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We have analyzed the effect of base-pairing at the exposed ends of Hinc II fragments of SV40 DNA on the efficiency of ribonucleotide incorporation catalyzed by terminal transferase. Wide variations in the labeling efficiency of individual DNA fragments have been observed. To elucidate the nature of this variation at the molecular level, we have correlated this effect with nucleotide sequence adjacent to the cleavage site. We found that a G:C base pair right at the exposed end drastically reduces the incorporation of ribonucleotides. Furthermore, the higher the number of G:C base pairs adjacent to the exposed end, the greater the reduction in labeling efficiency. From these results, we conclude that the labeling efficiency is determined by the degree of 'terminal breathing' of the DNA molecule at the exposed end of the duplex.  相似文献   

A fast method of analysis of the 3′ ends of oligodeoxyribonucleotides is described. Basically the method involves: (a) Labeling of the 3′ ends of oligodeoxyribonucleotides with the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and [α-32P] ATP as donor; (b) hydrolysis of the labeled fragments to 3′ deoxymononucleotides by acid DNase and spleen exonuclease; (c) unidimensional separation on polyethylene imine cellulose thin-layer plates of the four 3′ deoxyribomononucleotides, 3′ riboadenylic acid, and ATP.  相似文献   

Addition of 3' and 5' terminal phosphates to dApdA causes a decrease in conformational flexibility. pdApdAp has much fewer conformers with energies below 2.5 kcal./mole than dApdA. THE A, B and Watson-Crick (34) helices are the most preferred forms. Other important conformations are in the trans domain of psi. Thus, flexibility in psi as well as in omega and omega, and in the sugar pucker is indicated. The transformation from the B helix to the Watson-Crick helix follows a low energy path. This is significant since Watson-Crick conformations may be important for intercalation into nucleic acid polymers (40-42) above the dimer level. The B helix is preferred over the A form in these large DNA subunits.  相似文献   

Determination of nucleotide sequences in DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The isolation of DNA clone termini is an important step in the development of DNA contigs utilized for a range of applications, including physical mapping, genetic map-based cloning, insertion mutagenesis cloning, and isolation of complete gene sequences. We describe a rapid PCR-based method for the isolation of vector-insert junctions, or insert terminal sequences, of cloned plant DNA fragments. PCR amplification is performed using a vector-specific primer and a nonspecific primer, originally designed for use in animal systems, containing degenerative bases that we have shown can also anneal to plant insert DNA. Using this method we have successfully isolated end-terminal sequences from plant genomic clones harbored in YAC, BAC, and bacteriophage λ vectors. Termini of genomic clones from both tomato andArabidopsis were isolated demonstrating the utility of this technique among a range of plant species.  相似文献   

It is shown that 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-aminonucleoside 5'-triphosphates with adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine bases are effective inhibitors of DNA polymerase I, calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha and rat liver DNA polymerase beta. The effect of the above-mentioned compounds is markedly higher than corresponding action of the well-known DNA synthesis inhibitors arabinonucleoside 5'-triphosphates and 2',3'-dideoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates. 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-aminonucleoside 5'-monophosphate residues incorporate into the 3'-terminus of the primer and terminate the DNA chain elongation. The possibility of using 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-aminonucleoside 5'-triphosphates as terminators for DNA sequencing by the polymerization method is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase was shown to contain an associated 5' to 3' exonuclease activity. Both polymerase and exonuclease activities cosedimented with a molecular weight of 72,000 during sucrose gradient centrifugation. Using a novel in situ activity gel procedure to simultaneously detect these two activities, we observed both DNA polymerase and exonuclease in a single band following either nondenaturing or denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: therefore, DNA polymerase and exonuclease activities reside in the same polypeptide. As determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis this enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of 92,000. The exonuclease requires a divalent cation (MgCl2 or MnCl2), has a pH optimum of 9.0 and excises primarily deoxyribonucleoside 5'-monophosphate from double-stranded DNA. Neither heat denatured DNA nor the free oligonucleotide (24-mer) were efficient substrates for exonuclease activity. The rate of hydrolysis of a 5'-phosphorylated oligonucleotide (24-mer) annealed to M13mp2 DNA was about twofold faster than the same substrate containing a 5'-hydroxylated residue. Hydrolysis of a 5'-terminal residue from a nick was preferred threefold over the same 5'-end of duplex DNA. The 5' to 3' exonuclease activity appeared to function coordinately with the DNA polymerase to facilitate a nick translational DNA synthesis reaction.  相似文献   

U Brinckmann  G Darai  R M Flügel 《Gene》1983,24(1):131-135
The termini of the tupaia (tree shrew) adenovirus (TAV) DNA have been sequenced. The inverted terminal repetitions (ITR) are 166 bp long containing the A + T-rich, highly conserved sequence present in all adenovirus DNAs so far analysed. An unusual feature within the TAV ITR is the presence of four sets of a conserved sequence TGACCG which occur at or near the ends of many adenovirus ITR.  相似文献   

A modification of the Burton method for determination of pyrimidine nucleotide blocks (isopliths) of DNA, providing a higher yield of large-sized nucleotide isopliths, is described. The amount of side products (interisopliths) does not exceed their amount upon DNA hydrolysis according to the Burton method. Another advantage of the technique recommended is a considerable shortening of hudrolysis time (20 min instead of 18 hours). The modification described has been successfully used to determine the pyrimidine nucleotide blocks of some warm-blooded animals DNAs. It has been found that the DNA of animals with higher sensitivity to ionised irradiation contains more oligothymidylic sequences as compared to the DNA of animals, less sensitive to irradiation.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the SmaI-K fragment of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) DNA has been determined. This region includes one of the origins of DNA replication (Winnacker, 1978; Sussenbach and Kuijk, 1978). A leader sequence for an early mRNA in region 4 (Berk and Sharp, 1977; 1978) has also been mapped in this region. The comparison of the primary structure of this region in Ad2 DNA with the corresponding region in Ad5 DNA shows a remarkable homology which may be significant in view of the fact that Ad2 and Ad5 DNAs can interchangeably function in the in vitro replication system of Challberg and Kelly (1979).  相似文献   

The minichromosome Ch16 of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is derived from the centromeric region of chromosome III. We show that Ch16 and a shorter derivative, Ch12, made by gamma-ray cleavage, are linear molecules of 530 and 280 kilobases, respectively. Each minichromosome has two novel telomeres, as shown by genomic Southern hybridization with an S. pombe telomere probe. Comparison by hybridization of the minichromosomes and their chromosomal counterparts showed no signs of gross rearrangement. Cosmid clones covering the ends of the long arms of Ch16 and Ch12 were isolated, and subcloned fragments that contained the breakage sites were identified. They are apparently unique in the genome. By hybridization and Bal 31 digestion, the ends appear to consist of the broken-end sequences directly associated with short stretches (about 300 base pairs) of new DNA that hybridizes to a cloned S. pombe telomere. They do not contain the telomere-adjacent repeated sequences that are present in the normal chromosomes. The sizes of the short telomeric stretches are roughly the same as those of the normal chromosomes. Our results show that broken chromosomal ends in S. pombe can be healed by the de novo addition of the short telomeric repeats. The formation of Ch16 must have required two breakage-healing events, whereas a single cleavage-healing event in the long arm of Ch16 yielded Ch12.  相似文献   

Nuclear extracts from adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) infected HeLa cells were used to study the template requirements for adenovirus DNA replication in vitro. When XbaI digested Ad5 DNA, containing the parental terminal protein (TP), was used as a template preferential synthesis of the terminal fragments was observed. The newly synthesized DNA was covalently bound to the 82 kD preterminal protein (pTP). Plasmid DNAs containing the Ad2 origin sequence or the Ad12 origin sequence with small deletions were analyzed for their capacity to support pTP-primed DNA replication. Circular plasmid DNAs were inactive. When plasmids were linearized to expose the adenovirus origin, both Ad2 and Ad12 TP-free fragments could support initiation and elongation similarly as Ad5 DNA-TP, although with lower efficiency. These observations indicate that the parental terminal protein is dispensable for initiation in vitro. The presence of 29 nucleotides ahead of the molecular end or a deletion of 14 base pairs extending into the conserved sequence (9-22) destroyed the template activity. DNA with a large deletion within the first 8 base pairs could still support replication while a small deletion could not. The results suggest that only G residues at a distance of 4-8 nucleotides from the start of the conserved sequence can be used as template during initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

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