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The frequencies of translocations and dicentrics detected by "chromosome painting" in lymphocytes were estimated in 115 healthy donors and in 273 people exposed to uncontrolled irradiation at low doses 1-4 years ago. Age responses of both types of exchanges at the age range from 3 to 85 years fit to quadratic model. The frequency of translocations grew faster with age than the frequency of dicentrics. The yields of stable exchanges in exposed people was significantly higher than those in control donors of corresponding ages.  相似文献   

Meiotic analysis of two human reciprocal X-autosome translocations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two cases of human reciprocal X-autosome translocation, t(X;12) and t(X;2), are described in sterile males, along with meiotic findings. Each carrier had inherited the translocation from his mother. Both showed azoospermia and germ-cell maturation arrest at the primary spermatocyte level, with most cells being arrested at the pachytene stage. A few metaphase I (MI) divisions were found, with occasional metaphase II cells being seen in the t(X;2) carrier. MI air-dried preparations gave clear evidence of chain quadrivalent formation. In the t(X;2) heterozygote, the pairing characteristics of the quadrivalent at pachytene were also analyzed in electron microscopic spreads. Disturbance of pairing around the breakpoints characterized most quadrivalents, and there was evidence in about 20% of the cells that nonhomologous pairing had taken place between the translocated chromosomes and the normal chromosome 2. Comparisons are made with similar nonhomologous pairing configurations seen at pachytene in quadrivalents of male reciprocal X-autosome translocations of the mouse.  相似文献   

Segregation modes of human reciprocal translocations are briefly described. Risk figures and mode of imbalance at term differ greatly from one translocation to another. The causes of these variations are analysed and a genetic counselling proposed for each case.  相似文献   

A. Daniel 《Human genetics》1979,51(2):171-182
Summary Interchange segment sizes and the sizes of chromosome imbalance arising from the different modes of meiotic segregation were measured in a selected sample of 20 reciprocal translocations (Rcp). The Rcp were selected by two modes of ascertainment: (I) neonates with an unbalanced form of the translocation, and (II) couples with recurrent spontaneous abortions without evidence of full-term translocation aneuploid offspring.The measurements (% of haploid autosomal length: %HAL) were plotted as the observed or potential chromosomal imbalance with monosomy (abscissa) and trisomy (ordinate). It was found that (a) the interchange segments were larger in the spontaneous abortion Rcp, (b) that all of the imbalances observed in full-term neonates plotted close to the origin and to the left of the line joining 4% trisomy to 2% monosomy, and (c) the imbalances observed in the neonates in each individual Rcp were of the smallest size possible arising by any segregation mode.It was concluded that a major factor in the survival to term of aneuploid conceptuses is the size (proportion of genome) of the chromosome abnormality, irrespective of the origin of the chromosome regions. These results are discussed in relation to their use as a model to evaluate the risk of abnormal offspring in the progeny of translocation heterozygotes (the Chromosome Imbalance Size-Viability Model).  相似文献   

Chromosomal lesions, mitotic index and cell cycle progression delay induced by neutron (protons 34 MeV on beryllium) and neon (250 MeV/i) particles are studied in human lymphocytes. The cell cycle progression is slightly decreased at a dose of 1 Gy. Mitotic indexes are significantly decreased after irradiation by the different particles, except neon in 52-h cultures. By comparison to chromosome damages caused by gamma-rays, previously published, it is found that the lesions observed here are frequently more complex: the number of breaks is higher per abnormal mitosis and higher per rearrangement on the average. This complexity is higher for neon ions than for neutron beams.  相似文献   

The induction of reciprocal translocations by various X-ray exposures was studied in spermatogonial stem cells of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) by means of spermatocyte analysis many cell generations after irradiation. The yields of translocations recovered from irradiated stump-tailed macaques were lower than those observed in rhesus monkeys and represent in fact the lowest induction rates per Gy ever recorded for experimental mammals. In the rhesus monkey a humped dose-effect relationship was found with (a) a homogeneous response with (pseudo-)linear kinetics below 1 Gy, (b) much more variability at higher doses, and (c) no induction at all at doses of 4 Gy and above. It is suggested that the post-irradiation proliferation differentiation pattern of surviving rhesus monkey spermatogonial stem cells i mainly responsible for these characteristics of the dose-response curve.  相似文献   

The 3H-thymidine incorporation in human lymphocytes of healthy donors induced by UVC radiation under doses 0.0008-60 J/m2 was investigated. It was shown that the incorporation of 3H-thymidine increases under doses in interval 0.1-20 and is constant under doses higher than 20 J/m2. Under doses in interval 0.006-0.03 J/m2 near a half of all samples had the level of incorporation increased in comparison with control samples. We connect the presence, absence or variability of this effect with individual peculiarities of cells and with different activity of cell subpopulations that are different on morphological and physiological characteristics. The hypothesis about the role of this factor in the influence of low doses of pathogenic agents (UVC and X-radiation, chemical compounds) on human lymphocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Declining yields of radiation-induced dicentric chromosomes in human G0 lymphocytes were observed in split-dose experiments with time intervals varied up to 8 h. In agreement with microdosimetric intratrack-intertrack interaction models, only the dose-squared yield component was reduced and approached an asymptotic value equal to one half of the corresponding single exposure yield. For 150 kV X-rays and 13 MeV electrons, at total doses up to 6 Gy, the time constant of the approximately exponential decline was practically dose- and quality-independent within a range of 100–180 min. For 10 kV X-rays, in the presence of a dominant linear yield component, only a small split-dose effect, but with a consistent-value, was observed for a total dose of 5 Gy. Since can be interpreted as the mean life time of primary lesions in chromatin fibres, its independence from absorbed dose and radiation quality means that radiation damage of the split-dose recovery mechanism can be excluded for doses up to 6 Gy. By correlating the observed split-dose reduction of the acentric fragment yield to the reduction of the dicentric yield, (1.64 ± 0.03) acentrics/dicentric for 150 kV X-rays and (1.51 ± 0.11) acentrics/dicentric for 13 MeV electrons were obtained. Acentrics formed in the course of dicentric formation as well as in other binary interactions of primary lesions are represented in these ratios. Post-irradiation recovery during time intervals between irradiation and cell stimulation up to 24 h did not occur. The relations to comparable results in cell lethality experiments are discussed, and a hypothesis of fast and slow binary interactions of primary lesions is put forward.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Muth on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis work was supported by the Bundesministerium des Innern, Bonn, FRG  相似文献   

Reciprocal translocations (rcp) are among the most common constitutional chromosomal aberrations in man. Using a European database of 1574 families carrying autosomal rcp, a cartographic study was done on the breakpoints involved. The breakpoints are non-randomly distributed along the different chromosomes, indicating “hot spots”. Breakpoints of rcp that result in descendants that are unbalanced chromosomally at birth are more frequent in a distal position on chromosomal arms, and 65% of them are localised in R-bands. Among the R-bands, bands rich in GC islands and poor in Alu repetitive sequences are more frequently the site of breakpoints, as well as bands that include a fragile site. This result suggests that the variation in degree of methylation in GC islands could be involved in chromosomal breakage and hence in chromosomal rearrangements. Received: 10 April 1995 / Revised: 1 July 1995  相似文献   

Although heritable translocations are an important endpoint for the assessment of genetic risk from radiation, there has been a serious information gap with regard to thier induction in spermatogonical stem cells, the most important cell stage in males for risk considerations. This led to uncertainty in estimating the magnitude of risk per unit exposure. Further, the relationship between the frequency of r eciprocal exchanges scored by cytological analysis of the exposed male's meiocytes and the frequency of those transmitted to first-generation offspring needed to be re-examined. In order to fill in these gaps, two radiation studies, i.e., dose response and dose fractionation, were conducted on spermatogonial stem cells in which heritable and cytologically detected translocations were scored.The present data are by far the most extensive, to date, for heritable translocation induction in spermatogonial stem cells. The linearity of the rising portion of the dose-effect curve and the additivity of effects observed in the fractionation study allow a direct estimation of the number of transmissible translocations expected per unit exposure. Thus,t he expected increase in heritable translocations per rad of acute X-rays in 3.89 × 10?5 per gamete. The data also show a lack of consistensy between cytologically and genetically scored translocations.  相似文献   

A 0.8 mM concentration of misonidazole was added to human blood samples before exposure to graded X-ray single doses, in order to investigate the dependence of the frequency ratio of acentrics to dicentrics, produced in lymphocytes, on treatment with radiation, the substance and the combination of the 2 agents. The results confirm the findings of a previous experiment carried out using sodium iothalamate, showing that this ratio is markedly influenced by the relative action of the physical and the chemical agents, especially at low radiation doses, because of the enhancement of the frequency of acentrics, and not of dicentrics, caused by the presence of the drug compared to the spontaneous level.  相似文献   

G N Pleshkova 《Genetika》1984,20(12):2011-2017
Inversions and reciprocal translocations were induced in Anopheles atroparvus by irradiation of males with X-rays. 22 aberrations were produced in stocks and were identified as follows: 6 paracentric, 6 pericentric inversions and 10 reciprocal translocations (9 autosomal and 1 sex-linked). Partial sterility in the offspring of this stock is demonstrated. The practical significance of constructing stocks with inversions and translocations for genetic control of pest insects is considered.  相似文献   

We studied in 39 carriers of 26 reciprocal translocations (including five de novo and seven of indeterminate occurrence) the metaphase localization of the derivative chromosomes, their normal non-homologous counterparts (here called A and B), and two control pairs (C and D). In eight familial translocations, we analysed two to five carriers. We digitally captured 10 G-banded lymphocyte metaphases per individual and measured in microns the largest diameter (d) of the metaphase and six intercentromeric distances: (1) der A<-->der B (problem distance 1, pd1), (2) der A<-->B (pd2), (3) der B<-->A (pd3), (4) A<-->B (control distance 1, cd1), (5) the smaller distance between C and D (cd2) and (6) the largest distance between C and D (cd3); in addition, the average between C and D (cd4) was calculated. We used the formula Delta = 100(cd - pd)/d 12 times per metaphase, compared each pd vs. each cd, and tested the differences by the Wilcoxon matched-pair test. Although, in the whole sample there were not significant differences respect to cd1, this distance emerged as the proper control. In the eight familial translocations, the three pd vs. cd1 comparisons revealed that in 19/24 times the pd was smaller but only once reached significance (cd1 vs. pd2 in t[3;4]). In the analysis per individual the pd was smaller than cd1 in 19 (pd1), 22 (pd2) and 22 (pd3) cases although only twice reached significance. We conclude that in some translocations, the derivative chromosomes actually lie close from each other or from a normal non-homologous counterpart.  相似文献   

The results of a cytogenetic study carried out in a group of nine radiologists are presented. Chromosome aberrations were detected by fluorescence plus Giemsa staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Dose estimates were obtained by extrapolating the yield of dicentrics and translocations to their respective dose-effect curves. In seven individuals, the 95% confidence limits of the doses estimated by dicentrics did not include 0 Gy. The 99 dicentrics observed in 17,626 cells gave a collective estimated dose of 115 mGy (95% confidence limits 73-171). For translocations, five individuals had estimated doses that were clearly higher than the total accumulated recorded dose. The 82 total apparently simple translocations observed in 9722 cells gave a collective estimated dose of 275 mGy (132-496). The mean genomic frequencies (x100 +/- SE) of complete and total apparently simple translocations observed in the group of radiologists (1.91 +/- 0.30 and 2.67 +/- 0.34, respectively) were significantly higher than those observed in a matched control group (0.53 +/- 0.10 and 0.87 +/- 0.13, P < 0.01 in both cases) and in another occupationally exposed matched group (0.79 +/- 0.12 and 1.14 +/-0.14, P < 0.03 and P < 0.01, respectively). The discrepancies observed between the physically recorded doses and the biologically estimated doses indicate that the radiologists did not always wear their dosimeters or that the dosimeters were not always in the radiation field.  相似文献   

Liquid holding (LH) experiments were performed with human peripheral lymphocytes treated in the GO (G0-LH) or the G1 (G1-LH) phase of the cell cycle with diepoxybutane (DEB) or methylnitrosourea (MNU). In the G0-LH system, treatment with DEB but not with MNU led to a lowering of the frequencies of sisterchromatid exchanges (SCE). In the G1-LH system treatment with both chemicals led to a lowering of the SCE frequencies during the LH. These results are concluded to mean that lesions induced by DEB but not by MNU can be repaired in GO cells and that G1 cells can repair both DEB and MNU induced lesions.  相似文献   

Liquid holding (LH) experiments were performed with human peripheral lymphocytes treated in the G0 (G0-LH) or the G1 (G1-LH) phase of the cell cycle with diepoxybutane (DEB) or methylnitrosourea (MNU). In the G0-LH system, treatment with DEB but not with MNU led to a lowering of the frequencies of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE). In the G1-LH system treatment with both chemicals led to a lowering of the SCE frequencies during the LH. These results are concluded to mean that lesions induced by DEB but not by MNU can be repaired in G0 cells and that G1 cells can repair both DEB and MNU induced lesions.  相似文献   

Translocations were induced in Arabidopsis and rye by fission neutrons and X-rays using doses with equal effects. Segregations of these translocations were studied in M3, M4 and S1 of backcrosses. When there was a deficit of non-translocation homozygotes it was concluded that genetic damage had occurred in chromosomes homologous with the translocation chromosomes. The frequency of families with shortage (including absence) of translocation homozygotes was much larger than families with background damage. This demonstrates that reduced viability in the former was due to true breakpoint damage and not to linked damage. The frequency of translocation breakpoint damage was the same for X-rays and fission neutrons, but the latter probably induced more serious damage. Background damage was also the same for the two types of radiation. Therefore, neutrons should not be considered a ‘cleaner’ inducer of translocation than X-rays.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that translocation frequencies decline over time. This phenomenon might be explained by the co-occurrence of translocations in cells that also contain dicentrics, in which case translocations would be eliminated as a by-product of selection against dicentrics. Alternatively, a fraction of translocations may themselves be lethal. Here we describe our initial approaches to develop mathematical models to test whether the decline in translocation frequencies results from the first, the second, or a combination of these two possibilities. The models assumed that all chromosome exchanges were simple, i.e., were comprised of dicentrics as well as one-way and two-way translocations. Complex aberrations (three or more breaks in two or more chromosomes) were not modeled, nor were fragments or intrachromosomal exchanges (rings, inversions). We tested the models using Monte Carlo simulations, and then we fitted the models to data describing chromosome aberration frequencies induced by a single acute in vitro exposure to (137)Cs gamma rays in human peripheral blood lymphocytes from two donors. Chromosome painting was used to enumerate translocations and dicentrics from 2 to 7 days after exposure. Our results indicate that in donor no. 2, the decline in translocation frequencies occurs as a by-product of selection against dicentrics. However, in donor no. 1, whose cells appeared more radiosensitive than cells from donor no. 2, up to 40% of the one-way translocations may themselves be lethal at high doses, although calculations indicate that two-way translocations do not cause lymphocyte mortality. Individual variation in the probability that translocations are lethal to cells appears to be important, and one-way translocations appear to be lethal more often than two-way translocations. Within the limits of these models, these findings indicate that both postulated mechanisms, i.e. inherent lethality and selection against dicentrics in the same cells, contribute to the loss of both one-way and two-way translocations.  相似文献   

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