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The mineralization of C, N, and S from residues of three different crop species (wheat, lentil, and rape) grown under diverse nutritional regimes was measured over a 12-week incubation period under controlled conditions. The rate of decomposition, as measured by CO2 evolution, varied considerably among treatments and appeared to be controlled almost entirely by N content of the residue (R2=0.98). Similarly, N mineralization was strongly tied to N concentration. The critical N concentration, below which significant immobilization of N occurred, declined over time, ranging from 1.9% at day 14 to 1.1% at day 84. Mineralization of S was positively correlated with initial S concentration (R2=0.95) and negatively related to N concentration, apparently because of a dilution effect. The results demonstrate that decomposition and N and S mineralization of crop residues, under conditions prevalent in the experiment, are primarily a function of their nutrient concentrations rather than biochemial composition related to crop species. As a result, it should be possible to enhance rate of residue decomposition, increase quantities of N and S mineralized, and avert detrimental immobilization losses in the following year by governing the nutritional regime under which the crop is grown.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of three levels of N (0, 50 and 100 ppm) and four salinity regimes (0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 mmhos/cm) on the growth and mineral composition of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Bean plants treated with N produced more dry weight and contained higher N than the untreated check. Growth and N uptake by bean plants generally decreased with increasing irrigation water salinity at all N levels. High salinity caused severe burning of the margins of older leaves and stunting of growth. At the low salinity levels (0.5 and 1.5 mmhos/cm), N additions had no effect on growth; however, the suppressing effects of higher salinity were alleviated somewhat with N fertilization.The concentration and uptake of Cl and Na increased with increasing salinity; probably the relatively high accumulations of Cl and Na were responsible for growth reductions at high salinity.  相似文献   

Janzen  H. H.  Radder  G. D. 《Plant and Soil》1989,120(1):125-131
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the influence of cropping variables on nitrogen dynamics in a soil amended with green manure. Surface soil from various long-term spring wheat rotations was amended with15N-labelled legume green manure (Lathyrus tingitanus) and subsequently cropped (canola [Brassica napus] and spring wheat [Triticum aestivum]) or incubated without a crop for 56 days in a greenhouse. Nitrogen mineralization from both the indigenous soil N and from green manure was suppressed in cropped soil. Net N mineralization in the uncropped and cropped treatments averaged 73 and 43 mg kg−1, respectively. This difference was attributed, in part, to enhanced biological immobilization in the rhizosphere. Previous cropping practices also had significant effect on N mineralization, largely by their influence on indigenous organic matter quality. These observations suggest that short-term N mineralization is favored by fallowing soil after green manure application whereas N retention in organic matter is favored by immediate cropping. Contribution 3878873  相似文献   

Summary Effects of increasing rates of lime (0, 900, 1725, and 3000 kg Ca(OH)2/ha producing soil pH of 4.0, 4.7, 5.1 and 5.6) and P (50, 150, 250 and 350 kg P/ha) on top and root yield, root morphology and chemical composition of lotus (Lotus pedunculatus Cav.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), were studied, using an acid soil in a greenhouse experiment. Increasing rates of applied lime and phosphate resulted in substantial increases in top yields of both species but concomitant increases in root yield were small. In the unlimed soil, lotus out-yielded (tops and roots) white clover at all P levels. However, in the three limed treatments, white clover clearly out-yielded lotus. Yield response curves to applied P levelled off at the two highest lime rates for lotus but not for white clover. Nodulation and N content of white clover increased significantly with increasing lime applications, but for lotus there was a significant decrease in nodulation at the highest lime rate. Increased P rates had a small stimulatory effect on nodulation in both species. Of the total root weight, the percentage contribution of the tap and primary lateral root fractions was smaller and that of the secondary plus tertiary lateral roots was greater for lotus than for white clover although root length per unit weight tended to be larger for white clover at the two highest lime rates. Furthermore, lotus possessed longer and more numerous root hairs than white clover. Lime applications significantly decreased the percentage contribution of the tap and primary lateral roots to the total root weight and increased the percentage contribution of the secondary plus tertiary lateral roots. Al and Mn contents of tops and roots of both species decreased with increasing lime rates. There was a highly significant negative correlation between relative yield and Al content of lotus and white clover tops. In comparison with the limed treatments, in the unlimed treatments a greater percentage of total P, Al, Mn and N content accumulated in the roots of both species. In addition, lotus accumulated a much greater percentage Al in its roots than white clover.  相似文献   

Aldehyde oxidase (AO; EC isoforms in roots of barley plants grown on ammonium or nitrate as nitrogen sources were studied. Roots of ammonium-grown barley plants exhibited considerable levels of AO2, AO3, and AO4 activities after native PAGE. Significantly lower AO2 and AO3 activity bands were observed in roots of plants grown on nitrate. When abscisic aldehyde was used as a substrate a strong response of the AO2 band was observed as well as a faint reaction of the AO3 band, but no activity of AO4 was observed using this substrate. The 160 and 145 kDa polypeptides were detected in ammonium grown plants. Root extracts of nitrate-fed plants revealed only a minor 145 kDa protein band and none of the 160 kDa subunit was detected. The assembly of the AO3 heterodimer requires the simultaneous presence of 160 and 145 kDa subunits. Subunit analysis of AO2 and AO4 revealed homodimeric composition of 160 and 145 kDa, respectively. Western blot analysis revealed changing AO subunits levels during germination and plant development. Differential expression of AO subunits (160 and 145 kDa) and subsequent formation of isoforms, which differ in substrate specificity, distribution and fulfil different enzymatic reactions, may constitute an important regulatory mechanism in the plant.  相似文献   

The plants of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) cv. H77-216 were subjected to moderate [soil moisture content (SMC) = 7.3 ± 0.5 %] and severe (SMC = 4.3 ± 0.5 %) drought by withholding the irrigation at vegetative stage (45 d after sowing). The control plants were maintained at SMC of 11.0 ± 0.5 %. Half of the stressed plants were re-irrigated and their recovery was studied after 2 d. Leaf water potential, osmotic potential, and relative water content of leaf and root decreased significantly while a sharp rise in proline and total soluble sugars contents were noticed. Drought induced a significant increase in 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylic acid (ACC) content and ACC oxidase activity which caused a considerable increase in ethylene evolution. Malondialdehyde content and relative stress injury were increased under drought whereas reverse was true for ascorbic acid content. The membrane integrity of roots decreased during stress and recovered on rehydration. The specific activity of total superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione transferase decreased to 37 – 78 %, 17 – 62 %, 29 – 36 % and 57 – 79 % at moderate and severe drought, respectively. The increase in activity of catalase and peroxidase could not overcome the accumulation of H2O2 content in the roots.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The effect of forest cover distribution and plant litter input on soil organic carbon were analyzed to better understand the dynamics of carbon cycling across ecosystems on the “Natural Oriented Reserve Bosco delle Pianelle”. Fluorescence spectroscopy represents a very useful tool to characterize soil organic matter properties, since it allows to directly monitor the molecular status of a fluorophore depending on its chemical environment, as well as on its structure, substituents of the aromatic moieties, and molecular weight. Here, fluorescence analysis was performed on humic acids isolated from four litters (HALs) and their underlying soils (HAs) at three depths.


All samples were collected from a protected forest area, Southern Italy, under different plant covering: Quercus ilex L. (Q), mixed Carpinus betulus L. and Carpinus orientalis Mill. (CC), Pinus halepensis L. (P), and mixed Quercus trojana Webb. and Quercus ilex L. (QQ).


Data obtained showed a fast decomposition process for P and QQ litters, with HAs in the underlying soils characterized by the presence of simple, highly fluorescent structural components also in the deepest layers. On the contrary, a slow decomposition process was observed for Q and CC litters, whose underlying soil HAs were characterized by an increasing aromatic polycondensation and humification degree from the surface to the deepest layers, as supported by low values of fluorescence intensity and high wavelength maxima.


Results obtained indicate that P and QQ species promote C accumulation and stock in the underlying soils, thanks to a greater decomposition of their litter, and fluorescence spectroscopy is a very simple and suitable method to evaluate the influence of three species distribution on soil organic carbon pools.  相似文献   



Intercropping can improve plant yields and soil phosphorus (P) use efficiency. This study compares inter- and intra-species intercropping, and determines whether P uptake and shoot biomass accumulation in intercrops are affected by soil P availability.


Four barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L.) and three legume species (Trifolium subterreneum, Ornithopus sativus and Medicago truncatula) were selected on the basis of their contrasting root exudation and morphological responses to P deficiency. Monocultures and barley-barley and barley-legume intercrops were grown for 6 weeks in a pot trial at very limiting, slightly limiting and excess available soil P. Above-ground biomass and shoot P were measured.


Barley-legume intercrops had 10–70% greater P accumulation and 0–40% greater biomass than monocultures, with the greatest gains occurring at or below the sub-critical P requirement for barley. No benefit of barley-barley intercropping was observed. The plant combination had no significant effect on biomass and P uptake observed in intercropped treatments.


Barley-legume intercropping shows promise for sustainable production systems, especially at low soil P. Gains in biomass and P uptake come from inter- rather than intra-species intercropping, indicating that plant diversity resulted in decreased competition between plants for P.

Little information is available on the ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) in flooded rice soils. Consequently, a microcosm experiment was conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the composition of AOB and AOA communities in rice soil by using molecular analyses of ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) fragments. Experimental treatments included three levels of N (urea) fertilizer, i.e. 50, 100 and 150 mg N kg−1 soil. Soil samples were operationally divided into four fractions: surface soil, bulk soil deep layer, rhizosphere and washed root material. NH4+-N was the dominant form of N in soil porewater and increased with N fertilization. Cloning and sequencing of amoA gene fragments showed that the AOB community in the rice soil consisted of three major groups, i.e. Nitrosomonas communis cluster, Nitrosospira cluster 3a and cluster 3b. The sequences related to Nitrosomonas were predominant. There was a clear effect of N fertilizer and soil depth on AOB community composition based on terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting. Nitrosomonas appeared to be more abundant in the potentially oxic or micro-oxic fractions, including surface soil, rhizosphere and washed root material, than the deep layer of anoxic bulk soil. Furthermore, Nitrosomonas increased relatively in the partially oxic fractions and that of Nitrosospira decreased with the increasing application of N fertilizer. However, AOA community composition remained unchanged according to the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses.  相似文献   


Retama raetam essential oils (EOs) composition and biological activities were assessed during three developmental periods. The essential oil yield varied significantly among the developmental stages and the optimal was detected at the fresh fruiting stage (0.34%). In addition, EOs composition varied significantly (p < 0.05) according to the different developmental stages. In fact, 2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol, linalool, and 1-octen-3-ol were the main compounds in the vegetative, flowering, and the fresh fruiting stages, respectively. Developmental stage had also a strong effect on EOs antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. In fact, during the fresh fruiting stage, IC50 and EC50 values of the antioxidant assays were 2 to 3 times inferior to all others stages. Concerning the determination of the diameter of inhibition, a slight to high antimicrobial activity was revealed against 12 bacteria and 4 yeasts. Once again, EOs from the fresh fruiting stage had higher bactericidal effect than those from the flowering and vegetative ones (IZ varied from 10 to 13 mm). The results of this investigation showed for the first time the high accumulation of EOs at the early stages of fruit development making the fresh fruiting optimal stage for the extraction of powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial EOs.  相似文献   

A 12-week greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the polyphenol, lignin and N contents of six legumes on their N mineralization rate in soil and to compare estimates of legume-N release by the difference and 15N-recovery methods. Mature tops of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), round leaf cassia (Cassia rotundifolia Pers., var. Wynn), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam., deWit), Fitzroy stylo (Stylosanthes scabra Vog., var Fitzroy), snail medic (Medicago scutellata L.), and vigna (Vigna trilobata L., var verde) were incorporated in soil at the rate of 100 mg legume N kg-1 soil. The medic and vigna were labeled with 15N. Sorghum-sudan hybrid (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench) was used as the test crop. A non-amended treatment was used as a control. Net N mineralization after 12 weeks ranged from 11% of added N with cassia to 47% of added N for alfalfa. With the two legumes that contained less than 20 g kg-1 of N, stylo and cassia, there was net N immobilization for the first 6 weeks of the experiment. The legume (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio was significantly correlated with N mineralization at all sampling dates at the 0.05 level and at the 0.01 level at 6 weeks (r2=0.866). Legume N, lignin, or polyphenol concentrations or the lignin:N ratio were not significantly correlated with N mineralization at any time. The polyphenol:N ratio was only significantly correlated with N mineralization after 9 weeks (r2=0.692). The (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio appears to be a good predictor of N mineralization rates of incorporated legumes, but the method for analyzing plant polyphenol needs to be standardized. Estimates of legume-N mineralization by the difference and 15N recovery methods were significantly different at all sampling dates for both 15N-labeled legumes. After 12 weeks, estimates of legume-N mineralization averaged 20% more with the difference method than with the 15N recovery method. This finding suggests that estimates of legume N available to subsequent crops should not be based solely on results from 15N recovery experiments.  相似文献   

Methane flux was measured for a rice/wheat agroecosystem of Gangetic Plains, with and without application of chemical fertilizer and wheat straw (WS). Three treatments of control, fertilizer application and fertilizer + WS application, were established in a completely randomized block design and measurements were made for two consecutive years (1993 and 1994). CH4 measurements during growth of the rice crop period showed that there were significant difference in flux rates during the two years. Maximum emission occurred at the time of anthesis and minimum at the seedling stage. The flux rates were significantly higher for fertilizer or fertilizer + WS treatments. The effects of the treatments were similar across phenological stages and years. In the subsequent wheat crop and fallow period, the soils consumed CH4. There were significant differences in CH4 uptake rates between the two years. Fertilizer treatments reduced CH4 uptake in both the years. The results suggested that tropical agroecosystems may consume substantial amounts of CH4 and that the methane output can be reduced by lowering the submergence level in rice paddies.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of plant species, soil type, and plant development time on the shaping of microbial communities in soil and in association with roots. The sample group consisted of a total of 32 microcosms in three habitats: soil, rhizosphere, and rhizoplane. Communities were represented by the patterns of a sequence-specific separation of rRNA target sequences. Effects of experimental parameters were classified by a cluster analysis of pattern similarities. The type of plant species (clover, bean, or alfalfa) had the greatest effect in plant-associated habitats and also affected soil patterns. Plant development had a minor habitat-dependent effect that was partly obscured by replicate variation. The results stress the applicability of biased community representations in an analysis of induced variation.  相似文献   

Summary Models are presented in this paper for prediction of the extent to which soil aggregates in a loose seed bed can be displaced by extending roots and shoots. For roots, the maximum applied force is considered to be limited by either elastic bending, when the angle of contact with an aggregate surface is oblique, or buckling, when the root meets an aggregate perpendicularly. For emerging shoots, only the maximum forces are known. These forces are related to the known force displacement behaviour of artificially prepared beds of graded soil aggregates.It is concluded that displacement of soil aggregates which lie between 20 and 100 mm from the surface of the aggregate bed is only likely to be important for roots with diameters of 0.5 mm or less when the diameter of the aggregates in the bed is less than 1 mm. However, for plant species which have relatively large root diameters, such as pea, significant displacement of aggregates of up to 4 mm diameter may be possible. In contrast, emerging shoots are able to displace very much larger aggregates from their paths.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Global change will likely express itself in southwestern United States arid lands through changes in amounts and timing of precipitation in response to elevated CO2 concentrations. In addition, increased nitrogen (N) deposition may occur due to increased urban development. This study addressed the effects of water and N availability on C allocation in arid land soil-plant systems.


Columns filled with Mojave Desert topsoil containing Larrea tridentata seedlings with two treatment levels each of N and soil moisture were labeled by exposure to 13C-enriched CO2.


Increased soil moisture increased plant biomass, total 13C uptake, 13C levels in leaves, soil organic matter, and soil respiration, decreased relative C allocation to stems but increased allocation to soil organic matter. Increased soil N availability increased N uptake but decreased C allocation to soil respiration presumably due to decreased substrate supply for microbes. There was no detectable label in carbonate C, suggesting that this pool does not significantly contribute to ecosystem C fluxes.


Our study indicates that increased water availability causes increased C uptake with increased C allocation to soil organic matter in Larrea tridentata-dominated communities while increased N deposition will have a minimal impact on C sequestration.  相似文献   

Effects of roots and litter on mineralization processes in forest soil   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Leaf litter breakdown and fine root production, including exudation, are two major influences upon carbon and nitrogen mineralization rates in forest soil. Sieving and root removal experiments were used to examine their effects. Although carbon mineralization rates declined in smaller particle size fractions of forest litter, this trend largely disappeared when results were calculated on an ash-free basis. Nitrogen mineralization by contrast, was greatest in smaller fractions.Much of the variation in carbon mineralization rates appeared to be associated with fine roots. A rapid initial exponential decay phase noted in laboratory respiration studies was probably associated with disappearance of available carbon in the form of root exudates and/or the microorganisms dependent on them. Clear cutting caused a marked reduction in the size of available carbon pools, reflecting decreased root exudation and rhizosphere activity. A model of mineralization is proposed which represents the available and humified carbon pools.Deceased  相似文献   

Summary Effect of amendments, gypsum (12.5 tonnes/ha), farmyard manure (30 tonnes/ha), rice husk (30 tonnes/ha) and also no amendment (control) on the availability of native Fe, Mn and P and applied Zn in a highly sodic soil during the growth period of rice crop under submerged conditions was studied in a field experiment. Soil samples were collected at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days of crop growth. Results showed that extractable Fe (1N NH4OAC pH 3) and Mn (1N NH4OAC pH 7) increased with submergence upto 60 days of crop growth but thereafter remained either constant or declined slightly. Application of farmyard manure and rice husk resulted in marked improvement of these elements over gypsum and control. Increases in extractable Mn (water soluble plus exchangeable) as a result of submergence and crop growth under different amendments were accompanied by corresponding decreases in easily reducible Mn content of the soil. Application of 40 kg zinc sulphate per hectare to rice crop could substantially raise the available Zn status (DTPA extractable) of the soil in gypsum and farmyard manure treated plots while the increase was only marginal in rice husk and control plots indicating greater fixation of applied Zn. Available P (0.5M NaHCO3 pH 8.5) behaved quite differently and decreased in the following order with crop growth: gypsum>rice husk>farmyard manure>control.  相似文献   

Carbon loss from the roots of tomato and pea seedlings grown in soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tomato and pea seedlings were grown for 14d and 28d with shoots in constant specific activity14CO2 and the amounts and distribution of carbon within the plants and of that released into the soil from the roots were measured. The estimates of carbon loss were derived from measurements of14CO2 respired from both the root and the accompanying microbial population and from the root derived14C-labelled organic carbon compounds in the soil. The relationship between plant growth and the loss of carbon and distribution of carbon within the plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Although nitrogen (N) deposition is increasing globally, N availability still limits many organisms, such as microorganisms and mesofauna. However, little is known to which extent soil organisms rely on mineral‐derived N and whether plant community composition modifies its incorporation into soil food webs. More diverse plant communities more effectively compete with microorganisms for mineral N likely reducing the incorporation of mineral‐derived N into soil food webs. We set up a field experiment in experimental grasslands with different levels of plant species and functional group richness. We labeled soil with 15NH4 15NO3 and analyzed the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into soil microorganisms and mesofauna over 3 months. Mineral‐derived N incorporation decreased over time in all investigated organisms. Plant species richness and presence of legumes reduced the uptake of mineral‐derived N into microorganisms. In parallel, the incorporation of mineral‐derived 15N into mesofauna species declined with time and decreased with increasing plant species richness in the secondary decomposer springtail Ceratophysella sp. Effects of both plant species richness and functional group richness on other mesofauna species varied with time. The presence of grasses increased the 15N incorporation into Ceratophysella sp., but decreased it in the primary decomposer oribatid mite Tectocepheus velatus sarekensis. The results highlight that mineral N is quickly channeled into soil animal food webs via microorganisms irrespective of plant diversity. The amount of mineral‐derived N incorporated into soil animals, and the plant community properties affecting this incorporation, differed markedly between soil animal taxa, reflecting species‐specific use of food resources. Our results highlight that plant diversity and community composition alter the competition for N in soil and change the transfer of N across trophic levels in soil food webs, potentially leading to changes in soil animal population dynamics and community composition. Sustaining high plant diversity may buffer detrimental effects of elevated N deposition on soil biota.  相似文献   

Many grass species exist in the oil exploration areas of North Dakota. The objective of this study was to evaluate seed germination of 65 grass species affected by crude oil. Germination of all species was reduced by crude oil, ranging from 4.3 to 100%. Twenty-eight species were tolerant, 29 moderately tolerant, 6 moderately sensitive, and 2 sensitive. Based on the tolerance levels, the following were used to further test the dose response to crude oil: strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L. ssp. rubra), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.], little bluestem [Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash], witchgrass (Panicum capillare L.), sand dropseed [Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray], Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.], and smooth crabgrass [Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Schreb. ex Muhl.]. The EC50 of germination and biomass was effective in ranking the 9 species. Buffalograss, sand dropseed, and orchardgrass were ranked as the most tolerant species with EC50 values of 0.1, > highest concentration tested, 0.05 m3 m?3 (P < 0.05), respectively. Smooth crabgrass and little bluestem were ranked as most sensitive with EC50 values of 0.03 and 0.04 m3 m?3 (P < 0.05), respectively. Buffalograss showed the lowest germination (10.4%) and biomass reduction (25%) (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

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