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横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪).古植物资料表明在古近纪初期横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系是同古地中海沿岸一致的以照叶林为主的暖湿植物区系.古近纪后期和新近纪(新第三纪)以后古地中海气候逐步旱化,原来的暖湿植物区系在地中海地区逐步消失,而在横断山及喜马拉雅和东亚其他地区得以保存和发展,现代横断山及东喜马拉雅的亚热带森林即是其后裔.古近纪中期以后由于古地中海的逐步退却,气候变得干旱,原暖湿植物区系逐步被现代旱生的地中海植物区系所取代.新近纪以后,旱生的现代地中海植物区系由于喜马拉雅和横断山的隆起而转向适应高山环境,逐步分化形成了现代的中国-喜马拉雅成分.横断山-喜马拉雅地区硬叶高山栎林的起源;铁筷子属,绿绒蒿属,芒苞草属,假百合属及马桑属的地中海、喜马拉雅-横断山间断分布的形成便是古地中海植物区系残遗的体现;黄花木属、独一味属等众多中国喜马拉雅成分就是古地中海祖先的后裔.这些代表类群的分析研究表明现代的喜马拉雅-横断山的高山植物区系以及中国-喜马拉雅成分中有相当的一部分是起源于新生代旱生的地中海植物区系.  相似文献   

虞泓 《生命世界》1999,(3):20-21
百合科的豹子花属(Nomocharis),是喜马拉雅造山运动过程中,从百合属中分化出来的新属,是研究物种形成和进化的好材料,有很高的科学价值。我国云南的横断山区,是豹子花属和假百合属植物的起源中心和遗传多样性中心。在豹子花属已知的8个种中,除分布于印...  相似文献   

中国曲唇后兰属的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲唇兰属(Panisea)为兰科贝母兰亚族(Coelogyninac)的一个小属,全世界只有9种,主要分布于自喜马拉雅地区至印度支那。我国长期只记载1个种,即产于贵州的曲唇兰(P.cavaleriei Schltr.)。但在中国高等植物图鉴中,首次报告云南产另一个种P.bia(Kerr)Tang et Wang。作者在整理该属并结合在英国邱皇家植物园标本馆看到  相似文献   

虎耳草科落新妇族的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了落新妇族Trib.Astilbeae的系统发育和地理分布。依据进化论、被子植物性状演化总趋势和外类群比较,确认了该族及其外类群Penthorum的重要性状(染色体基数,花粉纹饰,胎座式,心皮、雄蕊、花瓣和萼片数目,萼片脉型,叶型)的极性。采用徐克学(1989)最大同步法做了分支分析,推导出了该族的系统树图。系统树图表明:Rodgersia和Astilboides是一单系类群,而Astilbe为其姊妹群; Rodgersia较Astilbe进化,Astilboides则居二者之间;Penthorum是落新妇族的姊妹群,且与之有共同祖先。迄今为止,已知落新妇族共有24种和13变种(原变种除外)。分布于Takhtajan(1986)的东亚区、大西洋-北美区、伊朗-土兰区和马来西亚区。在东亚区,日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)有3属、17种和变种,占该族种与变种总数的45.9%,其中,含有不同演化水平的类群和该族原始种有Astilbe platyphylla,A.simplicifolia和Rodgersia podophylla,此地区是该族的起源中心、现代分布中心和分化中心。 横断山地区有2属、11种和变种,占29.7%,是另一现代分布中心。本族较进化的种Astilbe biternata、A. indica、A.khasiana和Rodgersia nepalensis等,均出现于远离起源中心地区。据此推断,本族植物的散布路线可能是从日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)向北通过东西伯利亚和白令陆桥,继而向东南进入北美东南部;向南经中国南部至菲律宾和爪哇,向西南越秦岭-大巴山山地、横断山,入喜马拉雅。落新妇属 Astilbe和鬼灯檠属Rodgersia均分布于亚洲大陆和日本岛屿,而日本于晚第三纪以来,即与亚洲大陆分离,故落新妇属和鬼灯檠属的形成,当在日本与亚洲大陆分离之前。据此推知,落新妇族的起源时间可能在早第三纪,或可追溯至晚白垩纪。  相似文献   

云南哀牢山地区种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据采集的4 000余份标本及馆藏标本的整理和鉴定,云南哀牢山地区有野生种子植物199科945属2 238种215变种(亚种).植物种类十分丰富,是云南植物多样性最为丰富的地区之一.种子植物区系总体上是亚热带性质,其热带科占70.47%,热带属占63.89%,热带成分虽多于温带成份,但相当数量温带成分的存在反映了该区系具有从热带向温带的过渡性质.该植物区系缺少典型热带成分,但具有不少东亚特征科属.因此,该植物区系在区划上仍属于东亚区中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区,云南高原地区,属于东亚植物区系的一部分.  相似文献   

朱华 《云南植物研究》2008,30(3):308-314
茜草科粗叶木属植物是亚洲热带原始林下优势地位明显的一类灌木植物.依据标本资料和分类学修订,研究了东亚产粗叶木属植物33个种的地理分布式样,并将其划分为热带亚洲、东亚和中国特有3个分布区类型,其中热带亚洲分布型可以进一步划分为印度(喜马拉雅)至马来西亚分布、印度(喜马拉雅)至中国南部和大陆东南亚分布及中国南部至大陆东南亚分布3个亚型.中国粗叶木属植物中热带亚洲分布型占总种数的72.7%,显示了中国热带地区植物区系的热带亚洲亲缘.一些粗叶木属植物种类的分布式样暗示了中国-日本、中国-喜马拉雅森林植物区系的分区及物种形成,喜马拉雅(横断山)-台湾山地植物区系的联系及台湾-琉球-日本物种迁移通道.海南、台湾植物区系缺少特有种反映了它们的植物区系大陆性很强. 粗叶木属植物种类的分布式样对中国热带植物种分布区类型的划分提供了参考.  相似文献   

潘洁 《植物研究》2000,20(1):27-35
贡嘎山地区位于青藏高原的东南缘,横断山系的东北段,现有杜鹃属植物73种4变种2亚种。在贡嘎山地区东坡的不同垂直高度上分布有43种(包括变、亚种)杜鹃,西坡则分布有63种(包括变、亚种)。贡嘎山地区杜鹃属植物的区系组成属于泛北极植物区,大致分为:1、中国-日本森林植物亚区,只有1种杜鹃。2、中国-喜马拉雅森林植物亚区,有78种(包括4变种, 2亚种),其中(1)1种分布于西藏、云南,并经云南入缅甸分布;(2)44种为四川特产;(3)5种为贡嘎山地区特有种。另外,贡嘎山地区杜鹃属植物区系还有其特点:1、贡嘎山地区是杜鹃属植物分布中心之一;2、贡嘎山地区是杜鹃属植物分化中心之一;3、贡嘎山地区杜鹃属植物有垂直替代现象。  相似文献   

孙航 《云南植物研究》2002,24(3):273-288
横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪)。古植物资料在古近纪初期横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系是同古地中海沿岸一致的以照叶林为主的暖湿植物区系。古近纪后期和新近纪(新第三纪)以后古地中海气候逐步旱化。原来的暖湿植物区系在地中海地区逐步消失,而在横断山及喜马拉雅和东亚其他地区得以保存和发展,现代横断山及东喜马拉雅的亚热带森林即是其后裔。古近纪中期以后由于古地中海的逐步退却,气候变得干旱,原暖湿植物区系逐步被现代旱生的地中海植物区系所取代。新近纪以后,旱生的现代地中海植物区系由于喜马拉雅和横断山的隆起而转向适应高山环境,逐步分化形成了现代的中国-喜马拉雅成分。横断山-喜马拉雅地区硬中高山栎林的起源;铁筷子属,绿绒蒿属,芒苞草属,假百合属及马桑属的地中海,喜马拉雅-横断山间断分布的形成便是古地中海植物区系残遗的体现;黄花木属,独一味属等众多中国喜马拉雅成分就是古地中海祖先的后裔。这些代表类群的分析研究表明现代的喜马拉雅-横断山的高山植物区系以及中国-喜马拉雅成分中有相当的一部分是起源于新生代旱生的地中海植物区系。  相似文献   

中国蓼族(蓼科)植物区系的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王珂  侯元同  高召兰  张璞  王小芬  李法曾   《广西植物》2007,27(2):197-202
根据蓼族植物的生境及分布状况,在全国范围内进行多年的野外考察和标本采集,同时参考前人的研究成果对中国蓼族植物区系进行深入研究。结果表明,中国蓼族植物有12属、170余种及变种,包括发现的多个新种(其中3新种已正式发表,1新种已被植物分类学报接受);同时揭示了其区系特点:(1)分布广泛,在全国各省区从低海拔到高海拔的区域内均有分布;(2)区系具温带性质,以北温带成分为主;(3)全国范围内,四川拥有该族在中国分布的全部12属,种及变种数占全国的51.7%,特有种数占全国的44.4%;云南分布11属占全国的91·7%,种及变种数占全国的62.2%,特有种数占全国的55.6%。这表明西南地区的云南、四川是中国蓼族植物的现代分布中心和多样化中心;(4)中国有该族植物12属,170余种及变种,分别占世界属种数的85.7%和48.0%~58.2%。可见中国(尤其是四川、云南)是世界蓼族植物的现代分布中心和多样化中心。  相似文献   

毛茛科金莲花亚科植物的地理分布   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文对毛茛科金莲花亚科各属的地理分布作了分析,该亚科植物除了少数属的一些种分布到南半球的温带地区,一些种分布或延伸到亚热带山地、非洲东部和北部的干旱、半干旱的地区外,绝大部分的属、种均分布于泛北极区域。根据其17个属的地理分布式样,把它们划分为8个分布区类型:(1)北温带分布类型4属;(2)北温带和非洲分布类型1属;(3)北半球温带和南半球间断分布类型1属;(4)欧洲和东亚间断分布类型1属;(5)西亚分布类型1属;(6)地中海分布类型3属;(7)欧亚和温带亚洲分布类型1属;(8)东亚分布类型5属。本文以形态特征为主,结合花粉和染色体的性状分析,认为东亚特有的鸡爪草属、Megaleranthis和铁破锣属可能分别是联系驴蹄草属和金莲花属,鸡爪草属和金莲花属以及金莲花族和升麻族的中间类型。另外,文中详细地统计了该亚科的不同等级分类群及特有种在各个植物区的分布,并从系统发育的观点讨论了各个植物区所具有的原始类群和进化类群,提出了如下论点,即东亚植物区(特别是中国西南部)不但是金莲花亚科植物分布的多度和多样性中心以及特有类群的分布中心,而且还是原始类群的保存中心,伊朗-土兰区及地中海周围是第二分布中心。  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of Liliaceae (s. str. ) is analysed on the basis of the floristic regions proposed by Takhtajan. Some conclusions may be proposed as follows: 1.Liliaceae (s. str. ) consists of nine genera and about 513 species, distributed primarily in the north temperate zone. Statistics shows clearly that the Irano-Turanian Region is most abundant in number of species, The Eastern Asian Region with total nine genera of the family is the diversity centre of Liliaceae (s. str. ). 2. The distribution patterns of the genera may be divided into: 1 ) North temperate distribution pattern: Lloydia, Erythronium, Fritillaria and Lilium; 2) Old world temperate distribution pattern: Gagea and Tulipa; 3) West Asia to Himalayas and Southwest China distribution pattern: Notholirion; 4) East Asia distribution pattern: Cardiocrinum and Nomocharis. 3. The Sino-Himalayas is one of the key regions in studying the evolution of Liliaceae (s. str. ) All nine genera occur in the Eastern Asian Region with most species distributed in Southwest and Northwest China. Chorologically, five genera (Fritillaria, Lilium, Cardiocrinum, Nomocharis and Notholirion) of the Lilieae are overlapped each other in the Sino-Himalayas, showing its diversity centre in this region. The Lilieae is a main stock in the Liliaceae (s. str. ), The genus Nomocharis in this tribe may have been newly differentiated from Lilium in the course of the uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, a view also supported by Xie Xiao-yang et al.. The place of its origin was considered to be in the southern part of the Hengduan Mountains. 4. The distributions of some species in Liliaceae (s. str. ) seem to be significant for dividing some floristic regions: 1 ) Some species of Fritillaria (F. unibracteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsia, F. przewalski Maxim. ex Batal. , F. crassicaulis S. C. Chen, F. cirrhosa D. Don. , F. delavayi Franch. , F. dajinensis S. C. Chen, F. davidii Franch. , F. sinica S. C. Chen and F. sichuanica S. C.Chen) are only distributed in Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom, while others (F. taiparensis P. Y. Li, F. yuzhongensis S. C. Chen, F. monantha Migo, F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, F. thunbergii Miq. , F. maximowizii Freyn and F. ussuriensis Maxim. ) are restricted to Sino-Japan forest subkingdom. They show a clearly demarcation line between the two subkingdoms, which is identical with what proposed by Wu Cheng-yih. 2) The Eastern Asian Region can be divided into two subkingdoms on the basis of the distribution pattern of the genus Cardiocrinum; C. giganteum (Wall.) Makino and C. gigateum var. yunnanense Leichtlin ex Elwes are restricted to Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom. C. cathayanum (Wilson) Stearn and C. cordatum (Thunb.) Makino are only found in Sino-Japan forest subkingdom. 3) The distributions of Gagea pauciflora Turcz. , G. triflora(Ledeb.) Roem. et Schult. G. hiensis Pasch, Lloydia tibetica Baker ex Oliver, L. oxycarpa Franch. and L. flavonutans Hara are indicative of a demarcation line between Irano-Turanica Region and Eastern Asian Region. 5. The genus Notholirion occurs in the Eastern Asian Region and Irano-Turanian Region, showing the relationships between the two regions and also between the Chinese flora and Ancient Mediterraneam flora.  相似文献   

在整理保存于中国科学院植物研究所国家植物标本馆(PE)的单子叶植物模式标本时,根据《国际藻类、菌类、植物命名法规》(墨尔本法规)规则9.5,发现肿胀果薹草(莎草科)、杯鳞薹草(莎草科)、双柱头针蔺(莎草科)、丛生蜘蛛抱蛋(百合科)、长苞开口箭(百合科)、中国白丝草(百合科)、四川百合(百合科)、尖果洼瓣花(百合科)、黄色西藏洼瓣花(百合科)、云南洼瓣花(百合科)、斑块百合(百合科)、云南丫蕊花(百合科)、七叶薯蓣(薯蓣科)、蜀葵叶薯蓣(薯蓣科)、大苞鸢尾(鸢尾科)、多斑鸢尾(鸢尾科)、勺状羊耳蒜(兰科)、二叶红门兰(兰科)名称的模式为合模式。遵照规则8.1、9.11和9.12,以及辅则9A.2和9A.3的精神,对这18个名称做出后选模式指定,以规范这些名称的模式。  相似文献   

The somatic cells of 12 taxa of the genera Nomocharis, Lilium, Fritillaria and Cardiocrinum from north-western Yunnan were karyomorphologically studied. The 12 taxa are similar to each other in chromosomal morphology at the resting nucleus stage, which belongs to the complex chromocenter type. They are also similar to each other in morphology of mitotic prophase chromosomes, which belongs to the interstitial type. Their chromosome numbers are all 2n = 24, and centromeric terminalization values range from 79.9- 82.2%. The above results show that the four genera have close relationships. These 12 taxa, however, exhibit some similarities and differences in the position of secondary constrictions seemingly showing the karyological characters of each genus in the area. Firstly, on m(sm)-chromosomes, secondary constrictions close to centromeres appear stable in one of pairs in both Nomocharis( 6 taxa) and Lilium (4 taxa); In Cardiocrinum giganteum, they were found distant from centromeres on short arms in one of pairs; None was observed in Fritillaria cirrhosa. Secondly, on st (t)- chromosomes, remarkable secondary constrictions were generally found on long arms in Nomocharis, C. giganteum, F. cirrhosa and the high mountain habitants of Lilium, such as L. souliei, while they were always observed on short arms in L. nepalense, L. taliense and L. brownii, which grow in the lower altitude region. So the Nomocharis and high mountain members of Lilium have similary distribution of secondary constrictions, and theyare considered to be most closely related.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic analyses of 37 taxa of Fritillaria (Liliaceae), 15 species of Lilium, and several outgroup taxa from Liliaceae s.s. to investigate the generic delimitation of Fritillaria in relation to Lilium as well as infrageneric relationships within Fritillaria. We used DNA sequences from the maturase-coding plastid matK gene and the trnK intron, the intron of the ribosomal protein-coding rpl16 plastid gene, and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS). Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony defined Fritillaria and Lilium (the latter including Nomocharis) as sister taxa. Fritillaria sections Fritillaria and Liliorhiza are supported in part, and some of the most enigmatic species usually included in Fritillaria (sections Petilium and Theresia and the monotypic genus Korolkowia) are closely related. The results support the new classification of Fritillaria proposed by Rix. We postulate independent origins of the underground bulbils found in Fritillaria davidii and the remainder of subgenus Liliorhiza.  相似文献   

棕榈科植物的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
棕榈科是一个泛热带分布的科,共有198属,约2670种,下分6亚科,14族。贝叶棕族是最原始的族,低地榈族则最进化。本科植物在世界上的分布可划分为13个区,其中以印度-马来西区和新热带区的属、种最多。中国只有16属和85种,没有特有属。这些种大部分属热带亚洲分布,与热带亚洲植物区系关系非常密切。关于棕榈科起源地问题,有西冈瓦纳起源和劳亚起源之说。根据化石记录和形态特征的分析,棕榈科很可能于早白垩纪  相似文献   

Calochortus and the family Liliaceae s.s. have often been considered each other's closest relatives, based partly on their shared possession of bulbs, visually showy flowers, winged wind-dispersed seeds, and narrow parallel-veined leaves. We present a well-supported molecular phylogeny for these groups and their close relatives in the core Liliales, based on sequence variation in the chloroplast-encoded rbcL and ndhF genes. This analysis identifies Liliaceae s.s. as monophyletic. including one clade (((Lilium, Fritillaris, Nomocharis), Cardiocrinum), Notholirion) that appears to have diversified in the Himalayas roughly 12 million years ago and another ((Erythronium, Tulipa), (Gagea, Lloydia)) that arose in East Asia at about the same time. Medeola and Clintonia are sister to Liliaceae s.s. and bear rhizomes, inconspicuous flowers, fleshy animal-dispersed fruits, and broad reticulate-veined leaves. Calochortus is sister to Tricyrtis; both Tricyrtis and the neighboring clade of Prosartes-Streptopus-Scoliopus share several of the traits seen in Medeola-Clintonia. The core Liliales thus provide compelling examples of both concerted convergence and phylogenetic niche conservatism. Invasion of open, seasonal habitats was accompanied by the independent evolution of bulbs, showy flowers, wind-dispersed seeds, and narrow parallel-veined leaves in Calochortus and Liliaceae s.s. Conversely, persistence in shady habitats was accompanied by the retention of rhizomes, inconspicuous flowers, animal-dispersed seeds, and broad reticulate-veined leaves in their sister groups. We advance arguments for the context-specific adaptive value of each of these traits, as well as evidence of parallel trends in other groups. Concerted convergence--convergence in several different traits, favored by the same shared set of ecological conditions, in two or more lineages--is an important evolutionary process that can mislead evolutionary analyses based solely on phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

中国横断山区狭义百合科四属部分植物核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用细胞压片法对分布于中国横断山区的百合科4属部分植物进行了核型研究,其中百合属(Lilium)中除卷丹(L.tigrinum)为三倍体2n=36外,大部分都是2倍体,2n=24;贝母属(Fritillaria)全为2倍体,2n=24,其次缢痕较多,且比较明显;假百合属假百合(Notholirion bulbuliferum)同时存在2倍体和3倍体,2n=24以及2n=36;洼瓣花属(Lloydia)只研究了一种,即西藏洼瓣花(Lloydia tibetica),发现2n=23。4个属的核型区别明显,为确定属间亲缘关系提供了一定的参考。其中,马塘百合(L.matangense)和西藏洼瓣花的核型是首次报道。  相似文献   

Two new species of the Liliaceae are described from Anhui Province, China. i. e. Fritillaria qimenensis D. C. Zhang et J. Z. Shao and Lilium anhuiense D. C. Zhang et J. Z.Shao.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a comparative karyotypic study of three species in Fritillaria-F. thuncergii Miq., F. anhuiensis S. . Chen et S. F. Yin and F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia. The karyotype of F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin is first reported. The karyotypes of the three species of Fritillaria are rather similar, all with K(2n)=24= 2m+2sm+12t+4st+4m (SAT), showing a close interspecific relationship. They all have two pairs of st chromosomes, one of which is the third chromosome in all the three species studied, but the other is the seventh in F. thunbergii Miq, the eighth in F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, and the fifth in F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia. It tells us that there are some differences in their karyotypes. All of the three species possess two pairs of satellite chromosomes with the satellites located on the long arms. A heterochromatic zone is found sometimes on long arms of No. IX chromosome in each species of Fritillaria and on one of No. I chromosomes in both F. thunbergii Miq. and F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, a chromosome polymorphism occurring between populations of Fritillaria. In addition, three B chromosomes are always found in most root-tip cells of F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsiao.  相似文献   

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