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Long-term changes in phytoplankton (1954–1981) and chlorophyll (1969–1984) and their spatial distribution in summer 1989 were studied in the Rybinsk reservoir (second largest reservoir of the Volga River, North-West Russia). Estimation of trophic status and saprobity of the reservoir was based on phytoplankton biomass and species composition and chlorophyll content. The most eutrophic waters were found to occupy the peripheral areas in littoral zone and river inflows of the reservoir, while the waters in the central part of the basin were less eutrophic. Long-term changes of the phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll, chlorophyll/biomass-ratio and saprobity index observed in the central part of the reservoir were analyzed by statistical methods. An increase in saprobity and an inverse relationship between chlorophyll/biomass-ratio and water transparency demonstrate progressive eutrophication in the central part of the reservoir. Two distinct periods (1954–1970 and 1971–1984) could be discerned on the basis of annual mean phytoplankton biomass values. For the earlier period a relationship between biomass and climatic factors (solar radiation and wind velocity) could be established, but no such correlation could be found for the latter period. There was no significant increase in the phytoplankton biomass during the monitoring period, but a definite increase in the proportion of small-sized species of centric diatoms, cryptomonads and blue-greens. These forms are considered as r-strategists in the community, and their increase is interpreted as a sign of eutrophication.  相似文献   

The zebra mussel Dreissena bugensis (Andrusov), a representative of mollusc fauna in the Dnieper-Bug estuary, have been found for the first time in the Rybinsk reservoir (the Volga reach, Shumorovka River). In pericardial and mantle cavities and inner organs of molluscs the following parsites have been found: Aspidogaster limacoides, Caspiobdella fadejevi, Helobdella stagnalis, eggs of the water mites of the genus Unionicola, and representatives of nonspecific saprotrophic fungi of the genus Acremonium. It is shown that composition of parasites and free-living organisms in D. bugensis is similar to that in D. polymorpha.  相似文献   

In the light of the concept of ecotones formed at the boundary of adjacent ecosystems, the species diversity and quantitative characteristics of zooplankton in the macrophyte overgrowths were studied for the first time in the downstream part of the small Il’d’ River, in the open part of the reservoir, and in the zone where their waters contact. The highest development of zooplankton occurs in the littoral zone overgrown with higher aquatic vegetation in the backwaters of the river, which testifies to the presence of the edge effect typical of the ecotone.  相似文献   

Kilka concentrate in the northern part of the Sheksna stretch in the prewintering period. Maximum concentrations are registered in the upper parts of the stretch at the deepest sites with the highest current speeds. The patchy character of fish’s distribution is noted. Kilka dominated in pelagic fish-fry aggregations, constituting 95–100% of the abundance (according to pelagic trawl catches). Two size groups of kilka dominated: 40–60 mm and 70–80 mm. The isolation of these size groups was observed in some areas.  相似文献   

A three year record of daily fecal coliform counts in a Massachusetts water reservoir has the appearance of an irregular time series punctuated by outbursts of varying duration. The pattern is described in terms of a probabilistic model where the fluctuations in the ‘regular’ and ‘explosive’ regimes are governed by two sets of probabilities. It has been assumed that the random oscillations has a lognormal distribution, and that once an explosion threshold has been exceeded the increments or decrements in the population size have fixed probability distributions. The threshold for triggering an outburst was estimated by examining the randomness of the autocorrelation function of the record after it is filtered to eliminate peaks of progressively increasing magnitude. Once the threshold has been identified, the mean and standard deviation of the underlying lognormal distribution could be estimated directly from remains found in the record after all the peaks were removed. The probabilities of an increment and decrement during the outbursts and their relative magnitudes could also be estimated using simple formulas. These estimated parameter values were then used to generate realistic records with known threshold levels, which were subsequently used to assess the procedure’s feasibility and sensitivity.  相似文献   

The distribution of the cestode Caryophyllaeides fennica in populations of the ide, roach, white bream and bream from the Rybinsk reservoir has been analyzed in regard to fish age. The relative abundance of C. fennica in populations of each host species was calculated as product of the helminthes abundance by the fish number in age groups. The highest prevalence and abundance of cestodes was found in the ide. All age classes of this species were infected, with the maximum in fishes of the age 3+ ... 5+. The roach is infected with C. fennica till only 10-year age; brean is infected till the age 4+. In the white bream C. fennica is an occasional parasite. The cestode number among hosts was as follows: bream--68%; roach--26%, ide--5%, white bream--1%. Different approaches to the estimation of the parasite abundance distribution among several host species (in terms of mean prevalence and intensity of the relative abundance of parasites) are discussed.  相似文献   

The content of total free nucleotides (TFNs) in the plankton of the Rybinsk reservoir and in specific size fractions of the plankton has been determined by the spectrophotometric method modified by the authors. The content of TFNs amounts to 58.1 ± 5.4, 75.2 ± 4.6, and 64.1 ± 7.3 μg/L in spring, summer, and autumn, respectively, and exhibits a close correlation with the total plankton biomass (r = 0.67), whereas the TFN/Chl parameter is closely correlated to the ratio of autotroph and heterotroph organism biomass (r = 0.96). The contribution of the fraction of more than 3 μm in size (microplankton and nanoplankton) to the TFN pool is 77 ± 4% in spring, 74 ± 3% in summer, and 47 ± 3% in autumn, whereas the contribution of the fraction of 0.45–3 μm in size (ultraplankton) during these seasons is 23 ± 4, 26 ± 3, and 53 ± 3%, respectively. Regression equations that can be used to infer an estimate of plankton biomass from TFN content have been proposed.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll content in the plankton and bottom sediments in the Rybinsk Reservoir were studied. The highest temporal (seasonal) variability of the chlorophyll concentration is characteristic of water, and the highest spatial variability is characteristic of bottom sediments (BSs). The positive dependence between the chlorophyll content in water and bottom sediments in the reservoir was revealed, which reflects the role of phytoplankton in the formation of bottom biotopes productivities. Average values of the ratio of water and BS chlorophyll contents were comparable to the rates of sedimentation as calculated by the data on BS probing.  相似文献   

We studied the state and development of the population of the Black Sea-Caspian kilka Clupeonella cultriventris in the Rybinsk reservoir from 1994 to 2010. The population dynamics, the rate of growth of the kilka, as well as its food relationships with other fish species of the pelagial community, were analyzed. It was found that the period of exponential increase in the numbers was replaced by the period of interannual fluctuations. With the development of the population, tendencies for a decrease in the rate of growth of the kilka and aggravation of its food relationships with other species are revealed, which is determined by changes in the structure of pelagic aggregations of fish. One of the most significant environmental factors determining dynamics of the numbers and state of the kilka population in the northernmost part of its modern range is water temperature.  相似文献   

Tiutin AV 《Parazitologiia》2002,36(2):163-166
The first case of a mass infection of fish fry with the ciliate Ambiphrya ameiuri (Thompson e. a., 1946) was found during the summer of 1989 in one of spawning zones of the Rybinsk reservoir. In June-July of 2000 after the ten-year interval, the second case of infection with this parasite in the first-year roach Rutilus rutilus has been observed. The prevalence of A. ameiuri was very low. Nine other species of ciliates forming the ectoparasite community were also observed. Parasites were disposed mostly on a surface fish bodies, gills and more densely on fins.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of microbial enzymes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Multiple forms of one enzyme occur in a wide variety of microorganisms. Their synthesis is often dependent on culture characteristics such as medium composition, physico-chemical parameters, culture age and the presence of inducing or inhibiting agents. Multiform enzymes increase the capability of the producing organism to adapt to and cope with a wide variety of environmental changes, such that the physiological advantages outweigh the apparent wasteful hyperproduction of multiple forms of one enzyme.  相似文献   

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