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The neural crest provides an excellent model system to study invasive cell migration, however it is still unclear how molecular mechanisms direct cells to precise targets in a programmed manner. We investigate the role of a potential guidance factor, neuropilin-1, and use functional knockdown assays, tissue transplantation and in vivo confocal time-lapse imaging to analyze changes in chick cranial neural crest cell migratory patterns. When neuropilin-1 function is knocked down in ovo, neural crest cells fail to fully invade the branchial arches, especially the 2nd branchial arch. Time-lapse imaging shows that neuropilin-1 siRNA transfected neural crest cells stop and collapse filopodia at the 2nd branchial arch entrances, but do not die. This phenotype is cell autonomous. To test the influence of population pressure and local environmental cues in driving neural crest cells to the branchial arches, we isochronically transplanted small subpopulations of DiI-labeled neural crest cells into host embryos ablated of neighboring, premigratory neural crest cells. Time-lapse confocal analysis reveals that the transplanted cells migrate in narrow, directed streams. Interestingly, with the reduction of neuropilin-1 function, neural crest cells still form segmental migratory streams, suggesting that initial neural crest cell migration and invasion of the branchial arches are separable processes.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of sclerotome and neural crest cells of avian embryos was studied by light and electron microscopy. Sclerotome cells radiated from the somites towards the notochord, to occupy the perichordal space. Neural crest cells, at least initially, also entered cell-free spaces. At the cranial somitic levels they moved chiefly dorsal to the somites, favouring the rostral part of each somite. These cells did not approach the perichordal space. More caudally (i.e. trunk levels), neural crest cells initially moved ventrally between the somites and neural tube. Adjacent to the caudal half of each somite, these cells penetrated no further than the myosclerotomal border, but opposite the rostral somite half, they were found next to the sclerotome almost as far ventrally as the notochord. However, they did not appear to enter the perichordal space, in contrast to sclerotome cells.When tested in vitro, sclerotome cells migrated towards notochords co-cultured on fibronectin-rich extracellular material, and on collagen gels. In contrast, neural crest cells avoided co-cultured notochords. This avoidance was abolished by inclusion of testicular hyaluronidase and chondroitinase ABC in the culture medium, but not by hyaluronidase from Streptomyces hyalurolyticus. The results suggest that sclerotome and neural crest mesenchyme cells have a different distribution with respect to the notochord, and that differential responses to notochordal extracellular material, possibly chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan, may be responsible for this.  相似文献   

Morphology and behaviour of neural crest cells of chick embryo in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Neural primordia of chick embryos were cultured for three days and the behaviour of migrating neural crest cells studied. Somite cells were used as a comparison. Crest cells were actively multipolar with narrow projections which extended and retracted rapidly, contrasting to the gradual extension of somite-cell lamellae. On losing cell contact, somite cells were also more directionally persistent. The rate of displacement of isolated crest cells was particularly low when calculated over a long time base. Both crest and somite cells were monolayered; contact paralysis occurred in somite cell collisions but was not ascertained for crest cells. However, crest cells in a population were far more directionally persistent than isolated cells. Contact duration between crest cells increased with time and they formed an open network. Eventually, retraction clumping occurred, initially and chiefly at the periphery of the crest outgrowth. Crest cells did not invade cultured embryonic mesenchymal or epithelial populations but endoderm underlapped them. No effects were observed on crest cells prior to direct contact. Substrate previously occupied by endoderm or ectoderm caused crest cells to flatten while substrate previously occupied by the neural tube caused them to round up and clump prematurely.  相似文献   

Neural crest-derived cells that form the enteric nervous system undergo an extensive migration from the caudal hindbrain to colonize the entire gastrointestinal tract. Mice in which the expression of GFP is under the control of the Ret promoter were used to visualize neural crest-derived cell migration in the embryonic mouse gut in organ culture. Time-lapse imaging revealed that GFP(+) crest-derived cells formed chains that displayed complicated patterns of migration, with sudden and frequent changes in migratory speed and trajectories. Some of the leading cells and their processes formed a scaffold along which later cells migrated. To examine the effect of population size on migratory behavior, a small number of the most caudal GFP(+) cells were isolated from the remainder of the population. The isolated cells migrated slower than cells in large control populations, suggesting that migratory behavior is influenced by cell number and cell-cell contact. Previous studies have shown that neurons differentiate among the migrating cell population, but it is unclear whether they migrate. The phenotype of migrating cells was examined. Migrating cells expressed the neural crest cell marker, Sox10, but not neuronal markers, indicating that the majority of migratory cells observed did not have a neuronal phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary The initial migration of neural crest (NC) cells into cell-free space was studied by transmission electron microscopy at trunk levels of fowl embryos, some of which were fixed in the presence of ruthenium red. Migrating NC cells occurred in zones which contained fewer ruthenium-red stained 15–40 nm diameter granules than other regions. The ruthenium-red stained granules were linked by similarly stained thin ( 3 nm diameter) microfibrils. The granules resemble proteoglycan and the microfibrils may be hyaluronate. NC cells contacted thicker ( 10 nm diameter) fibrils and interstitial bodies, which did not require ruthenium red for visualization. Cytoplasmic microfilaments were sometimes aligned at the point of contact with the extracellular fibrils, which may be fibronectin and collagen.Phase-contrast time-lapse videotaping and scanning electron microscopy showed that NC cells of the fowl embryo in vitro migrated earlier and more extensively on glass coated with fibronectin-rich fibrous material and adsorbed fibronectin molecules than on glass coated with collagen type I (fibres and adsorbed molecules). NC cells became completely enmeshed in fibronectin-rich fibres, but generally remained on the surface of collagen-fibre gels. When given a choice, NC cells strongly preferred fibronectin coatings to plain glass, and plain glass to dried collagen gels. NC cells showed a slight preference for plain glass over glass to which collagen was adsorbed. Addition to the culture medium of hyaluronate (initial conc. 20 mg/ml), chondroitin (5 mg/ml) and fully sulphated chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate (up to 10 mg/ml) did not drastically alter NC cell migration on fibronectin-rich fibrous substrates. However, partially desulphated chondroitin sulphate (5mg/ml) strongly retarded the migration of NC cells.The in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that fibronectin may dictate the pathways of NC cell migration by acting as a highly preferred physical substrate. However, the utilization of these pathways may be reduced by the presence of proteoglycans bearing undersulphated chondroitin sulphate.Abbreviations NC neural crest - ECM extracellular material - GAG glycosaminoglycan - FN fibronectin - CIG cold insoluble globulin - TEM transmission electron microscopy - SEM scanning electron microscopy - DMEM-H HEPES buffered Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS foetal calf serum - CEE chick embryo extract - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Substrate dependence of cell migration from explanted neural tubes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Embryonic chick neural tubes containing neural crest cells were cultured in vitro on tissue culture plastic and collagen. Two parameters, the time of onset of cell migration from the neural tube and the rate of movement of the cell front away from the neural tube explant, were determined. On collagen, cell migration consistently began after four to six h in vitro, about five h prior to the onset of cell migration on tissue culture plastic. The identity of the migrating cells as neural crest cells is established by their eventual differentiation into melanocytes. Ablation experiments reveal that collagen also causes the early onset of migration of cells not of neural crest origin. These results provide in vitro support for the idea that extracellular materials may alter cell migratory behaviour in morphogenesis.Supported by PHS grant HD-05395 to Dr. James A. Weston and NIH Predoctoral Research Fellowship GM-47392 to Gerald D. Maxwell. The author thanks John Pintar for his permission to quote unpublished observations on the neural crest films and for helpful discussion, and Dr. Peter H. von Hippel for the gift of icthyocol  相似文献   

Summary Isotopic and isochronic transplantation of fragments of quail neural tube into chick demonstrates that neural and glial cells of the entire ganglion of Remak (RG) arise from the lumbo-sacral level of the neural crest.The ganglioblasts first accumulate in the mesorectum (stage 24 of Hamburger and Hamilton, in the chick and I8 of Zacchei in the quail) and subsequently migrate cranially.Histochemical studies have been carried out on the rectal and cloacal parts of the quail RG at various stages of development. Cholinesterase activity can be detected as soon as the primordium is in place and the intensity of the reaction increases rapidly. During morphogenesis of the cloacal region the RG and the pelvic plexus become intimately associated. Catecholamine-containing cells are found first in the pelvic plexus, then in the cloacal part of the RG. Fluorescent cells are often grouped close to blood vessels and associated with non-fluorescent ganglia. Cranial to the level of the bursa of Fabricius, the RG is composed only of non-fluorescent neurons whatever the developmental stage considered (up to 1 day after hatching).The developmental capabilities of the RG of the 5-day quail have been tested by transplanting various parts of the hind-gut with the dorsal mesentery onto the chorio-allantoic membrane. Catecholamine-containing cells develop only in grafts including the cloacal region.By using quail-chick chimaerae in which the RG belongs to the quail while mesentery and gut are of chick origin, it was possible to show that neurons which develop in the graft (i.e. in the absence of preganglionic innervation), send nerve fibres into the gut wall. Moreover some neuroblasts located in the primordium of the RG migrate into the gut wall and give rise to some enteric ganglion cells. The contribution of the lumbo-sacral neural crest to the enteric ganglia, by this route, is discussed.List of Abbreviations in Text FIF formol-induced fluorescence - H & H Hamburger and Hamilton - Z Zacchei - CAM chorio-allantoic membrane - SIF small intensely fluorescent (cells)  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨PTEN基因在早期神经嵴细胞迁移中的作用.方法 首先胚胎整体的原位杂交和免疫荧光方法检测鸡胚胎内源性的PTEN基因及蛋白水平的表达情况;其次,利用鸡胚胎体内半侧神经管转染的方法,使神经管一侧PTEN基因过表达,对侧神经管为正常对照侧;最后,通过Pax7的整体胚胎免疫荧光表达观察PTEN基因对其标记的部分神经嵴细胞迁移的影响.结果 内源性PTEN基因在mRNA和蛋白水平表达显示,其在早期胚胎HH4期的神经板即开始明显的表达;通过半侧过表达PTEN基因后观察到过表达PTEN基因侧的头部神经嵴细胞迁移与对照侧相比明显受到抑制,但对躯干部的影响并不明显.结论 PTEN基因可能抑制早期胚胎头部神经嵴细胞的迁移.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy of fowl embryos during the 7–10 h preceding migration of trunk-level neural crest (NC) cells revealed extracellular material near the NC-cells. In contrast to the cells of the neural tube, the basal surfaces of NC-cells possessed projections, and were neither contiguous nor covered by a complete basal lamina. The apical zones of NC-cells showed intercellular junctions at the stage of neural-fold fusion, but such junctions were absent in some NC-cells 5 h before migration. The basal laminae of the neural tube and the ectoderm were fused lateral to the NC before migration. In vitro, NC-cell migration commenced immediately when neural anlagen were explanted onto fibronectin-rich matrices, but only when the neural anlagen were from a level where migration had commenced in vivo. Migration was delayed 4–8 h when premigratory-level expiants were used. Short-term cell-adhesion assays showed that NC-cells of both premigratory and migratory levels could adhere to fibronectin-rich matrices and to collagen gels, but only migratory NC-cells could be detached from the neural anlage. The results suggest that the precise schedule of the onset of NC-cell migration correlates with a decrease in the intercellular adhesion of NC-cells.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the control of the timing in the epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of the neural crest into a migrating population, neural anlagen (neural tube plus crest) were isolated from 2-day quail embryos by proteases in the presence of Ca+ + and explanted onto substrates favourable for neural crest cell migration. Explants isolated before normal migration had commenced required 3–8 h in vitro before neural crest cells started migration, but explants obtained at migratory stages showed an immediate onset of migration. The schedule was similar to that expected in vivo. When pre-migratory neural anlagen were isolated by protease in Ca+ +- and Mg+ +-free (CMF) medium, or when the protease was followed by a brief (5 min) exposure to CMF medium, neural crest cell migration commenced without delay, and the cohesion of the anlagen was impaired. Ca+ +-free medium duplicated the effects of CMF, but neither Mg+ +-free medium nor CMF treatment before treatment with protease stimulated migration and reduced cohesion. Precocious neural crest cell migration and reduced cohesion also followed when neural anlagen of pre-migratory stages were cultured with membrane. Ca+ +-channel antagonists D600 and Nifedipine, without any exernal Ca+ +-depletion.The decrease of cohesion of these tissues is consistent with results in other systems where protease/Ca+ +-depletion inactivates Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesive mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest that Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesions play a part in preventing neural crest cells from migrating precociously and that the timed inactivation of this adhesion system normally helps trigger the onset of migration. The results with blockers of Ca+ +-channels suggest that Ca+ + levels may be involved in regulating this system.  相似文献   

Summary If quail neural crest cells are grafted to the chick, they migrate into the feathers of the host and produce melanin pigment. In one study, the dorsal trunk feathers of the chimaera were found to have quail-like pigment patterns. This was interpreted in terms of a positional information model. By contrast, in another study it was found that pigment patterns in the wing plumage of the chimaera bore little or no resemblance to the quail, showing instead a rather uniform, dark pigmentation. This was interpreted in terms of a prepattern in the ectoderm. This striking difference in results could be because the wing and trunk plumages have their pigment patterns specified in different ways. We have examined this possibility by making detailed maps of the dorsal trunk plumage of the normal quail and the quail-chick chimaera. Using this novel technique, we can accurately record the secondary pigment patterns in the embryonic down plumage. In the quail there are well-defined, longitudinal stripes running down the back, whereas the chimaera shows rather uniform, dark pigment in this area. There is little or no indication of stripes and some chimaerae develop asymmetric, mottled patterns. Grafts to the cephalic region also produce uniform pigmentation with no quail-like patterning. These findings indicate that neural crest cells cannot read positional values in the feathers of another species.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase labelling for fibronectin (FN) in chick embryos showed FN-positive basement membranes surrounding the neural crest cell population prior to crest-cell migration. At cranial levels, crest cells migrated laterally into a large cell-free space. Initially they moved as a tongue of cells contacting the FN-positive basement membrane of the ectoderm, but later the crest cell population expanded into space further from the ectoderm, until eventually the entire cranial cell-free space was occupied by mesenchyme cells. This was accompanied by the appearance of FN among the crest cells. At trunk levels, crest cells entered a relatively small space already containing FN-positive extracellular material. At later stages the migration of trunk crest cells broadly matched the distribution of FN. In vitro, chick and quail embryo ectoderm, endoderm, somites, notochord and neural tube synthesized and organized fibrous FN-matrices, as shown by immunofluorescence. Ectoderm and endoderm deposited this matrix only on the substrate face. The FN content of endoderm and neural tube matrices was transient, the immunofluorescence intensity declining after 1–2 days in culture. Some crest cells of cranial and sacral axial levels synthesized FN. Our data suggests that these were the earliest crest cells to migrate from these levels. This ability may be the first expression of mesenchymal differentiation in these crest cells, and in vivo enable them to occupy a large space. Almost all crest cells from cervico-lumbar axial levels were unable to synthesize FN. In vivo, this inability may magnify the response of these crest cells to FN provided by the neighbouring embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

While most cranial ganglia contain neurons of either neural crest or placodal origin, neurons of the trigeminal ganglion derive from both populations. The Wnt signaling pathway is known to be required for the development of neural crest cells and for trigeminal ganglion formation, however, migrating neural crest cells do not express any known Wnt ligands. Here we demonstrate that Wise, a Wnt modulator expressed in the surface ectoderm overlying the trigeminal ganglion, play a role in promoting the assembly of placodal and neural crest cells. When overexpressed in chick, Wise causes delamination of ectodermal cells and attracts migrating neural crest cells. Overexpression of Wise is thus sufficient to ectopically induce ganglion-like structures consisting of both origins. The function of Wise is likely synergized with Wnt6, expressed in an overlapping manner with Wise in the surface ectoderm. Electroporation of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides against Wise and Wnt6 causes decrease in the contact of neural crest cells with the delaminated placode-derived cells. In addition, targeted deletion of Wise in mouse causes phenotypes that can be explained by a decrease in the contribution of neural crest cells to the ophthalmic lobe of the trigeminal ganglion. These data suggest that Wise is able to function cell non-autonomously on neural crest cells and promote trigeminal ganglion formation.  相似文献   

An increasing number of genes are known to show expression in the cranial neural crest area. So far it is very difficult to analyze their effect on neural crest cell migration because of the lack of transplantation techniques. This paper presents a simple method to study the migratory behavior of cranial neural crest cells by homo- and heterotopic transplantations: Green fluorescent protein (GFP) RNA was injected into one blastomere of Xenopus laevis embryos at the 2-cell stage. The cranial neural crest area of stage 14 embryos was transplanted into the head or trunk region of an uninjected host embryo, and the migration was monitored by GFP fluorescence. The transplants were further examined by double immunostaining and confocal microscopy to trace migratory routes inside the embryo, and to exclude contaminations of grafts with foreign tissues. Our results demonstrate that we developed a highly efficient and reproducible technique to study the migratory ability of cranial neural crest cells. It offers the possibility to analyze genes involved in neural crest cell migration by coinjecting their RNA with that of GFP. Received: 28 September 1999 / Accepted: 17 November 1999  相似文献   

Summary Hyaluronic acid (HA) added to the medium of quail neural tubes explanted in vitro influences the number of migratory neural crest cells that emerge, compared with controls. Neural crest cells were counted with an ocular grid after 20 h of migration into 0.1 mm wide areas or bins lying parallel to the neural tube, and the results were analyzed by linear regression. A low concentration of HA (5 g/ml) significantly decreased the total number of neural crest cells in all bins adjacent to the neural tube, whereas several high concentrations of HA (250, 500, and 1000 g/ ml) significantly increased the number of neural crest cells. Intermediate concentrations of HA (50 and 100 g/ml) did not differ from that of controls. Linear regressions of number of cells versus distance from the tube showed no significant differences among the slopes of control, low HA, and high HA treatments, providing evidence that HA does not influence the rate of cell migration. Scanning electron microscopy showed that cells in neuroepithelia exposed to low HA (5 g/ml) appeared in tighter contact, while cells of neuroepithelia in high HA (500 g/ml) appeared more loosely organized, compared with controls. Cells in tight contact could be restrained from leaving the neuroepithelium, whereas cells in loose contact could more readily move out of the neural tube, thus explaining the differences in cell numbers in low HA and high HA, respectively. We conclude that HA can be a factor in the differential adhesivity among neuroepithelial cells and may be important in the initial separation of the neural crest from the neural tube.  相似文献   

In contrast to the classical assumption that neural crest cells are induced in chick as the neural folds elevate, recent data suggest that they are already specified during gastrulation. This prompted us to map the origin of the neural crest and dorsal neural tube in the early avian embryo. Using a combination of focal dye injections and time-lapse imaging, we find that neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors are present in a broad, crescent-shaped region of the gastrula. Surprisingly, static fate maps together with dynamic confocal imaging reveal that the neural plate border is considerably broader and extends more caudally than expected. Interestingly, we find that the position of the presumptive neural crest broadly correlates with the BMP4 expression domain from gastrula to neurula stages. Some degree of rostrocaudal patterning, albeit incomplete, is already evident in the gastrula. Time-lapse imaging studies show that the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors undergo choreographed movements that follow a spatiotemporal progression and include convergence and extension, reorientation, cell intermixing, and motility deep within the embryo. Through these rearrangement and reorganization movements, the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors become regionally segregated, coming to occupy predictable rostrocaudal positions along the embryonic axis. This regionalization occurs progressively and appears to be complete in the neurula by stage 7 at levels rostral to Hensen's node.  相似文献   

During development, the semaphorin family of guidance molecules is required for proper formation of the sympathetic nervous system. Plexins are receptors that mediate semaphorin signaling, but how plexins function during sympathetic development is not fully understood. Using phenotypic analyses of mutant mice in vivo, expression pattern studies, and in vitro assays, we show that plexin-A3 and plexin-A4 are essential for normal sympathetic development. This study confirms our previous in vitro findings that the two plexins differentially regulate the guidance of sympathetic axons. In addition, we find that semaphorin signaling through plexin-A3 and plexin-A4 restricts the migration of sympathetic neurons, but these two plexins function redundantly since migration defects are only observed in plexin-A3/-A4 double mutants. Surprisingly, our analysis also indicates that plexin-A3 and plexin-A4 are not required for guiding neural crest precursors prior to reaching the sympathetic anlagen. Immunoprecipitation studies suggest that these two plexins independently mediate secreted semaphorin signaling. Thus, plexin-A3 and plexin-A4 are expressed in newly-differentiated sympathetic neurons, but not their neural crest precursors. They function cooperatively to regulate the migration of sympathetic neurons and then differentially to guide the sympathetic axons.  相似文献   

We have systematically examined the developmental potential of neural crest stem cells from the enteric nervous system (gut NCSCs) in vivo to evaluate their potential use in cellular therapy for Hirschsprung disease and to assess differences in the properties of postmigratory NCSCs from different regions of the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). When transplanted into developing chicks, flow-cytometrically purified gut NCSCs and sciatic nerve NCSCs exhibited intrinsic differences in migratory potential and neurogenic capacity throughout the developing PNS. Most strikingly, gut NCSCs migrated into the developing gut and formed enteric neurons, while sciatic nerve NCSCs failed to migrate into the gut or to make enteric neurons, even when transplanted into the gut wall. Enteric potential is therefore not a general property of NCSCs. Gut NCSCs also formed cholinergic neurons in parasympathetic ganglia, but rarely formed noradrenergic sympathetic neurons or sensory neurons. Supporting the potential for autologous transplants in Hirschsprung disease, we observed that Endothelin receptor B (Ednrb)-deficient gut NCSCs engrafted and formed neurons as efficiently in the Ednrb-deficient hindgut as did wild-type NCSCs. These results demonstrate intrinsic differences in the migratory properties and developmental potentials of regionally distinct NCSCs, indicating that it is critical to match the physiological properties of neural stem cells to the goals of proposed cell therapies.  相似文献   

Ectodermal placodes, from which many cranial sense organs and ganglia develop, arise from a common placodal primordium defined by Six1 expression. Here, we analyse placodal Six1 induction in Xenopus using microinjections and tissue grafts. We show that placodal Six1 induction occurs during neural plate and neural fold stages. Grafts of anterior neural plate but not grafts of cranial dorsolateral endomesoderm induce Six1 ectopically in belly ectoderm, suggesting that only the neural plate is sufficient for inducing Six1 in ectoderm. However, extirpation of either anterior neural plate or of cranial dorsolateral endomesoderm abolishes placodal Six1 expression indicating that both tissues are required for its induction. Elevating BMP-levels blocks placodal Six1 induction, whereas ectopic sources of BMP inhibitors expand placodal Six1 expression without inducing Six1 ectopically. This suggests that BMP inhibition is necessary but needs to cooperate with additional factors for Six1 induction. We show that FGF8, which is expressed in the anterior neural plate, can strongly induce ectopic Six1 in ventral ectoderm when combined with BMP inhibitors. In contrast, FGF8 knockdown abolishes placodal Six1 expression. This suggests that FGF8 is necessary and together with BMP inhibitors sufficient to induce placodal Six1 expression in cranial ectoderm, implicating FGF8 as a central component in generic placode induction.  相似文献   

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