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The hatchling frog tadpole provides a simple preparation where the fundamental roles for inhibition in the central nervous networks controlling behaviour can be examined. Antibody staining reveals the distribution of at least ten different populations of glycinergic and GABAergic neurons in the CNS. Single neuron recording and marker injections have been used to study the roles and anatomy of three types of inhibitory neuron in the swimming behaviour of the tadpole. Spinal commissural interneurons control alternation of the two sides by producing glycinergic reciprocal inhibition. By interacting with the special membrane properties of excitatory interneurons they also contribute to rhythm generation through post-inhibitory rebound. Spinal ascending interneurons produce recurrent glycinergic inhibition of sensory pathways that gates reflex responses during swimming. In addition their inhibition also limits firing in CPG neurons during swimming. Midhindbrain reticulospinal neurons are excited by pressure to the head and produce powerful GABAergic inhibition that stops swimming when the tadpole swims into solid objects. They may also produce tonic inhibition while the tadpole is at rest that reduces spontaneous swimming and responsiveness of the tadpole, keeping it still so it is not noticed by predators.  相似文献   

Tadpoles (Xenopus laevis) have a lateral line system whose anatomical structure has been described, but whose functional significance has not been closely examined. These experiments tested the hypothesis that the lateral line system is involved in rheotaxis. Tadpoles in developmental stages 47–56 oriented toward the source of a water current. Orientation was less precise after treatment with cobalt chloride or streptomycin, but was similar to that of untreated animals after exposure to gentamicin. In no current conditions, tadpoles exhibited a characteristic head-down posture by which they held themselves in the water column at an angle around 45°. This body posture became significantly less tilted in the presence of water current. Treatment with cobalt chloride or streptomycin increased the angle of tilt close to that seen in no current conditions, while gentamicin treatment tended to decrease tilt angle. The data are consistent with anatomical and physiological findings that tadpole neuromasts are similar to superficial, but not canal, neuromasts in fishes, and they suggest that the lateral line system is involved in both directional current detection and current-related postural adjustments in Xenopus.  相似文献   

R. A. Newman 《Oecologia》1987,71(2):301-307
Summary The effects of density on growth and development of Scaphiopus couchi tadpoles in desert ponds were investigated, and sources of mortality over a three-year period were documented. In 16 of the 82 ponds monitored, predation was the principal cause of death, demonstrating that tadpoles in desert ponds may be exposed to high levels of predation, although the overall importance of predation is less here than in more mesic areas. Desiccation was the primary cause of mortality in 49 ponds. Growth and development were extremely slow in most high density ponds and as a result most tadpoles were unable to metamorphose before ponds dried. Only 8 ponds produced metamorphs, and mortality was high even in these. Food-supplementation resulted in some metamorphosis in high density ponds, although the effect was diminished by the extreme crowding in most ponds. In low density ponds, S. couchi tadpoles can develop very quickly and metamorphose. High mortality due to desiccation is largely a consequence of high density: tadpoles rarely completed development in high density ponds, regardless of pond duration.  相似文献   

Anterior-posterior neural patterning of Xenopus embryo is determined during gastrulation and then followed by differentiation of neural structures including brain and eye. The cement gland is a mucus-secreting neural organ located in the anterior end of the neural plate. This study analyzed expression patterns of Xenopus galectin-VIa (Xgalectin-VIa) by whole-mount in situ hybridization, and found highly restricted expression of this gene in the cement gland region. These patterns were similar to those of XAG-1 and XCG, known cement gland-specific genes. In addition, Xgalectin-VIa was expressed in the dorsal edge of eye vesicles, the otic vesicle, and in part of the hatching gland at the tadpole stage. Although the spatial expression pattern was similar, the temporal expression of Xgalectin-VIa differed from that of XAG-1 and XCG. RT-PCR analysis showed only weak Xgalectin-VIa expression in early neurula embryos, whereas both XAG-1 and CGS were strongly expressed at that stage. We also showed that Xgalectin-VIa expression is repressed by enhancement of Wnt signaling and increased by its inhibition. Furthermore, Xgalectin-VIa expression was activated by neural-gene inducer Xotx2, as is the case for XAG-1 and CGS. Together, these results indicated that Xgalectin-VIa possesses different features from other cement gland genes and is a novel and useful marker of the cement gland in developing embryos.  相似文献   

Summary Melanophores from tadpoles of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) were isolated by digestion of tail fins with acetyltrypsin and collagenase and maintained in primary culture for 6 weeks up to 3 months. Within 36 to 72 h the melanophores develop one to eight dendritic processes per cell; secondary and tertiary branchings of the processes were frequently observed. The melanophores in primary culture disperse under the influence of -MSH or cyclic AMP; upon rinsing out these substances the cells aggregate. In darkness, about 40 % of the cells disperse their pigment, whereas under illumination the pigment of the melanophores aggregates. To date, attempts to initiate cell division in melanophores have not been successful.  相似文献   

A non-pigmented, unicellular alga isolated from the faeces of British anuran tadpoles and which is associated with growth inhibition in these tadpoles, was described and identified using cytological, ultrastructural, nutrient assimilation and immunological studies. The alga possessed all the distinctive morphological features of the genus Prototheca, it grew weakly on Prototheca Isolation Medium (PIM), it required thiamine for continued growth and replication, and it could assimilate the five major substrates used to speciate the protothecans. All of these characteristics, together with previous nucleic acid hybridisation studies, indicated that the microorganism belonged to the genus Prototheca. There are currently five species recognised as valid (Pore, 1985 & 1986): Prototheca zopfii Kruger, 1884, P. wickerhamii Tubaki & Soneda, 1959, P. moriformis Kruger, 1884, P. stagnora Cooke, 1968 and P. ulmea Pore, 1986.The immunology showed that the new species was related to two of the protothecans, but overall it showed that the alga was antigenically distinct from the other protothecans tested in the immunoassay. This, together with its inability to grow strongly on PIM, its ability to assimilate a wide rage of carbon substrates and its ability to mediate growth inhibition in anuran tadpoles, indicated a new species of Prototheca. We therefore propose the name Prototheca richardsi sp. n.  相似文献   

Summary The adenohypophysial primordium of Xenopus laevis tadpoles at stages 33/34 to 46 (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1956) were examined immuno-histologically for -MSH, -MSH and ACTH. -MSH was demonstrated from stage 37/38 onwards, and -MSH from stage 39. No signs of ACTH production were detected. -MSH and -MSH occurred in the same cells. No differences were found in the intensity of immunofluorescence between tadpoles which were kept on a black and a white background. The present study lends no support to the hypothesis concerning the derivation of -MSH from ACTH. The observations made suggest that the morphological formation of the pars intermedia is accomplished during stages 37/38 to 39. Acknowledgement. The authors express warm thanks to Dr. M.P. Dubois (Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Reproduction, INRA, Nouzilly, France), who prepared and verified the antibodies. Grants from Swedish Natural Science Research Council and Landshovding Per Westlings minnesfond, Lund, Sweden are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary We investigated kin recognition by the wood frog Rana sylvatica in blind laboratory experiments using spatial proximity as a recognition assay. Tadpoles were tested for the ability to discriminate between: 1) familiar full-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, 2) unfamiliar paternal half-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, and 3) familiar and unfamiliar full-sibs. Tadpoles discriminated full- and paternal half-sibs from unrelated conspecifics, but did not discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar full-sibs. Froglets from the same laboratory population were tested for the ability to discriminate between 1) familiar full-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin, and 2) unfamiliar paternal half-sibs and unfamiliar non-kin. Froglets preferentially associated with full- and half-sibs over unrelated conspecifics. Our results show that familiarity, i.e., prior association, is not necessary for kin recognition in tadpoles and froglets. The ability of tadpoles and froglets to recognize unfamiliar paternal half-sibs demonstrates that a common maternal factor is not necessary for kin recognition, and indicates that the recognition cue has a genetic component. Our results add to the increasing evidence that a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals have the ability to recognize unfamiliar kin by using genetically specified recognition cues.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the preoptic nucleus of Xenopus laevis tadpoles during metamorphosis was studied and the effect of osmotic stimulation on this process investigated. The development of this region was not affected by treatment for one or more days in hypertonic media. It was found that at the end of metamorphosis the neurosecretory cells in the preoptic nucleus are localized in three regions: the rostro-dorsal, the caudo-dorsal and the ventral region. After osmotic stimulation only the neurosecretory cells of the caudo-dorsal region appeared to have reacted, as indicated by their loss of neurosecretory (PIC positive) material. It is concluded that the cells of this region may be involved in the synthesis of the posterior lobe hormones.The author thanks Prof. Dr. J. C. van de Kamer and Dr. F. C. G. van de Veerdonk for their interest and many helpful discussions, Dr. L. Boomgaart and Dr. A. P. van Overbeeke for correcting the English text and Miss C. M. G. van Bemmel for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Basal activity of submaxillary gland (SMG) renin is high in female mice that carry the Rnrs allele and is induced to higher levels by treatment with dihydrotestosterone (DHT). To determine whether the difference in basal activity between high (Rnrs/Rnrs) and low (Rnrb/Rnrb) strains is due to enhanced sensitivity of Rnrs/Rnrs strains to endogenous androgen, we first studied the effect of several types of endocrine ablation on SMG renin in young female mice, and second, we removed normal androgen receptor protein by introducing the X-linked Tfm gene. Adrenalectomy with or without castration had no effect on basal SMG renin; hypophysectomy decreased basal renin activity 400-fold but did not abolish responsiveness to DHT. Loss of androgen receptor did not affect basal renin activity but did prevent enhancement by DHT. Basal and induced renin activities in L.AKR(Alll)/Cy, a congenic strain homozygous for Rnrs introduced from AKR/J into the background of C57L/J, an Rnrb/Rnrb type strain, are intermediate between levels observed in the original strains. We conclude that (1) the basal level of SMG renin is regulated directly or indirectly by some pituitary hormone(s) but not by androgen, (2) androgen induction of renin activity requires a normal androgen receptor, and (3) major gene(s) that regulate basal as well as induced SMG renin are in a circumscribed region of chromosome 1.This work has been aided by Grants GM26414 and AM03892 from the National Institutes of Health, a grant from the Texas affiliate of the American Heart Association, and by research contract NO1-CP33255 from the Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute. The Jackson Laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   

Small vertebrate organisms have emerged as key players in the post-genomic era for the functional characterization of novel genes on a high-throughput scale. In this context, the zebrafish embryos and Xenopus tadpoles represent attractive and valuable models to rapidly identify and characterize novel genes involved in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis-a significant task with a consequent impact on the design of more effective therapeutic strategies. The advantages of these two models will be discussed in the present review.  相似文献   

Summary The adenohypophyses of Xenopus laevis tadpoles at developmental stages 20 to 46 (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1956) were studied. From its first appearance at about stage 20 to 21, the adenohypophysial primordium passes through four morphogenetic phases, each characterized by internal events. The first phase (stages 20 to about 33/34) is characterized by extensive proliferation of the primordium. During the second phase (stages 33/34 to about 37/38), the growth of the primordium is arrested. This arrest coincides with the attainment of secretory function. The primordium is claviform in shape at these stages. The third phase, roughly stage 39, is characterized by a thorough reorganization of the adenohypophysial cells, leading to the formation of the pars distalis and pars intermedia. The shape of the primordium changes, and its volume temporarily increases. The last phase is characterized by the organization of the pars distalis cells into cell cords which possibly demonstrate a functional relation to a specialized region (the hilus) of the adenohypo-physis-brain interspace. Acknowledgements. Grants from the Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of Lund, the Royal Physiographic Society, Lund, and the Swedish Natural Sience Research Council are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of lower vertebrates has been used as a model to study the function of simple neuronal circuits. Good examples are the lamprey and the Xenopus tadpole. In these two cases, glutamate-activated NMDA receptors are involved, and the relative importance of the NMDA and non-NMDA receptors as well as the involvement of other ion channels has been studied using a combination of electrophysiological recordings and modelling experiments, but little attention had been paid to their evolution during development. In the present experiments, which have been performed on Xenopus embryos from stages 31 to 42, we have probed the relative importance of the two categories of receptors using selective blockers [respectively dl-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX)]. The sensitivity of the swimming behaviour to APV was found to increase during development and that to CNQX to decrease. Furthermore, it has been observed that the spike activity recorded from the ventral roots is more complex in late embryonic stages that in early embryos. These modifications are associated with changes of the neuronal circuit, some of which correspond to a lengthening of the axon and an increased complexity of the dendritic tree of the motoneurons. We have incorporated these modifications in a simplified model of the central pattern generator built with Neuron software. The results indicate that at least part of the observed changes can be associated with changes in the length of the dendrites and axons.  相似文献   

Anesthetized clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) were stimulated with underwater sound and the tympanic disk vibrations were studied using laser vibrometry. The tympanic disk velocities ranged from 0.01 to 0.5 mm/s (at a sound pressure of 2 Pa) in the frequency range of 0.4–4 kHz and were 20–40 dB higher than those of the surrounding tissue. The frequency response of the disk had two peaks, in the range of 0.6–1.1 kHz and 1.6–2.2 kHz, respectively. The first peak corresponded to the peak vibrations of the body wall overlying the lung. The second peak matched model predictions of the pulsations of the air bubble in the middle ear cavity. Filling the middle ear cavity with water lowered the disk vibrations by 10–30 dB in the frequency range of 0.5–3 kHz.Inflating the lungs shifted the low-frequency peak downwards, but did not change the high-frequency peak. Thus, the disk vibrations in the frequency range of the mating call (main energy at 1.7–1.9 kHz) were mainly caused by pulsations of the air in the middle ear cavity; sound transmission via the lungs was more important at low frequencies (below 1 kHz). Furthermore, the low-frequency peak could be reversibly reduced in amplitude by loading the larynx with metal or tissue glue. This shows that the sound-induced vibrations of the lungs are probably coupled to the middle ear cavities via the larynx. Also, anatomical observations show that the two middle ear cavities and the larynx are connected in an air-filled recess in submerged animals.This arrangement is unique to pipid frogs and may be a structural adaptation to connect all the air spaces of the frog and improve low-frequency underwater hearing. Another function of the recess may be to allow cross-talk between the two middle ear cavities. Thus, the ear might be directional. Our pilot experiments show up to 10 dB difference between ipsi- and contralateral stimulus directions in a narrow frequency range around 2 kHz.  相似文献   

Ammonia inhibition of nitrogenase activity in purple and green bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ammonia reversibly inhibits the nitrogenase activity not only in purple nonsulfur bacteria but in purple (Thiocapsa roseopersicina) and green (Chlorobium limicola forma thiosulfatophilum) sulfur bacteria as well.The complete inhibition of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) is observed about 30 s after addition of NH 4 + (2.5×10-6 M) to cell suspensions. The pattern of ammonia inhibition of acetylene reduction in T. roseopersicina does not differ from the action of tetrabutylammonium and tetraphenylphosphonium (3 · 10-6-5·10-5 M) on nitrogenase activity of this bacterium.Simultaneously with the switch-off effect of NH 4 + a considerable increase of ATP in cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and C. limicola f. thiosulphatophilum was observed.  相似文献   

【目的】海水养殖生境中的硫化物(H2S)严重损害养殖生物健康,控制该条件下硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)的代谢活性是有效抑制H2S产生的重要途径。【方法】本研究利用稀释涂布-叠皿夹法对海水养殖生境底泥中SRB进行富集筛选,获得SRB菌株,通过投加硝酸盐对菌株产H2S的活性进行抑制。【结果】获得的2株SRB Desulfovibrio sp.NY-1和Clostridium sp.NH-1,能够在35℃、pH为7.0及盐度为20–30 mg/L条件下,分别积累高达435和150 mg/L H2S。硝酸盐不能有效抑制NY-1产H2S的活性,基因调控作用以及缺乏将硝酸盐作为电子受体的酶体系是其不能被抑制的主要原因。硝酸盐对NH-1 H2S产生活性有可逆性抑制,其具有硝酸盐异化还原成铵(dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium,DNRA)的能力,优先利用硝酸盐作为电子受体。DNRA作用下的中间代谢产物亚硝酸盐是有效抑制菌株NH-1产H2S活性的主要原因,其抑制机理主要为抑制菌株的生长繁殖。【结论】硝酸盐对不同SRB菌株具有不同的抑制机制和效果,在进行硫化物污染控制前需要对产生硫化物的SRB菌群进行分析判别。  相似文献   

Summary Salinity tolerance and histology of gills were studied in Rana cancrivora larvae. The tadpoles at the external gill stages (W stages 21–22) were able to survive in media containing up to 40% seawater, but died in water of higher salinity. Their external gills appear to have no critical role in adaptation to seawater. However, advanced tadpoles with internal gills (T-K stages I–XVIII) were able to tolerate 50% or higher seawater. In the internal gills, there are numerous mitochondriarich cells (MR cells) scattered on the ventral and lateral epithelia of the gill arches and the gill tufts in both freshwater-and seawater-acclimated tadpoles. In freshwater-acclimated tadpoles there are three types of MR cell: (1) microplicated, (2) microvillous, and (3) apically vacuolated. In tadpoles acclimated to dilute seawater, the ratio of type-1 to type-2 cells is lower, although all three types of MR cell are present. In 60%-seawater-acclimated tadpoles, a few MR cells with a lumen and concave cytoplasm at the apical membrane (type 4) are present. The changes in MR cell morphology under ambient conditions of low or high salinity may reflect alterations in the physiological roles of the gills with regard to transport of ions.  相似文献   

Kin recognition in Bufo scaber tadpoles: ontogenetic changes and mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ontogenetic changes in kin-recognition behavior, effect of social environment on kin-recognition ability, and use of visual and chemical cues in kin recognition have been studied in tadpoles of Bufo scaber after rearing them with kin, in mixed groups, or in isolation from Gosner stage 12 (gastrula). By use of a rectangular choice tank the tadpoles were tested for their ability to choose between (a) familiar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings, (b) unfamiliar siblings and familiar non-siblings, and (c) unfamiliar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings. When tested without any stimulus groups in the end compartments of the tank, random distribution was observed for the tadpoles and no bias for the apparatus or the procedure. In the presence of kin and non-kin in the end compartments, significantly more tadpoles spent most of their time near kin (familiar or unfamiliar) rather than near non-kin during early larval stages, up to stage 37. After stage 37 (characterized by the differentiation of toes), test tadpoles showed no preference to associate with kin, suggesting an ontogenetic shift in the kin-recognition ability in B. scaber. In experiments involving selective blockade of visual or chemical cues the test tadpoles preferentially associated near their kin on the basis of chemical rather than visual cues. These findings suggest that familiarity with siblings is not necessary for kin recognition and that kin-recognition ability is not modified after exposure to non-kin by mixed rearing. The findings for B. scaber indicate a self referent phenotype matching mechanism of kin recognition which is predominantly aided by chemical rather than visual cues.  相似文献   

A. Lecharny  R. Jacques 《Planta》1980,149(4):384-388
The clongation of the first internode of fully greenVigna sinensis L. is inhibited by white light (W). This inhibition is fluence-rate dependent between 0 and 70 Wm–2. The kinetics of elongation rate in the light after darkness were investigated with linear displacement transducers. The internode elongation rate does not exhibit any endogenous rhythm. A rapid inhibition occurs during the first 2 or 3 h after the onset of light, and a second type of inhibition (slow reaction) increases from the beginning to the 8th hour of light. The rapid inhibition is not fluence-rate dependent between 20 and 70 Wm–2, but the slow reaction is. There is no rapid inhibition in a low fluence rate white light to high fluence rate white light transition, only the slow reaction is observed. The responses to different wavebands, i.e., blue light (B), yellow and green light (YG), and red light (R), are the same for the two inhibition reactions. Each waveband used separately does not reproduce the full effect observed in W. Results show a stimulation with B, a greater inhibition activity with YG than with R, and a synergistic action of B and R which when given together lead to an inhibition similar to that obtained in W. Plants returned from the light to darkness progressively recover a high elongation rate without any latent period. The W light regulating internode elongation rate is mainly perceived by the growing internode itself.Abbreviations B blue light - D darkness - F far-red light - HW high fluence rate white light - LW low fluence rate white light - R red light - W white light - YG yellow and green light  相似文献   

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