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The behavior of respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD may involve complicated interactions among multiple factors. Theoretical and experimental data suggest that interdependence among the airways of the bronchial tree leads to the emergence of self-organized patterns of airway narrowing, ventilation defects, and other phenomena when a tipping point is passed. Additionally, evidence from several studies shows that the behavior of an isolated airway is different from an identical airway embedded in the bronchial tree so that experimental results of isolated elements such as airways, airway smooth muscle, or inflammatory pathways may not explain the whole organ behavior. However, there may be factors in the isolated elements that can dramatically change the complex system's behavior. More effective strategies for prevention or recovery from a disease, such as asthma, will depend on our progress in identifying and understanding the essential parts of the self-organized behavior that is involved.  相似文献   

Airway hyperresponsiveness is the excessive narrowing of the airway lumen caused by stimuli that would cause little or no narrowing in the normal individual. It is one of the cardinal features of asthma, but its mechanisms remain unexplained. In asthma, the key end-effector of acute airway narrowing is contraction of the airway smooth muscle cell that is driven by myosin motors exerting their mechanical effects within an integrated cytoskeletal scaffolding. In just the past few years, however, our understanding of the rules that govern muscle biophysics has dramatically changed, as has their classical relationship to airway mechanics. It has become well established, for example, that muscle length is equilibrated dynamically rather than statically, and that in a dynamic setting nonclassical features of muscle biophysics come to the forefront, including unanticipated interactions between the muscle and its time-varying load, as well as the ability of the muscle cell to adapt (remodel) its internal microstructure rapidly in response to its ever-changing mechanical environment. Here, we consider some of these emerging concepts and, in particular, focus on structural remodeling of the airway smooth muscle cell as it relates to excessive airway narrowing in asthma.  相似文献   

Effects of edema on small airway narrowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wagner, Elizabeth M. Effects of edema on small airwaynarrowing. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):784-791, 1997.Numerous mediators of inflammation have beendemonstrated to cause airway microvascular fluid and proteinextravasation. That fluid extravasation results in airway wall edemaleading to airway narrowing and enhanced reactivity has not beenconfirmed. In anesthetized, ventilated sheep(n = 30), airway vascularfluid extravasation was induced by infusing bradykinin(106 M) through acannulated, blood-perfused bronchial artery. Airway wall edema andluminal narrowing were determined morphometrically. Airway reactivityto methacholine (MCh; 10 µg/ml, intrabronchial artery) was determinedby measuring conducting airway resistance (Raw) by forced oscillation.Raw measurements were made and lung lobes were excised and quick frozenbefore or after a 1-h bradykinin infusion. In 10 airways per lobe(range 0.2- to 2.0-mm relaxed diameter), wall area occupied 32 ± 2% (SE) of the total normalized airway area(n = 9). Bradykinin infusion increasedwall area to 42 ± 5% (P = 0.02);luminal area decreased by <5%; and smooth muscle perimeter, ameasure of smooth muscle constriction, was not altered(n = 5). Raw showed nochange from baseline (1.4 ± 0.4 cmH2O · l1 · s)after bradykinin infusion (n = 10).During MCh challenge, Raw increased by 3.2 ± 04 cmH2O · l1 · s,and this change did not differ after administration of bradykinin. MChchallenge caused similar decreases in smooth muscle perimeter (10%)and luminal area (72 vs. 68%) before and after bradykinin infusion.However, the time constant of recovery of Raw from MCh constriction wasincreased from control (40 ± 3 s) to 57 ± 10 s after bradykinininfusion (P = 0.03). When lung lobeswere excised at the same time after MCh challenge was terminated(n = 5), luminal area was greaterbefore bradykinin infusion than after (86 vs. 78%;P = 0.007), as was smooth muscleperimeter. The results of this study demonstrate that airway wall edemalimits relaxation after induced constriction rather than enhancingconstriction.


A model of the mechanics of airway narrowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine the interaction between airway smooth muscle shortening and airway wall thickening on changes in pulmonary resistance, we have developed a model of the tracheobronchial tree that allows simulation of the mechanisms involved in airway narrowing. The model is based on the symmetrical dichotomous branching tracheobronchial tree as described by Weibel and uses fluid dynamic equations proposed by Pedley et al. to calculate inspiratory resistance during quiet tidal breathing. To allow for changes in lung volume, we used the airway pressure-area curves developed by Lambert et al. The model is easily implemented with a spreadsheet and personal computer that allows calculation of total and regional pulmonary resistance. At each airway generation in the model, provision is made for airway wall thickness, the maximal airway smooth muscle shortening achievable, and an S-shaped dose-response relationship to describe smooth muscle shortening. To test the validity of the model, we compared pressure-flow curves generated with the model with measurements of pulmonary resistance while normal subjects breathed air and 20% O2-80% He at a variety of lung volumes. By simulating progressive airway smooth muscle shortening, realistic pulmonary resistance vs. dose-response curves were produced. We conclude that this model provides realistic estimates of pulmonary resistance and shows potential for examining the various mechanisms that could produce excessive airway narrowing in disease.  相似文献   

Paramyxoviruses are responsible for significant human mortality and disease worldwide, but the molecular mechanisms underlying their entry into host cells remain poorly understood. We have solved the crystal structure of a fragment of the simian parainfluenza virus 5 fusion protein (SV5 F), revealing a 96 A long coiled coil surrounded by three antiparallel helices. This structure places the fusion and transmembrane anchor of SV5 F in close proximity with a large intervening domain at the opposite end of the coiled coil. Six amino acids, potentially part of the fusion peptide, form a segment of the central coiled coil, suggesting that this structure extends into the membrane. Deletion mutants of SV5 F indicate that putative flexible tethers between the coiled coil and the viral membrane are dispensable for fusion. The lack of flexible tethers may couple a final conformational change in the F protein directly to the fusion of two bilayers.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of sensory rhodopsin II from Natronobacterium pharaonis was recently solved at 2.1 A resolution from lipidic cubic phase-grown crystals. A critical analysis of previous structure-function studies is possible within the framework of the high-resolution structure of this photoreceptor. Based on the structure, a molecular understanding emerges of the efficiency and selectivity of the photoisomerization reaction, of the interaction of the sensory receptor and its cognate transducer protein HtrII, and of the mechanism of spectral tuning in photoreceptors. The architecture of the retinal binding pocket is compact, representing a major determinant for the selective binding of the chromophore, all-trans retinal to the apoprotein, opsin. Several chromophore-protein interactions revealed by the structure were not predicted by previous mutagenesis and spectroscopic analyses. The structure suggests likely mechanisms by which photoisomerization triggers the activation of sensory rhodopsin II, and highlights the possibility of a unified mechanism of signaling mediated by sensory receptors, including visual rhodopsins. Future investigations using time-resolved crystallography, structural dynamics, and computational studies will provide the basis to unveil the molecular mechanisms of sensory receptors-mediated transmembrane signaling.  相似文献   

d-Glutamic acid is a required biosynthetic building block for peptidoglycan, and the enzyme glutamate racemase (GluR) catalyzes the inter-conversion of D and L-glutamate enantiomers. Therefore, GluR is considered as an attractive target for the design of new antibacterial drugs. Here, we report the crystal structures of GluR from Streptococcus pyogenes in both inhibitor-free and inhibitor-bound forms. The inhibitor free GluR crystallized in two different forms, which diffracted to 2.25 Å and 2.5 Å resolution, while the inhibitor-bound crystal diffracted to 2.5 Å resolution. GluR is composed of two domains of α/β protein that are related by pseudo-2-fold symmetry and the active site is located at the domain interface. The inhibitor, γ-2-naphthylmethyl-d-glutamate, which was reported earlier as a novel potent competitive inhibitor, makes several hydrogen bonds with protein atoms, and the naphthyl moiety is located in the hydrophobic pocket. The inhibitor binding induces a disorder in one of the loops near the active site. In both crystal forms, GluR exists as a dimer and the interactions seen at the dimer interface are almost identical. This agrees well with the results from gel filtration and dynamic light-scattering studies.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of sensory rhodopsin II from Natronobacterium pharaonis was recently solved at 2.1 Å resolution from lipidic cubic phase-grown crystals. A critical analysis of previous structure-function studies is possible within the framework of the high-resolution structure of this photoreceptor. Based on the structure, a molecular understanding emerges of the efficiency and selectivity of the photoisomerization reaction, of the interaction of the sensory receptor and its cognate transducer protein HtrII, and of the mechanism of spectral tuning in photoreceptors. The architecture of the retinal binding pocket is compact, representing a major determinant for the selective binding of the chromophore, all-trans retinal to the apoprotein, opsin. Several chromophore-protein interactions revealed by the structure were not predicted by previous mutagenesis and spectroscopic analyses. The structure suggests likely mechanisms by which photoisomerization triggers the activation of sensory rhodopsin II, and highlights the possibility of a unified mechanism of signaling mediated by sensory receptors, including visual rhodopsins. Future investigations using time-resolved crystallography, structural dynamics, and computational studies will provide the basis to unveil the molecular mechanisms of sensory receptors-mediated transmembrane signaling.  相似文献   

Onconase® (ONC) is a homolog of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) from the frog Rana pipiens. ONC displays antitumoral activity and is in advanced clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Here, we report the first atomic structures of ONC-nucleic acid complexes: a T89N/E91A ONC-5′-AMP complex at 1.65 Å resolution and a wild-type ONC-d(AUGA) complex at 1.90 Å resolution. The latter structure and site-directed mutagenesis were used to reveal the atomic basis for substrate recognition and turnover by ONC. The residues in ONC that are proximal to the scissile phosphodiester bond (His10, Lys31, and His97) and uracil nucleobase (Thr35, Asp67, and Phe98) are conserved from RNase A and serve to generate a similar bell-shaped pH versus kcat/KM profile for RNA cleavage. Glu91 of ONC forms two hydrogen bonds with the guanine nucleobase in d(AUGA), and Thr89 is in close proximity to that nucleobase. Installing a neutral or cationic residue at position 91 or an asparagine residue at position 89 virtually eliminated the 102-fold guanine:adenine preference of ONC. A variant that combined such substitutions, T89N/E91A ONC, actually preferred adenine over guanine. In contrast, installing an arginine residue at position 91 increased the guanine preference and afforded an ONC variant with the highest known kcat/KM value. These data indicate that ONC discriminates between guanine and adenine by using Coulombic interactions and a network of hydrogen bonds. The structure of the ONC-d(AUGA) complex was also used to probe other aspects of catalysis. For example, the T5R substitution, designed to create a favorable Coulombic interaction between ONC and a phosphoryl group in RNA, increased ribonucleolytic activity by twofold. No variant, however, was more toxic to human cancer cells than wild-type ONC. Together, these findings provide a cynosure for understanding catalysis of RNA cleavage in a system of high medicinal relevance.  相似文献   

Notch receptors transmit signals between adjacent cells. Signaling is initiated when ligand binding induces metalloprotease cleavage of Notch within an extracellular negative regulatory region (NRR). We present here the X-ray structure of the human NOTCH2 NRR, which adopts an autoinhibited conformation. Extensive interdomain interactions within the NRR bury the metalloprotease site, showing that a substantial conformational movement is necessary to expose this site during activation by ligand. Leukemia-associated mutations in NOTCH1 probably release autoinhibition by destabilizing the conserved hydrophobic core of the NRR.  相似文献   

Filamins are essential in cell motility and many developmental processes. They are large actin cross linking proteins that contain actin binding domains in their N termini and a long rod region constructed from 24 tandem Ig domains. Dimerization is crucial for the actin crosslinking function of filamins and requires the most C-terminal Ig domain. We describe here the crystal structure of this 24th Ig domain (Ig24) of human filamin C and show how it mediates dimerization. The dimer interface is novel and quite different to that seen in the Dictyostelium discoideum filamin analog. The sequence signature of the dimerization interface suggests that the C-terminal domains of all vertebrate filamins share the same dimerization mechanism. Furthermore, we show that point mutations in the dimerization interface disrupt the dimer and that the dissociation constant for recombinant Ig24 is in the micromolar range.  相似文献   

Neurabin and spinophilin are neuronal scaffolding proteins that play important roles in the regulation of synaptic transmission through their ability to target protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to dendritic spines where PP1 dephosphorylates and inactivates glutamate receptors. However, thus far, it is still unknown how neurabin and spinophilin themselves are targeted to these membrane receptors. Spinophilin and neurabin contain a single PDZ domain, a common protein-protein interaction recognition motif, which are 86% identical in sequence. We report the structures of both the neurabin and spinophilin PDZ domains determined using biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. These proteins form the canonical PDZ domain fold. However, despite their high degree of sequence identity, there are distinct and significant structural differences between them, especially between the peptide binding pockets. Using two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC NMR analysis, we demonstrate that C-terminal peptide ligands derived from glutamatergic AMPA and NMDA receptors and cytosolic proteins directly and differentially bind spinophilin and neurabin PDZ domains. This peptide binding data also allowed us to classify the neurabin and spinophilin PDZ domains as the first identified neuronal hybrid class V PDZ domains, which are capable of binding both class I and II peptides. Finally, the ability to bind to glutamate receptor subunits suggests that the PDZ domains of neurabin and spinophilin are important for targeting PP1 to C-terminal phosphorylation sites in AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits.  相似文献   

Besides direct charging of tRNAs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, indirect routes also ensure attachment of some amino acids onto tRNA. Such routes may explain how new amino acids entered into protein synthesis. In archaea and in most bacteria, tRNA(Gln) is first misaminoacylated by glutamyl-tRNA synthetase. Glu-tRNA(Gln) is then matured into Gln-tRNA(Gln) by a tRNA-dependent amidotransferase. We report the structure of a tRNA-dependent amidotransferase-that of GatDE from Pyrococcus abyssi. The 3.0 A resolution crystal structure shows a tetramer with two GatD molecules as the core and two GatE molecules at the periphery. The fold of GatE cannot be related to that of any tRNA binding enzyme. The ammonium donor site on GatD and the tRNA site on GatE are markedly distant. Comparison of GatD and L-asparaginase structures shows how the motion of a beta hairpin region containing a crucial catalytic threonine may control the overall reaction cycle of GatDE.  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation and the structures of serpin–inhibitor complexes are not completely understood, despite detailed knowledge of the structures of a number of cleaved and uncleaved inhibitor, noninhibitor, and latent serpins. It has been proposed from comparison of inhibitor and noninhibitor serpins in the cleaved and uncleaved forms that insertion of strand s4A into preexisting β-sheet A is a requirement for serpin inhibitor activity. We have investigated the role of this strand in formation of serpin–proteinase complexes and in serpin inhibitor activity through homology modeling of wild type inhibitor, mutant substrate, and latent serpins, and of putative serpin–proteinase complexes. These models explain the high stability of the complexes and provide an understanding of substrate behavior in serpins with point mutations in s4A and of latency in plasmingoen activator inhibitor I. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Variable site of airway narrowing among obstructive sleep apnea patients   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The purpose of this was to determine whether the site of physiological narrowing within the upper airway was uniform or differed among patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Inspiratory pressures were measured with an esophageal balloon catheter and three catheters located at different sites along the upper airway: supralaryngeal airway, oropharynx, and nasopharynx. Peak inspiratory pressure differences between catheters allowed assessment of pressure gradients across three airway segments: lungs-larynx-retroepiglottal airway (esophageal-supralaryngeal pressure), hypopharynx (supralaryngeal-oropharynx pressure), and transpalatal airway (oropharynx-nasopharynx pressure). In five patients, hypopharyngeal obstruction was present, and in four patients no hypopharyngeal obstruction existed. In these four patients the site of obstruction was located at the level of the palate. In a given subject, the site of obstruction was the same during repeated measurements. The presence or absence of hypopharyngeal narrowing during sleep was not predictable from gradients measured across different segments of the upper airway during wakefulness. We conclude that the site of physiological upper airway obstruction varies among patients with obstructive sleep apnea and is not predictable from pressure measured during wakefulness. We speculate that uvulopalatopharyngoplasty may not relieve obstructive apneas in patients with hypopharyngeal obstruction.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of changes in flow rates from partial flow-volume curves depends on their measurement at the same lung volume. This lung volume can be standardized from total lung capacity (TLC) if this does not change at the same time. We examined the effect of methacholine-stimulated maximal airway narrowing [change in mean forced expiratory volume in 1 s (delta FEV1) = 26.4%] on TLC, measured by whole-body plethysmography, in 10 normal subjects and of moderate airway narrowing (mean delta FEV1 = 34.9%) in 10 asthmatics. The TLC changed from 5.88 to 6.03 liters in normal subjects (P greater than 0.05) and from 6.92 to 6.95 liters (P greater than 0.5) in asthmatics. The results of this study suggest that TLC does not change significantly after methacholine-stimulated maximal airway narrowing in normal subjects and after moderate narrowing in asthmatics.  相似文献   

Increasing minute ventilation of dry gas shifts the principal burden of respiratory heat and water losses from more proximal airway to airways farther into the lung. If these local thermal transfers determine the local stimulus for bronchoconstriction, then increasing minute ventilation of dry gas might also extend the zone of airway narrowing farther into the lung during hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction (HIB). We tested this hypothesis by comparing tantalum bronchograms in tracheostomized guinea pigs before and during bronchoconstriction induced by dry gas hyperpnea, intravenous methacholine, and intravenous capsaicin. In eight animals subjected to 5 min of dry gas isocapnic hyperpnea [tidal volume (VT) = 2-5 ml, 150 breaths/min], there was little change in the diameter of the trachea or the main stem bronchi up to 0.75 cm past the main carina (zone 1). In contrast, bronchi from 0.75 to 1.50 cm past the main carina (zone 2) narrowed progressively at all minute ventilations greater than or equal to 300 ml/min (VT = 2 ml). More distal bronchi (1.50-3.10 cm past the main carina; zone 3) did not narrow significantly until minute ventilation was raised to 450 ml/min (VT = 3 ml). The estimated VT during hyperpnea needed to elicit a 50% reduction in airway diameter was significantly higher in zone 3 bronchi [4.3 +/- 0.8 (SD) ml] than in zone 2 bronchi (3.5 +/- 1.1 ml, P less than 0.012).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Airway narrowing depends on smooth muscle force production and muscle shortening, but the structural and geometric properties exhibited by individual generations of the bronchial tree largely determine the extent and characteristics of airway narrowing. Properties of major importance include the nature and integrity of the epithelium, the structural and mechanical properties of the airway wall, as well as airway diameter. The influence of these properties on airway narrowing measured as flow or flow resistance in large and small diameter segments of airways from pig lung is described using a novel preparation, the perfused bronchial segment.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to assess the magnitude of oxidative stress and lung function abnormalities in 34 male pesticide sprayers on exposure to pesticides in mango plantations. Biochemical studies on blood antioxidant enzymes revealed an unchanged glutathione level and increased level of malondialdehyde (P < 0.001), which indicates that pesticide sprayers may have suffered from oxidative stress. Decreased acetyl-cholinesterase levels (P < 0.001) in sprayers compared to the controls suggest inhibition of cholinesterase activity. The present study shows that pesticide toxicity might lead to oxidative stress and airway narrowing resulting in decreased peak expiratory flow rate.  相似文献   

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