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Persistence of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) has been described in humans during intense exercise and attributed to an increase in ventilation. However, the direct influence of ventilation on RSA has never been assessed. The dynamic evolution of RSA and its links to ventilation were investigated during exercise in 14 healthy men using an original modeling approach. An evolutive model was estimated from the detrended and high-pass-filtered heart period series. The instantaneous RSA frequency (FRSA, in Hz) and amplitude (ARSA, in ms) were then extracted from all recordings. A(RSA) was calculated with short-time Fourier transform. First, measurements of FRSA and ARSA were performed from data obtained during a graded and maximal exercise test. Influences of different ventilation regimens [changes in tidal volume (VT) and respiratory frequency (FR)] on ARSA were then tested during submaximal [70% peak O2 consumption (VO2peak)] rectangular exercise bouts. Under graded and maximal exercise conditions, ARSA decreased from the beginning of exercise to 61.9 +/- 3.8% VO2peak and then increased up to peak exercise. During the paced breathing protocol, normoventilation (69.4 +/- 8.8 l/min), hyperventilation (81.8 +/- 8.3 l/min), and hypoventilation (56.4 +/- 6.2 l/min) led to significantly (P < 0.01) different ARSA values (3.8 +/- 0.5, 4.6 +/- 0.8, and 2.9 +/- 0.5 ms, respectively). In addition, no statistical difference was found in ARSA when ventilation was kept constant, whatever the FR-VT combinations. Those results indicate that RSA persists for all exercise intensities and increases during the highest intensities. Its persistence and increase are strongly linked to both the frequency and degree of lung inflation, suggesting a mechanical influence of breathing on RSA.  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) has been widely used as a measure of the cardiac vagal control in response to stress. However, RSA seems not to be a generalized indicator because of its dependency on respiratory parameter and individual variations of RSA amplitude (A(RSA)). We hypothesized that phase-lag variations between RSA and respiration may serve as a normalized index of the degree of mental stress. Twenty healthy volunteers performed mental arithmetic task (ART) after 5 min of resting control followed by 5 min of recovery. Breathing pattern, beat-to-beat R-R intervals, and blood pressure (BP) were determined using inductance plethysmography, electrocardiography, and a Finapres device, respectively. The analytic signals of breathing and RSA were obtained by Hilbert transform and the degree of phase synchronization (λ) was quantified. With the use of spectral analysis, heart rate variability (HRV) was estimated for the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) bands. A steady-state 3-min resting period (REST), the first 3 min (ART1), and the last 3 min (ART2) of the ART period (ranged from 6- to 19 min) and the last 3 min of the recovery period (RCV) were analyzed separately. Heart rate, systolic BP, and breathing frequency (f(R)) increased and λ, A(RSA), and HF power decreased from REST to ART (P < 0.01). The λ was correlated with normalized A(RSA) and the HF power. The decrease in λ could not be explained solely by the increase in f(R). We conclude that mental stress exerts an influence on RSA oscillations, inducing incoherent phase lag with respect to breathing, in addition to a decrease in RSA.  相似文献   

We studied heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) in four male subjects before, during, and after 16 days of spaceflight. The electrocardiogram and respiration were recorded during two periods of 4 min controlled breathing at 7.5 and 15 breaths/min in standing and supine postures on the ground and in microgravity. Low (LF)- and high (HF)-frequency components of the short-term HRV (< or =3 min) were computed through Fourier spectral analysis of the R-R intervals. Early in microgravity, HR was decreased compared with both standing and supine positions and had returned to the supine value by the end of the flight. In microgravity, overall variability, the LF-to-HF ratio, and RSA amplitude and phase were similar to preflight supine values. Immediately postflight, HR increased by approximately 15% and remained elevated 15 days after landing. LF/HF was increased, suggesting an increased sympathetic control of HR standing. The overall variability and RSA amplitude in supine decreased postflight, suggesting that vagal tone decreased, which coupled with the decrease in RSA phase shift suggests that this was the result of an adaptation of autonomic control of HR to microgravity. In addition, these alterations persisted for at least 15 days after return to normal gravity (1G).  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) — the peak-to-peak variations in heart rate caused by respiration — can be used as a noninvasive measure of parasympathetic cardiac control. In the present study four strategies to increase RSA amplitude are investigated: (1) biofeedback of RSA amplitude, (2) biofeedback of RSA amplitude plus respiratory instructions, (3) respiratory biofeedback, and (4) respiratory instructions only. All four procedures produce a significant increase of RSA amplitude from the first physiological control trial compared to baseline. This increase is faster for the groups that received respiratory biofeedback and respiratory instructions only than for the two groups that received biofeedback of RSA amplitude, the increases being equivalent for the four groups in the third session. All subjects of the group that received biofeedback of RSA amplitude only reported respiratory strategies in order to achieve the increase in RSA. Possible clinical implications of these results for parasympathetic cardiac control and cardiovascular disorders are discussed.This research was supported by a grant to the first author from the University of Granada (Spain).  相似文献   

To investigate the interindividual differences in respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), recordings of ventilation and electrocardiogram were obtained from 12 healthy subjects for five imposed breathing periods (T(TOT)) surrounding each individual's spontaneous breathing period. In addition to the spectral analysis of the R-R interval signal at each breathing period, RSA characteristics were quantified by using a breath-by-breath analysis where a sinusoid was fitted to the changes in instantaneous heart rate in each breath. The amplitude and phase (or delay = phase x T(TOT)) of this sinusoid were taken as the RSA characteristics for each breath. It was found that for each subject the RSA amplitude-T(TOT) relationship was linear, whereas the delay-T(TOT) relationship was parabolic. However, the parameters of these relationships differed between individuals. Linear correlation between the slopes of RSA amplitude versus T(TOT) regression lines and 1) mean breathing period and 2) mean R-R interval during spontaneous breathing were calculated. Only the correlation coefficient with breathing period was significantly different from zero, indicating that the longer the spontaneous breathing period the lesser the increase in RSA amplitude with increasing breathing period. Similarly, only the correlation coefficient between the curvature of the RSA delay-T(TOT) parabola and mean breathing period was significantly different from zero; the longer the spontaneous breathing period the larger the curvature of RSA delay. These results suggest that the changes in RSA characteristics induced by changing the breathing period may be explained partly by the spontaneous breathing period of each individual. Furthermore, a transfer function analysis performed on these data suggested interindividual differences in the autonomic modulation of the heart rate.  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)--the peak-to-peak variations in heart rate caused by respiration--can be used as a noninvasive measure of parasympathetic cardiac control. In the present study four strategies to increase RSA amplitude are investigated: (1) biofeedback of RSA amplitude, (2) biofeedback of RSA amplitude plus respiratory instructions, (3) respiratory biofeedback, and (4) respiratory instructions only. All four procedures produce a significant increase of RSA amplitude from the first physiological control trial compared to baseline. This increase is faster for the groups that received respiratory biofeedback and respiratory instructions only than for the two groups that received biofeedback of RSA amplitude, the increases being equivalent for the four groups in the third session. All subjects of the group that received biofeedback of RSA amplitude only reported respiratory strategies in order to achieve the increase in RSA. Possible clinical implications of these results for parasympathetic cardiac control and cardiovascular disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) may improve the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange by matching the pulmonary blood flow to lung volume during each respiratory cycle. If so, an increased demand for pulmonary gas exchange may enhance RSA magnitude. We therefore tested the hypothesis that CO2 directly affects RSA in conscious humans even when changes in tidal volume (V(T)) and breathing frequency (F(B)), which indirectly affect RSA, are prevented. In seven healthy subjects, we adjusted end-tidal PCO2 (PET(CO2)) to 30, 40, or 50 mmHg in random order at constant V(T) and F(B). The mean amplitude of the high-frequency component of R-R interval variation was used as a quantitative assessment of RSA magnitude. RSA magnitude increased progressively with PET(CO2) (P < 0.001). Mean R-R interval did not differ at PET(CO2) of 40 and 50 mmHg but was less at 30 mmHg (P < 0.05). Because V(T) and F(B) were constant, these results support our hypothesis that increased CO2 directly increases RSA magnitude, probably via a direct effect on medullary mechanisms generating RSA.  相似文献   

Normally, at rest, the amplitude of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) appears to correlate with cardiac vagal tone. However, recent studies showed that, under stress, RSA dissociates from vagal tone, indicating that separate mechanisms might regulate phasic and tonic vagal activity. This dissociation has been linked to the hypothesis that RSA improves pulmonary gas exchange through preferential distribution of heartbeats in inspiration. We examined the effects of hypercapnia and mild hypoxemia on RSA-vagal dissociation in relation to heartbeat distribution throughout the respiratory cycle in 12 volunteers. We found that hypercapnia, but not hypoxemia, was associated with significant increases in heart rate (HR), tidal volume, and RSA amplitude. The RSA amplitude increase remained statistically significant after adjustment for respiratory rate, tidal volume, and HR. Moreover, the RSA amplitude increase was associated with a paradoxical rise in HR and decrease in low-frequency-to-high-frequency mean amplitude ratio derived from spectral analysis, which is consistent with RSA-vagal dissociation. Although hypercapnia was associated with a significant increase in the percentage of heartbeats during inspiration, this association was largely secondary to increases in the inspiratory period-to-respiratory period ratio, rather than RSA amplitude. Additional model analyses of RSA were consistent with the experimental data. Heartbeat distribution did not change during hypoxemia. These results support the concept of RSA-vagal dissociation during hypercapnia; however, the putative role of RSA in optimizing pulmonary perfusion matching requires further experimental validation.  相似文献   

Variation of respiratory sinus arrhythmia with age   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A method for the accurate time-domain characterization of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) pattern is presented and applied to two groups of healthy subjects to lay the baseline of RSA patterns and to underlay their features: response to standing, stability in successive recordings, and individuality of the shape of RSA pattern. RSA pattern is evaluated by selective averaging of heart rate (HR) changes from multiple respiratory cycles over the respiratory phase and represents the complete modulating function of HR by respiration. The RSA pattern is evaluated with free respiration and even in cases of severe arrhythmia. Estimation error is 6-8% in magnitude, phase resolution is 0.2 rad, and sensitivity margin for respiratory-related HR variability (HRV) components is 1%. RSA magnitude, phase lag, and expiration-to-inspiration time ratio are derived in addition to the entire pattern. In a group of 10 healthy young adults, a phase lag difference of 11.4 +/- 8.5% (mean +/- SD, P < 0.004) was observed between supine and standing postures, possibly ascribed to breathing mechanics. A second group of 15 healthy young adults at supine rest showed stability of the RSA pattern in successive recordings (several weeks apart) as well as individuality among subjects. This may suggest a nonscalar individual long-term index for cardiorespiratory coupling. The method is complementary to the existing statistical and spectral methods. It allows the complete characterization of the primary RSA components and may provide new insight into the effects of vagal activity and changes in clinical conditions.  相似文献   

Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring forms the basis of routine fetal assessment, particularly short-term variability in the interbeat interval which can be difficult to interpret. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), the change in heart rate in response to breathing, contributes to short-term variability, and the presence of RSA in utero may reflect the functional integrity of the central nervous system. This paper describes the use of Doppler ultrasound to derive the required measures of fetal heart rate and fetal breathing movements and spectral analysis to identify RSA. Cases are presented to illustrate the results obtained both in the presence and absence of RSA.  相似文献   

The high-frequency (HF) component of the heart rate variability (HRV) is regarded as an index of cardiac vagal responsiveness. However, when vagal tone is decreased, nonneural mechanisms could account for a significant proportion of the HF component. To test this hypothesis, we examined the HRV spectral power in 20 patients with mild chronic heart failure (CHF) and 11 controls before and during ganglion blockade with trimethaphan camsylate (3-6 mg/min iv). A small HF component was still present during ganglion blockade, and its amplitude did not differ between CHF patients and controls. The average contribution of nonneural oscillations to the HF component was 15% (range 1-77%) in patients with CHF and 3% (range 0. 7-30%) in healthy controls (P < 0.005). During controlled breathing at 0.16 Hz, however, it decreased to 1% (range 0.2-13%) in healthy controls and 5% (range 1-44%) in CHF patients. Our results indicate that the HF component can significantly overestimate cardiac vagal responsiveness in patients with mild CHF. This bias is improved by controlled breathing, since this maneuver increases the vagal contribution to HF without affecting its nonneural component.  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) may serve to enhance pulmonary gas exchange efficiency by matching pulmonary blood flow with lung volume within each respiratory cycle. We examined the hypothesis that RSA is augmented as an active physiological response to hypercapnia. We measured electrocardiograms and arterial blood pressure during progressive hypercapnia in conscious dogs that were prepared with a permanent tracheostomy and an implanted blood pressure telemetry unit. The intensity of RSA was assessed continuously as the amplitude of respiratory fluctuation of heart rate using complex demodulation. In a total of 39 runs of hypercapnia in 3 dogs, RSA increased by 38 and 43% of the control level when minute ventilation reached 10 and 15 l/min, respectively (P < 0.0001 for both), and heart rate and mean arterial pressure showed no significant change. The increases in RSA were significant even after adjustment for the effects of increased tidal volume, respiratory rate, and respiratory fluctuation of arterial blood pressure (P < 0.001). These observations indicate that increased RSA during hypercapnia is not the consequence of altered autonomic balance or respiratory patterns and support the hypothesis that RSA is augmented as an active physiological response to hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) may be associated with improved efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange by matching ventilation to perfusion within each respiratory cycle. Respiration rate, tidal volume, minute ventilation (.VE), exhaled carbon dioxide (.VCO(2)), oxygen consumption (.VO(2)), and heart rate were measured in 10 healthy human volunteers during paced breathing to test the hypothesis that RSA contributes to pulmonary gas exchange efficiency. Cross-spectral analysis of heart rate and respiration was computed to calculate RSA and the coherence and phase between these variables. Pulmonary gas exchange efficiency was measured as the average ventilatory equivalent of CO(2) (.VE/.VCO(2)) and O(2) (.VE/.VO(2)). Across subjects and paced breathing periods, RSA was significantly associated with CO(2) (partial r = -0.53, P = 0.002) and O(2) (partial r = -0.49, P = 0.005) exchange efficiency after controlling for the effects of age, respiration rate, tidal volume, and average heart rate. Phase between heart rate and respiration was significantly associated with CO(2) exchange efficiency (partial r = 0.40, P = 0.03). These results are consistent with previous studies and further support the theory that RSA may improve the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange.  相似文献   

A substantial portion of sinus arrhythmia in conscious humans appears to be caused by the CO2-dependent central respiratory rhythm. Under some circumstances, therefore, sinus arrhythmia might indicate the presence of the central respiratory rhythm. Humans can voluntarily modify their central respiratory rhythm (e.g., by pacing breathing or by delaying or advancing breaths), but it is not clear what happens to it from the start of breath holding. In this study, we show that sinus arrhythmia persists from the start of breath holds prolonged by preoxygenation. We also show that some of the frequency components of sinus arrhythmia start within each subject's eupneic frequency range and change when end-tidal Pco2 is lowered or raised, as we would expect if the central respiratory rhythm continues from the start of breath holding. We discuss whether sinus arrhythmia can indicate if the central respiratory rhythm continues from the start of breath holding.  相似文献   

During inspiration the heart rate (HR) increases and during expiration it decreases. Contribution of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) to spontaneous heart rate variability (HRV) can be measured as the high frequency (HF) component of variation in consecutive R-R intervals on ECG. In conscious rats, slowing of HR is associated with an increase in HF. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this relationship between HF and HR is preserved during anesthesia in rat. A 15 minutes long ECG signal was recorded from rats (N=15) under moderate chloral hydrate (CHL) anesthesia. Recordings were extended with 45 minutes to investigate the effect of atropine (N=3), against controls (N=3). Short term HRV was investigated in 30 seconds long epochs. HF was considered the frequency band between 0.8 and 1.6 Hz. RSA was quantified as the relative spectral power of the HF. Respiratory frequency (RF) was quantified as the mean spectral frequency within the HF band. One minute estimates of HR, RSA and HF were calculated by averaging 3 epochs of 30 seconds overlapped 50%. The average HR was 427 +/- 3 bpm. The magnitude of RSA was 45 +/- 1% at a RF of 71 +/- 1 rpm. We found that: (1) the decrease in HR that occurs during CHL anesthesia in rat correlates with an increase in RSA; (2) atropine reduces RSA and the time-dependent decrease in HR; (3) the time-dependent increase in RSA is preserved after atropine. We conclude that the correlation between RSA and HR reflects the cardio-pulmonary coupling under parasympathetic control.  相似文献   

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