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Although scientific knowledge about the biodiversity of Antarctic benthic hydrozoans has considerably increased in recent years, little is known about their spatial distribution and underpinning factors. Trying to contribute to filling this gap, benthic hydroid spatial distribution in the Bellingshausen Sea (Southern Ocean) was studied. Samples were collected at 32 stations at depths between 86 and 3,304 m during Spanish Antarctic expeditions in 2003 and 2006. Sediments and bottom water properties were analyzed using an USNEL-type box corer and a Neil Brown Instrument System Mark III CTD, respectively. Forty species were reported (Acryptolaria sp., Stegopoma plicatile, Staurotheca dichotoma having the highest percentages of occurrence), representing ca. 19 % of the species richness of the known benthic hydroid fauna of the Southern Ocean. Three well-defined assemblages (shallow, deep and transitional) were established based on significant differences in species occurrence. Benthic hydroid spatial distribution in the Bellingshausen Sea seems to be controlled mainly by depth and substrate (most hydrozoan species are epibiotic), by species dispersal abilities and by species resilience to changing hydrodynamic conditions. The level of species richness found in the present study, compared with other Antarctic areas, gives support to arguments stated by authors against the idea that the Bellingshausen Sea is “a benthos desert” controlled by oligotrophic conditions and intense iceberg traffic.  相似文献   

The structure and spatial distribution of the macrofauna community of the Bellingshausen Sea in the western sector of Antarctica was studied during the ‘BENTART–06’ oceanographic expedition. This is one of the least explored Antarctic seas. A total of 20 box cores were sampled at 11 stations ranging from 157 to 3,304 m depth, using an USNEL-type box corer (BC) dredge. Representatives of 25 higher taxa of invertebrates were collected. Deeper sampling sites were less rich in taxa (4–7 taxa), whereas the figures were higher at shallower sites (up to 17 taxa). Faunal density on the sea bottom revealed a horizontal spatial gradient from the western sites with extremely low figures (90 indiv./m2) towards the eastern ones with the highest figures (1,360 indiv./m2) close to the Antarctic Peninsula. Several abiotic factors (depth, redox, organic matter, carbonates and particle size of surficial sediments) were measured simultaneously on the sea floor to characterise the substrate preferences of the fauna. Positive correlations were found between the faunal distribution and a combination of depth, redox values, and organic matter content of sediments. This indicates decreasing availability of food in the deeper bottoms of the Bellingshausen Sea with a prevalence of depauperated bottoms dominated almost exclusively by a foraminiferans community.  相似文献   

The central part of the Bellingshausen Sea has been poorly studied, partly because of the presence of ice during most of the year. The main aim of this study was to analyse the abundance and distribution of meroplankton, and the influence of oceanographic properties were investigated in the Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica) during the BENTART-06 cruise carried out in January–February 2006. Zooplankton samples were collected with a 80-μm mesh plankton net hauled vertically from a depth of 200?m to the surface at fifteen stations across the Bellingshausen Sea. Fifteen types of larval benthic invertebrates were found, with echinospira and nudibranch veligers being the most abundant. Hierarchical analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed a high degree of spatial variability in both larval abundance and larval types across the Bellingshausen Sea. The variability was significantly correlated with total chlorophyll-a and the contribution of large (>5?μm) phytoplankton to total chlorophyll, indicating the availability of food as an important factor determining the larval distribution observed. Nudibranch veligers, nemertean pilidia, echinoderm and planula larvae were more abundant at stations in the central Bellingshausen Sea, which was characterized by low phytoplankton biomass and production. Higher abundances of echinospira veligers and polychaete larvae were found at the more productive stations close to Peter I Island and the Antarctic Peninsula. The abundance and diversity of larval types found in the Bellingshausen Sea during the BENTART-06 cruise support the hypothesis that indirect development through larval swimming stages plays a key role in benthic recruitment in polar areas.  相似文献   

The Bellingshausen Sea constitutes the third largest sea in the Southern Ocean, though it is widely recognized as one of the less-studied Antarctic areas. To reduce this lack of knowledge, a survey to study the biodiversity of its marine benthic communities was carried out during the Bentart 2003 and Bentart 2006 Spanish Antarctic expeditions. The study of the hydroid collection has provided 27 species, belonging to ten families and 15 genera. Twenty-one out of the 27 species constitute new records for the Bellingshausen Sea, raising the total number of known species to 37, as also do nine out of the 15 genera. Candelabrum penola, Lafoea annulata, and Staurotheca juncea are recorded for the second time. Most species belong to Leptothecata. Sertulariidae with 13 species (48%) is by far the most speciose family, and Symplectoscyphus with seven species (26%), including S. bellingshauseni sp. nov. and S. hesperides sp. nov., the most diverse genus. Considering the whole benthic hydroid fauna of the Bellingshausen Sea, 18 species (69%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, either with a circum-Antarctic (12 species, 46%) or West Antarctic (6 species, 23%) distribution, 23 (88%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters, and only three species have a wider distribution. Bellingshausen Sea hydroid fauna is composed of a relatively high diversity of typical representatives of the Antarctic benthic hydroid fauna, though with a surprisingly low representation of some of the most diverse and widespread Antarctic genera (Oswaldella and Schizotricha), what could be related to the fact that its shelf-inhabiting hydroid fauna remains practically unknown.  相似文献   

Although frequent studies have been made on the benthos assemblages living in the Southern Ocean, few studies have dealt with molluscan assemblages and ecology. During the research programmes BENTART carried out in austral summers of 2003 and 2006 in a study area including Low Island, West Antarctic Peninsula, Bellingshausen Sea and Peter I Island, 45 stations were sampled using quantitative box-corer, Agassiz trawl, epibenthic sledge and rock dredge, at depths of 53–3,304 m. These data were used to search and analyse the malacological assemblages. A total of 2,889 living specimens of molluscs belonging to 139 species of shelled Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Scaphopoda were recoded. Gastropods were the best-represented in species richness, but the bivalves accounted the major abundance and Cyamiocardium denticulatum (460 individuals) was the most abundant species. Species richness varied from 1 to 37 species and diversity showed great variations at different stations. Four groups of stations of low similarities and some differences in faunistic composition were observed: one that gathers the Antarctic Peninsula and Peter I Island, one that also includes the Low Island, and two composed by stations of Bellingshausen Sea.  相似文献   

The basin off the Bellingshausen Sea, in contrast to other better known areas such as the Antarctic Peninsula and the Ross and Weddell Seas, has been little investigated due to remoteness and the prevalence of ice for most of the year. The present study focuses on an analysis of polychaetes collected from soft bottoms of this sea and off the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (Gerlache Strait) by means of a box-corer (25 × 25 cm) in two intensive surveys carried out during austral summers of 2002–2003 and 2005–2006 (BENTART-03 and BENTART-06). Three different polychaete assemblages were determined from the classification and ordination analyses of sampling stations based on the Bray-Curtis similarity index. One group of stations encompassed the deep stations from the shelf of the Bellingshausen Sea, the second one the shallower stations from the same area and the third one those stations located near the coast of Peter I Island and Gerlache Strait, off the Antarctic Peninsula. The environmental variables involved in segregating these groups were several sedimentary features (redox potential, gravel content) and depth. The present study provides further support to previous ones that considered the shelf of the Bellingshausen Sea as a differentiated region within the Southern Ocean, clearly distinct to the adjacent Weddell and Scott Seas and the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

A new species of notothenioid fish, Pogonophryne bellingshausenensis n. sp., is described from the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. The new species belongs to the dorsally-spotted “mentella” group of the genus and is characterized by having a short (about 13% SL) mental barbel with a short (about 16% of barbel length), narrow (barely wider than the stalk), and relatively inconspicuous terminal expansion composed of short, irregular, fingerlike processes. Compared to most other dorsally-spotted species of Pogonophryne (“barsukovi”, “marmorata”, and “mentella” groups), P. bellingshausenensis has a relatively wide (about 7% SL) interorbital region. An unspotted patch on the median dorsal surface of the head, posterior to the posttemporal ridges and anterior to the first dorsal fin, has not been observed previously in any dorsally-spotted species. The holotype was collected at 1,947 m, one of the deepest records for any species of Pogonophryne. A revised key to the ten species of the “mentella” group of Pogonophryne is also provided.  相似文献   

We measured ingestion rates of Calanoides acutus on different microbial components of the Gerlache Strait (GE) and Bellingshausen Sea (BE) waters during December 2002. At the time of the study the abundance of both zooplankton (42–133 ind m−3) and phytoplankton (0.76–1.5 µg chlorophyll a l−1) were low, indicating that the spring phytoplankton bloom was still not fully developed. C. acutus showed high clearance rates along the study (up to 432 ml ind−1 day−1), selecting for large motile organisms such as ciliates and the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium spp., although their feeding impact was always <0.1% of the standing stock of any of their prey. The total daily rations were low (∼2% body carbon per day), mostly the result of phytoplankton consumption (except for station GE3 in which heterotrophic flagellates contributed to 73% of the diet), and barely enough to cover metabolic demands. Based on the relationship between oxygen (carbon) consumption and ammonia excretion (considered as indicative of the metabolic substrate) it seems that standard metabolic demands were supplied, apart from the diet, by the use of their own non-structural proteins, whereas the remaining reserve-lipids were used to produce eggs.  相似文献   

Stambler  Noga  Lovengreen  Charlotte  Tilzer  Max M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):41-56
The underwater light field in the Bellingshausen andAdmundsen Seas was characterised using data collectedduring the R/V Polarstern cruise ANT XI/3, from12.1.94 to 27.3.94. The euphotic zone varied from 24to 100 m depth. Spectral diffuse vertical attenuationcoefficients (K d ())were determined for 12narrow wavebands as well as for photosyntheticallyavailable radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm): K d (490)ranged from 0.03 to 0.26 m1; K d (550) from0.04 to 0.17 m1; K d (683) from 0.04 to0.17 m1; and K d (PAR) varied from 0.02 to0.25 m1. K d () for wavelengths centred at412 nm, 443 nm, 465 nm, 490 nm, 510 nm, 520 nm and550 nm were significantly correlated with chlorophyllconcentration (ranging from 0.1 to 6 mg m3). Thevertical attenuation coefficients for 340 nm and380 nm ranged from 0.10 to 0.69 m1 and from 0.05to 0.34 m1, respectively, and were also highlycorrelated with chlorophyll concentrations. These K d values indicate that the 1% penetration depthmay reach maxima of 46 m and 92 m for 340 nm and380 nm, respectively. The spectral radiancereflectances (Rr()) for 443 nm, 510 nm and 550 nmwere less than 0.01 sr1. Rr() for 665 nm and683 nm increased with depth up to 0.2 sr1 because ofchlorophyll fluorescence. Using a model that predicts downwardirradiances by taking into account the attenuation bywater and absorption by chlorophyll, we show thatchlorophyll fluorescence has a significant influenceon the red downward irradiance (E d (633, 665, 683))in deeper layers. The ability of the phytoplanktonpopulation to influence the light environment byautofluorescence and absorption processes depends onthe light conditions and on the photoacclimation ofthe cells, represented by the in vivo crosssection absorption coefficient of chlorophyll (a*). Theobtained mean chlorophyll-specific light attenuationcoefficients of phytoplankton in situ (k d ) are higherthan the in vivo absorption coefficient of chlorophyll,more than to be excepted from the scattering. a*(), m2 mg chl1, decreased due topackaging effect with increasing chlorophyllconcentrations.  相似文献   

Picoplankton BIOMASS in the Ross Sea (Antarctica)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Spatial distribution of picoplankton in the Ross Sea was studied. The authors discuss the biomasses of various picoplanktonic-sized fractions and of bacterial cells between 0.2 and 2.0 m capable of growing on Marine Agar 2216 (Difco). Picoplankton having a cellular diameter cf between 1.0 and 2.0 m (PP1) generally predominate, accounting for 73% of the whole picoplankton biomass. However, smaller cells (PP2) can represent 28% of the picoplankton biomass at depths corresponding to 1% of surface light. These results are in good agreement with those found in the coastal regions of McMurdo Sound (Fuhrman and Azam 1980) and in other areas of the Antarctic seas where total bacterioplankton was studied (Hanson et al. 1983b; El-Sayed 1987; Lancelot et al. 1989). Biomasses of total picoplankton (TPP) are not correlated with any of the environmental parameters studied. The PP1 is correlated with O2 and silicates and PP2 is correlated with O2, phosphates temperature and nitrates. Aerobic heterotrophic biomasses are correlated with O2 and salinity.  相似文献   

Sipunculans collected during the EPOS (European Polarstern Study) leg 3 cruise (13.1.89–10.3.89) to the Weddell Sea shelf area from depths ranging from 186 to 2037 m are recorded. Seven species in three genera are recognized; Nephasoma capilleforme and Phascolion convestitum have not been recorded hitherto in Antarctica. Significant morphological characters as shown by light (LM) and electron (SEM) photographs are described and illustrated. Antarctic distribution maps of the species collected and a checklist of the sipunculan species south of the Antarctic Convergence with depths and bibliographic references are included.  相似文献   

Investigations on foraminifers from Upper Pleistocene–Holocene sediments were carried out on twelve cores from the western Ross Sea continental margin (Drygalski, Joides, North Victoria Land Basins) as part of a “Progetto Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide” (P.N.R.A.) multidisciplinary project. Data on the foraminiferal frequency, species diversity, tests abundance and their state of preservation were presented as a synthesis of 404 core samples to establish their relationships with the main glacial and marine lithofacies of this area. A total of 126 benthic species, pertaining to 73 genera have been identified; just few taxa, such as Cibicides spp., Globocassidulina spp., Trifarina angulosa and Miliammina spp. being the most ubiquitous and in some cases the dominant species of these paleoenvironments. Two variants of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, including thin and thick-shelled forms have been recovered. We propose to use these results to provide the degree of glacial control during the Last Glacial Maximum and the following Holocene retreat of the ice sheets. High test fragmentation, low diversity and density tests reflect higher glacial influence of the ice sheet in the Drygalski Basin, whereas the decreasing percentage of fragmentation and a relative increase of density and diversity in Drygalski, Joides and North Victoria Land Basins indicate the paleoenvironmental passage from the ice sheet to the ice shelf condition. The ice shelf retreat is well evidenced in the Joides Basin by a succession of levels barren of foraminifers alternating with high-density levels, rich in T. angulosa, followed by a total disappearance of the calcareous foraminifers. Open-marine settings indicative of lower glacial influence and increased corrosiveness of the water masses is testified by the Miliammina foraminiferal assemblage during the Holocene in Drygalski and Joides Basins cores. On the contrary, rich and abundant benthic and planktonic assemblages characterize the Holocene paleoenvironment of the North Victoria Land area, indicating that the water masses were less corrosive with respect to the other areas. In addition to the glacial reworking of the tests, and the dissolution due to the corrosive water mass conditions, the volcaniclastic sediments recovered in the North Victoria Land Basin cores also affected the condition of test preservation. In volcaniclastic sediments, older than about 20 ka BP, the foraminifers concentration tends to zero and, when present, their tests are highly damaged or completely broken.  相似文献   

During the Bentart-2003 Cruise, carried out during austral summer 2003 in the Bellingshausen Sea, three species of Lithodidae, Paralomis birsteini, Lithodes murrayi and Neolithodes capensis, were caught from 218 m to 1947 m. With these captures the presence of L. murrayi in Peter I Island is confirmed, the distribution area of N. capensis is greatly increased and the captures of N. capensis and P. birsteini represent the first lithodid record known from the Antarctic continental slope. Also, these records show large and discontinuous distributions, which illustrate that many distribution patterns of Antarctic species are more an artefact of limited studies than representing actual distribution.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll concentration, light intensity, primary production, light absorption and quantum yield were measured between 12 January 1994 and 27 March 1994 in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas. Primary production and quantum yield within Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas were typical of the high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll area of the Southern Ocean while small variations were found as a result of local conditions. Chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations were generally low (<1 μg l−1) in the water column, while in cases of blooms it reached 7–8 μg l−1. The light intensity at which photosynthesis approaches saturation varied between 59 and 105 μmol q m−2 s−1.The initial slope of the photosynthesis curve varied between 0.02 and 0.07 μg C (μg chl a)−1 h−1 (μmol q m−2 s−1)−1. The maximal photosynthetic rate at light saturation ranged between 1.6 and 5.4 μg C (μg chl a)−1 h−1. Light limitation was found within the mixing depth, while no photoinhibition was observed when surface light was 500 μmol q m−2 s−1. The mean spectral absorption coefficients of phytoplankton ranged between 0.018 and 0.042 m2 (mg chl a)−1 depending on the phytoplankton taxonomy. The quantum yield of photosynthesis varied between 0.027 and 0.076 mol C mol q−1. These high quantum yields are explained by the prevailing high nutrient concentrations in this area. Light intensity plays a major role as limiting factor, even in very shallow water. The phytoplankton close to the surface did not show photoinhibition but had higher UV absorption capabilities.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic assemblages were investigated at 26 stations located around Livingston Island, Deception Island and the Bransfield Strait at depths ranging from 42 to 671 m. Representatives of 30 major taxa were found. The maximal density was 5,260 specimens·m−2 at Livingston Island; the mean abundance per station ranged from 160 to 4,380 specimens·m−2. The total biomass of the macrozoobenthos declined with depth, with mean values of 3,201 g·m−2 at shallower depths (< 100 m) and 210 g·m−2 further down (> 100 m). After multivariate analysis (cluster analysis, MDS) based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, most stations could be assigned to one of three groups on the basis of distinct biomass differences between sites. The first cluster with a rich Ascidiacea biomass is common on shallower bottoms. The second, with Ophiuroidea as a characteristic group, is common on deeper bottoms. The absence of an ‘indicator’ taxon is characteristic of the remaining cluster of those stations with the lowest biomass values. No significant correlations were detected between macrobenthic biomass and any sediment parameters measured, probably because part of the benthos (i.e. the epifauna) could be better explained by the coupling with a highly productive water column. The role of the epi-infauna sensu Gallardo as the main factor structuring benthic assemblages in the investigated area is discussed. Received: 7 March 1996/Accepted: 26 July 1996  相似文献   

Drilling predation of cassid gastropods (tonnacean) on echinoids is common in marine environments but is rarely documented. Tests of the minute clypeasteroid Echinocyamus pusillus OF Müller (1776) were collected from the Mediterranean Sea (Isola del Giglio, Italy). Besides general morphology, features pertaining to the morphology and distribution of predatory boreholes were examined. Furthermore, borehole frequencies among different samples sites were compared. Cassid gastropods are assumed to be the originators of the boreholes. A total of 1061 tests were analysed for drilling rates with 15.3% drilled with predominantly single boreholes. The borehole morphology is strongly affected by the microstructure of the skeleton; the borehole outline is irregular if drilled within areas where ambulacral pores are present. Vertical borehole morphology is influenced by stereom density. The size frequencies of non-drilled and drilled specimens show significant differences. Comparisons of borehole size with test size show only a low correlation between predator and prey size. The distribution of boreholes shows a high site selectivity of the predator for the aboral side of the test and the petalodium.  相似文献   

Peltidiidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alteutha polarsternae sp.n. is described and Eupelte villosa (Brady, 1910) is redescribed in detail. The distribution of both these species in the Weddell Sea is recorded.  相似文献   

The unknown benthic ichthyofauna of the Bellingshausen Sea was analysed. Some data concerning the ichthyofauna of Peter I Island were also included. A total of 583 specimens belonging to 32 species were collected mainly by an Agassiz trawl and baited traps set between 86 and 1,947 m depth. A total of 72.2% of the specimens (89.0% of them Nototheniidae) were caught with the Agassiz trawl, whereas 27.8% of the individuals (90.1% of them Zoarcidae) were captured with traps. The Bellingshausen Sea ichthyofauna was dominated by Zoarcidae (43.9% of individuals, 35.8% by weight) and Nototheniidae (43.0 and 15.2%, respectively). Twenty-two of the 23 species captured in the Bellingshausen Sea are reported for the first time from this area. Trematomus scotti was the dominant nototheniid in the Bellingshausen Sea whereas Lepidonotothen larseni was dominant off Peter I Island.  相似文献   

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