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Twelve species belonging to seven monocotyledonous families:Hydrocharitaceae, Taccaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Smilacaceae, Araceae,Alismataceae and Aponogetonaceae show reticulate venation typicalof dicotyledons. A study of the leaves of these species showsthat venation patterns are usually curvipalmate-convergate,occasionally rectipalmate or collimate, and rarely pinnate lyratetype. Number, size and shape of areoles, number of primaries,number of secondaries along one side of the primaries, anglebetween 1 and 2° veins and number of vein endings per areoleare given for each species. Intesecondary veins, isolated tracheids,loops, extension cells, raphide and raphide idioblasts and terminaltracheids were observed. Marginal ultimate venation is mostlyarcuate. Major and minor veins are jacketed by parenchymatousbundle sheath cells. The lamina of Tacca leontopetaloides, Colocasiaesculenta and Scindapsus aureus show a single midrib-like centralregion similar to that of dicotyledonous leaves, and it is multistrandedin Aponogeton natans, Limnophyton obtusifolium and Ottelia alismoides.The degree of vein order is most commonly up to fourth or fifthand rarely up to sixth in Dioscorea hispida. Monocotyledons, leaf architecture, vein endings, venation, areoles  相似文献   

中国云实属植物叶脉形态学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对中国云实属植物小叶叶片脉序的观察表明,该属植物小叶叶片脉序类型非常一致,均为环结曲行羽状脉,二级脉急转曲行.叶脉分支一般为四级,少数达五级.盲脉不分支或分支较少,最多两次分支.见血飞亚属与云实亚属叶片脉序特征相似,属于同一自然类群.编写了中国云实属植物叶片脉序特征分种检索表.  相似文献   

Highlights? The evolution of extreme succulence in leaves is constrained by low vein density ? An unusual 3D leaf venation has evolved repeatedly in the most succulent leaves ? 3D leaves maintain veins in close proximity to photosynthetic tissues ? 3D venation facilitates the evolution of previously inaccessible phenotypes  相似文献   

The morphology of leaf venation has been studied repeatedly and various systems have been proposed for the classification of the observed leaf venation patterns. Almost nothing is known, however, about the functional properties of the various venation types. Using a computer modelling approach we analysed the water transport properties of typical craspedodromous and brochidodromous venation patterns. The water transport through the leaf and the veins was modelled as a fluid flow through a porous medium and the mathematical model was solved with the Finite Element Method. The simulations illustrate that the leaf margin represents a critical region in terms of water supply. The results provide a plausible functional explanation for three well known phenomena: 1) the correlation between craspedodromous venation and the formation of leaf teeth; 2) the fact that craspedodromous venation is more common in temperate than in tropical regions and 3) the fact that xeromorphic leaves tend to have more closed venation.  相似文献   

Leaf venation of 27 species representing 25 genera of Sapindaceae (sstr.) of China was investigated for the first time. The pinnate venation pattern in most species is either camptodromous, or craspedodromous. Three types of leaf blade margin were observed, ie., entire, toothed and partite. The secondary veins are branched or unbranched. Most species have intersecondary veins. The tertiary veins of most species are reticulate and percurrent. The areoles are regular or irregular. Veinlets are simple, branched or absent. The delimitations of Xanthoceroideae and Lepisanthes sensu lato are supported by leaf venation characters. The close relationships among Dimocarpus, Litchi and Nephelium are supported by the evidence from leaf venation. A key to the species of Sapinaceae based on leaf venation characters is presented.  相似文献   

中国无患子科植物的叶脉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国产狭义无患子科25属27种植物的叶脉形态特征进行了研究报道。结果表明:叶脉均属于羽状脉类型,其中多数为曲行羽状脉,部分为直行羽状脉;叶缘有全缘、具齿和深裂3种类型;二级叶脉具有分支和不分支两种类型;大部分种类具二级间脉,少数不具间脉或间脉不明显;多数种类的三级脉为结网型和贯串型并存;网眼的发育有完善和不完善2种类型;盲脉有简单、具分支和无盲脉3种类型。叶脉形态研究结果支持文冠果亚科以及广义鳞花木属概念,观察发现龙眼属、荔枝属与韶子属从脉序特征方面表现出较近的亲缘关系。编写了国产无患子科叶片脉序特征检索表。  相似文献   

叶脉网络系统的构建和系统学意义研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解国内外叶脉网络系统的研究状况,综述了基因、激素对叶脉网络系统发育的调控机理,并剖析了叶脉的功能和系统学意义,分析了光、温度、水和外力破坏等环境因子对叶脉密度、叶脉直径等结构性状的影响。同时,综合考量植物碳投入经济权衡,阐明了叶脉网络系统是在遗传控制基础上由环境与碳投入共同调控建成。最后,对植物叶脉网络系统研究中存在的问题与未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Evolution is a gradual but continuous process. To explain the process of organic evolution different theories have been put forward by various authorities. But, all these theories are significant in respect to explanations of the possible mechanisms of evolution and certainly without acceptable analysis regarding the cause of initiation of evolution and the reason of maintaining the said flow all along. In the present article it is hypothesized that the process of initiation of evolution is initiated due to ‘will force’ and the said flow is being maintained because of ‘will force’.  相似文献   

内蒙古地区锦鸡儿属3种植物叶脉序比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内蒙古地区锦鸡儿属3种植物小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿、柠条锦鸡儿为对象,利用光学显微镜观察了它们的叶脉序特征,并测定相应的数量指标.结果表明,3种锦鸡儿植物叶片在脉序类型、三级脉类型、高级脉类型、盲脉类型及分枝、网眼形态上没有明显的差别;在各级脉粗细、二级脉夹角、三级脉疏密度以及网眼发育等特征上均表现出随地理分布自东向西逐步递增、递减、密集和趋于完善的变化特点,且有交叉重叠现象;在一级脉的粗细、二级脉的分枝、二级间脉的类型、三级脉疏密等特征上,中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿差异较小.研究发现,内蒙古地区锦鸡儿属3种植物在多数叶脉序形态特征和一些数量化指标上没有明显的差异,其亲缘关系较为紧密,但中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿在种间关系上可能更为接近;3个种自东向西呈现很强的相似性和渐变性分布,表现出地理渐变的趋势.  相似文献   

采取脉络法,对柳属(Salix)繁柳组(Sect.Denticulatae C.K.Schneid.)17种及1变种进行叶片脉序观察。结果表明:繁柳组植物叶脉序类型均为直行羽状脉,表现出较高的一致性。该组植物均有二级间脉,但类型各有不同;三级脉及较高级脉序大体有三种类型;网眼发育完善或不完善;盲脉偶有不分枝;不同种之间网眼的发育以及盲脉分枝具有显著差异,是有价值的分类性状。根据聚类分析,繁柳组植物叶脉序分为两种类型:草地柳(S.praticola Hand.-Mazz.ex Enander)类型及腹毛柳(S.delavayana Hand.-Mazz.)类型,研究结果与形态学结果基本一致,但叶脉序提供了新的分类学性状,可为柳属植物疑难种的分类寻找新的依据。  相似文献   

The leaves of angiosperms contain highly complex venation networks consisting of recursively nested, hierarchically organized loops. We describe a new phenotypic trait of reticulate vascular networks based on the topology of the nested loops. This phenotypic trait encodes information orthogonal to widely used geometric phenotypic traits, and thus constitutes a new dimension in the leaf venation phenotypic space. We apply our metric to a database of 186 leaves and leaflets representing 137 species, predominantly from the Burseraceae family, revealing diverse topological network traits even within this single family. We show that topological information significantly improves identification of leaves from fragments by calculating a “leaf venation fingerprint” from topology and geometry. Further, we present a phenomenological model suggesting that the topological traits can be explained by noise effects unique to specimen during development of each leaf which leave their imprint on the final network. This work opens the path to new quantitative identification techniques for leaves which go beyond simple geometric traits such as vein density and is directly applicable to other planar or sub-planar networks such as blood vessels in the brain.  相似文献   

For many years the evolution of language has been seen as a disreputable topic, mired in fanciful “just so stories” about language origins. However, in the last decade a new synthesis of modern linguistics, cognitive neuroscience and neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory has begun to make important contributions to our understanding of the biology and evolution of language. I review some of this recent progress, focusing on the value of the comparative method, which uses data from animal species to draw inferences about language evolution. Discussing speech first, I show how data concerning a wide variety of species, from monkeys to birds, can increase our understanding of the anatomical and neural mechanisms underlying human spoken language, and how bird and whale song provide insights into the ultimate evolutionary function of language. I discuss the “descended larynx” of humans, a peculiar adaptation for speech that has received much attention in the past, which despite earlier claims is not uniquely human. Then I will turn to the neural mechanisms underlying spoken language, pointing out the difficulties animals apparently experience in perceiving hierarchical structure in sounds, and stressing the importance of vocal imitation in the evolution of a spoken language. Turning to ultimate function, I suggest that communication among kin (especially between parents and offspring) played a crucial but neglected role in driving language evolution. Finally, I briefly discuss phylogeny, discussing hypotheses that offer plausible routes to human language from a non-linguistic chimp-like ancestor. I conclude that comparative data from living animals will be key to developing a richer, more interdisciplinary understanding of our most distinctively human trait: language.  相似文献   

动物内温性进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对动物内温性进化的研究进行了较为系统的论述,包括内温性动物概念的由来、特点和起源的选择因子。内温性起源的选择因子包括8个模型:热生态位扩展模型、恒温与代谢效率模型、降低个体大小模型、姿势改变模型、增加脑大小模型、有氧呼吸能力模型、双亲行为模型和同化能力模型。其中后3个模型较为重要。有氧呼吸能力模型认为,选择提高支持物理运动的最大呼吸能力,而增加的静止代谢作为其相关反应而得以进化。该假说得到种内研究数据的支持,而种问的数据并小完全支持。双亲行为模型是指在鸟兽类中,内温性是对双亲行为选择的结果,因为内温性为双亲控制抚育温度提供了保证。同化能力模型认为,在鸟类和兽类中内温性进化由以下两个因素所推动:①子代出生后双亲行为加强;②为支持每日总体能量高速消耗所需,动物内脏器官能力增强而导致的较高维持消耗。  相似文献   

Cladistic and phenetic analyses of leaf and other morphological characters ofGunnera strongly support monophyly of the genus, with the Saxifragaceae s.str. as the closest sister group. This morphologically based phylogeny provides a more coherent understanding of the evolutionary history ofGunnera than do recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on genetic data sets with Myrothamnaceae as the sister group. Simple, crenate, palinactinodromously veined leaves lacking freely ending veinlets and tricolpate, tectate-perforate pollen with a reticulate exine indicate a shared ancestry. Within the genusGunnera all six traditionally recognized subgenera are monophyletic, as supported by leaf architectural apomorphies. The monotypic subgenusOstenigunnera is the sister group to the other five subgenera, which can be divided into two principal lineages. One lineage includes the subgeneraMilligania andMisandra, characterized by a prostate stoloniferous habit with small, low-rank leaves and exclusively unisexual flowers, whereas the other lineage includes the subgeneraPerpensum, Pseudo Gunnera, andPanke, all of which possess at least some hermaphroditic flowers and larger, high-rank leaves. When the phylogeny of the subgenera is considered in light of biogeography and the fossil record, a number of cladogenetic events can be explained by continental vicariance in the Late Cretaceous. The AfricanPerpensum became distinct from the other large-leafed lineage with the separation of the African continent ca. 90 Ma. The two small-leafed lineages, the subgeneraMilligania andMisandra, split with the separation of New Zealand from Western Gondwana, about 80 Ma.Pseudo-Gunnera became isolated fromPanke prior to this time, whenPanke fossils occur in North America.Gunnera probably arose out of an early herbaceous radiation of tricolpate eudicots having close affinity to the basal Saxifragaceae, espethe genusChrysosplenium.  相似文献   

国产五味子科五种植物叶片脉序研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首次报道了国产五味子科5种植物的叶脉特征,对科、属、种的特征作了描述,编排有分种检索表.通过与八角科叶脉的比较,支持建立五味子科与八角科的观点,认为五味子属的系统位置在南五味子属之后,并讨论了八角目的演化趋势  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Pumpkin seeds are used globally for snacks, bakery, and oil due to their nutritional and medicinal properties. The seeds of pumpkin have 35–45% oil, rich...  相似文献   

The Evolution of Fruit Tree Productivity: A Review. Domestication of fruit trees has received far less attention than that of annual crop plants. In particular, very little is known about the evolution of fruit tree productivity. In the wild, most tree species reach reproductive maturity after a long period of juvenility and even then, sexual reproduction appears sporadically, often in a mode of masting. Environmental constraints limit trees’ reproductive activity in their natural, wild habitats, resulting in poor, irregular productivity. Early fructification and regular, high rates of productivity have been selected by people, unconsciously and consciously. The reviewed evidence indicates an evolutionary continuum of productivity patterns among trees of wild habitats, intermediary domesticates, and the most advanced domesticates. Alternate bearing appears to represent an intermediate step in the fruit tree evolutionary pathway. The existence of a molecular, genetic mechanism that controls trees’ sexual reproduction and fruiting pattern is suggested.  相似文献   

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