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Barefoot running kinematics has been described to vary considerably from shod running. However, previous investigations were typically based on externally mounted shoe and/or skin markers, which have been shown to overestimate skeletal movements. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare calcaneal and tibial movements of barefoot versus shod running using skeletal markers. Intracortical bone pins with reflective marker triads were inserted under standard local anesthetic into the calcaneus and tibia of five healthy male subjects. The subjects ran barefoot, with a normal shoe, with three shoe soles and two orthotic modifications. The three-dimensional tibiocalcaneal rotations were determined using a joint coordinate system approach. Test variables were defined for eversion and tibial rotation. The results showed that the differences in bone movements between barefoot and shod running were small and unsystematic (mean effects being less than 2 degrees ) compared with the differences between the subjects (up to 10 degrees ). However, differences may occur during midstance when extreme shoe modifications (i.e. posterior orthosis) are used. It is concluded that calcaneal and tibial movement patterns do not differ substantially between barefoot and shod running, and that the effects of these interventions are subject specific. The result of this in vivo study contrasts with previous investigations using skin and shoe mounted markers and suggests that these discrepancies may be the result of the overestimation with externally mounted markers.  相似文献   

The running behavior and biochemical markers of oxidative and glycolytic activities associated with voluntary running activity were studied in male Sprague-Dawley rats after 6 wk of training in exercise wheel cages. Twenty-four-hour recordings of running activity were used to quantify the number of individual running bouts, their duration and running speed, and the distance run per day. We then established three categories of voluntary running activity based on the mean distance run per day during the last 3 wk of training: low-activity runners averaged 2-5 km/day, medium runners 6-9 km/day, and high runners greater than 11 km/day. Each group demonstrated an intermittent, nocturnal running pattern, at relatively high intensities, with a similar mean running speed for all groups (avg approximately 45 m/min). Differences in total distance run per day were the result of variations in both the number and duration of individual running bouts. Specifically, high runners (n = 7) had 206 +/- 30 individual running bouts per 24 h, each lasting 87 +/- 7 s; medium runners (n = 7) 221 +/- 22 running bouts, lasting 47 +/- 5 s; and low runners (n = 7) 113 +/- 7 bouts, each lasting 40 +/- 7 s. Voluntary running depressed the rate of body weight gain compared with sedentary control rats, despite an increased food and water intake for all runners. Furthermore, drinking activity was temporally associated with running periods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biomechanical analysis of the stance phase during barefoot and shod running   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study investigated spatio-temporal variables, ground reaction forces and sagittal and frontal plane kinematics during the stance phase of nine trained subjects running barefoot and shod at three different velocities (3.5, 4.5, 5.5 m s(-1)). Differences between conditions were detected with the general linear method (factorial model). Barefoot running is characterized by a significantly larger external loading rate than the shod condition. The flatter foot placement at touchdown is prepared in free flight, implying an actively induced adaptation strategy. In the barefoot condition, plantar pressure measurements reveal a flatter foot placement to correlate with lower peak heel pressures. Therefore, it is assumed that runners adopt this different touchdown geometry in barefoot running in an attempt to limit the local pressure underneath the heel. A significantly higher leg stiffness during the stance phase was found for the barefoot condition. The sagittal kinematic adaptations between conditions were found in the same way for all subjects and at the three running velocities. However, large individual variations were observed between the runners for the rearfoot kinematics.  相似文献   

The effect of stride length on the dynamics of barefoot and shod running   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of interventions and technique changes have been proposed to attempt to improve performance and reduce the number of running related injuries. Running shoes, barefoot running and alterations in spatio-temporal parameters (stride frequency and stride length) have been associated with significant kinematic and kinetic changes, which may have implications for performance and injury prevention. However, because footwear interventions have been shown to also affect spatio-temporal parameters, there is uncertainty regarding the origin of the kinematic and kinetic alterations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to independently evaluate the effects of shoes and changes in stride length on lower extremity kinetics. Eleven individuals ran over-ground at stride lengths ±5 and 10% of their preferred stride length, in both the barefoot and shod condition. Three-dimensional motion capture and force plate data were captured synchronously and used to compute lower extremity joint moments. We found a significant main effect of stride length on anterior–posterior and vertical GRFs, and sagittal plane knee and ankle moments in both barefoot and shod running. When subjects ran at identical stride lengths in the barefoot and shod conditions we did not observe differences for any of the kinetic variables that were measured. These findings suggest that barefoot running triggers a decrease in stride length, which could lead to a decrease in GRFs and sagittal plane joint moments. When evaluating barefoot running as a potential option to reduce injury, it is important to consider the associated change in stride length.  相似文献   

Exercise training produces a vast array of physiological adaptations, ranging from changes in metabolism to muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. Researchers studying the physiological effects of exercise often use animal models that employ forced exercise regimens that include aversive motivation, which could activate the stress response. This study examined the effect of forced treadmill running (8 wk) on several physiological systems that are sensitive to training and stress. Forced treadmill running produced both positive and negative physiological adaptations. Indicative of positive training adaptations, exercised male Sprague-Dawley rats had a decrease in body weight gain and an increase in muscle citrate synthase activity compared with sedentary controls. In contrast, treadmill running also resulted in the potentially negative adaptations of adrenal hypertrophy, thymic involution, decreased serum corticosteroid binding globulin, elevated lymphocyte nitrite concentrations, suppressed lymphocyte proliferation, and suppressed antigen-specific IgM. Such alterations in neuroendocrine tissues and immune responses are commonly associated with chronic stress. Thus treadmill running produces both positive training adaptations and potentially negative adaptations that are indicative of chronic stress. Researchers employing forced activity need to be aware that this type of exercise procedure also produces physiological adaptations indicative of chronic stress and that these changes could potentially impact other measures of interest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the effects of voluntary cage wheel exercise on mouse cardiac and skeletal muscle. Inbred male C57/Bl6 mice (age 6-8 wk; n = 12) [corrected] ran an average of 4.3 h/24 h, for an average distance of 6.8 km/24 h, and at an average speed of 26.4 m/min. A significant increase in the ratio of heart mass to body mass (mg/g) was evident after 2 wk of voluntary exercise, and cardiac atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide mRNA levels were significantly increased in the ventricles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. A significant increase in the percentage of fibers expressing myosin heavy chain (MHC) IIa was observed in both the gastrocnemius and the tibialis anterior (TA) by 2 wk, and a significant decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing IIb MHC was evident in both muscles after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. The TA muscle showed a greater increase in the percentage of IIa MHC-expressing fibers than did the gastrocnemius muscle (40 and 20%, respectively, compared with 10% for nonexercised). Finally, the number of oxidative fibers as revealed by NADH-tetrazolium reductase histochemical staining was increased in the TA but not the gastrocnemius after 4 wk of voluntary exercise. All results are relative to age-matched mice housed without access to running wheels. Together these data demonstrate that voluntary exercise in mice results in cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations consistent with endurance exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to identify whether physiological exercise intensity differed with the use of aquatic training shoes (ATS) during deep-water running (DWR) compared to using a barefoot condition. Eight male intercollegiate (National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III [NCAA III]) varsity distance runners were videotaped from the right sagittal view while running on a treadmill (TR) and while barefoot in deep water at 60-70% of their TR VO2max for 30 minutes. Based on the stride rate of the barefoot DWR trial, a subsequent 30-minute session was completed while wearing ATS. Variables of interest were energy expenditure, oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Multivariate omnibus tests revealed statistically significant differences for energy expenditure (p < 0.011), VO2 (p < 0.001), RPE (p < 0.001), and RER (p < 0.002). The post hoc pairwise comparisons revealed significant differences between barefoot and shod DWR conditions for energy expenditure (p < 0.005) and VO2 (p < 0.002), representing a 9 and 7.6% increase in exercise intensity demand while running shod vs. barefoot. These comparisons also revealed significantly higher RPE and RER values while DWR than those found in TR. Wearing the ATS may be recommended as a method of statistically significantly increasing the exercise intensity while running in deep water as compared to not wearing a shoe. Shod compared to TR yields very small differences, which indicates that the shoes may help better match land-based running exercise intensities.  相似文献   

The identification of differences between groups is often important in biomechanics. This paper presents group classification tasks using kinetic and kinematic data from a prospective running injury study. Groups composed of gender, of shod/barefoot running and of runners who developed patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during the study, and asymptotic runners were classified.

The features computed from the biomechanical data were deliberately chosen to be generic. Therefore, they were suited for different biomechanical measurements and classification tasks without adaptation to the input signals. Feature ranking was applied to reveal the relevance of each feature to the classification task.

Data from 80 runners were analysed for gender and shod/barefoot classification, while 12 runners were investigated in the injury classification task. Gender groups could be differentiated with 84.7%, shod/barefoot running with 98.3%, and PFPS with 100% classification rate. For the latter group, one single variable could be identified that alone allowed discrimination.  相似文献   

10.1152/ japplphysiol.00832.2001.-To examine the effects of gene inactivation on the plasticity of skeletal muscle, mice null for a specific myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform were subjected to a voluntary wheel-running paradigm. Despite reduced running performance compared with nontransgenic C57BL/6 mice (NTG), both MHC IIb and MHC IId/x null animals exhibited increased muscle fiber size and muscle oxidative capacity with wheel running. In the MHC IIb null animals, there was no significant change in the percentage of muscle fibers expressing a particular MHC isoform with voluntary wheel running at any time point. In MHC IId/x null mice, wheel running produced a significant increase in the percentage of fibers expressing MHC IIa and MHC I and a significant decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing MHC IIb. Muscle pathology was not affected by wheel running for either MHC null strain. In summary, despite their phenotypes, MHC null mice do engage in voluntary wheel running. Although this wheel-running activity is lessened compared with NTG, there is evidence of distinct patterns of muscle adaptation in both null strains.  相似文献   

The identification of differences between groups is often important in biomechanics. This paper presents group classification tasks using kinetic and kinematic data from a prospective running injury study. Groups composed of gender, of shod/barefoot running and of runners who developed patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during the study, and asymptotic runners were classified. The features computed from the biomechanical data were deliberately chosen to be generic. Therefore, they were suited for different biomechanical measurements and classification tasks without adaptation to the input signals. Feature ranking was applied to reveal the relevance of each feature to the classification task. Data from 80 runners were analysed for gender and shod/barefoot classification, while 12 runners were investigated in the injury classification task. Gender groups could be differentiated with 84.7%, shod/barefoot running with 98.3%, and PFPS with 100% classification rate. For the latter group, one single variable could be identified that alone allowed discrimination.  相似文献   

A wide range of compromises between maximum speed attained and pushing force exerted are exhibited by various Coleoptera. Some structural and functional parameters are quoted for two beetles at the extreme ends of this range: the rapid tiger beetle Cicindelu cumpestris and the powerful dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius. Additionally, maximum sprint speeds and pushing forces were obtained for 105 species selected from 22 families of beetles. To compare the relative speed (uR) and relative force (FR) abilities of different sized species, a simple means of scaling was used in which uR= u/W0'33 (where u is the maximum sprint speed, and W the weight of a beetle) and FR= F/W0'67 (where F is the maximum forçe exerted by the beetle. measured by pulling). The best speed/force adapted species lay along a limiting front where uR a FR and u. F/W.k = 1 (where k is a constant). This gave a measure of the locomotory capability of a beetle in terms of I, the index of speed/force specialization. The specialists exhibited an index close to 1·0, but that of most beetles tested lay between 1·0 and 0·01. The Carabidae was analysed more closely as it contains many locomotor specialists. It was possible to define three structural/functional groups which showed different combinations of running and pushing abilities. The possible evolutionary relationships of these habit groups was discussed, and some speed and force comparisons were made between beetles and some other terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

To isolate the peripheral adaptations to training, five normal subjects exercised the nondominant (ND) wrist flexors for 41 +/- 11 days, maintaining an exercise intensity below the threshold required for cardiovascular adaptations. Before and after training, intracellular pH and the ratio of inorganic phosphate to phosphocreatine (Pi/PCr) were measured by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Also maximal O2 consumption (VO2 max), muscle mass, and forearm blood flow were determined by graded systemic exercise, magnetic resonance imaging, and venous occlusion plethysmography, respectively. Blood flow, Pi/PCr, and pH were measured in both forearms at rest and during submaximal wrist flexion at 5, 23, and 46 J/min. Training did not affect VO2 max, exercise blood flow, or muscle mass. Resting pH, Pi/PCr, and blood flow were also unchanged. After training, the ND forearm demonstrated significantly lower Pi/PCr at 23 and 46 J/min. Endurance, measured as the number of contractions to exhaustion, also was increased significantly (63%) after training in the ND forearm. We conclude that 1) forearm training results in a lower Pi/PCr at identical submaximal work loads; 2) this improvement is independent of changes in VO2 max, muscle mass, or limb blood flow; and 3) these differences are associated with improved endurance and may reflect improved oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Many natural populations undergo radical and unpredictable fluctuations, associated with stochastic environmental conditions. Under such circumstances, fitness of a genotype (or strategy) is defined as the geometric mean of the intergenerational genotypic population growth ratel(t). Unfortunately, this population-level criterion has proved difficult to apply at the level of individual organisms.After developing a formula for the variance ofl as the sum of developmental and environmental variance, we discuss several models of individual adaptations, involving clutch size, progeny size and number, and foraging behaviour under risk of predation, based on the geometric-mean fitness concept. We then show how the method of dynamic programming can be extended to deal with facultative behaviour in stochastic environments. Finally we discuss the concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy in a stochastic environment.Our analysis suggests several novel interpretations of field and laboratory observations. Under the geometric mean criterion behaviour may be determined primarily by the worst likely environment; behaviour may appear suboptimal if observed only under normal or average conditions. For example,except under extreme environmental conditions, avian clutches larger than those that are observed might result in increased fecundity, with little if any cost of reproduction in terms of parental survival; however, in unusually bad years such large clutches might be disastrous, in terms of parental survival. This consideration may help explain some recently reported experimental clutch-size manipulation results. Similarly, our analysis indicates that the known phenomenon of seasonal reduction in seed size may constitute a double bet-hedging strategy, determined by parental mortality risk and future seed survival probability. We also discuss circumstances in which phenotypic polymorphism is an adaptation to environmental uncertainty. Thus almost any individual life history or behavioural adaptation may be affected by environmental stochasticity.  相似文献   

Seasonal adaptations in arctic insects   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Many insect species live in the arctic and show a wide rangeof adaptations to its extreme severity and seasonality. Long,cold winters are met, for example, by cold hardiness and choiceof protected sites. Cold hardiness includes both widespreadtolerance to freezing and extreme supercooling ability, as wellas unusual responses in a few species, such as lack of typicalcryoprotectants. Adaptations to short, cool summers includeactivity at low temperatures, selection of warm habitats andmicrohabitats, melanism and hairiness coupled with basking behaviour,and prolonged or abbreviated life cycles. Diapause ensures thatmany species emerge early in summer, with brief synchronizedreproduction that maximizes the time for offspring developmentbefore winter returns. Some species overwinter in sites thatthaw earliest in spring, even if they are relatively exposedin winter. Other adaptations respond to year-to-year variability:for example, prolonged diapause can provide insurance againstunsuitable summers. All of these adaptations are co-ordinated.For example, cold hardiness relies on physiological and biochemicaladaptations but also on habitat choice and timing. Because theadaptations are complex, predicted climatic warming probablywill have unexpected effects. In particular, an increase intemperature that increases summer cloud when sea ice melts wouldlikely reduce temperatures for insect development and activity,because sunshine provides critical warmth to insects and theirmicrohabitats. Changes in moisture will also be important. Moreover,responses differ among species, depending especially on theirmicrohabitats. The complexity of the responses of insects toarctic conditions reinforces the need for research that is sufficientlydetailed.  相似文献   

Live‐bearing has evolved in all three orders of amphibians—frogs, salamanders, and caecilians. Developing young may be either yolk dependent, or maternal nutrients may be supplied after yolk is resorbed, depending on the species. Among frogs, embryos in two distantly related lineages develop in the skin of the maternal parents' backs; they are born either as advanced larvae or fully metamorphosed froglets, depending on the species. In other frogs, and in salamanders and caecilians, viviparity is intraoviductal; one lineage of salamanders includes species that are yolk dependent and born either as larvae or metamorphs, or that practice cannibalism and are born as metamorphs. Live‐bearing caecilians all, so far as is known, exhaust yolk before hatching and mothers provide nutrients during the rest of the relatively long gestation period. The developing young that have maternal nutrition have a number of heterochronic changes, such as precocious development of the feeding apparatus and the gut. Furthermore, several of the fetal adaptations, such as a specialized dentition and a prolonged metamorphosis, are homoplasious and present in members of two or all three of the amphibian orders. At the same time, we know little about the developmental and functional bases for fetal adaptations, and less about the factors that drive their evolution and facilitate their maintenance. J. Morphol. 276:941–960, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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