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The conservation of the endemic, endangered, and first-class protected tree species, Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lem. & H. Lev.) W. C. Cheng & L. K. Fu, is urgent in China. To assist the protection of this important medicinal plant species, the biological and ecological characteristics of its populations were investigated and analyzed in Shanxi. The study area, southeastern Shanxi, is a special region suitable for this species growth and development. The floristic composition, life form spectrum, and species diversity of T. chinensis var. mairei forests reflected the features of both warm-temperate and subtropical regions. Size classes in DBH and static life table analysis showed that the population structure of T. chinensis var. mairei was of the increase-type. Plant density, survivorship, and mortality decreased with increase in age. Distribution patterns of individuals were basically clumped and saplings tended to be distributed randomly. Disturbance from collection of leaves, branches, and stems for medicine was an important factor affecting population structure, dynamics, and distribution. The sex ratio of female/male and the efficiency of sexual reproduction were very low. The main way of reproduction for this species is vegetative propagation. Based on these characteristics, some suggestions, such as establishing nature reserves, improving population structure by cultivation and transplantation, developing seed gardens, and plantations, etc., for the conservation management of T. chinensis var. mairei and its forests in Shanxi are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting, followed by multivariate analysis of data, was used to characterize genetic heterogeneity in captive populations of the endangered Siberian and sandhill cranes. The genetic structure revealed reflected the natural population and species distributions. The relevant groups differed not only from each other, but also from interspecies and inter-population hybrids bred in captivity. In this study we have tested an approach to the analysis of population structure based on individual genotypes. Interpretation of fingerprinting data by means of the analytical system applied here is a useful and reliable procedure for the estimation of genetic relationships between individuals.  相似文献   

Katja Geissler  Axel Gzik   《Flora》2008,203(5):396-408
Cnidium dubium is a highly endangered, perennial river corridor plant in Central Europe. Here we summarise a 4-year field study of its ramet demography, growing in two different flood meadows in the Lower Havel River Valley in northeastern Germany, emphasising the influence of site-specific abiotic factors, mowing and the summer flood of 2002.We recorded 1658 ramets at densities between 2 and 180 ramets m−2, which varied over area and time, indicating a high small-scale turnover of this species within grasslands. The half-life of the different ramet cohorts was estimated to range from 0.1 to 1.3 years, but single ramets of more than 4 years old were also found. Ramets are monocarpic: they propagate only once in their life. The highest probability of a vegetative ramet becoming a flowering stalk was 11.6%. Ramet density, cumulative number of newly produced ramets per year, leaf length, leaf age, reproductive growth and recovery from the summer flood of 2002 varied, depending on site. C. dubium had a higher performance at sites in intermediate zones of the overall flooding gradient compared with higher zones. Flooding stress is the controlling factor for the lower limit of its performance, while there was no evidence for an upper limit controlled by summer drought. Mowing slightly increased the cumulative number of leaves per ramet, but it decreased the size of new leaves and also the summer above-ground biomass per ramet. As a consequence, the most marked effect was that fewer ramets entered the generative life stage, but the plants were able to keep their overall reproductive performance on a level independent of mowing. Knowledge of basic growth patterns of C. dubium in natural populations could help to explain the species rareness, and may also suggest appropriate strategies to manage its survival.  相似文献   

The bumble-bee bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) is an endangered species with a limited distribution range and a suspected declining population. Of the 30 microsatellites developed and tested in C. thonglongyai, 16 were amplified in two multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Based on genotypes of 64 individuals from two populations, expected heterozygosities, averaged 0.50 in Myanmar and 0.61 in Thailand. Only one pair of loci showed linkage disequilibrium in one population and no deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was detected. This set of 16 microsatellites will be useful to study population structure and gene flow in C. thonglongyai. Tin Nwe, retired.  相似文献   

The target of this paper is the correlation of disturbance characteristics of a traditionally used extensive summer pasture in the Alpine foothills (Southern-Bavaria, Germany) and corresponding seasonal population dynamics of the clonal plant Apium repens (FFH Annex II species). The basic hypothesis is that an extensive cattle grazing of its habitats (flood meadows) provides an optimum disturbance regime for long-term persistence of the species. Spatial and temporal scales of the investigation were adapted to the dimensions of the most prominent disturbance impacts (rotation grazing and hoof trampling by cattle) and response rates of Apium which are mainly controlled by stolon propagation. A total of 603 microplots, each measuring 10 cm×10 cm, were arranged within three transects and surveyed for two seasons. Statistical analyses include spatial second order statistics and mixed linear models. Random Apium extinctions during grazing periods and fast re-invasions of gaps during subsequent resting periods result in strong population fluctuations. The probability of re-invasion depends on the distance to next Apium plant which must not exceed much more than 1 dm. The morphological plasticity of stolon length indicates presence of “foraging behaviour” which facilitates the preoccupation of favourable gaps. Disturbances favour the coexistence of A. repens in the pasture due to a combined effect of reduced shoot competition (destruction of tall competitors) and more efficient “foraging” strategies. Attempts to explain Apium coexistence in these flood meadows must take into account both the fine-tuned balance between different disturbance parameters and corresponding functional plants traits.  相似文献   

Abstract Sites of acid-phosphatase activity were found in the differentiating root protophloem of Nymphoides peltata by lead-salt and by azo-dye methods. Different substrates revealed different subcellular locations of the enzyme. The substrates β-glycerophosphate (β-GP) and naphthol ASBI phosphate revealed enzyme activity at similar sites within the sieve element. These sites included plasmodesmata, dictyosomes and small vacuoles in the cytoplasm. The substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP), however, revealed additional sites of acid-phosphatase activity which were not detectable by either naphthol ASBI phosphate or β-GP. For example, the inner region of the wall in mature sieve elements showed conspicuous acid-phosphatase activity only when p-NPP was used as substrate. The significance of the different locations of acid phosphatase within the sieve element is discussed. The convoluted ER, characteristic of immature sieve elements of N. peltata, failed to show acid-phosphatase activity whichever substate was used. By contrast, the stacked ER found in the parietal layer of mature sieve elements showed prominent acid-phosphatase activity regardless of the substrate used. The demonstration of acid-phosphatase activity in the stacked ER, and by both lead-salt and azo-dye methods, suggests that this organelle is a true site of acid-phosphatase activity. The onset of acid-phosphatase activity in the ER in later stages of sieve-element differentiation is compatible with the view that stacked ER plays a role in the final autolysis of the sieve-element protoplast.  相似文献   

A wild-type (WT) strain of the moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G., two mutants derived from it (PC22 and P24), and a somatic hybrid, PC22(+)P24, were analysed. Staining of metaphases revealed 54±2 chromosomes in the somatic hybrid and 27 chromosomes in the wild type and the two mutants. Using flow cytometry (FCM), DNA contents were calculated to be 0.6 pg (WT, PC22), 1.2 pg (P24), and 1.6 pg (PC22(+)P24) per nucleus, respectively. Southern hybridization provided evidence for at least one family of highly repetitive DNA and, furthermore, revealed different amounts of repetitive DNA in the four genotypes. However, these sequences cannot account for the 100% increase in the nuclear DNA amount in mutant P24, relative to wild type. In FCM analyses every moss geno-type generated just one single peak of fluorescence, indicating an arrest in the cell cycle during the daytime. Thermal denaturation of wild-type DNA revealed a G+C content of 34.6% for total DNA and 38.6% for plastid DNA. A cDNA library of 1.2 × 106 independent clones was established, from which sequences homologous to cab and rbcS, respectively, were isolated. These genes show significant homologies to those of higher plants, and, likewise, comprise multigene families. No restriction fragment length polymorphisms could be detected between the four moss genotypes using these cDNA probes.This article is based in part on doctoral studies of M.F. and MW at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Biology  相似文献   

The populations of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), the largest European grouse, have seriously declined during the last century over most of their distribution in western and central Europe. In the Jura mountains, the relict population is now isolated and critically endangered (about 500 breeding adults). We developed a simulation software (TetrasPool) that accounts for age and spatial structure as well as stochastic processes, to perform a viability analysis and explore management scenarios for this population, capitalizing on a 24 years-long series of field data. Simulations predict a marked decline and a significant extinction risk over the next century, largely due to environmental and demographic stochasticity (average values of life-history parameters would otherwise allow stability). Variances among scenarios mainly stem from uncertainties about the shape and intensity of density dependence. Uncertainty analyses suggest to focus conservation efforts on enhancing, not only adult survival (as often advocated for long-lived species), but also recruitment. The juvenile stage matters when local populations undergo extinctions, because it ensures connectivity and recolonization. Besides limiting human perturbations, a silvicultural strategy aimed at opening forest structure should improve the quality and surface of available patches, independent of their size and localization. Such measures are to be taken urgently, if the population is to be saved.  相似文献   

Coeloglossum viride(L.) Hartm. has a worldwide distribution in the Northern hemisphere where it can be found in a broad range of habitats; it is not, at present, threatened with extinction. However, in several European countries there has been a dramatic decline in sites occupied by this orchid. In The Netherlands only 2 populations remain of 55 extant before 1950. Knowledge of its ecology and life history are necessary to preserve this species at sites not directly threatened by habitat destruction. The results of a 7 year demographic study of a population ofC. viridein The Netherlands are presented. Annual recruitment and mortality vary considerably from year to year, whereas the flux in individual plants is always high. The half-life of the cohorts varies from 1.0 to 2.4 years and is on averagec. 1.5 years. This indicates thatC. virideis a short-lived terrestrial orchid species. The number of flowers per inflorescence varies from 2 to 26 per spike. The mean flowering percentage in the population is rather high (50%), while the fruit production was low in the year this was recorded (1994),viz. c. 10%. The average number of seeds per capsule wasc. 2300. Plants emerging above ground for the first time are already able to produce an inflorescence, and the average number of flowers equals those of plants initially passing a vegetative life phase for one or more years. Dormancy is a rare phenomenon in this species and the absence above ground when it does occur does not last longer than one growing season. Vegetative multiplication plays a minor role in population dynamics. The studied population is likely to be in a healthy state: there is a high recruitment almost every year resulting in a vigorous age structure. Management of the site, with mowing in July following seed dispersal and sheep grazing in winter is beneficial. The absence of intentional fertilization is a condition for a suitable, low vegetational structure of the sward during the growing season of this species.  相似文献   

【目的】研究大面积栽植外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏对鄂西北森林群落物种多样性的影响,为评价外来树种的入侵风险提供依据。【方法】采用样地调查法对比研究外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏人工林与当地森林群落特征差异。【结果】日本落叶松人工林样地林下植物种类丰富,样地平均物种数与当地天然林样地物种数相比无显著差异;林下灌木层和草本层多样性指数较高,草本层多样性指数与当地天然林相比无显著差异;林下未发现日本落叶松的更新苗。日本花柏人工林样地平均物种数显著少于当地其他人工林样地;乔木层、灌木层和草本层的4个多样性指数值均小于当地其他人工林样地;在3个样地中出现日本花柏更新苗,更新苗数量达479株·hm~(-2)。【结论】引种栽培日本落叶松不会导致当地森林群落的物种多样性降低,不会引起生物入侵风险;但引种栽培日本花柏会明显降低当地森林群落的物种多样性,对当地森林生态系统的稳定构成一定威胁。  相似文献   

For the taxonomic revision of the problematic species Ceratopteris thalictroides, molecular analyses and crossing tests were conducted for 16 sources in the world. An analysis of allozyme composition of five enzymes revealed the presence of three intraspecific entities, which were called the south type, the north type, and the third type. An analysis of the nucleotide sequences of chloroplast DNA also distinguished the same entities. Crossing tests showed that the south type was completely cross-sterile with the other two types, and that the other two were considerably cross-sterile with each other. These results suggest that the three entities should be regarded as different biological species. Although the south type and the other two meet in several regions, complete cross-sterility between them seems to sustain their genetic distinctiveness in spite of occasional crossing. The results from the present study suggest that widely distributed fern species are apt to comprise several cryptic species. Received: August 1, 2001 / Accepted: November 1, 2001  相似文献   

Habitat degradation and loss can reduce size and genetic variability of natural populations, increasing individual homozygosity and average relatedness between individuals. While the resulting inbreeding depression may be reduced by natural selection under prevailing environmental conditions, it may increase again under environmental stress. To investigate the effect of environmental stress on offspring performance and the expression of inbreeding depression, we hand-pollinated maternal plants in small (< 100, n=5) and large populations (> 400 flowering plants, n=5) of the rare plant Cochlearia bavarica (Brassicaceae) and raised the offspring under experimentally manipulated water and light regimes (normal or reduced supply). In addition to considering natural variation in inbreeding levels due to population size, we manipulated pollen donor provenance and diversity. Maternal plants were pollinated with nine donors from a different population or with one or nine donors from the same population. One further inflorescence of each maternal plant was exposed to free pollination. Offspring growth and survival were monitored over 300 days. Offspring performance varied significantly among populations and maternal plants. Environmental stress interacted significantly with these factors. However, there was no general indication that offspring from small populations were more negatively affected. In seven out of 10 populations, offspring derived from between-population pollination performed better than offspring derived from within-population pollination. Also, in five out of 10 populations, average offspring size was higher after within-population pollination with nine than after pollination with one pollen donor. These results suggest low genetic diversity within C. bavarica populations, both smaller and larger ones. Interactions between environmental stress and pollination treatment indicated that using pollen donors from outside a population or increasing the number of pollen donors can reduce inbreeding depression, but that this beneficial effect is impaired under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

蔡磊  秦燕  陈高 《植物科学学报》2017,35(5):647-652
通过对云南百部(Stemona mairei(H.Lév.)K.Krause)及其形态相似种金沙江百部(S.jinshajiangensis X. D. Cong et G. J. Xu)和变种滇北百部(S.jinshajiangensis var.dianbeiensis X. D. Cong et G. J. Xu)模式标本采集地野外居群植株的实地调查和研究,发现金沙江百部及其变种滇北百部的形态特征变异式样均在云南百部形态特征的正常变异范围内,因此将金沙江百部及其变种处理为云南百部的异名,同时对云南百部的形态特征进行了补充描述。结合对云南百部6个野生居群成熟植株的开花结实特征、种子传播策略分析,对云南百部受威胁状况进行了评估。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia in relation to environmental factors was investigated from March 2002 to July 2008 in Lim Bay, in the north-eastern Adriatic Sea. Domoic acid was monitored in the breeding population of Mytilus galloprovincialis from 2005 to 2008. The principal-component analysis of environmental parameters showed that the system is mostly temperature driven. The phytoplankton community was mainly composed of diatoms. Pseudo-nitzschia was the dominant diatom, present in 60% of samples, with a maximum (1.6 × 106 cells L−1) contribution up to 97% of the total diatom abundance. Morphological analysis revealed Pseudo-nitzschia manii and potentially toxic Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta and Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha as the dominant species in blooms. Pseudo-nitzschia abundance positively correlated to temperature, phosphate and ammonia in accordance with its maximal abundance in the summer/autumn period when fish farms had a maximum impact on the environment. Domoic acid was detected in M. galloprovincialis in concentrations below regulatory limits, ranging from 0.097 to 0.8721 μg g−1 in five cases from April to October 2005 in Lim Bay, but so far it is not clear which of the species was responsible for DA production. This study is also the first record of P. manii, P pungens and P. fraudulenta species in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落对麻栎-刺槐混交林凋落物分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以麻栎-刺槐混交林和麻栎纯林为研究对象,采用野外定点采样、室内分析与高通量测序的方法,对凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物菌群多样性特征及其对凋落物分解速率的影响进行了研究。结果表明:(1)麻栎-刺槐混交林凋落物的分解速率高于麻栎纯林。两种林分凋落物有机碳(TOC)、全氮(TN)发生释放,全磷(TP)发生积累-释放的过程。(2)两种林分土壤细菌优势类群为放线菌门(Acidobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Actinobacteria)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia),土壤真菌优势类群为担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和被孢霉门(Moritierellomycota)。(3)凋落物分解过程中,麻栎-刺槐混交林土壤微生物菌群丰富度指数和菌群多样性指数变化范围小于麻栎纯林。(4)凋落物分解速率与土壤细菌菌群丰富度指数和菌群多样性指数呈显著正相关,与土壤真菌菌群丰富度指数呈显著正相关。土壤微生物群落对麻栎-刺槐混交林和麻栎纯林凋落物分解速率具有重要影响,研究结果为深入开展混交林土壤微生物多样性对凋落物分解的影响研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

伞花木(Eurycorymbuscaraleriei)为中国特有的第三纪孑遗单种属植物,雌雄异株。采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对其5个自然居群和1个人工迁地保护居群的等位酶变异进行了初步研究。对7个酶系统中14个位点的等位酶居群遗传多样性及遗传结构分析结果表明:伞花木具有较高水平的遗传多样性,其每位点平均等位基因数A=1.6,平均多态位点比率P=42.9%,平均预期遗传杂合度He=0.216;各居群的遗传多样性无显著性差异,但都表现为严重偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡的杂合子过量;其遗传变异主要发生在居群内(93.1%),居群间分化较小(Gst=0.069),居群间遗传一致度较高(I=0.965~1.000)。推断这可能是由于其古老孑遗性、雌雄异株、混和传粉方式的生物学特性以及其长寿命的生活史等原因所导致;同时,居群间的较高基因流(Nm=3.128)也可能起到很大的作用。还使用UPGMA聚类方法推断了武汉植物园迁地保护的野外居群来源,在对迁地保护居群的评价中发现迁地保护居群仅保存了该物种基因型多样性的16%,在此基础上提出了今后进一步的保育策略。  相似文献   

We present 151 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) identified in Tatra and Alpine chamois individuals after genotyping with the Bovine SNP50 Genotyping BeadChip (Illumina®). Population structure analysis based on the identified 151 SNPs as well as a subset of 48 SNPs were able to give information about geographic origin of each individual making the markers suitable for future evaluation and monitoring of the genetic status of the Tatra and Alpine chamois. Our study demonstrates how it is possible to quickly identify informative SNPs in non-model organisms based on a SNP marker panel created for a related domestic species.  相似文献   

资源冷杉是国家一级保护植物、中国特有种,呈极度濒危状态。采用样地调查法对江西南风面无人为干扰的原始森林资源冷杉所在群落特征进行研究,结果表明:调查群落共有维管植物68种,隶属34科47属; 含属种较多的科有杜鹃花科(2属8种)、山茶科(4属6种)、冬青科(1属6种)、樟科(2属5种)、壳斗科(3属4种),占总种数的42.0%; 热带性质的属共占非世界属总数的46.5%,温带性质的属共占48.8%,中国特有分布的属占4.7%; 古老的残遗属和亚热带山地的表征属占有极大的优势。群落乔木层可分为4层,第一亚层和第二亚层的优势种有资源冷杉、南方铁杉、南方红豆杉和多脉青冈等。调查的资源冷杉种群目前处于相对稳定的状态,所在群落是该地区的顶极群落。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101956
The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner, 1808) and the Egyptian cotton leafworm, S. littoralis (Boisduval, 1833), are amongst the most notorious agricultural pest species in Iran. Spodoptera exigua is considered a serious pest of different crops, whereas S. littoralis is known as an important pest of cotton.In this paper, the potential distribution areas of these species in Iran and the important climatic factors affecting their distribution were predicted using the MaxEnt model and the ArcGIS. The results indicate that the main environmental variables contributing to S. exigua’s distribution were precipitation of the coldest quarter (bio19), average wind speed in April (wind4), and annual precipitation (bio12). Also, minimum temperature of the coldest month (bio6), mean temperature of coldest quarter (bio11), altitude and average wind speed in May (wind5) were dominant climatic factors that affected the potential distribution of S. littoralis. These species overlapped in most parts of coastal areas in the southern and northern parts of Iran, with an average overlapping range of 33.2%. Considering their preferred host plants in Iran, it is necessary to strengthen biosurveillance programes and management of these two species in their suitable areas to prevent further invasion, which endangers agricultural security.  相似文献   

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