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Rotavirus infection of cells in culture induces major changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis. These changes include increases in plasma membrane Ca(2+) permeability, cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration, and total cell Ca(2+) content and a reduction in the amount of Ca(2+) released from intracellular pools sensitive to agonists. Various lines of evidence suggest that the nonstructural glycoprotein NSP4 and possibly the major outer capsid glycoprotein VP7 are responsible for these effects. In order to evaluate the functional roles of NSP4 and other rotavirus proteins in the changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis observed in infected cells, the expressions of NSP4, VP7, and VP4 were silenced using the short interfering RNA (siRNA) technique. The transfection of specific siRNAs resulted in a strong and specific reduction of the expression of NSP4, VP7, and VP4 and decreased the yield of new viral progeny by more than 90%. Using fura-2 loaded cells, we observed that knocking down the expression of NSP4 totally prevented the increase in Ca(2+) permeability of the plasma membrane and cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration measured in infected cells. A reduction in the levels of VP7 expression partially reduced the effect of infection on plasma membrane Ca(2+) permeability and Ca(2+) pools released by agonist (ATP). In addition, the increase of total Ca(2+) content (as measured by (45)Ca(2+) uptake) observed in infected cells was reduced to the levels in mock-infected cells when NSP4 and VP7 were silenced. Finally, when the expression of VP4 was silenced, none of the disturbances of Ca(2+) homeostasis caused by rotaviruses in infected cells were affected. These data altogether indicate that NSP4 is the main protein responsible for the changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis observed in rotavirus-infected cultured cells. Nevertheless, VP7 may contribute to these effects.  相似文献   

We previously reported that expression of rotavirus nonstructural glycoprotein NSP4 is responsible for an increase in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells (P. Tian, Y. Hu, W. P. Schilling, D. A. Lindsay, J. Eiden, and M. K. Estes, J. Virol. 68:251-257, 1994). The purpose of the present study was to determine the mechanism by which NSP4 causes an increase in [Ca2+]i by measuring the permeability of the cytoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes in recombinant-baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells. No obvious change in plasmalemma permeability to divalent cations was observed in cells expressing NSP4 compared with that in cells expressing another rotaviral glycoprotein (VP7) when the influx of Ba2+, a Ca2+ surrogate, was monitored. The basal Ca2+ permeability of the internal Ca2+ store was evaluated by measuring the release of Ca2+ induced by ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore, or thapsigargin, an inhibitor of the ER Ca(2+)-ATPase pump, following suspension of the cells in Ca(2+)-free extracellular buffer. Releasable Ca2+ decreased with time to a greater extent in cells expressing NSP4 compared with that in cells expressing VP7, suggesting that NSP4 increases the basal Ca2+ permeability of the ER membrane. To determine the possible mechanism by which NSP4 increases ER permeability, purified NSP4 protein or a 22-amino-acid synthetic peptide consisting of residues 114 to 135 (NSP4(114-135) was added exogenously to noninfected Sf9 cells during measurement of [Ca2+]i. Both NSP4 and the NSP4(114-135 peptide produced a time-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i that was attenuated by prior inhibition of phospholipase C with U-73122. Pretreatment of the cells with thapsigargin completely blocked the increase in [Ca2+]i produced by NSP4(114-135, but the peptide only partially reduced the change in [Ca2+]i produced by thapsigargin. No changes in [Ca2+]i were seen in cells treated with control peptides. These results suggest that (i) exogenous NSP4 increases [Ca2+]i through the activation of phospholipase C, (ii) Ca2+ release by exogenous NSP4 is from a store that is a subset of the thapsigargin-sensitive compartment, and (iii) amino acid residues 114 to 135 of NSP4 are sufficient for this activity. In contrast to exogenous NSP4, the mechanism by which endogenously expressed NSP4 increases [Ca2+]1 appears to be unrelated to phospholipase C, since no effect of U-73122 was seen on the elevated [Ca2+]1 in cells expressing NSP4 and exogenously applied NSP4(114-135) caused a further increase in [Ca2+]1 in cells expressing NSP4 protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rotavirus is one of the leading agents of gastroenteritis worldwide. During infection, viral factories (viroplasms) are formed. The rotavirus nonstructural proteins NSP5 and NSP2 are the major building blocks of viroplasms; however, NSP5 function and organisation remain elusive. In this report, we present a structural characterisation of NSP5. Multi-angle laser light scattering, sedimentation velocity and equilibrium sedimentation experiments demonstrate that recombinant full-length NSP5 forms a decamer in solution. Far-Western, pull-down and multi-angle laser light scattering experiments show that NSP5 has two oligomerisation regions. The first region, residues 103-146, is involved in NSP5 dimerisation, whereas the second region, residues 189-198, is responsible for NSP5 decamerisation. Circular dichroism analyses of full-length and truncated forms of NSP5 reveal that the decamerisation region is helical, whereas the dimerisation region involves β-sheets. From these circular dichroism experiments, we also show that the NSP5 protomers contain two α-helices, a disordered N-terminal half and a C-terminal half that is primarily composed of β-sheet folds. This extensive structural characterisation of NSP5 led us to propose a model for its quaternary organisation. Finally, co-expression of NSP5 fragments and NSP2 in uninfected cells shows that the NSP5 decamerisation region is required for viroplasm-like structure formation. However, in vitro, the NSP5 decamerisation region partially inhibits the NSP2-NSP5 interaction. Our NSP5 model suggests that steric hindrance prevents NSP2 from binding to all NSP5 protomers. Some protomers may thus be free to interact with other NSP5 binding partners, such as viral RNAs and the viral polymerase VP1, to perform functions other than viroplasm organisation.  相似文献   

Diamide is a membrane-permeable, thiol-oxidizing agent that rapidly and reversibly oxidizes glutathione to GSSG and promotes formation of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides. In the present study, the acute effect of diamide on free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was examined in fura-2-loaded bovine aortic endothelial cells. At low concentrations (50, 100 μM), diamide reversibly increased spontaneous, asynchronous Ca2+ oscillations, whereas, at higher concentrations (250, 500 μM), diamide caused an immediate synchronized Ca2+ oscillation in essentially all cells of the monolayer, followed by a time-dependent rise in basal [Ca2+]i. The effects of diamide on [Ca2+]i dynamics were independent of extracellular Ca2+. Inhibition of phospholipase C by U-73122 prevented the observed changes in [Ca2+]i. Additionally, the diamide-induced oscillations, but not the rise in basal [Ca2+]i, were blocked by inhibition of the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor (IP3R) by 2-aminoethyl diphenyl borate. However, diamide failed to alter the plasmalemmal distribution of a green fluorescent protein-tagged phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate binding protein, demonstrating that diamide does not activate phospholipase C. Inhibition of glutathione reductase by N,N'-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea or depletion of glutathione by l-buthionine-sulfoximine enhanced the effects of diamide, which, under these conditions, could only be reversed by addition of dithiothreitol to the wash buffer. Biochemical assays showed that both the IP3R and the plasmalemmal Ca2+-ATPase pump could be reversibly glutathionylated in response to diamide. These results demonstrate that diamide promotes Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive internal Ca2+ stores and elevates basal [Ca2+]i in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, effects that may be related to a diamide-induced glutathionylation of the IP3R and the plasmalemmal Ca2+-ATPase Ca2+ pump, respectively.  相似文献   

The rotavirus nonstructural protein NSP2 self-assembles into homomultimers, binds single-stranded RNA nonspecifically, possesses a Mg2+-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activity, and is a component of replication intermediates. Because these properties are characteristics of known viral helicases, we examined the possibility that this was also an activity of NSP2 by using a strand displacement assay and purified bacterially expressed protein. The results revealed that, under saturating concentrations, NSP2 disrupted both DNA-RNA and RNA-RNA duplexes; hence, the protein possesses helix-destabilizing activity. However, unlike typical helicases, NSP2 required neither a divalent cation nor a nucleotide energy source for helix destabilization. Further characterization showed that NSP2 displayed no polarity in destabilizing a partial duplex. In addition, helix destabilization by NSP2 was found to proceed cooperatively and rapidly. The presence of Mg2+ and other divalent cations inhibited by approximately one-half the activity of NSP2, probably due to the increased stability of the duplex substrate brought on by the cations. In contrast, under conditions where NSP2 functions as an NTPase, its helix-destabilizing activity was less sensitive to the presence of Mg2+, suggesting that in the cellular environment the two activities associated with the protein, helix destabilization and NTPase, may function together. Although distinct from typical helicases, the helix-destabilizing activity of NSP2 is quite similar to that of the sigmaNS protein of reovirus and to the single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) involved in double-stranded DNA replication. The presence of SSB-like nonstructural proteins in two members of the family Reoviridae suggests a common mechanism of unwinding viral mRNA prior to packaging and subsequent minus-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Rotavirus morphogenesis starts in intracellular inclusion bodies called viroplasms. RNA replication and packaging are mediated by several viral proteins, of which VP1, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, and VP2, the core scaffolding protein, were shown to be sufficient to provide replicase activity in vitro. In vivo, however, viral replication complexes also contain the nonstructural proteins NSP2 and NSP5, which were shown to be essential for replication, to interact with each other, and to form viroplasm-like structures (VLS) when coexpressed in uninfected cells. In order to gain a better understanding of the intermediates formed during viral replication, this work focused on the interactions of NSP5 with VP1, VP2, and NSP2. We demonstrated a strong interaction of VP1 with NSP5 but only a weak one with NSP2 in cotransfected cells in the absence of other viral proteins or viral RNA. By contrast, we failed to coimmunoprecipitate VP2 with anti-NSP5 antibodies or NSP5 with anti-VP2 antibodies. We constructed a tagged form of VP1, which was found to colocalize in viroplasms and in VLS formed by NSP5 and NSP2. The tagged VP1 was able to replace VP1 structurally by being incorporated into progeny viral particles. When applying anti-tag-VP1 or anti-NSP5 antibodies, coimmunoprecipitation of tagged VP1 with NSP5 was found. Using deletion mutants of NSP5 or different fragments of NSP5 fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein, we identified the 48 C-terminal amino acids as the region essential for interaction with VP1.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein NSP2 is a component of rotavirus replication intermediates and accumulates in cytoplasmic inclusions (viroplasms), sites of genome RNA replication and the assembly of subviral particles. To better understand the structure and function of the protein, C-terminally His-tagged NSP2 was expressed in bacteria and purified to homogeneity. In its purified form, the protein did not exist as a monomer but rather was present as an 8S-10S homomultimer consisting of 6 +/- 2 subunits of recombinant NSP2 (rNSP2). As shown by gel mobility shift assays, the rNSP2 multimers bound to RNA in discrete cooperative steps to form higher-order RNA-protein complexes. The RNA-binding activity of the rNSP2 multimers was determined to be nonspecific and to have a strong preference for single-stranded RNA over double-stranded RNA, for which it displayed little affinity. Enzymatic analysis revealed that rNSP2 possessed an associated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activity in vitro, which in the presence of Mg(2+) catalyzed the hydrolysis of each of the four NTPs to NDPs with equal efficiency. Evidence indicating that the hydrolysis of NTP resulted in the covalent linkage of the gamma-phosphate to rNSP2 was obtained. Additional experiments showed that NSP2 expressed transiently in MA014 cells is phosphorylated. We propose that NSP2 functions as a molecular motor, catalyzing the packaging of viral mRNA into core-like replication intermediates through the energy derived from its NTPase activity.  相似文献   

The rotavirus nonstructural NSP4 protein, a transmembrane endoplasmic reticulum-specific glycoprotein, has been described as the first viral enterotoxin. Purified NSP4 or a peptide corresponding to NSP4 residues 114-135 induces diarrhea in young mice. NSP4 has a membrane-destabilizing activity and causes an increase in intracellular calcium levels and chloride secretion by a calcium-dependent signalling pathway in eucaryotic cells. In this study, four recombinant baculoviruses were generated expressing the rotavirus NSP4 glycoprotein from the human strains Wa and Ito, the porcine strain OSU, and the simian strain SA11, which belong to two different NSP4 genotypes, A and B. The recombinant glycoproteins, expressed as polyhistidine-tagged molecules, were analyzed by Western blotting and immunoprecipitation. Newborn mice responded with diarrhea after inoculation with each of the recombinant NSP4 proteins.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the antigenic structure of nonstructural protein (NSP) 4 of group A avian rotavirus strain PO-13, 25 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against NSP4 expressed in Escherichia coli were produced. All MAbs reacted with NSP4 on Western blotting, indicating that they recognized sequential epitopes. To determine the antigenic sites (ASs) recognized by the produced MAbs, seven truncated NSP4s were expressed in E. coli. Western blotting analysis showed that there are at least four major ASs on PO-13 NSP4, designated as AS I located in amino acids (aa) 151 to 169, AS II (aa 136 to 150), AS III (aa 112 to 133) and AS IV (aa 1 to 24). Two MAbs reacted exclusively with AS III encompassing the region that has been reported to be an enterotoxin domain. MAbs against ASs II, III and IV reacted with all avian rotaviruses tested by indirect immunofluorescent antibody assays. MAbs against AS I reacted with turkey strains, Ty-1 and Ty-3, but not with a chicken strain, Ch-1. Nine of 11 MAbs against AS II cross-reacted with NSP4 of mammalian rotavirus strains with different NSP4 genotypes. These results suggest that AS II on NSP4 is widely conserved among a variety of rotaviruses.  相似文献   

Huang H  Schroeder F  Zeng C  Estes MK  Schoer JK  Ball JM 《Biochemistry》2001,40(13):4169-4180
The rotavirus enterotoxin, NSP4, is a novel secretory agonist that also plays a role in the unique rotavirus morphogenesis that involves a transient budding of newly made immature viral particles into the endoplasmic reticulum. NSP4 and an active peptide corresponding to NSP4 residues 114 to 135 (NSP4(114-135)) mobilize intracellular calcium and induce secretory chloride currents when added exogenously to intestinal cells or mucosa. Membrane-NSP4 interactions may contribute to these alterations; however, details of a lipid-binding domain are unresolved. Therefore, circular dichroism was used to determine (i) the interaction(s) of NSP4 and NSP4(114-135) with model membranes, (ii) the conformational changes elicited in NSP4 upon interacting with membranes, (iii) if NSP4(114-135) is a membrane interacting domain, and (iv) the molar dissociation constant (K(d)) of NSP4(114-135) with defined lipid vesicles. Circular dichroism revealed for the first time that NSP4 and NSP4(114-135) undergo secondary structural changes upon interaction with membrane vesicles. This interaction was highly dependent on both the membrane surface curvature and the lipid composition. NSP4 and NSP4(114-135) preferentially interacted with highly curved, small unilamellar vesicle membranes (SUV), but significantly less with low-curvature, large unilamellar vesicle membranes (LUV). Binding to SUV, but not LUV, was greatly enhanced by negatively charged phospholipids. Increasing the SUV cholesterol content, concomitant with the presence of negatively charged phospholipids, further potentiated the interaction of NSP4(114-135) with the SUV membrane. The K(d) of NSP4(114-135) was determined as well as partitioning of NSP4(114-135) with SUVs in a filtration-binding assay. These data confirmed NSP4 and its active peptide interact with model membranes that mimic caveolae.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein NSP2 is a component of the rotavirus replication machinery and binds single-stranded RNA cooperatively, with high affinity, and independent of sequence. Recently, NSP2 has been shown to form multimers and to possess an NTPase activity, but its precise function remains unclear. In the present study, we have characterized the solution structure of recombinant NSP2 by velocity and equilibrium ultracentrifugation, dynamic light scattering, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. We found that NSP2 exists as an octamer, which is functional in the binding of RNA and ADP. In the presence of magnesium, a partial dissociation of the octamer into smaller oligomers was observed. This was reversed by binding of ADP and RNA. We observed an increased sedimentation rate in the presence of ADP and a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, which suggests a change toward a significantly more compact octameric conformation. The secondary structure of NSP2 showed a high fraction of beta-sheet, with small changes induced by magnesium that were reversed in the presence of RNA. That NSP2 can exist in different conformations lends support to the previously proposed hypothesis (Taraporewala, Z., Chen, D., and Patton, J. T. (1999) J. Virol. 73, 9934-9943) of its function as a molecular motor involved in the packaging of viral mRNA.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis in intact cells   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(5):1183-1194
Ca2+ is a key regulator not only of multiple cytosolic enzymes, but also of a variety of metabolic pathways occurring within the lumen of intracellular organelles. Until recently, no technique to selectively monitor the Ca2+ concentration within defined cellular compartments was available. We have recently proposed the use of molecularly engineered Ca(2+)-sensitive photoproteins to obtain such a result and demonstrated the application of this methodology to the study of mitochondrial and nuclear Ca2+ dynamics. We here describe in more detail the use of chimeric recombinant aequorin targeted to the mitochondria. The technique can be applied with equivalent results to different cell models, transiently or permanently transfected. In all the cell types we analyzed, mitochondrial Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]m) increases rapidly and transiently upon stimulation with agonists coupled to InsP3 generation. We confirm that the high speed of mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation with this type of stimuli depends on the generation of local gradients of Ca2+ in the cytosol, close to the channels sensitive to InsP3. In fact, only activation of these channels, but not the simple release from internal stores, as that elicited by blocking the intracellular Ca2+ ATPases, results in a fast mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation. We also provide evidence in favor of a microheterogeneity among mitochondria of the same cells, about 30% of them apparently sensing the microdomains of high cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c). The changes in [Ca2+]m appear sufficiently large to induce a rapid activation of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, which can be followed by monitoring the level of NAD(P)H fluorescence. A general scheme can thus be envisaged by which the triggering of a plasma membrane receptor coupled to InsP3 generation raises the Ca2+ concentration both in the cytoplasm (thereby triggering energy-consuming processes, such as cell proliferation, motility, secretion, etc.) and in the mitochondria, where it activates the metabolic activity according to the increased cell needs.  相似文献   

We have used electron microscopy and proteolytic susceptibility to study the structural basis of myosin-linked regulation in synthetic filaments of scallop striated muscle myosin. Using papain as a probe of the structure of the head-rod junction, we find that this region of myosin is approximately five times more susceptible to proteolytic attack under activating (ATP/high Ca2+) or rigor (no ATP) conditions than under relaxing conditions (ATP/low Ca2+). A similar result was obtained with native myosin filaments in a crude homogenate of scallop muscle. Proteolytic susceptibility under conditions in which ADP or adenosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imidotriphosphate) (AMPPNP) replaced ATP was similar to that in the absence of nucleotide. Synthetic myosin filaments negatively stained under relaxing conditions showed a compact structure, in which the myosin cross-bridges were close to the filament backbone and well ordered, with a clear 14.5-nm axial repeat. Under activating or rigor conditions, the cross-bridges became clumped and disordered and frequently projected further from the filament backbone, as has been found with native filaments; when ADP or AMPPNP replaced ATP, the cross-bridges were also disordered. We conclude (a) that Ca2+ and ATP affect the affinity of the myosin cross-bridges for the filament backbone or for each other; (b) that the changes observed in the myosin filaments reflect a property of the myosin molecules alone, and are unlikely to be an artifact of negative staining; and (c) that the ordered structure occurs only in the relaxed state, requiring both the presence of hydrolyzed ATP on the myosin heads and the absence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Fura 2 was used to measure changes in cytosolic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i) in cultured rabbit kidney proximal tubule cells exposed to HgCl2. Treatment with 2.5-10 microM HgCl2 resulted in an extracellular [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]e)-independent 2- to 12-fold increase in [Ca2+]i above resting levels of about 100 nM. Treatment with 25-100 microM HgCl2 caused a rapid [Ca2+]e-independent 10- to 12-fold increase in [Ca2+]i within 1 min followed by a recovery to about 2-fold steady state by 3 min. With 25-100 microM HgCl2, both magnitude and rate of Ca2+ increase were similar, but recovery was greater with increasing doses. A slower, secondary increase in [Ca2+]i followed which varied with HgCl2 concentration and required [Ca2+]e. The first increase in [Ca2+]i represents release from intracellular pools. Calcium channel blockers, calmodulin inhibitors, and mitochondrial inhibitors do not alter the patterns of [Ca2+]i changes due to HgCl2. The recovery response with higher HgCl2 concentrations appears to be triggered by Hg2+ and not by the increased [Ca2+]i. Sulfhydryl modifiers N-ethylmaleimide, PCMB and PCMBS produced [Ca2+]e-independent [Ca2+]i increases similar to those induced by low HgCl2 concentrations. Cell killing with HgCl2 was about 50% greater with normal [Ca2+]e than with low [Ca2+]e, suggesting that [Ca2+]e influx is important in accelerating injury leading to cell death.  相似文献   

Exposure of pheochromocytoma (PC 12) cells to a time-varying 1.51 T magnetic field inhibited an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) induced by addition of caffeine to Ca(2+)-free medium. This inhibition occurred after a 15-min exposure and was maintained for at least 2 h. [Ca2+]i sharply increased in cells loaded with cyclic ADP-ribose, and 2-h exposure significantly suppressed the increase. Addition of ATP induced a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ release mediated by IP3 receptor, and this increase was strongly inhibited by the exposure. Results indicated that the magnetic field exposure strongly inhibited Ca2+ release mediated by both IP3 and ryanodine receptors in PC 12 cells. However, thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ influx (capacitative Ca2+ entry) across the cell membrane was unaffected. The ATP content was maintained at the normal level during the 2-h exposure, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis was unchanged. Therefore, Mg2+ which is known to be released by ATP hydrolysis and inhibit intracellular Ca2+ release may not relate the exposure-caused inhibition. Eddy currents induced in culture medium appear to change cell membrane properties and indirectly inhibit Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum and other Ca2+ stores in PC 12 cells.  相似文献   

Rotavirus is a major cause of infantile gastroenteritis with a multifactorial pathogenesis. As with many other pathogens, rotavirus infection and replication leads to rearrangement of the cytoskeleton with disorganization of cytoskeletal elements such as actin and cytokeratin through a calcium-dependent process that has not been fully characterized. The rotavirus enterotoxin NSP4, shown previously to elevate intracellular calcium levels when added exogenously as well as when expressed intracellularly, is a key player in intracellular calcium regulation during rotavirus infection. Here, we investigated the role NSP4 may play in actin rearrangement. Expression of NSP4 fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (NSP4-EGFP), but not expression of EGFP alone, caused stabilization of long cellular projections in fully confluent HEK 293 cells. Cells expressing NSP4-EGFP for 24 h were also resistant to cell rounding induced by cytochalasin D. Quantification of filamentous actin (F-actin) content by using rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin and flow cytometry showed an elevated F-actin content in NSP4-EGFP-expressing and rotavirus-infected cells in comparison with that in nonexpressing and noninfected cells. Normalization of intracellular calcium levels prevented alterations of F-actin content. Observed changes in F-actin amounts correlated with the increased activation of the actin-remodeling protein cofilin. These calcium-dependent actin rearrangements induced by intracellular NSP4 expression may contribute to rotavirus pathogenesis by interfering with cellular processes dependent on subcortical actin remodeling, including ion transport and viral release.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic Ca2+concentration ([Ca2+]i) variation is akey event in myoblast differentiation, but the mechanism by which itoccurs is still debated. Here we show that increases of extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o)produced membrane hyperpolarization and a concentration-dependent increase of [Ca2+]i due to Ca2+influx across the plasma membrane. Responses were not related toinositol phosphate turnover and Ca2+-sensing receptor.[Ca2+]o-induced[Ca2+]i increase was inhibited byCa2+ channel inhibitors and appeared to be modulated byseveral kinase activities. [Ca2+]i increasewas potentiated by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ storesand depressed by inactivation of the Na+/Ca2+exchanger. The response to arginine vasopressin (AVP), which inducesinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent[Ca2+]i increase in L6-C5 cells, was notmodified by high [Ca2+]o. On the contrary,AVP potentiated the [Ca2+]i increase in thepresence of elevated [Ca2+]o. Other clones ofthe L6 line as well as the rhabdomyosarcoma RD cell line and thesatellite cell-derived C2-C12 line expressed similar responses to high[Ca2+]o, and the amplitude of the responseswas correlated with the myogenic potential of the cells.


Lee SH  Park KH  Ho WK  Lee SH 《Cell calcium》2007,41(5):441-450
Supraoptic magnocellular neurons (SMNs) undergo dramatic changes in morphological and electrical properties during postnatal development. We investigated the developmental change in Ca2+ homeostasis in SMNs. The decay rate of Ca2+ transients markedly increased during the third postnatal week (PW3) to an adult level. This increase in the Ca2+ decay rate was paralleled by hypertrophy of the SMN somata. Activity of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (Na/CaX) and sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) was quantified as a decrement in the Ca2+ decay rate caused by extracellular [Na+] reduction and that by thapsigargin, respectively. SERCA activity was negligible during PW2, and markedly increased during PW3. SERCA activity and soma size remained stable thereafter. Na/CaX activity was a major Ca2+-clearance mechanism (CCM) during PW2, increased further during PW3, but was negligible in mature SMNs (PW10). In parallel with the decrease in Na/CaX activity, endogenous Ca2+ buffering capacity declined, resulting that the apparent Ca2+ decay rate remained relatively constant between PW4 and PW10. Replacement of intracellular K+ with Li+ had no effect on Na/CaX activity, suggesting that NCX rather than NCKX comprises Na/CaX. These findings indicate a developmental shift in the balance of CCMs from Ca2+ extrusion via NCX toward Ca2+ sequestration into endoplasmic reticulum via SERCA.  相似文献   

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