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All species in the genus Macaca produce a set of harmonically rich vocalizations known as “coos”. Extensive acoustic variation occurs within this call type, a large proportion of which is thought to be associated with different social contexts such as mother-infant separation and the discovery of food. Prior studies of these calls have not taken into account the potential contributions of individual differences and changes in emotional or motivational state. To understand the function of a call and the perceptual salience of different acoustic features, however, it is important to determine the different sources of acoustic variation. I present data on the rhesus macaques' (M. mulatta) coo vocalization and attempt to establish some of the causes of acoustic variation. A large proportion of the variation observed was due to differences between individuals and to putative changes in arousal, not to differences in social context. Specifically, results from a discriminant-function analysis indicated that coo exemplars were accurately assigned to the appropriate individual, but vocal “signatures” were more variable in some contexts than in others. Moreover, vocal signatures may not always be reliable cues to caller identity because closely related individuals sound alike. Rhesus macaque coos evidently provide sufficient acoustic information for individual recognition and possibly kin recognition, but are unlikely to provide sufficient information about an external referent.  相似文献   

Adaptive behavior requires that animals integrate current and past information with their decision-making. One important type of information is auditory-communication signals (i.e., species-specific vocalizations). Here, we tested how rhesus monkeys incorporate the opportunity to listen to different species-specific vocalizations into their decision-making processes. In particular, we tested how monkeys value these vocalizations relative to the opportunity to get a juice reward. To test this hypothesis, monkeys chose one of two targets to get a varying juice reward; at one of those targets, in addition to the juice reward, a vocalization was presented. By titrating the juice amounts at the two targets, we quantified the relationship between the monkeys'' juice choices relative to the opportunity to listen to a vocalization. We found that, rhesus were not willing to give up a large juice reward to listen to vocalizations indicating that, relative to a juice reward, listening to vocalizations has a low value.  相似文献   

Infant and juvenile rhesus macaques exhibit many sexually dimorphic behaviors, including rough and tumble play, mounting, and time spent with nonmother females. This study investigated sex differences in infant rhesus monkey separation–rejection vocalizations (SRVs), and the effects of altering the prenatal hormone environment on these differences. Pregnant females received exogenous androgen (testosterone enanthate), an androgen antagonist (flutamide), or vehicle injections for 30 or 35 days during the second (early) or third (late) trimester of pregnancy. Control females used a greater percentage of coos and arched screams than did control males. In contrast, males used a greater percentage of geckers and noisy screams than did females. Females also had longer SRV bouts, used more calls, and used more types of vocalizations than did males. Mothers were more likely to respond to the SRVs of male infants than to the SRVs of female infants. Prenatal flutamide treatment early in gestation reduced the likelihood that mothers would respond to their male offspring, but prenatal androgen treatment had no effect on response rates of mothers to female offspring. Early, but not late, androgen treatment produced females who vocalized in a male-typical manner. Similarly, early flutamide treatment produced males who displayed more female-typical SRVs. Late flutamide treatments of females produced as much masculinization of SRVs as did early androgen treatment in females. These results demonstrate sex differences in highly emotional vocalizations in infant rhesus macaques and provide evidence that the timing and form of prenatal hormonal exposure influence such vocalizations.  相似文献   

Haemoglobin Polymorphism in the Rhesus Macaque   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRASPECIFIC polymorphism of the principal haemoglobin component is common among macaque monkeys1–3 and other non-human primates4–9, but although electrophoretically demonstrable it has not been found in populations of rhesus monkeys (M. mulatto)10,11. Using the technique of isoelectric focusing in acrylamide gel, I have found variant haemoglobins in many samples of rhesus red blood cell haemolysates. The detection of these variants is apparently a result of the greatly increased resolution of the isoelectric focusing method as compared with the older electrophoretic methods.  相似文献   

目的研究当艾滋病恒河猴模型的血浆病毒载量处于低水平或阴性时,猴免疫缺陷病毒(simian immunodeficiency viruses,SIV)在宿主组织中的分布情况。方法SIVmac251感染恒河猴10只,定期检测其血浆载量,感染病毒平均高峰时间第14天时,活检取淋巴结。选取感染18个月后病毒载量最低水平和阴性的2只艾滋病猴(SAIDS),经安死术后取淋巴结、脾、肝、肺、肾、脑等组织,用原位杂交和实时荧光定量PCR的方法检测病毒在组织中的分布和组织中的病毒载量。结果感染后14d,10只猴血浆病毒载量达到10^7copies/mL,淋巴结组织病毒载量为10^5-10^8copies/g,原位杂交方法在腹股沟淋巴结中检测到强阳性斑点。感染后第18个月的2只猴,血浆病毒载量下降并维持不高于10^2copies/mL水平或阴性,但组织分布不尽相同,在肠系膜淋巴结、肾上腺、海马回、空肠、脾脏等组织中检测到10^5-10^6copies/g的病毒载量,于一只猴的脑积液中检测到10^3copies/mL的病毒载量。用原位杂交的方法在肠系膜淋巴结和空肠中检测到强阳性斑点,其它组织中未检测到阳性斑点。结论实验证实SAIDS猴在血浆病毒载量低甚至阴性时,病毒在不同组织中仍有分布,有些组织中甚至出现高病毒载量,提示在制备SIV/SAIDS模型中,尤其在药物筛选和疫苗评价时,应考虑组织病毒载量指标的测定和药物、疫苗对组织病毒的治疗清除作用的评价。  相似文献   

The experience of the artificial nurturing and rearing of rhesus macaque kids from the moment of their birth to the age of half a year is described. Data are presented about development of sensomotor functions, peculiarities of manifestation of complete forms of the species-specific behavior and communicative response of socially isolated monkeys for the first six months of life at their rearing by human. The obtained results promote enlargement of the biological knowledge of ontogenesis of the lower monkeys.  相似文献   

从形态学、染色体、蛋白质、DNA水平等方面对中国猕猴的遗传多样性进行了综述,以期为我国猕猴资源的保护和利用提供理论基础,为猕猴遗传多样性的研究提供参考.染色体核型和蛋白质分析表明中国猕猴遗传多样性有限,DNA多态性分析表明中国猕猴具有丰富的遗传多样性.基于线粒体控制区部分序列的分析有助于中国猕猴系统发育与进化的研究,Neighbor-joining进化树和Median-Joining网络图将中国猕猴分为7个类群.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry based proteomics has facilitated sperm composition studies in several mammalian species but no studies have been undertaken in non-human primate species. Here we report the analysis of the 1247 proteins that comprise the Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) sperm proteome (termed the MacSP). Comparative analysis with previously characterized mouse and human sperm proteomes reveals substantial levels of orthology (47% and 40% respectively) and widespread overlap of functional categories based on Gene Ontology analyses. Approximately 10% of macaque sperm genes (113/1247) are significantly under-expressed in the testis as compared with other tissues, which may reflect proteins specifically acquired during epididymal maturation. Phylogenetic and genomic analyses of three MacSP ADAMs (A-Disintegrin and Metalloprotease proteins), ADAM18-, 20- and 21-like, provides empirical support for sperm genes functioning in non-human primate taxa which have been subsequently lost in the lineages leading to humans. The MacSP contains proteasome proteins of the 20S core subunit, the 19S proteasome activator complex and an alternate proteasome activator PA200, raising the possibility that proteasome activity is present in mature sperm. Robust empirical characterization of the Rhesus sperm proteome should greatly expand the possibility for targeted molecular studies of spermatogenesis and fertilization in a commonly used model species for human infertility.The application of mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics, coupled with whole genome annotation of an increasing number of species, has greatly extended our knowledge of sperm composition. Traditional methods used to assess sperm composition, including the use of sperm-specific antibodies and 2D gel electrophoresis, have identified a limited number of sperm proteins. These traditional studies have been augmented in recent years by the use of high throughput and highly sensitive MS (shotgun proteomics) that have substantially increased the accuracy of peptide identification, resulting in a significant increase in proteome coverage. Indeed, advances in MS instrumentation, data acquisition, and the availability of genome annotations have, for example, increased sperm proteome coverage in Drosophila from 381 (1) to 1108 proteins (2) over a five year period.Two main MS based methodologies have been applied to study sperm composition, including (i) 2D PAGE followed by spot excision and MS and (ii) digestion of proteins, followed by MS/MS analysis of the resulting peptides (3). Although each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, a far greater level of proteome coverage is obtained using MS/MS (4). A previous comparative study found that each method identified proteins not found in the other and vice versa, and therefore it has been suggested that these methods should be used to complement each other (5). Thus, although no single methodology yet exists capable of producing a complete whole cell proteome, MS/MS methods provide deeper and broader coverage and are therefore the current method of choice. Shotgun proteomics has characterized sperm proteomes in a variety of taxa including plants, invertebrates and mammals such as human, mouse, rat, and bull (3, 611). These studies achieve varying levels of proteome coverage as a result of several factors including the choice of MS equipment, sample acquisition, purification, solublization, and fractionation schemes. Although these different approaches make direct comparisons difficult they nevertheless have provided invaluable information regarding the composition of sperm and have helped to identify novel proteins that play important roles in sperm function and reproduction.In this study we use MS based proteomics to elucidate the sperm proteome of a species of old world monkey, the Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Due primarily to their genetic and physiological similarities to humans, Rhesus macaques are the most widely used nonhuman primate model system for basic and applied biomedical research (12). Rhesus macaques are also used extensively as a model of human reproduction where numerous similarities at the molecular level have been observed between gametes of the two species, and why Rhesus macaques have become a useful model system for fertility and assisted reproductive technology research (13). A more complete knowledge of the sperm proteome will facilitate reproductive studies using the Rhesus macaque as a model organism. However, despite its widespread use in reproductive biology, the macaque sperm proteome (MacSP)1 has yet to be characterized.Although insight into the MacSP will facilitate reproductive studies using the Rhesus macaque as a model organism, this knowledge can also be used to better understand the composition of human sperm. Sperm mature and gain fertilization competency as they traverse the epididymis, a specialized duct that connects the testis to the vas deferens (14). During the maturation process, sperm lose or modify a number of their surface proteins and gain additional transient or permanent surface proteins in a well-organized manner, and it is only after emerging from the cauda epididymis that sperm are motile and considered fertilization competent (14, 15).Proteomic studies of human sperm have been undertaken (3, 6, 10), identifying between 98–1760 sperm proteins, however these studies used sperm from ejaculates which complicates sperm proteome analysis. A previous study identified 923 proteins present in human seminal plasma (16), which is likely to be only a fraction of the seminal plasma proteome. Human sperm proteome data sets derived from human ejaculates makes it difficult to differentiate which of the identified proteins are sperm or seminal plasma constituents. For example, a major seminal protein family, the semenogelins are not expressed in the testis but are found in sperm proteomes determined from ejaculates (6, 10). Such highly abundant seminal proteins may mask lower abundance integral sperm proteins and inhibit their identification by MS. In order to avoid these problems, we collected mature sperm directly from the cauda epididymis of the Rhesus macaque, thus avoiding contamination from seminal plasma proteins.In the present study, sperm proteins were separated using 1D SDS-PAGE, digested and the resulting peptides analyzed by LC MS/MS. Using high stringency parameters for peptide identification, we conservatively identified 1247 proteins from purified samples of Rhesus macaque sperm. Given their close evolutionary relationship, the Rhesus macaque and human share 93% nucleotide homology (12). Data from this study can be used to complement what is currently known about the composition of human sperm and provides a more useful proxy of human sperm proteome composition than the proteomes of other non-primate mammals for which data is available. Studies of sperm composition, especially those in human, can be applied to develop novel molecular based clinical diagnostic tests of sperm quality, which is currently limited to evaluating parameters such as sperm count, morphology and motility. In addition, knowledge of sperm components can lead to the discovery of novel contraceptives and infertility treatments.  相似文献   

Similar changes in chromatin organization take place during development and carcinogenesis. The size of chromatin loop domains fixed on the nuclear skeleton (matrix) increased from 20 to approximately 200 kb. These changes are accompanied by an increased size of replicons and altered specificity of loop attachment to the nuclear matrix. During carcinogenesis, inverse changes in the chromatin structure are observed, neoplastic cells are dedifferentiated and return to the initial state. In this review, we consider new experimental data on organization of the DFNA loops and nuclear matrix in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

A five-year-old female rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) presented with a thin body condition and multiple palpable mid-abdominal masses. Mineralized cecal trichobezoars were removed surgically. Thirteen months later, similar masses recurred and were confirmed with radiographs. This is the first case report of a mineralized cecal trichobezoar in a rhesus macaque.  相似文献   

Viruses that persist despite seemingly effective antiretroviral treatment (ART) and can reinitiate infection if treatment is stopped preclude definitive treatment of HIV-1 infected individuals, requiring lifelong ART. Among strategies proposed for targeting these viral reservoirs, the premise of the “shock and kill” strategy is to induce expression of latent proviruses [for example with histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis)] resulting in elimination of the affected cells through viral cytolysis or immune clearance mechanisms. Yet, ex vivo studies reported that HDACis have variable efficacy for reactivating latent proviruses, and hinder immune functions. We developed a nonhuman primate model of post-treatment control of SIV through early and prolonged administration of ART and performed in vivo reactivation experiments in controller RMs, evaluating the ability of the HDACi romidepsin (RMD) to reactivate SIV and the impact of RMD treatment on SIV-specific T cell responses. Ten RMs were IV-infected with a SIVsmmFTq transmitted-founder infectious molecular clone. Four RMs received conventional ART for >9 months, starting from 65 days post-infection. SIVsmmFTq plasma viremia was robustly controlled to <10 SIV RNA copies/mL with ART, without viral blips. At ART cessation, initial rebound viremia to ~106 copies/mL was followed by a decline to < 10 copies/mL, suggesting effective immune control. Three post-treatment controller RMs received three doses of RMD every 35–50 days, followed by in vivo experimental depletion of CD8+ cells using monoclonal antibody M-T807R1. RMD was well-tolerated and resulted in a rapid and massive surge in T cell activation, as well as significant virus rebounds (~104 copies/ml) peaking at 5–12 days post-treatment. CD8+ cell depletion resulted in a more robust viral rebound (107 copies/ml) that was controlled upon CD8+ T cell recovery. Our results show that RMD can reactivate SIV in vivo in the setting of post-ART viral control. Comparison of the patterns of virus rebound after RMD administration and CD8+ cell depletion suggested that RMD impact on T cells is only transient and does not irreversibly alter the ability of SIV-specific T cells to control the reactivated virus.  相似文献   

We have identified a lytic origin of DNA replication (oriLyt) for rhesus macaque rhadinovirus (RRV), the rhesus macaque homolog of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), also known as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. RRV oriLyt maps to the region of the genome between open reading frame 69 (ORF69) and ORF71 (vFLIP) and is composed of an upstream A+T-rich region followed by a short (300-bp) downstream G+C-rich DNA sequence. A set of overlapping cosmids corresponding to the entire genome of RRV was capable of complementing oriLyt-dependent DNA replication only when additional ORF50 was supplied as an expression plasmid in the transfection mixture, suggesting that the level of ORF50 protein originating from input cosmid DNA was insufficient. The requirement of RRV ORF50 in the cotransfection replication assay may also suggest a direct role for this protein in DNA replication. RRV oriLyt shares a high degree of nucleotide sequence and G+C base distribution with the corresponding loci in HHV-8.  相似文献   

We report a case of a generalized seizure in an adult female rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) undergoing a urodynamic evaluation while she was anesthetized with continuous-infusion ketamine. The seizure presented with generalized tonic–clonic activity during bladder infusion with saline. The tonic–clonic phase was self-limited and was followed by focal facial twitching, which was interrupted by bolus administration of intravenous diazepam. The ictal event was documented as pressure oscillations during cystometrogram recordings and a period of external urethral sphincter muscle activation, which was detectable by electromyography. An acute decrease in urethral pressure was demonstrated at the end of the generalized seizures. Ketamine anesthesia combined with relatively rapid infusion of saline into the bladder may have contributed to the onset of seizures. In addition, this case highlights the value of having a fast-acting benzodiazepine agent available to stop continuous or residual seizure activity during diagnostic or experimental procedures in anesthetized nonhuman primates.Anesthetic agents are used to sedate and immobilize nonhuman primates for veterinary health care and experimental studies. For these purposes, ketamine, a dissociative general anesthetic, is the agent used most commonly in macaques. Several protocols have been developed for the safe administration of ketamine, either as a single agent or as part of a balanced anesthetic approach administered orally, per rectum, intramuscularly, or intravascularly.9,16,18 Although ketamine and other anesthetic agents are known to suppress physiologic responses during experimental studies, reflexive micturition may still be evoked, as demonstrated by urodynamic recordings in anesthetized rats.1,2,10 In addition, urodynamic studies have demonstrated that bladder reflexes are suppressed by anesthesia in nonhuman primates, although comparative studies on the effects of different anesthetic agents have suggested that ketamine may be a suitable anesthetic for cystometrograms in rhesus macaques.5Here, parenteral administration of ketamine was used to sedate and immobilize adult rhesus macaques for comprehensive urodynamic studies. In one subject, the infusion of saline into the urinary bladder was associated with the acute onset of a generalized seizure, characterized by a self-limited period of tonic–clonic activity, followed by focal facial twitching, which was relieved by prompt intravenous administration of diazepam, and voiding. The tonic–clonic phase of the event was documented by cystometrography and electromyography recordings. We suggest the administration of ketamine anesthesia and the relatively rapid infusion of saline into the bladder as possible factors that may have contributed to the ictal event in this rare case of a clinical seizure during a urodynamic study in a nonhuman primate.  相似文献   

A 21-y-old female rhesus macaque presented with signs of internal and external ophthamoplegia, including anisocoria and ptosis. Ophthalmoplegia is the paralysis or weakness of one or more intraocular or extraocular muscles that control the movement of eye; this condition can be caused by neurologic or muscle disorders. The macaque was euthanized due to progression of clinical symptoms, and postmortem gross examination revealed a mass at the base of the brain attached to the meninges. Histopathologic examination led to the diagnosis of intracranial meningioma. Here we describe a case of intracranial meningioma with internal and external ophthalmoplegia in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta).Meningioma is a tumor that develops in the meninges, including the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater, all of which surround the brain and spinal cord. In humans, meningioma is the most frequently encountered primary intracranial neoplasia and accounts for approximately 35% of all reported primary brain tumors in the United States.5,7 Clinical manifestations are dependent on the size and location of the tumor.3,23 To our knowledge, only 3 cases of naturally occurring meningioma in nonhuman primates have been reported; these cases affected 2 baboons and 1 collared brown lemur.17,19,21 The meningiomas of 2 of these previous cases were described only briefly as part of a disease survey of neoplasia in 100 free-ranging baboons and a captive prosimian population.17,21 The third report focused on the pathologic features of the meningioma described with no mention of the clinical signs in the baboon, although its location was similar to that of the case we describe here.19In the current case report, we describe the clinical manifestations, postmortem examination, and diagnosis of an intracranial meningioma in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta).  相似文献   

目的为了进一步确证SHIV-KB9感染中国恒河猴的病毒浓度范围,测试动物对病毒的适应性,明确该动物模型的可重复性。方法实验前采集猴血清并进行血清学检查。选出4只无SIV、STLV、SRV/D和B病毒感染的恒河猴,分别用10倍系列稀释的病毒液静脉感染实验猴,使用流氏细胞术、血常规、病毒分离、DNA-PCR和RT-PCR等方法确定实验猴是否被感染,以及感染后恒河猴体内病毒复制和免疫细胞损伤情况。结果实验猴的血浆病毒载量、病毒分离结果、CD4+/CD8+比值和CD4+T细胞数等证实,4.8×105 copies/mL以上浓度的SHIV-KB9病毒液能成功感染中国恒河猴。结论本研究进一步明确了SHIV-KB9感染中国恒河猴的有效病毒浓度范围,确定了SHIV-KB9病毒感染中国恒河猴的病毒学、免疫学的测定指标,成功的建立了SHIV-KB9/中国恒河猴动物模型。  相似文献   

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