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To test whether the male could contribute to the birth peak seen in both wild and captive vervets, testicular volume and peripheral testosterone concentration were measured monthly in nine adults throughout a 14-month period. Volume was an average of 15% greater during the months of June to September, the period of natural breeding activity in the wild, than at other times of the year. Testosterone concentration rose throughout the time period but did not correlate with testicular volume. Quarterly biopsies of the right testis in animals either used for or withheld from breeding revealed the presence of spermatozoa and the existence of spermatogenesis throughout the year. There was no correlation of testicular volume with breeding status or biopsy. If these results from individually caged animals are representative of group-caged and wild animals, then such small seasonal changes are unlikely to affect year-round breeding. Therefore, a physiological contribution by the male to natural birth peaks seen in the wild and captivity is not readily apparent.  相似文献   

Several genera of platyrrhine monkeys show significant polymorphism of color vision. By contrast, catarrhine monkeys have usually been assumed to have uniform trichromatic color vision. However, the evidential basis for this assumption is quite limited. To study this issue further, spectral sensitivity functions were obtained from vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) using the technique of electroretinographic flicker photometry. Results from a chromatic adaptation experiment indicated that each of the twelve subjects had two classes of cone pigment in the 540/640 nm portion of the spectrum. That result strongly suggests that this species has routine trichromatic color vision. Comparison of the spectral sensitivity functions obtained from vervets and from similarly-tested humans further indicates that the cone complements of the two species are very similar. Results from this investigation add further support to the idea that there are fundamental differences in the genetic mechanisms underlying color vision in platyrrhine and catarrhine monkeys.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models are invaluable tools in biogeographical, ecological and applied biological research, but specific concerns have been raised in relation to different modelling techniques in terms of their validity. Here we compare two fundamentally different approaches to species distribution modelling, one based on simple occurrence data where the lack of an ecological framework has been criticized, and the other firmly based in socio‐ecological theory but requiring highly detailed behavioural information that is often limited in availability. Location (Sub‐Saharan) Africa. Methods We used two distinct techniques to predict the realized distribution of a model species, the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops Linnaeus, 1758). A maximum entropy model was produced taking 13 environmental variables and presence‐only data from 174 sites throughout Africa as input, with an additional 58 sites retained to test the model. A time‐budget model considering the same environmental variables was constructed from detailed behavioural data on 20 groups representing 14 populations, with presence‐only data from the remaining 218 sites reserved to test model predictions on vervet monkey occurrence. Both models were further validated against a reference species distribution map as drawn up by the African Mammals Databank. Results Both models performed well, with the time budget and maximum entropy algorithms correctly predicting vervet monkey presence at 78.4% and 91.4% of their respective test sites. Similarly, the time‐budget model correctly predicted presence and absence at 87.4% of map pixels against the reference distribution map, and the maximum entropy model achieved a success rate of 81.8%. Finally, there was a high level of agreement (81.6%) between the presence–absence maps produced by the two models, and the environmental variables identified as most strongly driving vervet monkey distribution were the same in both models. Main conclusions The time‐budget and maximum entropy models produced accurate and remarkably similar species distribution maps, despite fundamental differences in their conceptual and methodological approaches. Such strong convergence not only provides support for the credibility of current results, but also relieves concerns about the validity of the two modelling approaches.  相似文献   

Three forms of glutathione transferase (GST) with an apparent isoelectric point of pH 4.65 (GST I), 4.75 (GST II) and 4.9 (GST III) were resolved from the monkey (Macaca fascicularis) placenta after GSH-affinity chromatography followed by chromatofocusing. Substrate specificity, immunological reactivity, as well as N-terminal aminoacid sequences indicate that the three enzymes belongs to the pi class of GST. Reverse phase HPLC analysis indicates that the three GST arise from the combination of two different subunits eluting respectively at 29.60 ± 0.10min and32.43 ± 0.13min. GST I is an homodimer of the 29.60 ± 0.10min subunit, GST III is an homodimer of the 32.43 ± 0.13 min subunit, whereas the GST II is an heterodimer of the 29.60 ± 0.10min and 32.43 ± 0.13min subunits. Our results strongly suggest that unlike human, multiple forms of pi class GST exist in monkey placenta.  相似文献   

Serine proteases have been documented to play key roles in uterine matrix turnover and trophoblastic invasion during implantation. Roles of prostasin serine protease in these processes, however, are currently unclear. The present study was first conducted to investigate the colocalization of prostasin and its cognate serpin, protease nexin-1 (PN-1), in rhesus monkey endometrium and placenta on days 12, 18, and 26 of pregnancy by using in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry. With ISH, expression of prostasin mRNA was intensely localized in the glandular epithelium on days 12 and 18 and in the placental villi, trophoblastic column, trophoblastic shell, and fetal-maternal border on days 18 and 26. With the progress of pregnancy, expression level in the glandular epithelium was significantly decreased, and the accumulation in the placental compartments was further increased. In addition, the stroma and arterioles exhibited modest levels of prostasin signals. However, expression level of PN-1 in these compartments on adjacent sections in the three stages of early pregnancy was weak or below the level of detection. Prostasin protein expression in the endometrium was found to be consistent with the distribution patterns revealed in the ISH experiments. It may be suggested from these results that prostasin is involved in endometrial epithelial morphology establishment, tissue remodeling, and trophoblastic invasion during early pregnancy. The cognate serpin PN-1 was not coordinately expressed along with prostasin, creating a tissue environment favorable for proteolytic activities of prostasin during early pregnancy events.  相似文献   

Maternal and cord blood were collected from 54 Indian women at parturition and analyzed for Zn, Cu, and Fe by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the relationship between levels of these elements in mother’s and infant’s blood and maternal age, birth weight, and gestational age of the baby. The blood Zn level of mothers in the age group 24–28 yr was significantly higher than those of mothers in the age group of 18–23 yr (p<0.05). Similarly, mothers in the 24 to 28-yr group also had higher blood Fe level than mothers in the group 29–38 yr (p<0.05). The levels of Zn, Cu, and Fe were higher in the maternal blood and lower, but not significantly, in the cord blood of low-birth-weight babies than in those of normal-birth-weight babies. However, differences in the levels of Zn, Cu, and Fe between maternal and cord blood of the two birth-weight groups was statistically significant. There were no significant differences in the levels of the three elements in maternal or cord blood by the gestational age of the baby. A weak but significant correlation was found between the birth weight of the baby and the Fe level in the cord blood (r=0.26; p<0.05). Also, weak significant correlations were observed between gestational age of the baby and Fe (r=0.23; p<0.05) and Cu (r=0.31; p<0.05) levels in the cord blood. Although, there are many confounders of low birth weight and preterm deliveries, a diminished placental transfer of these essential elements could be one of the several etiological factors for low birth weight of newborns.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is fundamental for development and maintenance of endometrial and placental vascular function during pregnancy. While there are a number of studies on VEGF in the human placenta, they are mostly restricted to late pregnancy. To further understand the role of VEGF in mediating angiogenesis during human early pregnancy, we employed a rhesus monkey early pregnancy model to study the temporal and spatial expression of VEGF and its receptors, fms-like tyrosine kinase (Flt)-1, and kinase-insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) mRNAs and proteins in the uteri on day 12, 18, and 26 of pregnancy using in situ hybridization, RT-PCR, and immunohistochemistry. VEGF mRNA had been identified in the luminal epithelium on day 12, in the glandular epithelium on day 12 and 18, and the highest expression was detected in the walls of some spiral arterioles adjacent to the implantation site on day 18, in the placental villi and in the fetal-maternal border on day 18 and 26. Besides, immunostaining of VEGF was detected in the placental villi and endometrial compartments including spiral arteries walls and the glandular epithelium. The localization of VEGF in the endothelium correlates with the presence of Flt-1 and KDR receptors on vascular structure. All the results above suggest that VEGF-VEGFR pairs were involved in the process of trophoblast invasion, maternal vascular transformation, and fetoplacental vascular differentiation and development during the rhesus monkey early pregnancy. Expression of VEGF, Flt-1, and KDR in the epithelial cells also hints some additionally functional roles of VEGF during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

The primate placenta produces a wide variety of hormones throughout gestation that regulate placental function and fetal growth. One such hormone is insulin‐like growth factor‐II (IGF‐II), a peptide implicated in cell division, differentiation, and amino acid transport. IGF‐II concentrations were measured in 23 common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) term placentas from twin and triplet litters in order to determine whether previously described differences in fetoplacental phenotype such as placental and litter mass and placental surface area were related to differences in endocrine function. IGF‐II was extracted from frozen tissue samples and measured using an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay kit designed for human tissue, which was validated for marmoset placenta. IGF‐II concentrations were not related to placental or litter mass, and twin and triplet placentas did not differ in total concentration. However, per individual fetus, triplets were associated with a significant 42% reduction in IGF‐II concentration (P=0.03), and IGF‐II concentration per gram of fetal mass was a third lower in triplet litters. The triplet placenta exhibits a global expansion of the surface area which was contrasted by a per unit area reduction in IGF‐II concentration (r=?0.75, P=0.01), a pattern that explains why twin and triplet placentas overall did not differ in concentration. Per fetus, triplet pregnancies are associated with relatively less maternal mass, placental mass and microscopic surface area suggesting that the intrauterine growth of triplets is supported by systems that increase the efficiency of nutrient transfer. The finding that individual triplet fetuses are also associated with significantly lower IGF‐II concentrations is consistent with the view that the marmoset fetoplacental unit exhibits a flexible pattern of placental allocation and metabolism. Plasticity in placental endocrine and metabolic function is likely to play an important role in the ability of the fetus to sense and accommodate the intrauterine environment and, by extension, the external ecology. Am. J. Primatol. 71:969–975, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Twenty early pregnancies were diagnosed and monitored in vervet monkeys by ultrasonography. Non-gravid uteri became increasingly echogenic from cycle days 7 to 26. The first definite sign of pregnancy was a gestational cavity of 2 mm (+/- 0.80) at 33.0 (+/- 1.48) days menstrual age, which was also used to date all subsequent features. Earlier signs, such as an endometrial line swelling or endometrial 'pregnancy' ring, as reported for other non-human primate species, could not be reliably and consistently used to diagnose pregnancy in vervet monkeys. A rapid increase of the gestational cavity size from days 37 to 49 corresponded closely to a rapid increase in plasma progesterone concentration from day 39 to 49. The first yolk sac was recognizable at 38.0 days (+/- 3.10) and measured 3.3 mm (+/- 0.40) in diameter. A heart beat could be detected at 45.5 (+/- 1.73) days and the size of the first measurable embryo at 35 days was 2 mm. The dating of most features was within the range reported for other non-human primate species.  相似文献   

We studied responses to alarm calls of sympatric patas (Erythrocebus patas) and vervet (Cercopithecus aethiops) monkeys in relation to habitat structure, with the intention of understanding the relationship between the environment and predator avoidance. Patas and vervet monkeys are phylogenetically closely related and overlap in body size. However, while patas monkeys are restricted to nonriverine habitats at our study site, vervets use both nonriverine and riverine habitats, allowing us to "vary" habitat structure while controlling for effects of group size, composition, and phylogeny. Patas monkeys in the nonriverine habitat responded to mammalian predator alarm calls with a greater variety of responses than did vervets in the riverine habitat, but not when compared with vervets in the nonriverine habitat. Ecological measurements confirm subjective assessments that trees in the riverine habitat are significantly taller and occur at lower densities than trees in the nonriverine habitat. Despite the lower density of trees in the riverine habitat, locomotor behavior of focal animals indicates that canopy cover is significantly greater in the riverine than the nonriverine habitat. Differences in responses to alarm calls by the same groups of vervets in different habitat types, and convergence of vervets with patas in the same habitat type, suggest that habitat type can be a significant source of variation in antipredator behavior of primates.  相似文献   

Normal range of joint mobility in the extremities of the patas monkey, Erythrocebus patas, was established for a free-ranging colony of 64 animals at La Parguera, Puerto Rico (Caribbean Primate Research Center). Eighty-five animals that had been caged (30″ × 30″ cages) for up to 5 years were used for comparison. Passive joint mobility of anesthetized animals was measured with a goniometer. Nine parameters (five on the forelimb and four on the hindlimb) were measured on each animal. The data were sorted into subsets according to the animal's age, sex, place of birth, and type of confinement, if any. The number of animals in each subset was recorded and the mean (in degrees) and standard deviation for each parameter were calculated. A P?0.05 on two-tailed Student's t-tests was considered significant. Comparisons between free-ranging males and females showed significant differences in one or two parameters for all age groups. A cross-sectional sample of free-ranging animals of both sexes showed that significant changes in joint mobility occurred only in the first 18 months of life. Joint mobility of all caged animals, however, was highly variable, and even between the more mature animals there were significant differences in several parameters. Almost all comparisons of subsets of the same age and sex showed significant differences between caged and free-ranging animals in at least one parameter. When the caged animals were laboratory-born, however, these differences were significant in five out of nine parameters. The results suggest that, although caging itself affects joint mobility, the age of first confinement may have an even greater effect than the length of the confinement.  相似文献   

Potted subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum ) plants of different ages were exposed to 70 nl l−1 ozone for 6 h, either during the light or during the dark period in a laboratory-based climate chamber. There was limited visible leaf injury on plants which were 14–20 and 28–34 d old and no significant decrease in biomass after daytime ozone exposure. The oldest leaves of 22–26 d old plants exhibited severe visible injury, which was associated with a significant reduction in biomass in 24–26 d old plants. Thus, ozone-induced visible injury of different magnitude developed in all plants, but was associated with biomass reduction only during a limited period of the plant's life-span. Apart from modifying ozone uptake by plants, climatic conditions are important as growth modifiers. It is suggested that subterranean clover plants of defined developmental stages should be used in bioindication of ozone. Night ozone exposure injured significantly fewer leaves than day exposure. However, some leaves developed visible injury even after night ozone exposure. Night uptake of ozone may be of more importance in northern than in central and southern Europe, because summer nights are short and, for a certain period, never completely dark.  相似文献   

The roach (Rutilus rutilus) has become a sentinel species for the study of sexual disruption in wild fish populations as a consequence of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Little is known, however, about the normal ontogeny of sexual development in this species. Here, we analyzed the ontogeny of sexual development in captive‐bred roach and assessed how growth rate and fish size affected the timing of both sexual differentiation and sexual development over a 2‐year period. Ovarian differentiation was first recorded at 68 days post‐fertilization (dpf) and this preceded testicular differentiation (first recorded at 98 dpf). In contrast, sexual maturation occurred at an earlier age in males (300 dpf) compared with females (728 dpf). No differences in body size (length or weight) were recorded between male and female roach until the fish were 415 dpf. Studies on three populations of roach which grew at different rates showed that the timing of sexual differentiation was highly variable and more related to fish size than to fish age. Time to sexual maturation was also variable among populations but, subsequent to their first year of life, gonadal status was less well associated with fish size. Interestingly, the sex ratio of the population was biased towards females in populations that grew more rapidly during early life. The findings presented here provide a valuable foundation of work to support both field‐ and laboratory‐based assessments on the effects of EDCs, and other stressors, on sexual differentiation and development in the roach. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are known to be crucial for placental development and fetal growth in mammals, but no primary epigenetic abnormality in placenta has been documented to compromise human fetal growth. Imprinted genes demonstrate parent-of-origin-specific allelic expression that is epigenetically regulated i.e. extrinsic to the primary DNA sequence. To undertake an epigenetic analysis of poor fetal growth in placentae and cord blood tissues, we first established the tissue-specific patterns of methylation and imprinted gene expression for two imprinting clusters (KvDMR and H19 DMR) on chromosome 11p15 in placentae and neonatal blood for 20 control cases and 24 Small for Gestational Age (SGA) cases. We confirmed that, in normal human placenta, the H19 promoter is unmethylated. In contrast, most other human tissues show paternal methylation. In addition, we showed that the IGF2 DMR2, also paternally methylated in most human tissues, exhibits hypomethylation in placentae. However, in neonatal blood DNA, these two regions maintain the differential methylation status seen in most other tissues. Significantly, we have been able to demonstrate that placenta does maintain differential methylation at the imprinting control regions H19 DMR and KvDMR. Of note, in one SGA placenta, we found a methylation alteration at the H19 DMR and concomitant biallelic expression of the H19 gene, suggesting that loss of imprinting at H19 is one cause of poor fetal growth in humans. Of particular interest, we demonstrated also a decrease in IGF2 mRNA levels in all SGA placentae and showed that the decrease is, in most cases, independent of H19 regulation.  相似文献   

The Chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) is a predominantly Southeast Pacific Ocean species. It is relatively difficult to determine its age, and multiple studies of its growth off South America have produced markedly different sets of von Bertalanffy parameters. T. murphyi was first identified from New Zealand waters in the mid-1980s and has comprised part of the commercial landings of Trachurus species (along with Trachurus declivis and Trachurus novaezelandiae) since then. Results from 13 years of age determination of New Zealand samples using sectioned otoliths indicate that a partially validated age determination method has been developed, with a precision level (average percentage error) of 4.6%. The best available von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the New Zealand population (sexes combined) are as follows: L, 51.9 cm fork length; K, 0.223 per year; t0, −0.5 year. Analyses by sex showed that males have a significantly larger L than females. Estimated annual catch-at-length and catch-at-age distributions from the fishery are presented for 2007–2019. There have been at least two episodes of immigration of T. murphyi from international waters, but little evidence of spawning success to maintain the New Zealand population.  相似文献   

张平  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1032-1036
【目的】“圆屋顶形”假说认为,对单寄生性姬蜂和茧蜂适合度而言,中间龄期幼虫寄主的品质高于更早和更晚龄期幼虫。该假说得到许多研究支持,但这些研究常以寄主幼虫脱皮划分虫龄,很少观测生殖特征,从而难以确切和全面描述适合度随寄主生长发育变化而变化的关系。本研究旨在检验“圆屋顶形”假说。【方法】本研究以斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura不同日龄幼虫为寄主,观测斑痣悬茧蜂Meteorus pulchricornis寄生和发育特征,并测定成蜂生殖力。【结果】线性回归分析表明,雌蜂对中间日龄寄主幼虫的寄生率大于对两端日龄寄主幼虫的寄生率;蜂卵至成虫的存活、成虫体型大小及其生殖力(产卵量)等适合度相关特征均表现出中间日龄寄主幼虫处理大于两端日龄幼虫处理。【结论】研究结果支持“圆屋顶形”假说。  相似文献   

Bacterial seed and boll rot is a newly emerging cotton disease in Pakistan. Twenty-one cotton varieties were screened to find resistance source against the disease. None of these was found to be resistant. Five cotton varieties (CIM-595, MK2, BT-986, BT-986 & SG-1) having 700–1400 Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) units were found to be moderately resistant to the disease. SLH-317, FH-942, BT-222, BT-666, MNH-457 ranging from 1401–1700 AUDPC units were moderately susceptible while MNH-456, SLH-336, 9811, FH-942, MNH-886 susceptible to boll rot. Seven varieties (FH-114, FH-113, BT-7, BT-212, SLH-BT-4, BT-212 and FH-941) were highly susceptible to bacterial seed and boll rot indicated by 2001–2300 AUDPC units. Biochemical tests identified bacterial isolates as Pantoea agglomerans. Different inoculation techniques were assessed for bacterial pathogenicity and symptoms of boll rot were only observed in needle punctured bolls. One, two and three weeks old bolls were mechanically inoculated by injecting bacterial suspension to evaluate the boll’s age impact on disease severity. Maximum severity was observed in two weeks old bolls. Red cotton bugs (Dysdercus cingulatus) were fed on artificially inoculated diseased bolls and then transferred on healthy bolls. Diseased symptoms were noticed on healthy cotton bolls. Bacterial colonies were recovered and red cotton bug was confirmed as the disease-transmitting vector.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference (SC) and testicular volume (TV) were measured in 65 swamp buffalo bulls ranging in age from 7 to 60 months and weighing 130 kg to 560 kg. Ages and body weight (BW) were recorded for each male at the time of measurement to find out if they correlated with SC and TV. SC and TV increased linearly and correlated significantly with age and BW (SC vs age: r = 0.74, p<0.01; SC vs BW: r = 0.88, p<0.01; TV vs BW: r = 0.82, p<0.01). SC measurements ranged from 15.1 +/- 1.1 cm to 24.0 +/- 0.4 cm for ages ranging from 10.0 +/- 0.6 to 48.5 +/- 6.3 months, revealing that testicular size in swamp buffaloes was very much smaller than domestic cattle. The SC norms distributed with age would be useful in the evaluation of swamp buffalo males for breeding soundness.  相似文献   

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