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To investigate the endocrine signalling from dietary plant protein on somatotropic system and gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), two iso-amino acid diets based on either high plant or high fish meal protein were fed to Atlantic salmon. Salmon with an average starting weight of 641 ± 23 g (N = 180), were fed a fish meal (FM) based diet (containing 40% FM) or diets mainly consisting of blended plant proteins (PP) containing only 13% marine protein, of which only 5% was FM for 3 months. mRNA levels of target genes GH, GH-R, IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-1, IGF-IR in addition to CCK-L, were studied in brain, hepatic tissue and fast muscle, and circulating levels of IGF-I in plasma of Atlantic salmon were measured. We detected reduced feed intake resulting in lower growth, weight gain and muscle protein accretion in salmon fed plant protein compared to a diet based on fish meal. There were no significant effects on the regulation of the target genes in brain or in hepatic tissues, but a trend of down-regulation of IGF-I was detected in fast muscle. Lower feed intake, and therefore lower intake of the indispensable amino acids, may have resulted in lower pituitary GH and lower IGF-I mRNA levels in muscle tissues. This, together with higher protein catabolism, may be the main cause of the reduced growth of salmon fed plant protein diet. There were no signalling effects detected either by the minor differences of the diets on mRNA levels of GH, GH-R, IGF-IR, IGF-II, IGFBP-1, CCK or plasma protein IGF-I.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was examined in 209 Atlantic salmon from two river systems, the R. Itchen in Hampshire (Southern England) and the R. Conwy (North Wales). Within each system, five spawning sites were sampled. Four enzymes (AVA II, HAE III, HINF I and MBO I) revealed restriction fragment polymorphisms that were informative. Ten clonal lines were observed. These clones were differentially distributed between the two river systems and single clonal types were found to predominate at several spawning sites. MBO I variants were found in salmon from the R. Itchen but not the R. Conwy. A significant heterogeneity in frequency distribution of clonal lines between parr and smolt assemblages of the same year class within the R. Itchen was detected. This heterogeneity suggests that differences in survival or migratory behaviour may be identified by changes in mtDNA clonal frequencies.  相似文献   

Hypo-osmoregulatory ability in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Sulrno salur L., was improved by cortisol treatment. Implantation of a vegetable shortening pellet containing cortisol (50 mg kg−1) resulted in elevated plasma cortisol titres. Maximum cortisol levels (160–170ngml−1) were observed at days 6 and 12 after the implantation and dropped significantly by day 55. Cortisol-implanted fish in fresh water developed a twofold increase in gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity at days 6 and 12, and a threefold increase by day 55. Intestinal mucosa Na+/K+-ATPase activity was not affected by cortisol. Cortisol-implanted fish exposed to 28 ppt sea water for 48 h tended to show an improved ability to regulate their plasma osmolarity and reduce their ionic load. The osmo-regulatory ability attained at days 12 and 55 was further evaluated by exposing fish to 37 ppt sea water for 96 h. While all the control fish died relatively early in these tests, cortisol-implanted fish showed a clear reduction in their mortality rate. These results indicate that cortisol can induce biochemical and organismal changes during winter months that typify preadaptive events normally occurring in the spring.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile Atlantic salmon emigrate from the river in a given year as a consequence of a physiological decision influencing appetite and growth during the previous summer. The direction of the decision depends on developmental performance exceeding a genetically determined threshold at that time, and that performance is governed by environmental opportunity. The animal's foraging efficiency (ability to avoid predators, and to compete) determines how well that opportunity is used. Those fish which maintained relatively high growth after July preferred higher stream flows, and were more likely to hide than to flee from a predator. Predator vigilance reduced intake, and ability to discriminate edible particles. Early competitive ability depended on fierceness rather than size, and ultimate large size was a consequence of dominant status. Initial status among high ranking individuals (but not among low ones) predicted the likelihood of maintaining growth in late summer. Size by July was the better predictor for low ranked fish. The influence of high status on life-history variation depends on how much it suppresses the growth of those lower in the hierarchy. Invited review  相似文献   

The diet of repeat-spawner Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable-isotope values from the outer growth band of scales, which reflect the fish's consumption and growth during their most recent marine phase. Isotope values for S. salar displaying different spawning strategies were compared between and within the Miramichi and Nashwaak Rivers, New Brunswick, Canada and a Bayesian mixing model was used to infer dietary contributions from potential prey items. Significant differences in the stable-isotope values were found among spawning strategies and between rivers, indicating differences in diet and feeding area, consistent with hypotheses. Bayesian mixing model results inferred the main prey items consumed during marine feeding by S. salar to consist of hyperiid amphipods and capelin Mallotus villosus for repeat alternate spawners from both rivers, sandlance Ammodytes sp. for repeat consecutive spawners from the Miramichi River and amphipods for repeat consecutive spawners from the Nashwaak River. These results demonstrate the diversity of feeding tactics among S. salar spawning strategies from the same river and between populations from different rivers. Accounting for differences in prey availability and the subsequent impact on S. salar diet and spawner return rates (i.e., marine survival) will facilitate the application of ecosystem-based management practices, such as ensuring that fisheries for forage species do not indirectly adversely affect S. salar return rates.  相似文献   

The year-round thermal habitat at sea for adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 49) from northern Norway was investigated using archival tags over a 10 year study period. During their ocean feeding migration, the fish spent 90% of the time in waters with temperatures from 1.6–8.4°C. Daily mean temperatures ranged from −0.5 to 12.9°C, with daily temperature variation up to 9.6°C. Fish experienced the coldest water during winter (November–March) and the greatest thermal range during the first summer at sea (July–August). Trends in sea-surface temperatures influenced the thermal habitat of salmon during late summer and autumn (August–October), with fish experiencing warmer temperatures in warmer years. This pattern was absent during winter (November–March), when daily mean temperatures ranged from 3.4–5.0°C, in both colder and warmer years. The observations of a constant thermal habitat during winter in both warmer and colder years, may suggest that the ocean distribution of salmon is flexible and that individual migration routes could shift as a response to spatiotemporal alterations of favourable prey fields and ocean temperatures.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and antibody-dependent haemolytic activity against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) has been studied in serum from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Considerable increase in haemolytic activity was detected when SRBC were sensitized with haemolysin produced in Atlantic salmon. Haemolytic activity was sensitive both to divalent cations and to heat treatment. Significant reduction in haemolytic activity was detected after absorption with SRBC, indicating the presence of natural antibody against SRBC in Atlantic salmon serum. Persistent haemolytic activity of unsensitized SRBC in serum absorbed to remove natural antibodies was found, which suggests the activation of the alternative complement pathway, while the observed increased haemolytic activity in the presence of specific antibody against SRBC suggests activation of the classical complement pathway. Spontaneous and antibody-dependent haemolytic activity were both analysed in absorbed and non-absorbed sera in a family material of Atlantic salmon. The material consisted of 574 fish belonging to 57 fullsib groups within 20 paternal halfsib groups. Fish with signs of sexual maturity generally showed reduced haemolytic activity. Statistically significant effect of sire on the spontaneous haemolytic activity of both absorbed and nonabsorbed serum, and on antibody-dependent activity, provides evidence of significant additive genetic variation in both the alternative and the classical complement activation in Atlantic salmon. Neither on a phenotypical nor on a family basis were the two traits statistically correlated. The estimated heritabilities were 0.2–0.3 with a standard error of approximately 0.1.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of juvenile salmonids from south-west England revealed the presence of natural hybrids between Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo rrurra L., within three of five rivers. Amongst 409 juvenile 'salmon', 1.2% were hybrids, and of 150 juvenile 'trout' sampled, 2.0% were natural hybrids. In one river, similar hybridization levels in 'salmon' parr samples were found in two successive years. Levels of hybridization are high when compared with most similar studies, especially others within the United Kingdom. Possible factors influencing this are discussed.  相似文献   

A microsatellite linkage map for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A linkage map of the Atlantic salmon is described here consisting of 15 linkage groups containing 50 microsatellite loci with a 14 additional unlinked markers (including three allozymes). The map shows the largest sex-specific recombination rate differences so far found in any vertebrate species (3.92:1 female:male). Homologies with previous linkage mapping studies of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are described. An in silico search of the Genbank database carried out using the microsatellites used in the mapping process identified significant matches between the flanking regions of the microsatellite SS11 and the calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein, 'Aralar1'.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was examined in 429 Atlantic salmon, from seven sampling sites in England and Wales. Contingency tests for genetic homogeneity using three diagnostic loci revealed no significant differences among populations from the north-east and north-west of the U.K., but detected significant aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) differences between these samples and those from the R. Itchen in Hampshire (southern England). Mitochondrial DNA variation was analysed in 40 salmon from five spawning sites in the R. Itchen. Eight restriction endonucleases were used, of which three (AVAII, HAE III and HINFI) revealed polymorphisms. Six matriarchal lineages were discriminated. Two of the six mtDNA types observed were site-specific. These results suggest a reasonable expectation of discriminating spawning aggregations of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that marine survival of Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar is linked to marine growth was explored by using inter-circuli distances and total numbers of circuli existing on scales from a population monitored over nearly four decades. The results suggest that marine growth controls survival, particularly during the late summer and early winter of the first year at sea. Recruitment is strongly linked to growth, described as the total number of circuli, but not to inter-circuli distances. This highlights the potential of patterns of circuli number to be considered as proxies for growth. Indications that hatchery populations might be subject to other mortality events, in addition to those experienced by wild populations, are also presented.  相似文献   

The present studies were performed to investigate the metabolism of astaxanthin (Ax) in Atlantic salmon, especially in the liver of salmon. The investigations were undertaken in vivo salmon that were fed a diet containing 60 ppm 15, 15' 14C-labelled Ax prior to sacrifice. The samples of blood, bile, liver, gastrointestinal tract and contents, muscle, skin, remaining carcass and feces were taken for scintillation counting. The highest radioactivity (71.36%) of 14C-labelled Ax was found in the gastrointestinal contents and feces, 7.13% in the bile and 10.68% in the samples of liver, muscle, and skin at the end of the experiments. The metabolites of 14C-labelled Ax were extracted from the bile of the salmon and analyzed using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Predominant 14C-labelled Ax and its cis-isomers were found and no conjugation of 14C-labelled Ax was observed. These results indicate that 14C-labelled Ax was not conjugated into larger colorless compound in Atlantic salmon liver.  相似文献   

Newly emerged Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were observed from May to August 1981 at six isolated redds in Washington County, Maine, USA. Territorial size and distribution were measured. At the end of the emergence period (12 to 28 May), fish maintained positions (stations) at redds where water velocity did not exceed 52 cm s–1 By 12 June, most salmon (80–96%) had moved off the redds of origin and had established territories 1 to 5 m from the redd. The area defended increased substantially after mid-June, but territorial aggression diminished by 15 July, and the fry dispersed downstream. All fish observed were territorial, and the percentage of time during which stations were held decreased from 89 in mid-May to as low as 40% in mid-June.Cooperators are the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Maine, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Wildlife Management Institute  相似文献   

Returning adult salmon caught at the mouth of the River Dee, Aberdeenshire, were transferred to tanks in the laboratory. For fish placed in fresh water, sea lice remained attached for up to 6 days, though most lice were lost in the first 48 hours. Few lice were lost from salmon maintained in sea water. The experiments were conducted in water within a temperature range of 12·8 to 16° C, equivalent to summer river temperatures in the Aberdeenshire Dee.  相似文献   

As water temperature is projected to increase in the next decades and its rise is clearly identified as a threat for cold water fish species, it is necessary to adapt and optimize the tools allowing to assess the quantity and quality of habitats with the inclusion of temperature. In this paper, a fuzzy logic habitat model was improved by adding water temperature as a key determinant of juvenile Atlantic salmon parr habitat quality. First, salmon experts were consulted to gather their knowledge of salmon parr habitat, then the model was validated with juvenile salmon electrofishing data collected on the Sainte-Marguerite, Matapedia and Petite-Cascapedia rivers (Québec, Canada). The model indicates that when thermal contrasts exist at a site, cooler temperature offered better quality of habitat. Our field data show that when offered the choice, salmon parr significantly preferred to avoid both cold areas (<15 °C) and warm areas (>20.5 °C). Because such thermal contrasts were not consistently present among the sites sampled, the model was only validated for less than 60% of the sites. The results nevertheless indicate a significant correlation between median Habitat Quality Index and parr density for the Sainte-Marguerite River (R2 = 0.38). A less important, albeit significant (F-test; p = 0.036) relationship was observed for the Petite-Cascapedia river (R2 = 0.14). In all instances, the four-variable (depth, velocity, substrate size and temperature) model provided a better explanation of parr density than a similar model excluding water temperature.  相似文献   

The proportion of Atlantic salmon parr (146 265 mm total length) that fed in laboratory tanks during autumn was 0% in fish filled with intragastric transmitters compared with 78 100% in controls.  相似文献   

Salmo salar post-smolts were reared in seawater under controlled laboratory conditions for 12 weeks. The fish were exposed to three constant temperature treatments (15, 10.5 and 6°C) and four feeding treatments (constant feeding, food withheld for 7 days, food withheld for 14 days and food withheld intermittently for four periods of 7 days). Scale growth was proportional to fish growth across all treatments, justifying the use of scale measurements as a proxy for growth during the early marine phase. The rate of circuli deposition was dependant on temperature and feeding regime and was generally proportional to fish growth but with some decoupling of the relationship at 15°C. Deposition rates varied from 4.8 days per circulus at 15°C (constant feeding) to 15.1 days per circulus at 6°C (interrupted feeding). Cumulative degree day (°D) was a better predictor of circuli number than age, although the rate of circuli deposition °D−1 was significantly lower at 6°C compared with 15 and 10.5°C. Inter-circuli distances were highly variable and did not reflect growth rate; tightly packed circuli occurred during periods without food when growth was depressed, but also during periods of rapid growth at 15°C. The results further current understanding of scale growth properties and can inform investigations of declining marine growth in S. salar based on interpretations of scale growth patterns.  相似文献   

Groups of pre-smolt Atlantic salmon were reared under three experimental photoperiods. Growth rate was significantly enhanced under 24 h of light: 0 h of darkness per diem (24 L: 0 D) compared with 16 L: 8 D and 8 L: 16 D from early January to early May. From the beginning of May until the termination of the experiment on 27 May, growth rate was highest under 8 L: 16 D.
All groups developed bimodal length-frequency distributions during the experiment. The proportion of the population in each of the two growth modes was significantly affected by photoperiod treatment.
The level of plasma cortisol increased significantly from February to May. There were no differences in levels of plasma cortisol among photoperiod treatments.
Judged by development in plasma cortisol, changes in condition factor and external appearance, the parr-smolt transformation was not completed under any of the experimental photoperiods.  相似文献   

Tracking 47 post-spawned adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in a hydropower-regulated river through autumn, winter and spring revealed that winter survival was 56% and 75% in two study years, respectively, with higher mortality of males than females (50% vs. 33% and 100% vs. 13%, respectively). Some kelts (n = 7) displayed nondirected movements that were interpreted as a reconditioning period for an average of 9–17 days prior to directed downstream movements indicating the initiation of migration. Survival after the initiation of migration in spring was 83% and 94% to the hydropower dam in the first and second study years, and decreased to 60 and 63%, respectively, after dam passage. There were no further losses in the downriver reach in the second year, with the first year having a cumulative survival estimate of 53% to the river mouth. Kelts approached the dam when the spillway gates were available as a passage option most of the time (64%–75%), but some kelts arrived at the dam or had not yet passed when spillways were closed (n = 6) and the only remaining passage option was restricted to the turbines. However, all but one kelt that must have passed via turbine were successful in reaching the river mouth. Migratory delay presumably due to searching behaviour caused by low water flow was estimated at approximately 6 days as migration rates were significantly slower in the reservoir (median ± s.e. 8.5 ± 2.5 km day−1) than up- (29.7 ± 5.0 km day−1) or downriver (22.1 ± 3.1 km day−1). The proportion of time (median 30%) that kelts spent swimming upstream (searching behaviour) in the reservoir was a significant variable for migration success.  相似文献   

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