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The present protocol describes a method for parallel measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) using fluorescent microspheres and structural assessment of the same material. The method is based on the standard microsphere technique, embolizing capillaries proportional to the blood flow, but requires dissolution of the tissue to retrieve the microspheres. To link the blood flow to the tissue morphology we modified the technique to fluorescent microspheres, which are quantified in cryo- or vibratome sections, allowing structural analysis by, for example, immunohistochemistry or standard histology. The protocol takes 8 h 50 min, without pauses, to complete, but additional flow measurements or specific protocols can increase the time needed.  相似文献   

The endogenous peptides somatostatin and secretin are effective in the therapy of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding and acute pancreatitis. The clinical effects may be partly brought about by changes in the regional blood flow. To evaluate the effects of somatostatin (50 and 100 μg/min over 6–8 min) and secretin (0.1 and 0.5 U · kg?1 · min?1 over 3–5 min) on tissue blood flow, particularly of the gastrointestinal tract, the tracer microsphere reference sample method was used in anesthetized dogs.Infusion of somatostatin significantly diminished gastric and pancreatic blood flow whereas no changes of duodenal and ileal blood flow could be obtained. Blood flow through spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands was increased but no changes were observed in the blood flow of other tissues. Cardiac hemodynamics remained unchanged.Secretin increased the blood flow of the duodenum, the kidneys and the adrenal glands and diminished gastric blood flow without changing pancreatic, ileal, hepatic, pulmonary and muscle blood flow. Cerebral, pituitary and myocardial blood flow was increased by a higher dose of secretin. It also evoked a slight but significant positive ino- and chronotropic effect. Since secretin and somatostatin differ in their respective effects on gastrointestinal blood flow it is suggested that the previously reported beneficial effects of both peptides on upper gastrointestinal bleeding cannot solely be attributed to changes in regional blood flow.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The purpose of this study was to examine bone blood flow in various intra- and extra-oral sites.
  • 2.2. The radiolabelled microsphere method was utilized to assess osseous blood flow in the following regions of 10 dogs: rib, long bone, and anterior and posterior regions of the maxilla and mandible.
  • 3.3. Samples of cancellous and cortical bone were also obtained from each of these regions with the exception of the maxilla and the anterior mandible.
  • 4.4. Mean blood flow ranged from 3.71 ±0.81 (SE) ml min.−1 100 g−1 in the mandibular posterior cortical bone to 22.7±4.66ml min−1 100 g−1 in the cancellous rib samples.
  • 5.5. Blood flow to the cancellous tissue of the rib was significantly greater (P < 0.05 ) than the other tissues with the exception of maxillary posterior bone and cortical rib.
  • 6.6. Results from this study indicate that blood flow to the maxillary posterior bone is relatively high, but blood flow in other intraoral osseous sites is significantly less than that of cancellous rib bone.

Systematically mapped samples cut from lungs previously labeled with intravascular and aerosol microspheres can be used to create high-resolution maps of regional perfusion and regional ventilation. With multiple radioactive or fluorescent microsphere labels available, this methodology can compare regional flow responses to different interventions without partial volume effects or registration errors that complicate interpretation of in vivo imaging measurements. Microsphere blood flow maps examined at different levels of spatial resolution have revealed that regional flow heterogeneity increases progressively down to an acinar level of scale. This pattern of scale-dependent heterogeneity is characteristic of a fractal distribution network, and it suggests that the anatomic configuration of the pulmonary vascular tree is the primary determinant of high-resolution regional flow heterogeneity. At approximately 2-cm(3) resolution, the large-scale gravitational gradients of blood flow per unit weight of alveolar tissue account for <5% of the overall flow heterogeneity. Furthermore, regional blood flow per gram of alveolar tissue remains relatively constant with different body positions, gravitational stresses, and exercise. Regional alveolar ventilation is accurately represented by the deposition of inhaled 1.0-microm fluorescent microsphere aerosols, at least down to the approximately 2-cm(3) level of scale. Analysis of these ventilation maps has revealed the same scale-dependent property of regional alveolar ventilation heterogeneity, with a strong correlation between ventilation and blood flow maintained at all levels of scale. The ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) distributions obtained from microsphere flow maps of normal animals agree with simultaneously acquired multiple inert-gas elimination technique VA/Q distributions, but they underestimate gas-exchange impairment in diffuse lung injury.  相似文献   

Measurement of regional organ blood flow by means of fluorescent microspheres (FM) is an accepted method. However, determination of regional portal blood flow (RPBF) cannot be performed by microspheres owing to the entrapment of the spheres in the upstream capillary bed of the splanchnic organs. We hypothesized that an adequate experimental setting would enable us to measure RPBF by means of FM and to analyze its distribution within the pig liver. A mixing chamber for the injection of FM was developed, and its capability to distribute FM homogeneously in the blood was evaluated in vitro. The chamber was implanted into the portal vein of six anesthetized pigs (23.5 +/- 2.9 kg body wt). Three consecutive, simultaneous injections of FM of two different colors into the chamber were performed. Reference portal blood samples were collected by means of a Harvard pump. At the end of the experiment, the liver was explanted and fixed in formalin before dissection. FM were isolated from the tissue samples by an automated process, and fluorescence intensity was determined. Comparison of 5,458 single RPBF values, determined by simultaneously injected FM, revealed good agreement (bias 2.5%, precision 12.7%) and high correlation (r = 0.97, r2 = 0,95, slope = 1.04, intercept = 0.05). Median RPBF was 1.07 +/- 0.78 ml x min(-1) x g(-1). Allocation of the blood flow values to the anatomic regions of the liver revealed a significantly higher RPBF (P = 0.01) in the liver tissue located close to the diaphragm compared with the rest of the organ and a significantly lower RPBF (P = 0.01) in the left liver lobe compared with the median and right lobes. The results show that the model presented makes it possible to measure RPBF by means of FM reliably and that RPBF is distributed heterogeneously in the porcine liver.  相似文献   

Comparative blood flow studies were performed in pregnant guinea pigs using radioactive microspheres to test the effects of different sphere sizes on blood flow measurements and the relationship between flows obtained intraoperatively and those performed after 5 days of recovery from anesthesia and surgery. We observed that 1.5% of the cardiac output was shunted through the microcirculation of the carcass, gut, skin and endomyometrium when 15 mu microspheres were used. Intraoperative measurements of heart rate, cardiac output and placental blood flow are significantly lower than measurements made after 5 days recovery. These reductions were ameliorated with the addition of a continuous infusion of isoproterenol and the deletion of atropine from the anesthetic.  相似文献   

Microsphere experiments are useful in measuring regional organ perfusion as well as heterogeneity of blood flow within organs and correlation of perfusion between organ pieces at different time points. A 400 microspheres/piece "rule" is often used in planning experiments or to determine whether experiments are valid. This rule is based on the statement that 400 microspheres must lodge in a region for 95% confidence that the observed flow in the region is within 10% of the true flow. The 400 microspheres precision rule, however, only applies to measurements of perfusion to a single region or organ piece. Examples, simulations, and an animal experiment were carried out to show that good precision for measurements of heterogeneity and correlation can be obtained from many experiments with <400 microspheres/piece. Furthermore, methods were developed and tested for correcting the observed heterogeneity and correlation to remove the Poisson "noise" due to discrete microsphere measurements. The animal experiment shows adjusted values of heterogeneity and correlation that are in close agreement for measurements made with many or few microspheres/piece. Simulations demonstrate that the adjusted values are accurate for a variety of experiments with far fewer than 400 microspheres/piece. Thus the 400 microspheres rule does not apply to many experiments. A "rule of thumb" is that experiments with a total of at least 15,000 microspheres, for all pieces combined, are very likely to yield accurate estimates of heterogeneity. Experiments with a total of at least 25,000 microspheres are very likely to yield accurate estimates of correlation coefficients.  相似文献   


One challenge for hepatic flow simulation is to divide the hepatic vasculature into individual Couinaud segments, and to simulate flow at both segmental and organ levels. We propose to integrate a segment simulation algorithm with the flow solver in a Constructive Constraint Optimisation (CCO) algorithm to address this problem. In this way blood flow simulations can be conducted for large segment-specific vasculatures as relevant to surgical procedures. In this short communication we outline the methods and present some preliminary results.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of edema on the regional distribution of pulmonary blood flow in 12 anesthetized dogs. Two were controls, six had low-pressure pulmonary edema, and four had high-pressure pulmonary edema. All were ventilated with 100% O2. The physiological shunt fraction (Qs/QT), as an indicator of the degree of venous admixture, was determined by measuring the arterial and venous blood gases and the hemoglobin at different times during the experiment. Cardiac output (QT) was modestly increased by opening the femoral arteriovenous shunts. The initial regional blood flow (Qi) and final regional blood flow (Qf) were marked before and after the shunts were opened, using two differently labeled macroaggregates. The dogs were then killed, and the lungs were removed and sampled completely so that Qi and Qf and the amount of regional extravascular lung water (Wdl) in each regional sample could be measured (sample size: wet wt = 5.9 +/- 2.9 g, n = 833; Wdl ranged from 5.15 +/- 1.18 to 14.42 +/- 2.34 g). The data show that QS/QT increased as QT increased in the three conditions studied. However, there was no correlation between Wdl and Qi, Qf, or the relative change in regional blood flow. The data also show that gravity affects regional blood flow more than it affects regional edema. We conclude that the increased Qs/QT seen with increased pulmonary blood flow cannot be explained by a preferential increase of blood flow to the more edematous regions.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that the diaphragmatic head-to-head arterial anastomosis system should maintain adequate diaphragmatic function even during occlusion of some of its arteries. In six anesthetized open-chest dogs, left phrenic vein blood flow (Qphv) was measured by pulsed Doppler flowmetry. Contractility was measured by sonomicrometry in the left costal and crural diaphragm. The diaphragm was paced for 15 min by continuous bilateral supramaximal phrenic nerve stimulation. In five separate runs the following arteries were occluded at minute 5: 1) left phrenic artery, 2) internal mammary artery (IMA), 3) left phrenic artery and IMA, 4) descending aorta, and 5) descending aorta and IMA. Occlusion was then released at minute 10 of the run. In runs 1-3 there were no changes in contractility in costal or crural diaphragm and no changes in Qphv. However, in runs 4 and 5, Qphv decreased to 55.2 +/- 7.4 and 24.0 +/- 6.5% of control values, respectively. In run 4, percent maximum shortening from functional residual capacity (%LFRC) of the crural diaphragm decreased by 39.1%, while %LFRC of the costal diaphragm increased by 41.4% and abdominal pressure decreased by 47.0%. In run 5, abdominal pressure decreased by 53.5% and %LFRC of the crural and costal diaphragm decreased by 45.5 and 5.8%, respectively. Also relative postocclusion hyperemia was greater in run 5 (64.8%) than in run 4 (40.2%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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