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The influence of the reading context upon the suppression of nonsense codons   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary One of the basic assumptions of the current views of the genetic code is that the translation machinery reads the messenger RNA one nucleotide triplet codon at a time and that the meaning of a particular codon should not be effected by the surrounding nucleotide sequence (the reading context). Reexamination of existing data shows that this assumption does not hold for the case of suppression of the nonsense codons UAG (amber) and UAA (ochre).The efficiency of amino acid insertion in response to these nonsense codons appears to strongly depend on their location within the message. It is suggested that the translation machinery may interact with a nucleotide sequence longer than three nucleotides when involved in a chain termination reaction.  相似文献   

Effects of surrounding sequence on the suppression of nonsense codons   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
Using a lacI-Z fusion system, we have determined the efficiency of suppression of nonsense codons in the I gene of Escherichia coli by assaying beta-galactosidase activity. We examined the efficiency of four amber suppressors acting on 42 different amber (UAG) codons at known positions in the I gene, and the efficiency of a UAG suppressor at 14 different UGA codons. The largest effects were found with the amber suppressor supE (Su2), which displayed efficiencies that varied over a 35-fold range, and with the UGA suppressor, which displayed a 170-fold variation in efficiency. Certain UGA sites were so poorly suppressed (less than 0.2%) by the UGA suppressor that they were not originally detected as nonsense mutations. Suppression efficiency can be correlated with the sequence on the 3' side of the codon being suppressed, and in many cases with the first base on the 3' side. In general, codons followed by A or G are well suppressed, and codons followed by U or C are poorly suppressed. There are exceptions, however, since codons followed by CUG or CUC are well suppressed. Models explaining the effect of the surrounding sequence on suppression efficiency are considered in the Discussion and in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Identification of nonsense codons in yeast   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

The phenomenon of nonsense-associated altered splicing raises the possibility that the recognition of in-frame nonsense codons is used generally for exon identification during pre-mRNA splicing. However, nonsense codon frequencies in pseudo exons and in regions flanking 5' splice sites are no greater than that expected by chance, arguing against the widespread use of this strategy as a means of rejecting potential splice sites.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel mechanism for reversion of nonsense mutations in the trpA gene of Escherichia coli. This mechanism, deletion of the nonsense codon, was discovered in the course of selecting for missense revertants of trpA(UGA211) and for catalytically active tryptophan synthetase alpha chain revertants of trpA(UAA234) and trpA(UAG234). Each type of revertant trpA was cloned and its DNA sequence determined. trpA(UGA211) gave rise to two previously unidentified types of missense revertant. The first type was expected, namely trpA(CGA211), the result of a base substitution event. The other type, representing approximately 1% of the missense revertants, was unexpected on the basis of single base substitutions and an understanding of which amino acids are functional at alpha chain position 211. It was found to be the result of a 21 base-pair deletion of a region containing codon 211. The tryptophan-independent revertants of both position 234 nonsense mutants occurred at a frequency of approximately 2 per 10(9) viable cells. They were identical in that they both resulted from a 3 base-pair deletion, namely deletion of the chain-terminating codon at position 234. One of them, however, also displayed an A instead of the normal G in the third position of codon 235. The revertants were characterized according to growth in different media and tryptophan synthetase assays performed on crude extracts. These types of mutants should prove interesting and important for the elucidation of alpha chain structure-function relationships, for insight into the assembly and interaction of subunits in this model multienzyme complex, and for the study of mechanisms by which deletions can be generated.  相似文献   

Summary A spontaneous streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli mutant which is temperature-sensitive for suppression of a nonsense codon was studied for its ability to propagate phages T2, T4D, T5, K, f2, MS2, R17, Q, as well as filamentous phages fl, fd and M13. Of all phages tested, only the growth of Q, , and filamentous phages is inhibited in the mutant at 42° C. This selective inhibition suggests that, like Q, and filamentous phages also require a read-through protein(s) which results from suppression of a termination codon.  相似文献   

Premature translation termination codons resulting from nonsense or frameshift mutations are common causes of genetic disorders. Complications arising from the synthesis of C-terminally truncated polypeptides can be avoided by 'nonsense-mediated decay' of the mutant mRNAs. Premature termination codons in the beta-globin mRNA cause the common recessive form of beta-thalassemia when the affected mRNA is degraded, but the more severe dominant form when the mRNA escapes nonsense-mediated decay. We demonstrate that cells distinguish a premature termination codon within the beta-globin mRNA from the physiological translation termination codon by a two-step specification mechanism. According to the binary specification model proposed here, the positions of splice junctions are first tagged during splicing in the nucleus, defining a stop codon operationally as a premature termination codon by the presence of a 3' splicing tag. In the second step, cytoplasmic translation is required to validate the 3' splicing tag for decay of the mRNA. This model explains nonsense-mediated decay on the basis of conventional molecular mechanisms and allows us to propose a common principle for nonsense-mediated decay from yeast to man.  相似文献   

Translational stop codon readthrough provides a regulatory mechanism of gene expression that is extensively utilised by positive-sense ssRNA viruses. The misreading of termination codons is achieved by a variety of naturally occurring suppressor tRNAs whose structure and function is the subject of this survey. All of the nonsense suppressors characterised to date (with the exception of selenocysteine tRNA) are normal cellular tRNAs that are primarily needed for reading their cognate sense codons. As a consequence, recognition of stop codons by natural suppressor tRNAs necessitates unconventional base pairings in anticodon–codon interactions. A number of intrinsic features of the suppressor tRNA contributes to the ability to read non-cognate codons. Apart from anticodon–codon affinity, the extent of base modifications within or 3′ of the anticodon may up- or down-regulate the efficiency of suppression. In order to out-compete the polypeptide chain release factor an absolute prerequisite for the action of natural suppressor tRNAs is a suitable nucleotide context, preferentially at the 3′ side of the suppressed stop codon. Three major types of viral readthrough sites, based on similar sequences neighbouring the leaky stop codon, can be defined. It is discussed that not only RNA viruses, but also the eukaryotic host organism might gain some profit from cellular suppressor tRNAs.  相似文献   

Coding sequences lack stop codons, but many stops appear off-frame. Off-frame stops (stops in -1 and +1 shifted reading frames, termed hidden stops) terminate frame-shifted translation, potentially decreasing energy, and resource waste on nonfunctional proteins. Benefits may include reduced waste elimination costs and avoidance of potentially cytotoxic frame-shifted products. Our "ambush" hypothesis suggests that hidden stops are sometimes selected for. Codons of many amino acids can contribute to hidden stops, depending on the synonymous position state and adjacent codons. In vertebrate mitochondria, 31.75% of all amino acid combinations can form hidden stops. Codons with more potential to form hidden stops have greater usage frequency and bias in their favor among synonymous codons. Among primates, predicted mitochondrial rRNA secondary structure stability correlates negatively with the number of hidden stops in the mitochondrial genome. The taxonomic distribution of genetic codes suggests that +1 frameshifts might be more frequent than -1 frameshifts. This is confirmed by analyses of primate mitochondrial genomes: species with unstable rRNAs have more +1 stops, but the correlation is weak for -1 stops. High hidden stop density seems to be an adaptation in species with slippage prone ribosomes (unstable rRNAs). Hidden stops may thus compensate for reduced efficiency of some parts of the biosynthetic machinery. Some experimental data confirm our hypothesis: gene expression increases with the experimentally manipulated number of stops in the promoter region of a gene, suggesting biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

A stop or nonsense codon is an in-frame triplet within a messenger RNA that signals the termination of translation. One common feature shared among all three nonsense codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA) is a uridine present at the first codon position. It has been recently shown that the conversion of this uridine into pseudouridine (Ψ) suppresses translation termination, both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, decoding of the pseudouridylated nonsense codons is accompanied by the incorporation of two specific amino acids in a nonsense codon-dependent fashion. Ψ differs from uridine by a single N1H group at the C5 position; how Ψ suppresses termination and, more importantly, enables selective decoding is poorly understood. Here, we provide molecular rationales for how pseudouridylated stop codons are selectively decoded. Our analysis applies crystal structures of ribosomes in varying states of translation to consider weakened interaction of Ψ with release factor; thermodynamic and geometric considerations of the codon-anticodon base pairs to rank and to eliminate mRNA-tRNA pairs; the mechanism of fidelity check of the codon-anticodon pairing by the ribosome to evaluate noncanonical codon-anticodon base pairs and the role of water. We also consider certain tRNA modifications that interfere with the Ψ-coordinated water in the major groove of the codon-anticodon mini-helix. Our analysis of nonsense codons enables prediction of potential decoding properties for Ψ-modified sense codons, such as decoding ΨUU potentially as Cys and Tyr. Our results provide molecular rationale for the remarkable dynamics of ribosome decoding and insights on possible reprogramming of the genetic code using mRNA modifications.  相似文献   

Messenger RNAs harboring nonsense codons (or premature translation termination codons [PTCs]) are degraded by a conserved quality-control mechanism known as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), which prevents the accumulation of truncated and potentially harmful proteins. In Drosophila melanogaster, degradation of PTC-containing messages is initiated by endonucleolytic cleavage in the vicinity of the nonsense codon. The endonuclease responsible for this cleavage has not been identified. Here, we show that SMG6 is the long sought NMD endonuclease. First, cells expressing an SMG6 protein mutated at catalytic residues fail to degrade PTC-containing messages. Moreover, the SMG6-PIN domain can be replaced with the active PIN domain of an unrelated protein, indicating that its sole function is to provide endonuclease activity for NMD. Unexpectedly, we found that the catalytic activity of SMG6 contributes to the degradation of PTC-containing mRNAs in human cells. Thus, SMG6 is a conserved endonuclease that degrades mRNAs terminating translation prematurely in metazoa.  相似文献   

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