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Spartina altemiflora (smooth cordgrass) has invaded Willapa Bay, Washington, covering bare mud flats and seagrass beds. At current expansion rates it threatens to occupy most of the intertidal habitat in the bay within 40 years. Although a major mitigation effort is underway, nothing is known about the genetic structure of the Willapa Bay S. altemiflora population or the underlying causes for the dramatic increase in seed set that has occurred in the last 15 years. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was assessed as a method of DNA fingerprinting to analyse the genetic history and current structure of the Willapa population. The results suggest that all S. alterniflora clones in Willapa Bay are descended from a single genet. Given the limited genetic variability expected in a clonally founded population, we discuss the utility of RAPDs as genetic markers to explore the large morphological and reproductive differences reported among Willapa clones. Cluster analysis of RAPD fragments was used to show relatedness among S. alteniflora genets and may be helpful in locating the most prolific clones for mitigation efforts. Overall, RAPDs show great potential in genetic analysis of S. altemiflora, particularly in invasive populations where isozyme variability is low or nonexistent.  相似文献   

Hybridization with abundant invaders is a well-known threat to rare native species. Our study addresses mechanisms of hybridization between a rare invader, smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and the common native California cordgrass (S. foliosa) in the salt marshes of San Francisco Bay. These species are wind-pollinated and flower in summer. The invader produced 21-fold the viable pollen of the native, and 28% of invader pollen germinated on native stigmas (1.5-fold the rate of the native's own pollen). Invader pollen increased the seed set of native plants almost eightfold over that produced with native pollen, while native pollen failed to increase seed set of the invader. This pollen swamping and superior siring ability by the invader could lead to serial genetic assimilation of a very large native population. Unlike California cordgrass, smooth cordgrass can grow into low intertidal habitats and cover open mud necessary to foraging shorebirds, marine life, navigation, and flood control in channels. To the extent that intertidal range of the hybrids is more similar to the invader than to the native parent, introgression will lead to habitat loss for shore birds and marine life as well to genetic pollution of native California cordgrass.  相似文献   

Introduced Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) is rapidly invading intertidal mudflats in San Francisco Bay, California. At several sites, S. alterniflora co-occurs with native S. foliosa (California cordgrass), a species endemic to California salt marshes. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) specific to each Spartina species were identified and used to test for hybridization between the native and introduced Spartina species in the greenhouse and in the field. Greenhouse crosses were made using S. alterniflora as the pollen donor and S. foliosa as the maternal plant, and these crosses produced viable seeds. The hybrid status of the crossed offspring was confirmed with the RAPD markers. Hybrids had low self-fertility but high fertility when back-crossed with S. foliosa pollen. Hybrids were also found established at two field sites in San Francisco Bay; these hybrids appeared vigorous and morphologically intermediate between the parental species. Field observations suggested that hybrids were recruiting more rapidly than the native S. foliosa. Previous work identified competition from introduced S. alterniflora as a threat to native S. foliosa. In this study, we identify introgression and the spread of hybrids as an additional, perhaps even more serious threat to conservation of S. foliosa in San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

In this paper , the effect of NaCl concentration ( 1× 104 - 6× 104 mg/L) on the seed germination of smooth cordgrass ( Spartina alterniflora) was investigated using 1/2 Hoagland as the basic culture solution. The results indicated that the coleoptile and embryonal axis grew before the radicle and plumule in the stage of germination . Salinity level had no influence on the seed germination percentage when the salt concentration didn′t exceed 3×104 mg/L. The optimal salinity level for seed germination and embryo growth was 1×104 mg/L . The inhibit effect of salt concentration on the growth of embryo′s different part was different, and the length of radicle and plumule decreased significantly with the increase of salt concentration. However , the lesser inhibition on the embryonal axis and coleoptile was observed under the higher salt concentration, and thus the seedlings out of soil were ensured and the species was quickly adapted to the environment of inter- tidal zone .  相似文献   

Highly polymorphic microsatellite markers can supply demographic information on founder events and range expansion following initial introduction of invasive insect species. Six microsatellite loci were isolated from a partial DNA library in order to study the invasion patterns of a seed chalcid, Megastigmus spermotrophus, introduced to Europe and New Zealand. Allelic diversity at all described loci was high, ranging from 17 to 30 alleles per locus. All six loci were successfully amplified in 15 congeneric species.  相似文献   

Carcinus maenas (Decapoda: Portunidae) has proven a highly successful invasive marine species whose potential economic and ecological impacts are of great concern worldwide. Here, we characterize 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in C. maenas and its sister species Carcinus aestuarii. These markers will prove useful for fine‐scale genetic analyses of native and introduced populations, for assessment of the sources and routes of invasion and for evaluation of post‐invasion population dynamics.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora, smooth cordgrass, native to the eastern USA, was introduced into south San Francisco Bay ≈ 25 years ago. It has spread by purposeful introduction of rooted plants and dispersal of seeds on the tides. Previous work suggested that S. alterniflora was competitively superior to the native California cordgrass, S. foliosa, and that the two species hybridized. The present study determined the spread of S. alterniflora and S. foliosa × alterniflora hybrids in California and examined the degree of hybridization. We used nuclear DNA markers diagnostic for each species to detect the parental species and nine categories of hybrids. The California coast outside San Francisco Bay contained only the native species. All hybrid categories exist in the Bay, implying that several generations of crossing have occurred and that hybridization is bidirectional. Hybrids were found principally near sites of deliberate introduction of the exotic species. Where S. alterniflora was deliberately planted, we found approximately equal numbers of S. alterniflora and hybrid individuals; S. foliosa was virtually absent. Marshes colonized by water-dispersed seed contained the full gamut of phenotypes with intermediate-type hybrids predominating. The proliferation of hybrids could result in local extinction of S. foliosa. What is more, S. alterniflora has the ability to greatly modify the estuary ecosystem to the detriment of other native species and human uses of the Bay. To the extent that they share these engineering abilities, the proliferation of cordgrass hybrids could grossly alter the character of the San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy characteristics of Spartina alterniflora were delineated previously by Plyler and Carrick (American Journal of Botany, vol. 80, pp. 752–756, 1993). This study was undertaken in order to determine whether or not the dormancy characteristics of S. patens are similar. As in the previous study, the site of a dormancy mechanism was determined by assessing the germinability of surgically altered dormant seeds. Likewise, the effects of three growth-regulating substances (abscisic acid, fusicoccin, and gibberellic acid), prechilling, and light were studied by assessing the germinability of appropriately treated dormant seeds. Surgical injury to the endosperm, and to a lesser extent the scutellum, produced significant germination in S. patens, whereas only injury to the scutellum produced germination in S. alterniflora. Exogenously applied abscisic acid was highly effective in maintaining dormancy in injured seeds of both species. Gibberellic acid and fusicoccin were ineffective in promoting germination in S. patens, but fusicoccin was highly effective in breaking dormancy in 5. alterniflora. Prechilling was effective in breaking dormancy in S. patens but not in S. alterniflora. In S. patens, treatments that broke dormancy were only successful when seeds were exposed to light during the germination period. It is concluded that the dissimilarities in the dormancy mechanisms may be manifestations of the different environmental adaptations these closely related species display.  相似文献   

Aims This synthesis paper is developed to provide a summary of ecological, socioeconomic challenges facing the estuarine wetlands within the Yangtze River delta.Methods We combined literature review of the estuarine wetlands and ground measurements of sedimentation, vegetation, and carbon fluxes to illustrate the foreseeable crises in managing these wetlands that play a critical role in Shanghai's urban development. Where the Yangtze River meets the Pacific Ocean, 4.15 × 10 8 mg/year of suspended sediments are deposited along mainland and island shorelines of the 40?000 km 2 delta—resulting in an average growth rate of land outwards 64 m/year since 1951. However, completion of the Three Gorges Dam in 2003, and earlier dam projects, reduced the rates of sedimentation and growth of the islands. To meet the increasing demands for lands and agriculture, policymakers have attempted to enlarge the islands by diking coastal areas and introducing Spartina alterniflora— a grass native to tidal salt marshes of the southeastern USA but exotic to China. Spartina is one of the 16 greatest invasive species listed by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China. Successful plantations and rapid spread of this species have increased the production and fertility of the coast, but at the cost of native ecosystems. We outline the social, economic, and ecological controversies related to this land management strategy in the context of global warming.Important findings Combinations of these changes, including sea level rise, and alterations to storm patterns and long-shore currents, with the continued spread of Spartina, human population growth, and river flow and sediment reduction will make current management untenable.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were characterized for the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) from a GTn‐enriched genomic library. Twelve of 14 microsatellite loci were polymorphic, averaging 6.7 alleles per locus across the 20 individuals genotyped. Mean expected heterozygosity was 0.72, with locus‐specific values ranging from 0.53 to 0.90. An equally high multilocus probability of identity (2.48 × 10?12) was revealed for this set of loci. In addition, all 12 loci were demonstrated to cross‐amplify to varying extents within three additional parrot genera suggesting their potential utility for population‐level studies in a broad range of Neotropical psittacines.  相似文献   

The Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis is an important human food source in Asia and causes considerable ecological and economical damage as a recent invader of North America and Europe. Here we report the isolation and characterization of 12 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for E. sinensis. The number of observed alleles per locus ranged from 7 to 40 and the observed heterozygosity from 0.50 to 0.95. These markers should prove a useful tool to investigate the colonization process and its evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) is most often maternally inherited and highly conserved leading to previous observation of little to no sequence variation. Comparing cpDNA haplotypes have provided valuable insight into the establishment and migration of polyploid populations. However, to use chloroplast haplotypes to their full potential intrapopulational variation needs to be addressed. In this study, cpDNA haplotype variation was surveyed within 16 natural populations of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) located east of the 100th west meridian and north of the 35th north parallel in the U.S.A. using two non-coding, polymorphic chloroplast regions. Two main clades were defined with subclades as follows: haplotype 1 and haplotype 2A and 2B. It was discovered that seven populations showed intrapopulational chloroplast genome variation. Of the total amount of variation, 95.5% occurred within the octoploid populations and 4.5% occurred within the tetraploid populations. Both variant haplotypes, 2A and 2B, were found in a larger sampling of one of the natural populations, but no variation was found in a mixed ploidy population. The intrapopulational cpDNA variation we found in this study cannot directly be related to mechanisms of introduction of the non-native populations into native populations. Therefore, this cpDNA variation could be novel natural variation that has been fixed as the octoploid populations were established and moved northwest. This analysis provides insight into determining the usefulness of indels and single nucleotide polymorphisms for population identification and may provide information in regards to the origin of chloroplast variation and its subsequent fixation and establishment in natural prairie cordgrass populations.  相似文献   

 Microsatellites are highly variable DNA sequences that can be used as markers for the genetic analysis of plants. The potential of microsatellite markers for use in a genetic diversity study in Elymus species was evaluated. Genomic libraries of Elymus caninus were constructed. The libraries were screened with two dinucleotide, (GA)n and (GT)n, and two trinucleotide repeats, (TCT)n and (CAC)n. A total of 19 positive clones were found for the two dinucleotide repeats; no positive clone was found for the trinucleotide repeats. Positive clones were sequenced to confirm the presence of microsatellites and to generate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers based on the sequences flanking the microsatellite. All sequenced (GA)n clones have repeats of n>10; over half of the (GT)n microsatellites have n<10 repeats. Primer pairs were designed and evaluated for 8 selected microsatellites. PCR products were amplified from 15 Elymus caninus accessions. The number of alleles found for the eight loci varied from 1 for ECGA89 and ECGT35 to 13 for ECGA22, as determined by non-denaturing polyacrylamide electrophoresis. Six microsatellite loci were found to be polymorphic in E. caninus. The eight primer pairs were tested on three other species; seven were successful in amplifying DNA from Elymus alaskanus and E. mutabilis, and four amplified DNA from E. caucasicus. Based on these results, microsatellites appear to be useful markers in detecting variation in E. caninus. Received: 8 September 1997/Accepted: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

We investigated temporal changes in hybridization and introgression between native red deer (Cervus elaphus) and invasive Japanese sika (Cervus nippon) on the Kintyre Peninsula, Scotland, over 15 years, through analysis of 1513 samples of deer at 20 microsatellite loci and a mtDNA marker. We found no evidence that either the proportion of recent hybrids, or the levels of introgression had changed over the study period. Nevertheless, in one population where the two species have been in contact since ~1970, 44% of individuals sampled during the study were hybrids. This suggests that hybridization between these species can proceed fairly rapidly. By analysing the number of alleles that have introgressed from polymorphic red deer into the genetically homogenous sika population, we reconstructed the haplotypes of red deer alleles introduced by backcrossing. Five separate hybridization events could account for all the recently hybridized sika‐like individuals found across a large section of the Peninsula. Although we demonstrate that low rates of F1 hybridization can lead to substantial introgression, the progress of hybridization and introgression appears to be unpredictable over the short timescales.  相似文献   

Instances of hybridization between endemic and alien species pose a threat to species integrity but also provide us with an opportunity to study the dynamics of gene flow between two species as they first meet. Here, we used variation at 22 highly differentiated microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker in a sample of 735 individuals, to investigate the genetic consequences of an introduction of Japanese sika deer ( Cervus nippon ) for native red deer ( C. elaphus ) on the Kintyre Peninsula in Scotland. We investigated population structure, estimated null-allele frequency and assigned individual hybrid scores using a Bayesian clustering algorithm implemented in structure 2.2. The dataset clearly divided into two clusters and generally, introgression into red and sika was low. However at one site, West Loch Awe, 43% of individuals were hybrids. MtDNA introgression indicated that hybridization was occurring between red-deer hinds and sika-deer stags. We argue that the pattern of differential introgression across the study area is primarily due to the rarity of hybridization events between the two species and the limited time the two species have been in contact (< 120 years). This contrasts with the causes of classic mosaic hybrid zones (selection induced by habitat variability). Currently, it seems possible that, in time, the level of hybridization found at West Loch Awe could also be found across the whole of the peninsula.  相似文献   

The morphology of individuals of mixed natural populations of three species of Alopecurus, A. pratensis, A. geniculars and A. arundinaceus , is described. It is suggested that plants morphologically intermediate between the parental species are hybrids or of hybrid origin. Hybridization occurs more readily between A. pratensis and A. arundinaceus than between A. pratensis and A. geniculate , since intermediate forms were recovered from all mixed populations of A. pratensis and A. arundinaceus. The intermediate forms occur only in a few populations of A. pratensis and A. geniculars where an appropriate habitat is available. Evidence of backcrossing and therefore introgression comes from the continuum of intermediate forms that exists between the species. Scatter diagrams for individual populations show distinct differences in the degree of introgression. Observations on artificially produced hybrids are similar to those on naturally occurring hybrids.  相似文献   

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