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HLA class I and class II (HLA-DR (human I-E equivalent) and DQ (human I-A equivalent] antigens were localized by immunofluorescence technique on thin frozen sections of normal human jejunum using a panel of monomorphic monoclonal antibodies. HLA class I (A, B and C) and HLA-DR molecules were found in the basolateral membrane of enterocytes; HLA-DR were also detected in a patchy distribution in the apical part of enterocytes; HLA-DQ molecules (the human equivalent of the murine I-A molecular subset) were not detected on normal enterocytes. All three molecules were detected on the membrane of lymphocytes and monocytes present in the lamina propria.  相似文献   

HLA class I and class II (HLA-DR (human I-E equivalent) and DQ (human I-A equivalent] antigens were localized by immunofluorescence technique on thin frozen sections of normal human jejunum using a panel of monomorphic monoclonal antibodies. HLA class I (A, B and C) and HLA-DR molecules were found in the basolateral membrane of enterocytes; HLA-DR were also detected in a patchy distribution in the apical part of enterocytes; HLA-DQ molecules (the human equivalent of the murine I-A molecular subset) were not detected on normal enterocytes. All three molecules were detected on the membrane of lymphocytes and monocytes present in the lamina propria.  相似文献   

The genes (dms) encoding the dimethylsulfoxide reductase protein complex have been cloned and sequenced from Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) type b (Hib) strain Eagan. The Hib dms genes are arranged as an operon whose genomic organization is similar to that of the Escherichia coli (Ec) dmsABC operon. The deduced Hib DmsA, DmsB and DmsC amino-acid sequences are highly homologous to their Ec counterparts and nearly identical to the recently published sequences of the Hi type-d strain Rd Dms proteins. Hi dimethylsulfoxide reductase appears to be a new member of the superfamily of oxidoreductase enzymes  相似文献   

In extracellular fluids the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are bound to specific binding proteins (IGBPs). The genes for two members of this protein family have been mapped, the IGBP1 gene to human chromosomal region 7p14-p12 and the IGBP2 gene to region 2q33-q34. In this study, somatic cell hybrid analysis indicated that IGBP3 is also located on chromosome 7. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to demonstrate the close physical linkage between IGBP1 and IGBP3. Overlapping cosmid clones encompassing these genes were isolated, and restriction endonuclease mapping showed that the genes are arranged in a tail-to-tail fashion separated by 20 kb of DNA. Further characterization of the IGBP1 DNA sequence disclosed a duplication of the intron 3-exon 4 junction within the third intron. In addition, we report RFLPs for ApaLI and TaqI in the IGBP1 locus.  相似文献   

The protein mu1B is a member of the medium chain family of the clathrin-associated adaptor complex and is expressed exclusively in epithelial cells. We determined the genomic structure of previously cloned murine genes for mu1B (Ap1m2) and its closely related homolog, mu1A (Ap1m1). Comparison of their genomic structures revealed that the positions of introns are identical between these two genes, except for the insertion of an additional intron in Ap1m1 (intron 4). By contrast, these structures are different from that of the more distantly related Ap2m1 gene encoding mu2. Taken together with the similarity of amino acid sequences among these genes, the data presented in this study suggest that Ap1m1/2 and Ap2m1 diverged long before the separation of Ap1m1 and Ap1m2, which most likely resulted from a relatively recent gene duplication. We also mapped AP1M2 to human chromosome 19p13.2 and Ap1m2 to the proximal region of mouse chromosome 9. The results are consistent with the fact that these regions are syntenic.  相似文献   

X M Zheng  V Moncollin  J M Egly  P Chambon 《Cell》1987,50(3):361-368

Hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 1 (HAI-1) and type 2 (HAI-2) are recently discovered Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitors which can be purified and cloned from human stomach cancer cell line MKN45 as specific inhibitors against hepatocyte growth factor activator (HGFA). HAI-2 was identical with the protein originally reported as placental bikunin. Both proteins contain two Kunitz inhibitor domains (KDs), of which the first domain (KD1) is mainly responsible for the inhibitory activity against HGFA, and are expressed ubiquitously in various tissues. In this study, we cloned the genes coding for these two structurally similar proteins by screening of human genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library and their genomic structures were compared. HAI-1 and -2 genes consist of 11 and 8 exons spanning 12 kbp and 12.5 kbp, respectively. Three exons were inserted between KD1 and KD2 of each gene, of which the middle one was the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-like domain (HAI-1) and the testis specific exon (HAI-2). Apparently homologous regions between HAI-1 and -2 were not found in 5'-flanking region and neither TATA nor CAAT box was present. The genes were mapped to chromosome 15q15 (HAI-1) and 19q13.11 (HAI-2). These results suggested that although HAI-1 and -2 genes might be derived from same ancestor gene, they acquired distinctive in vivo roles during their evolution.  相似文献   

The single C. elegans member of the retinoblastoma gene family, lin-35 Rb, was originally identified as a synthetic Multivulva (synMuv) gene [1]. These genes form two redundant classes, A and B, that repress ectopic vulval cell fate induction. Recently, we demonstrated that lin-35 Rb also acts as a negative regulator of G(1) progression and likely is the major target of cyd-1 Cyclin D and cdk-4 CDK4/6. Here, we describe G(1) control functions for several other class B synMuv genes. We found that efl-1 E2F negatively regulates cell cycle entry, while dpl-1 DP appeared to act both as a positive and negative regulator. In addition, we identified a negative G(1) regulatory function for lin-9 ALY, as well as lin-15B and lin-36, which encode novel proteins. Inactivation of lin-35 Rb, efl-1, or lin-36 allowed S phase entry in the absence of cyd-1/cdk-4 and increased ectopic cell division when combined with cki-1 Cip/Kip RNAi. These data are consistent with lin-35 Rb, efl-1, and lin-36 acting in a common pathway or complex that negatively regulates G(1) progression. In contrast, lin-15B appeared to act in parallel to lin-35. Our results demonstrate the potential for genetic identification of novel G(1) regulators in C. elegans.  相似文献   

We have characterized genomic loci encoding translation elongation factor 1B(alpha) (eEF1B(alpha)) in mice and humans. Mice have a single structural locus (named Eef1b2) spanning six exons, which is ubiquitously expressed and maps close to Casp8 on mouse chromosome 1, and a processed pseudogene. Humans have a single intron-containing locus, EEF1B2, which maps to 2q33, and an intronless paralogue expressed only in brain and muscle (EEF1B3). Another locus described previously, EEF1B1, is actually a processed pseudogene on chromosome 15 corresponding to an alternative splice form of EEF1B2. Our study illustrates the value of comparative mapping in distinguishing between processed pseudogenes and intronless paralogues.  相似文献   

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