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Gamma-tubulin is known to nucleate microtubule assembly from alpha/beta-tubulin, but the molecular mechanism by which this process occurs is the subject of some controversy. Four recent papers have provided new structural and biochemical constraints on the models proposed for nucleation. These have refined, but not yet resolved, the debate.  相似文献   

We review and synthesize recent developments in the study of the invasion of communities in heterogeneous environments, considering both the invasibility of the community and impacts to the community. We consider both empirical and theoretical studies. For each of three major kinds of environmental heterogeneity (temporal, spatial and invader-driven), we find evidence that heterogeneity is critical to the invasibility of the community, the rate of spread, and the impacts on the community following invasion. We propose an environmental heterogeneity hypothesis of invasions, whereby heterogeneity both increases invasion success and reduces the impact to native species in the community, because it promotes invasion and coexistence mechanisms that are not possible in homogeneous environments. This hypothesis could help to explain recent findings that diversity is often increased as a result of biological invasions. It could also explain the scale dependence of the diversity–invasibility relationship. Despite the undoubted importance of heterogeneity to the invasion of communities, it has been studied remarkably little and new research is needed that simultaneously considers invasion, environmental heterogeneity and community characteristics. As a young field, there is an unrivalled opportunity for theoreticians and experimenters to work together to build a tractable theory informed by data.  相似文献   

Tremendous progress has been made in understanding the functions of γ-tubulin and, in particular, its role in microtubule nucleation since the publication of its discovery in 1989. The structure of γ-tubulin has been determined, and the components of γ-tubulin complexes have been identified. Significant progress in understanding the structure of the γ-tubulin ring complex and its components has led to a persuasive model for how these complexes nucleate microtubule assembly. At the same time, data have accumulated that γ-tubulin has important but less well understood functions that are not simply a consequence of its function in microtubule nucleation. These include roles in the regulation of plus-end microtubule dynamics, gene regulation, and mitotic and cell cycle regulation. Finally, evidence is emerging that γ-tubulin mutations or alterations of γ-tubulin expression play an important role in certain types of cancer and in other diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Production of bulk chemicals by biological processes is presently limited by failure of contemporary biological and bioreactor technology to deliver high product concentrations in high space-time yields in fluids of sufficiently low water content for subsequent down-stream processing operations. Limitations in the bioreactor portion of the process can arise due to failure to process sufficient substrate, substrate inhibition, inadequate rates or yields, and product inhibition. Various process approaches for addressing many of these limitations have been demonstrated or conceptualized. Less developed but potentially effective are genetic strategies addressing these process limitations. Ideally, the most effective combination of genetic and process approaches should be integrated in a synergistic fashion to maximize the economic potential of biological production of chemicals.  相似文献   

Hybridization in 6xSSC (SSC, 0.15m-sodium chloride-0.015m-sodium citrate) at 66 degrees C was compared with hybridization in formamide-6xSSC (1:1, v/v) at 35 degrees C. As expected, the RNA hybridization potential was labile in the former system and stable in the latter. DNA retention by filters was poor in the formamide system, but could be improved. Several other properties of the hybridization reaction were explored and it was concluded that the formamide system is generally superior.  相似文献   

The classical view of peer review is that it is our primary process for assessing and judging whether research results should be published in a scholarly journal. However, the increased pressure to publish and technological developments are transforming peer review such that it is becoming a system that judges where work is published rather than whether the research is publishable (a ‘where rather than if’ process). Ecology is a field in which publication numbers puts a particular pressure on the review system. In this forum piece, I summarize the issues with the current publication system and discuss how technology is changing it, while suggesting solutions for important prior and ongoing issues with the peer review system. The view explored here is that technological developments (e.g. ease of creating journals, internet sites, storage, data generation, sharing of data and analytical code) will not eliminate peer review per se but will allow for a new set of parameters in which ethics and the optimal use of public funding will play a vital role in the evolution of the review process. Synthesis The number of papers and journals in Ecology has increased dramatically in the past decade. I present a critical overview of our review system and proposes that pressure to publish and technological developments have transformed peer review into a system that decides “where rather than if” papers are publishable. While reviewing the current pressures and factors playing a vital role in the evolution of the review and publication systems, I propose potential solutions to deal with current and future challenges to the peer review and publication systems.  相似文献   

Individual observations of risky behaviors present a paradox: individuals who take the most risks in terms of hazards (smoking, speeding, risky sexual behaviors) are also less likely to take risks when it comes to innovation, financial risks or entrepreneurship. Existing theories of risk-preferences do not explain these patterns. From a simple model, we argue that many decisions involving risk have a temporal dimension, and that this dimension is often the main determinant of individual choices. In many real life instances, risk taking amounts to damaging the individual's capital (whether embodied capital, financial capital, social reputation, etc.), which would affect her over a long period of time after the risky decision. In evolutionary terms, the marginal cost of this type of risky behavior depends on the relative importance of the future in the individual's fitness (e.g. her time horizon). Individuals with short time horizons will give less importance to a degradation of their capital because this degradation will be paid effectively for a shorter period of time. This approach explains patterns of behaviors observed across socio-economic groups and puts forward new approaches to prevent hazardous behaviors such as smoking.  相似文献   

It is shown that the models for the transduction process in photoreceptors which treat latency and amplification as integrated phenomena (integrated models) yield time scales for single photon signals (quantum bumps) which distinctly conflict with the experimentally observed ones for the ventral nerve photoreceptor of Limulus: the ratio of bump duration/ latency t B/t lat is predicted by integrated models to be 3 in contrast to the experimental result of 0.5. Moreover, integrated models lead to a predicted value of an extinction rate of 50%, i.e., 50% of the absorbed photons should be expected to cause no signal in the dark adapted state of the cell. In this paper it is shown that separation of latency and amplification in such a way that the latency causing process precedes amplification in the transduction process eliminates these discrepancies. In addition, the separate modeling of latency and amplification resolves the rather large ambiguity in determining the exponent n of the initial signal current J(t) nreported in the literature to be between n2 (from noise analysis) up to n17 (from flash experiments). Two alternative models for the latency part of transduction are suggested which give a qualitatively much better agreement with the experimental histograms of latencies.List of Symbols A quantum bump amplitude, maximum of quantum bump signal current - latency criterion as a fraction in terms of J max - E energy of the stimulating flash - g conductance of a single light-regulated channel - I(t) light intensity of the stimulating flash as a function of time - J(t) response current of photoreceptors to light flashes under voltage clamp - J max maximum signal current response signal - J min minimum current above which the signal current becomes distinguishable from the base line noise - k rate constant in models separating latency from amplification - L ligand in ligand binding model - rate constant of exponential bump decay - m number of amplification steps following gainless latency process in models separating latency and amplification - n exponent in the initial behaviour J(t)t n - Q net charge transfer of quantum bump signal current - (t) first-passage time probability density - t B duration of quantum bump response - t lat latency time - t max time to peak for quantum bumps - t r rise time for quantum bumps - U U-U L, U=clamp voltage, U L=reversal potential of light-regulated channels - v amplification factor - X k intermediate conformations in transduction models This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 160)  相似文献   

Altruism in insect societies and beyond: voluntary or enforced?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The altruism of insect workers has puzzled researchers for decades. Inclusive fitness theory suggests that high relatedness has been key in promoting such altruism. Recent theory, however, indicates that the intermediate levels of relatedness found within insect societies are too low to directly cause the extreme altruism observed in many species. Instead, recent results show that workers are frequently coerced into acting altruistically. Hence, the altruism seen in many modern-day insect societies is not voluntary but enforced. Here, we also consider the role of coercion in promoting altruism and cooperation in other social systems, such as vertebrate and human societies, and interspecific mutualisms.  相似文献   

The widespread assumption that sutural complexity in ammonites is mainly proportional to water depth is revisited. Fractal analysis has been used for the precise morphometric evaluation of sutural complexity in 131 Upper Jurassic ammonites. Suture lines belonging to twelve families have been analyzed, account being taken of shell structure (coiling, shape of whorl section), sculpture and paleoenvironments. Fractal dimensions obtained in epicontinental and epioceanic ammonites show the unlikelihood of precise relationships between suture complexity and depth, and/or the absence of major differences in habitat depth if bathymetry played any significant role in the configuration of intricate septa. Suture complexity appears to be better related to shell structural types. □ Fractal analysis, ammonite sutures, Upper Jurassic.  相似文献   

Mechanics is shown to be an important, perhaps central component to the differentiation and development of embryos. Mechanics of the nucleus may also be involved in determining which genes are expressed in a given cell. There are two major approaches at present to the mechanics of differentiation in embryos: morphomechanics and differentiation waves. These are compared in detail, to provide a starting point for future experimental work to bring them into one conceptual framework. This may rationalize the present cookbookery of stem cell production by placing it in the context of differentiation waves and the differentiation code. Embryonics, the realization of concepts from embryology in computer hardware and software, might be considerably enhanced by incorporating mechanical concepts of embryogenesis. Segmented robots, modular robotics, cellular microrobotics, flexible electronics, wearable computers, diatom nanotechnology and waves in active media point to a synthesis that we could call embryonic robotics.  相似文献   

The Par complex [consisting of Bazooka (also called Par3), Par6 and aPKC] is a well-described regulator of cell polarity whose role in many aspects of cell morphogenesis is under intense investigation. Recently, another set of proteins known as the Scribble complex (consisting of Scribble, Discs large and Lethal giant larvae) has also been shown to be important in polarity regulation in several settings. Here, we describe the current status of Scribble in polarity and review evidence from various model systems that indicates an essential but context-dependent role for the Scribble and Par complexes in directed cell migration. Based on the known interactions of Scribble and Par complexes with each other and with other signalling pathways, we propose models by which Par and Scribble might interact to regulate cell migration.  相似文献   

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