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T Gridley 《The New biologist》1991,3(11):1025-1034
Recent innovations in mutagenesis techniques for mice have the potential to revolutionize the molecular genetic analysis of mouse development. Insertional mutagenesis by the introduction of exogenous DNA into the mouse germline hs permitted the molecular cloning and analysis of several novel genes important for early embryonic development. Targeted mutagenesis by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells permits, in theory, the production of mutations in any cloned gene. The complementary information being obtained from these two mutagenesis procedures is shedding new light on the genes important for early mouse development, and the roles these genes play in that process.  相似文献   

Towards targeted mutagenesis and gene replacement in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Advances in the development of biotechnological tools for plant gene disruption and repair have lagged behind the rapid progress made in whole-genome sequencing of many model and crop plant species. Plant DNA-repair machinery predominantly uses non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), making the homologous recombination (HR)-based methods, which have proved fruitful for gene targeting in non-plant systems, unsuitable for use in plant systems. Two recent reports describe successful targeted mutagenesis and gene targeting in Arabidopsis by either harnessing the plant NHEJ machinery using site-specific induction of double-strand breaks (DSBs), or by activation of a HR pathway through overexpression of a yeast DNA recombination gene in transgenic plants. These reports provide a foundation from which new technologies for site-specific genome alterations in plant species can be developed.  相似文献   

Fusobacterium nucleatum is a Gram-negative anaerobe important in dental biofilm ecology and infectious diseases with significant societal impact. The lack of efficient genetic systems has hampered molecular analyses in this microorganism. We previously reported construction of a shuttle plasmid, pHS17, using the native fusobacterial plasmid pFN1 and an erythromycin resistance cassette. However, the host range of pHS17 was restricted to F. nucleatum, ATCC 10953, and the transformation efficiency was limited. This study was undertaken to improve genetic systems for molecular analysis in F. nucleatum. We identified a second F. nucleatum strain, ATCC 23726, which is transformed with improved efficiency compared to ATCC 10953. Two novel second generation pFN1-based shuttle plasmids, pHS23 and pHS30, were developed and enable transformation of ATCC 23726 at 6.2 x 10(4) and 1.5 x 10(6) transformants/mug plasmid DNA, respectively. The transformation efficiency of pHS30, which harbors a catP gene conferring resistance to chloramphenicol, was more than 1000-fold greater than that of pHS17. The improved transformation efficiency facilitated disruption of the chromosomal rnr gene using a suicide plasmid pHS19, the first demonstration of targeted mutagenesis in F. nucleatum. These results provide significant advances in the development of systems for molecular analysis in F. nucleatum.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly apparent that the high molecular mass glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronan (HA), is required for many morphogenetic processes during vertebrate development. This renewed understanding of the various developmental roles for HA, has come about largely through the advent of gene targeting approaches in the mouse. To date, mutations have been engineered in the enzymes responsible for biosynthesis and degradation and for those proteins that bind to HA within the extracellular matrix and at the cell surface. Collectively, the phenotypes resulting from these mutations demonstrate that HA is critical for normal mammalian embryogenesis and for various processes in postnatal and adult life (Table 1). In this article we will review our progress in understanding the biological functions for HA through targeted mutagenesis of the HA synthase 2 (Has2) and 3 (Has3) genes. Data that has been obtained from a conventional targeted disruption of the Has2 gene, is presented in an accompanying review by Camenisch and McDonald. More specifically, in this review we will provide an overview of the conditional gene targeting strategy being used to create tissue-specific deficiencies in Has2 function, along with our progress in understanding the role for Has3-dependent HA biosynthesis. Published in 2003.  相似文献   

Despite the potentially important roles of untranslated RNAs in cellular form or function, genes encoding such RNAs have until now received surprisingly little attention. One such gene encodes BC1 RNA, a small non-mRNA that is delivered to dendritic microdomains in neurons. We have now eliminated the BC1 RNA gene in mice. Three independent founder lines were established from separate embryonic stem cells. The mutant mice appeared to be healthy and showed no anatomical or neurological abnormalities. The gross brain morphology was unaltered in such mice, as were the subcellular distributions of two prototypical dendritic mRNAs (encoding MAP2 and CaMKIIalpha). Due to the relatively recent evolutionary origin of the gene, we expected molecular and behavioral consequences to be subtle. Behavioral analyses, to be reported separately, indicate that the lack of BC1 RNA appears to reduce exploratory activity.  相似文献   

A group of specialized genes has been defined to govern the molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian clock in mammals. Their expression and the interactions among their products dictate circadian rhythmicity. Three genes homologous to Drosophila period exist in the mouse and are thought to be major players in the biological clock. Here we present the generation of mice in which the founding member of the family, Per1, has been inactivated by homologous recombination. These mice present rhythmicity in locomotor activity, but with a period almost 1 h shorter than wild-type littermates. Moreover, the expression of clock genes in peripheral tissues appears to be delayed in Per1 mutant animals. Importantly, light-induced phase shifting appears conserved. The oscillatory expression of clock genes and the induction of immediate-early genes in response to light in the master clock structure, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, are unaffected. Altogether, these data demonstrate that Per1 plays a distinct role within the Per family, as it may be involved predominantly in peripheral clocks and/or in the output pathways of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

We describe a method to generate in vivo collections of mutants orders of magnitude larger than previously possible. The method favors accumulation of mutations in the target gene, rather than in the host chromosome. This is achieved by propagating the target gene on a plasmid, in Escherichia coli cells, within the region preferentially replicated by DNA polymerase I (Pol I), which replicates only a minor fraction of the chromosome. Mutagenesis is enhanced by a conjunction of a Pol I variant that has a low replication fidelity and the absence of the mutHLS system that corrects replication errors. The method was tested with two reporter genes, encoding lactose repressor or lipase. The proportion of mutants in the collection was estimated to reach 1% after one cycle of growth and 10% upon prolonged cell cultivation, resulting in collections of 1012–1013 mutants per liter of cell culture. The extended cultivation did not affect growth properties of the cells. We suggest that our method is well suited for generating protein variants too rare to be present in the collections established by methods used previously and for isolating the genes that encode such variants by submitting the cells of the collections to appropriate selection protocols.  相似文献   

The nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana was sequenced to near completion a few years ago, and ahead lies the challenge of understanding its meaning and discerning its potential. How many genes are there? What are they? What do they do? Computer algorithms combined with genome array technologies have proven efficient in addressing the first two questions as shown in a recent report ( Yamada et al., 2003 ). However, assessing the function of every gene in every cell will require years of careful analyses of the phenotypes caused by mutations in each gene. Current progress in generating large numbers of molecular markers and near‐saturation insertion mutant collections has immensely facilitated functional genomics studies in Arabidopsis. In this review, we focus on how gene function can be revealed through the analysis of mutants by either forward or reverse genetics. These mutants generally fall into two distinct classes. The first class typically includes point mutations or small deletions derived from chemical or fast neutron mutagenesis whereas the second class includes insertions of transferred‐DNA or transposon elements. We describe the current methods that are used to identify the gene corresponding to these mutations, which can then be used as a probe to further dissect its function.  相似文献   

Pneumonitis and emphysema in sp-C gene targeted mice   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
SP-C-deficient (SP-C -/-) mice developed a severe pulmonary disorder associated with emphysema, monocytic infiltrates, epithelial cell dysplasia, and atypical accumulations of intracellular lipids in type II epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages. Whereas alveolar and tissue surfactant phospholipid pools were increased, levels of other surfactant proteins were not altered (SP-B) or were modestly increased (SP-A and SP-D). Analysis of pressure-volume curves and forced oscillatory dynamics demonstrated abnormal respiratory mechanics typical of emphysema. Lung disease was progressive, causing weight loss and cardiomegaly. Extensive alveolar remodeling was accompanied by type II cell hyperplasia, obliteration of pulmonary capillaries, and widespread expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin, indicating myofibroblast transformation in the lung parenchyma. Dysplastic epithelial cells lining conducting airways stained intensely for the mucin, MUC5A/C. Tissue concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines were not substantially altered in the SP-C (-/-) mice. Production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) was increased in alveolar macrophages from SP-C (-/-) mice. Absence of SP-C caused a severe progressive pulmonary disorder with histologic features consistent with interstitial pneumonitis.  相似文献   

Efficient targeted mutagenesis in Borrelia burgdorferi   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Genetic studies in Borrelia burgdorferi have been hindered by the lack of a nonborrelial selectable marker. Currently, the only selectable marker is gyrB(r), a mutated form of the chromosomal gyrB gene that encodes the B subunit of DNA gyrase and confers resistance to the antibiotic coumermycin A(1). The utility of the coumermycin-resistant gyrB(r) gene for targeted gene disruption is limited by a high frequency of recombination with the endogenous gyrB gene. A kanamycin resistance gene (kan) was introduced into B. burgdorferi, and its use as a selectable marker was explored in an effort to improve the genetic manipulation of this pathogen. B. burgdorferi transformants with the kan gene expressed from its native promoter were susceptible to kanamycin. In striking contrast, transformants with the kan gene expressed from either the B. burgdorferi flaB or flgB promoter were resistant to high levels of kanamycin. The kanamycin resistance marker allows efficient direct selection of mutants in B. burgdorferi and hence is a significant improvement in the ability to construct isogenic mutant strains in this pathogen.  相似文献   

Within the last decade, a number of nucleic acid-based gene targeting strategies have been developed with the ultimate goal to cure human genetic disorders caused by mutations. Thus far, site-directed gene targeting is the only procedure that can make predefined alterations in the genome. The advantage of this approach is that expression of the corrected gene is regulated in the same way as a normal gene. In addition, targeted specific mutations can be made in the genome for functional analysis of proteins. Several approaches, including chimeric RNA-DNA oligonucleotides, short single-stranded oligonucleotides, small fragment homologous replacements, and triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides have been used for targeted modification of the genome. Due to the absence of standardized assays and mechanistic studies in the early developmental stages of oligonucleotide-directed gene alteration, it has been difficult to explain the large variations and discrepancies reported. Here, we evaluate the progress in the field, summarize the achievements in understanding the molecular mechanism, and outline the perspective for the future development. This review will emphasize the importance of reliable, sensitive and standardized assays to measure frequencies of gene repair and the use of these assays in mechanistic studies. Such studies have become critical for understanding the gene repair process and setting realistic expectations on the capability of this technology. The conventionally accepted but unproven dogmas of the mechanism of gene repair are challenged and alternative points of view are presented. Another important focus of this review is the development of general selection procedures that are required for practical application of this technology.  相似文献   

Valor LM  Grant SG 《PloS one》2007,2(12):e1303


Gene expression profiling using microarrays is a powerful technology widely used to study regulatory networks. Profiling of mRNA levels in mutant organisms has the potential to identify genes regulated by the mutated protein.

Methodology/Principle Findings

Using tissues from multiple lines of knockout mice we have examined genome-wide changes in gene expression. We report that a significant proportion of changed genes were found near the targeted gene.


The apparent clustering of these genes was explained by the presence of flanking DNA from the parental ES cell. We provide recommendations for the analysis and reporting of microarray data from knockout mice  相似文献   

The action of glucagon in the liver is mediated by G-coupled receptors. To examine the role of glucagon in glucose homeostasis, we have generated mice in which the glucagon receptor was inactivated (GR(-/-) mice). Blood glucose levels were somewhat reduced in GR(-/-) mice relative to wild type, in both the fed and fasted state. Plasma insulin levels were not significantly affected. There was no significant effect on fasting plasma cholesterol or triglyceride levels associated with deletion of the glucagon receptor. Glucose tolerance, as assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test, improved. Plasma glucagon levels were strikingly elevated in both fed and fasted animals. Despite a total absence of glucagon receptors, these animals maintained near-normal glycemia and normal lipidemia, in the presence of circulating glucagon concentrations that were elevated by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Secretory carrier membrane proteins (SCAMPs) comprise a family of ubiquitous membrane proteins of transport vesicles with no known function. Their universal presence in all cells suggests a fundamental role in membrane traffic. SCAMPs are particularly highly expressed in organelles that undergo regulated exocytosis, such as synaptic vesicles and mast cell granules. Of the three currently known SCAMPs, SCAMP1 is the most abundant. To investigate the possible functions of SCAMP1, we generated mice that lack SCAMP1. SCAMP1-deficient mice are viable and fertile. They exhibit no changes in the overall architecture or the protein composition of the brain or alterations in peripheral organs. Capacitance measurements in mast cells demonstrated that exocytosis could be triggered reliably by GTPgammaS in SCAMP1-deficient cells. The initial overall capacitance of mast cells was similar between wild type and mutant mice, but the final cell capacitance after completion of exocytosis, was significantly smaller in SCAMP1-deficient cells than in wild type cells. Furthermore, there was an increased proportion of reversible fusion events, which may have caused the decrease in the overall capacitance change observed after exocytosis. Our data show that SCAMP1 is not essential for exocytosis, as such, and does not determine the stability or size of secretory vesicles, but is required for the full execution of stable exocytosis in mast cells. This phenotype could be the result of a function of SCAMP1 in the formation of stable fusion pores during exocytosis or of a role of SCAMP1 in the regulation of endocytosis after formation of fusion pores.  相似文献   

A generally applicable system for targeted mutagenesis of a chromosomal sequence is described. The Escherichia coli tufA gene was mutated using a recombinant M13mp9 phage vector carrying a tuf gene. Integration via crossing over with the chromosomal tufA target gene produced an M13 lysogen. These lysogens were screened for resistance to kirromycin. The M13 phage carrying tufA mutations were efficiently retrieved by a genetic procedure. Genetic mapping was performed with the M13 vectors. The same recombinant M13 phage was used for mutagenesis, lysogen formation, gene replacement, retrieval, mapping and sequencing of kirromycin mutants. Three different mutations yielding resistance to kirromycin were found: two of these have previously been found and characterised, while the third mutation, Gly316 Asp, is a new mutant. We also report the identification of a fourth kirromycin-resistant mutant, Gln124 Lys.  相似文献   

The Potyviridae are the largest family of plant-pathogenic viruses. Members of this family are the soil-borne bymoviruses barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) and barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV), which, upon infection of young winter barley seedlings in autumn, can cause yield losses as high as 50%. Resistance breeding plays a major role in coping with these pathogens. However, some viral strains have overcome the most widely used resistance. Thus, there is a need for novel sources of resistance. In ancient landraces and wild relatives of cultivated barley, alleles of the susceptibility factor PROTEIN DISULFIDE ISOMERASE LIKE 5–1 (PDIL5-1) were identified to confer resistance to all known strains of BaYMV and BaMMV. Although the gene is highly conserved throughout all eukaryotes, barley is thus far the only species for which PDIL5-1-based virus resistance has been reported. Whereas introgression by crossing to the European winter barley breeding pool is tedious, time-consuming and additionally associated with unwanted linkage drag, the present study exemplifies an approach to targeted mutagenesis of two barley cultivars employing CRISPR-associated endonuclease technology to induce site-directed mutations similar to those described for PDIL5-1 alleles that render certain landraces resistant. Homozygous primary mutants were produced in winter barley, and transgene-free homozygous M2 mutants were produced in spring barley. A variety of mutants carrying novel PDIL5-1 alleles were mechanically inoculated with BaMMV, by which all frameshift mutations and certain in-frame mutations were demonstrated to confer resistance to this virus. Under greenhouse conditions, virus-resistant mutants showed no adverse effects in terms of growth and yield.  相似文献   

Targeted insertion mutagenesis is a main molecular tool of yeast science initially applied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The method was extended to fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and to "non-conventional" yeast species, which show specific properties of special interest to both basic and applied research. Consequently, the behaviour of such non-Saccharomyces yeasts is reviewed against the background of the knowledge of targeted insertion mutagenesis in S. cerevisiae. Data of homologous integration efficiencies obtained with circular, ends-in or ends-out vectors in several yeasts are compared. We follow details of targeted insertion mutagenesis in order to recognize possible rate-limiting steps. The route of the vector to the target and possible mechanisms of its integration into chromosomal genes are considered. Specific features of some yeast species are discussed. In addition, similar approaches based on homologous recombination that have been established for the mitochondrial genome of S. cerevisiae are described.  相似文献   

Dominant mutations in the rhodopsin gene, which is expressed in rod photoreceptor cells, are a major cause of the hereditary-blinding disease, autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Therapeutic strategies designed to edit such mutations will likely depend on the introduction of double-strand breaks and their subsequent repair by homologous recombination or non-homologous end joining. At present, the break repair capabilities of mature neurons, in general, and rod cells, in particular, are undefined. To detect break repair, we generated mice that carry a modified human rhodopsin-GFP fusion gene at the normal mouse rhodopsin locus. The rhodopsin-GFP gene carries tandem copies of exon 2, with an ISceI recognition site situated between them. An ISceI-induced break can be repaired either by non-homologous end joining or by recombination between the duplicated segments, generating a functional rhodopsin-GFP gene. We introduced breaks using recombinant adeno-associated virus to transduce the gene encoding ISceI nuclease. We found that virtually 100% of transduced rod cells were mutated at the ISceI site, with ~85% of the genomes altered by end joining and ~15% by the single-strand annealing pathway of homologous recombination. These studies establish that the genomes of terminally differentiated rod cells can be efficiently edited in living organisms.  相似文献   

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