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Evolutionary changes in traits that affect both ecological divergence and mating signals could lead to reproductive isolation and the formation of new species. Insect cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are potential examples of such dual traits. They form a waxy layer on the cuticle of the insect to maintain water balance and prevent desiccation, while also acting as signaling molecules in mate recognition and chemical communication. Because the synthesis of these hydrocarbons in insect oenocytes occurs through a common biochemical pathway, natural or sexual selection on one role may affect the other. In this review, we explore how ecological divergence in insect CHCs can lead to divergence in mating signals and reproductive isolation. We suggest that the evolution of insect CHCs may be ripe models for understanding ecological speciation.  相似文献   

白蚁表皮碳氢化合物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来, 固相微萃取等现代技术的使用显著促进了白蚁表皮碳氢化合物研究的开展。至今, 已有约29种白蚁的表皮碳氢化合物组分得到鉴定, 分属于木白蚁科、 鼻白蚁科、 原白蚁科和白蚁科, 其组分主要为正烷烃、 含有不同数量甲基的支链烷烃及少量烯烃。白蚁表皮碳氢化合物不仅具有一定的科、 属特异性, 大多数种类还具备特有组分, 表明其可作为种间识别的指标。表皮碳氢化合物组分在种内个体识别方面的作用, 在低等白蚁中多获得了支持性结果, 但也有研究认为在这些种类中表皮碳氢化合物不是种内个体识别(同巢个体识别)的唯一指标。发现其与品级分化的相关是近年来白蚁表皮碳氢化合物研究的重要进展。有些种类表皮碳氢化合物的年消长与生殖蚁的分化有关; 而另一些种类生殖蚁含有表皮碳氢化合物特有组分, 其含量与生殖蚁的生殖状态有关, 提示其可能在品级分化中发挥重要作用。作为研究白蚁品级分化和维持机理的新方向, 表皮碳氢化合物值得进一步研究探索。  相似文献   

Insect cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) play a role as semiochemicals in many host–parasite systems and chemical mimicry or camouflage is a well-known mechanism of parasites to evade detection by the host. The cuckoo wasp Hedychrum rutilans (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) is a parasitoid of larvae of the European beewolf Philanthus triangulum (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae). Females chemically mimic the cuticular hydrocarbons of their hosts to avoid detection and countermeasures when entering the host nest for oviposition. Here we report on a possible second mechanism of the chrysidid wasp H. rutilans to evade detection: the amount of CHC/mm2 of cuticle is only approximately one-fifth compared to its beewolf host. Furthermore, we show that surprisingly large amounts of CHC of beewolf females can be found on the walls of the underground nest. Potentially, these hydrocarbons might constitute a background odor against which the cuckoo wasps or their chemical traces have to be perceived by the beewolf. The reduction in the amount of CHC of the cuckoo wasps might be equivalent to a dilution of recognition cues, especially against the background odor of the nest walls, and might provide a means to escape detection within the nest due to "chemical insignificance".  相似文献   

昆虫表皮碳氢化合物(cuticular hydrocarbons)是正烷烃、不饱和烃以及甲基支链烃的混合物.除了保持水分的基本功能外,还具有多种生物功能.鞘翅目昆虫(俗称甲虫)是多样性最为丰富的昆虫类群,目前对其表皮碳氢化合物研究开展颇多,主要见于化学通讯领域,内容涉及到性信息素、标记信息素、聚集信息素、化学拟态、寄主...  相似文献   

水椰八角铁甲Octodonta nipae(Maulik)是一种严重为害棕榈科植物的外来入侵害虫。为了明确日龄和性别等个体因素对水椰八角铁甲成虫表皮碳氢化合物的影响,本研究采用化学萃取法和气相色谱-质谱联用技术,分析了不同日龄的水椰八角铁甲雌、雄成虫表皮碳氢化合物的组成和含量。结果表明,水椰八角铁甲成虫的表皮碳氢化合物由21种C_(18)-C_(30)的碳氢化合物构成,包括11种正构烷烃、2种单甲基烷烃、1种多甲基烷烃、3种正构烯烃、1种单甲基烯烃和3种环烷烃。不同日龄和性别成虫的表皮碳氢化合物的组成种类相同,但是一些组分的含量有明显变化,例如1 d、5 d、10 d和15 d雌、雄成虫之间正二十四烷、正二十六烷、2-甲基十九烷和1-二十烯的含量存在显著差异。水椰八角铁甲成虫表皮碳氢化合物具有性二型,如性成熟雄虫的表皮的正二十烷、正二十一烷、正二十四烷、正二十六烷、2-甲基十九烷、10-甲基二十烷、1-二十烯和1-二十二烯的含量显著高于性成熟雌虫。本文的研究结果可为检验检疫过程中水椰八角铁甲近缘种,以及日龄、性别和性成熟的快速鉴定提供支持。  相似文献   

The cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of ants provide important cues for nest-mate and caste recognition. There is enormous diversity in the composition of these CHCs, but the manner in which this diversity has evolved is poorly understood. We gathered data on CHC profiles for 56 ant species, relating this information to their phylogeny. We deduced the mode of evolution of CHC profiles by reconstructing character evolution and then relating the number of changes in CHC components along each branch of the phylogeny to the length of the branch. There was a strong correlation between branch length and number of component changes, with fewer changes occurring on short branches. Our analysis thereby indicated a gradual mode of evolution. Different ant species tend to use specific CHC structural types that are exclusive of other structural types, indicating that species differences may be generated in part by switching particular biosynthetic pathways on or off in different lineages. We found limited, and contradictory, evidence for abiotic factors (temperature and rainfall) driving change in CHC profiles.  相似文献   

白蚁表皮碳氢化合物组分鉴定及分类学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用GC-MS分析表明,不同种类白蚁表皮碳氢化合物组成和含量均有差异。运用UPGMA聚合R分析的最小距离系数值绘制的系统树表明:圆唇凸额类白蚁——黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes flaviceps、双色散白蚁R. dichrousR. sp.1之间;圆唇平额类白蚁——圆唇散白蚁R. labralis、小头散白蚁R. microcephalusR. sp.2和R. sp.3之间; 尖唇类白蚁——海南异白蚁Heterotermes hainanensis、拧黄异白蚁H. citrinus、细颚异白蚁H.leptomandibularis、尖唇异白蚁H. aculabialisH. sp. 4之间的亲缘关系较近。3类白蚁中,圆唇凸额类白蚁和圆唇平额类白蚁亲缘关系相近,而两者与尖唇类白蚁亲缘关系较远。实验结果表明,我国存在异白蚁属,它与散白蚁属主要区别在于其表皮缺乏以下数种碳氢化合物:正十七烷烃、正二十烷烃、正二十一烷烃、正二十二烷烃、正二十三烷烃、正二十四烷烃和正二十六烷烃等;却含有一种特殊化合物异喹啉。表皮碳氢化合物分析的结果与形态分类的结果有一定差异,形态分类被鉴定为双色散白蚁的R. sp.1,被鉴定为小头散白蚁的R. sp.2,被鉴定为圆唇散白蚁的R.sp.3,被鉴定为尖唇散白蚁的H. sp.4,根据表皮碳氢化合物分析的结果,R. sp.1、R. sp.3和H. sp.4可能是其他种,而R. sp.2则可能是圆唇散白蚁的亚种或其他种。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In Tunisia, four major aphid species have been identified based on adult female's morphological characters: Aphis gossypii Glover, Aphis craccivora Koch, Myzus persicae Sluzer and Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas. Species identification at individual collection sites is often difficult because adults are much fewer in number than larvae which are not so easy to distinguish morphologically. We therefore set up an experiment to determine if cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes could be used to distinguish such sympatric species. Results showed that each species had an unique cuticular hydrocarbon phenotype and mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence. Cytochrome b restriction fragment-length polymorphism markers, especially Dde I, identified in this sudy constitute a relatively simple and useful approach to distinguish the four species even at the nymphal stage.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are hydrophobic compounds deposited on the arthropod cuticle that are of functional significance with respect to stress tolerance, social interactions and mating dynamics. We characterized CHC profiles in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster at five levels: across a latitudinal transect in the eastern United States, as a function of developmental temperature during culture, across seasonal time in replicate years, and as a function of rapid evolution in experimental mesocosms in the field. Furthermore, we also characterized spatial and temporal changes in allele frequencies for SNPs in genes that are associated with the production and chemical profile of CHCs. Our data demonstrate a striking degree of parallelism for clinal and seasonal variation in CHCs in this taxon; CHC profiles also demonstrate significant plasticity in response to rearing temperature, and the observed patterns of plasticity parallel the spatiotemporal patterns observed in nature. We find that these congruent shifts in CHC profiles across time and space are also mirrored by predictable shifts in allele frequencies at SNPs associated with CHC chain length. Finally, we observed rapid and predictable evolution of CHC profiles in experimental mesocosms in the field. Together, these data strongly suggest that CHC profiles respond rapidly and adaptively to environmental parameters that covary with latitude and season, and that this response reflects the process of local adaptation in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The cuticular hydrocarbon composition and a stepwise discriminant analysis are used to elucidate the phenotypic relationships of 66 populations of Ixodes ricinus in Europe. The method correctly allocates Ixodes persulcatus (outgroup) populations away from the main cluster of I. ricinus samples and separates the samples into ten relatively defined clusters of specimens. Populations from Poland are inseparable from samples collected in Germany, Switzerland and the Italian Alps, while individuals from Slovakia and the Czech Republic come into separate groups of phenotypic similarity. Irish and British specimens are separated but highly related and Spanish populations show an unexpectedly high distance from the remaining clusters.  相似文献   

The cuticular hydrocarbons of Phlebotomus perfiliewi Parrot from representative localities on both sides of Italy show contrasts which support the view of Ward et al., (1981) that there are distinguishable populations of this sandfly on the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian coasts. It is suggested that the Appennine mountains form a barrier between the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian populations. A third distinct hydrocarbon type of P. perfiliewi was detected in Calabria, southern Italy, where contact between the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian types of flies is most likely to occur. P. perfiliewi from a trans-Appennine pass were also of the Calabrian hydrocarbon type. These hydrocarbon contrasts between allopatric populations of P. perfiliewi may result from clinical variation across the Appennines, associated with different host preferences, or they may represent apomictic populations with differential mate recognition systems.  相似文献   

The ability of individuals to respond differentially to conspecifics depending on their genetic relatedness is a widespread phenomenon across the animal kingdom. Despite this, little is known about the selection processes that act on the phenotypic variation of traits used during recognition. Here we use a quantitative genetic approach to examine the patterns of genetic variation in cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, a pheromonal system used extensively in insect communication. Using gas chromatography, we found family specificity in the CHC profiles of male crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Across CHC peaks, our mean coefficient of additive genetic variation was 10.8%. Multivariate principal component analysis showed that most axes of variation were weighted by CHC peaks with significant additive genetic variation. Our results provide evidence that variation in CHC profiles can reflect genetic relatedness, supporting the widely held belief that this phenotypic trait is used as a mechanism for chemosensory kin recognition.  相似文献   

Kin recognition is a key mechanism to direct social behaviours towards related individuals or avoid inbreeding depression. In insects, recognition is generally mediated by cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) compounds, which are partly inherited from parents. However, in social insects, potential nepotistic conflicts between group members from different patrilines are predicted to select against the expression of patriline-specific signatures in CHC profiles. Whereas this key prediction in the evolution of insect signalling received empirical support in eusocial insects, it remains unclear whether it can be generalized beyond eusociality to less-derived forms of social life. Here, we addressed this issue by manipulating the number of fathers siring clutches tended by females of the European earwig, Forficula auricularia, analysing the CHC profiles of the resulting juvenile and adult offspring, and using discriminant analysis to estimate the information content of CHC with respect to the maternal and paternal origin of individuals. As predicted, if paternally inherited cues are concealed during family life, increases in mating number had no effect on information content of CHC profiles among earwig juveniles, but significantly decreased the one among adult offspring. We suggest that age-dependent expression of patriline-specific cues evolved to limit the risks of nepotism as family-living juveniles and favour sibling-mating avoidance as group-living adults. These results highlight the role of parental care and social life in the evolution of chemical communication and recognition cues.  相似文献   

The cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of the cockroaches Nauphoeta cinerea and Leucophaea maderae are species-specific when maintained in homospecific rearings. When individuals were reared in mixed species colonies, they initially remained in homospecific groups under different shelters. However, after 14 days they formed one heterospecific group with cuticular profiles showing characteristics of both species. When individuals were returned in monospecific rearings, their cuticular hydrocarbon profiles returned to species-specific ones within 3 weeks.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is responsible for the evolution of many elaborate traits, but sexual trait evolution could be influenced by opposing natural selection as well as genetic constraints. As such, the evolution of sexual traits could depend heavily on the environment if trait expression and attractiveness vary between environments. Here, male Drosophila simulans were reared across a range of diets and temperatures, and we examined differences between these environments in terms of (i) the expression of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) and (ii) which male CHC profiles were most attractive to females. Temperature had a strong effect on male CHC expression, whereas the effect of diet was weaker. Male CHCs were subject to complex patterns of directional, quadratic and correlational sexual selection, and we found differences between environments in the combination of male CHCs that were most attractive to females, with clearer differences between diets than between temperatures. We also show that genetic covariance between environments is likely to cause a constraint on independent CHC evolution between environments. Our results demonstrate that even across the narrow range of environmental variation studied here, predicting the outcome of sexual selection can be extremely complicated, suggesting that studies ignoring multiple traits or environments may provide an over‐simplified view of the evolution of sexual traits.  相似文献   

Abstract  Cuticular hydrocarbon components in beetles of six Australian melolonthines whose larvae damage sugarcane, Antitrogus parvulus (Britton), A. consanguineus (Blackburn), Lepidiota negatoria (Blackburn), L. picticollis (Lea), L. noxia (Britton) and Dermolepida alborhirtum (Arrow), are identified and compared. These species demonstrate species-specific cuticular hydrocarbon profiles with a number of unprecedented structures. Major components have been identified as polymethylated hydrocarbons, 3-methyl substituted n -alkanes, 9,10-allenes and the corresponding C9 alkenes. The similarity of these compounds shows some correlation with the phylogeny of the beetles, but two polymethylated C22 hydrocarbons are unique to A. parvulus. One C25 allene is shown to have a potential role in mate recognition in A. consanguineus.  相似文献   

Although it is advantageous for males to express costly sexually selected signals when females are present, they may also benefit from suppressing these signals to avoid costly interactions with rival males. Cuticular chemical profiles frequently function as insect sexual signals; however, few studies have asked whether males alter these signals in response to their social environment. In Drosophila serrata, an Australian fly, there is sexual selection for a multivariate combination of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Here, we show that the ratio of females to males that an adult male experiences has a strong effect on his CHC expression, with female‐biased adult sex ratios eliciting greater expression of CHC profiles associated with higher male mating success. Classical models predict that male reproductive investment should be highest when there is a small but nonzero number of rivals, but we found that males expressed the most attractive combination of CHCs when there were no rivals. We found that male CHCs were highly sensitive to adult sex ratio, with males expressing higher values of CHC profiles associated with greater mating success as the ratio of females to males increased. Moreover, sex ratio has a stronger effect on male CHC expression than adult density. Finally, we explore whether sex ratio affects the variance among a group of males in their CHC expression, as might be expected if individuals respond differently to a given social environment, but find little effect. Our results reveal that subtle differences in social environment can induce plasticity in male chemical signal expression.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon and wax ester components of cuticular lipids of the braconid parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor Say reared at 25 degrees C on larvae of a pyralid moth have been identified by GC-MS and analyzed with respect to adult age, mating status, and diet. The hydrocarbons range in carbon number from C(21) to C(45) and consist of a homologous series of n-alkanes, 11-, 13-, and 15-methyl alkanes, 13,17-dimethyl alkanes, and Z-5, Z-7, and Z-9-alkenes. The wax esters found in the cuticular lipid fraction are a series of homologous compounds with the acid portion being short chain, unbranched, even carbon number acids from C(8) to C(20) (predominately C(8) to C(16)). The alcohol portions of the esters are secondary alcohols with carbon number from C(22) to C(25) (predominately C(23) and C(25)) with the hydroxyl function located at C(6), C(7), C(8), and C(9). Gender, age, and nutritional states were significant factors for variation in several of the individual esters, but mating status did not affect wax ester composition. Ontogenetic examinations indicated that prepupal, and early pupal cuticular lipids contain only hydrocarbons. Low levels of wax esters are detectable in late stage pupae, and somewhat greater quantities of wax esters are present on newly eclosed adults. When pharate adults emerge from the cocoon, however, their cuticular lipids consist of approximately equal amounts of hydrocarbons and wax esters, and 6d post emergence from the cocoon, wax esters are the predominant lipid component.  相似文献   

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