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In double-stranded DNA bacteriophages the viral DNA is translocated into an empty prohead shell by a powerful ATP-driven motor assembled at the unique portal vertex. Terminases consisting of two to three packaging-related ATPase sites are central to the packaging mechanism. But the nature of the key translocating ATPase, stoichiometry of packaging motor, and basic mechanism of DNA encapsidation are poorly understood. A defined phage T4 packaging system consisting of only two components, proheads and large terminase protein (gp17; 70 kDa), is constructed. Using the large expanded prohead, this system packages any linear double-stranded DNA, including the 171 kb T4 DNA. The small terminase protein, gp16 (18 kDa), is not only not required but also strongly inhibitory. An ATPase activity is stimulated when proheads, gp17, and DNA are actively engaged in the DNA packaging mode. No packaging ATPase was stimulated by the N-terminal gp17-ATPase mutants, K166G (Walker A), D255E (Walker B), E256Q (catalytic carboxylate), D255E-E256D and D255E-E256Q (Walker B and catalytic carboxylate), nor could these sponsor DNA encapsidation. Experiments with the two gp17 domains, N-terminal ATPase domain and C-terminal nuclease domain, suggest that terminase association with the prohead portal and communication between the domains are essential for ATPase stimulation. These data for the first time established an energetic linkage between packaging stimulation of N-terminal ATPase and DNA translocation. A core pathway for the assembly of functional DNA translocating motor is proposed. Since the catalytic motifs of the N-terminal ATPase are highly conserved among >200 large terminase sequences analyzed, these may represent common themes in phage and herpes viral DNA translocation.  相似文献   

耿佳  郭培宣 《生命科学》2011,(11):1114-1129
生命系统包含了具有不同功能的纳米机器和高度有序的大分子结构。所有的双链线性DNA病毒使用由ATP驱动的纳米分子马达将其基因包装在蛋白质外壳内。噬菌体phi29 DNA包装马达的核心组成部分连接器已被成功嵌入到脂双层中,极为稳定且可用于离子和DNA转运的精确测量。它在包装DNA时具有单向通行的阀门机制,同时其关闭和打开可由人工控制。这对于详细研究分子马达的操作机制及未来医药应用中DNA的包装、测序、采样和投递都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Characterization of a bacteriophage T4 mutant lacking DNA-dependent ATPase.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
A DNA-dependent ATPase has previously been purified from bacteriophage T4-infected Escherichia coli. A mutant phage strain lacking this enzyme has been isolated and characterized. Although the mutant strain produced no detectable DNA-dependent ATPase, growth properties were not affected. Burst sizes were similar for the mutant phage and T4D in polA1, recB, recC, uvrA, uvrB, uvrC, and various DNA-negative E. coli. UV sensitivity and genetic recombination were normal in a variety of E. coli hosts. Mapping data indicate that the genetic locus controlling the mutant occurs near gene 56. The nonessential nature of this gene is discussed.  相似文献   

The process of bacteriophage T4 morphogenesis was studied using a heat leakage scanning calorimeter. Thermograms of defective mutant 49 (am NG727) in permissive and non-permissive cells of Escherichia coli showed a difference in thermal properties between packaged and non-packaged DNA molecules. In vivo, non-packaged DNA carried out their thermal transition at 85°C, the same temperature as that of T4 DNA melting measured in the standard saline citrate buffer, while the packaged DNA gave a sharper peak at 87°C due to some interaction with the head shell structure. Empty head shells showed a sharp heat absorption peak at 89°C both in vivo and in vitro, indicating the high degree of cooperativity in their conformational changes.  相似文献   

Packaging the viral genome into empty procapsids, an essential event in the life cycle of tailed bacteriophages and some eukaryotic viruses, is a process that shares features with chromosome assembly. Most viral procapsids possess a special vertex containing a dodecameric portal protein that is used for entry and exit of the viral genome. The portal and an ATPase are parts of the genome-packaging machine. The ATPase is required to provide energy for translocation and compaction of the negative charges on the genomic DNA. Here we report the atomic structure of the ATPase component in a phage DNA-packaging machine. The bacteriophage T4 ATPase has the greatest similarity to monomeric helicases, suggesting that the genome is translocated by an inchworm mechanism. The similarity of the packaging machines in the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) bacteriophage T4 and dsRNA bacteriophage varphi12 is consistent with the evolution of many virions from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

A DNA-dependent ATPase formed after T4 phage infection is purified to apparent homogeneity. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme is 50 000 when determined by glycerol gradient centrifugation and by sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme at an earlier stage in purification (prior to DEAE-cellulose chromatography) exists as a complex with a molecular weight of 100000. However, molecular weight determinations by Sephadex gel chromatography give considerably decreased molecular weights for the complex and for the enzyme after DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The enzyme is stimulated to varying degrees by a variety of single-stranded polydeoxyribonucleotides or by single-stranded DNA, but no chemical change in the polynucleotide has been detected as a result of the enzyme action.  相似文献   

Herdendorf TJ  Nelson SW 《Biochemistry》2011,50(27):6030-6040
The repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential to maintaining the integrity of the genome, and organisms have evolved a conserved mechanism to facilitate their repair. In eukaryotes, archaea, and some bacteriophage, a complex made up of Mre11 and Rad50 (MR complex), which are a nuclease and ATPase, respectively, is involved in the initial processing of DSBs. Rad50 is a member of the ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) protein superfamily, the members of which contain an important Signature motif that acts in trans to complete the dimeric ATP binding site. To explore the functional relevance of this motif, four of its five residues were mutated in bacteriophage T4 Rad50, and their respective ATPase and nuclease activities were evaluated. The mutations reveal the functional roles of the Signature motif in ATP binding, hydrolysis, and cooperativity. In several mutants, the degree of DNA activation of ATP hydrolysis activity is reduced, indicating that the Signature motif is involved in allosteric signal transmission between the DNA and ATP binding sites of the MR complex. ATP hydrolysis is not required for nuclease activity when the probe is near the beginning of the DNA substrate; however, when an internal probe is used, decreases in ATPase activity have substantial effects on nuclease activity, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis is involved in translocation of the complex. Unexpectedly, the ATP hydrolysis and nuclease activities are not directly correlated with each other, and each mutation appears to differentially affect the exonuclease activity of Mre11.  相似文献   

Tailed bacteriophages use powerful molecular motors to package the viral genome into a preformed capsid. Packaging at a rate of up to ~2000 bp/s and generating a power density twice that of an automobile engine, the phage T4 motor is the fastest and most powerful reported to date. Central to DNA packaging are dynamic interactions among the packaging components, capsid (gp23), portal (gp20), motor (gp17, large "terminase"), and regulator (gp16, small terminase), leading to precise orchestration of the packaging process, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we analyzed the interactions between small and large terminases of T4-related phages. Our results show that the gp17 packaging ATPase is maximally stimulated by homologous, but not heterologous, gp16. Multiple interaction sites are identified in both gp16 and gp17. The specificity determinants in gp16 are clustered in the diverged N- and C-terminal domains (regions I-III). Swapping of diverged region(s), such as replacing C-terminal RB49 region III with that of T4, switched ATPase stimulation specificity. Two specificity regions, amino acids 37-52 and 290-315, are identified in or near the gp17-ATPase "transmission" subdomain II. gp16 binding at these sites might cause a conformational change positioning the ATPase-coupling residues into the catalytic pocket, triggering ATP hydrolysis. These results lead to a model in which multiple weak interactions between motor and regulator allow dynamic assembly and disassembly of various packaging complexes, depending on the functional state of the packaging machine. This might be a general mechanism for regulation of the phage packaging machine and other complex molecular machines.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) is a DNA mimic in which the nucleobases are linked by an N-(2-aminoethyl) glycine backbone. Here we report that PNA can interact with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in a non-sequence-specific fashion. We observed that a 15mer PNA inhibited the ssDNA-stimulated ATPase activity of a bacteriophage T4 helicase, Dda. Surprisingly, when a fluorescein-labeled 15mer PNA was used in binding studies no interaction was observed between PNA and Dda. However, fluorescence polarization did reveal non-sequence-specific interactions between PNA and ssDNA. Thus, the inhibition of ATPase activity of Dda appears to result from depletion of the available ssDNA due to non-Watson–Crick binding of PNA to ssDNA. Inhibition of the ssDNA-stimulated ATPase activity was observed for several PNAs of varying length and sequence. To study the basis for this phenomenon, we examined self-aggregation by PNAs. The 15mer PNA readily self-aggregates to the point of precipitation. Since PNAs are hydrophobic, they aggregate more than DNA or RNA, making the study of this phenomenon essential for understanding the properties of PNA. Non-sequence-specific interactions between PNA and ssDNA were observed at moderate concentrations of PNA, suggesting that such interactions should be considered for antisense and antigene applications.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of bacteriophage T4 transducing bacteriophages.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations in the genes for nuclear disruption (ndd), endonuclease IV (denB), and the D1 region of the T4 genome are essential for converting bacteriophage T4 into a generalized transducing phage. These mutations gave rise to a very low frequency of transduction, about 10(-8) per infected bacterium. The addition of an rII mutation raised the transduction frequency about 20-fold. An additional 100-fold increase in the transduction frequency was observed with mutations in genes 42, 56, and alc. High-frequency generalized transduction by T4 results from the cumulative effect of these mutations.  相似文献   

Concentrated suspensions of T4 phage crystallize spontaneously in the absence of tryptophan. The crystals, in one plane, contain repeated bilayers of phage in head to head and tail to tail contact, probably with tail fibers retracted. In the plane of each layer there is hexagonal packing of the phage.  相似文献   

Lysis protein T of bacteriophage T4   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Lysis protein T of phage T4 is required to allow the phage's lysozyme to reach the murein layer of the cell envelope and cause lysis. Using fusions of the cloned gene t with that of the Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase or a fragment of the gene for the outer membrane protein OmpA, it was possible to identify T as an integral protein of the plasma membrane. The protein was present in the membrane as a homooligomer and was active at very low cellular concentrations. Expression of the cloned gene t was lethal without causing gross leakiness of the membrane. The functional equivalent of T in phage is protein S. An amber mutant of gene S can be complemented by gene t, although neither protein R of (the functional equivalent of T4 lysozyme) nor S possess any sequence similarity with their T4 counterparts. The murein-degrading enzymes (including that of phage P22) have in common a relatively small size (molecular masses of ca. 18 000) and a rather basic nature not exhibited by other E. coli cystosolic proteins. The results suggest that T acts as a pore that is specific for this type of enzyme.  相似文献   

This report describes a comparison of the efficiency of transduction of genes in E. coli by the generalized transducing bacteriophages T4GT7 and P1CM. Both phages are capable of transducing many genetic markers in E. coli although the frequency of transduction for particular genes varies over a wide range. The frequency of transduction for most genes depends on which transducing phage is used as well as on the donor and recipient bacterial strains. Analysis of T4GT7 phage lysates by cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation shows that transducing phage particles contain primarily bacterial DNA and carry little, if any, phage DNA. In this regard transducing phages P1CM and T4GT7 are similar; both phages package either bacterial or phage DNA but not both DNAs into the same particle.  相似文献   

Rescue of adsorption properties from UV-irradiated T4 by T2 as a helper phage, revealed progeny phage with intermediate properties. Fourteen independent progeny phages, plating onE. coli B/2, were plated on several indicator strains and their adsorption properties were also studied with specific T4 antibodies. Two of these, plating onE. coli KS/4, were not inactivated by the T4 antiserum, and were T2h without apparent T4 properties. The other 12 progeny phages did not plate on KS/4, and were inactivated, but at a slower rate than the parental T4. Their mean efficiency of plating onE. coli B/2 (0.83) was significantly lower than that of the parental T4. The efficiency of plating was positively correlated with the velocity of inactivation by T4 antiserum. The observations were explained by assuming that the progeny phages were recombinants of T4 and T2 loci for adsorption sites. Plating of these 12 progeny phages on several indicator strains showed that they were allrII mutants and all, except one, wererI mutants too. In addition, two weretu andh 4, respectively. The condition for the appearance of multiple mutants might be a complementation by T2 of UV-damaged functions, which otherwise fail to induce the completion of the lytic cycle in monocomplexes of extracellularly irradiated T4.  相似文献   

A Richardson  C Georgopoulos 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1449-1457
Previous genetic and biochemical analyses have established that the bacteriophage T4-encoded Gp31 is a cochaperonin that interacts with Escherichia coli's GroEL to ensure the timely and accurate folding of Gp23, the bacteriophage-encoded major capsid protein. The heptameric Gp31 cochaperonin, like the E. coli GroES cochaperonin, interacts with GroEL primarily through its unstructured mobile loop segment. Upon binding to GroEL, the mobile loop adopts a structured, beta-hairpin turn. In this article, we present extensive genetic data that strongly substantiate and extend these biochemical studies. These studies begin with the isolation of mutations in gene 31 based on the ability to plaque on groEL44 mutant bacteria, whose mutant product interacts weakly with Gp31. Our genetic system is unique because it also allows for the direct selection of revertants of such gene 31 mutations, based on their ability to plaque on groEL515 mutant bacteria. Interestingly, all of these revertants are pseudorevertants because the original 31 mutation is maintained. In addition, we show that the classical tsA70 mutation in gene 31 changes a conserved hydrophobic residue in the mobile loop to a hydrophilic one. Pseudorevertants of tsA70, which enable growth at the restrictive temperatures, acquire the same mutation previously shown to allow plaque formation on groEL44 mutant bacteria. Our genetic analyses highlight the crucial importance of all three highly conserved hydrophobic residues of the mobile loop of Gp31 in the productive interaction with GroEL.  相似文献   

The in vivo assembly pathway of the complex tail of bacteriophage T4 virus was determined using pulse-chase analysis as a non-invasive alternative to the in vitro experiments previously used to map assembly. Bacteriophage T4 mutants defective in head assembly were used to infect cultures of Escherichia coli in order to study tail assembly in isolation. Beginning with the onset of late protein synthesis, the cultures were labeled continuously with [(3)H]leucine to normalize against subsequent sample losses. After completed tails had begun to accumulate at a constant rate, the cultures were pulsed with [(35)S]methionine, and then chased. Completed tails were purified at one minute intervals for the next 30 minutes and their proteins separated electrophoretically and counted by liquid scintillation. Total (35)S incorporation into each protein rose and then leveled off as the chase of unlabeled methionine flushed the label through the pools of soluble proteins and assembly intermediates and into completed tails. The inflection point in the sigmoidal (35)S-incorporation curve of each protein marks the maximal uptake of (35)S within that pool just before the effect of the chase becomes apparent and the curve begins to level off. The length of the delay in the apparent chase time reflects the position of that protein in the pathway. The closer the assembly point to the end of the pathway, the sooner the chase appears, revealing the relative order of assembly. As predicted, tail completion proteins such as gp18 (tail sheath) and 19 (tail tube) show the earliest inflection, while those earlier in the pathway take longer to chase. Of the 17 tail proteins analyzed, 14 are in agreement with the established in vitro pathway. The other three, gp15, gp10 and gp53, have helped us to develop a model that offers a plausible explanation for their altered chase times.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA-packaging in icosahedral bacteriophages is believed to be driven by a packaging "machine" constituted by the portal protein and the two packaging/terminase proteins assembled at the unique portal vertex of the empty prohead shell. Although ATP hydrolysis is evidently the principal driving force, which component of the packaging machinery functions as the translocating ATPase has not been elucidated. Evidence suggests that the large packaging subunit is a strong candidate for the translocating ATPase. We have constructed new phage T4 terminase recombinants under the control of phage T7 promoter and overexpressed the packaging/terminase proteins gp16 and gp17 in various configurations. The hexahistidine-tagged-packaging proteins were purified to near homogeneity by Ni(2+)-agarose chromatography and were shown to be highly active for packaging DNA in vitro. The large packaging subunit gp17 but not the small subunit gp16 exhibited an ATPase activity. Although gp16 lacked ATPase activity, it enhanced the gp17-associated ATPase activity by >50-fold. The gp16 enhancement was specific and was due to an increased catalytic rate for ATP hydrolysis. A phosphorylated gp17 was demonstrated under conditions of low catalytic rates but not under high catalytic rates in the presence of gp16. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that a weak ATPase is transformed into a translocating ATPase of high catalytic capacity after assembly of the packaging machine.  相似文献   

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