiversity are mathematically constrained and arise from the interaction between the species’ ecological niches and environmental variability that propagates to the community level. Our results allow us to explain key biological observations such as (a) latitudinal biodiversity gradients (LBGs) and especially why oceanic LBGs primarily peak at midlatitudes while terrestrial LBGs generally exhibit a maximum at the equator, (b) the greater biodiversity on land even though life first evolved in the sea, (c) the greater species richness at the seabed than at the sea surface, and (d) the higher neritic (i.e., species occurring in areas with a bathymetry lower than 200 m) than oceanic (i.e., species occurring in areas with a bathymetry higher than 200 m) biodiversity. Our results suggest that a mathematical constraint originating from a fundamental ecological interaction, that is, the niche–environment interaction, fixes the number of species that can establish regionally by speciation or migration.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton were sampled at shelf and oceanic stations close to South Georgia, South Atlantic during austral autumn 2004 with a Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder. Onshelf biomass ranged from 2.18 to 5.75 g DM m?2 (0–200 m) and was dominated by the small euphausiid Thysanöessa spp. At the oceanic stations (10.57–14.71 g DM m?2, 0–1,000 m) large calanoids, principally Rhincalanus gigas comprised ~47–52% of biomass. Here Calanus simillimus was still active and reproducing in surface waters (0–11.2 eggs fem day?1) but R. gigas and Calanoides acutus were largely resident in the warm deep water and undergoing their seasonal descent. A comparison with spring and summer data indicated increased abundance and biomass from spring through to summer followed by a decline towards autumn particularly over the shelf. Autumn values in oceanic waters differed little from summer. Mesozooplankton biomass in the surface 200 m of the oceanic stations as a proportion of that found in the top 1,000 m ranged from 63 to 78% of the total in spring and 62–73% in summer, but was only 23–29% of the total in this study, following redistribution down the water column.  相似文献   

Comprehension of ecological processes in marine animals requires information regarding dynamic vertical habitat use. While many pelagic predators primarily associate with epipelagic waters, some species routinely dive beyond the deep scattering layer. Actuation for exploiting these aphotic habitats remains largely unknown. Recent telemetry data from oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) in the Atlantic show a strong association with warm waters (>20°C) less than 200 m. Yet, individuals regularly exhibit excursions into the meso‐ and bathypelagic zone. In order to examine deep‐diving behavior in oceanic whitetip sharks, we physically recovered 16 pop‐up satellite archival tags and analyzed the high‐resolution depth and temperature data. Diving behavior was evaluated in the context of plausible functional behavior hypotheses including interactive behaviors, energy conservation, thermoregulation, navigation, and foraging. Mesopelagic excursions (= 610) occurred throughout the entire migratory circuit in all individuals, with no indication of site specificity. Six depth‐versus‐time descent and ascent profiles were identified. Descent profile shapes showed little association with examined environmental variables. Contrastingly, ascent profile shapes were related to environmental factors and appear to represent unique behavioral responses to abiotic conditions present at the dive apex. However, environmental conditions may not be the sole factors influencing ascents, as ascent mode may be linked to intentional behaviors. While dive functionality remains unconfirmed, our study suggests that mesopelagic excursions relate to active foraging behavior or navigation. Dive timing, prey constituents, and dive shape support foraging as the most viable hypothesis for mesopelagic excursions, indicating that the oceanic whitetip shark may regularly survey extreme environments (deep depths, low temperatures) as a foraging strategy. At the apex of these deep‐water excursions, sharks exhibit a variable behavioral response, perhaps, indicating the presence or absence of prey.  相似文献   

Community composition of Bacteria in the surface and deep water layers were examined at three oceanic sites in the Pacific Ocean separated by great distance, i.e., the South China Sea (SCS) in the western tropical Pacific, the Costa Rica Dome (CRD) in the eastern tropical Pacific and the western subarctic North Pacific (SNP), using high throughput DNA pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Bioinformatic analysis rendered a total of 143600 high quality sequences with an average 11967 sequences per sample and mean read length of 449 bp. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Proteobacteria dominated in all shallow and deep waters, with Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria the two most abundant components, and SAR11 the most abundant group at family level in all regions. Cyanobacteria occurred mainly in the surface euphotic layer, and the majority of them in the tropical waters belonged to the GpIIa family including Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, whilst those associated with Cryptophytes and diatoms were common in the subarctic waters. In general, species richness (Chao1) and diversity (Shannon index H′) were higher for the bacterial communities in the intermediate water layers than for those in surface and deep waters. Both NMDS plot and UPGMA clustering demonstrated that bacterial community composition in the deep waters (500 m ∼2000 m) of the three oceanic regions shared a high similarity and were distinct from those in the upper waters (5 m ∼100 m). Our study indicates that bacterial community composition in the DOC-poor deep water in both tropical and subarctic regions were rather stable, contrasting to those in the surface water layers, which could be strongly affected by the fluctuations of environmental factors.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico is a subtropical marginal sea of the western North Atlantic Ocean with a diverse cetacean community. Ship-based, line-transect abundance surveys were conducted in oceanic waters (>200 m deep) of the northern Gulf within U. S. waters (380,432 km2) during spring from 1996 to 1997 and from 1999 to 2001. Data from these five surveys were pooled and minimum abundance estimates were based on 12,162 km of effort and 512 sightings of at least 19 species. The most commonly sighted species (number of groups) were pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata (164); sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus (67); dwarf/pygmy sperm whale, Kogia simalbreviceps (58); Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus (38); and bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (24). The most abundant species (number of individuals; coefficient of variation) were S. attenuata (91,321; 0.16); Clymene dolphin, S. clymene (17,355; 0.65); spinner dolphin, S. longirostris (11,971; 0.71); and striped dolphin, S. coeruleoalba (6,505; 0.43). The only large whales sighted were P. macrocephalus (1,349; 0.23) and Bryde's whale, Balaenopteraedeni (40; 0.61). Abundances for other species or genera ranged from 95 to 2,388 animals. Cetaceans were sighted throughout the oceanic northern Gulf and, whereas many species were widely distributed, some had more regional distributions.  相似文献   

于2008和2010年每年5~7月在秦岭东段南坡的商洛地区商南、山阳、柞水和洛南4县根据海拔和植被类型选择样点,并采用样线法和网捕法相结合的方法对繁殖鸟类群落进行了调查。共观察记述鸟类159种,农田和栽培植物带(215~650 m)有鸟类96种,其中优势种是山麻雀(Passer rutilans),低山阔叶林带(650~1 200 m)鸟类种数最多,有135种,其中优势种是绿背山雀(Parus monticolus),针阔混交林带(1 200~2 200 m)有73种,其中优势种是橙翅噪鹛(Garrulax elliotii);秦岭东段南坡鸟类群落与中段南坡以及西段南坡和巴山北坡鸟类群落有较高的相似性,但是和秦岭北坡、巴山南坡的鸟类群落相似性较小,反映出秦岭和巴山对鸟类物种组成的阻隔作用和该地区鸟类区系组成的过渡性。和30年前相比,秦岭东段南坡鸟类物种增加了64种,但是有8种鸟类在2008和2010年的调查中未见到。总体上,秦岭东段南坡的繁殖鸟类群落组成在过去的30年里已经发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   

R. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1988,165(1):161-167
Thirteen species of fish have so far been caught in the inshore waters around the Vestfold Hills, including the Rauer Islands, in depths down to approximately 100 m. Species caught depend markedly on the type of fishing gear used, but three species are clearly dominant numerically. Pagothenia bernacchii is most abundant in the shallower (< 20 m deep) weedy and rocky habitats, while Chionodraco hamatus is dominant in the deeper (> 20 m deep) nearshore troughs and further offshore. Pagothenia borchgrevinki occupies the specialized habitat associated with sea ice and close-inshore areas, including fjords and Burton Lake.The species list from the Vestfold Hills area is similar to lists from comparable locations in East Antarctica except for the major difference that C. hamatus has not yet been recorded from such shallow waters at the other locations, while P. bernacchii and P. hansoni are much more abundant in water deeper than 20 m at those sites than at Davis.  相似文献   

Redfish Sebastes mentella samples were collected in 2004 and 2005 during commercial cruises to the Irminger Sea on board the Polish vessel M/T ‘Wiesbaden’. Ichthyological studies included length and weight measurements, sex, gonad maturity stages and age determinations. Meristic and morphometric measurements were performed on digital images of the redfish. Comparison of the pelagic redfish from the northeastern (depths deeper than 500 m) and southwestern (depths shallower than 500 m) fishing grounds of the Irminger Sea indicates a number of differences including spatial and vertical distribution, ambient temperature, length and age composition. Moreover, 12 morphometric and 4 meristic characters differed significantly between fish samples from these two areas. Results of Cluster Analysis showed the clear grouping of samples into that of the ‘oceanic’ component (depth 300–450 m) and the ‘deep sea’ component (depth 550–800 m). These results were confirmed by Principal Component Analysis, which revealed the separation of samples into two catch depth groups. The share of fish allocated by Discriminant Analysis into the pelagic ‘deep sea’ component in the northeastern area was nearly 92%, while the ‘oceanic’ component was dominant in the southwestern area and comprised more than 88% of the fish. Cluster and Principal Component analyses suggest that the ‘oceanic’ component is a more homogeneous group than the ‘deep sea’ component. These results support the management units recently established by ICES.  相似文献   

Although a number of recent studies of marine holoplankton have reported significant genetic structure among populations, little is currently known about the biological and oceanographic processes that influence population connectivity in oceanic plankton. In order to examine how depth preferences influence dispersal in oceanic plankton, I characterized the genetic structure of a copepod with diel vertical migration (DVM) (Pleuromamma xiphias), throughout its global distribution, and compared these results to those expected given the interaction of this species' habitat depth with ocean circulation and bathymetry. Mitochondrial COI sequences from 651 individuals from 28 sites in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans revealed highly significant genetic differentiation both within and among ocean basins. Limited dispersal among distinct pelagic provinces seems to have played a major role in population differentiation in this species, with strong genetic breaks observed across known oceanographic fronts or current systems in all three ocean basins. The Indo-West Pacific (IWP) holds a highly distinct genetic population of this species that was sampled in both the western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans. This suggests that the IWP does not act as a strong barrier to gene flow between basins, as expected, despite the relatively shallow water depth (<200 m) and vertically extensive (>400 m) diel migration of this species. A pattern of isolation by distance was observed in the Indian Ocean with genetic differentiation among samples down to spatial scales of ~800 km, indicating that realized dispersal in P. xiphias occurs over much smaller spatial scales than in previously reported oceanic holoplankton. Given its highly regionalized population genetic structure, P. xiphias may have some capacity to adapt to local oceanographic conditions, and it should not be assumed that populations of this species in distinct pelagic biomes will respond in the same way to shared physical or climatic forcing.  相似文献   

The marine planktonic thecate dinoflagellate Phalacroma turbineum Kofoid et Michener was found at two oceanic stations in the southern Gulf of Mexico and studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. This species is extremely rare and has not been reported since 1911. The terms reticules and septa are introduced here for structures of theca and cingulum of the species. The peculiar morphological characters of P. turbineum are described: (1) two separate pores that might represent flagellar pores, (2) right and left sulcal lists are united, (3) left sulcal list showed no apparent ribs, (4) a parasagittal list occurs in the hypotheca as continuation of the left sulcal list, (5) structural complexity of the cingulum, with septa along the cingulum, (6) strong ribs supporting the two cingular lists, (7) large and spaced reticules in the theca, with elevated ridges, and (8) an elongation of the hypotheca. No chloroplasts were detected. The morphology and taxonomy of P. turbineum are discussed, especially the possibility that the species may be considered as belonging to a new genus. Finally, although information is yet limited, we suggest that the species is distributed in equatorial and tropical zones of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in oceanic environments.  相似文献   

There are still only a few studies related to Bregmacerotidae larvae in Brazil, although these larvae are frequently collected in oceanic ichthyoplankton samples. Thus this study analyzes the occurrence and abundance of Bregmaceros larvae along the Brazilian central coast and describes larval characteristics. During three oceanographic cruises samples were collected between the Real River (12°S) and the São Tomé Cape (22°S). Oblique hauls were conducted from a maximum depth of 200 m, using bongo nets of 330‐ and 500‐μm mesh size. Among the 951 bregmacerotids collected, three species were identified corresponding to 89%Bregmaceros atlanticus, 8%Bregmaceros cantori and 3%Bregmaceros n. sp. B. atlanticus was widely distributed along the study area and was more frequent in stations situated beyond the 200‐m isobath; this species was more abundant during the winter, showing a peak of density between Vitória and the São Tomé Cape (355 larvae per 10 m2). Bregmaceros cantori densities were very similar during the three cruises; the highest value (25.6 larvae per 10 m2) was recorded during the winter and higher concentrations were observed in neritic stations along the 200‐m isobath. Bregmaceros n. sp. was rare in collections made during the three cruises; it was concentrated along the Bahia coast (12–18°S), and was more frequent in stations situated in the oceanic region. Bregmaceros atlanticus varying from 2.0 to 6.0 mm and Bregmaceros n. sp. larvae varying from 3.0 to 6.0 mm were present in all cruises, indicating that they spawn year‐round. Bregmaceros cantori did not show a distribution pattern among the different length classes, probably associated with the fact that this species has a coastal distribution.  相似文献   

Aim Few studies have explicitly considered the recurrent pattern of declining species diversity and increasing geographical range size that exists for numerous taxa across a variety of physical gradients. We extend Stevens’ [ Stevens, G.C. (1996) Journal of Biogeography, 23 , 149] work on Rapoport's bathymetric rule, using a more complete latitudinal assemblage of Northeast Pacific fishes and new data from Northwest Atlantic gastropods, to show that bathymetrical range size and species diversity are not causally linked. Location Fishes from the Northeast Pacific (0°–60° N) and gastropods from the Northwest Atlantic (0°–74° N) distributed from the surface to depths greater than 200 m. Methods Species pools were divided into three bathymetrical subgroups: (1) species restricted to shallow waters, between the surface and 200 m, (2) species that occurred in waters, both shallow and deep of 200 m, and (3) species restricted to waters deeper than 200 m. Median bathymetrical range size and total number of species were plotted against latitude (2° bins) using Stevens’ method, for the entire species pool and individual bathymetrical groups. Results For both fishes and gastropods, the apparent link between extratropical diversity and bathymetrical range size is an artefact resulting from the disproportionately high number of shallow restricted species in tropical latitudes, and the loss of these species in temperate latitudes. Furthermore, the extratropical gradient in gastropod diversity and bathymetrical range size are decoupled by approximately 15°, and while the latitudinal pattern for diversity is consistent across bathymetrical groups, median bathymetrical range size is highly irregular. Main conclusions These results suggests that functional groups can contribute disproportionately to patterns apparent at larger scales and that analysis of ecographical patterns by subregion is a novel approach that can help resolve debates over causality when patterns are seemingly coincident.  相似文献   

Some studies have suggested that pelagic cnidarians are important components of the Southern Ocean ecosystem due to their high abundance and diversity and their high predatory effects, although little information on these animals is available. Thus, we examined the spatial distribution of pelagic cnidarians from the oceanic to neritic zone off Adélie Land, East Antarctica. Discrete depth sampling was conducted from the surface to 2,000 m depth from late January to early February 2008. In total, 3347 individuals representing 45 species/taxa from eight orders were collected. Cluster analysis revealed three major clusters: (1) an epipelagic group in the oceanic zone composed mainly of Pegantha martagon, the abundance and species diversity of which were very low; (2) a meso- and bathy-pelagic group characterised by high abundance and species diversity with dominance of Dimophyes arctica, Vogtia serrata, and Halicreas minimum; and (3) a neritic group represented by a high abundance of Diphyes antarctica. Cnidarian communities in the epipelagic zone were divided by hydrographic structures such as the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Antarctic Slope Front, whereas those in the meso- and bathy-pelagic layers dominated by circumpolar deep water were relatively stable with higher diversity throughout the oceanic zone.  相似文献   

The deep water polychaete fauna is analyzed in this study particularly regarding its composition and variations with depth in the Sigsbee Basin, northwestern region of the Gulf of Mexico. Samples were taken at 10 stations along a bathymetric gradient with depth ranges from 200 to 3760 m with a USNEL (0.25 m2) corer. A total of 287 individuals were identified, from 21 families and 65 species. The most important families, both in terms of abundance and species richness, were: Paraonidae (65.4 ind./0.25 m2, 9 spp.), Cirratulidae (28.93 ind./0.25 m2, 7 spp.) and Spionidae (18.07 ind./0.25 m2, 7 spp.). In general, density tended to decrease with depth with minima at around 2000 m, although two abundance peaks were detected at 3700 and 3760 m, making the pattern seem an inverted parabolic curve. The Shannon-Wiener diversity values varied from 0.54–0.92 at around 2000 m to 3.39 at 3620 m and 3.34 at 3760 m. These results contrast with what is already reported from the North Atlantic and the Tropical Pacific deep benthic communities, where highest diversities are found at 2000 m. Faunal changes evaluated through Beta Diversity (0.08–0.1) and the low similarity found between the stations, emphasized the high variability in the composition of the fauna in the Sigsee Basin, meaning that the faunal composition is practically different at all the sampling stations. Ten species are newly recorded for the Mexican fauna.  相似文献   

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