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DNA was isolated from phenol-digesting activated sludge, and partial fragments of the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the gene encoding the largest subunit of multicomponent phenol hydroxylase (LmPH) were amplified by PCR. An analysis of the amplified fragments by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) demonstrated that two major 16S rDNA bands (bands R2 and R3) and two major LmPH gene bands (bands P2 and P3) appeared after the activated sludge became acclimated to phenol. The nucleotide sequences of these major bands were determined. In parallel, bacteria were isolated from the activated sludge by direct plating or by plating after enrichment either in batch cultures or in a chemostat culture. The bacteria isolated were classified into 27 distinct groups by a repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence PCR analysis. The partial nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNAs and LmPH genes of members of these 27 groups were then determined. A comparison of these nucleotide sequences with the sequences of the major TGGE bands indicated that the major bacterial populations, R2 and R3, possessed major LmPH genes P2 and P3, respectively. The dominant populations could be isolated either by direct plating or by chemostat culture enrichment but not by batch culture enrichment. One of the dominant strains (R3) which contained a novel type of LmPH (P3), was closely related to Valivorax paradoxus, and the result of a kinetic analysis of its phenol-oxygenating activity suggested that this strain was the principal phenol digester in the activated sludge.Many scientists have used the rRNA approach (29, 30) to detect microbial populations and to describe the structures of microbial communities in various environments without isolating the component microorganisms. These studies have shown that most 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences directly amplified from environmental samples are different from the sequences of comparable laboratory strains. Workers have concluded from such observations that many bacteria that are predominant in the natural environment have not been isolated in the laboratory yet and that the microbial diversity in the natural environment is much greater than the diversity of the bacteria that have been isolated (2, 7, 13, 25, 35, 36, 39, 40).Currently, one important aspect of microbial ecology studies is functional dissection of microbial communities based on structural information obtained by the approach mentioned above. An analysis of a population shift accompanied by a change in the function of a community yields information useful for identifying functionally dominant populations (2, 3, 42), although information concerning the function (activity) of each population can never be obtained by this kind of approach. Hence, workers have emphasized that pure-culture experiments are indispensable for detailed analysis of the functions of each population and that isolation of the functionally dominant populations in a microbial community is quite important.Phenol and its derivatives are some of the major hazardous compounds in industrial wastewater (1, 31, 43), and for this reason biodegradation of phenol has attracted keen attention (34, 46). However, since most studies of phenol biodegradation have been carried out under laboratory conditions with arbitrarily selected phenol-degrading bacteria, phenol biodegradation in the environment is not well understood yet. In the present study, to better understand phenol degradation in activated sludge, we isolated and characterized the phenol-degrading bacteria that were identified by the rRNA approach to be the dominant population in phenol-digesting activated sludge. Physiological and genetic differences between the dominant phenol-degrading bacteria isolated in this study and representative phenol-degrading bacteria characterized previously in several laboratories are discussed below.  相似文献   

Microbial abundance is central to most investigations in microbial ecology, and its accurate measurement is a challenging task that has been significantly facilitated by the advent of molecular techniques over the last 20 years. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is considered the gold standard of quantification techniques; however, it is expensive and offers low sample throughput, both of which limit its wider application. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is an alternative that offers significantly higher throughput, and it is used extensively in molecular biology. The accuracy of qPCR can be compromised by biases in the DNA extraction and amplification steps. In this study, we compared the accuracy of these two established quantification techniques to measure the abundance of a key functional group in biological wastewater treatment systems, the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), in samples from a time-series experiment monitoring a set of laboratory-scale reactors and a full-scale plant. For the qPCR analysis, we tested two different sets of AOB-specific primers, one targeting the 16SrRNA gene and one targeting the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) gene. We found that there was a positive linear logarithmic relationship between FISH and the amoA gene-specific qPCR, where the data obtained from both techniques was equivalent at the order of magnitude level. The 16S rRNA gene-specific qPCR assay consistently underestimated AOB numbers.  相似文献   

Amyloid proteins (fimbriae or other microbial surface-associated structures) are expressed by many types of bacteria, not yet identified, in biofilms from various habitats, where they likely are of key importance to biofilm formation and biofilm properties. As these amyloids are potentially of great importance to the floc properties in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), the abundance of amyloid adhesins in activated sludge flocs from different WWTP and the identity of bacteria producing these were investigated. Amyloid adhesins were quantified using a combination of conformationally specific antibodies targeting amyloid fibrils, propidium iodide to target all fixed bacterial cells, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and digital image analysis. The biovolume fraction containing amyloid adhesins ranged from 10 to 40% in activated sludge from 10 different WWTP. The identity of bacteria producing amyloid adhesins was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridization with oligonucleotide probes in combination with antibodies or thioflavin T staining. Among the microcolony-forming bacteria, amyloids were primarily detected among Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria. A more detailed analysis revealed that many denitrifiers (from Thauera, Azoarcus, Zoogloea, and Aquaspirillum-related organisms) and Actinobacteria-related polyphosphate-accumulating organisms most likely produced amyloid adhesins, whereas nitrifiers did not. Many filamentous bacteria also expressed amyloid adhesins, including several Alphaproteobacteria (e.g., Meganema perideroedes), some Betaproteobacteria (e.g., Aquaspirillum-related filaments), Gammaproteobacteria (Thiothrix), Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi (e.g., Eikelboom type 1851), and some foam-forming Actinobacteria (e.g., Gordonia amarae). The results show that amyloid adhesins were an abundant component of activated sludge extracellular polymeric substances and seem to have unexpected, divers functions.  相似文献   

The abundance of Vibrio vulnificus in coastal environments has been linked to water temperature, while its relationship to salinity is less clear. We have developed a culture-independent, most-probable-number quantitative PCR approach to examine V. vulnificus population dynamics in Barnegat Bay, N.J. Based on the combined analysis of our results from Barnegat Bay and from the literature, the present data show that (i) V. vulnificus population dynamics are strongly correlated to water temperature and (ii) although the general trend is for V. vulnificus abundance to be inversely correlated with salinity, this relationship depends on salinity levels. Irrespective of temperature, high abundances of V. vulnificus are observed at 5 to 10 ppt, which thus appears to be the optimal salinity regime for their survival. At 20 to 25 ppt, V. vulnificus abundances show a positive correlation to salinity. Unsuccessful attempts to resuscitate V. vulnificus, combined with our inability to detect cells during the winter despite an assay adapted to detect viable but nonculturable (VBNC) cells, suggest that the decline and eventual disappearance of V. vulnificus from the water column during the winter months is due primarily to a significant reduction in population size and is not only the consequence of cells entering the VBNC state. These findings are in line with the hypothesis that the sediment serves as a refuge for a subpopulation of V. vulnificus over the winter and weather-driven mixing events during the spring initiate a summer bloom in the water column.  相似文献   

Thirty-two strains of nonflocculating bacteria isolated from sewage-activated sludge were tested by a spectrophotometric assay for their ability to coaggregate with one other in two-membered systems. Among these strains, eight showed significant (74 to 99%) coaggregation with Acinetobacter johnsonii S35 while only four strains coaggregated, to a lesser extent (43 to 65%), with Acinetobacter junii S33. The extent and pattern of coaggregation as well as the aggregate size showed good correlation with cellular characteristics of the coaggregating partners. These strains were identified by sequencing of full-length 16S rRNA genes. A. johnsonii S35 could coaggregate with strains of several genera, such as Oligotropha carboxidovorans, Microbacterium esteraromaticum, and Xanthomonas spp. The role of Acinetobacter isolates as bridging organisms in multigeneric coaggregates is indicated. This investigation revealed the role of much-neglected nonflocculating bacteria in floc formation in activated sludge.  相似文献   

An Evaluation of Procedures for Enumerating Bacteria in Activated Sludge   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
S ummary : A procedure for counting viable heterotrophic bacteria in activated sludge was evolved from a study of the effects of modifications to procedures at the different stages of enumeration. Optimal counts were obtained with Casitone-glycerol-yeast extract agar (CGY) with incubation for 6 days at 22°. Homogenization of mixed liquor was conveniently performed, with minimal lethal effect on the bacteria, by treating samples, diluted 1/10 in sodium tripolyphosphate solution (5 mg/1), in a boiling tube immersed in the Kerry ultrasonic cleaning bath for 1 min. Counts were significantly affected by the pH value of diluent and CGY, but not by the homogenization method or by treating homogenized samples with enzymes or N -acetyl cysteine, or by adding colloidal peptizing agents to the diluent. Replicate colony counts showed variances greater than the mean, although precision increased with increasing number of colonies/dish; there was a direct relationship between colony counts and volume plated for up to c. 1000 colonies/dish. Counts on spread plates tended to be higher and more precise than on dilution frequency plates, although the 2 methods showed satisfactory correlation. Counts were not significantly affected by the method of sampling and preparing the initial dilution, and it was considered prudent to examine samples immediately after collection.  相似文献   

Cellulolytic aerobic bacteria were isolated from activated sludge systems. Of the media tested for enumeration, only filter paper media gave reliable counts. Five isolates were studied further for characterization. It was found that one strain (DK) belonged to the genus Cellulomonas. The other four strains expressed similarity to the genus Pseudomonas. The different characteristics that were studied, however, do not permit them to be identified with any recognized species. Based on certain characters we believe that they are alcaligenes-like pseudomonads.  相似文献   

Methods for detecting microorganisms on surfaces are needed to locate biocontamination sources and to relate surface and airborne concentrations. Research was conducted in an experimental room to evaluate surface sampling methods and quantitative PCR (QPCR) for enhanced detection of a target biocontaminant present on flooring materials. QPCR and culture analyses were used to quantitate Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus globigii) endospores on vinyl tile, commercial carpet, and new and soiled residential carpet with samples obtained by four surface sampling methods: a swab kit, a sponge swipe, a cotton swab, and a bulk method. The initial data showed that greater overall sensitivity was obtained with the QPCR than with culture analysis; however, the QPCR results for bulk samples from residential carpet were negative. The swab kit and the sponge swipe methods were then tested with two levels of background biological contamination consisting of Penicillium chrysogenum spores. The B. subtilis values obtained by the QPCR method were greater than those obtained by culture analysis. The differences between the QPCR and culture data were significant for the samples obtained with the swab kit for all flooring materials except soiled residential carpet and with the sponge swipe for commercial carpet. The QPCR data showed that there were no significant differences between the swab kit and sponge swipe sampling methods for any of the flooring materials. Inhibition of QPCR due solely to biological contamination of flooring materials was not evident. However, some degree of inhibition was observed with the soiled residential carpet, which may have been caused by the presence of abiotic contaminants, alone or in combination with biological contaminants. The results of this research demonstrate the ability of QPCR to enhance detection and enumeration of biocontaminants on surface materials and provide information concerning the comparability of currently available surface sampling methods.  相似文献   

污水处理活性污泥微生物群落多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究污水处理活性污泥微生物多样性,提取了活性污泥宏基因组DNA,并采用细菌通用引物27F和1492R扩增了上海污泥厂活性污泥细菌16S rDNA片段,构建了细菌16S rDNA克隆文库,并对该文库中的微生物群落进行了分析。共获得200条高质量序列并建立系统发育树,结果显示活性污泥主要的细菌类群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(91.9%)、厚壁菌门(Firmicures)(4.6%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)(2%)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)(0.5%)、硝化螺菌门(Nitrospirae)(1%)。其中,明显的优势菌群为Alcaligenes feacalis(55%)、Pseudomonas aeruginosa(12.8%)和Stenotrophomonas(12.8%),优势菌的产酶能力在活性污泥中显示生态修复功能菌的作用。  相似文献   

Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge: I. Dominant Bacteria   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Over 300 bacterial strains were isolated from seven samples of activated sludge by plating on sewage agar. Gram-negative bacteria of the genera Zoogloea and Comamonas predominated. Many isolates (51%) showed sudanophilic inclusions of poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid, whereas 34% accumulated iodophilic material on media containing starch. A large number required either vitamins or amino acids, or both, for growth. None of the isolates tested for their ability to bring about changes in autoclaved sewage produced an effluent comparable in quality to the activated sludge control, although the Zoogloea did produce activated sludgelike flocs. A study of 150 bacterial strains isolated from raw sewage revealed that they differed from the sludge isolates in several respects. Coliforms, which constitute nearly a quarter of the sewage isolates, were rarely encountered in sludge.  相似文献   

The replica-plating technique and Lochhead's nutritional method were combined in exploratory experiments to test their feasibility as useful means for characterizing the aerobic heterotrophic flora of activated sludge and to minimize the burdensome process of isolation, purification, and testing of isolates. In the test run, the method was about 86% reliable at the 0.05 level of significance. About 40% of the total number of bacteria able to grow on an aqueous extract of activated sludge did not grow on media containing glucose, amino acids, growth factors, and inorganic salts. The requirement for activated sludge extract suggested the existence of a requirement for unidentified nutrients contained in the activated sludge extract.  相似文献   

分子检测技术对活性污泥中氨氧化细菌的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
采用PCR扩增、随机克隆测序等技术,分析处理含高浓度氨氮的废水处理系统不同驯化时期的4个活性污泥样品,对样品中氨氧化细菌(AOB)的种类和氨单加氧酶(AMO)的活性进行分析比较,并在国内首次采用PCR变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)相结合的技术对样品中总的细菌类群的差异进行研究。结果表明所检测到的氨氧化细菌优势菌群均属于变形细菌的β亚类,与Nitrosomonas sp.具有较高的相似性。活性污泥驯化成熟后,废水处理系统中AMO的活性有明显提高,活性污泥中的细菌类群更加集中,优势菌群相对稳定,系统对废水的处理效率也相应提高。结果表明采用分子检测技术有利于更全面地了解AOB的类群和功能,进而改善废水处理系统的处理效果。  相似文献   

You SJ 《Biotechnology letters》2005,27(19):1477-1482
Nitrite reduction is the key step in the denitrification reaction with two predominant types of nitrite reductase genes: nirS and nirK. The diversity of denitrifying bacteria in a municipal wastewater treatment plant is described by using both these genes. Of the cultured colonies, 22.5% contained the NirS gene and 12.5% the nirK gene. These nitrite reductase-containing colonies could be further divided into five different types by using both restriction fragment length polymorphism and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these five types of denitrifying bacteria were phylogenetically diverse. Finally, one nirS gene was obtained and compared with the published sequences.  相似文献   

Phenol is a man-made as well as a naturally occurring aromatic compound and an important intermediate in the biodegradation of natural and industrial aromatic compounds. Whereas many microorganisms that are capable of aerobic phenol degradation have been isolated, only a few phenol-degrading anaerobic organisms have been described to date. In this study, three novel nitrate-reducing microorganisms that are capable of using phenol as a sole source of carbon were isolated and characterized. Phenol-degrading denitrifying pure cultures were obtained by enrichment culture from anaerobic sediments obtained from three different geographic locations, the East River in New York, N.Y., a Florida orange grove, and a rain forest in Costa Rica. The three strains were shown to be different from each other based on physiologic and metabolic properties. Even though analysis of membrane fatty acids did not result in identification of the organisms, the fatty acid profiles were found to be similar to those of Azoarcus species. Sequence analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA also indicated that the phenol-degrading isolates were closely related to members of the genus Azoarcus. The results of this study add three new members to the genus Azoarcus, which previously comprised only nitrogen-fixing species associated with plant roots and denitrifying toluene degraders.  相似文献   

目的:筛选表面活性剂产生菌,用于降解有机农药,提高氧化塘处理效率.方法:以液体石蜡为惟一碳源进行选择性培养,通过测定发酵液的排油活性和表面张力,对有机农药厂的活性污泥进行产生物表面活性剂细菌筛选,并对筛得的细菌进行形态学、生理生化及 16SrDNA 试验和鉴定.结果:筛选出 3 株产生物表面活性剂的细菌,经鉴定均属于不动杆菌属.结论:证实了有机农药活性污泥中存在表面活性剂的产生菌,对有机农药降解存在助溶作用.  相似文献   

烟草内生细菌种群动态研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
经过对 7个田间种植的烟草品种不同栽培时期、不同组织内生细菌种群动态研究表明 ,不同品种内生细菌种群有一定程度差异。同一品种中有的内生细菌为常住菌群 ,有的为暂居菌群 ,带菌量根中最高 ,茎次之 ,叶中最低。在整个生育期中 ,7个品种内生细菌数量表现出从种子到出苗期大幅增加 ,从出苗期到十字期又大幅度下降 ,随后从缓苗期到伸根期再一次急剧增加并维持在一个较高水平。通过对烟草这一重要经济作物内生细菌种群动态变化研究 ,可为烟草病虫害生物防治和促生增产研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment is one of the most important commercial biotechnological processes, and yet the component bacterial populations and their associated metabolic activities are poorly understood. The novel fluorescent dye hexidium iodide allows assessment of Gram status by differential absorption through bacterial cell walls. Differentiation between gram-positive and gram-negative wastewater bacteria was achieved after flow cytometric analysis. This study shows that the relative proportions of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial cells identified by traditional microscopy and hexidium iodide staining were not significantly different. Dual staining of cells for Gram status and activity proved effective in analyzing mixtures of cultured bacteria and wastewater populations. Levels of highly active organisms at two wastewater treatment plants, both gram positive and gram negative, ranged from 1.5% in activated sludge flocs to 16% in the activated sludge fluid. Gram-positive organisms comprised <5% of the total bacterial numbers but accounted for 19 and 55% of the highly active organisms within flocs at the two plants. Assessment of Gram status and activity within activated sludge samples over a 4-day period showed significant differences over time. This method provides a rapid, quantitative measure of Gram status linked with in situ activity within wastewater systems.  相似文献   

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