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Glycosylation of bisphenol A by tobacco BY-2 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tobacco BY-2 cells in suspension culture absorbed and transformed bisphenol A dissolved in the culture medium. Major products were bisphenol A mono-O-beta D-gentiobioside and the trisaccharide bisphenol A mono-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 --> 6)] beta-D-glucopyranoside. Also produced were the mono- and di- O-beta-D-glucopyranosides. As glycosides of bisphenol A lack the estrogenic activity of the parent compound, these findings enhance the possibilities of phytoremediation of natural waters contaminated by bisphenol A. .  相似文献   

Little is known about the dynamics and molecular components of plant prevacuolar compartments (PVCs). We have demonstrated recently that vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) proteins are concentrated on PVCs. In this study, we generated transgenic Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) BY-2 cell lines expressing two yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-fusion reporters that mark PVC and Golgi organelles. Both transgenic cell lines exhibited typical punctate YFP signals corresponding to distinct PVC and Golgi organelles because the PVC reporter colocalized with VSR proteins, whereas the Golgi marker colocalized with mannosidase I in confocal immunofluorescence. Brefeldin A induced the YFP-labeled Golgi stacks but not the YFP-marked PVCs to form typical enlarged structures. By contrast, wortmannin caused YFP-labeled PVCs but not YFP-labeled Golgi stacks to vacuolate. VSR antibodies labeled multivesicular bodies (MVBs) on thin sections prepared from high-pressure frozen/freeze substituted samples, and the enlarged PVCs also were indentified as MVBs. MVBs were further purified from BY-2 cells and found to contain VSR proteins via immunogold negative staining. Similar to YFP-labeled Golgi stacks, YFP-labeled PVCs are mobile organelles in BY-2 cells. Thus, we have unequivocally identified MVBs as PVCs in N. tabacum BY-2 cells. Uptake studies with the styryl dye FM4-64 strongly indicate that PVCs also lie on the endocytic pathway of BY-2 cells.  相似文献   

Tobacco (N. tabacum cv. Xanthi) cell lines contained two forms of anthranilate synthase (AS; EC which could be partially separated by gel-filtration chromatography. One form was resistant to feedback inihibition by 10 M tryptophan (trp) while the other form was almost completely inhibited by trp at the same concentration. Cell lines selected as resistant to 5-methyltryptophan (5MT) had more of the trp-resistant AS form. Only the trp-sensitive form was detected in plants regenerated from both normal and 5MT-resistant cell lines. Overexpression of the trp-resistant form in 5MT-resistant tobacco cells disappeared during plant regeneration but reappeared when callus was initiated from the leaves of these plants. The trp-sensitive form was localized in the particulate fraction and the trp-resistant form in the cytosol of tobacco cultured cell protoplasts. The trp-resistant form of AS from tobacco had an estimated MW of 200 000, determined by Sephacryl S-200 chromatography, compared to an estimated MW of 150 000 for the trp-sensitive form. The estimated molecular weights of AS from carrot and corn were 160 000 and 150 000, respectively. Analysis of AS activity from the diploid Nicotiana species Nicotiana otophora (chromosome number 2n=24) by high-performance liquid chromatography showed two activity peaks identical in elution time and trp inhibition characteristics to the activity from N. tabacum (chromosome No. 48). Thus the two enzyme forms found in tobacco did not appear to have originated individually from the progenitor species genomes which combined to make up the tobacco genome.Abbreviations AS anthranilate synthase - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - 5MT D1-5-methyltryptophan - trp L-tryptophan  相似文献   

Stereospecific olefin (C=C) and carbonyl (C=O) reduction of the readily available prochiral compound ketoisophorone (2,2,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexene-1,4-dione) (1) by Marchantia polymorpha and Nicotiana tabacum cell suspension cultures produce the chiral products (6R)-levodione (2), (4R,5S)-4-hydroxy-3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexanone (3), and (4R,6R)-actinol (4) as well as the minor components (4R)-hydroxyisophorone (5) and (4S)-phorenol (6).  相似文献   

S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferases (MTases) transfer methyl groups to substrates. In this study, a novel putative tobacco SAM-MTase termed Golgi-localized methyl transferase 1 (GLMT1) has been characterized. GLMT1 is comprised of 611 amino acids with short N-terminal region, putative transmembrane region, and C-terminal SAM-MTase domain. Expression of monomeric red fluorescence protein (mRFP)-tagged protein in tobacco BY-2 cell indicated that GLMT1 is a Golgi-localized protein. Analysis of the membrane topology by protease digestion suggested that both C-terminal catalytic region and N-terminal region seem to be located to the cytosolic side of the Golgi apparatus. Therefore, GLMT1 might have a different function than the previously studied SAM-MTases in plants.  相似文献   

A zinc-dependent matrix metalloproteinase (NtMMP1) found in the plasma membrane of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Bright Yellow 2 (BY-2) suspension cells is thought to be responsible for the degradation of recombinant proteins secreted into the culture supernatant. We have characterized the proteolytic activity of NtMMP1 by expressing a recombinant derivative lacking the C-terminal transmembrane domain in yeast. After purifying the protein by affinity chromatography, its autocatalytic activity was analyzed using monoclonal antibodies raised against its N-terminal and C-terminal portions. Both the unprocessed and processed forms of NtMMP1 displayed caseinolytic activity and N-terminal sequencing identified an autocatalytic cleavage site within the sequence motif HFSFFP, which is similar to the corresponding sequences of the human matrix metalloproteinases stromelysin-1 (MMP-3) and stromelysin-2 (MMP-10). Unlike all other matrix metalloproteinases investigated so far, NtMMP1 contains a disulfide bond within its propeptide thus rendering the proenzyme catalytically active. Kinetic analysis of NtMMP1 with a synthetic substrate revealed a K m of 10.55 ± 0.9 μM, a k cat of 0.6 ± 0.01 s−1 and maximum activity at pH 7.5. We found that NtMMP1 degrades Desmodus rotundus salivary plasminogen activator alpha 1 (DSPAα1), a biopharmaceutical protein, that has proven difficult to produce in tobacco BY-2 cells. This provides a likely explanation for the frequent instability of secreted recombinant biopharmaceuticals produced in plant suspension cell cultures. Our data suggest new avenues that can be explored to improve the production of pharmaceutical proteins in plants and plant cells.  相似文献   

beta-Thujaplicin (hinokitiol) is a tropolone derivative present in the heartwood of cupressaceous plants and is used as a medicine, a food additive, and a preservative, and in cosmetics as hair tonic. The cultured plant cells of Nicotiana tabacum glycosylated beta-thujaplicin to two glucosides, 4-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (6%) and 6-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (12%), and two gentiobiosides, 4-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-gentiobioside (2%) and 6-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-gentiobioside (5%) after 48 h incubation. The use of immobilized cells of N. tabacum in sodium alginate gel much improved the yield of the products; the glycosylation of beta-thujaplicin with immobilized N. tabacum gave the glycoside products, 4-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (11%), 4-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-gentiobioside (6%), 6-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (20%), and 6-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-gentiobioside (10%). On the other hand, 4-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (14%), 4-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-gentiobioside (7%), 6-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (33%), and 6-isopropyltropolone 2-O-beta-D-gentiobioside (13%) were obtained through the biotransformation with immobilized cells in the medium without iron ions. In comparison with the case of bioconversion in the normal medium containing iron ions, removal of iron ions improved the yields of products.  相似文献   

Evolution of the ploidy in four strains of Nicotiana tabacum ev. P 19 was studied by cytophotometry after transformation of the cultured tissues into protoplast suspensions.
The limits of these variations were analysed numerically and statistically. The method used is capable of wide application. It can be used to predict the evolution of the average ploidy level of a strain maintained on a given medium if the average ploidy level of the explant is known. Comparison is made relative to a standard of known ploidy (diploid protoplasts). Increase of the average ploidy level is faster when the explant is mainly diploid (leaf parenchyma) than when it is composed of more heterogeneous tissues as regards ploidy (shoot tip). The appearance of a random drift depends on the composition of the culture medium: it is immediate in one medium (MS2), but is preceded by a phase of relative stability in another medium (MS1) which is richer in kinetin.
While the results presented specifically concern the strains cultured on media MS1 and MS2, the statistical method employed is applicable to cultures of any species for which one can experimentally justify a linear regression analysis.  相似文献   

Somatic hybrid plants were produced by fusion of protoplasts from cell cultures of the Nicotiana tabacum L. sulfur mutant Su/Su and from leaf mesophyll of Nicotiana glauca Graham. After fusion the N. glauca protoplasts failed to survive under the selected culture condition. From the hybrid cells light green shoots were produced. The hybrid plants exhibited intermediate characters between parental species with respect to leaf morphology, trichome density, floral structure and flower color. The chromosome number of 25 hybrid plants was 2n = 72 and both N. glauca and N. tabacum chromosomes were identified in the hybrids. Results of isoenzyme analysis showed bands of both parents and a specific (hybrid) band for aspartate amino-transferase. Small subunit fraction-1-protein of somatic hybrids also consisted of the sum of N. glauca and N. tabacum bands. Leaf spot formation associated with the Su locus of N. tabacum was observed in somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

An NADP+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (allyl-ADH) was isolated from the cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum. The allyl-ADH was found to be efficient for the dehydrogenation of secondary allylic alcohols rather than saturated secondary alcohols and it was specific for the S-stereoisomer of the alcohols. The enzyme catalyzed the reversible reaction whereby the carbonyl group of enones is reduced to the corresponding allylic alcohol or vice versa. Two possible primary structures of the allyl-ADH were deduced by the sequence analyses of full-length cDNAs (allyl-ADH1 and ally-ADH2), which were cloned by the PCR method. These analyses indicated that the allyl-ADHs are composed of 343 amino acids having the molecular weights 38083 and 37994, respectively, and they showed approximately 70% homology to the NADP+-dependent oxidoreductases belonging to a plant zeta-crystallin family.  相似文献   

The cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum (white cells) converted regioselectively exogenous 2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohols into corresponding hydroxybenzyl-β-d-glucopyranoside. (RS)-1-Phenylethanol having chiral center in its substituent was also glucosylated to give 1-phenylethyl-β-d-glucopyranoside by the cultured cells of N. tabacum (white and green cells) and Catharanthus roseus. The glucosylation with the green cells of N. tabacum occurred enantioselectively to give the glucoside of (S)-alcohol preferentially, while the glucosylation with the white cells of N. tabacum and the C. roseus cells gave preferentially the glucoside of (R)-alcohol.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is involved in plant development and pathogen defence and can be triggered in vitro by several biotic and abiotic stimuli. In this report ( β - d -galactosyl)3 Yariv reagent, a chemical that specifically binds to arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs), completely inhibited cell growth and induced PCD in tobacco BY-2 suspension cultured cells. Analysis of DNA from these cells, by agarose gel electrophoresis, revealed a DNA ladder consisting of multimers of 140–170 bp, similar to apoptotic animal DNA internucleosomal fragmentation. Complementary morphological studies revealed additional PCD characteristics in the Yariv-treated BY-2 cells, including cell shrinkage and cytoplasmic condensation. These studies demonstrate the usefulness of BY-2 cells as a model plant PCD system and confirm a link between AGPs and PCD.  相似文献   

Despite the ubiquitous presence of the COPI, COPII, and clathrin vesicle budding machineries in all eukaryotes, the organization of the secretory pathway in plants differs significantly from that in yeast and mammalian cells. Mobile Golgi stacks and the lack of both transitional endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and a distinct ER-to-Golgi intermediate compartment are the most prominent distinguishing morphological features of the early secretory pathway in plants. Although the formation of COPI vesicles at periphery of Golgi cisternae has been demonstrated in plants, exit from the ER has been difficult to visualize, and the spatial relationship of this event is now a matter of controversy. Using tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY-2 cells, which represent a highly active secretory system, we have used two approaches to investigate the location and dynamics of COPII binding to the ER and the relationship of these ER exit sites (ERES) to the Golgi apparatus. On the one hand, we have identified endogenous COPII using affinity purified antisera generated against selected COPII-coat proteins (Sar1, Sec13, and Sec23); on the other hand, we have prepared a BY-2 cell line expressing Sec13:green fluorescent protein (GFP) to perform live cell imaging with red fluorescent protein-labeled ER or Golgi stacks. COPII binding to the ER in BY-2 cells is visualized as fluorescent punctate structures uniformly distributed over the surface of the ER, both after antibody staining as well as by Sec13:GFP expression. These structures are smaller and greatly outnumber the Golgi stacks. They are stationary, but have an extremely short half-life (<10 s). Without correlative imaging data on the export of membrane or lumenal ER cargo it was not possible to equate unequivocally these COPII binding loci with ERES. When a GDP-fixed Sar1 mutant is expressed, ER export is blocked and the visualization of COPII binding is perturbed. On the other hand, when secretion is inhibited by brefeldin A, COPII binding sites on the ER remain visible even after the Golgi apparatus has been lost. Live cell imaging in a confocal laser scanning microscope equipped with spinning disk optics allowed us to investigate the relationship between mobile Golgi stacks and COPII binding sites. As they move, Golgi stacks temporarily associated with COPII binding sites at their rims. Golgi stacks were visualized with their peripheries partially or fully occupied with COPII. In the latter case, Golgi stacks had the appearance of a COPII halo. Slow moving Golgi stacks tended to have more peripheral COPII than faster moving ones. However, some stationary Golgi stacks entirely lacking COPII were also observed. Our results indicate that, in a cell type with highly mobile Golgi stacks like tobacco BY-2, the Golgi apparatus is not continually linked to a single ERES. By contrast, Golgi stacks associate intermittently and sometimes concurrently with several ERES as they move.  相似文献   

The cell growth and plastid development of cultured green tobacco cells were maintained by the phytohormone cytokinin. After subculture into cytokinin-free medium, when cytokinin treatment was resumed, physiological changes induced by cytokinin were analyzed. Changes in chlorophyll biosynthesis and photosynthetic gene expression were observed 1 week after cytokinin induction, and changes in cell growth were observed 2 weeks after cytokinin induction. Two cytokinin-induced genes (cig) were isolated from these cells using the fluorescent differential display technique. Northern analysis confirmed that expression of these cig was induced by both natural and synthetic cytokinins. The expression of cig1 was also induced by abscisic acid, and its cDNA sequence was similar to the proline dehydrogenase gene. The expression of cig2 is specific to cytokinin and is not induced by other phytohormones. The amino acid sequence encoded by cig2 is similar to the GDP/GTP exchange factor eIF2B, which regulates translation initiation. The expression of these cig suggests a complex induction system involving cytokinin and other phytohormones.  相似文献   

In majority species of dicotyledonous plants cytokinesis in PMCs occurs once after completion of two caryokinesis cycles, that is a simultaneous type. This paper represents cytological picture and frequency characteristics of abnormality which resulted in cytokinesis triggering after first meiotic division in a part of transgenic tobacco PMCs. It was shown that the main process of cytoskeleton reorganization typical for simultaneous cytokinesis remained without any alterations in such cells. However, in most cases premature cell division occurred with abnormalities such as membrane "tunnel" or "gash" formation. It was ascertained that initiation of additional round ofcytokinesis did not block nuclear cycle and cytokinesis after second meiotic division. Thus, transition of cell division from simultaneous type to successive one occurs under this abnormality.  相似文献   

A simple method using molecular hybridization was devised to quantitatively measure chloroplast DNA synthesis in vivo. Total cellular DNA isolated from Nicotiana tabacum suspension cells, labeled with 3H-thymidine, was hybridized to nitrocellulose membrane-bound cloned chloroplast DNA (ct DNA) fragments. Colorless, dark grown N. tabacum cells were found to contain approximately 3300–4800 chloroplast genome copies per cell, whereas light grown, green cells contain about 9500–12000 chloroplast genomes per cell. This difference in ct DNA levels suggests that the chloroplast genome is somewhat amplified during growth of the cells in the light. The hybridization technique was also used to measure the efficiency of hybridization between cloned spinach ct DNA and tobacco ct DNA. The two DNAs were found to cross-hybridize with an efficiency of 69–75%.  相似文献   

The effects of nalidixic acid and hydroxyurea on nuclear and chloroplast DNA formation in cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum were investigated. At low concentrations (5 and 20 micrograms/ml) nalidixic acid, an inhibitor of DNA gyrase, exhibited a greater inhibitory effect on plastid DNA synthesis than on nuclear DNA formation. Since the plastid genome is a circular double-stranded DNA, this is consistent with the proven involvement of a DNA gyrase in the replication of closed circular duplex DNA genomes in procaryotic cells. At a high concentration of nalidixic acid (50 micrograms/ml), DNA synthesis in both the plastid and nuclear compartment was rapidly inhibited. Removal of the drug from the culture medium led to the resumption of DNA synthesis in 8 h. Hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase, also depresses nuclear as well as plastid DNA formation. Removal of hydroxyurea from the blocked cells leads to a burst of nuclear DNA synthesis, suggesting that the cells had been synchronized at the G1/S boundary. The recovery of plastid DNA synthesis occurs within the same time frame as that of nuclear DNA. However, whereas plastid DNA formation is then maintained at a constant rate, nuclear DNA synthesis reaches a peak and subsequently declines. These results indicate that the synthesis of plastid DNA is independent of the cell cycle events governing nuclear DNA formation in cultured plant cells.  相似文献   

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