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Genetic recombination is a fundamental evolutionary mechanism promoting biological adaptation. Using engineered recombinants of the small single-stranded DNA plant virus, Maize streak virus (MSV), we experimentally demonstrate that fragments of genetic material only function optimally if they reside within genomes similar to those in which they evolved. The degree of similarity necessary for optimal functionality is correlated with the complexity of intragenomic interaction networks within which genome fragments must function. There is a striking correlation between our experimental results and the types of MSV recombinants that are detectable in nature, indicating that obligatory maintenance of intragenome interaction networks strongly constrains the evolutionary value of recombination for this virus and probably for genomes in general.  相似文献   

Kim SH  Yi SV 《Genetica》2007,131(2):151-156
The underlying relationship between functional variables and sequence evolutionary rates is often assessed by partial correlation analysis. However, this strategy is impeded by the difficulty of conducting meaningful statistical analysis using noisy biological data. A recent study suggested that the partial correlation analysis is misleading when data is noisy and that the principal component regression analysis is a better tool to analyze biological data. In this paper, we evaluate how these two statistical tools (partial correlation and principal component regression) perform when data are noisy. Contrary to the earlier conclusion, we found that these two tools perform comparably in most cases. Furthermore, when there is more than one ‘true’ independent variable, partial correlation analysis delivers a better representation of the data. Employing both tools may provide a more complete and complementary representation of the real data. In this light, and with new analyses, we suggest that protein length and gene dispensability play significant, independent roles in yeast protein evolution. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

While protein-protein interactions have been studied largely as a network graph without physicality, here we analyze two protein complex data sets of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to relate physical and functional modularity to the network topology. We study for the first time the number of different protein complexes as a function of the protein complex size and find that it follows an exponential decay with a characteristic number of about 7. This reflects the dynamics of complex formation and dissociation in the cell. The analysis of the protein usage by complexes shows an extensive sharing of subunits that is due to the particular organization of the proteome into physical complexes and functional modules. This promiscuity accounts for the high clustering in the protein net-work graph. Our results underscore the need to include the information contained in observed protein complexes into protein network analyses.  相似文献   

Journal of Microbiology - The functional and optimal expression of genes is crucial for survival of all living organisms. Numerous experiments and efforts have been performed to reveal the...  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that naturally existing functional domains can serve as building blocks for complex protein structures, and that novel functions can arise from assembly of different combinations of these functional domains. To inform our understanding of protein evolution and explore the modular nature of protein structure, two model enzymes were chosen for study, purT‐encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (PurT) and purK‐encoded N5‐carboxylaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (PurK). Both enzymes are found in the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway of Escherichia coli. In spite of their low sequence identity, PurT and PurK share significant similarity in terms of tertiary structure, active site organization, and reaction mechanism. Their characteristic three domain structures categorize both PurT and PurK as members of the ATP‐grasp protein superfamily. In this study, we investigate the exchangeability of individual protein domains between these two enzymes and the in vivo and in vitro functional properties of the resulting hybrids. Six domain‐swapped hybrids were unable to catalyze full wild‐type reactions, but each hybrid protein could catalyze partial reactions. Notably, an additional loop replacement in one of the domain‐swapped hybrid proteins was able to restore near wild‐type PurK activity. Therefore, in this model system, domain‐swapped proteins retained the ability to catalyze partial reactions, but further modifications were required to efficiently couple the reaction intermediates and achieve catalysis of the full reaction. Implications for understanding the role of domain swapping in protein evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The concept of modularity has been central in behavioral and neural sciences since the publication of Fodor’s The Modularity of Mind (1983). Fodor strived to explain the functional architecture of the mind based on the distinction between modular and central systems. Modular systems were deemed to have certain architectural features, such as automaticity, encapsulation, and domain specificity. Evolutionary psychologists have adopted the concept to characterize purportedly evolved human adaptations. In an influential paper, Barrett and Kurzban (Psychol Rev 113(3):628–647, 2006) proposed a definition of modules purely in terms of functional specialization. It is here argued that such strategy marks a shift in Evolutionary Psychology’s theoretical emphasis, as it trivializes the investigation of proximate causes in evolutionary theorizing; furthermore, it leaves the door open to too much flexibility on what counts as evidence for purportedly evolved modules.  相似文献   

Confirmation of organized modularity in the yeast interactome   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

核糖体展示及体外分子选择与进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
核糖体展示是20世纪90年代中期发展起来的一种简便而有效的体外分子选择与进化技术。它也是第一种完全在体外进行蛋白质或多肽分子选择与进化的方法。本主要概述了体外核糖体展示技术的建立基础、基本原理和技术特点等,并跟踪了目前该领域的最新研究进展和发展前景。  相似文献   


Animals have modular cis-regulatory regions in their genomes, and expression of a single gene is often regulated by multiple enhancers residing in such a region. In the laboratory, and also in natural populations, loss of an enhancer can result in a loss of gene expression. Although only a few examples have been well characterized to date, some studies have suggested that an evolutionary gain of a new enhancer function can establish a new gene expression domain. Our recent study showed that Drosophila guttifera has more enhancers and additional expression domains of the wingless gene during the pupal stage, compared to D. melanogaster, and that these new features appear to have evolved in the ancestral lineage leading to D. guttifera.1 Koshikawa S, Giorgianni MW, Vaccaro K, Kassner VA, Yoder JH, Werner T, Carroll SB. Gain of cis-regulatory activities underlies novel domains of wingless gene expression in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015; 112:7524-9; PMID:26034272; http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1509022112[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Gain of a new expression domain of a developmental regulatory gene (toolkit gene), such as wingless, can cause co-option of the expression of its downstream genes to the new domain, resulting in duplication of a preexisting structure at this new body position. Recently, with the advancement of evo-devo studies, we have learned that the developmental regulatory systems are strikingly similar across various animal taxa, in spite of the great diversity of the animals' morphology. Even behind “new” traits, co-options of essential developmental genes from known systems are very common. We previously provided concrete evidence of gains of enhancer activities of a developmental regulatory gene underlying gains of new traits.1 Koshikawa S, Giorgianni MW, Vaccaro K, Kassner VA, Yoder JH, Werner T, Carroll SB. Gain of cis-regulatory activities underlies novel domains of wingless gene expression in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015; 112:7524-9; PMID:26034272; http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1509022112[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Broad occurrence of this scenario is testable and should be validated in the future.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) is a tetrameric protein involved in the distribution of thyroid hormones in vertebrates. The amino acid sequence of TTR is highly conserved across vertebrates. Hypothetical TTR-like proteins (TLPs) were inferred from the identification of genes in nonvertebrate species. Here, we identified five motifs defining TLPs and three motifs defining both TTRs and TLPs. These motifs were mapped onto structurally conserved and functionally important regions of TTRs. These motifs were used to build hidden Markov models for accurate identification of TLPs in other organisms. TLPs were divided into three main groups based on their N-terminal regions. Most TLPs are cytosolic, but in plants and slime mold, we predict they are peroxisomal. We verified that the TLPs from enterobacteria were periplasmic. We demonstrated that TLP genes are expressed in a bacterium (E. coli), an invertebrate animal (C. elegans), and a plant (A. thaliana). These TLPs have similar subunit molecular weights to TTRs, are tetramers, and are predicted to have similar three-dimensional (3D) structures to TTRs, but do not bind thyroid hormones or similar ligands. We suggest that like TTRs, the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of TLPs are integral in defining the function of TLPs in nonvertebrate species and that the TLP gene duplicated in primitive vertebrates to produce the TTR gene. TLP/TTR has retained its overall structure, but changed function and localization during evolution in bacteria, invertebrates, plants, and vertebrates.  相似文献   

The key practical consideration in directed evolution of functional biomolecules is the linkage of genotype and phenotype. In vitro selections offer the potential to select from libraries with up to 10(10)-10(14) members, with fewer constraints than current cell-based selections. New approaches such as mRNA display, ribosome display and in vitro compartmentalisation have complementary areas of application in selections for binding or catalysis.  相似文献   



The RNA world hypothesis posits that the earliest genetic system consisted of informational RNA molecules that directed the synthesis of modestly functional RNA molecules. Further evidence suggests that it was within this RNA-based genetic system that life developed the ability to synthesize proteins by translating genetic code. Here we investigate the early development of the translation system through an evolutionary survey of protein architectures associated with modern translation.  相似文献   

Sequence similarity among known potassium channels indicates the voltage-gated potassium channels consist of two modules: the N-terminal portion of the channel up to and including transmembrane segment S4, called in this paper the 'sensor' module, and the C-terminal portion from transmembrane segment S5 onwards, called the 'pore' module. We investigated the functional role of these modules by constructing chimeric channels which combine the 'sensor' from one native voltage-gated channel, mKv1.1, with the 'pore' from another, Shaker H4, and vice versa. Functional studies of the wild type and chimeric channels show that these modules can operate outside their native context. Each channel has a unique conductance-voltage relation. Channels incorporating the mKv1.1 sensor module have similar rates of activation while channels having the Shaker pore module show similar rates of deactivation. This observation suggests the mKv1.1 sensor module limits activation and the Shaker pore module determines deactivation. We propose a model that explains the observed equilibrium and kinetic properties of the chimeric constructs in terms of the characteristics of the native modules and a novel type of intrasubunit cooperativity. The properties ascribed to the modules are the same whether the modules function in their native context or have been assembled into a chimera.  相似文献   

Many bacterial pathogens promote infection and cause disease by directly injecting into host cells proteins that manipulate eukaryotic cellular processes. Identification of these translocated proteins is essential to understanding pathogenesis. Yet, their identification remains limited. This, in part, is due to their general sequence uniqueness, which confounds homology-based identification by comparative genomic methods. In addition, their absence often does not result in phenotypes in virulence assays limiting functional genetic screens. Translocated proteins have been observed to confer toxic phenotypes when expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This observation suggests that yeast growth inhibition can be used as an indicator of protein translocation in functional genomic screens. However, limited information is available regarding the behavior of non-translocated proteins in yeast. We developed a semi-automated quantitative assay to monitor the growth of hundreds of yeast strains in parallel. We observed that expression of half of the 19 Shigella translocated proteins tested but almost none of the 20 non-translocated Shigella proteins nor approximately 1,000 Francisella tularensis proteins significantly inhibited yeast growth. Not only does this study establish that yeast growth inhibition is a sensitive and specific indicator of translocated proteins, but we also identified a new substrate of the Shigella type III secretion system (TTSS), IpaJ, previously missed by other experimental approaches. In those cases where the mechanisms of action of the translocated proteins are known, significant yeast growth inhibition correlated with the targeting of conserved cellular processes. By providing positive rather than negative indication of activity our assay complements existing approaches for identification of translocated proteins. In addition, because this assay only requires genomic DNA it is particularly valuable for studying pathogens that are difficult to genetically manipulate or dangerous to culture.  相似文献   

Multi-specific proteins located at the heart of complex protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks play essential roles in the survival and fitness of the cell. In addition, multi-specific or promiscuous enzymes exhibit activity toward a wide range of substrates so as to increase cell evolvability and robustness. However, despite their high importance, investigating the in vivo function of these proteins is difficult, due to their complex nature. Typically, deletion of these proteins leads to the abolishment of large PPI networks, highlighting the difficulty in examining the contributions of specific interactions/activities to complex biological processes and cell phenotypes. Protein engineering approaches, including directed evolution and computational protein design, allow for the generation of multi-specific proteins in which certain activities remain intact while others are abolished. The generation and examination of these mutants both in vitro and in vivo can provide high-resolution analysis of biological processes and cell phenotypes and provide new insight into the evolution and molecular function of this important protein family.  相似文献   

How dividing cells monitor the effective transmission of genomes during mitosis is poorly understood. Budding yeast use a signaling pathway known as the spindle position checkpoint (SPC) to ensure the arrival of one end of the mitotic spindle in the nascent daughter cell. An important question is how SPC activity is coordinated with mother-daughter polarity. We sought to identify factors at the bud neck, the junction between mother and bud, which contribute to checkpoint signaling. In this paper, we show that the protein kinase Elm1 is an obligate regulator of the SPC, and this function requires localization of Elm1 to the bud neck. Furthermore, we show that Elm1 promotes the activity of the checkpoint kinase Kin4. These findings reveal a novel function for Elm1 in the SPC and suggest how checkpoint activity may be linked to cellular organization.  相似文献   

The expression of recombinant proteins incorporated into the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast surface display) is an important tool for protein engineering and library screening applications. In this review, we discuss the state-of-the-art yeast display techniques used for stability engineering of proteins including antibody fragments and immunoglobulin-like molecules. The paper discusses assets and drawbacks of stability engineering using the correlation between expression density on the yeast surface and thermal stability with respect to the quality control system in yeast. Additionally, strategies based on heat incubation of surface displayed protein libraries for selection of stabilized variants are reported including a recently developed method that allows stabilization of proteins of already high intrinsic thermal stability like IgG1-Fc.  相似文献   

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