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In mammals, the oocyte and its surrounding cumulus cells constitute an oocyte cumulus complex (OCC). During ovulation, OCCs are extruded into the peritoneal or bursal cavity, depending on the species, and are then rapidly picked up by the fimbria on the outer surface of the oviductal infundibulum and transported to the ampulla, where fertilization occurs. We developed a method to measure OCC pickup rates quantitatively in vitro, and we used this method to evaluate the effects of viscosity and temperature on pickup rates. Hamster infundibula are placed in a holding pipette in a chamber modified to study OCC pickup. Ciliary beat frequencies (CBF) can be measured in the same preparation. Pickup rates vary depending on the pathway on which the OCC travels over the surface of the infundibulum; however, rates for a given pathway are very consistent. The average pickup rate at room temperature calculated from three different pathways/infundibulum was 55.2 ± 10.6 μm/sec. Both rates between infundibula from the same female and rates among infundibula from different females were in most cases similar. Preparations preincubated in vitro for 2.75 hr produced rates similar to nonpreincubated samples, while longer preincubation resulted in decreased rates. Inclusion of Ficoll in culture medium to increase viscosity caused a concentration-dependent decrease in both OCC pickup rate and in CBF. However, a significant decrease in OCC pickup rate was only observed at viscosities higher than those found in bursal fluid. When trials were run at physiological temperature (36.4°C) rather than ambient temperature, rates increased to 136.7 ± 29.9 (SD) μm/sec. Linear regression analysis demonstrated a strong positive correlation (r = 0.94) between OCC pickup rate and temperature. The OCC pickup rate assay can be used experimentally, and should be valuable in evaluating factors that affect rate and in studies dealing with the mechanism of OCC pickup. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:312–322, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sperm hyaluronidase is thought to assist in penetration of the extracellular matrix (ECM) between the cumulus and corona radiata cells surrounding mammalian oocytes. The question was asked: Can motile cells which lack hyaluronidase penetrate the hamster oocyte cumulus complex (OCC)? Sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) and frog (Rana catesbeiana) sperm and the unicellular, biflagellated, green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were extracted and found to contain no hyaluronidase activity. Moreover, none of these cells was able to disperse the cumulus cells of hamster OCC, nor did they affect the ultrastructure of the ECM between cells. Fresh hamster OCC were challenged with suspensions of each cell type. Frog and sea urchin sperm penetrated to the zona pellucida surface in less than 5 min. A cell wall-less mutant of Chlamydomonas also penetrated to the zona surface but required longer than 5 min. Wild-type Chlamydomonas penetrated only halfway to the zona, perhaps because its cell wall adhered to the ECM between the cumulus cells and retarded its movement. The motility of the frog and sea urchin sperm was not affected by the ECM of the OCC. Frog sperm exhibited slow lethargic motility yet had no difficulty penetrating to the zona; this indicates that hyperactivated motility is not required for penetration of the ECM. None of the challenge cells penetrated the zona pellucida, although the frog sperm did compress the weave of the zona. These data show that motile cells which lack the enzyme hyaluronidase can readily penetrate the ECM of the hamster cumulus and corona radiata and suggest that the significance of hyaluronidase in fertilization should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Sperm chemotaxis in mammals have been identified towards several female sources as follicular fluid (FF), oviduct fluid, and conditioned medium from the cumulus oophorus (CU) and the oocyte (O). Though several substances were confirmed as sperm chemoattractant, Progesterone (P) seems to be the best chemoattractant candidate, because: 1) spermatozoa express a cell surface P receptor, 2) capacitated spermatozoa are chemotactically attracted in vitro by gradients of low quantities of P; 3) the CU cells produce and secrete P after ovulation; 4) a gradient of P may be kept stable along the CU; and 5) the most probable site for sperm chemotaxis in vivo could be near and/or inside the CU. The aim of this study was to verify whether P is the sperm chemoattractant secreted by the rabbit oocyte-cumulus complex (OCC) in the rabbit, as a mammalian animal model. By means of videomicroscopy and computer image analysis we observed that only the CU are a stable source of sperm attractants. The CU produce and secrete P since the hormone was localized inside these cells by immunocytochemistry and in the conditioned medium by enzyme immunoassay. In addition, rabbit spermatozoa express a cell surface P receptor detected by western blot and localized over the acrosomal region by immunocytochemistry. To confirm that P is the sperm chemoattractant secreted by the CU, the sperm chemotactic response towards the OCC conditioned medium was inhibited by three different approaches: P from the OCC conditioned medium was removed with an anti-P antibody, the attractant gradient of the OCC conditioned medium was disrupted by a P counter gradient, and the sperm P receptor was blocked with a specific antibody. We concluded that only the CU but not the oocyte secretes P, and the latter chemoattract spermatozoa by means of a cell surface receptor. Our findings may be of interest in assisted reproduction procedures in humans, animals of economic importance and endangered species.  相似文献   

Hamster oviducts in culture incorporate [35S]-methionine into secretory proteins. One of these proteins is immunoprecipitated by a monoclonal antibody specific to an antigen found in oviductal oocytes but not in ovarian oocytes. This antigen, called oviductin, is progressively added to the oocyte during its transit through the oviduct. Oviductin migrates as a diffuse band with a molecular mass between 160 and 250 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The electrophoretic behavior of this protein suggests the presence of polysaccharide side chains. Chemical deglycosylation causes a decrease in molecular mass and removes the antigenic determinant originally present on the glycoprotein. By using the radiation inactivation method, the molecular mass of the core protein has been found to be approximately 44 kDa. These results indicate that the oviduct is an actual site of synthesis of the oviductin. This glycoprotein contains a high proportion of sugar residues, which account for antigenic determinant recognized by the monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether the follicular tissue influences cumulus-oocyte interaction and, consequently, the fertilizability of the egg, four experiments were carried out. In the first, cumulus-enclosed pig oocytes were cultured for 44 h in control medium (modified TCM-199) or in follicle-conditioned medium, and the intercellular coupling was studied by measuring 3H-uridine uptake. In control medium the intercellular cooperation started to decline immediately, and at 24–32 h the uncoupling was almost complete. By contrast, in follicle, conditioned medium, it remained at high levels until 24?32 h. In the second experiment protein synthesis patterns of oocytes were studied. Oocytes cultured in conditioned medium were characterized by a 45-kD protein band, while those maturing in control medium were identifiable by a marked 56-kD band. In the third experiment mature oocytes were fertilized in vitro. The percentage of penetrated egg was higher in oocytes matured in conditioned medium than in control medium. In addition, only oocytes matured in conditioned medium could consistently decondense spermatozoa and form male pronuclei. Metabolic cooperation, protein synthesis patterns, and fertilizability were also studied in oocytes matured in control medium supplemented with either 17β-estradiol or progesterone or testosterone or dihydrotestosterone or androstenedione or ether extract of conditioned medium. Only ether extract and progesterone stimulated cumulus oocyte interaction and sperm decondensation. In the last experiment oocytes denuded at different stage of their maturation in conditioned medium were fertilized in vitro. The longer the eggs were cultured with the cumulus, the higher was their penetrability. Moreover, only oocytes denuded after 40 h of culture could, once fertilized, promote the formation of male pronuclei. These data demonstrate that follicular secretions are fundamental for the maintenance in vitro of a functional intercellular coupling between cumulus and oocyte, which is necessary for the egg to become penetrable by spermatozoa and to acquire the conditions required for the formation of male pronuclei.  相似文献   

The timing of the reduction of cumulus cell-oocyte coupling was correlated with oocyte meiotic maturation and the expansion (mucification) of the cumulus oophorus using immature mice treated with gonadotropins. Three hours after the injection of an ovulatory dose of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), more than 90% of the oocytes isolated from large Graafian follicles had undergone germinal vesicle breakdown, indicating that oocyte meiotic maturation had been initiated. However, no cumulus expansion or reduction of intercellular coupling was detected at this time. By 6 hr after hCG injection, the index of oocyte-cumulus cell coupling was still not less than that found in oocyte-cumulus cell complexes isolated from control mice not receiving hCG. Cumulus expansion at 6 hr post-hCG was limited to the outer cumulus cells while those adjacent to the oocyte were still tightly packed. Cumulus expansion appeared complete by 9 hr after hCG injection and the cumulus cell-oocyte coupling index was greatly reduced. These results show that oocyte meiotic maturation in the mouse is not initiated by a reduction in cumulus cell-oocyte coupling or by cumulus expansion. However, the results suggest that the reduction of intercellular coupling in vivo may be a result of cumulus expansion.  相似文献   

The effects of cigarette smoke on the metabolism of exogenous PGE2 and PGF were investigated in isolated rat and hamster lungs. When isolated lungs from animals were ventilated with cigarette smoke during pulmonary infusion of 100 nmol of PGE2 or PGF, the amounts of the 15-keto-metabolites in the perfusion effluent were decreased. Pre-exposure of animals to cigarette smoke daily for 3 weeks did not change the metabolism of PGE2 when the lungs were ventilated with air. Cigarette smoke ventilation of lungs from pre-exposed animals caused, however, a similar decrease in the metabolism of PGE2 as in animals not previously exposed to smoke. After pulmonary injection of 10 nmol of 14C-PGE2 the radioactivity appeared more rapidly in the effluent during cigarette smoke ventilation suggesting inhibition of the PGE2 uptake mechanism. In rat lungs pulmonary vascular pressor responses to PGE2 and PGF were inhibited by smoke ventilation.  相似文献   

Although cigarette smoking has been identified as a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, the underlying pathomechanism is largely unknown. Using a dorsal skinfold chamber model in Syrian golden hamsters for intravital microscopy on striated muscle microcirculation, we investigated whether cigarette smoke (CS) affects the adhesion of circulating leukocytes to the endothelium, a constant feature of early atherogenesis and a hallmark of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Awake hamsters were exposed for 5 min to the mainstream smoke of one cigarette (2R 1 research cigarette), inducing nicotine, cotinine, and carboxyhemoglobin plasma levels comparable to levels found in human smokers. In control animals (n = 7), CS exposure elicited the rolling and subsequent adhesion of fluorescently stained leukocytes to the endothelium of arterioles and postcapillary venules. Leukocyte/endothelium interaction was preceded by an early rise in xanthine oxidase activity and intravascular hemolysis. Leukocyte adhesion and xanthine oxidase (Xo) activation were significantly attenuated in hamsters pretreated with superoxide dismutase (5 mg/kg, 10 min prior to CS, n= 7), suggesting a key role of superoxide in this event. These in vitro results suggest a novel pathomechanism of CS-induced cardiovascular pathology.  相似文献   

香烟烟雾提取物抑制肺泡上皮细胞的增殖并诱导其凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jiao ZX  Ao QL  Xiong M 《生理学报》2006,58(3):244-254
香烟烟雾提取物(cigarette smoke extract,CSE)中含有丰富的氧化剂和自由基,由它所引起的氧化应激可导致肺泡壁的损伤进而发展为肺气肿.近年来,围绕CSE损伤肺泡壁作用机制的研究较为活跃,但其结果却一直存在着分歧.本实验的目的是观察CSE对肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞的损伤作用并探讨与其相关的分子机制.MTT比色法的结果显示,CSE以时间和剂量依赖性的方式降低细胞的增殖活力,流式细胞术的分析结果表明细胞增殖周期被阻滞在G1/S期.Hoechst 33258染色以及透射电镜观察从形态上确认CSE诱导细胞凋亡的发生,DNA梯的出现和Annexin V-FITC/碘化丙啶双染色的结果从分子水平得到进一步的证实.同时,运用流式细胞术检测到CSE诱导的凋亡伴随着Fas受体的高表达和caspase-3的显著活化.另外,使用H2DCFDA染色,经激光共聚焦显微镜术测得细胞内氧自由基在细胞受到CSE刺激以后大量快速积累.结果表明CSE能够抑制肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞来源的A549细胞的生长和增殖,并诱导细胞凋亡,由Fas受体所介导的死亡受体途径参与此凋亡过程,而CSE所引起的氧化应激则可能是阻止肺泡上皮细胞生长增殖并诱导其凋亡的始动因素.  相似文献   

Uptake of an oviductal antigen by the hamster zona pellucida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using an antiserum raised against hamster oviductal zona pellucida, we observed specific immunogenic components of the reproductive tract on the zonae of oviductal eggs and in oviductal fluid. Results of immunohistochemical studies suggested that these oviductal components may originate from epithelial cells of the isthmus and, to a lesser extent, of the ampulla and fimbria. The oviductal immunogenic components have also been observed within the bursal cavity, which contains the ovary. These observations suggest that these oviductal components may play an important role in the first steps of the hamster reproductive process.  相似文献   

S S Guraya 《Acta anatomica》1975,93(3):335-343
The hamster ovarian oocyte surrounded by 2-3 layers of granulosa cells develops a large juxtanuclear complex of organelles, consisting of basophilic substance, mitochondria and some lipid inclusion bodies. The basophilic substance staining for RNA, protein and some diffuse lipoprotein forms the material with which the granular mitochondria, composed of protein and phospholipid, apparently multiply. The lipid inclusion bodies consist of phospholipids. The results of this histochemical investigation have been correlated with those of ultrastructural studies on the hamster oocyte. The paranuclear complex of organelles described in this paper has also been compared and contrasted with that seen in the primordial oocyte of hamster, as reported in the previous publication. The functional significance of juxtanuclear entities has been discussed in relation to the multiplication of organelles to be accumulated during oocyte growth.  相似文献   

Ovarian folliculogenesis has been studied as a model of hormonal regulation of development and differentiation, cell death, and cell-cell communication. In addition to gonadotropins from the pituitary and follicular paracrine factors, oocyte secreted factors have been shown to play critical roles in the regulation of follicular cell functions. Except for the well characterized BMP family proteins, including GDF9 and BMP15, oocytes are known to secrete oocyte secreted factors that are important for the regulation of cumulus cell survival and the maintenance of tertiary structure of cumulus cell-enclosed oocyte complexes (COCs). Based on genomic screening and studies of COCs cultured in vitro, we showed that intermedin (IMD)/adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) is a novel oocyte-derived ligand important for the regulation of cell interactions in COCs that functions, in part, by suppressing cumulus cell apoptosis. Consistently, we showed that suppression of IMD/ADM2 signaling in growing rat ovaries in vivo leads to oocyte atresia and aberrant cell cycle progression in follicular cells. Together, our studies indicated that mammalian oocytes deploy a G protein-coupled receptor ligand to coordinate normal interactions of oocytes and cumulus cells and provided a better understanding of how the tertiary structure of a COC is maintained as follicles undergo exponential growth during the late stages of folliculogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is an integral part of both the pulmonary inflammatory response to chronic exposure to cigarette smoke and the lung tissue remodeling associated with cigarette smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To investigate the role of angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of COPD, we evaluated the effect of cigarette smoke extract (CSE) on angiogenesis of pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAEC). Incubation of PAEC with 2.5-10% CSE resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of endothelial monolayer wound repair. CSE also caused inhibition of tube formation on Matrigel, migration in a Boyden chamber, and proliferation of PAEC. Because calpain, a family of calcium-dependent intracellular proteases, mediates cytoskeletal signaling in endothelial motility, we explored the role of calpain in the CSE-induced inhibition of endothelial angiogenesis. Incubation of CSE resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in calpain activity. Calpain inhibitor-1, a specific inhibitor of calpain, potentiates inhibitory effect of CSE on the endothelial monolayer wound repair, tube formation, cell migration, and cell proliferation. Transfection of PAEC with antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides of calpastatin, the major endogenous calpain inhibitor, prevented CSE-induced increase in calpastatin protein content and CSE-induced decreases in calpain activity. It also prevented CSE-induced decreases in monolayer wound repair, tube formation, and migration. These results suggest that CSE attenuates angiogenesis of PAEC and the mechanism involves inhibition of calpain. Impaired angiogenesis may impede the repair process in the lungs of cigarette smokers and contribute to the altered structural remodeling observed in the lungs of patients with cigarette smoke-related COPD.  相似文献   

Pulmonary emphysema in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by the destruction of the alveolar walls leading to permanent enlargement of distal respiratory air spaces. A major causal factor is cigarette smoking, which produces conditions of chronic oxidative stress within the lungs. At a cellular level, increased macrophage accumulation and retention within the alveolar interstitial spaces is pivotal to the development of emphysema. To date it has been unclear as to the underlying mechanisms relating chronic oxidative stress to macrophage accumulation and retention. Our study was initiated to ascertain the role of modification of extracellular matrix proteins with cigarette smoke and products of lipid peroxidation on macrophage adhesion and activation. Increased numbers of macrophages were seen adhering to cigarette smoke-modified collagen IV as compared to unmodified collagen, where little or no adherent macrophages were observed. Similar observations were made when collagen was modified with either acrolein or 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal. Adhesion could be blocked with either fucoidan or a monoclonal antibody against the Type A macrophage scavenger receptor. Also, modified collagen triggered both oxidative burst and MCP-1 release in macrophages. These results, therefore, highlight a potential mechanism by which oxidative stress through the production of reactive carbonyls promotes macrophage accumulation, retention, and activation, independently of other proinflammatory stimuli. The implications of this for the development of emphysema in COPD are discussed.  相似文献   

Emphysema is one of the characteristic features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is caused mainly by cigarette smoking. Recent data have suggested that apoptosis and cell cycle arrest may contribute to the development of emphysema. In this study, we addressed the question of whether and how cigarette smoke affected Akt, which plays a critical role in cell survival and proliferation. In normal human lung fibroblasts, cigarette smoke extract (CSE) caused cell death, accompanying degradation of total and phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt), which was inhibited by MG132. CSE exposure resulted in preferential ubiquitination of the active Akt (myristoylated), rather than the inactive (T308A/S473A double mutant) Akt. Consistent with cytotoxicity, CSE induced a progressive decrease of phosphorylated human homolog of mouse double minute homolog 2 (p-HDM2) and phosphorylated apoptosis signal regulating kinase 1 (p-ASK1) with concomitant elevation of p53, p21, and phosphorylated p38 MAPK. Forced expression of the active Akt reduced both CSE-induced cytotoxicity and alteration in HDM2/p53/p21 and ASK1/p38 MAPK, compared with the inactive Akt. Of note, CSE induced expression of the tetratrico-peptide repeat domain 3 (TTC3), known as a ubiquitin ligase for active Akt. TTC3 siRNAs suppressed not only CSE-induced Akt degradation but also CSE-induced cytotoxicity. Accordingly, rat lungs exposed to cigarette smoke for 3 months showed elevated TTC3 expression and reduced Akt and p-Akt. Taken together, these data suggest that cigarette smoke induces cytotoxicity, partly through Akt degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system, in which TTC3 acts as a ubiquitin ligase for active Akt.  相似文献   



It is incompletely understood how cigarette smoke (CS) exposure affects lung mucosal immune responses during viral respiratory infections. B cell activating factor belonging to the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF) plays an important role in the induction of secretory immunoglobulin A (S-IgA) which is the main effector of the mucosal immune system. We therefore investigated the effects of CS exposure on BAFF expression and S-IgA responses in the lung during influenza virus infection.


Mice were exposed to CS and/or infected with influenza virus. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung compartments were analyzed for BAFF expression, influenza-specific S-IgA level and histological changes. Lung B cells were isolated and the activation-induced cytidine deaminase (Aicda) expression was determined. BEAS-2B cells were treated with CS extract (CSE), influenza virus, interferon beta or N-acetylcysteine and BAFF expression was measured.


CS inhibited BAFF expression in the lung, particularly after long-term exposure. BAFF and S-IgA levels were increased during influenza virus infection. Three-month CS exposure prior to influenza virus infection resulted in reduced BAFF and S-IgA levels in the lung as well as augmented pulmonary inflammation on day 7 after infection. Prior CS exposure also caused decreased Aicda expression in lung B cells during infection. Neutralization of BAFF in the lung resulted in reduced S-IgA levels during influenza virus infection. CSE inhibited virus-mediated BAFF induction in a dose-dependent manner in BEAS-2B cells, while this inhibition of BAFF by CSE was prevented by pretreatment with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine.


Our findings indicate that CS may hinder early mucosal IgA responses in the lung during influenza virus infection through oxidative inhibition of BAFF, which might contribute to the increased incidence and severity of viral infections in smokers.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-015-0201-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Intercellular coupling between cumulus cells and oocytes persists after oocyte meiotic maturation has been initiated. The experiments described here focus on the relationship between oocyte-cumulus cell intercellular coupling during maturation and the subsequent embryonic development of spontaneous mouse parthenotes. Several lines of evidence suggest that this coupling during oocyte maturation is required for the acquisition of the capacity for spontaneous mouse parthenotes to develop embryologically. First, the period of time that LT/Sv oocytes remained coupled to cumulus cells during oocyte maturation in vivo corresponded to that required for the acquisition of the capacity for parthenogenetic embryonic development. Second, the longer that cumulus cells were present during Fpontaneous oocyte maturation in vitro, the higher was the percentageofova undergoing subsequent parthenogenetic development. Third, cumulus cell-free oocytes cocultured with cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes during the maturation period in vitro did not develop embryologically. Fourth, intercellular coupling between cumulus cells and oocytes persisted throughout the oocyte maturation period in vitro. Fifth, incubation of oocyte-cumulus cell complexes in medium containing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) promoted uncoupling and decreased the percentage of ova undergoing parthenogenetic development. Thus, cell-to-cell communication, mediated via the intercellular coupling pathway between cumulus cells and oocytes, plays an important role during oocyte maturation and relates to subsequent preimplantation development.  相似文献   

The effects of aspiration vacuum and needle diameter on the morphology of the cumulusoocyte-complex (COC) and developmental capacity of the oocyte after IVF was studied in 2 experiments using a disposable ovum pick-up needle guidance system whose construction permits its use in vitro. In Experiment 1, the relationship was determined between the aspiration vacuum, expressed in millimetre of mercury, and the actual amount of water aspirated by the system, expressed in millilitre per minute. In Experiment 2, five different levels of aspiration vacuum for 3 different needle diameters (18g, 19g and 21g) were tested in slaughterhouse ovaries. The cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were divided into 3 categories: 1) oocytes with a compact cumulus, 2) oocytes with an expanded cumulus and 3) naked oocytes. The results show that a change of needle diameter can triple the amount of fluid actually aspirated. The highest oocyte recovery rates are obtained when using the thickest needle (18-g), regardless of the aspiration vacuum. On the average, for all needle types, more oocytes are recovered at the highest aspiration vacuum. For all needle diameters, the proportion of oocytes surrounded by a compact cumulus decreases progressively as the vacuum increases. Regardless of the vacuum applied, thinner needles result in a higher proportion of recovered COCs with a compact cumulus. At a high aspiration vacuum, naked oocytes become predominant regardless of the needle diameter. The prevalence of blastocysts, expressed in proportion to the recovered COCs, decreases as the aspiration vacuum increases, being especially noticeable between 70 and 130 mm Hg.  相似文献   



Cigarette smoke is the leading risk factor for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) an inflammatory condition characterised by neutrophilic inflammation and release of proinflammatory mediators such as interleukin-8 (IL-8). Human airway smooth muscle cells (HASMC) are a source of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. We investigated whether cigarette smoke could directly induce the release of chemokines from HASMC.


HASMC in primary culture were exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) with or without TNFα. Chemokines were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and gene expression by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni''s t test


CSE (5, 10 and 15%) induced IL-8 release and expression without effect on eotaxin or RANTES release. At 20%, there was less IL-8 release. TNFα enhanced CSE-induced IL-8 release and expression. However, CSE (5–30%) inhibited TNFα-induced eotaxin and RANTES production. The effects of CSE on IL-8 release were inhibited by glutathione (GSH) and associated with the induction of the oxidant sensing protein, heme oxygenase-1.


Cigarette smoke may directly cause the release of IL-8 from HASMC, an effect enhanced by TNF-α which is overexpressed in COPD. Inhibition of eotaxin and RANTES by cigarette smoke is consistent with the predominant neutrophilic but not eosinophilic inflammation found in COPD.  相似文献   

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