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The cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae, has winter-and aestival- diapause pupae (WD- and AD-pupae) showing differences in the strength of diapause. We tried to quantify diapause-strength by measuring the doses of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-E) required to induce adult development in WD-, AD- and decerebrated non-diapause pupae (ND-pupae). The role of the brain in the regulation of diapause-strength was studied through the decerebration and brain-reimplantation of WD-and AD-pupae. The 20-E doses required for adult development were small within the first 2 days of pupation, and increased thereafter to reach a constant level about 10 days after pupation in AD- and decerebrated ND-pupae. The required 20-E doses in WD-pupae increased for more than 40 days after pupation. When 0-day-old WD- and 0-day-old AD-pupae were decerebrated, required 20-E doses increased after pupation and reached a constant about 10 days later. The required 20-E dose reached a constant level in decerebrated WD-pupae that was smaller than that observed for decerebrated ND- and WD-pupae. Furthermore, the required doses increased when 0-day-old WD-pupal brains were reimplanted into decerebrated WD- and decerebrated ND-pupae. In WD-, AD- and decerebrated ND-pupae, diapause-strength can be represented as the 20-E dose required for adult development. Diapause-strength is weak after pupation, increases thereafter, and reaches a constant about 10 days later in AD- and decerebrated ND-pupae. In WD-pupae, diapause-strength increases for more than 40 days after pupation and reaches a level that is twice that estimated for AD-pupae. Brains of diapausing WD-pupae may secrete a factor that suppresses the 20-E responsiveness of pupal organs, for the purpose of maintaining winter-diapause.  相似文献   

Many insects undergo diapause to survive adverse seasons. Although the mechanism of diapause induction is the subject of extensive study, that of diapause termination remains poorly understood. In the present study, we show the endocrine processes leading to the termination of pupal diapause in Mamestra brassicae. Diapause of this insect is terminated if the pupae are exposed to a low temperature for several weeks. During this period, the prothoracic glands (PGs) of pupae acquire the potential to secrete sufficient ecdysteroids necessary for inducing adult development. The main endocrine changes observed under the low temperature conditions are: (i) the increase in activity of the PGs in two steps; (ii) the increase in responsiveness of the glands to prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH); and (iii) two‐step increase in PTTH gene expression in the brain. The timing of the first and second increases in PG activity roughly coincides with that of the two steps of increase in PTTH gene expression, and the timing of the increase in the responsiveness of the PGs to PTTH coincides with the second, larger increase in PTTH gene expression. The ablation of the PGs prior to cooling pupae does not affect the increase in PTTH gene expression, whereas brain removal results in a failure to increase PG activity, strongly suggesting that PTTH is the master regulator of diapause development and termination.  相似文献   

Abstract. Both oscillator and hourglass features are found in the photoperiodic response that controls the pupal winter diapause of Mamestra brassicae. The expression of oscillatory response to extended long-night cycles is temperature dependent, i.e. circadian resonance appears at 23 and 25oC but not at 20 and 28oC. At 20oC, scanning of extended scotophases by a short light pulse does not reveal any clear circadian rhythmicity. However, a circadian feature of the photoperiodic response is indicated even at 20oC by a bistability phenomenon, i.e. either one of the two dark periods in symmetrical skeleton photoperiods determines the diapause response depending on the phase angle with the preceding (entraining) light-dark cycles. At 20 and 25oC, the incidence of diapause increases as a function of the number of light–dark cycles regardless of the cycle length (T) , if T is 24 h or 2 X 24h (with a 12 h light period). A non-diel cycle (r=36h) is less effective, suggesting that disturbance of the circadian organization partly impairs the diapause-inducing function. The inductive effect of a long night is largely affected by temperature, and becomes saturated with eight cycles at 20oC and 14 cycles at 25oC. Presumably, an hourglass mechanism measures the dark time, and a circadian component involved in some later sequence of the photoperiodic response may or may not be expressed depending on the mode of interaction between them.  相似文献   

Glass capillary gaschromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer has shown that in addition to Z-11-hexadecenyl acetate, hexadecyl acetate and Z-11-heptadecenyl acetate are present in pheromone glands of calling virgin females of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Hadeninae). Electroantennography revealed positive responses for Z 11–17: Ac and 16: Ac, while behavioural tests were only positive for Z 11–17: Ac.
Résumé Il a été procédé à l'identification des phéromones par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et par spectrographie de masse. Outre l'acétoxy-1 hexadécène-11Z, on identifié l'acétoxy-heptadécène-11Z et l'acétoxy-1-hexadécane dans les glandes des femelles vierges de M. brassicae. L'antennographie a montré des réactions positives à l'acétoxy-hepta-décène-11Z et à l'acétoxy-1-hexadécane, tandis que seul l'acétoxyhepta-décène-11Z provoque un comportement sexuel des mâles.

The mortality of eggs, larvae and pupae and larval dispersal of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was investigated in a series of small-scale field experiments in white cabbage, Brassicae oleracea var. capitata (L.), and in the laboratory during 1990–1992 in south–eastern Norway. The highest mortality was found in young larvae and in hibernating pupae. In 1990, larval mortality in the first instar was 80% (range 9–97% for the individual cohorts). Most larvae died within the first 1–3 days after hatching. The dispersal activity during these days was high, and failure to establish feeding sites and predation were probably the main mortality causes. Pupal mortality during winter was 90% on average for 1990–1993 (range 81–100%). The main mortality factor was probably unfavourable weather conditions, and indications of cold stress were found. The impact from parasitoids and diseases was generally low. Trichogramma semblidis (Aurivillius) (Trichogrammatidae) was reared from M. brassicae eggs in very low numbers in 1991. Larval parasitism increased from < 1% in 1990 to almost 24% in 1992, and was almost totally caused by the braconids Microplitis mediator (Haliday) and Aleiodes (Aleiodes) sp. Predation of frozen larvae on the soil surface was 75% on average (range 63–96%) during 1990–1992 in first instar larvae and decreased gradually with larval age. The consumption rates of Philonthus atratus (Gravenhorst) (Staphylinidae) and the carabids Bembidion tetracolum (Say), Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) and Harpalus rufipes (Degeer) on M. brassicae eggs and larvae were investigated in non-choice experiments in the laboratory. A preliminary survival model based on estimates of the mortality factors identified in this study is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Pigmentation of last instar larvae of the cabbage armyworm,Mamestra brassicae is of two types: melanin in the cuticle and ommochrome in the epidermis. The latter was found to be primarily xanthommatin. When allatectomy was performed 8 h before head capsule slippage (HCS) in the last larval molt, later ommochrome synthesis was inhibited. Application of juvenile hormone (JH) up to 12 h after HCS (9 h before ecdysis) (activity: methopreneJH I>JH II>JH III) restored ommochrome synthesis. After that time it has less and less effect.Removal of the suboesophageal ganglion from the larvae 8 h before HCS prevented both later ommochrome synthesis and melanization. Melanization of isolated abdomens was restored by implantation of 3 suboesophageal ganglia or injection of melanization and reddish coloration hormone (MRCH) 18 h after HCS. Restoration of ommochrome synthesis required exogenous JH in addition to melanization hormone from suboesophageal ganglion or MRCH. Therefore, melanization appears to be critical for the later onset of ommochrome synthesis even in a larva which has been exposed to JH during the critical period.Abbreviations CC·CA corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complex - JH juvenile hormone - MRCH melanization and reddish coloration hormone - HCS head capsule slippage  相似文献   

Summary A highly specific recognition system, capable of foreseeing and distinguishing between two critical points in time, exists in Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Both points in time, the onset of a drought period and the end of the growth season, require different growth patterns of the pupae. In order to minimize the likelihood of weather-induced mortality and to maximize fitness, individuals of M. brassicae must enter aestival dormancy or hibernal diapause, respectively, before the onset of drought or frost. This study is primarily concerned with aestival dormancy. Normally, the pupal period of dormancy-free developing individuals amounts to approximately 20 to 30 days. A modified pupal period of approximately 35 to 80 days is defined as aestival dormancy. The onset of aestival dormancy is triggered by day lengths exceeding an innate individaul-specific threshold. The results reported in this paper indicate that the photoperiodic response curve represents largely the genetic variability within a population with respect to the thresholds triggering aestival dormancy. This variability in thresholds is considered to reflect the frequency of correlation of a distinct day length with a certain onset of drought period in the past. Furthermore, the innate thresholds are characterized by a temperature dependent norm of reaction. Our results also indicate, that a strong genetical component is involved in variability of duration of the pupal period. This variability in duration of aestivation reflects the frequency of drought periods of a certain length in the past. The adaptive significance of both the variation in day length thresholds and duration of aestival dormancy is discussed with respect to the number of generations per season, and the synchronization of the individual life cycles with the seasonal changing environmental conditions.This study is dedicated to Prof. H.J. Müller, Jena, for his 75th anniversaryThis research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 259/3-1)  相似文献   

Summary In a geographically wide distribution the life cycles of different populations of the cabbage moth Mamestra brossicae are adapted to a remarkable diversity of climatic conditions. This is undoubtedly a proof of its success in adaptation. Some populations living in regions characterized by a drought period interrupting the growth season are capable of distinguishing between one critical day length signalling the onset of the drought period and another signalling the end of the growth season. This study, therefore, is primarily concerned with the geographical patterns in the variability of the adaptional responses of populations exposed to environmental conditions requiring different strategies and tactics in, synchronizing individual, life cycles. It is also a contribution to our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms maintaining median responses to photoperiodically inductive day lengths in geographically different populations. The populations investigated originated from regions differing in predictability of the incidence, onset and duration of a drought period: Freiburg (48.0°N, Southern Germany), Avignon (44.0°N, Southern France), and Argelès (42.5°N, Southern France). Geographical variation with respect to both onset and duration of a drought period consequently results in clinal variation of the variability of innate day length thresholds triggering aestival dormancy and of innate duration of aestivation. In this paper we considered the influence of geographically changing temperatures on aestival dormancy induction. Even in southern populations of M. brassicae a temperature dependent switch off-mechanism exists which prevents aestival dormancy under certain environmental conditions. The effective temperatures vary geographically, too. What the geographical patterns in adaptive responses really are, is discussed.This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 259/3-1)  相似文献   

  • 1.l. A 2 month treatment at 5°C, beginning 14 days after larvonymphal ecdysis, leads to considerable physiological modifications of diapausing Pirn's brassicae pupae.
  • 2.2. It leads to mechanisms of cold acclimation which are reflected by increased metabolic rates when measured at different temperatures.
  • 3.3. This phenomenon affects energy metabolism as well as protein synthesis, but with different modalities.


Development of the upper vas deferens and seminal vesicle, and the ecdysteroid titers of the cabbage armyworm (Mamestra brassicae) during pharate adult stage were investigated to provide evidence of endogenous control of the sperm movement through the reproductive tract. Apparently, development of the upper vas deferens is initiated when ecdysteroid titers increase after pupation and continues until eclosion. Sperm movement correlates with the decrease of ecdysteroid titers. When ecdysteroid titers remained at low levels, sperm release from the testis was observed one day before eclosion.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein (HSP) genes, hsp90, hsp70, hsc70, hsp20.7, and hsp19.7, were cloned and sequenced from cultured cells of the cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae. Analyses of the cDNA sequences revealed open reading frames of 2,151, 1,914, 1,962, 540, and 465 bp in lengths, which encode proteins with calculated molecular weights of 82.5, 69.9, 71.6, 20.7, and 19.7 kDa, respectively. An increased expression was observed in all five genes after exposure to a high temperature. The induction of gene expression was not observed during a low temperature exposure, but was observed when the cells were recovered at ambient temperature. Expression of hsp90, hsp70, and hsp20.7 was induced after exposure to 2 microM of cadmium, while the minimum cadmium concentration for induction of hsp19.7 was 5 microM. The induction of hsp90 expression was somewhat masked by basal levels of expression. Only hsp20.7 expression was induced by exposure to copper. Lead did not induce expression of any of the HSP genes tested. Cadmium-induced up-regulation of hsp70 expression was lasted longer than heat-induced one. These results suggest that hsp70 could be useful to assess the cellular distress or injury induced by cadmium.  相似文献   

Post-diapause development in male pupae of Mamestra configurata Wlk. was characterized by the appearance of large, transitory peaks of ecdysone (2.8 μg/g live wt) at day 8 and 20-hydroxyecdysone (2.2 μg/g) at day 12 which declined to low levels prior to adult eclosion at day 28.Treatment of diapausing pupae with 20-hydroxyecdysone elicited a progression of dose-dependent physiological and pathological effects, including termination of diapause, development, accelerated development, and accelerated development leading to malformation and death. At a dose of 7.5 μg 20-hydroxyecdysone/g, all treated pupae terminated diapause, developed with little mortality and produced a high proportion of morphologically perfect adults. However, there were no large peaks of ecdysone or 20-hydroxyecdysone in treated pupae, possibly due to feedback inhibition by 20-hydroxyecdysone.At doses greater than 7.5 μg/g, development was accelerated markedly, survival decreased precipitously (0% at 15 μg/g) and the proportion of malformed adults increased sharply. Pupae that received a lethal dose of 20-hydroxyecdysone died almost synchronously after undergoing accelerated development for 18–20 days, indicating that they encounter a common, hormone-induced developmental block. Pupae receiving 15 μg/g also showed no edcysone or 20-hydroxyecdysone peaks, but had a prolonged period of hyperecdysonism which likely caused their accelerated development and death.  相似文献   

Herbivore insects are suitable model organisms for studying how plant odor information is encoded in olfactory receptor neurons (RNs). By the use of gas chromatography linked to electrophysiological recordings from single RNs, screening for sensitivity to naturally produced plant odorants is possible in order to determine the molecular receptive ranges of the neurons. Using this method, we have in this study of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae, classified 21 types of olfactory RNs according to their responses to odorants present in the host plants of Brassicae, in the related species of Arabidopsis, as well as in essential oils of nonhost plants like ylang-ylang. Most of the RNs were tuned to one or a few structurally similar compounds, showing minimal overlap of their molecular receptive ranges. Whereas some RNs displayed a novel tuning, others were tuned to the same compounds as neurons in other insect species. We also found colocation in the same sensillum of 3 RN types with the same response characteristics and tuning as 3 colocated types described in heliothine moths living on different host plants. The presence of similar RN types across different insect species implies conservation or reappearance of the RN types, independent of the evolution of host plant ranges.  相似文献   

Treatment of diapausing pupae of M. configurata with dibutyryl cyclic AMP or 8-(4-chlorophenylthio) cyclic AMP (CPT cyclic AMP) reduced the incidence of eclosion to zero compared to about 15% for controls, whereas treatment with cyclic GMP increased eclosion to more than 90%. Treatment with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) resulted in a high incidence (79.8%) of eclosion, but treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP + IMBX or CPT cyclic AMP + IBMX gave low incidences (<9.1%) of eclosion. Other methylxanthines (theophylline, 8-phenyltheophylline, caffeine) and papaverine had relatively little effect on eclosion even at high doses.Treatment of post-diapause pupae with dibutyryl cyclic AMP or CPT cyclic AMP resulted in a low incidence (<5.0%) of eclosion compared to 98.8% eclosion in controls. Suppression of eclosion was more effective if dibutyryl cyclic AMP was given within the first 2 days of pupal-adult development at 20°C and became less effective as development progressed, indicating that dibutyryl cyclic AMP inhibits endocrine events initiating development rather than inhibiting subsequent metamorphic development. Treatment of post-diapausing pupae with cyclic GMP, IBMX, other methylxanthines or papaverine did not affect eclosion. These results are consistent with a dual control of pupal diapause in M. configurata by cyclic nucleotides, with cyclic AMP acting to maintain diapause and cyclic GMP acting to terminate it.  相似文献   

甘蓝夜蛾Mamestra brassicae Linnaeus飞行能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】测定日龄、性别、交配等因素对农业迁飞性害虫甘蓝夜蛾Mamestra brassicae Linnaeus飞行能力的影响,为其迁飞行为研究和异地测报提供理论依据。【方法】在气温为(24±1)℃、相对湿度为75%±5%的实验室环境下,利用飞行磨系统对甘蓝夜蛾实验室种群1~5日龄未交配个体、已交配的3日龄个体以及野外迁飞种群分别进行连续24 h吊飞测试,记录其累计飞行时间、累计飞行距离、平均飞行速率等参数。【结果】甘蓝夜蛾实验室种群的飞行能力随日龄增长而变化,初羽化时即具有较强的飞行能力,2~3日龄达到峰值,4~5日龄的飞行能力显著下降;雌性甘蓝夜蛾的飞行能力强于雄性甘蓝夜蛾;交配的甘蓝夜蛾平均飞行速率显著小于处女甘蓝夜蛾,但二者的平均飞行时间和飞行距离均无显著差异。此外,渤海湾迁飞种群中晚季节南迁种群的飞行能力显著强于早季节北迁种群和过渡种群。【结论】日龄和交配状态是影响甘蓝夜蛾飞行能力的关键因素。  相似文献   

Pieris brassicae L. is adapted to a wide variety of local climates throughout the Palaeartic by means of geographic variation in daylengths and temperatures triggering winter diapause. We report for the first time a population from Sotogrande in southern Spain (strain S) that additionally exhibits a pronounced summer diapause in the pupal stage as a response to long daylengths. As well as having diapause triggered by long daylengths, this population develops directly at short, ecologically relevant daylengths. This unusual short-day type response is expressed at temperatures of 21 degrees C and above. The absence of cryptic summer diapause in a population from southern France indicates that this summer diapause evolved locally in Spain or Northern Africa in a population of P. brassicae which lacked this trait. The PPRs of strains S, H (Denmark) and B (France) and crosses between them suggest that summer diapause is inherited as a recessive allele which has a clinal decrease of frequency in populations northwards. The population from southern France shows that this simple pattern of inheritance is further modified by an unknown genetic mechanism controlling the expression of summer diapause near the border between aestivating and non-aestivating populations. On the basis of the photoperiodic response and climatic data we predict P. brassicae to have five or more generations each year in southern Spain.  相似文献   

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