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Four club wheat cultivars and three two-component cultivar mixtures, planted at five frequencies, were grown in three environments in both the presence and absence of stripe rust. The effect of stripe rust on wheat yield was through the yield components, with weight of individual seed being the component most affected by rust. In some cases, yield component compensation was indicated by the presence of negative correlations among the yield components. Path analysis of the yield components revealed that components with the highest correlations to yield also had the largest direct effects on yield. Of the yield components, number of heads per unit area exerted the largest direct influence on yield. The direct effects of number of seeds per head and weight of individual seed were similar, although number of seeds per head was more important in the absence of rust than in its presence. The pure stands and mixtures differed considerably with respect to correlation coefficients, but were very similar for direct effects of yield components on yield. Most of these discrepancies were due to opposing indirect effects, which were not evident from correlation coefficients alone.Paper No. 10,788 of the Journal Series of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Wheat line CSP44, a selection from an Australian bread wheat cultivar Condor, has shown resistance to stripe rust in India since the last twenty years. Seedlings and adult plants of CSP44 showed susceptible infection types against stripe rust race 46S119 but displayed average terminal disease severity of 2.67 on adult plants against this race as compared to 70.33 of susceptible Indian cultivar, WL711. This suggests the presence of nonhypersensitive adult plant stripe rust resistance in the line CSP44. The evaluation of F1, F2 and F3 generations and F6 SSD families from the cross of CSP44 with susceptible wheat cultivar WL711 for stripe rust severity indicated that the resistance in CSP44 is based on two genes showing additive effect. One of these two genes isYr18 and the second gene is not yet described.  相似文献   

小麦品种贵农22号抗条锈基因遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贵农22号是利用簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa)、硬粒小麦(Triticum durum)及普通小麦(Triticum aestuvum)杂交而育成的普通小麦品种,其抗中国目前流行和出现的条锈菌小种,已成为目前重要的抗小麦条锈病抗源。为了明确该品种抗锈遗传规律并进行应用前景评价,用一个流行的强毒性小种条中31号和一个突变弱毒性小种CY29-mut3,分别接种贵农22与国际已知抗锈基因品种Moro及感病品种辉县红双列杂交F2、F2代各株系幼苗,对贵农22号进行了抗锈性遗传分析,以便于在抗病育种中进一步应用。研究结果表明,贵农22号有三对独立遗传的抗条锈基因,暂定名为YrGui 1、YrGui 2和YrGui 3,它们表达稳定,不受亲本正反交影响,而并不具有Yr 10。Yr10基因载体品种Moto中有二或四对基因抗中国不同的条锈菌小种,不同小种及正反交对基因的表达有影响,为父本时其对CY29-mut3小种有两对完全显性基因、一对中度抗病基因及一对隐性抗病基因,而为母本时有一对完全显性基因和一对中度抗病基因起抗病作用;对条中31号,其为父本时有一对显性基因和一对隐性基因,为母本时可能存在两对累加作用基因或两对隐性抗病基因控制抗痫作用。  相似文献   

A half diallel was made amongst five wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes of which one was susceptible, while the others had adult-plant resistance, to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis West.). The five parent and ten F1 progeny were grown in the glasshouse and were inoculated with three rust pathotypes at the seedling stage. The latent period was measured on the first leaf. Two procedures were used to analyze the half diallel. Both methods showed that the average effects of alleles were of much greater importance than was dominance in conditioning resistance in response to two of the pathotypes, while for the third pathotype dominance was important. Resistance was conditioned by partial dominance for two pathotypes whereas for the third it was determined by full dominance. Broad-sense heritabilities range from 60–73% and the number of genes involved was different (from 1 to 4), depending on the pathotype.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of durable leaf rust resistance in winter wheat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Quantitative resistance that delays the epidemic development of leaf rust in wheat is an important source for durable resistance breeding. The Swiss winter wheat variety ’Forno’ shows a high level of quantitative resistance against leaf rust. This resistance has been effective for more than 10 years and can therefore be considered to be durable. In order to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for durable leaf rust resistance we analysed 204 F5 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of the cross between the winter wheat ’Forno’ and the winter spelt ’Oberkulmer’ for their level of leaf rust resistance (LR) and leaf tip necrosis (LTN) in four different environments. Both traits showed a continuous distribution and were significantly correlated (r=−0.5). Across environments we detected 8 QTL for leaf rust resistance (6 inherited from ’Forno’) and 10 QTL for the quantitative expression of LTN (6 inherited from ’Forno’). Of the 6 QTL responsible for the durable leaf rust resistance of ’Forno’, 1 major QTL coincided with a thaumatin locus on 7BL explaining 35% of the phenotypic variance. Four QTL for LR coincided with QTL for LTN. At these loci the alleles of ’Forno’ increased the level of resistance as well as the extent of LTN, indicating pleiotropy. Received: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

Wheat pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) can cause significant reduction in yield and end-use quality of wheat grains in many wheat-growing areas worldwide. To identify a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for PHS resistance in wheat, seed dormancy and sprouting of matured spikes were investigated in a population of 162 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between the white PHS-resistant Chinese landrace Totoumai A and the white PHS-susceptible cultivar Siyang 936. Following screening of 1,125 SSR primers, 236 were found to be polymorphic between parents, and were used to screen the mapping population. Both seed dormancy and PHS of matured spikes were evaluated by the percentage of germinated kernels under controlled moist conditions. Twelve SSR markers associated with both PHS and seed dormancy were located on the long arm of chromosome 4A. One QTL for both seed dormancy and PHS resistance was detected on chromosome 4AL. Two SSR markers, Xbarc 170 and Xgwm 397, are 9.14 cM apart, and flanked the QTL that explained 28.3% of the phenotypic variation for seed dormancy and 30.6% for PHS resistance. This QTL most likely contributed to both long seed dormancy period and enhanced PHS resistance. Therefore, this QTL is most likely responsible for both seed dormancy and PHS resistance. The SSR markers linked to the QTL can be used for marker-assisted selection of PHS-resistant white wheat cultivars. Shi-Bin Cai and Cui-Xia Chen contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci for aluminum resistance in wheat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for wheat resistance to aluminum (Al) toxicity were analyzed using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in a population of 192 F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between an Al-resistant cultivar, Atlas 66 and an Al-sensitive cultivar, Chisholm. Wheat reaction to Al was measured by relative root growth and root response to hematoxylin stain in nutrient-solution culture. After screening 1,028 SSR markers for polymorphisms between the parents and bulks, we identified two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66. One major QTL was mapped on chromosome 4D that co-segregated with the Al-activated malate transporter gene (ALMT1). Another minor QTL was located on chromosome 3BL. Together, these two QTLs accounted for about 57% of the phenotypic variation in hematoxylin staining score and 50% of the variation in net root growth (NRG). Expression of the minor QTL on 3BL was suppressed by the major QTL on 4DL. The two QTLs for Al resistance in Atlas 66 were also verified in an additional RIL population derived from Atlas 66/Century. Several SSR markers closely linked to the QTLs were identified and have potential to be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) to improve Al-resistance of wheat cultivars in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines (NILs) for the leaf rust resistance gene Lr9 were screened for polymorphisms at the molecular level. RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) primers as well as RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers were used. Out of 395 RAPD primers tested, three showed polymorphisms between NILs, i.e., an additional band was found in resistant lines. One of these polymorphic bands was cloned and sequenced. Specific primers were synthesized, and after amplification only resistant lines showed an amplified product. Thus, these primers define a sequence-tagged site that is specific for the translocated fragment carrying the Lr9 gene. A cross between a resistant NIL and the spelt (Triticum spelta) variety Oberkulmer was made, and F2 plants were analyzed for genetic linkage. All three polymorphisms detected by the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and one RFLP marker (cMWG684) showed complete linkage to the Lr9 gene in 156 and 133 plants analyzed, respectively. A second RFLP marker (PSR546) was closely linked (8±2.4 cM) to the Lr9 gene and the other four DNA markers. As this marker maps to the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 6B of wheat, Lr9 and the other DNA markers also map to the distal region of 6BL. All three PCR markers detected the Lr9 gene in independently derived breeding lines and varieties, thus proving their general applicability in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks., is an important foliar disease of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Pyramiding several major rust-resistance genes into one adapted cultivar is one strategy for obtaining more durable resistance. Molecular markers linked to these genes are essential tools for gene pyramiding. The rust-resistance gene Lr41 from T. tauschii has been introgressed into chromosome 2D of several wheat cultivars that are currently under commercial production. To discover molecular markers closely linked to Lr41, a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) of the hard winter wheat cultivar Century were developed through backcrossing. A population of 95 BC3F2:6 NILs were evaluated for leaf rust resistance at both seedling and adult plant stages and analyzed with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers using bulked segregant analysis. Four markers closely linked to Lr41 were identified on chromosome 2DS; the closest marker, Xbarc124, was about 1 cM from Lr41. Physical mapping using Chinese Spring nullitetrasomic and ditelosomic genetic stocks confirmed that markers linked to Lr41 were on chromosome arm 2DS. Marker analysis in a diverse set of wheat germplasm indicated that primers BARC124, GWM210, and GDM35 amplified polymorphic bands between most resistant and susceptible accessions and can be used for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of aluminum (Al) tolerance is one of the cost-effective solutions to improve wheat (Triticum aestivum) productivity in acidic soils. The objectives of the present study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Al-tolerance and associated PCR-based markers for marker-assisted breeding utilizing cultivar Atlas 66. A population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross Atlas 66/Century was screened for Al-tolerance by measuring root-growth rate during Al treatment in hydroponics and root response to hematoxylin stain of Al treatment. After 797 pairs of SSR primers were screened for polymorphisms between the parents, 131 pairs were selected for bulk segregant analysis (BSA). A QTL analysis based on SSR markers revealed one QTL on the distal region of chromosome arm 4DL where a malate transporter gene was mapped. This major QTL accounted for nearly 50% of the phenotypic variation for Al-tolerance. The SSR markers Xgdm125 and Xwmc331 were the flanking markers for the QTL and have the potential to be used for high-throughput, marker-assisted selection in wheat-breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary Two bread wheat accessions, E5008 and E6160, have been genetically analysed for resistance genes effective against Indian cultures of stem rust races, 15C and 122. The inheritance of resistance to each race has been determined from the F1 and F2 of the crosses (resistant parents with the susceptible variety, Agra Local) and F2 progenies from the backcross to Agra Local. Tests have been performed to see if the two varieties carry common genes/s for resistance. The identity of the genes for resistance has been established from relevant crosses with single gene lines carrying known genes for resistance.A single dominant gene effective to race 15C in E5008 has been demonstrated to be Sr9b. Of the two recessive genes, each producing distinct infection types (0; and 1–3) against race 122, one gene has been inferred to be Sr12 and the second to be a hitherto undesignated gene.The resistance of E6160 against race 15C is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive. The dominant gene has been identified as Sr9b. The recessive gene has been inferred to be a new gene. Similarly, a dominant gene effective against race 122 in E6160 has been observed to be different from those so far designated. In addition, the presence of modifier gene/s in the variety, E6160 has been suggested.  相似文献   

Summary A study of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germ plasm developed at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) showed highly significant phenotypic variability for each component of partial resistance (namely, uredial appearance period, latency period, uredial number and uredial size) to Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici. All of the wheat genotypes displayed longer uredial appearance and latency periods and decreased uredial number and uredial size when compared to the susceptible check cultivar Morocco. Positive correlations between uredial appearance period and latency period, and uredial number and uredial size, and negative correlations between uredial appearance and latency periods and uredial number and uredial size, inclusive, suggested that the components of partial resistance were either tightly linked or under pleiotropic genetic control. Compared to Morocco, all entries had slow disease progress in the field and variation occurred in the germ plasm for the area under the leaf rust progress curve. Disease progress was negatively correlated with uredial appearance and latency periods, whereas a positive correlation was observed with uredial number and uredial size. Certain genotypes displayed high levels of partial resistance resulting in low disease incidence in the field.  相似文献   

The identification and location of sources of genetic resistance to plant diseases are important contributions to the development of resistant varieties. The combination of different sources and types of resistance in the same genotype should assist in the development of durably resistant varieties. Using a doubled haploid (DH), mapping population of barley, we mapped a qualitative resistance gene (Rpsx) to barley stripe rust in the accession CI10587 (PI 243183) to the long arm of chromosome 1(7H). We combined the Rpsx gene, through a series of crosses, with three mapped and validated barley stripe rust resistance QTL alleles located on chromosomes 4(4H) (QTL4), 5(1H) (QTL5), and 7(5H) (QTL7). Three different barley DH populations were developed from these crosses, two combining Rpsx with QTL4 and QTL7, and the third combining Rpsx with QTL5. Disease severity testing in four environments and QTL mapping analyses confirmed the effects and locations of Rpsx, QTL4, and QTL5, thereby validating the original estimates of QTL location and effect. QTL alleles on chromosomes 4(4H) and 5(1H) were effective in decreasing disease severity in the absence of the resistance allele at Rpsx. Quantitative resistance effects were mainly additive, although magnitude interactions were detected. Our results indicate that combining qualitative and quantitative resistance in the same genotype is feasible. However, the durability of such resistance pyramids will require challenge from virulent isolates, which currently are not reported in North America.Communicated by J.W. SnapeOregon Agricultural Experiment Station paper No. 11953  相似文献   

Chitinase specific activity was measured spectrophotometrically in wheat leaf tissues during the compatible and incompatible interactions with Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent of yellow rust disease. The wheat cultivar, Federation* 4/Kavkaz, was inoculated with virulent (134E134A+) or avirulent (4EOA+) races of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici in the first leaf stage. The results showed that chitinase activity pattern was similar in both compatible and incompatible interactions up to 72 hrs after inoculation. However, the specific activity increased rapidly in the incompatible reaction thereafter. In susceptible reaction, chitinase activity gradually declined after 72 hrs post-inoculation reaching a level similar to that in the control plants two weeks after inoculation. Chitinase specific activity in resistance response was at least three times greater than that in the susceptible reaction two weeks following the inoculation. Electrophoresis of native polyacrylamide gel impregnated with 0.1% (w/v) glycol chitinas the substrate revealed the presence of eight chitinase isoforms with relative electrophoretic mobility (Rm) values ranging from 0.11 to 0.64 in the resolving gel. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) was identified on chromosome 3BS between simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers Xgwm389 and Xgwm493 in wheat “Ning 7840”, a derivative from “Sumai 3”. However, the marker density of SSR in the QTL region was much lower than that required for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and map-based cloning. The objective of this study was to exploit new markers to increase marker density in this QTL region by using single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) markers developed from wheat-expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on 3BS bin 8-0.78-1.0. Sixty-nine out of 85 SSCP primer pairs amplified PCR (polymerase chain reaction) products from the genomic DNA of “Chinese Spring”. Thirty-four primer pairs amplified PCR products that could form clear ssDNA (single strand DNA) bands through denaturation treatment. Ten SSCP markers had polymorphisms between Ning 7840 and “Clark”. Five of the ten polymorphic SSCP markers were located on chromosome 3B by nullitetrasomic analysis. Three SSCP markers (Xsscp6, Xsscp20, and Xsscp21) were mapped into the region between Xgwm493 and Xgwm533 and possessed a higher coefficient of determination (R2) than Xgwm493 and Xgwm533. The SSCP markers, Xsscp6, Xsscp20, and Xsscp21, can be used for map-based cloning of the QTL and for marker-assisted selection in FHB resistance breeding.  相似文献   

Several novel stripe rust pathogen races emerging in the wheat-planting regions of China in recent years were virulent to a majority of the designated wheat seedling resistance genes. Therefore, it is of great significance to continuously select more new and valuable materials for enriching resistant sources diversity, pyramiding different excellent resistance genes and achieving durable resistance. In this study, a resistance gene, temporarily designated as YrH921, was identified from wheat–Psathyrostachys huashanica introgression line H921-11-1. Two hybrid populations, 160 F2 plants and corresponding derived F2:3 families, of the two parents about Mingxian169 as female and H921-11-1 as male, were used to evaluate stripe rust resistance in seedling stage and as a mapping population. At last, a genetic map which comprises of four simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and six expressed sequence tag (EST) markers was constructed. YrH921 was located on the long arm of chromosome 5A. Two closely linked EST-STS markers (BF483937 and BF484913) were screened, and the genetic distance linked to YrH921 was 3.0 and 4.3 cM, respectively. There was great value in research and production if the two closest markers were effectively used for marker-assisted selection of YrH921 in breeding.  相似文献   

Breeding for resistance to the three rusts of wheat usually requires incorporation of genetically independent factors conferring resistance to each rust. Linked resistance genes in some alien translocation stocks permit concurrent transference of resistance for more than one rust. Alien derived resistances, however, are often reported to be associated with reduced yield and other undesirable characters. In our experience, backcross breeding when given a limited number of backcrosses (3–6) and with suitable selection procedures has resulted in lines giving yields higher or comparable to the recurrent wheat parent Kalyansona and resistance to one, two or all three rusts without any adverse effects. Some of the rust resistant derivatives also show resistance to Neovossia indica (Karnal bunt). The derivatives thus developed when used as parents in a breeding programme have produced several improved cultivars with high yields, superior grains and diversity for resistance to rust pathogens. One of the cultivars, named Vaishali (DL784-3), has been officially released for cultivation in the country.  相似文献   

The gene Yr26 confers resistance to all races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), the casual pathogen of wheat stripe rust in China. Here, we report development of a molecular marker closely linked to Yr26 using a resistance gene-analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique. A total of 787 F2 plants and 165 F3 lines derived from the cross Chuanmai 42/Taichung 29 were used for linkage analysis. Eighteen near-isogenic lines (NILs) and 18 Chinese wheat cultivars and advanced lines with different genes for stripe rust resistance were employed for the validation of STS markers. A total of 1,711 RGAP primer combinations were used to test the parents and resistant and susceptible bulks. Five polymorphic RGAP markers were used for genotyping all F2 plants. Linkage analysis showed that the five RGAP markers were closely linked to Yr26 with genetic distances ranging from 0.5 to 2.9 cM. These markers were then converted into STS markers, one, CYS-5, of which was located 0.5 cM to Yr26 and was closely associated with the resistance gene when validated over 18 NILs and 18 Chinese wheat cultivars and lines. The results indicated that CYS-5 can be used in marker-assisted selection targeted at pyramiding Yr26 and other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

Zhan G  Chen X  Kang Z  Huang L  Wang M  Wan A  Cheng P  Cao S  Jin S 《Fungal biology》2012,116(6):643-653
Stripe rust (yellow rust) of wheat, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most important diseases in both China and the United States. The Chinese and US populations of the stripe rust fungus were compared for their virulence phenotypes on wheat cultivars used to differentiate races of the pathogen in China and the US and molecular genotypes using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. From 86 Chinese isolates, 54 races were identified based on reactions on the 17 Chinese differentials and 52 races were identified based on the 20 US differentials. The selected 51 US isolates, representing 50 races based on the US differentials, were identified as 41 races using the Chinese differentials. A total of 132 virulence phenotypes were identified from the 137 isolates based on reactions on both Chinese and US differentials. None of the isolates from the two countries had identical virulence phenotypes on both sets of differentials. From the 137 isolates, SSR markers identified 102 genotypes, of which 71 from China and 31 from the US. The virulence data clustered the 137 isolates into 20 virulence groups (VGs) and the marker data clustered the isolates into seven molecular groups (MGs). Virulence and SSR data had a low (r = 0.34), but significant (P = 0.01) correlation. Principal component analyses using either the virulence data or the SSR data separated the isolates into three groups: group a consisting of only Chinese isolates, group b consisting of both Chinese and US isolates and group c consisting of mostly US isolates. A neighbour-joining tree generated using the molecular data suggested that the P. striiformis f. sp. tritici populations of China and the US in general evolved independently.  相似文献   

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