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Tyrosinase (Tyr) and tyrosinase-related proteins (Tyrps) 1 and 2 are the enzymes responsible for mammalian melanogenesis. They display high similarity but different substrate and reaction specificities. Loss-of-function mutations lead to several forms of albinism or other pigmentation disorders. They share two conserved metal binding sites (CuA and CuB) which, in Tyr, bind copper. To define some structural determinants for these differences, we mutated Tyr at selected residues on the basis of (i) conservation of the original residues in most tyrosinases, (ii) their nonconservative substitution in the Tyrps, and (iii) their possible involvement as an endogenous bridge between the copper pair. Two mutations at the CuA site, S192A and E193Q, did not affect Tyr activities, thus excluding S192 and E193 as endogenous ligands of the copper pair. Concerning CuB, the H390Q mutation completely abolished Tyr activity, whereas Q378H and H389L mutants showed 10-20% residual specific activities. Their kinetic behavior suggests that (i) H390 is the actual third ligand for CuB, (ii) H389 is critical for stereospecific recognition of o-diphenols but not monophenols, and (iii) the involvement in metal binding of the central extra H residue at the Tyrps CuB site is unlikely. However, replacement of Q (in Tyr) by H (in Tyrps) greatly diminished the affinity for L-dopa, consistent with the low/null tyrosinase activity of the Tyrps. These are the first data showing a physical difference in docking of mono- and o-diphenols to the Tyr active site, and they are used to propose a revised scheme of the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase (oxidoreductase; XOR) and aldehyde oxidase (AO) are similar in protein structure and prosthetic group composition, but differ in substrate preference. Here we show that mutation of two amino acid residues in the active site of human XOR for purine substrates results in conversion of the substrate preference to AO type. Human XOR and its Glu803-to-valine (E803V) and Arg881-to-methionine (R881M) mutants were expressed in an Escherichia coli system. The E803V mutation almost completely abrogated the activity towards hypoxanthine as a substrate, but very weak activity towards xanthine remained. On the other hand, the R881M mutant lacked activity towards xanthine, but retained slight activity towards hypoxanthine. Both mutants, however, exhibited significant aldehyde oxidase activity. The crystal structure of E803V mutant of human XOR was determined at 2.6 A resolution. The overall molybdopterin domain structure of this mutant closely resembles that of bovine milk XOR; amino acid residues in the active centre pocket are situated at very similar positions and in similar orientations, except that Glu803 was replaced by valine, indicating that the decrease in activity towards purine substrate is not due to large conformational change in the mutant enzyme. Unlike wild-type XOR, the mutants were not subject to time-dependent inhibition by allopurinol.  相似文献   

Park C  Schultz LW  Raines RT 《Biochemistry》2001,40(16):4949-4956
His12 and His119 are critical for catalysis of RNA cleavage by ribonuclease A (RNase A). Substitution of either residue with an alanine decreases the value of k(cat)/K(M) by more than 10(4)-fold. His12 and His119 are proximal to the scissile phosphoryl group of an RNA substrate in enzyme-substrate complexes. Here, the role of these active site histidines in RNA binding was investigated by monitoring the effect of mutagenesis and pH on the stability of enzyme-nucleic acid complexes. X-ray diffraction analysis of the H12A and H119A variants at a resolution of 1.7 and 1.8 A, respectively, shows that the amino acid substitutions do not perturb the overall structure of the variants. Isothermal titration calorimetric studies on the complexation of wild-type RNase A and the variants with 3'-UMP at pH 6.0 show that His12 and His119 contribute 1.4 and 1.1 kcal/mol to complex stability, respectively. Determination of the stability of the complex of wild-type RNase A and 6-carboxyfluorescein approximately d(AUAA) at varying pHs by fluorescence anisotropy shows that the stability increases by 2.4 kcal/mol as the pH decreases from 8.0 to 4.0. At pH 4.0, replacing His12 with an alanine residue decreases the stability of the complex with 6-carboxyfluorescein approximately d(AUAA) by 2.3 kcal/mol. Together, these structural and thermodynamic data provide the first thorough analysis of the contribution of histidine residues to nucleic acid binding.  相似文献   

A beta-glycosidase (M(r) 50000) from Spodoptera frugiperda larval midgut was purified, cloned and sequenced. It is active on aryl and alkyl beta-glucosides and cellodextrins that are all hydrolyzed at the same active site, as inferred from experiments of competition between substrates. Enzyme activity is dependent on two ionizable groups (pK(a1)=4.9 and pK(a2)=7.5). Effect of pH on carbodiimide inactivation indicates that the pK(a) 7.5 group is a carboxyl. k(cat) and K(m) values were obtained for different p-nitrophenyl beta-glycosides and K(i) values were determined for a range of alkyl beta-glucosides and cellodextrins, revealing that the aglycone site has three subsites. Binding data, sequence alignments and literature beta-glycosidase 3D data supported the following conclusions: (1) the groups involved in catalysis were E(187) (proton donor) and E(399) (nucleophile); (2) the glycone moiety is stabilized in the transition state by a hydrophobic region around the C-6 hydroxyl and by hydrogen bonds with the other equatorial hydroxyls; (3) the aglycone site is a cleft made up of hydrophobic amino acids with a polar amino acid only at its first (+1) subsite.  相似文献   

The specific insertion of a divalent metal ion into tetrapyrrole macrocycles is catalyzed by a group of enzymes called chelatases. Distortion of the tetrapyrrole has been proposed to be an important component of the mechanism of metallation. We present the structures of two different inhibitor complexes: (1) N-methylmesoporphyrin (N-MeMP) with the His183Ala variant of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase; (2) the wild-type form of the same enzyme with deuteroporphyrin IX 2,4-disulfonic acid dihydrochloride (dSDP). Analysis of the structures showed that only one N-MeMP isomer out of the eight possible was bound to the protein and it was different from the isomer that was earlier found to bind to the wild-type enzyme. A comparison of the distortion of this porphyrin with other porphyrin complexes of ferrochelatase and a catalytic antibody with ferrochelatase activity using normal-coordinate structural decomposition reveals that certain types of distortion are predominant in all these complexes. On the other hand, dSDP, which binds closer to the protein surface compared to N-MeMP, does not undergo any distortion upon binding to the protein, underscoring that the position of the porphyrin within the active site pocket is crucial for generating the distortion required for metal insertion. In addition, in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, Cu2+-soaking of the His183Ala variant complex did not show any traces of porphyrin metallation. Collectively, these results provide new insights into the role of the active site residues of ferrochelatase in controlling stereospecificity, distortion and metallation.  相似文献   

The role of active site histidine residues in SCN oxidation by lacrimal gland peroxidase (LGP) has been probed after modification with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC). The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated following pseudo-first order kinetics with a second order rate constant of 0.26 M–1 sec–1 at 25°C. The pH dependent rate of inactivation shows an inflection point at 6.6 indicating histidine derivatization. The UV difference spectrum of the modified versus native enzyme shows a peak at 242 nm indicating formation of N-carbethoxyhistidine. Carbethoxyhistidine formation and associated inactivation are reversed by hydroxylamine indicating histidine modification. The stoichiometry of histidine modification and the extent of inactivation show that out of five histidine residues modified, modification of two residues inactivates the enzyme. Substrate protection with SCN during modification indicates that although one histidine is protected, it does not prevent inactivation. The spectroscopically detectable compound II formation is lost due to modification and is not evident after SCN protection. The data indicate that out of two histidines, one regulates compound I formation while the other one controls SCN binding. SCN protected enzyme is inactive due to loss of compound I formation. SCN binding studies by optical difference spectroscopy indicate that while the native enzyme binds SCN with the Kd of 15 mM, the modified enzyme shows very weak binding with the Kd of 660 mM. From the pH dependent binding of SCN, a plot of log Kd vs. pH shows a sigmoidal curve from which the involvement of an enzyme ionizable group of pKa 6.6 is ascertained and attributed to the histidine residue controlling SCN binding. LGP has thus two distinctly different essential histidine residues – one regulates compound I formation while the other one controls SCN binding.  相似文献   

In this study, the essential serine residue and 2 other amino acids in human pancreatic triglyceride lipase (triacylglycerol acylhydrolase, EC were tested for their contribution to the enzyme's catalytic site or interfacial binding site. By site-specific mutagenesis of the cDNA for human pancreatic lipase, amino acid substitutions were made at Ser153, His264, and Asp177. The mutant cDNAs were expressed in transfected COS-1 cells. Both the medium and the cells were examined for the presence of pancreatic lipase by Western blot analysis. The activity of the expressed proteins against triolein and the interfacial binding was measured. Proteins with mutations in Ser153 were secreted by the cells and bound to interfaces but had no detectable activity. Changing His264 to a leucine or Asp177 to an asparagine also produced inactive lipase. Substituting glutamic acid for Asp177 produced an active protein. These results demonstrate that Ser153 is involved in the catalytic site of pancreatic lipase and is not crucial for interfacial binding. Moreover, the essential roles of His264 and Asp177 in catalysis were demonstrated. A Ser-His-Asp catalytic triad similar to that present in serine proteases is present in human pancreatic lipase.  相似文献   

A putative binding region for cumene hydroperoxide in the active site of cytochrome P4501A1 was identified using photoaffinity labeling. Thr501 was determined as the most likely site of modification by azidocumene used as the photoaffinity label (T. Cvrk and H. W. Strobel, (1998) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 349, 95-104). To evaluate further the role of this amino acid residue a site-directed mutagenesis approach was employed. P4501A1 wild type and two mutants, P4501A1Glu501 and P4501A1Phe501, were expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli and used for kinetic analysis to confirm the role of Thr501 residue in cumene hydroperoxide binding. The mutation resulted in a two- to fourfold decrease in the rate of heme degradation in the presence of 0.5 mM cumene hydroperoxide. The mutations do not prevent or significantly alter binding of the tested substrates; however, binding of 2-phenyl-2-propanol (product generated from cumene hydroperoxide) to P4501A1Glu501 and P4501A1Phe501 exhibited four- and eightfold decreases, respectively, suggesting that the mutations strongly affected the affinity of cumene hydroperoxide for the P4501A1 active site. The kinetic analysis of cumene hydroperoxide-supported reactions showed that both mutants exhibit increased Km and decreased VMax values for all tested substrates. Furthermore, the mutations affected product distribution in testosterone hydroxylation. On the basis of P4501A1Glu501 and P4501A1Phe501 characterization, it can be concluded that Thr501 plays an important role in cumene hydroperoxide/P4501A1 interaction.  相似文献   

Mendonça LM  Marana SR 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(10):2536-2547
The relative contributions to the specificity and catalysis of aglycone, of residues E190, E194, K201 and M453 that form the aglycone-binding site of a beta-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (EC, were investigated through site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetic experiments. The results showed that E190 favors the binding of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones (up to the sixth methylene group) and also the first glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones, whereas a balance between interactions with E194 and K201 determines the preference for glucose units versus alkyl moieties. E194 favors the binding of alkyl moieties, whereas K201 is more relevant for the binding of glucose units, in spite of its favorable interaction with alkyl moieties. The three residues E190, E194 and K201 reduce the affinity for phenyl moieties. In addition, M453 favors the binding of the second glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones and also of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones. None of the residues investigated interacted with the terminal portion of alkyl-type aglycones. It was also demonstrated that E190, E194, K201 and M453 similarly contribute to stabilize ES(double dagger). Their interactions with aglycone are individually weaker than those formed by residues interacting with glycone, but their joint catalytic effects are similar. Finally, these interactions with aglycone do not influence glycone binding.  相似文献   

Rubach JK  Plapp BV 《Biochemistry》2003,42(10):2907-2915
Amino acid residues Thr-178, Val-203, and Val-292, which interact with the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme bound to alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), may facilitate hydride transfer and hydrogen tunneling by orientation and dynamic effects. The T178S, T178V, V203A, V292A, V292S, and V292T substitutions significantly alter the steady state and transient kinetics of the enzyme. The V292A, V292S, and V292T enzymes have decreased affinity for coenzyme (NAD+ by 30-50-fold and NADH by 35-75-fold) as compared to the wild-type enzyme. The substitutions in the nicotinamide binding site decrease the rate constant of hydride transfer for benzyl alcohol oxidation by 3-fold (for V292T ADH) to 16-fold (for V203A ADH). The modest effects suggest that catalysis does not depend critically on individual residues and that several residues in the nicotinamide binding site contribute to catalysis. The structures of the V292T ADH-NAD+-pyrazole and wild-type ADH-NAD+-4-iodopyrazole ternary complexes are very similar. Only subtle changes in the V292T enzyme cause the large changes in coenzyme binding and the small change in hydride transfer. In these complexes, one pyrazole nitrogen binds to the catalytic zinc, and the other nitrogen forms a partial covalent bond with C4 of the nicotinamide ring, which adopts a boat conformation that is postulated to be relevant for hydride transfer. The results provide an experimental basis for evaluating the contributions of dynamics to hydride transfer.  相似文献   

S A Berger  P R Evans 《Biochemistry》1992,31(38):9237-9242
Six active site mutants of Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase have been constructed and characterized using steady-state kinetics. All but one of the mutants (ES222) have significantly lower maximal activity, implicating these residues in the catalytic process. Replacement of Asp127, the key catalytic residue in the forward reaction with Glu, results in an enzyme with wild-type cooperative and allosteric behavior but severely decreased Fru6P binding. Replacement of the same residue with Tyr abolishes cooperativity while retaining sensitivity to allosteric inhibition and activation. Thus, this mutant has uncoupled homotropic from heterotropic allostery. Mutation of Asp103 to Ala results in an enzyme which retains wild-type Fru6P-binding characteristics with reduced activity. GDP, which allosterically activates the wild-type enzyme, acts as a mixed inhibitor for this mutant. Mutation of Thr125 to Ala and Asp129 to Ser produces mutants with impaired Fru6P binding and decreased cooperativity. In the presence of the activator GDP, both these mutants display apparent negative cooperativity. In addition, ATP binding is now allosterically altered by GDP. These results extend the number of active site residues known to participate in the catalytic process and help to define the mechanisms behind catalysis and homotropic and heterotropic allostery.  相似文献   

Homomeric P2X3 receptors are present in sensory ganglia and participate in pain perception. Amino acid (AA) residues were replaced in the four supposed nucleotide binding segments (NBSs) of the human (h) P2X3 receptor by alanine, and these mutants were expressed in HEK293 cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes. Patch clamp and two-electrode voltage clamp measurements as well as the Ca(2+) imaging technique were used to compare the concentration-response curves of the selective P2X1,3 agonist α,β-methylene ATP obtained at the wild-type P2X3 receptor and its NBS mutants. Within these NBSs, certain Gly (Gly-66), Lys (Lys-63, Lys-176, Lys-284, Lys-299), Asn (Asn-177, Asn-279), Arg (Arg-281, Arg-295), and Thr (Thr-172) residues were of great importance for a full agonist response. However, the replacement of further AAs in the NBSs by Ala also appeared to modify the amplitude of the current and/or [Ca(2+)](i) responses, although sometimes to a minor degree. The agonist potency decrease was additive after the simultaneous replacement of two adjacent AAs by Ala (K65A/G66A, F171A/T172A, N279A/F280A, F280A/R281A) but was not altered after Ala substitution of two non-adjacent AAs within the same NBS (F171A/N177A). SDS-PAGE in the Cy5 cell surface-labeled form demonstrated that the mutants appeared at the cell surface in oocytes. Thus, groups of AAs organized in NBSs rather than individual amino acids appear to be responsible for agonist binding at the hP2X3 receptor. These NBSs are located at the interface of the three subunits forming a functional receptor.  相似文献   

beta-Glucosidase A from bitter almonds was inhibited by the substrate analogue 6-bromo-3,4,5-trihydroxycyclo[2-3H]hex-1-ene oxide. Incorporation of 2 mol inhibitor/mol of dimeric enzyme resulted in total loss of activity. From tryptic digests of the labeled enzyme two radioactive peptides were isolated and their sequence determined (binding site of inhibitor underlined): peptide I, containing approx. 60% of the label: Ile-Thr-Glx-Glx-Gly-Val--Phe-Gly-Asp-Ser-Glx-(Ala, Asx2, Pro)-Lys and peptide II with approx. 30% of the label: Gly-Thr-Glx-Asp. The specifity of the reaction of beta-glucosidases (beta-D-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC with substrate-related epoxides indicates that the aspartic acid labeled in peptide I participates in the catalytic process of beta-glucoside hydrolysis. The labeling of a second site is interpreted in terms of two, mutually exclusive, binding modes of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Enzymes enhance chemical reaction rates by lowering the activation energy, the energy barrier of the reaction leading to products. This occurs because enzymes bind the high-energy intermediate of the reaction (the transition state) more strongly than the substrate. We studied details of this process by determining the substrate binding energy (DeltaG(s), calculated from K(m) values) and the activation energy (DeltaG(T), determined from k(cat)/K(m) values) for the trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of oligopeptides. Plots of DeltaG(T) versus DeltaG(s) for oligopeptides with 15 amino acid replacements at each of the positions P(1)', P(1), and P(2) were straight lines, as predicted by a derived equation that relates DeltaG(T) and DeltaG(s). The data led to the conclusion that the trypsin active site has subsites that bind moieties of substrate and of transition state in characteristic ratios, whichever substrate is used. This was unexpected and means that each subsite characteristically favors substrate binding or catalysis.  相似文献   

L Luo  K L Taylor  H Xiang  Y Wei  W Zhang  D Dunaway-Mariano 《Biochemistry》2001,40(51):15684-15692
4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of 4-CBA-CoA to 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA (4-HBA-CoA) via a multistep mechanism involving initial attack of Asp145 on C(4) of the substrate benzoyl ring to form a Meisenheimer intermediate (EMc), followed by expulsion of the chloride ion to form an arylated enzyme intermediate (EAr) and then ester hydrolysis in the EAr to form product. This study examines the role of binding interactions in dehalogenase catalysis. The enzyme and substrate groups positioned for favorable binding interaction were identified from the X-ray crystal structure of the enzyme-4-HBA-3'-dephospho-CoA complex. These groups were individually modified (via site-directed mutagenesis or chemical synthesis) for the purpose of disrupting the binding interaction. The changes in the Gibbs free energy of the enzyme-substrate complex (DeltaDeltaG(ES)) and enzyme-transition state complex (DeltaDeltaG) brought about by the modification were measured. Cases where DeltaDeltaG exceeds DeltaDeltaG(ES) are indicative of binding interactions used for catalysis. On the basis of this analysis, we show that the H-bond interactions between the Gly114 and Phe64 backbone amide NHs and the substrate benzoyl C=O group contribute an additional 3.1 kcal/mol of stabilization at the rate-limiting transition state. The binding interactions between the enzyme and the substrate CoA nucleotide moiety also intensify in the rate-limiting transition state, reducing the energy barrier to catalysis by an additional 3.3 kcal/mol. Together, these binding interactions contribute approximately 10(6) to the k(cat)/K(m).  相似文献   

Effect of active site residues in barnase on activity and stability.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have mutated residues in the active site of the ribonuclease, barnase, in order to determine their effects on both enzyme activity and protein stability. Mutation of several of the positively charged residues that interact with the negatively charged RNA substrate (Lys27----Ala, Arg59----Ala and His102----Ala) causes large decreases in activity. This is accompanied, however, by an increase in stability. There is presumably electrostatic strain in the active site where positively charged side-chains are clustered. Mutation of several residues that make hydrogen bonds (Ser57----Ala, Asn58----Asp and Tyr103----Phe) causes smaller decreases in activity, but increases or has no effect on stability. Deletion of hydrogen bonding groups elsewhere in proteins has been found previously to decrease stability by 0.5 to 1.5 kcal mol-1. Conversely, we find that two mutations (Asp54----Asn and Gln104----Ala) decrease stability and increase activity. Another mutation (Glu73----Ala) decreases both activity and stability. It is clear that many residues in the active site do not contribute to stability and that for some, but not all, of the residues there is a compromise between activity and stability. This suggests that certain types of local instability may be necessary for substrate binding and catalysis by barnase. This has implications for the understanding of enzyme activity and the design of enzymes.  相似文献   

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