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We recently characterized macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) of fish (the goldfish). Here, we report for the first time that goldfish CSF-1 acts through the CSF-1 receptor by showing loss of CSF-1 function in CSF-1R knockdown monocytes using RNAi, and demonstrate that goldfish CSF-1 administration in vivo increases the amount of circulating monocytes in blood. We also show that conditioned supernatants from goldfish fibroblast cultures induced the proliferation of goldfish monocytes indicating that, like in mammals, teleost fibroblasts are an important producer of CSF-1. The continuous addition of recombinant CSF-1 to primary goldfish macrophage cultures stabilized and extended their longevity and resulted in a long-term culture of functional macrophages capable of mounting a potent nitric oxide response upon activation with goldfish recombinant TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

The interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) nucleoprotein complex with the cell nuclear import machinery is necessary for viral replication in macrophages and for the establishment of infection in quiescent T lymphocytes. The karyophilic properties of two viral proteins, matrix (MA) and Vpr, are keys to this process. Here, we show that an early step of HIV-1 nuclear import is the recognition of the MA nuclear localization signal (NLS) by Rch1, a member of the karyopherin-alpha family. Furthermore, we demonstrate that an N-terminally truncated form of Rch1 which binds MA but fails to localize to the nucleus efficiently blocks MA- but not Vpr-mediated HIV-1 nuclear import. Correspondingly, NLS peptide inhibits the nuclear migration of MA but not that of Vpr and prevents the infection of terminally differentiated macrophages by vpr-defective virus but not wild-type virus. These results are consistent with a model in which Rch1 or another member of the karyopherin-alpha family, through the recognition of the MA NLS, participates in docking the HIV-1 nucleoprotein complex at the nuclear pore. In addition, our data suggest that Vpr governs HIV-1 nuclear import through a distinct pathway.  相似文献   

Strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 differ in their abilities to infect and replicate in primary human macrophages. Chimeric clones were constructed from a provirus unable to infect macrophages (NLHX) and envelope sequences (V3 loop) of viruses derived without cultivation from brain (YU2 and w1-1c1) or spleen (w2-1b4) tissues. The substituted V3 loop sequences in each case were sufficient to confer upon NLHX the ability to infect macrophages. Furthermore, an envelope domain immediately N terminal to the V3 loop also was found to modulate the level of replication in macrophages. These results demonstrate that an envelope determinant derived directly from patients with AIDS confers HIV-1 tropism for macrophages.  相似文献   

Infection of macrophages has been implicated as a critical event in the transmission and persistence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Here, we explore whether primary X4 HIV-1 isolates can productively infect tissue macrophages that have terminally differentiated in vivo. Using immunohistochemistry, HIV-1 RNA in situ hybridization, and confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, we demonstrate that macrophages residing in human tonsil blocks can be productively infected ex vivo by primary X4 HIV-1 isolates. This challenges the model in which macrophage tropism is a key determinant of the selective transmission of R5 HIV-1 strains. Infection of tissue macrophages by X4 HIV-1 may be highly relevant in vivo and contribute to key events in HIV-1 pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infects CD4(+) T lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages, incorporating host proteins in the process of assembly and budding. Analysis of the host cell proteins incorporated into virions can provide insights into viral biology. We characterized proteins in highly purified HIV-1 virions produced from human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM), within which virus buds predominantly into intracytoplasmic vesicles, in contrast to the plasmalemmal budding of HIV-1 typically seen with infected T cells. Liquid chromatography-linked tandem mass spectrometry of highly purified virions identified many cellular proteins, including 33 previously described proteins in HIV-1 preparations from other cell types. Proteins involved in many different cellular structures and functions were present, including those from the cytoskeleton, adhesion, signaling, intracellular trafficking, chaperone, metabolic, ubiquitin/proteasomal, and immune response systems. We also identified annexins, annexin-binding proteins, Rab proteins, and other proteins involved in membrane organization, vesicular trafficking, and late endosomal function, as well as apolipoprotein E, which participates in cholesterol transport, immunoregulation, and modulation of cell growth and differentiation. Several tetraspanins, markers of the late endosomal compartment, were also identified. MDM-derived HIV contained 26 of 37 proteins previously found in exosomes, consistent with the idea that HIV uses the late endosome/multivesicular body pathway during virion budding from macrophages.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of central nervous system disease during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection revolves around productive viral infection of brain macrophages and microglia. Neuronal losses in the cortex and subcortical gray matter accompany macrophage infection. The question of how viral infection of brain macrophages ultimately leads to central nervous system (CNS) pathology remains unanswered. Our previous work demonstrated high-level production of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1 beta, arachidonic acid metabolites, and platelet-activating factor (PAF) from HIV-infected monocytes and astroglia (H. E. Gendelman, P. Genis, M. Jett, and H. S. L. M. Nottet, in E. Major, ed., Technical Advances in AIDS Research in the Nervous System, in press; P. Genis, M. Jett, E. W. Bernton, H. A. Gelbard, K. Dzenko, R. Keane, L. Resnick, D. J. Volsky, L. G. Epstein, and H. E. Gendelman, J. Exp. Med. 176:1703-1718, 1992). These factors, together, were neurotoxic. The relative role(s) of each of these candidate neurotoxins in HIV-1-related CNS dysfunction was not unraveled by these initial experiments. We now report that PAF is produced during HIV-1-infected monocyte-astroglia interactions. PAF was detected at high levels in CSF of HIV-1-infected patients with immunosuppression and signs of CNS dysfunction. The biologic significance of the results for neurological disease was determined by addition of PAF to cultures of primary human fetal cortical or rat postnatal retinal ganglion neurons. Here, PAF at concentrations of > or = 300 pg/ml produced neuronal death. The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 or memantine partially blocked the neurotoxic effects of PAF. The identification of PAF as an HIV-1-induced neurotoxin provides new insights into how HIV-1 causes neurological impairment and how it may ultimately be ameliorated.  相似文献   

The condition of a chimpanzee (C499) infected with three different isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) for over 10 years progressed to AIDS. Disease development in this animal was characterized by (i) a decline in CD4+ cells over the last 3 years; (ii) an increase in viral loads in plasma; (iii) the presence of a virus, termed HIV-1JC, which is cytopathic for chimpanzee peripheral blood mononuclear cells; and (iv) the presence of an opportunistic infection and blood dyscrasias. Genetic analysis of the V1-V2 region of the envelope gene of HIV-1JC showed that the virus present in C499 was significantly divergent from all inoculating viruses (> or = 16% divergent at the amino acid level) and was suggestive of a large quasispecies. Blood from C499 transfused into an uninfected chimpanzee (C455) induced a rapid and sustained CD4+-cell decline in the latter animal, concomitant with high plasma viral loads. These results show that HIV-1 can induce AIDS in chimpanzees and suggest that long-term passage of HIV-1 in chimpanzees can result in the development of a more pathogenic virus.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) impacts multiple lineages of hematopoietic cells, including lymphocytes and macrophages, either by direct infection or indirectly by perturbations of cell networks, leading to generalized immune deficiency. We designed a study to discover, in primary human macrophages, sentinel genetic targets that are impacted during replication over the course of 7 days by a CCR5-using virus. Expression of mRNA and proteins in virus- or mock-treated macrophages from multiple donors was evaluated. Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis grouped into distinct temporal expression patterns >900 known human genes that were induced or repressed at least fourfold by virus. Expression of more than one-third of the genes was induced rapidly by day 2 of infection, while other genes were induced at intermediate (day 4) or late (day 7) time points. More than 200 genes were expressed exclusively in either virus- or mock-treated macrophage cultures, independent of the donor, providing an unequivocal basis to distinguish an effect by virus. HIV-1 altered levels of mRNA and/or protein for diverse cellular programs in macrophages, including multiple genes that can contribute to a transition in the cell cycle from G(1) to G(2)/M, in contrast to expression in mock-treated macrophages of genes that maintain G(0)/G(1). Virus treatment activated mediators of cell cycling, including PP2A, which is impacted by Vpr, as well as GADD45 and BRCA1, potentially novel targets for HIV-1. The results identify interrelated programs conducive to optimal HIV-1 replication and expression of genes that can contribute to macrophage dysfunction.  相似文献   

Monocytes/macrophages are major targets of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. The viral preintegration complex (PIC) of HIV-1 enters the nuclei of monocyte-derived macrophages, but very little PIC migrates into the nuclei of immature monocytes. Vpr, one of the accessory gene products of HIV-1, is essential for the nuclear import of PIC in these cells, although the role of Vpr in the entry mechanism of PIC remains to be clarified. We have shown previously that Vpr is targeted to the nuclear envelope and then transported into the nucleus by importin alpha alone, in an importin beta-independent manner. Here we demonstrate that the nuclear import of Vpr is strongly promoted by the addition of cytoplasmic extract from macrophages but not of that from monocytes and that the nuclear import activity is lost with immunodepletion of importin alpha from the cytoplasmic extract. Immunoblot analysis and real-time PCR demonstrate that immature monocytes express importin alpha at low levels, whereas the expression of three major importin alpha isoforms markedly increases upon their differentiation into macrophages, indicating that the expression of importin alpha is required for nuclear import of Vpr. Furthermore, interaction between importin alpha and the N-terminal alpha-helical domain of Vpr is indispensable, not only for the nuclear import of Vpr but also for HIV-1 replication in macrophages. This study suggests the possibility that the binding of Vpr to importin alpha, preceding a novel nuclear import process, is a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and HTLV-2 were among the first human retroviruses discovered in the early 1980's. The International Retrovirology Association is an organized effort that fostered the efforts of scientists and clinicians to form interdisciplinary groups to study this group of retroviruses and their related diseases. The Association promotes excellent science, patient education, and fosters the training of young scientists to promote "bench-to-bedside" research. The International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses sponsored by the Association supports clinicians and researchers in the exchange of research findings and stimulation of new research directions. This years conference will be held from June 22 to 25, in Montego Bay, Jamaica http://www.htlvconference.org.jm/. Since its inception in 1988, these conferences have provided a highly interactive forum for the global community of HTLV scientists. This is of particular importance as HTLV research enters its third decade and a new generation of scientists takes over this important work. Many of the scientists attending the meeting will be from developing countries where HTLV is endemic, consistent with the history of international collaborations that have characterized HTLV research. The International Conference on Human Retrovirology provides a unique opportunity for researchers of all disciplines interested in HTLV infections to meet their peers and to address the questions facing clinicians and scientists who study retroviruses, like HTLV.  相似文献   

CSF-1 is a hemopoietic growth factor that specifically regulates the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of mononuclear phagocytic cells. A homogeneous population of mononuclear phagocytes, bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM), were used to study the regulation of protein turnover by CSF-1. Removal of CSF-1 (approximately 0.4 nM) from exponentially growing BMM cultured in 15% fetal calf serum containing medium decreases the rate of DNA synthesis by more than 100-fold. Addition of CSF-1 to these cells causes them to resume DNA synthesis within 12 h. More immediate effects of CSF-1 were observed on BMM protein metabolism. BMM cultured for 24 h in the absence of CSF-1 reduce their protein synthetic rate by 50-60%. The protein synthetic rate commences to decrease at 2-3 h after CSF-1 removal. Readdition of CSF-1 to BMM previously incubated in its absence causes a return to the protein synthetic rate of exponentially growing cells within 2 h. In the presence of CSF-1, BMM synthesize protein at a rate of approximately 8.7%/h and degrade it at a rate of approximately 0.9%/h. Removal of CSF-1 results in a decrease in the protein synthetic rate to approximately 3.4%/h and an increase in the rate of protein degradation to approximately 3.4%/h. The rate of protein synthesis by BMM increases linearly with CSF-1 concentration over the range of concentrations stimulating both survival and proliferation, while the rate of protein degradation decreases exponentially over the range of concentrations stimulating survival without proliferation. Therefore, it appears that the stimulation of the rate of protein synthesis and inhibition of the rate of protein degradation are two distinct effects of CSF-1, both part of the pleiotropic response to this growth factor. The inhibition of the rate of protein degradation by CSF-1 may be most significant for its survival inducing effect.  相似文献   

Neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes; PMN) are phagocytic cells instrumental in the clearance of infectious pathogens. Human PMN are commonly thought to respond primarily to chemokines from the CXC family. However, recent findings suggest that under specific cytokine activation conditions, PMN can also respond to some CC chemokines. In this study, the effect of GM-CSF, a well-characterized PMN priming and maturation factor, on CC-chemokine receptor (CCR) expression in PMN was investigated. Constitutive expression of CCR1 and CCR3 mRNA in PMN was detected by ribonuclease protection assay. Following incubation of PMN with GM-CSF (0.01-10 ng/ml; 6 h) CCR1 mRNA expression was rapidly (approximately 1 h) up-regulated. In contrast, no significant induction of CCR2, CCR3, CCR4, or CCR5 mRNA was observed. CCR1 protein was also up-regulated by GM-CSF stimulation. GM-CSF-induced up-regulation of CCR1 showed functional consequences because GM-CSF-treated PMN, but not control cells, responded to the CC chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, monocyte chemoattractant protein-3, and RANTES in assays of chemotactic migration and intracellular calcium mobilization. These results suggest that PMN activated by the proinflammatory cytokine GM-CSF can change their receptor expression pattern and become responsive to CC chemokines.  相似文献   

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